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Young Wanderers Open RP

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Signy passed the blades to

Signy passed the blades to her mother. "Aid station or here for you?"

Here. If that so-called Father of Tobias' comes calling, I'll be needed here to keep wards up." Evaine examined the swords and then slipped the scabbards under her belt.

Signy nodded, and ran off towards the asylum at subsonic aircraft speeds. As she crested the hill she saw the fight raging around the boy in the wheelchair... It looked tough enough...

She braced herself behind it. "Put her neytral, captain, yer engines canna take it. Where to?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 day ago
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Gold-Fire(AKA Terry)

Gold-Fire(AKA Terry) definitely looked like he could handle himself, or at least the black and yellow skin tight but segmented jumpsuit, with polished gold-colored metallic gauntlets, boots, gloves and pauldrons screamed 'hero type'. He stood up after knocking out the first thug and crashed his neck and knuckles. He smirked at the others and tilted his head, the spikes of his hair tilting to one side ever so slightly. His cowl, shaped similarly to a roman centurions helmet, and goggles hid his face aside form mouth, curled into a smirk, and nod. His chest was marked with a gold, silver and black sun insignia.

He glanced over at the other Terrance as they both seemed to be taking out the same group of thugs and chuckled a little. "Good one. Moniker's Gold-Fire, glad to have the help."

Terry's body ignited in a aura of gold and blue energy, heat wafted off of him as he launched himself forward, streaks of gold coming off of his feet as he used kinetic energy to drive himself forward with only a step or two. He grabbed the pole from one of the mental patients and thrust his palm into the mans gut, the palm glowing gold and white like the punch he'd hit the previous with. "Kid, you may want to get out of here, unless you're hiding a bazooka in that chair." Terry launched the man by the pipe into the one adjacent to him.


Technosis' techno-magical cannons whirled around after catching the impromptu command to find a firehydrant, and fired on the two closest hydrants, the shots were careful and precise, blasting off one of the caps and sending water pouring out towards the building. Now all they needed was someone who could direct it, or do something with it!

Technosis was busy though, slamming his palm into the chest of one of the escaping prisoners, arcs of green electricity surged through the aperture on his palms and zapped the man until he was unconscious.

"Not now! And code-names only!" Technosis called out the obvious. "Can you manage some kind of iron vine thing to tie up the incapacitated?" Technosis chucked a bolt of green electricity at another approaching madwoman and zapped her as well, then the electicity morphed into a glowing green, translucent chain. He yanked and sent the woman hurtling into a pile next to the other he'd incapacitated. "Could really use a super strength type, I can't move these cars." Technosis shouted, glancing around for another target.


Kujo tilted his head and shrugged, he apparently didn't get the reference. He was eying the scene unfolding through another of the crystaline view portals. He glanced around for one of his servants and sighed, none were present.

"Get some food in here!" Kujo shouted, sipping his thick blood red wine from the back of some poor fellows skull. A few moments later a line of women and feeble looking men came in carrying dishes of meat and other foods. One or two of the dishes looked like they may have been some kind of person, probably not human though. "My race are mostly carnivorous." Kujo commented, picking up a leg from a very large bird, or perhaps a form of lizard, and gnawed off some meat. "Where is that girl..." Kujo muttered, the crystaline view screen didn't show anything. "Hm... Blocking the visions I see." He rolled his eyes in annoyance...


Kindra finally bored of the Maul, she'd picked up some cash in one of the stores, her stealthy skills and powerful psychic projections made it too easy to steal from normals. In fact she rather enjoyed petty thievery more than killing and murder, which was quite odd for a demon of her race and clan. She sighed and snapped a charm, thought of a place and stepped through a portal. She'd done some of what her father had wanted, with the money she stole, she'd bought herself a shiny super hero suit, to pretend to be some kind of psychic hero. Now she was on the street above the asylum, all her psychic wards up and typical 'heroic' thoughts playing on the front side of the mental barrier as she jumped down in her skin tight suit with a frilly purple and green skirt.

"Need some help?" She smiled and sent a glared through her striped mask at a group of thugs. They turned and looked at eachother, each seeing the rest of their group as a new hero, and began beating eachother until they were knocked out.

Whip's picture
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Terrance dropped another

Terrance dropped another madman to the ground. "Nice to meet you. We'll chat later, I-wait, what?" he said as the thugs started wailing on one another for no apparent reason. As he allowed the mist to dissipate, he was relieved to see that everyone was okay. Well, at least everyone who looked to be in their right minds. "I'd better get going. There's more of these guys en route," he said as he ran out of the alley, looking for any way he could help.

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 days ago
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The Crow eyed both the meat

The Crow eyed both the meat that looked suspiciously like human and not so human with equal portents of reserved glee, he had not eaten both in so long, and while he normally refrains from rudely gorging, tonight was a cause for celebration and excepted. With that in mind, he eagerly yet respectfully began gnawing into a human looking thigh loin, taking a moment to comment.

"Excellent temperature on the meat, not too hot or crisped. And in regards to the pyromaniac, she will come in her own time, though the longer she stays the longer she risks being captured, in that case we disavow her, agreed?"


Garrett huffs once more in annoyance as he attempts to comment, only to be distracted by a loon literally trying to bite into his neck! Without even thinking, he wills the largest and thickest branch of a nearby try to swing into him like a baseball bat the size of a park bench, sending him sprawling into his rushing allies. Seeing as they enjoy congregating together, he opts for a new tactic, as he tosses a handful of soporific seeds into a group of nutters, driving them suddenly to the floor in a deep,almost lifeless daze.

Turning to Tech finally, he wills a vine behind him to suddenly grab a rushing goon behind him and pull him into the cobblestone pavement with a crack, as he hisses back, due to the intensity of combat. "Psionette is working on the cars, we need to keep her covered...ah...mostly."


Garrett phrased his words correctly, as Sabrina is seen easily dispatching those the come to close to her with rapid strikes from her psionically charged escirma sticks, combined with the force of her strikes and the psyche draining nature of the weapons, her hits are usually a one-hit knockout. Suddenly sweepkicking a loon to the ground before decking him in the back of the skull with her right stick, and jabbing the groin and uppercutting the chin of a second crazy with her left, she shouts back amidst the fighting.

"I'll work on the cars, keep these guys from swarming me or getting past the barricade!" She commands.


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Winston, seemingly a bastion

Winston, seemingly a bastion of calm within the middle of the fight, looks to the two others.

"On the contrary, I require the two of you to escort me to the nearest scrapyard, just a few blocks beyond Steel Mercy. Your assistance is appreciated."

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Mar came to a stop where the

Mar came to a stop where the wheelchair boy was, someone in some kind of suit and Terry. "Terry explain to me what I need to do to help. Those people in the odd outfits seem not to nice." Then when the mob went to fight Terrance Mar went into action. Partly instinctive he leaped onto a car and shot webbing out of his lower arms at one of the escapees and flung him into another. "Were these people experiments like me?" It was a reasonable question from his point of view he did brake out of the lab and heroes did arrive to stop him. Well he wasn't as aggressive as these people seem to be and the heroes noticed that. However these people were trying to harm others, even the one in the funny chair.

"You know Crow darling lovely speech, I don't fall for it. On the other hand I really don't care." Sunstroke had turned off the flames and was standing nude. She was even clean any amount of dirt or dust would have been burnt off her. "So if there nothing else I'm going to play with the wanna be heroes, and set the night on fire." So she was off her flames back on as she leaped into the air.

Once over the asylum she begins to sing as she rains fire down below.

"The Fire glows bright in the city tonight
Not a hope to be seen
A kingdom of destruction,
And it looks like I'm the queen."

The flames of the burning building rise up as she channeled her powers drawing on the flames.

"The flames are howling like this swirling vortex inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I didn't try!"

"Don't let them go, don't let them live
I can be a bad girl they always wanted to be
Conceal! Make them pay! Don't let them live!
Well, now they know!"

"Let it go, let it go
Don't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Kill away and brake the doors!"

"I don't care
What they're going to say
Let the firestorm rage on,
The flames never bothered me anyway!"

She lands and walks down the hall of the collapsed wing the flames rising and forming a tunnel for her.

"It's funny how some heat
Makes everything seem small
And the fools that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all!"

"It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free!"

"Let it go, let it go
I am one with the Fire tonight
Let it go, let it go
You'll see this city Die!"

She came outside and started throwing plasma blasts at any blinking light she spotted. Aiming for cop cars, ambulance, and differently those firetrucks.

"Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the firestorm rage on!"

"The ash flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in flaming char all around
And one thought blazes like an heatwave
I'm never going back,
The past is in the past!"

"Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like a heat wave
Let it go, let it go
That lockup girl is gone!"

"Here I stand
In the light of flame
Let the firestorm rage on,
The flames never bothered me anyway!"

She just went and sent a blast of flames radiating out from her. Not caring if she burns any of the other escapees or anyone else for that matter. Then she headed to the barricade a burning image of fire, beauty and chaos.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 day ago
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Joined: 10/13/2013 - 22:41
Gold-Fire glanced at the

Gold-Fire glanced at the other Terry and nodded. "There should be other heroes near the mental institution." He called after the other Terry, then looked at Mar and Winston.

"No, these people were criminals, or mentally ill. They were either being treated, or simply held to keep others safe..." Terry glanced at them and inspected their clothing... "If you can register they have an ID bracelet like this" He held up one of the knocked out mental patients wrists. "Apprehend them, this was a high security facility, so some, many, may be in straight jackets or other forms of constraints." Terry glanced at the boy in the wheel chair, and Kindra then frowned quietly.

"Okay, whatever your name is, could you go and link up with my team at the asylum, I'll escort this individual to the scrapyard with you Mar, c'mon." Terry nodded and followed and drew his hands up to take the lead in case of any one came. He could handle melee and range, but not as quickly as Mar. He touched his ear to activate the com. "I'm escorting a citizen to safety with Mar, though that may be reletive given circumstances. I'll be late getting to the asylum."

Kindra smirked and nodded, that was pretty easy, she wondered now where Kujo's "Weapon" was, as she went in the direction Terry indicated. It wasn't long before she got there and found the group of heroes assailed by the violently deranged. Kindra found their minds easily warped, since they were already damaged to begin with. The hordes moving around the barricade somehow started fleeing it into Garretts vines and plants.

"Gold-Fire sent me to help-" Kindra said, her thoughts carefully shielded as she herded another group of maniacs away from her, towards the cannons Technosis had set up. She had to think of a moniker... "Code name's Mentrovert!" She blinked, that was a terrible name! She frowned and got punched across the face by one of the loonies while distracted. "Hrrm!" She growled and her eyes glowed deep purple, almost black and nightmares beset the man, he shrieked and ran head long into a cannon.


Technosis nodded at Psionette's commands and virtually ignored the new psionicist in favor of working on the team. He lanced his chains out at the barrier and started stringing them up in the gaps of the barricade so as to keep the overflow in! He then chucked a series of new Machina Mana apertures on the ground surrounding Psionette, more of the translucent green energy cannons appeared. Ones and zeroes trailed across the surface and carefully took aim, blasting away at the prisoners would carefully calibrated, non-lethal shots.

He jumped to one side as a fireball nearly collided with him, another blasted a cannon and forced it to re-render! One of the turret's he'd just placed also got blown to bits, aperture and all.

"Oh that's it!" He shouted, chucking A pair of green techy looking orbs into the sky, which when they came close sprouted a chain between them made of the same energy and spun towards the girl on a homing track!


Kujo laughed quite a bit at Sunstrokes antics with the heroes, and the song. He shook his head and transformed back to his 'casual' gear, the hakama and other gear. He continued sipping his wine and watching.

"Ah, these heroes really are out match, how many would you say we released? two hundred?" He inspected quietly as a series of Mages and warriors entered with bags of money and jewels. "Ah! The supplies are here, perhaps we should keep her around for entertainment?" Last came Kitoshi, and Kujo raised his eyebrows in distaste. "What is this..." He demanded

"This is a new recruit sire, he aided us in procuring the funds!" The mage bowed low his face touching the ground several times

"Kitoshi, "Ryuda" is what i've been going by." He smirked and unfolded his wings from his shoulders.

Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/15/2013 - 14:34
Winston nods, following along

Winston nods, following along at whatever pace is comfortable for his escort. Once again, his watch beeps.

"Pilot," comes the voice, "sensors indicate that there are several patients looking for weaponry within the scrapyard. High caution is advised."

"Thank you Titan," Winston responds, grimacing slightly. "Now, when we get there, would you all mind dealing with that? I am not in much of a state to dispatch mental patients at the moment."

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Aoi was in a pickle.

Aoi was in a pickle. Apparently the woman she had run from earlier lived here. So embarrassing! Then she felt someone grab her and try to drag her into the building. It took a few seconds for her to process english so mostly she was suddenly scared instead of embarrassed.

Tobias would nearly yank his shoulder out of socket as Aoi's doesn't so much as nudge when he yanks on her. The doorstep under Aoi suddenly creaking as if a massive weight had been dropped on it.

In the split second that took Aoi finally managed to process the reasoning she was suddenly grabbed. She also saw several uniques leaving the tower in a rush. Oh something dangerous was happening. Aoi looked down realize she had just dented the doorstep. 'Not again!' she thought to herself. The doctor said she only weighed 110 lbs. So why did she keep crushing stuff?

Aoi allowed herself to be ushered in after the first failed yank.


The gigantic slag heap walked by a far sleeker creation. It was just standing there so he ignored it. He was going to fix that slide he had passed a few hours ago.
A few adults came at him with makeshift weapons. Arch looked at them. 'Threat level zero.' Arch attempted to ignore them. They did not ignore Arch.

Arch waited for a second before responding. The dull thinks of metal clubs on his hull sounded almost musical. If Arch was capable of sighing he would have. Instead he pivoted swinging his massive hand like a fly swatter. Any of the escaped patients he didn't knock into an unconscious heap took their makeshift weapons and ran out of the scrapyard.

Arch picked up the piece of metal he wanted and shambled in the direction of the playground.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
Signy pushed the wheelchair

Signy pushed the wheelchair forward, increasing speed until either her colleagues couldn't keep up, or either the passenger or the wheelchair started complaining, or she reached about forty miles and hour. She aimed for areas free of escapees, and was ready to change direction at any moment. But she made sure to keep making progess towards the far side of the asylum.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
Evaine saw the threshold

Evaine saw the threshold buckle. "Mass increase? Handy sometimes, I'll bet." As the blue girl moved in, she began casting a spell of repairing.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Mar walked with the

Mar walked with the wheelchaired boy. "Why you in that funny chair? Why don't you walk? Are you broken?" Questions a 2 or 3 year old might ask. A escapee came around the corner and charged the three. Even without looking Mar moved a hand and webbed the fellows legs sending him to the ground with a curse. "What does @#!* Mean?"

Sunstroke kept her walk her fire blasts focused more on the barricade, behind her some of the inmates joined her figuring she be a good point man. Seeing the green chains coming at her she raised a brow. Those aren't metal so her heat wouldn't melt them, so she leaped into the air figuring they go right under her.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
The Crow chuckles as he takes

The Crow chuckles as he takes sight of Sunstroke's deadly solo through the looking glass, simply sipping his wine with a smirk, the girl was already captured, she just didn't know it yet. However, when Ryuda appeared, the pretenses of amusement dropped from his features, as he allowed the cowl to slip over his face completely one more, it's visage now warping into Ryuda's own agonized features, as he boomed.

"Interesting, so why do you seek our employ, child?" They would note that possibly due to the hellish metals that now cloak him, his presence has went from very imposing, to unrationally fear inducing, amplified more and more as you stare into his face, his voice containing portents of dread in every syllable.


Garrett hisses as he spies some of his plants meet the flames, closing his eyes for a moment as he soaks in their burning, final moments. Enraged that this corona of death sought to take both innocent human and natural lives, and that she was singing slightly off key, he attacked. Not hesitating, he wills the vines around him to suddenly lash out at her line horribly thorned bolas, and launching a 'round' of drowsy soporific seeds, hoping the dust will make her tired enough to lose her edges and be entangled.

All while humming the bars of 'Let It Go' in perfect tune.


Psionette opts for a more direct tactic, as Sabrina attempts to pierce the mental barriers of Sunstroke's mind, attempting to mentally assail her, perhaps cause her to lose some of her concentration, so Tech's turrets can take accurate aim.


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Winston shakes his head at

Winston shakes his head at the barrage of questions. "Not now," he says, focusing on the task at hand as they approach the junkyard. Even from the street, criminals picking through the scrap are visible.

"I need to make my way in there," says the boy, watching the thugs, near the middle of the yard."

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

Whip's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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Terrance moved carefully

Terrance moved carefully through the back streets and alleyways of the area, putting out spot fires and taking down maniacs wherever he could find them. Soon enough, he found himself near a plant-using singer of some kind. Being a Titan City native, he was used to a lot of things, but even that made him pause for a moment. He knew that his powers would be harmful to the plants if he just let them go, so he decided to work on putting out the fires nearby. The maniacs came at him every now and again, but a well placed knee to the gut or punch to the face took most of them down. It was like they weren't even trying, like it was a trick of some kind, but who was behind it? He couldn't work it out with all the distractions around him, so he decided to focus on the fires for now.

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.

Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/15/2013 - 14:34
For a few moments as the

For a few moments as the group rushes towards the scrapyard, the disturbances within disappear, leaving the area empty. After a few moments, the inmates begin rushing out of the scrapyard, as if running for their lives---unfortunately, they also happen to be running straight towards the heroes.

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
SIgny stopped and let go of

SIgny stopped and let go of the wheelchair, moving in front of it. "Mar, protect Pilot." She used the name "Titan" had used, not having any other. Then she moved forward, at a fast walk, and any inmate that came within ten feet of her path was the target of a lunge and a stomach punch that moved almost too fast to see. Any normal human hit would be knocked back, gasping for breath...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
She was now at max heat able

She was now at max heat able to melt the bullets coming at her. So some plant dust didn't vase her. However the mental attacked did surprise her and she stumbled as she shook off the wave "you want in my head? Well then enjoy." She let herself remember being sexually assaulted by a gang, and beaten when she fought back. If answer to her prayer her hand burst into flames followed by the rest of her. The joy of setting the gang rapist on fire and the laughter as she did so. She forced down that mental channel to whoever was trying to attack her mind. "There are reasons I was in a loony bin."

She looked around an noticed someone was dimming down her flames. "Fight or flee. well I may be nuts, but I'm not stupid. Not with both a mentalist and an Ice box." She leaped into the air and flew back to where she last saw the portal. "Hey Demon dudes. I had my fun and I hope someone was watching. Can't assess a target if you don't see them in action. So Open a bloody door already!"


"Protect... um..." He looked at the boy in the wheelchair "You pilot?" Looking back one would figure he wasn't paying attention, but when a thug using a pipe went to clobber the back of his head. He duck down grabbed the arm and flipped the goon onto his back. "Saw that on a movie! Bruce Lee."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Garrett sighs in a bit of

Garrett sighs in a bit of relief as he spies Sunstroke taking off, but as to where concerns him, but for now they have a riot to quell....well first, there is a boy near him, who seems to be casting the ice flurries and assisting in taking out the loons. Smiling at this, he pauses to allow a vine to sweep a rushing thug's feet out from under him before coiling him in heavily thorned restraints, and tossing him into his compatriots, taking more down. Not stopping there, he wills another round of seeds to be cast into their swarms, hoping to put a good portion of them into a drowsy daze.

He appeared like he certainly needed the respite, the effort he is exuding in leading the attack of the now animated plants and trees of the asylum while defending himself while willing his allies to stay rejuvenated was clearly taking it's toll. Shaking his head as it began to feel more and more like cotton was swelling in his skull, he offered a shaky smile to Terrance and Kindra.

"Thanks for helping us out, I'm S-Sylvan!" He shouts, a bit forced on his part, as he concentrates to reinvigorate himself with blooming energy that swirls in the area around him like a verdant corona of health and life, but the green was turning choppy, he was clearly exhausted.


Sabrina barely resisted the urge to cry out in horror as she received those harrowing images, shutting off the link with a shudder as she took a moment to breathe, to slow the beating of her already accelerating heartbeat, barely dodging a weak punch thrown from and inmate that is greeted with a hard, nosecracking headbutt. Blinking at their reduced effort in attack, she notices Kinda, her aura, and offers telepathically.

*Thank You for helping us, may I ask your name?"


Whip's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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Terrance began to grow in

Terrance began to grow in confidence, especially after he saw the fire girl leave. With the source gone, keeping the fires out was much easier for him. "Sylvan, eh? Nice to meet you. I'll introduce myself once I've worked out a codename. Do you still need help over here?" He asked as he shifted out of the way of another maniac and froze his feet in place. He gave a satisfied smirk, his first since his trouble started. He would have moved elsewhere, but he wanted to make sure that Sylvan was able to protect himself before getting involved with the dwindling number of escapees.

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.

Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/15/2013 - 14:34
While the others deal with

While the others deal with the fleeing prisoners, Winston immediately turns around the group, and heads straight for the junkyard, picking his way along the dirt paths in-between large piles of scrap metal, before stopping in front of one particular pile, not too far from the entrance. A smooth metal panel sticks out from the side of the pile, and Winston turns his wheelchair around, letting its back face it.

"[url=]I'm here, Titan. We can deploy now[/url]," he says calmly, watching the others take care of the inmates.

"Very well," responds the voice, not from the watch, but from the pile behind Winston, which shudders and shakes from the vibration. The hatch opens up, and a series of mechanical arms grab onto the chair, pulling it in and securing it within the machine as a loud whirring noise begins shaking debris from the true form of whatever was underneath the pile. Large panels of exterior plating that were arranged to be present in large strips on the sides of what appears to be a large metal frame filled to the brim with mechanical systems begin sliding themselves into position, as if large panels of armor the size of baseball bases and larger were sliding into place like primitive scales. The clinking and whirring sounds of active machinery intensify as the object begins to stand on what appear to be two massive motorized legs, armoring itself as it returns to its full height.

"How fare the plasma systems, Titan?"

"Operating more efficiently than yesterday."

"Armoring systems?"

"Fully repaired due to yesterday's inspection."

"Booster systems?"

"Refueled, and operational."

"What about our spare-part problem?"

"Operating, but not as well as we had hoped."

Winston shrugs. "They'll hold."

As various lights and screens flicker on within the cabin, Winston flicks a couple of switches on his inner controls, and the hatch slides down over him. Within, the back of the hatch flickers, before revealing feeds of the outside world from a myriad of different directions. The machine lets out a hiss, spewing steam from various vents all over its body as it reaches its full, two-story height, its light-grey paneling locked into place. Two floodlights positioned on the left side of the machine turn on, flooding the area with light as the machine and its user focus on the area where the patients were still trying to escape. The mech reaches out its right arm, its mechanical hand retracting as the paneling re-arranges itself, revealing a series of bright blue coils underneath. A shifting ball of bright light gathers itself inbetween the circle of panels, and shoots outwards at a group of prisoners, scattering them on impact.

"Be careful Titan, no friendly-fire," comes Winston's voice from within the machine, broadcasting through outer speakers to the rest of the group, "some of those figures helped me get here."

"Is that so," the machine responds, "my apologies. My name is Titan 10."

The remainder of the prisoners scatter due to the might of the heroes, and upon seeing a giant robot.

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"Now that is a cool

"Now [I]that[/I] is a cool wheelchair. Hallo, Titan 10! Call me Skjótfœri." Her scots accent rendered it more or less as "skiotfaery" "Nice ta meet the both of ye, and I'm off to choose the living!" She zipped into the junkyard and grabbed the back seat that had once been part of a Lincoln Continental, then zipped off again, seat on her left shoulder to find anyone who was wounded and couldn't get to the aid station.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Garrett offers a forced yet

Garrett offers a forced yet charming smile as he replies, whilst finally healing his fatigue, if slightly. While he could now thankfully stand and see straight, he was still facing a mass of unattractive and practically rabid creatures bent on beating or biting into a bad way of course, but at least he had some attractive support. Ducking under a punch and responding by lashing out with a hard groin kick, he wills vines to drag the thug before him away.

"I think I'm good now, sorry. And thanks for helping us with the's really appreciated. And I wouldn't mind it, since these loonies are still coming!" He replies, doing his best to hide his blush, embarrassment at his lack of combat experience and being near another powered male teen.


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Mar's reaction was something

Mar's reaction was something else. He jumped on Titan and banged on the metal "You no eat boy in chair! Spit him out!"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Terrence chuckled. "Well, I

Terrence chuckled. "Well, I guess I'll hang around then!" he said as he turned to face a maniac that was barreling down at him from behind. He reached out his hand to stop the assailant, but instead he raked the man's skin with a barrage of small ice bullets.

Terrance blinked from behind his helmet. "I can do ice bullets? I can do ice bullets!" he exclaimed as he downed target after target much faster than he had before. He knew that he had to be careful with this new power, especially with the potential for accidentally killing someone and his own rotten luck. At least he had his slightly awkward new ally to back him up now.

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.

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Garrett chuckles at his

Garrett chuckles at his outburst, just as equally surprised at the power, making sure to keep his plants from the frosty attacks, taking a moment to launch more baffling seeds into the remaining masses, convincing them to fight eachother for the time being. While not a indefinite solution, it earns them a bit of rest once more as he states.

"Be careful with that, make sure not to harm them too badly, most of them are not responsible for their insanity, or at the very least a very intense need to bite into and beat us."


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"Yeah, I'll be careful. TC

"Yeah, I'll be careful. TC native, I know what happens when people get drunk on power," he said as he pushed another group back with a blast of icy wind. He could name a great number of heroes off the top of his head who had gone down a dark path when they realized what they could do. He could now add his dad to that list, but there'd be time for that later.

"Commander! Commander Frost! It's me, your loyal lieutenant!" Came a voice. A man who was considerably older than Terrance (and much further out of his mind) came up to him and begged him for orders. "I waited for your return, just like you said! Please, tell me what to do?"

"But I'm not...OH! Yes, yes, of course. Round up every escapee that you can, return to the asylum and do everything the people in charge tell you to do. I will come for you when the time is right. Until then, let nobody know I was here, except that guy behind me. Got it?"

"Sir, yes sir!" the mad minion said with a lopsided salute. He ran off to follow orders as best as he could. Terrance sighed, knowing that that little act would soon come back to bite him on the butt, but at least there was one less maniac to worry about for now.

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.

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"Pardon. I have not consumed

"Pardon. I have not consumed my pilot. It is necessary for him to be intact in order for us to operate cohesively," Titan 10 says as the boy bangs on its armor. The robot doesn't seem all that fazed.

"Yes, Titan 10 is correct. I'm in here," comes Winston's voice, "and I'm quite sure that we have better things to worry about at the moment."

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

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"Okay you can't talk if you

"Okay you can't talk if you all chewed up."
Mar said befor jumping down. "I was told to protect, how I know metal thing not bad."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Skjótfœri first circled the

Skjótfœri first circled the area at high speed until she came across several ambulances and a paramedics' truck parked next to a strip mall. Several patients were already being tended to. She then went off on a search pattern that resembled the product of a Spirograph. Anyone she found who couldn't walk was laid in the back-seat and taken straight to the aid station...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Meanwhile, at the clocktower,

Meanwhile, at the clocktower, Evaine finished her spell to repair the threshold. After checking to ensure the door would close properly, she turned to greet the blue girl. "Hello, my name is Evaine McAllister, priestess of Freyja. What should I call you?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"I am Aoi, I apologize for

"I am Aoi, I apologize for running. Did not know you work for wand-rers. Many people take advantage of others here." Aoi made a small bow and her stomach rumbled again. "Um, the flyer said .. meal?"

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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"It's not a problem. And I

"It's not a problem. And I hadn't actually met them yet, then. But I think they won't mind my finding you something to eat while they're out. The kitchen is upstairs." Evaine led the way. About halfway up she realized what was missing. "Did you loose your guitar?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Yes, it was taken when a

"Yes, it was taken when a very big metal creature .... I don't know the right word, like 'hit' but open hand, me across a street. Hope little boy okay. Woke up later no guitar, pockets outside pants."

As Aoi talked a few stairs creaked as if suddenly burdened but nothing caved.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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"'Slapped'. 'Slap' for

"'Slapped'. 'Slap' for present tense. After the current crisis is over, we can try to find out what happened to the little boy and the guitar." Evaine opened up the refrigerator and found some eggs, some milk, and some bread. "Are you allergic to anything?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Whats Crisis? I do not know

"Whats Crisis? I do not know that word. Not allergic. American food is very good, usually too much." Aoi settled on a delicate looking stool. She was short, so her feet didn't touch the ground. "Strange request, where I find Eye-ron pills. I grind into my food. Doctors said I need a large amount because of my unique body. Also need lead, mog-nesium, coppa, and mer-curry. Did not want to take from stores but I am out of money and my bones could break without."

Aoi had been taught the english words for what she needed in case she was ever separated from her band managers. So she often knew more medical terms than someone who spoke English as a second language. It was important since they could not run an IV on her or put her into any scanning machines without breaking the machine.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Tobias raised his eyebrows

Tobias raised his eyebrows and watched the magic. Kami was ordering her 'magical card minions' around and patrolling the inside of the tower. He supervised long enough to make sure that she wasn't breaking anything, then went down stairs. He arrived down stairs in time to hear her list off the metals and thought for a moment, going to the storage room on that floor.

"Well..." He called from the storage room. "I think we have those?" He carried out a small set of beakers and a couple of vitamin bottles. "Those should count. I'll fly up and get her some of the left overs." Tobias pointed up the stairs, he was nervous, partly because he didn't want the floor to break... Even flying it wasn't fun to have the floor break...

Kami wandered up the stairs her small platoon of 6 monsters fanning out and rejoining her 'platoon' every few seconds. She got to the top floor with no incident but kept circling for some reason. She kept listening and staring at the ceiling up there but walking around another time. She finally went to the roof in time to see seven orange robed psychopaths climbing the walls. Her little group of monsters fanned out, the tengu picking one up and punching him senseless, though their fists gave off an aetherial aura. The swordsman and the unicorn things worked the same, each hit seemed to hit and sink, but only amount to an illusionary hit. With extra attacks from her wand and a couple cards, the madmen were knocked out and chained to the roof. She quickly ran back in, and all her monsters disappeared with her.


Kindra smiled at Psionette, then scratched her neck after a few minutes of thinking. *I was thinking Mentrovert?* She quirked her eyebrows. Her thick mental walls projecting only what she wanted, which was mostly a mask. She was just some psychic girl from around here, got wind of this after spending too long at the Maul! Half truth, She hid the rest of herself under her identity, something most heroes, she thought, would respect...

She picked up and carried one of the madmen towards the large police and ambulandce vehicles. "Sounds bad, huh?" She said outloud this time. She delivered the one to the abulance and police.


Terry followed and sniped about while Titan was powering up inside. He was walking up now that the major fighting here has started. He wasn't sure how many or where the rest might be, somehow this many seemed small to him...


Technosis had tried to keep tangling Sunstroke in chains, but the flaming woman was pretty good at evading! He growled as she got out of range and he was forced to try blasting long range, which he kind of sucked at! Nothing was going to hit, he was just annoyed!

"Hrm..." He sighed and exhaled, trying to calm himself loudly as he returned to his cannons and picked up the turret discs that survived the fighting. He also projected cuffs onto several, all made from green Machina Mana in semi-realistic objects made from binary, moving and wrapped around the constructs.


Kujo watched Crow work over the boy for a few quiet minutes. Kitoshi was quiet and staring between them with a bit of arogance and pride. It was hard to tell... Kujo chuckled as Sunstroke fled, screaming for a portal as she went... He stroked his fingers over his fu manchu and watched Kitoshi and Crow some more, waiting.

"Power, money, curse removal?" He shrugged and looked around. "I mean, I'm not nuts, and to be honest, even though ye set free the loonies, I don't think you are. Just smart and powerful, I think I fit the bill, if you can help me, I can help you." He smiled and unfurled his wings. His body was running hotter than usual. His clothes would dry and actually start to smolder if they touched him, but he managed to keep some blue fire-fighters pants. They clashed with his orange skin that shined like dry lizard skin. He rested his wings and exhaled slowly, smoke blowing from it. He coughed and shook his head. "Sorry, that was supposed to look cooler."

"Hahahahaha." Kujo laugh loudly and shook his head, tracing his finger on the crystal he marked out the portal runes and soon Sunstroke would just happen to be flying right into a portal. "He may be useful." Kujo shrugged, the boy was strange and his mix of human manerisms and draconic features, the curse may be correct... "A small distraction might yield more fruit than a single escape." Kujo glanced at Crow, hoping he got the jist of it. He finally watched Kindra through his scrying crystal, she was hard to find, only visually could he find her, luckily watching the scene of Kindra lying to the wanderers to gain their trust.

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" Now, if you have some sort

" Now, if you have some sort of idea in mind as to what to do at this point, I'd like to hear them," comes Winston's voice from the machine's speakers, "chances are we're running out of time to take care of some facet of it, yes?"

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

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The Crow grinned slyly within

The Crow grinned slyly within the darkness of his mask at this boy's attempt to inflate his appearance and standing, noting that his ego would make him a powerful and incredibly malleable tool. Nodding to Lord Kujo, he muses darkly.

"Very well, though note that if you fail us boy, or somehow impede our goals and will weep for a place as hospitable as this when all is said and done, and proper punishments are meted out. Am. I Clear?"


Garrett, or Sylvan rather, couldn't help but smile as he spotted more help in the form of Kindra, radiating growth and warm life as he approached her, speaking wit the ever present tone of cute awkwardness that defined his speech and mannerisms. "Oh it's not bad, maybe something with a bit more flair, perhaps Ruse or Fallacy?" He then takes note of Laurn's current state of anger, and walks quietly to him.

Seeing as most if not all of the prisoners have been dealt with and detained, the others killed by Sunstroke's flames, eachother, or detained by the remaining guards, the grounds are still for a moment, offering some respite. Reaching Technosis, Garrett rests a comforting hand on his right shoulder, pouring calming pheromones into the air subconsciously as he speaks, softly.

"Hey, you did the best you could and that's more than enough Laurn, no one expects any of us to be able to stop everything that happens. For now, it looks like we can rest, I think the battle here is mostly over, save for rounding up those that escaped."


Psionette smirks to Kindra, taking a moment to speak vocally. "Something along those lines would work, you are skilled with your abilities, especially for your age...not that I'm old." Grins, before blinking in alarm as she senses something at the tower.

"Technosis, I think we had a momentary security breach, I detected some hostile thought patterns circling the tower, but it sounds like they were dealt with...we shouldn't stay too long." She warns, though is not ordering them to leave just yet, as she is confident in the other Wanderers abilities, and they should rest.


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As the commotion began to die

As the commotion began to die down, Terrance's head began to throb. In the excitement and rush of so many things happening at once, he hadn't realised how far he had overstreched himself. He put his hand to his helmet in a vain attempt to make himself feel better, but then he decided that sitting against a half-destroyed wall would be a better option. "Just gotta sit for a minute," he said to nobody in particular as his eyes closed and the familiar darkness of sleep overcame him at last.

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.

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Evaine pulled out a skillet

Evaine pulled out a skillet and a shallow dish from a cabinet. "'Crisis' is danger and opportunity; mostly danger. In this case, violently crazy people breaking out of the place where they were being treated, or at least kept from harming people. The other Wanderers went to help keep people safe." The skillet was set on the stove to heat up, the eggs and a splash of milk went into the shallow dish, and were mixed thoroughly with a fork. Four slices of bread were dredged in the mix and went onto the skillet, sizzling as they hit the hot metal...

Skjótfœri brought patients back to the aid station, and in one case brought EMT's to a bystander who had a back injury. She wasn't seeing any inmates except those that were already down, those she treated like the rest except that the EMT's got a warning about them when she delivered them. Burns and blunt force trauma seemed to be the most common injuries. Then she saw the power-suited boy who had been defending Pilot sitting against a wall. She could hear him breathing normally, and it didn't look like he was wounded. She set the seat down next to him. "Need a lift?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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Aoi took the offerings with a

Aoi took the offerings with a small smile and nod. She started popping the various metals and elements into her mouth and just swallowing. She sat there for a few moments with a very practiced face that didn't betray any expression.

"That smells good, better than what I just ate." Aoi scrunched down, she had just been so rude to the boy who gave her what she had asked for. "I did not mean it was bad! My tongue does not like most of what my body requires."

Aoi wanted to disappear, and like clockwork the stool under her shattered like kindling. A near mist of wood splinters spraying out. She muttered a few things in Japanese under her breath and just looked forlornly at the pile of splinters that had been her stool.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Mar hopped onto Titan's top.

Mar hopped onto Titan's top. "So you like car? People ride in you? Cool. Oh there bad persons over there!" Mar pointed with his middle left hand to some more thinking insane goons that had slipped into an alleyway.

Among the other inmates still loose was another young woman one much more sane then Sunstroke, really she was there because her lawyer got a plead bargain. Heather Valentine aka Flux was among the few who were now in the alleyway. Digging in the trash for any tossed out clothing beside the obvious nut ward jumpsuits. "Find anything I can remove the dirt and ... worst from them. Might even be able to patch a few holes, but hurry I think we were spotted by those capes at the junk yard."


Sunstroke walked in spotting Crow, and the Demon fellow what was his name... Ksomething. Oh well not like it matters who she works for. "Hope you fine fellows didn't forget about little old me now. Please send one of your minion pets to get me something to cover up with. Seems my jumpsuit, and straight jacket went up in smoke." She was mostly flesh now but for a bathing suit like fire about her form. "And look a new recruit, now how about we get some information. What was this jail brake about."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Technosis raised his eyebrows

Technosis raised his eyebrows as he carried a few of the mental patients to the aid station on green gurneys behind him. He checked into the Tower security and raised his eyebrows. The roof security cameras picked up the disturbance and Kami's fight with the crazed minions. He nodded and glanced over at Psionette, then Garrent smiling at him.

"I'm fine." He'd say first, shrugging and then analyzing the footage... "I don't know that they had hostile thoughts, the security shield should have gone up if that was the case..." He stroked his chin and frowned. The Gurney's he'd made lowered to the ground then disappeared as he reached the air station. He'd tested it several times, every time they simulated it, heck even when it wasn't really a threat and violence towards the tower or its occupants were involved in the thought, the shield would go up! The only thing he kept going back to was the insanity...

"We might have a minor issue if that's the case." Technosis finally said. "Is he okay?" Technosis kneeled down beside Terrance and scanned him with his suit, several devices wrapping around his hand, all made of green Machina Mana...


Terry panted quietly and glanced around the junk yard, tapping through his visor... He exhaled slowly a few more times trying to pick up any signs of other inmates in the area. He glanced at Titan 10.

"We need to transport there guys back to Steal Mercy, think you can get them?" He glanced around at the two dozen inmates. Since no one else was attacking them, he was incorrectly assuming no one else was left. He lifted one of the many asylum escapees and heft them over his shoulder. A second one and he was groaning a bit, a long pause and he just started walking the two or three blocks to Steel Mercy.


Kindra gave a slightly nervous chuckle at the name 'Ruse and Fallacy', they came a bit too close to the truth for her taste... She shrugged and grinned at Garrett.

"Nah, I like Mentrovert better, Cause I'm a mentalist and I'm an introvert, spend most of my time reading manga, Get it? Guess it's not that funny..." Kindra was putting on more of a show to hide herself than she thought, and kept brushing close to the truth with each statement or question. She was a bit tired of running around carrying knocked out thugs, so she brushed against a few of them, a stroke across the cheek was all this took. A moment later even though they were previously incapacitated, 17 of the 20 escapees she touched were walking, eyes closed, towards the aid station. When they got there they fell in a heap, only those too injured by broken feet or legs were still away.


Kujo chuckled a bit and leaned over the table, eating some spikey looking fruit the size of a grape. They crunched, but also seemed rather juicy. Kujo considered the boy and Sunstroke for a while and glanced at Crow, wondering if the mad man would mention something about their plan. Oh, right, he was the one with the plan, Kujo smiled again and crossed the room, his fingers stroking his mustache as he circled the two.

"Well, plans are all well and good... We don't need an army, that much is obvious." He waved his hand at the screen showing most of the inmates being knocked out. "We needed forces though." He ignored her request for clothing, actually he liked it this way. He then shook his head and eyed Kitoshi as well, the draconic form. "You want answers, and you want help with a curse." Kujo returned to the front of the two.

"I want Hel, and Haven, and earth." He smiled and shrugged. "That's the simplest manner in which to state our goals. Total domination, however there are steps we should take here." He indicated Titan City by cupping his hand over a crystal and sort of pointing at it. "For instances, these Wanderers, have a powerful new magic, on top of that they've stolen a weapon of mine. I have spent the last decade and a half planning for when it was completed, and set backs have kept it out of my hands." Kujo sneered and tried viewing the tower, a haze of static fills the crystals. "So, elaborated plan, recruit more Akuma, bring this city, and the wanderers to their knees, obtain my weapon, and rule." He counted it off on his fingers, as if it were that simply. To him it was, though he rarely wanted or asked for help....

"Madoushi!" Kujo shouted as he got to the entrance to his tent. Several mages scurried into place nearby. "Prepare the Jajutsu to take back Crows madmen, we can't afford to pull a prison break every time we need mass distractions." He waved his hands and the mages nodded. "And look into curses involving dragons..." Kujo shrugged, it wasn't much of a concern. He suspected what might be going on, but wouldn't tell Ryuda 'false dragon' this, if he was correct, he could have a dragon under his control, and some were powerful enough to be considered gods!

Kitoshi glanced at the mages leaving and frowned. The sound of portals openning somewhere in the area reached their ears.


Portals open up beneath piles of madmen and women, the heavily injured or mostly incapacitated seemed to be left behind, while the bruised, ablebodied and unconscious would drop into the portals. Any left awake could simply dodge...


In the tower the oddity that seemed to keep catching Kami's eye came to life. It was a metallic snake wrapped around the highest section of mechines in the wanderers monitor womb, sending carefully shielded transmissions back to Co.M0.Do. The huge draconic master of the ancient lizard aliens the Wanderers accidentally awoke, had been planning the entire time. Picking up escaped lizards and modifying them. He'd managed to get quite a few of them, all hidden with him in his small ship suspended over a huge pit.

The strange lizards had been watching the city the whole time, with their forces scattered, perhaps now would be a good time to try and take the Machina Mana... Co.M0Do. hissed out commands to his truly alien minions, who numbered only a half dozen. The nodded and started playing with controls. Outside, the pit of water seemed to swarm with lizards, all crawling mechanically out of the torrent of water, and scurrying through the sewers to the junk yard. It might go unnoticed at first, small pieces of metal and scrap start walking off on it's own, in a matter of minutes the scrap and mechanisms were being smashed together, welded and nano-manipulated by the swarm of cybernetically modified earthly lizards. The skeleton of a massive lizard was forming on the street down from the Wanderers Tower, growing in size and complexity with each wave of lizards delivering parts and scrap to the workers. It wasn't yet operational...


In the Tower Tobias was just watching and listening to Aoi, then she was suddenly on the floor, her chair splintered into a pulp... He tilted his head and kneeled down to help her up. His muscles might not be used to so much weight, but his bones were quite strong and dense. He tried pulling a few times to help her up.

"What's wrong?" He asked grunting quietly. "Why'd you suddenly get heavier?" Tobias panted and kneeled down.

Kami scampered down the stairs followed by her card monsters. "Toby toby Toby! There were crazy people on the roof, and I thought I saw something funny on the top floor, but it musta been the crazy guys, cause when I went up there were ummm 8? Or more? Climbing or jumping on our roof! But I got em all!" Kami grinned and tapped her staff on the floor.

Tobias had made several attempts to say something while she rattled off her deeds on the roof, but was bowled over by the long statement. "Oh... Good?"

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No response. Hoping he was

No response. "I think he just overexerted himsel', but I'm nae sure how safe it is ta be sleeping out here."

"Looks like you need more practice in not using your powers. Or maybe stronger furniture..." After cooking both sides of the French toast, Evaine slipped them onto a plate, spread a bit of butter on them, and set them, along with a politically incorrect bottle of some tasty syrup, on the table. A glass of orange juice followed. "Here you go. I suppose it won't hurt to eat standing up, but there are other stools if you think you want to try them."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Titan 10 turns the main area

Titan 10 turns the main area of its body, looking over to the area that Mar had indicated.

"Considering that the prisoners here would not be able to run very far due to their injured state, capturing other escapees should be top priority. My Pilot and I, along with the young fellow currently riding on my external hull, should be able to take care of this issue while other personnel remove the incapacitated inmates. Are there any objections?"

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Aoi was stood back up rather

Aoi was stood back up rather easily. No harder than any 80-90lbs sub 5 foot girl would be. Aoi was very shy about being touched and was not standing very comfortably despite Tobias best efforts to be gentlemanly about it. Aoi looked at the plate appalled. "Too much, just one please."

She attempted to wipe splinters off her butt without drawing attention to the self grooming. "Doctor says 'exponential multi-pliar' when talking about what I do. So 1 Aoi, 2 Aoi, 4 Aoi, 16 Aoi, Two-Five-Six Aoi, which is very large number. Broke zoo scale made for elephant. Doctor worried If I grow bigger than am and powa get stronger uncon-trol could cause earthquakes. So Aoi stays petite."

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Gold-Fire shook his head at

Gold-Fire shook his head at Titan's assertions, he checked his HUD again and chewed his lip as he made his way out of the junkyard carefully. He dialed his father on his private channel, his hand cupping the ear piece.

"Detective Wallace?" Terry asked, doing his hero voice, which was a bit like his normal voice, but deeper, though he was definitely refraining from doing a batman growl.

"Yeah, Gold-Fire, what do ya need?" His father asked in his typical 'I'm not dealing with my kid, just another hero!' voice, they'd played this game for awhile.

"I need the situation on the asylum, how many have the police apprehended?" He glanced around the street, not seeing anything to deal with at this very moment.

"Word is 253 were held at the corrections facility. Not counting the ones who stayed in, or deceased... Seems we have a count of..." Jeremy Wallace eyed his screen and paused, frowning deeply... "Lemme correct that statement... we HAD a count of 220 cuffed, wounded or unconscious, word is most of the ones not too injured to walk were sucked up by mysterious portals." It sounded like Terry's dad was gritting his teeth. "There are only 30 left in our custody..."

"Thanks... We'll keep an eye out for them..." Terry gritted his teeth and hung up. "Bad news." He'd announce to the others, his comm switched to the full Wanderers Channel. "we had all but 33 accounted for, but whoever orchestrated this took 190 of them back... All of the men and women we dealt with tonight were sucked away by portals." Terry was barely keeping himself calm. "Lets regroup at the base, odds are the other 33 are dead, or in the same boat as the other 190..."


Tobias pulled his hand away slowly and shrugged. He had trouble controlling his powers as well, and he glanced at the french toast and left overs, then back at her. He frowned and looked her in the eye, her discomfort obvious, but he didn't seem to care.

"Well, have you thought of controlling your emotions?" Tobias raised his eyebrows. "Most of my powers were initially triggered by an emotion, otherwise a very specific muscular action." He shrugged. "Not sure about a safe place or distance to help you practice but I'm sure you could recreate the scenario that made your powers go off, and just avoid em." He shrugged, he didn't understand entirely, he was really just trying to throw ideas at the wall and hope one stuck.


Technosis sighed and shook his head, gritting his teeth as he did. He clenched his fist and punched the wall, glancing at the others to see their reactions to the information. He shook his head again and picked up the freezer guy in the suit, he grunted quietly and shook his head, servos in his suit whirred and buzzed as he carried the unconscious man to the aid station, where only a few of the escapees still lay, he wasn't looking at any of them when the portals appeared.

Technosis dropped Terrance off at the aid station and zoomed off, up a building with his glowing chains pulling him up the side of the building. He hopped a few and then stopped on a building facing away from the tower, and the growing skeletal looking mechanized lizard, which was about 5 stories tall.

"This is bullshit!" Tech shouted, his voice echoing across the skyline. He snorted waiting for someone to follow him, he figured Garrett would, it only annoyed him at this moment when he was irrationally angry.


The lizards kept dragging scrap and parts back to the lizard monstrosity, occasionally one or more lizards would melt into a weird looking goo, made metal and green bio-mass, then form into something else. The lizards had finished the skeleton and were now piling air plane motors and any other high tech salvage the scurrying swarm could find and carry off. At this point the massive upright standing lizard thing was enough to make anyone scream "GODZILLAAAAA!!!" and run, soiling themselves. The lizards were now simply piling junk around the beastly skeleton. Several of them were swarmed around the beast, swaying and turning left to right, like a tiny band of patrolling iguana.

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Skjótfœri ran up the side of

Skjótfœri ran up the side of the building and looked at the metal skeleton rising up. "I thought this was Massachusetts, not Monster Island. Or does Mecha-SUE show up here regularly?"

Evaine nodded, "So, smaller portions, then." She got another plate and moved a slice onto it, then set that before Aoi. "If I know my daughter, these won't last long after she gets back..." A sheet of aluminium foil - misspelled on the packaging for some reason - went over the other three slices.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Mar looked around seeming

Mar looked around seeming puzzled as he closed his eyes and focused on the sensory input of the nerves in his skin. "Odd vibrations... oh well maybe those portal thingies." Mar was happily on top of Titan 10 "Can metal man and boy in chair come to tower?"

What ever the reason Flux didn't know why no one came yet just it gave her time to find some scrap clothing and clean them by forcing the non fabric molecules away. Then she changed out of the jumpsuit. Putting her hands on the wall of the building she forces the wall to separate. She couldn't really change molecules, but she could move them. So soon the side of the building looked like play-dough and mushed aside to form a door. Inside the warehouse building she closed the wall and slid down to the floor. She should be safe here. It was all wrong, a simple bank robbery enough to pay the bills. That was all she was trying to do, then she was captured. A bargain temporary insanity caused by stress. Then she was in a mental hospital, sure high security and all that dealing with Powered nut jobs. Then the screaming, the fire, and some kind of real nut jobs going around murdering everyone. What was she supposed to do? stay there and burn, or be murdered. Of course she ran and now she put her head on her knees and her arms covered her head. If she wasn't losing it before, this would do it. "Now what..."


Kujo "Hmm you don't aim small do you. Well fine if you want me to set anything I sit down on, brush against, or just touch on fire that's up to you." She leaned against the table letting the flames flick the wood. "Really just getting me a robe or something would be easier in the long run." She let the wood smoke and even blacken before leaving it absorbing the heat and flames she started. "So you get more or less everything in creation. What's in it for us. Oh let me guess you won't kill us, Sorry big guy maybe you haven't notice, but when it comes to giving a shit about danger I really don't. Speaking for myself I'm not a planner, but I'm not a mindless follower either. I like the simple comforts of life. A place to call my own, bubble baths, roasting fools that annoy me in the back yard."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"I do not know if we can fit,

"I do not know if we can [i]fit[/i]," comes Winston's voice from the speakers, "but if us standing around on the street outside is somehow helpful to you, then I suppose that coming along would be possible."

The two-story mech slowly turns, looking in the direction of the Wanderer's tower, before pausing for a moment, as if it were thinking (or as close as a machine could come to such an activity). "Pilot," it says, its programmed calmness smoothing its voice, "my latest scans suggest that we should re-evaluate our proposed operation."

"Oh? And why is that, Titan?" Comes Winston's voice once more, again from the external speakers.

"I shall upload the information directly to your internal display."

"Thank you--oh...Oh, yes, yes, I see what you mean."

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

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Terrance woke up suddenly,

Terrance woke up suddenly, with a sharp breath. He managed to stand up with some assistance and once he was walking around and had something to drink (working out the partial open mechanism for his visor was tricky) he was good to go. It was about this time that he heard Technosis' frustration ring through the air. With a little effort (and only one dented lamp post) Terrance managed to fly his suit to the building where the frustrated technomancer was standing.

"First of all, the aid workers said that you got me to safety. Thanks for that, I really appreciate it. Second of all, what were you yelling ab-oh..." he said as he turned his head and saw the metal monstrosity that was taking shape. How he didn't see it before was beyond him, but there it was. Sure, he'd managed to take out a gang of maniacs, but that? There was no way he could take that thing on! He did his best to hide behind a wooden crate until a real hero showed up, unaware that he was standing in the presence of one.

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.

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Noting the unsteadiness of

Noting the unsteadiness of his flight, Skjótfœri zipped over to Terrance. "Still need to rest, or maybe eat? If ye can make it to the clock tower there, ye can find both. Tell Evaine Skjótfœri sent ye." Looking at the metal lizards and Mecha-SUE, she asked Technosis, "Do ye think there's any chance they'll be friendly? Or that you could make 'em friendly?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Aoi cut the piece of french

Aoi cut the piece of french toast into exceptionally small pieces. She was delicate and refined in her movements.She would only take one piece at a time and would chew barely moving her mouth. This created a painfully slow effect for anyone watching her. It would take her at least fifteen minutes to finish the one piece.

Somewhere between bite 5 and the end of time she asked "So does this place help find work? I need to buy new stool since I broke yours."

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Terrance turned to Skjótfœri

Terrance turned to Skjótfœri. "I'm fine, just not used to the suit yet. I think what's more important is that I can't do squat against that thing!" He said as he pointed at Mecha-Sue, which was looking more terrifying by the minute. As the fear inside of him began to build up, the temperature around him seemed to drop all the more.

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.

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Mar looked down at Titan "You

Mar looked down at Titan "You feel something too? Odd vibrations in air. Don't know what it is."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Skjótfœri shook her head.

Skjótfœri shook her head. "Maybe nae, maybe aye. But if ye're nae use to what the suit can do yet, try to think of things ye might be able to do to help. Perhaps you can put the wee ones on ice, so someone tech-savvy can find clues in 'em." She put her hand on his shoulder and showed no reaction to the cold. "But as long as ye keep tryin' to think o' somethin' ye can do, eventually ye will."

Evaine felt herself getting drawn in. She was going to wind up spending a lot of time at the Tower, she was sure. "I'm not sure what they've already got in place, but I can help you find something. I presume you play guitar. Do you sing? Any other skills?" A shudder, barely felt through the floor, prompted her step to the window and look out. "Are any of you any good with giant robot dinosaurs?" She drew the two blades Kami had conjured for her...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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"What you have stated is not

"What you have stated is not quite the correct word, but I am capable of telling that something is amiss, yes," Titan states, one of the optical mounts on its top turning to stare at Mar.

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

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Something that Skjótfœri said

Something that Skjótfœri said triggered a memory in Terrance. He was sitting at a table and getting frustrated by a puzzle. He was about to throw the whole thing out when his mother came and sat down next to him.

"C'mon now, don't give up. If you can't figure out the puzzle as a whole, then break it down into smaller parts. What have you got so far?" She asked.

"Well, I've got some red over here, but it doesn't...wait, it connects to that part of the edge! I think I've got it!" Terrance exclaimed as he began to excitedly piece more and more of the puzzle together.

"That's my little wheeled warrior! I knew you could do it..."

As Terrance snapped back to reality, he stood up and took stock of the whole situation, then began to break it down.

"Okay, you've got a point. I didn't see the little ones before, got distracted by the big problem. Now, those things aren't moving like lizards, more like...ants! Yes, and if they're moving like orderly ants, there must be a...a queen, or some kind of broadcasting point. If we can nab one of the little ones, maybe we can trace the signal back...wait, how could she call me her wheeled warrior if-wait, never mind. Put that in the later pile. Right now, we need one of the small ones. Anyone got a way to get one without being swarmed?"

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.

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Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Aoi looked over Evaines

Aoi looked over Evaines shoulder, saw the large knives and generally decided she did not want to be there, at all but that knives were most likely not going to defeat whatever it was outside the window. "You should find somewhere safe Miss. Small things can make me get heavy against my want. I can make weight heavy on command. I thank you for your kindness."

With that Aoi made a small bow and ran towards the window. She was as light as a feather for her first few steps. By the time she was 2/3 the way to the window only a second later the room shook with each step. Her last step caused most the dishes to jump and shatter inside the cabinets as she barreled out the window.

By the time she was fully airborn and tucked tight she weighed about the same as two adult elephants and was going right at the dinasuar. (So... a 3 foot cannon ball that weighs about... 32,000 lbs)

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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The monster seemed pretty

The monster seemed pretty close, the strange warping from the old uneven windows must have magnified the image and made the monster seem closer! Aoi would hurtle through the shattered window and plummet to the ground, smashing several of the lizards with her heavy body. All that was left was a mess of goo and metal!

Tobias gaped at her as she jumped through the window at the giant beast, who was still forming as she jumped through the window and smashed some AntLizards.

"Shit..." Tobias muttered, running his fingers through his hair... "Ugh..." He rolled his eyes at the ceiling and looked over at Evaine. "Guess we're going after a big lizard... Don't tell your daughter you saw this!" Tobias clenched his whole body, even muscle tightening, his dark aura swirled around him and his skin split at his wrists and elbows. The clothes he was wearing fell away, since they didn't have Kami's runes to make them magically move to his 'bag of holding'. He stood looking like a lighter grey version of Kujo, skulls and bones on his shoulders and belt. On his back hung two long flaps of skin that reached his ankles and attached where his shoulder blades started, he ran through the window and flew down to the street below as his dark voice grew stronger in this form.


"Toby!" Kami called, running to the edge of the shattered window. Her monsters gathered around the window behind her, no curiosity at all. She frowned and jumped out the window, plummeted a few feet then came back up surrounded by a black bubble of energy. One of her tengu grabbed the Elven Samurai and flew through the window after her, the other two mounted the Unicorns and chased out. The Unicorns, typically, galloped on rainbows after her...


Technosis had been trying to be alone, and had hid behind one of the many air conditioners to sit and think after what he saw, as a failed battle. Mecha Sue was nearing completion when he heard the boom of Aoi hitting the street. He jumped up and zoomed across the roof and down the block to where Terrance and Skjótfœri. He blinked and stared for a few moments.

"Oh... Joy... CyberZilla... Why does this seem familiar?" He mused out loud, watching as the other two seemed to be heading towards the huge beast now as well. "Ah piss..." He rubbed his temples and debated the options... "Do we have enough heavy hitters to handle MechaRex?" He looked at Terrance and Skjótfœri, hoping they could consider themselves 'heavy hitters', he was more support and utility than anything else...


MechaSue was almost done, the little lizards were getting fewer and fewer, and the junk had stopped flowing from the scrap yard. Now a bunch of components that looked like weapons and wings laid around the giant lizard, and the little lizards were working in a team to crawl up the beast and again started melting into green and metallic goo. Some turned green and silver, others gold, or copper. The swarm of thirty or so that stood on top of the piles of weapons for the beast while the mass of biomass and metal congealed and formed...

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"Only one way ta find out,"

"Only one way ta find out," Skjótfœri answered. She ran down the side of the building like it was a gentle slope, then right at MechaSue, not even slowing as she grabbed a small lizard by its tail and flung it back up towards the rooftop she'd just left. Then she leapt up to the skeleton's rib cage, and grabbed at the third one from the bottom. [I]This looks ta be tha right size. If I can get it loose...[/I]

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Mar shot out a webbing and

Mar shot out a webbing and snagged a Lizard that was leaving the junkyard and hauled it closer. Instincts kicked in and Mar leaped down off of titan and well spun the lizard into a cocoon. Of course the lizard fought but Mar was going as fast as he could spinning the cocoon with all six arms and with the proportionate strength of a spider. The webbing itself would be tough to break. Not quite steel cable strong, but very resistant to being torn. "This no look like men in funny outfits. What is it?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Hey, wait up!" Terrance

"Hey, wait up!" Terrance called out to Skjótfœri as he fired up his jetpack once again to chase after her. How someone could be that reckless was beyond him. Before he even knew it, there was one of the mechanical lizards stuck to his face. "Aak! Get it off, get it off!" he shouted as he tried to grab the creature while simultaneously avoid the ground. Soon enough, he managed to remove it from his face and freeze it in a block of ice. He still felt rather drained, so rather than engage the creature, he flew back to Technosis and with a shaky voice asked, "Er, I managed to retrieve a specimen. Do you need me to try and unfreeze it, or is it okay like this?"

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.

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Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
"Ew, Ew, Ew" Picking off

"Ew, Ew, Ew" Picking off squished lizards Aoi looked down the road a bit. She had made it about half the distance she intended. The warp effect of the window had been severe to say the least.

She didn't want to damage other peoples property so she found the nearest building with an open door and started running up the flights of stairs.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Mar would be lucky to get the

Mar would be lucky to get the iguana, he can't see it as it happens, but in the little caccoon the iguana he snagged opens its mouth and produces a small laser, which it attempts to burn through the the webbing with. It may just end up bursting into flames!

The rib that Skjótfœri grabbed was quickly being covered in congealing lizard goo! However her impressive strength was enough to snap off a chunk. Whether she really wanted to hold onto it was another question, it oozed where snapped, and fine tendrils came out of the space it snapped off from, trying to re attach the piece. The lizards around her weren't just sitting and bobbing either! The lizards didn't just cling, they stood up and fired their tiny mouth lasers! The one in the block of ice had openned its jaws when frozen and now the laser beam was slowly melting the block, though it flickered, as though the intense cold was working against the exothermic little iguana.


"Whoa whoa..." Technosis' gaze darted from the Lizard to Skjótfœri "No no, keep it frozen!" Technosis tapped buttons on his gloves and ports openned on the fingers. He openned a few compartments on his belt and stuck the fingers in, coming out with weird looking devices attached... "I think I can get a signal from it, maybe, if you can keep it frozen!" Technosis grimaced while the scans from his twiddling fingers came back with information on his goggles.

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"We are no use idling at this

"We are no use idling at this location. We must relocate in order to efficiently deal with this recently-appearing threat," Titan says, turning before beginning to lumber out of the junkyard, "perhaps if we hurry, we will be able to prevent a good deal of property damage. In this area of town, it is unlikely that many will have enough money to pay for large amounts of damage."

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

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Niflheim! Skjótfœri cursed

[I]Niflheim![/i] Skjótfœri cursed as the rib broke off short. On the other hand, if the bones weren't as tough as she had hoped, that meant they weren't as tough as she had feared. She pitched the bone as far as she could up the street when she saw the tendrils and started to try to break the next rib up. The pain of a half dozen lasers burning into her back put an end to that plan. She dropped down into the pile of scrap, grabbing anything she could to throw at the lizards: metal, wood, tires, lizards...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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Tobias arrived as she was

Tobias arrived as she was blasted in the back by the lizards and chucking things from the scrap pile at the giant dino-cyborg. He pulled a few jedi-like tricks, deflecting lasers with the blades on his wrists and elbows, while he made his way over to Skjótfœri! His dark aura absorded the laser blasts that continued to follow rapid.

"Are you okay?" Tobias asked, he'd scoop her up, if she let him, and fly off a few feet away, cloaking them both in his dark energy and defending them both. "Looked like you were reaching for a weapon?" Tobias smiled, hopefully setting her down a safe distance away. He was annoyed, since he had hoped she wouldn't seem him in his demon form...

The rib she'd chucked down the street was crawling back of its own accord, while the lizards and bits of scrap she threw at the other lizards, were incinerated by the lasers, or congealed into a larger lizard. Finally green bio-mass and goo solidified and formed a angular metal chest. The tech littering the creature was grasped by tendrils shooting out from its skin, then quickly attached itself to look like [url=]this[/url](And [url=]this[/url]. ).

"Oh gods, that's not gonna be fun..." Tobias whined, he snapped off the blades on his wrists and wrapped them in strips of leather. "Use these, most earthly, mundane metals, can't stand up to them." The blades regrew quickly, leading yellowish venom briefly...

Kami arrived on the ground in her bubble.

"Toby, what'd you change for?! Remember what happened last time?" She warned, landing and throwing force fields up around the two of them that clung close to their skin.

"I know, Kami, I've got it under control." Tobias lied, even now the demons voice was shouting angrily, excited to try and tear the giant lizard apart.

Kami's horde of card monsters landed behind them and seemed to just stare off at the beast in front of them as it slowly seemed to be coming to life. It roared as it finally awoke.


Gold-Fire gritted his teeth at what was going on around them, he wasn't usually the type to freeze up, but the giant lizard with bladed wings, was certainly something scary. He stood in the street about a mile down the road from it and glanced back at Titan.

"Irk... We definitely need to get there and help..." He grits his teeth and starts heading towards the huge cybersaurus wrex, he chucked blasts of gold and blue energy through the air as he went, though most fell short, or missed, landing around the beast, but nowhere near Tobias and Skjótfœri.

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It took a few moments for

It took a few moments for Titan 10 to build up speed, but after a few moments, it was plowing down the street at a little over the district speed limit. "I would suggest the super-cooling of any visible mechanical parts," comes Winston's voice over the speakers once more, "metal is extremely conductive to temperature changes, and it should become much more brittle that way." Although it is still some distance away from the mecha-lizard, Titan shifts its running position, moving from a heavy sprint into something that looked more like a football-style shoulder tackle.

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Mar Screamed and kicked the

Mar Screamed and kicked the lizard cocoon off Titan. The reason was indeed the laser started to burn the webbing. "These bad things!" As Titan picked up speed he crouched down putting his hands down on the haul in order to gain a better hold. As Titan went to tackle Mar leaped off and did a flying tackle at one of the Lizards building the thing.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Whip's picture
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Terrance nodded. As the

Terrance nodded. As the lizard tried to escape, he concentrated as hard as he could to fight against the heat laser, but it wasn't easy. Putting out this much power was starting to drain him much faster than he expected. "I don't mean to complain, but I don't think that I can keep this up forever. If you have a wireless feedback generator, we might be able to flush out whoever's controlling these things..."

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.

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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
"Thank ye." Skjótfœri

"Thank ye." Skjótfœri accepted the blades, wary of the edges. The balance seemed off, but if she held them so they pointed back along her arm they should work for slashing. She looked over Tobias' form, and noted Kami's concern. "Legacy o' yer dad? I can't say I like the split cloak, it looks like limp wings. The dark seems to be useful again' lasers, though. So, how about I test these blades again' all the wee lizards?" Remembering the ones that had combined, she added, "And the not-so-wee ones, as well."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Aoi had finally made it to

Aoi had finally made it to the top of the building. She saw some others fighting lizard things with lasers but the construct was still being built. 'Don't look down, don't get nervous' Aoi turned it into a mantra and started bounding on the roofs of the buildings. She was graceful on her landings. In another life without her mutation she might have made an excellent gymnast.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

RottenLuck's picture
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On one of the nearby

On one of the nearby buildings was a figure dressed in black with a hood his face hidden by a skull reaper mask. His form seemed to be shrouded in a cloak of shadows that move of their own accord. His forearms are wrapped with chains, he even had chains criss crossing his chest. Thought it was Ron Bolton's body it wasn't him operating it. The soul looking out through the eyes was Hel herself. Ron was her champion and her tool in this world. 'They need help. Look at that thing' Ron said to the invading Norse Goddess. 'The worst that thing could do is kill them. I have a feeling it won't. Have faith in your fellow mortals Ron.' 'Fellow mortal? You made me a walking corpse.' "You still are mortal Ron, you were born, you will live and unlive for a time. There are ways of destroying your body even now.'

Reaper looked to the tower there was still traces of energy about. "He went through a lot of trouble to release those inmates from the asylum I wonder why?"


Mar shot a webbing at one of the lizard and like the inmate before used it to yank the beast. In this case he swung the small lizard over his head and smashed it to the ground. His fighting style was childish, almost play like, but driven by the predatory instincts of the spider he used to be. Those instincts weren't fast enough to avoid a laser blast from one of the smaller lizards "OW!"

Flux heard the sounds outside change and stood up looking out the storage room window. "What the hell? Is that a Robot T-Rex?" She thought about it "Okay that I could use, maybe slip away when all the heroes and cops are distracted."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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The Crow chuckles, dark and

The Crow chuckles, dark and richly as he takes a moment to speak, giving Sunstroke a simple, cursory glance before stating. "I would fetch her some sort of garment so she does not mar any objects we may encounter. And excellent, Kujo, with impressionable and sadistic pawns at our disposal, their viciousness and expendability will be a well of opportunity. I suggest that we allow them a day's rest before enacting the next stage of our plan, sending these fools back out into the mortal world too soon would draw unwanted attention. I propose that we deliver the tools to a abandoned, and now soon to be retrofitted location."

He then turns to Sunstroke, his eyes chillingly and completely black, souless. "And you will be treated as what you desire. You are also right threatening you would be, promising a end to your life and the possibility of perhaps exacting your will over lesser beings is more enticing then idle words?" His tone is calm, quiet, but reverberating about the area, the armor's fearful nature soaking the area like a evergrowing black puddle, spreading the sensation of building panic.


Garrett smiled cutely at Kindra's response and nodded, smiling at her ease in taking out the remaining prisoners, about to respond before frowning at Tech's outburst, his face flashing concern. Gathering his strength for a moment, he is barely able to climb the branches of a thirty foot willow tree in the green space directly parallel a building, and will it to grow suddenly to elevate him to the rooftop.

Managing with only a fair bit of difficulty to reach Technosis's and Terrance's current location this way by leaping off ledges and using trees for a life, he falls in a cute and huffing heap before the pair. Standing up quickly, meticulously brushing off his suit, he takes a moment to eye Laurence scanning the lizard. Nodding in hello to Terrance oncce more, he then states to Tech, crouching down beside him and placing a warm hand on his shoulder.

"You can't plan for everything my friend;y neighborhood technologicaly inclined swiss army knife." He comments jokingly before adding with a comical, gaping expression as he spies Mechasue, before adding gingerly. "But know, if you had a plan that'd be awesome too...because I really hope you do, I'm too pretty and fashionally in tune to die by a Kaiju reject." He places a hand on his hip as he stares at the creature for a moment longer, shaking his eyes away as he lays his vision on the lizard in their custody, shouting as he begins to freeze him.

"Wait! Can we see if i can command him to remain still, or something? Or maybe try it to the really...really big mechafossil in evergreen over there?"


Sabrina had already begun to moves towards Tech as he yelled, instantly recalling his need to fix everything, and almost said something before sensing the dull and many minds of...lizards around the tower? Without offering a word she rushes forward and with a mix of magenta short range teleportation and a bit of impressive parkour she reaches Tobias's and Skjótfœri's location, commenting on the full Wanderers channel as she notes, attempting to disable a few lizards around them with pinpointed projected mental lances.

"Alright, I assume the giant metal robots rushing that thing is on our side, question is where is the nerve center, if we can neutralize that we can make that thing tumble like a house of theory of course."


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Tobias nodded at Signy, and

Tobias nodded at Signy, and went in to try his hand first, since he thought he could take more damage. He was sort of right, he and Mar were aiming for different lizards, and Mar's playful attitude managed to smash the lizards more than occasionally, into the piles Tobias created when he dashed in and sliced. The result was large Lizards from the smashed parts. "Uhhh That's not good! How did she disable the other ones?" Tobias said as he dashed back while the four new larger lizards made from a pile of smaller lizards, fired green gatling lasers at him. His aura was trying to deflect alot.

"Ack!" Tobias skidded to a halt and panted loudly "Okay, um... The lasers are better."


While they had been analyzing and trying to figure out how to shut down whatever was controling the swarm, Mecha Sue had finally come online, the hail of energy only gave it a target as it turned around with Terry and Titan 10 came towards it. The cables and chest piece, glowed brightly and swirled in what looked like a hollow cavity in its chest that extended into the tubes on its back. The other lizards began to glow brighter, with leads under their skin and the barrels of their weapons glowing green. Mecha sue roared, and sounded a bit like the lizards creator was infringing copyright. Though what followed was a barrage of projectiles, from the segmented metal flaps stretching under its huge metal arms.

The projectiles came just short of hitting the giant dinosaurs own troops, mostly. While the hail of explosives commenced, the undamaged and unupgraded units just tried to slam into one another or the remains of one that was smashed. It didn't matter, because the whole group became upgraded once more. Though there were fewer in number. 12 upgraded lizards was pretty bad, the largest now looked a bit like a velociraptor.


"This is freaking weird." Technosis growled and pulled his hand back as the lizard smashed through the ice and leapt into the hail of fire. "No!" Technosis tried to grab it but it was mostly incinerated. "Damn..." Technosis sighed and nodded at Sabrina and Garrett. "I don't have a plan." He shrugs. "I got readings, same as the machina mana, and the lizards from a few months ago, remember the breach from the sewer?" Technosis tilted his head. "That this, is collecting Machina Mana, the same way our base did, only I have no idea how they can do that... May just be syphoning off... Which would be bad for our shields, no Machina Mana swirling, no barrier." Stared at the monster and jerked back, throwing up a bolt to deflect a missile. "Wah! Okay, um, yeah, basically all of this stuff is same was what I use, Psychically, magically charged, computer data..." He glanced down at the fight and the large monsters, grouped tightly and firing.

Mecha Sue seemed to just sit there for the moment, though it's glow continued to intensify by the second.


Gold-Fire didn't like how that thing was glowing, he could feel the energy from the base, but vibrating at a different frequency? He shook his head and pulled his hands back as the Lizard turned to look at him, and fired a beam at its chest, which was another new thing! He chuckled, for a second, then was thrown back by a green pulse of energy. He threw up a barrier around the creature as it tried another volley of missiles. A few of the large sheets of 'solid' energy cracked and blew the projectiles back.

"What's everyone's status? I can see Tobias, Kami and Skjótfœri." He raised his eyebrow and actually pronounced it a little funny. "Did somebody give her a com?" He asked idly, throwing another barrier up as the old one cracked. This plan was doing nothing, since the lizards already seemed resistant to the shrapnel.


Kindra hung on the side of the roof, using the blades on her elbows and ankles to dig into the side of the building. "Jeez," She gritted her teeth, her psionic disguise slipping as she thought. 'Dad said NOTHING about a dinosaur!' Kindra glared and tried forcing images on the creatures, the best she could do was make a few target eachother, but they always seemed to stop and get absorbed into the next lizard before it could attack.

"Arg! Their brains keep moving or something!" She grumbles and backs away as well, she scrambled behind Gold-Fire's wall and sat there panting.


"Yes yes..." Kujo waved and then pointed. "You, Ryuda, take her wherever you got that thing." He points to the firefighters pants. "There must be other fire proof things."

Kujo smiled down at the viewing crystals. "We have pawns, we have greater pieces, but we still need more..." Kujo sighed and eyed the two there. "two knights and a bishop does not an army make, there are others and we needn't attack directly yet. I think the eager children are too... distractable, to need to worry about our part." Kujo smiled broadly. "We should go recruiting, and looting." He smiled and nodded. "I haven't looted since I was a boy, or we could explore this old city, see what they have forgotten..." he strokes his chin and touched rune shapes along the side of the crystal display.


Kami was trying to find everyone in the crowd, floating above the group in her bubble she and her creatures seemed to mostly listening to the Com she'd gotten earlier. Her card creatures were mostly defending Kami against the various attacks while the group strategized, she kept shuffling through her cards as she went, a few cards in one hand, a whole stack in the other, looking for something to use.

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Skjótfœri almost didn't

Skjótfœri almost didn't notice Tobias going in; her attention was on a shadowy figure on another roof, that gave her chills running down her spine... For some reason, a memory surfaced: her mother's promise, years ago after her grandmother's funeral, that Hel always followed the rules and didn't take people on a whim. She turned her attention back to the current battle.

She sped after Tobias, slicing at the lizards with his blades as she passed. They cut, but they didn't seem to be slowing the lizards down. As they gathered into larger lizards, she picked one that didn't look much larger than she was. Dropping the blades, she lunged at it. The lasers burnt large slashes into her shirt, but she ignored the pain as she grabbled the lizard. [I]My favorite shirt! Have to order a new one...[/I] She tried to lift it off the ground, if she succeded she would head towards the bay at top speed...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
The Crow nodded to Lord Kujo,

The Crow nodded to Lord Kujo, the idea of pillaging and soaring over the skies of Titan City once more with malicious intentions electrifying him, but not so much that a change in his tone could be heard.

"You are correct, Lord Kujo. Perhaps sowing a bit of personal mayhem and pillaging could give us an opportunity to recruit more minions as well as gain funds, because I have found mortals follow in fear."


Garrett huffs as the lizard escape their captivity, taking a moment to turn to face Laurence as he implores, also getting a bit worried at why that thing is glowing, evident in his tone. "Then maybe w can..I don't know about all of this stuff, but maybe send out a pulse of concentrated energy to disperse them? Like a feedback loop, or a warping wave?" He takes a moment to look up at MechaSue, debating something, " Uhm, meanwhile, I'll be trying to convince the basic and nonterminatored lizards to take apart or stop whatever they may be doing...because I really like that Tower and would like to keep it nonscaly; and because I have no outfits that go with invasion caiman."

With that said, he closes his eyes, drawing on his connection to life, growth and the wild itself to will the unupgraded lizards to either turn on eachother, take out the wires of whatever weapon may be charging, a Shakira esque bellydance?

He may or may not have watched Hips Don't Lie earlier, and the opportunity was too enticing. However, at Terry's question, he replies using the Wanderers comm amidst huffing and attempting to show those alien reptiles how it's done, hoping to further distract them in doing so!

"Oh Baby when you dance like-ahem! This is Sylvan here, standing with Technosis, Psionette, and uhm...the suited freezer?"


Sabrina nods to both Garrett with wide eyes and Laurence with analytical one, wordlessy beginning to attempt to do the same thing Garrett happens to be doing, spreading waves of mental confusion or outright attempting to dive them into tearing apart vital pieces of their construct, though not with the spiry sylvan boy's flair. And with the hip motions...she had to admit that the boy could dance...very well.

"I can only control or affect so many at one time you guys, I think a plan is in order! Can you guys make some kind of barrier to prevent this thing or those lizards from fleeing?"


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Sunstroke looked at Crow

Sunstroke looked at Crow "Technically you're in the same boat I am. What insurance do you have that once Kujo here gets what he wants, that he keep you alive?" She shrug "I'm sounding so much like the mercenary I am huh. It's true thought, well I need pants so we can talk about contracts later." She followed Ryuda there was only so much you can push a megalomaniac before you become a problem.


"Smushing them no working! They just smush together..... now what we do?" Mar said as he tried to change tactics and shoot the legs of the lizards with his webbing.


Flux was trying to sneak past the heroes hoping that they wouldn't notice that she had no shoes on and her clothing were modified to fit her by means other than sewing. That was till a Laser blast came in her direction and reflex took over. She pulled the air molecules near her into a shield some would call it a force field. All it was really is really compressed air enough air pressure in one inch to deflect bullets and in this case the air acts like a bit of glass that been warped. In other words the Laser hit the air cushion and went off in another direction. Looking around she knew she just outed herself as being a power. "I... I think I can do a barrier to contain them." Maybe if she fake it they think she was just a nervous because she new to this fighting stuff.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/15/2013 - 14:34
As the giant lizard starts to

As the giant lizard starts to open fire, Titan 10 raises its arms, as a holographic hexagonal half-dome begins to flicker to life in front of it. The shockwave of the explosion staggers the machine slightly, but due to its weight, it continues plowing through. However, the shield was not prepared in time for the blast, and immediately flickers out as several pieces of paneling fly off of the robot's body, clattering noisily onto the streets. The mech slams itself into its target with a loud mechanical crunch, and reaches out a hand in an attempt to find any piece of paneling that it could tear away.

"How are your systems holding, Titan?" Winston asks, wincing slightly as he read up on their external damage from the safety of the sealed cockpit.

"I am currently ranging from eighty-nine percent functional to ninety-nine percent functional, depending on the location of each system. I shall send detailed information to your screens immediately."

"Thank you Titan."

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Aoi was doing well, and then

Aoi was doing well, and then she wasn't.

Just as Aoi was nearing enough for her final leap onto the giant dino she suddenly buckled through the roof of the building.
This was going to be a long day for Aoi.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Whip's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 11/06/2013 - 14:48
Terrance had been growing in

Terrance had been growing in confidence as he concentrated his powers on the squirming lizard, but then Garrett showed up. That brief distraction, welcome as it was, was enough for him to lose the lizard. "Sorry!" he said as he struggled to hide from the dinosaur/weapons platform that was in front of them. As the others attacked it relentlessly, Terrance noticed something-all its weapons were pointed forwards!

"Hey, if you're part of that group, keep the monster pointed this way. I'm going to give this thing a nasty case of frost bite! Hmm, Frostbite...wonder if that name's taken," he said as he jumped to the ground, using his jetpack to steady his fall. As soon as he'd managed to find a good spot, he pointed both hands at the creature and tried to make the air around it as cold as possible. He'd more than likely be attacked, but he decided to worry about that when it happened for a change.

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.

LeadWanderer's picture
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Technosis winced as the

Technosis winced as the others took their actions, he kept staring at the creature though and then glancing at his gauntlets... He sighed and gritted his teeth.

"We'll work on upgrades for people later. Fact is, Sabrina, the head band I gave you works to boost your psionics through electro-magnetic resonance like the Machina Mana." He shrugged and watched Terrance go in to attack the creature from behind. It was a good plan, but this was not enough of an assault to keep the large beast fighting like this! "We'll have to make enhancements for everyone later."

"This is Tech, keep it facing the base, we need to breech the containment unit. It seems to be making the rest of the lizards stronger." Technosis spoke into the comm. "Psionette, relay that info to the others when you can." Technosis zoomed at Mechasue, after Terrance and locked his chain onto the beasts neck, swinging around it's front, in the direction they wanted it, and threw down Data Cannons around that way. Tobias and Skiotfaeri in his line of sight while Garrett and Psionette assault the minds of the minions.


Terry glanced at Mar who wasn't having any luck smashing the lizards together. He gritted his teeth and looked around. "Aim for their weapons and feet? Like Tech said, keep them facing the base." He and Titan 10 were still behind it.

Terry throws up another barrier as the beasts become distracted, at first launching a new volley of blasts towards the assaulter. Terry grunted and shifted the barrier around with a push to block the shots, then leaped off of the semi-solid, but crumbling energy constructed. He kept tapping the air with his foot as he went, a small disc of energy appearing briefly so he could launch up. Whoever was putting a barrier up besides him, would have to do for now.

"Take this!" Terry shouted, drawing his hands up as he leaped and creating an orb of energy, then chucking it blast at the lizards, the orb growing as he launched it, a beam behind it caught up and seemed to make the orb expand as caught up with the orb.


Tobias glanced over to see Signy trying to pick up one of the lizards. It starts trying to clamp down but Tobias sweeps it's legs, as Signy dashed off towards the bay, Tobias narrowed his eyes and glared at the creature.

"Okay, now I think I could stop holding back!" Tobias' aura grew and swirled until waves turned around his feet in a widening circle. Each time the lizards, or anything else for that matter, entered the circle it tore away at them. The lizards seemed completely unprepared for it, one losing an entire leg to the black mist eating it away! Tobias still swung his blades at the lizards, occasionally getting deep enough into the small knot of lizards, and through their barrier deep enough to slice at Mecha Sue. His aura and blades were barely keeping him alive if he attacked. "Kami, C'mon!"


Kami swore loudly then covered her mouth, but frowned. "I didn't bring the good deck with me, I thought we were going to the maul..." She frowned and threw a card in the air anyway and whacked it with her staff, Holographic armor appears on everyone on their side. Her monsters continued standing close to her and deflecting so she could cast. Kami also seemed pretty scared of the lizards. "Uhh...." She threw out a burst of conjured spears of ice, threw shield spells at anyone she saw. She was backing away any time a Lizard came by. "They're like the Laserta Demons, but smarter."


Mecha Sue finally sprung into action, it's eyes lit up with an obvious technological glow of intense light that scanned around the field. It began swiping at any thing within its line of sight. Sadly it was quite a bit like a T-rex and had poor vision in the rear, the tanks and other back pieces would become entirely exposed. It's arms were longer than a typical T-rex, and each swipe sent a wave of staticky, warm and prickly energy at the Wanderers in the wake. Titan 10 smashed into Mecha Sue from behind, causing 'her' to lurch forward and lash her tail against the slightly smaller mech.

The mob of smaller lizards did some odd twitching and shaking, then a few broke into a strange dance. That seemed to make them ignore their defensive part, others followed Psionettes orders and leaped onto the legs or arms of Mecha Sue. Her intense Psychic thought causing three to start scaling the lizard and, as though they were simply doing maintenance, took off hydralics and other pieces causing the beast to lurch and slow. They didn't seem interested or capable of harming the Mana Battery effects, Gold-Fire's blast from above incinerated the lizards that ended up dancing, leaving piles of smoldering metal.

The next moment Mecha Sue let out another roar and shot green lasers across the field, melting concrete around them. The 6 huge lizard Cyborgs curled tightly around the larger one, their shields combining while Mecha Sue tried to pick Lizards off its back and legs, arms still too short to reach its legs...


Kitoshi nodded at Sunstroke and then glanced at one of the mages. "Hey, unless you want to be toasty, send us back to earth, really far from them." He jerked his thumb at the crystals and the giant monster fight. "Fire station 54?" He quirked his eyebrows as he thought of the place. It was odd since he'd lost most of his eyebrows except for the piecings and the slightly more pronounced brow. "I figure we could just go loot some of the fire brigades junk, that's what I did. Easier to make off with something designed to help against stuff like us." Kitoshi nods and steps into the portal the mage creates, which is sadly, several blocks from their intended location. "We should be quiet, maybe. Unless you want to go light stuff on fire. Damn, need that mage..." Kitoshi frowns, walking through the alley slowly, fidgeting with his wings, and sticks his hands in his pockets.


Kindra watched as Gold-Fire left and someone else replaced him making the barrier. She exhaled quietly and slowly, she'd have to use more of her powers than she intended to let on... She rolled around the barrier and up onto her feet as she drew her blades and watched what the Lizards were doing. "Okay, they can't touch the green stuff? We can!" She partially transformed, mostly hidden too, her feet and hands. She snapped off blade after blade and tried to hurl them at the green glowing tubes in the legs. She was lucky she knew how to do this, since Tobias' aura began to reach her feet. Her clothes and the nature of her partial transformation protected her from the dark swirling, soul and matter consuming swirl.

"Shit!" She glanced over and then backed away from the lizard to avoid claws and slightly smaller lizards, they were all huge to her! The armor Kami conjured impressed her as she crouched and considered what their next phase of attack was. six huge lizards, easily tall enough to reach up on top of a second story balcony, they looked like a cross between a gorilla, a raptor and robot. Servos in their lower legs helped them stand slightly more upright, but their arms were only slightly longer, augmented with small laser emitter. They all had cables running through their flesh, some glowing intensely green like the Mecha Sues.


Kujo nodded and stroked his beard a few more times. He couldn't see any thing of interest at the moment, though the city was large and populated, auras of magic and other things mixed too much to track. They were only being vague at the moment, it was impossible to find anything but obvious jobs.

"Hmm... We need a plan, I'm sure we could stir things up, perhaps investigate rumors and legends regarding the place..." He glanced at Crow, hoping the man might be more expert in this than he was. It was useful to have someone from an 'earthly' perspective to help deal with that world. He continued scanning the area around Titan City for unusually strong Auras. Some he knew by reputation, word got around even in hell. However most of his tribe knew nothing of the earth of today since they had not been allowed to the earthly planes for 3000 years, until Kujo broke out and stole the secrets to forming portals. Two hundred years is hard keep up with all that changed on earth.

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After Tobias knocked it off

After Tobias knocked it off its feet, Skjótfœri carried the lizard away, holding it upside down over her head as it tried to bite and scratch. Half a minute later she was running over the bay, angling away from a boat flying a diver flag. When she thought she was far enough out, she tossed the lizard aside, and turned back towards Ironport...

"Well," said one of the divers, a blonde from California by her accent, "that's something you don't see every day." Her companion, already suited up, just shrugged.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
The Crow simply nodded,

The Crow simply nodded, taking a moment to respond darkly. "I was cast aside by my parents when I was spawned and left in it's annals to rot, they did not expect me to grow beyond the confines of my mortal form and take flight into evolution...until I dropped them both into a ravenous flock of my bretheren. There are many whispers in the wind, rumors about my roost to intercept and follow, but for now perhaps building a firmer powerbase is in order?"

He then takes a moment to turn to one of the servants available, demanding with a light, cordial tone, contrasting sickly to his confession of casual parricide not seconds earlier. "May have some more ribs please? I quite like the taste and whatever fine marinade you applied, it makes the flavor of the bone..simply snap."


Garrett smiles in triumph, hips still shaking with the clear display of dance practice, using a fair bit of it to evade a few lasers sent his way, pausing after a pirouette to turn back to Laurence with a question. "Want me to erect a barrier of vines and thorns too, and any idea where this oh so lovely control node is? Oh, and after all of this, I don't think I'll be going with a lizard-skin satchel in the future, as a hint for my birthday...ahem." He inquires as he begins to will growths of thorny vines to weave about the legs of Mecha-Sue and three larger lizards, also bursting soporific spores to slow their movements.


Psionette nods at this, instantly attempting to use her boosted power to convice more and more lizards to take apart the Mecha-Sue coverlty, whilst broadcasting telepathically.= to those who accept it.

*Breach the containment field, it's empowering the other reptiles.*


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Titan 10 stumbles back as a

Titan 10 stumbles back as a result of the tail-swipe, several jets positioning themselves to blast the mech back from the mechano-lizard to a safe distance. The speakers on the outside of the robot crackle with static for a few moments before Winston's voice comes through.

"A suggestion, if I may offer it," he says, his voice somewhat contemplative, as if he were about to propose a theory, as opposed to a plan of action, "I do believe that we have someone capable of causing rapid temperature drops. I would suggest that you do so over as much of the construct's legs as you can. Not only do you have the chance of increasing the power needed to move its motors, you will [i]also[/i] cause its metal plating to become much more brittle."

As Winston finishes, Titan 10 stretches out both of its arms, its hands retracting and its plating re-arranging into two ion cannons, which charge up before shooting a series of pulse blasts at the back of the lizard.

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

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Flux spoke up "We got a Icer?

Flux spoke up "We got a Icer? Okay I got an idea I can pull water moisture out of the air and collect it around the legs. Then you can freeze it that would be less strain on both of us." She had grown that protective air cushion shield she was also starting to sweat from the pushing her powers to the limits. "The faster we do something the better I... never held something like this for long." She focused on the Mecha Sue legs drawing moisture to collect on them.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Aoi looked up through the now

Aoi looked up through the now tiny hole well above her. She was laying on her back in the basement. She sighed as a person a few floors up first looked up, then down, then started yelling at her in Spanish.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Joined: 11/06/2013 - 14:48
Terrance poured all of his

Terrance poured all of his energy into trying to freeze Mecha Sue. Where all this new power was coming from was beyond him, but he was glad for it. As a layer of frost began to cover the creature's back, he heard Titan 10's voice. "Hmm, that could we have-oh," he said as he saw the water gather. There wasn't anything else for him to do but reach out and hope that he did his part right.

"I...I'm doing it!" he exclaimed as the water began to solidify and form solid pillars of ice. He couldn't hold the creature back, but he was sure that the lowered temperature would slow it down.

The fact that I don't have a sig is a nemesis plot, but now that there is one, it could only mean...that my head hurts.
