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A Wee Bit of Ghost Hunting

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A Wee Bit of Ghost Hunting

(( [url=]Mood Music![/url] ))

Ghost infestations, in general, are a secret to everybody.

But every once in a while, either due to domestic disturbance, an unexpected power-surge, or some other odd what-have-you, one of Titan City's many hauntings manages to put itself on the map of those that make it their job to do something about it.

Take, for example, the little-known case of the haunting at two twenty-one Baker Street, by the riverside, where, in a towering, gothic monstrosity of a building, a series of ghosts decided that they would run rampant, terrorizing the occupants, disturbing the peace, and forcing the building's owner and his family out of their lofty penthouse on the twenty-second floor. Now, from the outside, mind you, that didn't look like very much. Even in the news, it seemed somewhat insignificant, considering that those that escaped the building looked rather silly shouting the word "ghost" in front of a television camera ten times over the course of thirty seconds, but for those that knew better, there was a potential problem that needed a bit of dealing with.

And so, in front of two twenty-one Baker Street stood one Connor Gateman, the current Wicket Door, along with his ghostly cat, his ghostly rat, and two of his ghostly neighbors, Mister Harrison and Mrs. Forcible, whom, supposedly, were helping.

"Do you think that I'm going to be the only one here?" Connor asked no one in particular, looking down at his two familiars, whom he did not expect to provide an answer (at least not one that was intelligible).

"Well I should hope not, for your own sake," said Mister Harrison who floated idly in the air, legs crossed, knitting what seemed to amount to a scarf.

"Though on the other hand, it would be quite entertaining to see you try all by yourself," said Mrs. Forcible, not missing a beat, who reclined in the air in a similar manner, sipping a cup of tea from a tray.

"Well, it's good to know that I'm awash in help already," Connor said with a sigh, looking up and down the street as he looked for anyone that potentially looked like they knew what they were doing.

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What he saw what the opposite

What he saw what the opposite. Misty was dancing in the street, stirring up a bit of mist as she does and just being an all around annoyance. Triggering a car alarm here. Tapping on windows there. She didn't spend all her time at the School after all it so boring without students.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Who's that, friend of yours?

"Who's that, friend of yours?" Said Mrs. Forcible, not even looking over at Misty as she continues to sip her tea.

"You associate with some [i]awful[/i] people, Connor," Mister Harrison says, almost as soon as Mrs. Forcible finishes.

Connor looks up at the two, an expression of slight disbelief on his face. "What are you talking about, I haven't even mentioned whether I know her or not, you're just assuming!"

"Well is it an [i]incorrect[/i] assumption?" Mister Harrison says back, not even looking up from his ghostly knitting.

"Well...No," Connor replies after a moment, looking down the street at Misty.

"Well, in that case we were right, and our assessment still stands," responds Mrs. Forcible, taking another sip from the transparent tea-cup.

Connor sighs, rubbing his face with both palms for a moment before looking back to where Misty was. "Misty! Can you come over here for a moment, please?"

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She stopped her foolishness

She stopped her foolishness and drifted over hovering just inches above the ground. "Well hello everyone. Oh what a charming Rat! Was he a Dumbo Rat? She knelt down looking at the rat. "Hmm no his ears aren't low on his head, maybe a Satin Rat, hard to guess with the water like shine. Oh wait he was a normal wild rat?" She offered her hand to the dripping rat.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Connor raises an eyebrow as

Connor raises an eyebrow as Misty makes a beeline for the two (or, perhaps more accurately, [i]one[/i] of the two), and holds out her hand. The rat, meanwhile, seemed to think that he was being offered a bridge, rather than a hand, and hops towards the ghostly girl's arm with the intent of making his way along it. Assuming, of course, that ghosts could touch other ghosts. Today was the day they would find out.

"That would be Nobb," Connor says as he watches the two interact, "the dismissive cat would be Locke. Two personal friends of mine, I suppose you could say."

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"My boy frien... er well.. Um

"My boy frien... er well.. Um. He had two pet rats. They used to run up my arms and settle on my shoulder nuzzling my neck. Once I got past the ew rat phase they were quite nice." Why wouldn't ghosts be able to touch each other after all they are made of the same stuff. So up her arm Nobb went.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"A charming story, Miss

"A charming story, Miss Sinclair. Truly." a cultured voice said from behind the two of them. The man speaking appeared to be in his mid-30's. He was wearing charcoal pants, a charcoal vest, and a jet black shirt. Accenting his ensemble was a blood red tie, reflective shades of the same hue, and jet black leather gloves. The chain and clip of a burnished gold pocket-watch protruded from one of his vest pockets. In his right hand was an ancient and gnarled dark redwood cane topped with an enormous onyx.

"My humble greetings and... condolences to the current Wicket Door. 'Tis not an easy burden for anyone, but you seem to be bearing it well. You need assistance, if I'm not mistaken, which is an exceedingly rare occurrence." he said, leaning on the cane and watching Connor.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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She stood up and spun around.

She stood up and spun around. "How you know my last name?" Her eyes flashed warming and Nobb panicked a bit and jumped off then scurried down her back and went for the protection of Connor.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The man turned his head to

The man turned his head to eye Misty and her warning glare. If Misty's reaction had him concerned, he didn't show it in the slightest.

He checked his watch, then replied. "Well, Miss Sinclair, I could say that you will tell me your last name at some point this evening that is yet to come, but I know that you won't believe me. So, your just going to have to trust me when I say that there are certain things that I already know because I have already experienced them. Will that suffice for an explanation, or do you intend to do something impulsive?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Connor turned to comment, but

Connor turned to comment, but as the two went back and forth, the only thing he could manage for a moment was an "uhh." After taking in the man in front of him properly, he cleared his throat somewhat uneasily, and tried again.

"...Thank you, I...Guess," he begins, looking back and forth between the two, "should I assume you two know each other, or is there something else going on here instead?"

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"Something else. Definitely

"Something else. Definitely something else. If he knew me he would know I'm impulsive." Okay she was now confused. "Wait you're not some wibbly wobbly timey wimey time traveler fellow are you? OH can I see the Tardis!"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Connor furrowed his brow,

Connor furrowed his brow, thinking. "Maybe he reads minds. Or maybe he's somehow heard of you without actually [i]knowing[/i] you." He paused again, watching the man and taking a moment to memorize the nuances of his appearance.

"...But at the same time, on [i]that[/i] thought, how do you know [i]me[/i]?" He asked, his puzzlement growing.

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The rumble from a finely

The rumble from a finely tuned old engine rounded the nearest corner and approached the house. The old muscle car pulled near and two people got out. One of them a younger man dressed in all black , jacket, jeans, boots, and a t shirt that read 'bullet for my valentine' and had the bands logo with name on it in red letters..the other a young woman who dressed like she was going to infiltrate a complex, tight black bodysuit under a long coat containing belts and pockets and all sorts of odd looking things. They got out of the car and tried to look like they fit the parts. Tried...she walked awkwardly with all the attatchments and he clopmed around in boot heavier than they should be. They saw the news and were here to investigate. "what are we calling ourselves?" the girl asked softly..."well, she calls herself mother goose" the man answered referring to his phone, so how about..Jack and Jill?".....he looked over at his sister.."Sounds good.." she answered and they approached the house. Jack smirked at the adress , understanding the reference. "so we ready?"...They both closed thier eyes for a breif second then opened them again. They saw the group just ahead of them and wondered if these ghosts were the threat the saw on the news Unsure of thier next move, Jack pulled an old pistol out and Jill leveled a 12 guage cut off double barrel shotgun she had under her jacket.
"Hey spooks" Jack called to them..."wanna tell me what youre doing here?"

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"How rude," began Mister

"How rude," began Mister Harrison, still not looking up from his little activity, "all polite little boys and girls know that one always gives their name before asking for someone else's."

"And the same thing goes for intentions," says Mrs. Forcible directly afterwards, taking another sip of her tea.

With a roll of his eyes, Connor answers the question anyway. "We're here about the house," he says, taking a moment to take in their appearance as well before looking towards the weapons they carried. It seemed that those who were coming had a thing or two for...Odd outfits, to put it lightly.

"Am I to assume that there's something special about those guns?" He asks cautiously.

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Jack lowered his pistol and

Jack lowered his pistol and Jill lowered her weapon when they weren't outright threatened by the specters. "I'm guessing youre not the cause of the 'Haunting'" Jack stated as he finally put his pistol away. "And to answer your'e question , Yes , this here " he tapped the holster holding the old peacemaker pistol "can hit anything, spectral or not" he didnt give away much else about the old gun, "And she uses a variety of ammunition that can do many things to ghosts and creatures of the night" ..Jill hadnt put her shotgun away yet as she was trying to discern if these spirits were of the friednly sort. They had only ever met one such friendly spirit in thier short journies, all the others were some manifestation of evil. "I'm Jack, and thats my sister Jill". he walked closer to the group. "What do you know of what's going on in there?" he walked even closer now and jill finally put her shotgun away. "We were sent to investigate when we saw this place on the news. "

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"...Well," Connor says,

"...Well," Connor says, looking back up at the building for a moment, before turning once more to the two, "I know that this is a very nice building, sitting on a prime piece of city real-estate, and has been haunted for the last thirty-two hours," he finishes, looking at the building one more time before turning back.

"And that's about it."

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Jack looked at the property

Jack looked at the property and then back to the group, "well i'm ready whenever everyone else is" Jill nodded in agreement. The two looked odd, but seemed somewhat comfortable in thier roles. Jill carried all kinds of gadgets and trinkets, from crystals to data pads. Jack had similar items, just alot less. Each however had a bandolier with rounds in it for thier particular weapons. Besides thier firearms, Jack carried a large Knife now visible strapped to his leg. And jill a smaller, but still big, bone handled one strapped to hers.

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"Well I'm kind of haunting

"Well I'm kind of haunting the city, and I'm like Mr. and Miss. Manners here. That said I'm not a bad girl just not a good one." She looked to Connor "So what been happening here? I'm kind of out of the news loop."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"There's a haunting," Connor

"There's a haunting," Connor responds simply, gesturing towards the building, "not sure what sorts of ghosts they are, but apparently a group of them have been toying with the occupants that they haven't scared out of the building yet, and have taken over the penthouse for their own personal enjoyment. I suppose myself and uh...These other two, here, are here to take care of it, should you wish to tag along for whatever reason."

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"well we're not here for tea"

"well we're not here for tea" Jill spoke up as she seemed eager to get in the house.

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd stood in the shadows

Shepherd stood in the shadows watching everything. he came here every once in a while to chat with the spirits that inhabited the place. They would tell him stories from when they were alive and also gave him intel on other supernatural creatures that roamed the city. He recognized Conner and Misty as well as his friend and Associate Jill but didn't know her partner Jack and the others there. they would notice glowing ice blue eyes peering from he shadows.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"I could go in first. These

"I could go in first. These sound like my kind of spirits!"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Let's go in all together,

"Let's go in all together, just in case..." Connor says, trailing off as he notices the glowing eyes at the very edge of his vision.

"...We can see you," he says calmly in their direction.

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Jill stood waiting, with Jack

Jill stood waiting, with Jack ready to enter. They agreed to all go in together. They drew thier weapons and seemed to be comminicating to each other telepathically. Then Jack turned to connor and said "We're ready"

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd noticed one of the

Shepherd noticed one of the spirits come close to him. It was one he spoke to all the time. His name was Ben. he wore a soldier's uniform from the American Revolution. he was one of the older spirits that inhabited the place and the main Spirit Shepherd would go to talk too. Being around as long as he had, he had a wealth of knowledge about the creatures that inhabited the city. Shepherd would enter the place with his Ghostly friend and maybe even help the others if they needed it,

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"In answer to your earlier

"In answer to your earlier question, Ms. Sinclair, no. I am not some sort of wibbly-wobbly time traveler fellow. What I have is the gift of foresight. As I said, there are certain things about this evening that I have already experienced. Should I suggest you do something, it would be in your best interest to do it." the man said checking his watch.

He calmly watched as the gun-toting newcomers arrived and introduced themselves. Once the group was settled on entering, he looked over at Jack. "When you reach the second landing, take a step to the right." he said, addressing Jack. Then he looked to Jill. "It's only a mirror in the drawing room."

He followed Connor's gaze and looked into the shadows. "You may as well step out, Mr. Shepherd. You're going to end up working with us anyhow."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd stepped out with his

Shepherd stepped out with his ghostly companion next to him as he smirked.

"Just doing my routine intel gathering. You know, not all the spirits hat inhabit this place are malevolent but there are a couple that usually avoid me when I come here to conduct my business."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Regardless of whether he

"Regardless of whether he does, I think it's about time we got moving," Connor says, nodding before making his way into the building.

The entryway leads into a rather grand foyer, as what tends to be the case with the fancy buildings that one encounters downtown. A cherry wood and marble receptionist's desk sits in the middle, a series of withered plants behind. Benches, tables, and chairs decorate the large area, and the ceiling rises four stories upward, with a grand marble staircase going up a flight at the end of the room.

"...So what was that about the second floor landing?" Connor asks as he looks at the stairs.

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"So what are we doing? What

"So what are we doing? What did these ghost do to anyone?" She started moving following Connor.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Terror, property damage, and

"Terror, property damage, and forceful removal is my understanding," he says, taking a silver flashlight clipped to his belt, and flicking it on, panning the beam around the lobby. Despite the evening light filtering in through the tall windows, it's actually rather dark.

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

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"When young Jack ascends the

"When young Jack ascends the stairs, he will want to take a step to the right once he reaches the second floor landing. Otherwise, he will be in danger of falling back down them. My gift is not precise nor is it omniscient, but it is exceedingly rare that it is wrong." he said, looking over at Connor.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gideon Cross
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As Shepherd walked with the

As Shepherd walked with the group his ghostly friend Ben had been informing him of things he's witnessed, stories he's heard Giving Shepherd the low down about new creatures that arrived in the city older ones that left, Shipments that some vampires were bringing into the city Humans that were being trafficked and their locations. He took in all the information the spirit gave him. After giving Shepherd the info he needed he began to tell him stories of the Revolutionary war.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
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"So... um... would you be

"So... um... would you be trying to get rid of me. I'm not really a nice nice type of spirit. Unlike Miss Doubtfire there with the tea bag." She glances up "Heck I be throwing a real party up there in that penthouse."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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As jack heeded the warning,

As jack heeded the warning, he opened the door and went in. Jill followed shortly after, peering around the main foyer, and checking down the halls before they hit any stairs.
Jack turned to the others and shrugged. Then crouched down in an almost kneeling pose and drew out a strange crystal. He placed it flat on the ground and spun it....watching to see if it changed color and which direction it faced.

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The crystal rotates, then

The crystal rotates, then stops and points straight for the stairs. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, however.

"Misty, I don't think you're a target at the moment, considering that you're with us, and that we can all see you," Connor says with a slight sigh before looking towards the man with foresight.

"Is there anything else about those stairs we should know, or is it just for, uh...Jack, over there?"

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Misty stood and looked around

Misty stood and looked around the first floor. "I think you're right Connor... the energy here is... icky. What ever spirits taken over here feed on fear and terror."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd sensed the dark

Shepherd sensed the dark energies near by as he listened to the friendly ghost's stories. Ben the ghost knew there malevolent spirits here but it ws as Shepherd said earlier. They avoided Shepherd when ever he came. The benevolent spirits like Ben usually stayed away from them.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Xselcier's picture
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"I have only seen Jack

"I have only seen Jack getting knocked down the stairs after reaching the second floor landing. But that fall can be avoided by taking a step to the right. As I said two minutes and twelve seconds ago, my gift is neither precise nor is it omniscient." he said, mild exasperation bleeding into his tone.

He checked his watch and then looked over at Misty. "Miss Sinclair, when you enter the kitchen, duck."

He then looked back to Connor. "Yes, you can call me Auspex... you haven't asked me yet, have you? Damn." He then took another look at his watch.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"That was a test. Five

"That was a test. Five seconds off," Connor says with a mild smile, "still, we should probably uh...Listen to what he has to say," Connor says, looking to the stairs for a moment. "Anyone have any ideas as to where to start? Otherwise I think we should try the Penthouse first."

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

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"Why would I need to duck? I

"Why would I need to duck? I'm a ghost! Please don't call me Miss Sinclair the name is Misty." She then headed to the kitchen ignoring the warning, after all she was immaterial. At the last moment did it dawn on her that ghost can touch each other, but was it too late for that thought to register?

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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"did it work?"jill asked jack

"did it work?"jill asked jack as he watched the crystal stop spinning. "i dont know, thought it was supposed to change color or soemthing" he answered. "Well were you listening to mother goose as she explained it or were you 'listening'' she made over dramatic air quotes "i mean you have the tendency to drift off".....Ï heard her, i think" he retorted. She rolled her eyes and then watched as misty headed to the kitchen. Ï'll go with her "jill said following misty....Jack looked at conner and said "Chicks!" then shrugged and said ï think you're right, we need to check the penthouse first."...

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd followed the others.

Shepherd followed the others. So far so good. No one as attacked.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Auspex held up his cane,

Auspex held up his cane, cupping his free hand around the onyx. He whispered something and the onyx began to glow with a dark light. He lifted the cane up higher and began to scan the walls of the foyer and lobby. The light splashing on the walls was a dark blue-purple hue and would reveal areas that had been exposed to ectoplasm.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Joined: 09/15/2013 - 14:34
(( More mood music! ))

(( [url=]More mood music![/url] ))

"You should really watch where you're going, young lady," says a surprisingly uncaring Mister Harrison, despite the fact that Misty had just bumped into him. Even after all that time, he was still...Knitting. "When people are trying to [i]help[/i] you by looking around, it doesn't help if you disturb them in such a manner."

"Quite," Mrs. Foricble picks up just in time, "if we went around jostling you and yours, you wouldn't take very kindly to it, now would you."

"It would seem that this bunch doesn't take very kindly to very much at all, Mrs. Forcible," Mister Harrison responds.

"I agree. It's vaguely unsettling." Replies the other ghost.

Connor sighs a bit, and looks over to the group. "Let's try and uh...Focus. On what we're doing," He says, before looking back to the stairs, "if it's safe, I suppose we should just walk up there and see if the elevators are along that upper hallway. Unless you all want to check out anything down here first." He turns back to Misty and the two other babbling ghosts near the doorway to the side, furrowing his brow. "Did the three of you actually find anything in there, or have you not actually gotten into the room properly yet?"

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

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"Sorry." She pouted and

"Sorry." She pouted and looked back at Connor "I was trying to be helpful. Ask these two seems they scouted ahead."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Connor sighs again, waving

Connor sighs again, waving vaguely towards the ghosts. "I really meant those two, not you," he says after a moment, trying to peak around (or through) the ghostly group for a moment. "The three of you can probably head in together and see if there's anything in there. You'll probably be safer in their company, I think."

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Gideon Cross
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Shepherd chuckled to himself.

Shepherd chuckled to himself. Ben did as well. So far things were calm as they continued to follow he others.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Connor turns, looking back at

Connor turns, looking back at Shepherd for a moment with a furrowed brow. "Do you have anything to say, or are you just going to follow the rest of us?"

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Gideon Cross
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Shepherd smirked.

Shepherd smirked.

"Just waiting for the real action to start while listening to Ben's stories. If you want, I'll go up the stairs and make sure everything is clear and that it's safe for the rest of you."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Connor shrugs, then motions

Connor shrugs, then motions to the stairway. "By all means, be my guest. And since you're not Jack, over there, you probably won't even have to duck."

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Gideon Cross
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Shepherd went into his

Shepherd went into his ethereal form as he phase shifted and walked up the stairs with Ben floating behind. He figured in this form he could avoid getting hit with any solid objects as he walked up. He kept an eye open for the source of the dark spiritual aura.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Shepherd reaches the top of

Shepherd reaches the top of the stairs, and after looking up and down the hallway at the top, would likely conclude that there wasn't much up there that seemed out of order, either. Near the end of the hallway on the left side were three elevators, going from floor one to ten, while on the opposite end of the hallway were three more that went from eleven to twenty-two, the location of the penthouse.

"See anything dangerous?" Connor calls from the bottom of the stairs.

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Gideon Cross
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Shepherd looked down as he

Shepherd looked down as he yelled.

"Nope all clear!"

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Connor nods, then looks to

Connor nods, then looks to the others. "Well, if that's the case, then let's head on up."

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Jill had come back from the

Jill had come back from the kitchen and now was standing with Jack. "We're heading up" HE said as he heeded the warning about staying to the right.

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As Jack steps to the side

As Jack steps to the side after reaching the top of the stairs, one of the I-Beams holding up the lofted ceiling snaps from its position, falling down and crashing into the stairs in the exact position Jack would have been had he not heeded Auspex's advice. The I-Beam tumbles down the stairs, and comes to a noisy crash at the bottom, as something deeper within the building stirs.

It seemed that [i]something[/i] really didn't want the group to be there.

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd looked down at the

Shepherd looked down at the beam.

"You may wanna watch your step"

Shepherd wasn't surprised that the others were targeted. He was a regular here and came once a week to meet with Ben and some of the other good spirits that inhabited the place.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Any more questions?" Auspex

"Any more questions?" Auspex asked casually as he strolled past the fallen girder and up the stairs.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd looked at the others

Shepherd looked at the others.

"There are a couple of elevators up here should we split and each take one?"

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Do any of you have any clue

"Do any of you have any clue what we may be facing?" Jill asked as she drew her shotgun after seeing the beam fall. " I mean, is it the building itself?"...she stared at the fallen timber then at the hole where it had been.
"I'm not getting in any elevator" Jack said as he was still looking at the beam.

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"I hope the ghosts we're up

"I hope the ghosts we're up against don't have the ability to possess an [i]entire building[/i]," Connor says, grimacing slightly at Jill's comment before slowly ascending the stairs. "If you don't want to take the elevator, I suppose there's always the stairs, but we're going to have to go up twenty-two flights."

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"So you think that was

"So you think that was coincidence?" Jack motioned for the snapped I-beam, "I mean if they can do that"....he was about to say something else when Jill interrupted. "Sac up bro" she sneered, "Let's take the vators".

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There was enough room between

There was enough room between the flights for a person to fit through, so Auspex cupped the gem of his cane again and whispered something, then began floating. With gentle motions of the cane, he glided up between the flights and began ascending at the same rate as those trotting up the stairs. He paralleled Connor and checked his watch. " I see you stopping and entering the 16th floor."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"That's not that hard to do.

"That's not that hard to do. A little weakening of the bolts, wiggling of nails. Given enough time you could set it up and just knock it out of place when you're ready." Misty looked up "Really just a cheap parlor trick! I thought this was a real party place!"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Even if it's just a cheap

"Even if it's just a cheap trick, most of us are corporeal. It would be a good idea to watch out anyway. You know, just in case," Connor says as he reaches the top of the stairway, before looking back at Auspex, "so does that mean that we should [i]go[/i] there, or are we going to be [i]forced[/i] to go there?"

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"What would Misty do... hmm.

"What would Misty do... hmm. I would definitely mess with the elevators. Going up so many floors only to fall some random number, mess around with the display so the people wouldn't know what floor they finally end up on. Banging on the walls messing with the lights. Definitely something I would mess around with if I wanted to scare people." Sage nod "So ending up on the 16th floor is possible."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"If I knew that, I would have

"If I knew that, I would have told you." Auspex said from the next flight up.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd listened to what the

Shepherd listened to what the others were saying.

"I'll meet you guys up there."

With that said Shepherd teleported to the sixteenth floor. Upon arriving he began to look around.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Connor purses his lips a bit,

Connor purses his lips a bit, then heads for the nearest elevator, waving for the others to follow. "Might as well just push the button, then, if that's where we're going to end up anyway."

Shepherd takes his own, faster way up to the sixteenth floor, ending up in a hallway. The floor appears to be a selection of apartments, some with their doors slightly ajar, as if the occupants didn't care much for locking their houses behind them when they wanted to leave. The hallway itself is a mess; knocked-over potted plants have scattered their dirt across the red and orange carpet, and pictures and paintings that once hung on the walls have fallen to the ground, the sharp pieces of their broken glass coverings lining the floor as well.

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd looked at the

Shepherd looked at the pictures as he walked around. one was a picture of happy family, a mother a father and two children, brother and sister. he continue to walk around as he waited for the others. Ben appeared next to him as he looked around.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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As Jack and Jill get in the

As Jack and Jill get in the elevator, they hit the 16 button. " If we plummet to our deaths, im gonna kill you in the afterlife"....Jack said. Jill just looked at him and said " That makes no sense at all" then she rolled her eyes and waited for the doors to close.

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As Auspex touched down and

As Auspex touched down and stepped into the elevator, he poked the cane backwards and unerringly tagged the Door Open button. "If you would, Wicket Gate, please hold the doors."

The onyx gem on his cane began to glow faintly and he traced it along all the corners where a wall met ceiling, floor, or another wall. When he was done, he tapped the cane twice at the center of the elevator and runic patterns flared to life everywhere that he had traced, surrounding them in a wire-frame box of eldritch light.

"If we begin to plummet, I will stop it."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Wicket holds the door open

Wicket holds the door open with one foot in the door and another on the button until the spell completes, raising his eyebrows slightly at the light show before letting the doors close. The elevator lurches, as if it wanted to drop right away, before slowly beginning to crawl up to the sixteenth floor. It takes quite a while, as far as elevator lights go, then the doors open upon the same sight that had been granted to Shepherd. The floor is arranged in a T-Shape, with the elevators on both sides of a long hallway, and another hallway leading down to the rest of the floor in-between them. Judging by Shepherd's footsteps, he's just around the corner.

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd heard them arrive as

Shepherd heard them arrive as he turned back towards the elevators to meet up with the others.

"Something happened here it's been quiet since I arrived."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Jack and Jill stepped out of

Jack and Jill stepped out of the elevator quickly. Jack removed another crystal looking star shaped object and was reading a small book while holding it. "place parallel to haunt fixture while rotating, rotation should not exceed maximum spin momentum of said fixture. " he paused .."Oh come on now!! What the hell is a 'Haunt Fixture'?"...Jill smiled "why dont you just drop it and spin it?" she asked in a wry voice. He looked at her and did just that.

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As the group steps out of the

As the group steps out of the elevator, the entire floor seems to creak and groan for a few moments, as if reacting to their presence.Ghostly wisps of energy begin to float outwards from the ajar doors lining the hallways, and a cold wind picks up throughout the area, despite the fact that there isn't a single window in the hallway.

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Jack and Jill immediately

Jack and Jill immediately went on the defensive when the wind gusts came through. They had thier weaponds out and each face a different direction. "What do you think caused that?" Jill asked the group as she crouched down aiming her shotgun down the hall.

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Auspex smoothly removed his

Auspex smoothly removed his shades to reveal eyes with black irises and, in place of his pupils, shimmering infinity loops. He placed the shades inside his vest and brought his left leg back into a wide fighting stance. The onyx at the end of his cane glowed brightly, then three energy orbs left it and began orbiting his head slowly. His gaze scanned the hallway slowly, alert for trouble.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"If prior experience is

"If prior experience is anything to go off of, that'll be one of our Problems kicking up the dust," Connor responds as he ducks behind the cover of a corner, waiting to see if whatever it was was planning on making a proper appearance.

However, it would seem that the ghost wasn't planning on doing that just yet. Instead, a large amount of objects erupt from the doors that line the hallways, as the biggest and the heaviest of the prior occupants' possessions attempt to clobber the group and bury them beneath the incoming mess.

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"Incoming!" She reacted by

"Incoming!" She reacted by sending a lamp aside and into the wall. "Poltergeist 101, anything is something to throw."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Intercede!" Auspex yelled,

"Intercede!" Auspex yelled, thrusting his cane towards the nearest cloud of objects. The three energy orbs shot off in that direction and divided into thirty much smaller orbs. The orbs spread out and began intercepting the flying objects. Each time an object was struck by an energy orb, it aged incredibly rapidly until it was nothing but a cloud of dust. As the orbs did their job, Auspex dove for cover behind the corner opposite Connor's corner.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gideon Cross
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As they were in the hall

As they were in the hall Shepherd began to bless and sanctify the area as glowing hebrew runes appeared. The sigils would protect the group from any dark forces that were in the area.. This was the reason why the dark spirits avoided him when ever he came, because he was a holy creature with authority. He had only come here to seek information but with the others here, he knew they would need his help so he offered it as a guardian angel of sorts.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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As the sigils and spells come

As the sigils and spells come into play, the hallway becomes a momentary safe-zone from the mayhem, with objects turned into spouts of flying dust, while the ghastly tendrils begin to creep around the perimeter of Shepherd's spell, rather than strike out immediately for the heroes within.

"Alright, so far so good," Connor says with a grimace, "but we're just stalling it for right now, how should we get rid of it?"

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"What's it's motivation?

"What's it's motivation? What does it want. Really if it's trying to hard to force people out then we can guess wanting to be alone one thing. There no manipulation of people going on to just general messing about not it. I'm getting good at that...." She tapped her chin thinking "Is it me or do you get a teen throwing a tantrum vibe? the whole GET OUT angle."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"I think we need to figure

"I think we need to figure out what 'it' is first, don't you!?" Auspex said from the other corner.

As he said this, a bowling ball crashed through the wall nearest Connor and hurtled towards the back of his head. Auspex raised his cane and a beam shot from the onyx gem. The beam ricocheted off the wall beside Connor's head and intercepted the bowling ball, encapsulating it in a bubble. Time was passing at a much slower rate within the bubble than without. "I'd move if I were you!"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Yeah, I'd move if I were me,

"Yeah, I'd move if I were me, too," Connor grumbles to himself, ducking over to the other side with Auspex. "Well, it's a ghost, to start, if you think it would be a good idea, Misty, [i]those[/i] two," he pauses, looking over to Harrison and Forcible, "and I, could go on a scouting run and see if there's anything to find, considering we're all intangible, more or less."

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Once Connor had moved, Auspex

Once Connor had moved, Auspex expanded his time dilation bubble into a time reversal bubble, forcing the bowling ball to go back through the wall and the wall to fix itself. He then positioned one of his intercession sprites to hit the ball as soon as it came through the wall again. It did so as soon as he released the reversal bubble and the sprite reduced it to dust. "If you can make yourself intangible, then by all means, please do consider scouting." he said to Connor.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd scanned the area as

Shepherd scanned the area as he looked around and continued to bless and sanctify the areas he and group walked through to keep them safe. Shepherd created a small huming bird out of spiritual energy that he would send to scout ahead since it was made from his own energy he could see what the little bird did with his own eyes. He figured it would help locating what ever was causing this as he sent it on it's way.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Alright, sure thing. Misty,

"Alright, sure thing. Misty, if you're up for it, feel free to come with us," Connor says as he fades slightly from view, the other two ghosts lazily following behind as they dart through the nearest wall after the hummingbird.

The flurry of items grows, and the ghostly mist continues to pile up against the mystical barrier. Mystical sparks begin to pop up near the edge of the barrier as the spiritual pressure increases, threatening to break through if nothing is done.

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"Yup sure I come along." She

"Yup sure I come along." She followed after Connor "Oh the temper getting stronger. Wonder what made whoever it is so angry."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd strengthened the

Shepherd strengthened the barriers as he continued to bless and sanctify the area while paying attention to what the hummin bird was seeing s it traveled.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
