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2016....the aftermath (non super powered rp)

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Kyle was wishing he had a

Kyle was wishing he had a radio.....he wanted to tell them to let him lead the horde away......"Screw it"..he said and slammed on the breaks again..he had enough of a gap that he was able to crawl out the window of the truck and get on its small roof......"HEY....HEY....." he yelled waving at the two others......trying to get thier attention......he was making a slashing sign with his hand then a wide circle......hoping they got the message.....

Gideon Cross
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Rick saw Kyle as he cut off

Rick saw Kyle as he cut off the siren and stopped honking the horn. Rick had gone through most of his bullets.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
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Rich stopped firing when he

Rich stopped firing when he spotted the slashing motion. "We really need to get our shit together before hand. Okay seems Kyle going to lead them away let's work our way into the store and start stocking up." He swung the rifle he had onto his back and started moving slowly and behind cover for the nearest of the stores to loot.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick reloaded his pistols as

Rick reloaded his pistols as he put them back in their holsters and followed behind Rich as he took the AR 15

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
by now kyle had climbed back

by now kyle had climbed back in his truck and with the music blaring led the majority of the mob away......he let them get close then pull ahead alittle more..then let them get close and continue..when he felt he was far enough away...he floored it and sped off..waiting to circleback when he was out of sight....he went all the way around and pulled the truck back to where the jeep was.

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The standard issue gear for

The standard issue gear for Post-apocalyptic world was loose baggy outfit with plenty of pockets. Pre-end of the world Army gear made you stick out like a sore thumb. Sure camouflage was still camos, but dealing with people in them was harder. Either they think you were coming to suppress them or they try to kill you to get the army level equipment. So the camouflage gear of today was civilian duds loose to hide weapons and equipment. Of course those many pockets Richard was now filling. He didn't focus on food at the moment there was plenty at the bunker. He went for medicines and medical supplies.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Kyle walked slowly into the

Kyle walked slowly into the town, he saw richard through a store front window....not wanting to just barge in for fear of being accidently shot..he knoced on the open door."Sorry bout all the confusion" he was...he felt bad that , even with good intentions broguth others in harms way.."i guess i get used to teamwork again"....he went over and helped pack the badages and batteries richard had in store shopping baskets he found up front. He finished filling the one basket, and then started another...he grabbed the cans of food on the shelves filling it then grabbing another basket....

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"No problem. I knew you

"No problem. I knew you needed some thinking time seeing you head off, to many people in one spot right?" Richard looked around the store as he packed a basket now that he got what he considered more important items it was food raiding. "The Tower classified people like you as Nomads. Always moving few in numbers."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick filled a few baskets wt

Rick filled a few baskets wt medicine, some natural some prescribed. he then started filling more baskets with food. he even found some chocolate a he took as many boxes of chocolate as he could for the girls. next was the pet food. He filled some baskets with the canned pet food and also decided to get some bags of kibble along with dog treats and toys for the dogs. Rick looked at Kyle.

"It's ok, no worries."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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"heh nomads"....he said

"heh nomads"....he said "never thought about it like that..." then he lifted a large bag of kibble off the shelf to help rick "but the description fits" he dropped the large bag on the floor...he looked around the smaller store...."Why has all this been left here?" panning around he saw the shelves almost stocked, like nobody ever tried to do this......"i mean every other place weve come across, was nearly empty...just lucky to find the odd can of beans or tuna....and maybe a pack of batteries if we were lucky." As he pondered the implication , it didnt stop him from loading a cart now ...anything and everything...he styarted tossing it in. "Ill be right back"....he went out the door, carefully..peering, making sure it was safe then a few minutes later another small car came backing up to the door....Kyle had pushed it with his truck and secured it to the back with a tow chain. "Only one that i could release the steering on...ill tow it..make shift trailer..we can fill it as well as my truck." The little older corrolla was empty and damaged..but it could be towed and filled with anything. Kyle started thrwoing the entire baskets inthe car itself...then hitting the trunk latch ..stacked a few bigger bags of kibble in the trunk..."Hows your jeep geared?" he asked referring to its towing capabilities.." i got an extra chain and im sure we can find another car to fill and tow".....he looked out at the town...."If the rest of the place is like say we take as much as possible...not sure if it would be there the next day"....

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"This town has an airport.

"This town has an airport. My guess was it got hit fast by the infection, might even been the original place the infection started that eventually overran Denver. We are also kind off of the beaten path. There aren't many more towns around less survivors in general." He started loading the trailer.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick looked at Kyle and

Rick looked at Kyle and smiled.

"It's a jeep wrangler. it can tow it. Nothing like an American made vehicle."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Kyle smirked at the comment..

Kyle smirked at the comment.......he loaded the first compact car with as much as it could take...he even took some of the metal shelving and supports.....then he emptied the regiters of thier coins....."The metals..melted down make good bullets "....he explained......gathering as much change he could..he filled an empty gallon container ....he then went into the he opened the main office door....he stopped suddenly....looking in he saw a walker pinned under the desk...but it was still moving....trying to wriggle out from its trap.

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"I bet the medical team at

"I bet the medical team at the Tower would like to see this town. They got a theory that some people were carriers, infected, but didn't turn. Spreading the virus without knowing it. A Typhoid Mary thing." Hearing Kyle "Yeah just new bullets are never as good as the old. Command would be upset we wasted so much ammo out there. Conservation kind of became the Tower's nature. Minimal waste for maximal use. Waste assessment is now included in any plans they come u..." He was talking softly after all it's a survival habit nowadays. He stopped talking hearing noise right before Kyle opened the door. "perhaps an axe to the throat crush the vocal cords... to prevent it from screaming alerting others?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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"Ill just kill it..kyle

"Ill just kill it..kyle pulled his knife and the thing started thrashing as he drew closer... it was tough to get the right line on the strike..but ultimately he found an opening and plunged the knife through the skull into its brain...."It wasnt a rager, so wasnt very hate to come back here one day only to be met at the door by it cause we left it alone."...he did a quick glance around the office, and seeing nothing useful he turned back...."was'nt there a sporting goods store close by?"..he asked richard....

Gideon Cross
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Rick nodded.

Rick nodded.

"I believe there was. we can raid it when we get out of here and grab whatever we need."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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"bet they stock ammo..." kyle

"bet they stock ammo..." kyle loaded the last basket he had filled......Looking around the town itself was odd..this town had not been burned..or looted..the windows werent smashed....."bet this place itself would make a decent holdout..."

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"If that haven't been raided.

"If that haven't been raided. Food and Ammo would been the first things looted. Thought we did get lucky with that one store." He looked around "Holdout if needed, the town still infested I rather not try to survive here. Thought that does bring up the question. How did that walker get pinned like that? Did someone trap it?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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"Ive seen all kinds of

"Ive seen all kinds of chaotic places..these things being more brain dead instinct end up in the weirdest of places.. " ..he thought "maybe the guy was trapped under the desk and starved to death.."....looking at the other stores and thenback at his truck.." im running out of room..but if i can find a shop with some odd tools, i may be able to get that thing running.." he pointed to a large box van off of the road and parked oddly againt a building. "hell if get that running we can fill it and you can drive it back since you came with rick" he headed over to the van and peered into the cab..when he saw it was clear he opened the door and popped the hood...."No keys, we'll have to do this the hard way"...then he looked under the hood and started checking wires and cables...

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"The van be perfect for the

"The van be perfect for the whole reason I wanted to come to this town. Get building supplies, oh Rick I got a question I don't think a large scale farm be good for your land. But if we can set up an orchard you still have trees for cover and fruit and nuts production. Trees grow longer roots so wouldn't need to arrogate. The negative would be no real return for a year or two."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick looked at Rich.

Rick looked at Rich.

"That's fine we can use the greenhouse for our farming needs. Orchard sounds good."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Kyle soent a couple of

Kyle soent a couple of minutes under the hood and then climbed into the cabin..he used his knife to break the column of the vehicle, then found the pin he was looking for.. he used the knife the pull it in..the van sputtered..he tried puttered more then rorared to life....he turned the wheel each way to be sure it wouldnt lock..then put the van in gear...the truck was theirs now.....He waved to the other two...."OK this should give us plenty of room" he said as he pulled the large box van over to them.

Gideon Cross
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Rick smiled as he began

Rick smiled as he began filling the van and his jeep as well as the car they were going to tow.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Okay lets load it up with

"Okay lets load it up with what's here. We can raid the hardware store another time, those walkers would be moving away from that distraction by now." He started loading up the van with the supplies they raided. Then he motions down the road "Speaking of the undead there are about four of them half a mile away."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Kyle looked at saw the

Kyle looked at saw the shambling figures headed thier way.....then he looked over at the sporting goods store down the street. "Oh hell, we got time".....he went up to the door and found it was locked....he used a peice of rebar that was laying nearby and tapped the window loudly....

Gideon Cross
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Rick looked at Kyle then at

Rick looked at Kyle then at Rich.

"Lets head to the hardware store and pick what we need while we still have time."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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kyle hadnt notcied that it

kyle hadnt notcied that it wasn't just the four of his impatience the four became 10..that became 15......the corwd of walkers that were half a mile away was growing....
After a couple of minutes since hitting the glass to draw anything in there out...he realized, if there was...theyre either trapped, or it was clear.... so he took the rebar and broke the door glass...

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"Right hardware." He watched

"Right hardware." He watched the four walkers but stopped and followed Rick to the hardware store. So he didn't notice the mob growing as he grabbed a cart and started loading up on digging tools. "To bad we can't use a lift. We could grab some of that lumber piles. Perhaps next time. Grab some of the quick drying cement that would be useful." He looked at the wood planks. "Oh hell that van large enough we can grab some of the loose wood board." He grab a wood cart and started loading it up with 2 by 4s and 2 by 6s.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick started loading up as

Rick started loading up as much cement sand and rocks as he could into the lumber carts for building the wall. He then started grabbing as much lumber as he could and loaded them.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
As the other two were in the

As the other two were in the hardware store..kyle was in the sporting goods store. The place was full of useful things to which he was loading every cart, and bag and basket he could find. hed load a basket or cart then leave it near the door...then he went back and gathered more..everything from batteries, to ice picks, to rope, and loads of ammunition...he almost couldnt beleive it was all still here. After pushing cart he had just filled to the door..he turned around and grabbed another. As he made his way to the counter and was looking at the handguns he turned only to be staring down the barrel of a pistol held by a rather attractive woman. She was dirty, like all the survivors, mud and dirt caked her clothes...she had shorter hair though..which kyle though was odd seeing haircuts were rare nowadays. She stood there pointing the pistol at him...a walther ppk he recognized. As she stood there he noticed she was trembling. "Great" he thought " i'm going to get shot because of a non steady hand"....she looked him up and down and said "d,,dont try anything f..funny mister"....then she nearly fell she did he caught her and quickly pocketed the gun. She was nearly unconscious and wasnt responding to him trying to wake her. When he laid her down he realized she was sick and looks like she was starving. He had no clue why...this place alone had camping survival rations and powerbars she could have been living off of...that is if she was in here long. It started to dawn on him she was hiding ut in here. Probably how the door got locked. She must have wandered into town looking for refuge when they were dealing with the walkers. He then stood up and drew his weapon.She probably wasn't alone. As he turned and looked behind the counter he saw stairs. Stairs leading down to a basement. He called out " Anyone down there? if so come on up..i wont hurt you"...he knew it was a longshot but might as well try. "AW hell" he said and he went down cautiously to check it out himself. When he got down there he found three more people hiding in the corner. All looked like the first did. one was laying on the ground and was bleeding from his neck...the other two were huddled around him but not trying to stop the bleeding. Kyle noticed none of them had any weapons drawn so he slowly slid his back into the holster. "Easy now, im not going to hurt you" he said.."what's your name?" he asked. One of the others, a man spoke up first.."P..paul, my name is paul...and thats emma" he pointed to the other girl....She was barely conscious..."we were being chased by hordes of them and we ran in here to hide" he stammered. " Any of you bit?" Kyle asked now..almost cold. "W..why?" paul asked suddenyl aware of the tone in kyle's voice. He then shifted funny as he sat there. "They both were "..emma struggles to say as paul now angered that she spoke up went to slap her...In a flash kyle's revolver came out and he fired.....Paul was hit in the chest and head..."asshole, you deserved that" emma stated without missing a beat......"I wasn't bit....i can check."...she said as she lay against the wall...she started to move and behind where paul was sitting she reached for an object. Kyle trained his gun on her and said "easy now"....she picked up the small handgun paul had been concealing and then put it against the head of the man laying on the ground...then she pulled the trigger. "Fuckers....Y'all got what you deserved"....then she nearly went unconscious again. Kyle went up to her and kicked the gun away. He checked her again for bites as best he could. there were no wounds so he then bent over and lifter her over his shoulder. As he brought her upstairs, the woman up there was barely standing. She was fumbling with a revolver she took from the case , trying to load it, but she had the wrong ammo . in her state she couldnt tell. "It's ok" kyle tried to calm her...."we need to get out of here and now."....

In the hardware store Rick and Rich would have heard two loud shots....followed by a softer one half a minute later.

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Rich turned hearing the gun

Rich turned hearing the gun shots "Shopping trip is over!" He didn't bother pushing the cart he had out. He figured there wasn't any time to load it. Heading out of the hardware store he spotted the horde but no Kyle. He pulled out his rifle and headed to the sports store. "Kyle what's going on. We got a horde coming."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick soon followed Rich as he

Rick soon followed Rich as he heard the gun shots entering the sports store with his dual pistols at hand.

"Is everything ok? We heard shots."

He then noticed the two women. He looked at Kyle.

"We should bring them with us. They won't make it here alone."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Agreed " Kyle said carrying

"Agreed " Kyle said carrying Emma still over his shoulder . " can one of you help that one up?" He asked motioning to the woman leaning heavily against the counter.

Gideon Cross
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Rick went to help the woman

Rick went to help the woman leaning on the counter as he picked her up.

"We can come back for the rest of the supplies some other time. Gather what we have so far and load them before the herd gets here then we can be off."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Cargo secure. Lets get out

"Cargo secure. Lets get out of here. Any other civilians?" Richard went to the van and started it up. Then he braced his rifle and took a few shots at the horde. "Seems Rick you're going to have a few more guests at your pad."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick looked at Rich.

Rick looked at Rich.

"Yep seems like it."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
As the shots rang out his aim

As the shots rang out his aim was true. Richards bullets struck home and a few of the front herd walkers heads exploded. In between shots , in the building to his right, he heard a banging from above.....if he peered up, hed see another woman hitting the window trying to get his attention...

As kyle carried Emma out and placed her in his truck.. he started heaving the baskets and carts into the van and anywhere else he could find room. He ha dloads of ammunition, food, supplies and weapons. He had nearly everything loaded in carts in the front of the shop so it wasnt long till he had most of it loaded. He then aimed a rifle, .22 semi auto he had just found inside and started picking the walkers off. the small bullet made it easy to go from target to target and be accurate. When he ran out of ammo, he placed another clip in and continued. He had dropped about 14 so far....his anger and hatred for these things was starting to show..

Gideon Cross
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As soon as Rick took Emma's

As soon as Rick took Emma's friend to the jep he began loading all the supplies he could before the horde arrived.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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He noticed the banging and

He noticed the banging and glanced to his right "There another survivor three o' clock!" Then thinking about it "The building to my right! I cover you."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick looked at Rich.

Rick looked at Rich.

"I gotem."

Rick went running to the building to get the other survivor once he was done loading everything. He looked at the survivor as he entered the building.

"Come with me."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Rich reloaded as fast as he

Rich reloaded as fast as he could. Thanking God for all that drilling and target practice. The then braces the rifle and fires a few more shots, one missed hitting a shoulder instead of the head shot. "Kyle is our guest secured if so can you help out here. I may be army trained, but I can only shoot a rifle so fast."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick led the survivor into

Rick led the survivor into the jeep as he fire some shots. the survivor was a 13 year old girl. She must have taken refuge here she looked in better shape than the other two meaning she ws eating something.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
Kyle was already firing away

Kyle was already firing away at the horde..his rounds struck heads..hed have touse two bullets now and then, but the slow moving horde was easy targets for the two firing at them.

As rick approached the other woman before she left she said "mark is in there"...and pointed to another room down the hall..."he wont come out"......then she ran down the steps and outside towards the vehicles...

Gideon Cross
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As the woman and the 13 year

As the woman and the 13 year old girl ran to the vehicles. Rick went to get the man. He went by the room and yelled out.

"We need to get out of here now Mark. come with me."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Thats when rick heard the

Thats when rick heard the unmistakeable pumping action of a shotgun..then blam..the door splintered nearly catching rick along with it.."Get out of're jus tlike the rest!!" mark was yelling at rick.....When the woman heard that she ran back in...."Mark...lets go"...she called out al the while a terror look on her face. "Hell no" he yelled back while pumping his gun again.....Kyle helped the young girl in the cab of his truck then turned and fired at the horde some more......"Rick!" he called out" We don't have the offered he said no....we gotta go!"..the horde was getting closer however Richard and Kyle were keeping the ones that wandered too close away by dropping them fast. Then they heard it , the unmistakable howl of a rager "AWW HELL" kyle swore.."YOu see it?" he asked Richard......then yelled back up " Leave em man, they wanna stay...we cant force em ".....

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"No sight on the Rager. We

"No sight on the Rager. We need to get going now. I create a distraction." He ran for a car a good bit away from the group. He chose a car on the next street and nearer to the horde and he took off his shirt and ripped it apart. Then he stuffed a bit into the car tank, when the horde got closer he lit it. Then ran for the group as the gas fumes remaining in the car lit and exploded. High tailing it he ran till he was out of breath "That... should distract the Rager a little. Blew ... a car on the next street."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick looked at the man. as he

Rick looked at the man. as he holstered his guns

"Look man if you stay here you are going to die. there are hundreds of walkers out there and some ragers. It's your choice. Stay here and die or come with me and live."

With that said Rick headed out the building as he headed for the vehicle.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
Kyle smirked as the car blew.

Kyle smirked as the car blew...he was glad to be with people who seem to be like minded..."Aye ....Rick!!!!!"....he yelled.."WE GOTTA GO!!!" richard came around the corner kyle put a few rounds past him into the walkers closest to him..Then as richard ran back Kyle handed him a full loaded semi-auto 7.62 rifle.....7 rounds in, and heres another 2 clips...

Gideon Cross
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Rick approached the vehicles

Rick approached the vehicles as he got in the jeep and started it up. He looked at the woman.

"Are you coming or are you looking to be lunch for that horde along with Mark"

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"All aboard! Last call for

"All aboard! Last call for salvation." He started the van. "Lets get this convoy rolling."

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The woman ran back up and was

The woman ran back up and was trying to get mark to come out..."Screw it" kyle said and he pulled away, towing the other car and back onto the road...he hoped the others woudl just leave..."cant save those who wont try to save themselves first"..he thought as he watched the other two vehicles pull out and folow

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He didn't race off fast

He didn't race off fast giving Rick, the Woman, and Mark time to come out. "Get your butts moving people, that car bomb won't distract the horde for much longer!"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Rick began to move the jeep

Rick began to move the jeep albeit a little slower to give them time to catch up if they chose to come but he knew he had to get going if they didn't in order to save the girl. he looked at the girl.

"What is your name hun?"

The little girl looked at him as she replied.

"My name is Becca."

Rick smiled.

"It's nice to meet you Becca."

Rick continued to pull away as he saw the horde approaching..

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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the horde would be up on them

the horde would be up on them time for the ones inside to make it out.. Kyle looked at the massive horde of walkers and heard the screeching of the rager again. He was in his cab with the other two women from the sports shop Emma and he didnt know the others name yet. "Emma..emma.." he shook her some.".do you know them?" he asked her..she was barely audible when she said " ginger and mark"....she coughed..."they..they are bad people" she coughed again longer now....."they they made us...." Kyle interrupted her "ok ok..i got the picture..theyre with the two men in the basement...." Kyle stopped his truck , even though it was going slow.. and leaned out the window..hoping to get the other twos attention.."HEY HEY!! " he yelled......"They're slavers!!!!".....he treid to get Richard and rick to understand that the other two weren't worth the least in his opinion....

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Rick heard Kyle as he sped up

Rick heard Kyle as he sped up the jeep a bit waiting on Rich so they could take off As he started driving away. people like them deserved to die he thought to himself.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Don't matter any more what

"Don't matter any more what they were, there Zombie chow now." He stepped on the gas hitting a walker that was in front of him and ran it over. "Roll Out!" He headed down the road for the bunker. Keeping pace with Kyle and Rick.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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As Rick looked in the rear

As Rick looked in the rear view mirror he saw Rich following behind as he saw the zombies descend on the building where the slavers were.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Kyle was only thinking about

Kyle was only thinking about getting the hell out of there now...he took a little joy in watching richard run over a few of the foul tjhings with the van they aquired, in his rearview...
As he headed back to the bunker he took inventory of thier find. Three more people, two women and a younger girl, lots of ammo and some other weapons, food, supplies, building materials...all in all a very good day. He was thankful none of them were hurt. He drove the truck as fast as he could without risking the trailor or anything else for that matter.

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"We so need to get some

"We so need to get some communication gear." He relaxed as the left the town city limits and headed into the countryside. As he drove he was prioritizing his thoughts. First thing is to call in a Medic from the tower would take a day or two to get here, but those women need to be checked out. Could also request the saplings to start the orchard... no need to clear the area first. Map out the wall around the bunker would need to cut some of the trees down hopefully keep that to a minimal.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Rick looked back at the

Rick looked back at the little girl making sure she was ok and heard her huming a little tune. she reminded him so much of his sister when she was her age as a sd expression came over his face.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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The convoy pulled up to the

The convoy pulled up to the bunker and Jenna came running out to meet Kyle. He barely got out of the truck when she threw her arms around him. "So glad you're safe" she said not letting go. Then she noticed the other two women in the truck cab. "who are they?" she asked. "One's named emma, the one in the green t shirt. The other , no ide..she wont wake up"....Emma peered up at jenna and barely managed to greet her.

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Rick came out of his jeep

Rick came out of his jeep with Ashleigh and the dogs waiting for him outside as she also gave Rick a hug, happy that he was home. She then saw the little girl and smiled. Rick and Ashleigh walked up to Kyle and Jenna as they noticed what was going on with the woman.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Rich pulls up and cuts the

Rich pulls up and cuts the engine "I give the Tower a call see if they can send a medic asap..." He heads for the garage and the radio. "This is Ramirez Bunker to Devil's Tower. Requesting medical assistance. "

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Devil's tower receiving.

"Devil's tower receiving..Come back, What's the nature of medical assitance?"...the reply came over the radio a few minutes later.

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Ashleigh went in side to

Ashleigh went in side to prepare something to eat as Rick helped the woman to one of the spare rooms in the house. Becca followed Ashleigh as she cooked watching her.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Kyle carried one of them and

Kyle carried one of them and followed rick to the room he had taken the first. "They look dehydrated and starved. I didnt see any obvious bites or bleeding from any wounds" he motioned to them. "So im assuming theyre not infected. " Jenna had come in as well and offered to give them a real thourough exam and change thier clothes from the rags they had on to some newer ones she had. Kyle just nodded and let her go about her way. In about 15 minutes she had the women cleaned up and changed, and told them she found no bite marks. Emma was still half out of it and the other woman was still unconscious. Emma had told them she thpught her name was karen. then she fell asleep relaxing in the soft bed she was in. Jenna said to Kyle and rick.."im going to go fetch them some water...ill make sure emma drinks and gets some food..hopefully the other one will wake up and we can get her fed and re-hydrated"..then off she went to get the stuff. Kyle looked at Rick and said " i'm going to go unload...i think i have an idea if where it all goes now. "..and he walked back out to the trucks to start getting things put away.

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Rick went to help him as

Rick went to help him as Ashleigh appeared with some food for the two women that she had just got done cooking. She had started while they were gone and just finished in time for everyone to but brought food to Emma and her companion first.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Jenna smiled at Ashleigh then

Jenna smiled at Ashleigh then noticed her younger 'helper' "hello there" she said to becca. "I'm Jenna, whats your name?"...she asked as she took the bowl of food and tried to wake Emma. Emma stirred slightly and smelled the home-made meal. She sat up slowly seemingly being driven for intense huinger and the smell of the meal. Jenna sat with her , helping her to eat and then handed her a bottle of cold water. Jenna looked back at Becca, seing if she would be shy, or friendly. "were you with these women?" She asked the younger girl. Emma heard the question and looked at Becca as well. she didnt look familiar, but she really had no way of knowing if the group that held her captive also held others.
As Emma finished the food she put the bowl down and drank the whole bottle of water. "can i have more?" she asked.Jenna looked at her and said "I'll get you more water, but you look like you havent eaten in days" then she pasued." If you keep al that in you ill get you more in an hour ok?" she thought about past experiences. "Ive found that people who havent eaten in days suddenyl want to eat all they can and it makes them even worse off. " she stood up "Iv'e seen it first hand so to be safe we'll take it slow ok? I can bring you food every hour or so as long as you keep everything in you " she then walked over to the other woman "Karen is it? " She asked trying to remeber wht Emma had told her."Karen", she shook her slightly. Karen awoke with a blood curdling scream...Jenna jumped back and dropped the empty bowl she had picked up from emmas bed and it shattered as it hit the floor. Karen was screaming "GET OFF..GET THEM OFF!!!!!" over and over...Jenna tried calming her...."easy're safe her, we're not going to harm you"....

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"Ramirez Bunker Homestead We

"Ramirez Bunker Homestead We read you Devil's Tower. We found three survivors, two appear severely dehydrated and starved. Postible sexural transmited desise, they were kept as slaves. The slavers didn't make it out." He was thinking "The nearest town Eagles Valley, fast spread of the infection a medical team could find evidence of their Typhoid Mary effect. It's also Prime local." The typhoid mary thing he threw in hoping as lure for the lab techs, the prime local was code for Prime salvage location.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Becca nodded.

Becca nodded.

"My name is Becca. I was living in the store by my myself when my mom and dad died. Emma and Karen found me when they came to the store and hid me from the slavers."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Copy that Prime" the

"Copy that Prime" the answer came back. "Updated map , However unsure of route to, come back" the radio squawked "Runner 4 down and rubber only available " it was code saying no airships are available , only vehicles.

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"Distance unnacceptable risk

"Distance unnacceptable risk at the moment " The radio crackled again. "will try to stay in touch on this frequency if future plans to investigate come to fruition..Tower out"

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He set down the mic and stood

He set down the mic and stood up heading to the others "Bad news the Tower not sending any Medics right now."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick looked at Rich and Kyle.

Rick looked at Rich and Kyle. Ashleigh can probably help with the girls for now but she has limited experience she was a med student before the crap hit the fan, though we may have to make another supply run and hit a hospital which will be very risky.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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As karen nearly collapsed

As karen nearly collapsed again, she remained conscious. Jenna Caught her and helped her back into the bed. "Where are we?" she asked as she was starting to come to. "You're safe here" jenna said as she handed Karen the bowl of food and a bottle of water. Karen ate small bites and was taking awhile to get the food down. "we're in a bunker that was built before everything went to hell. There were 5 of us here before the boys picked up you three when they went out for supplies. " Jenna bent down and started to clean up the bowl that had just broken.

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Ashleigh looked with concern

Ashleigh looked with concern on her face. She had only prepped for emergencies in case Rick ever got hurt but. She joined medical school after Rick discussed the importance of having some medical knowledge for when the crap hit the fan as part of their preps while she worked part time as a waitress. Rick helped pay the fee for the school. Up until this point she never really put her knowledge into practice other than perform minor tasks like help reduce like help reduce fevers for those guests they had that had gotten sick taken care of broken limbs. Stitching Rick up after getting shot during one of the Raider invasions. Her knowledge came in handy for what it was worth.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Might want to give the

"Might want to give the ladies some soup. Not sure their bodies can handle to much solids or rich foods." He makes a slight nod to the women "I'm Private Richard Tanner of the Devil's Tower colony. Here by accident but now seemed assigned as luasance."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick looked at the women.

Rick looked at the women.

"I am Rick Ramirez former Police officer and S.W.A.T member of the Boulder Colorado Police Department."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Emma coughed again and layed

Emma coughed again and layed back down...the food she ate now filled her and her stomach pains subsided. She waved to the others and then drifted off to sleep. Finally, a sleep she so desperately needed. Karen was still eating and finished her bottle of water fast. She looked at the others as well and introduced herself. Before she even asked for it, Jenna handed her another bottle of water. Karen forced a smile and went back to eating. "Thank you" is all she said to the men that just introduced themselves. She didnt feel threatened at the moment. After she ate, she laid back down on the bed next to Emma and fell asleep immediately.
"They're exhausted" Jenna said as she gently touched thier forheads. "No fever though"...then she stood up. "I'll keep an eye on them through the night and make sure theyre ok" she patted her pistol trying to convey the message of dealing with them should they turn. Kyle came up to the group huddld around the door to the small room the two women were in. "How they doing?" he asked. Jenna explained what she thought was wrong, simple dehydration mixed with exhaustion and malnutrition. Theyve seen it in pretty much everyone they meet he thought. Then he turned to Rick and Richard. "We got quite a haul back there. " he motioned for the two of them to get closer cause he didnt want to girls to hear. "That town needs to be really investigated again. Alot of what we saw still doesnt add up to me..what do you think?"

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Rick nodded

Rick nodded

"I say it's worth checking out. The Slavers probably have their base there. I overheard Becca telling the girlsthat she had been living in the store after her parents died. and that Emma and Karen hid her from the slavers."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Aye, i guess we'll try to go

"Aye, i guess we'll try to go in more prepared" Kyle turned back to the truck " But id vote for a day or so" he said walking away to keep unloading, " I personally wanna get some rest"....Kyle moved off and back to the task of unloading, the food Ashleigh cooked smelled great, but he wanted to at least get the important stuff out of the trucks and makeshift trailers, and secured away.

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"I agree next time we go in

"I agree next time we go in with a plan. If we have to face living people we can expect they have fortifications and plans." He was organizing the construction supplies. "It will be a bit hard here. First we need to find out more from our guests. How many slavers can we expect and how many slaves in their compound."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Rick nodded.

Rick nodded.

"For all we know the two slavers in the building survived, and if they did they may be expecting us next time we go."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Agreed," Kyle said as he

"Agreed," Kyle said as he walked past the other two men with a basket filled with canned goods. He stopped a moment, "You remeber the other stores or shops there to look into? I remeber another sporting goods store, but it had sports stuff in the window, not the hunting and camping stuff this one had" he motioned to the basket he was holding. "Wasntt there a couple of corner drug stores? trying to remeber, i think i saw a little mom and pop styled one and if i remeber right, there was a larger chain one as well....oh and the ice cream place. Not sure if thatll offer anything....maybe we should try to reconstruc a map of what we saw and remeber. What other places did you two see?" he asked trying to put together a detailed idea of what to expect next time.

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Rick thought back to what he

Rick thought back to what he saw.

"There was a department store, a clothing store and an auto parts store."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"That sounds about right I

"That sounds about right I don't recall much else on that strip, there bound to be a Walmart or Target somewhere in that town. Think I spotted a grocery market farther down near where the Rager was prowling. If I had an operation there. I would take one of the schools as my base. The windows are normally resistant to climbing into, you have a large area plenty of room, some with showers. Either that or the police station or the Airport. The airport would be a good bet as well a fence off area where you might be able to grow food. Could reinforce that with more fencing for added security. But we can as the two women if they know more about the slavery operation."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"When theyve rested enough id

"When theyve rested enough id imagine we could get a few answers out of them. " Kyle said as he started going through the weapons he aquired. "Either of you interested in one of these?" he showed them various revolvers, different calibers and styles. He himself chose another .357 revolver that was nearly identical to the one he carried. He liked the .357 revolver for the versatility of it. Not only would it shoot .357 rounds, but also pretty much all the .38 rounds made for revolvers as well. Besides he liked the action of a revolver, simpler, and easy to clean and less moving parts as the automatics he used to carry. The more parts the more can go wrong he used to say. He pulled another smaller .357 out of the batch for Jenna and also two .22 s. All revolvers. The rest of the guns, he offer to anyone else, then put the remaining away. He was going through the ammo he swiped as well, sorting the various sizes and rounds of each. Knowing Rick also used a .357 revolver, he put six boxes of .357, two .38 long, and two .38 standard aside for him. He then continued to sort the rest again. Not remebering what sidearm Richard used, he just left it stacked before he put it away. When he got to the rifle ammo, he set aside a crate of 5.56 for Rick's AR, and then Grabbed some boxes of 7.62x51. He had found an older m-14 rifle, his favorite, in the shop and claimed it right away.
"Take your own stash and i'll stock the rest in the back room there , ok?" he told them...then he started jotting down all the stores and started to draw a rough map of what they saw so they would have a better idea next time through. "does this look right?" he asked the others, i'm not sure this was the drug store and pointed to a square he had drawn a few seconds ago.

Gideon Cross
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Rick looked at the mapo as he

Rick looked at the map as he nodded.

"Yeah that seems about right."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Kyle tucked the roughly drawn

Kyle tucked the roughly drawn map away in his pocket to be finished later. He was hungry and the food that Ashleigh had made smelled good. HE went in and helped himself to a hot meal. Jenna had left the other two women, now sleeping , and came out of the room to get herself some food as well. The two sat at a small table eating , when Jenna spoke up."I like it here, we're not planning on leaving soon are we?" Kyle swallowed a mouthful and said "I don't think so, they seem to be nice people, and well strength in numbers and all". the two finished thier meal and Jenna went back to sitting outside the room of the two newcomers. She had an old book she had founf laying around in the shelter, and started to read to pass the time. "Ill releive you in a few hours ok?" kyle said as he walked past , he was exhausted, and needed to rest.

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Rick went to join Ashleigh as

Rick went to join Ashleigh as he sat down and ate. Becca joined hem as well. Shadow and Ghost wagged their tails at Becca as she petted them.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
