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She blinks, before nodding...
"I will teach you all I can, help you...and may I suggest an alternative alias to Unknown?"
"What is wrong with that? I thought it was cleaver given so much about me is unknown. Even to our selves in order to live here we had to adapt and bonding to the homeless man changed how our awareness worked. In space we had needed only enough mental power and awareness of what around us to move to avoid dangers."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
She smiles before replying...
"I was thinking perhaps something like Equinox? It's as dark and mysterious the void of space implies...however, do as you wish" Smiles
[I]After midnight, in the spring of 2014[/I]
Rhythiel soared above the City. The voice of her mother, calling her back, increased. She had already tried several places (churches, synagogues, a Freyani temple) that seemed likely to help her oppose that call, but she could not enter them. It was almost as if she [I]were[/I] the demon many believed her kind to be. Regardless, if she were to remain in this realm, she would have to silence the calling. This would no doubt be painful and dangerous, but the only other choice was to give in to the calling and return to her mother's realm.
Below she spotted a statue in a plaza: A phoenix rising, supporting a globe and bearing it up. Flames issued from its eyes and water poured over its back. This was perfect, a symbol of rebirth, and perseverance! Rhythiel settled atop the globe, and prepared.
Shifting her perceptions, she found each of the nine cords that bound her to her mother. She conjured a knife to cut into her soul, isolating each hook. Finally, taking five cords in her right hand and four in her left, she pulled out the hooks in her soul.
A column of black fire rose into the night, invisible to most mortals, but easily perceived by those touched by the divine, or the infernal. Rhythiel dropped unconscious atop the globe, ichor flowing from the nine wounds that had appeared in her flesh. Within moments, something not unlike blood began to flow instead, washing the ichor down into the water of the fountain...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
A fellow seemed to be out on a stroll from time to time he was tossing a stone in the air and catching it. This was just an act he was following orders as he saw them. Berkana a rune of new beginnings was strong tonight and other stones guided his actions to come to the Phoenix plaza.
To some he was just a fortune teller, many others just a guy with a gimmick, to a few they know he was a holy man. He didn't follow the ways of the popular religions he didn't really seek out to convert other to his views. He would have trouble even explaining his ways and means to someone else. The powers speak to him via the Runestones and he was a Rune Priest anything else simply was.
There was something on top of the statue he saw or more to the point felt a disturbance in the fabric of reality. Now how to get up there. He reach into his pouch at his side and drew out another rock this one marked with the Rune that looks like a pointy R raido. Then he draws on the power and took a few steps flickering out of reality and back in on top of the globe.
"Berkana indeed." He rushed over to Rhythiel and knelt down and held the Berkana rune over her body it started to glow with a green hue radiation healing magic. With his other hand he replaced raido and drew out the rune Ehwaz and it also began to glow with a blue tint radiating energy. "What has the powers brought me to?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
The healing magic stopped the flow of blood, but it seemed to do little to close the wounds; the one over her right horn looking especially nasty. Rhythiel stirred, though, and her eyes opened again. "That was more painful than I thought it would be," she said softly. "No wonder that more of my sisters do not attempt to free themselves this way." She looked at the fellow with the stones, and said, "I am Rhythiel, formerly of the Lillim, and I thank you for your gift of healing."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"You can just as easily thank a bird for flying or a fish for swimming. I was called so I came, you were harmed so I healed. The Powers knew your needs and sent me. I am Finngeirr but for the sake of my american friends I go by Fin." He replaces the rune stones to his pouch. "The runes spoke of pain and new beginnings and of need. I can only assume they spoke about you."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
The mysterious form sat atop a building, looking over the edge and watching the dark streets below. A foul rain began to pelt the shadowy figure as he scanned the streets for any signs of trouble. Finding none, he closed his faintly glowing eyes and concentrated, sending telepathic feelers out across the city. Within seconds he had located his next target, a Svaltik that had been terrorizing the occupants of an apartment building in the Alexandria district of Titan City. He opened his eyes again, planted his feet on the side of the building, and pushed off. He fell through the air, the wind tugging at his hood and whistling in his ears. Seconds before he smashed into the cold wet ground, a dark portal of swirling energy opened underneath him and he disappeared into it.
A district away, a similar portal opened in a dark alley and the dark form stepped out. His glowing green eyes quickly located his target. He made no noise as he drew twin swords, Judgment and Damnation, from their scabbards on his back. He moved to within striking distance of the Svaltik, taking advantage of it being too intent on stalking its prey to notice his presence.
“Ti vala soral ko jher nov, mur bakar. (Your reign of terror ends now, foul creature.)” he said. The Svaltik whipped around and looked at him, then roared a challenge. It raised its arm and wickedly sharp claws slid from their sheaths. It roared again and charged at the shadowy figure. There was a subtle hiss as one of his swords whipped through the air, amputating the creature's arm at the shoulder. The severed appendage fell to the ground with a wet THUMP as the beast howled in pain and attempted to bolt past him. He spun and his other sword passed cleanly through the creature's abdomen, cutting it neatly in half. The legs stopped moving immediately, but the top half fell off as it continued in its attempt to flee. Black blood poured out of its wounds and burned into the street as the Svaltik attempted to drag its upper half away from the shadowy figure. But, it was not fast enough. One last stab through the creature’s neck severed its brain stem, ending its struggles.
The dark form pulled his sword out of the creature's throat and holy fire burned up the blades, incinerating the putrid-smelling blood. His fingertip glowed and he traced a glowing rune in the air, then uttered a short incantation. Light shot from the rune and impacted the three pieces of the Svaltiks body. They burst into holy flame, burning quickly until there were only small piles of ash left. He swiped quickly with one of the swords, scattering the ashes.
The swords slid silently back into their scabbards and he opened another dark portal. Just as he was about to step through, he felt the tug of strange magiks and looked over his shoulder. He could see the Phoenix and watched as a column of black flame shot upwards from the top of the globe. Without looking back at the portal, he changed its destination. Stepping through, he disappeared.
The corresponding portal opened atop the globe and he stepped out to find a man knelt over a horned woman. Silently, he drew his swords, but something about the woman gave him pause. The glow of his eyes increased subtly as he shifted his sight to study their auras. A cold voice emerged from the darkness beneath the hood. “Who… or what are you?”
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"It could be that they did. A new beginning was what I sought, and pain is the price I am paying. And your healing may well be what I needed to survive my new beginning." Another person had arrived, and Rhythiel stood, unsteadily, and repeated, "I am Rhythiel, formerly of the Lillim." She stretched her leathery wings, and looked around at the remnants of the streams of blood. "I hope that doesn't mar this statue." Then, remembering the fountain below the globe, "I hope it didn't contaminate the water."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"The Lillim... you are a child of Lilith." he said, the glow of his eyes returning to normal as he ceased studying their auras. He sheathed his left sword and traced a series of five runes into the air with a glowing fingertip, then tapped the runes to feed power into them. The runes forms grew indistinct and they transformed into a circle of five small, glowing spheres. The spheres burst into motion, flying in different directions down the surface of the globe to clean the Lillim's blood off the stone. Gathering back together in the pool, the spheres glow increased in intensity until they exploded in a shower of light, spreading motes of energy throughout the entire pool, cleansing it of any taint.
He then looked back to Rhythiel and pointed his remaining sword at her. "You may not be a demon, but why should I continue to tolerate your presence on this plane?"
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Rhythiel looked at him. "Thank you for rectifying my error. You pose an interesting question. What do you propose as an alternative? Be warned: if you plan on sending me back to my mother's realm, I will resist, even if it means one of us dies. I will [I]not[/i] go back into slavery willingly."
Her voice grows a bit softer. "Also, I promised someone I would try to help him; until that promise is fulfilled, if I leave, I must return. To keep promises freely made, that shall be part of my new path, now that I have rejected that of deceit."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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The glowing eyes studied her for a moment longer, then he sheathed his sword in one smooth motion. "Though I am loathe to believe one so closely linked with Lilith, your words have the ring of Truth to them."
He sketched a short bow. "I am Taurien Felrender, slayer of demons and a Guardian of this plane from the forces of the Black Triad."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Oh the sins done in the name of the greater good." He seemed to be ignoring the drama and pulled out a rune stone and looked at it "Well of course she be facing hardships. Should I get involved?" He kept that stone and drew a few others. "Ah that answered my question."
He stood up and looked to Taurien "I am Finngeirr Runepriest I healed her and if she does any harm in this realm I take responsibility. The Powers guided me here, and the powers healed her. Lower your weapon or face my wrath, for what ever reason the powers I follow have an use for this one." With his hand he used one of his drawn rune stones and Rhythiel blood stains started to fad away or more to the point was being cleansed turning into pure water. "If need be I can make sure no lies passes anyone's lips. For the moment I feel that if you suspected something foul you would have fired. So lower your weapon."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Rhythiel smiled wryly as she looked at the wound in each of her arms. "Understandable. If I had realized in advance how painful removing those links would be, I do not think I would have had the courage to do so. You slay demons? Would you know anything about a summoner of demons being killed recently?"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
The magical auras eminating from the statue was strong. Shepherd could sense it. he had felt the dark energies coming from the woman before she was injured. He observed everything that was going on from a near by building. And then there was another like him. a Holy Warrior. He could see the light eminating from the swordsman. that was when he teleported as lightning struck on top of the globe as he appeared. He war his ghost mask under the hood of his armored sleeveless hoodie without his goggles letting his glowing blue eyes shine through. Up until this point Shepherd was the only one of his kind in this city. He observed the three that stood before him.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Finn blinked trying to get the after image of the flash of light caused by the appearance of Shepherd. Then he looked up at the sky "Alright I get it. I never complain about being bored again." Then he looked to the other three on the statue "Before any battle begins may I offer anyone some fresh herbal tea. Would only take a few minutes at my humble apartment to brew."
Finngeirr was dressed in grey trench, coat grey pants, and even a light grey shirt. At his side was a hip bag marked with Norse runes.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Shepherd then spoke up as the stranger invited them for tea.
"That sounds like an excellent idea. My name is Shepherd to my friends, here but my friends back in my home dimension know me as Gideon."
Shepherd extended his hand in friendship to the 3 that stood before him.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"I am Rhythiel,.formerly of the Lillim, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance, as well." She took his hand in a firm grip. Then she suddenly looked at him again, before releasing his hand... [I]He can help, but perhaps it would be best to wait[/I], she thought.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Shepherd smiled at her as she gave him her hand. In this case Shepherd didn't feel the need to keep his identity a secret he could tell that the one stranger that he sensed the powerful magics from knew something from his reaction when he blinked during his arrival. It was hard to keep things hidden from those that weilded powerful magic and he learned a long time ago to be up front when confronted with such beings. The Holy warrior had an aura similar to his own while the woman's was darker due to her heritage but the other stranger had an aura very similar to Ron.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"I do not mean to be rude, but I don't shake hands. Hard enough to be focused on the here and now as it is. Physical touch only enhances my sensitivity to other's fates. Now.." he took out his traveling stone and flickered out of reality and back into it this time standing on the ground. "If you three will follow me my place isn't far."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Rhythiel winced a bit as she stretched out her wings, then stepped off the globe and glided down. Those who had not seen her back yet would likely notice another wound just below her wings. She touched down lightly, straightened out her little black dress, and followed Finngeirr.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Taurien bowed more deeply to the newcomer, having studied his aura when he arrived and seen that he was a fellow paladin. "Well met, Shepherd Gideon. I am Taurien Felrender, a slayer of demons."
Taurien nodded as Finngeirr and Rhythiel departed, then he slid down the curve of the globe before dropping to the ground. He trotted after the other two and soon caught up to Rhythiel. "If a demon summoner has died recently, it was not by my blades. Why do you ask?"
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Because young David Scranton, the apprentice of that summoner, tried to summon a demon to protect him from the killer of his teacher, and apparently some of that teacher's colleagues. It could have gone much worse; most ways to mispronounce "Ryhtiel" would have brought something as dangerous as Ryhtiel, but no more bound by that name inscribed in the warded circle than I was. He begged me for help, and after I got him to promise that he wouldn't try any more summonings, I promised that I would try to find the hunter, and try to convince him to leave David alone. I suspect finding the hunter will be the easy part." Rhythiel sighed. "But at least I no longer have Mother trying to pull me back."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Shepherd followed as he jumped off the globe and landed on his feet next to them.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
He would lead them to a small shop selling herbs, crystals even had a large smoky quartz in the window display, books as well as artifacts like dream catchers, pendants, and wands of all things. However he didn't go to the front entrance he went to a door to the side and unlocked it. Then headed up a flight of steps to the second floor where he lived. The place was basic the items inside were well made just he seemed to have very little clutter or decorative items. Around a coffee table was a couch and two chairs one was a recliner. Finn went to the kitchen and put on a tea pot. "Well Rhythiel seems you have a story how about you sit down and tell us it."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Rhythiel attempted to change into a wingless form, but failed to change at all, so she sat on the edge of the other chair. "David's story, I think, as he told it to me. Perhaps one of you will be able to point me in the right direction after hearing it. He left Boston two years ago, when he was fourteen, to get away from a bad family situation. I did not press for details. He lived in an abandoned building for a few months, and was then taken in by one William Collins, a local businessman, philanthropist, and demonologist, though David was warned not to let anyone know that last bit. Collins taught David some basic magic, and was teaching him all that was needed to summon demons safely, for the summoner, at least. About three ago Collins started getting worried, then scared. He told David that someone was killing his associates, and he gave David some money and told him to pack up and hide. A week ago David heard on the news that Mr. Collins had been found shot in his apartment. That was when David moved back into the abandon building and prepared to summon a demon that could protect him. He gathered the materials he needed, drew out the circle with the demon's name - Ryhtiel - properly spelled out. If he had pronounced it correctly, he'd have had a rather potent demon bodyguard at his command. But when he cast the spell, he pronounced it more like 'Rhythiel'."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Shepherd went and sat down as he listened to the woman's story. The Ghostwalker pulled down the hood from his head revealing his silvery white hair and his angelic features. The mention of Collins peaked his interest. Collins was the last person he had taken out. The bullet hole confirmed he was the right target, since his weapon only affected those of dark magical nature. The bullets were made out of the same heavenly flames which gave him his powers and burned the souls of those that were dark creatures or dealt with dark magic. Had Collins not been tainted with dark magic, The weapon would not have killed him. His glowing blue eyes lit up brighter with the flames that burned within him at the mention of Collins' name.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Rhythiel noted the glow behind Shepherd's eyes brightening, and she knew that he knew something about this already. She decided not to push, as she might need his good will when it came to negotiating with the hunter. So she continued.
"Mother had me in the cooler for botching the last assignment she'd sent me on, and had just got done berating me with yet another list of consequences that her allies were tracing back to that event. So while I could have resisted the pull of that summons, I saw no real reason to. I went, and realized that the circle had no hold on me. So I asked the kid if he realized how dangerous demon summoning could be. He said he had no choice, and I eventually got him to tell me his story. I made him a deal, that he would promise to never even try summoning a demon again, and I would try to find the hunter and do my best to talk him into letting the kid off. So I left his basement, and right away Mother started trying to summon me back. My promise gave me a way to resist, but I knew I couldn't resist long. But after however many years it was in the cooler, I'd thought I'd figured out a way to remove the bonds. It worked, but it still hurts.'
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Shepherd sat there as she told her story listening intently until she finished. He was intrigued by her and wanted to help her. It wasn't often when a creature of the dark wanted to repent for their sins which was what made her intriguing he thought of another in his past who walke that fine line. A female vampire whom he formed a truce with in his home realm. He then looked into her eyes as he spoke.
"Do you know why Collins and the other cultists were targeted and if the targets were just cultists?"
Shepherd sat there as he waited to hear her response. Since he had already revealed his identity, He felt it only fair to reveal himself as the hunter, and explain his reason. By the way she spoke of David, he understood that he was just involved with the wrong people and had no idea what he was getting into. That right there afforded him a second chance eventhough he was involved with Collins.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Finn came into the living room and set down some peppermint tea. "Seems this David fellow was very lucky. Demonic contracts can go very very wrong." He settle down in the recliner and sipped his own tea. "How long have you been in this contract Rhythiel?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"No. David had only met two of the people Collins told him had been killed, about a year ago, and they creeped him out. I suspect that Collins didn't want to scare away his protégé. As for why, many would consider summoning demons to be reason enough. That's why I insisted on that promise from David, besides being directly dangerous if he made a mistake like he did this evening. I knew that if the summoning was the reason for Collin's death, not stopping would lead to David's death."
Rhythiel looked directly into the glow of Shepherd's eyes. "David never used the word 'cultist', when telling his story, and neither did I. So, do you know why Collins and the other cultists were targeted, and if they were just cultists?"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Rhythiel took a cup of tea. "Thank you. This contract, only since just before midnight, when I made the deal with David. The one I ended on the globe, that I had been stuck in all my life. Sometime in the thirteenth century. But it can be hard to judge time passing here by time passing in my mother's realm." She sipped the tea, and began to relax a bit.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"That would be hard. But I think I can lend a hand and reveal a few things." He laid down an animal skin and rolled it out the skin had rune marking around it.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Shepherd took a sip of his tea before responding.
Yes I do. I was the one hunting them but I had only been hunting them for months. the first hunter was slain by a demon. a regular mortal with magical ties. The Mages that contracted me needed someone not of this world who's abilities went far beyond that of any mortal magic user. Many of these occultists had sold their souls to these demons resulting in the demons inhabiting their bodies and running the governments and corporations they were in charge of but the cultists were not the only ones, there were vampires and werewolves involved as well.
Shepherd took another sip of his tea.
"These creatures were involved in the trafficking of humans for food and to be used as sacrifices. When I went after Collins. I found 13 teenage girls ranging from ages 13 to 17, all virgins trapped in his basement. I freed them after putting Collins out of his misery"
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Rhythiel's face grew hard. There was a tale widely told among her sisters, about where Lillith got the soul-stuff from which she made her daughters. "I think, it might be better for David, if he were not told that. I hope you won't need to test him, by seeing his reaction when told of this." There were other tales told among her sisters, of the dreaded seraphim who could always tell truth from lies. These tales she now hoped were true...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Taurien sat in the chair and simply listened to the others. He was a being of action and not of words, so he had very little to contribute to the conversation, or so he felt. After the peppermint tea was served, Taurien took the edges of his hood and pulled it down, causing the spell that concealed his face to go dormant.
He would've been a very handsome man if it wasn't for three wicked scars that scored his face from his right temple to his left jawbone. His eyes, both of which he'd lost when he received the scar, had been replaced with orbs that glowed a dim white-gold color.
Taking a cup of the tea, he sipped it while continuing to listen.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Now Rhythiel if I may have your permission to read your fortune. Note a fortune isn't the future it isn't the past. It's what affects you the most and where it might lead. If you accept give me a number between one and nine. The more runes I use the more I can see."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Rhythiel briefly considers a number, then rejects it as she is certain Finn meant a whole number, as in how many runes he should use. "Six," she says instead. "Is there any place nearby to get pie at this time of night?"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Shepherd sat there as he looked at Rhythiel.
"I could tell you were telling the truth when I looked in your eyes. No i will not test David, but you will still have to protect him. Eventhough I will not harm him he knows too much and the other occultists may come after him."
He took another sip of his tea.
"I can help you protect him if need be."
Shepherd smiled at her question.
"You can get pie at Famous Ray's."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
It was as if a great weight had come off her shoulders. "Thank you. I would appreciate the help, though I think they must first find him. The basement he is in is well warded, Collins taught him that much, at least. But if you could perhaps look in on him from time to time, I think between the two of us we can keep him safe. For a time, at least."
Anyone who happened to be looking at the wound above her right horn might possibly notice that it had closed a bit since she sat down...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Finn nodded and settled down on the floor. He drew out six runestones and laid them down. "Lets see Berkana, Speaks of something in your past that allowed you to grow beyond what you were. Perp reinforces this speaking of rebirth and new beginnings. What that event was it changed how you see things changed how you felt. That botched job you spoke about perhaps. Inguz speaks of work this be now in your life so your new contract would count for this. Uruz speaks of a right of passage the result of the changes you are undergoing. But be warned Hagalaz speaks of a sudden Loss, an Ordeal you will face. Ahh you won't be alone seek out aid a significator will be needed by your side." He looked up then at Rhythiel "This is what the runes tell me. Their meaning is for you."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Shepherd smiled knowing he could help.
"If David really wants to get into the mystic arts. he needs a good teacher...the right teacher. I have a friend who has recently joined the team I'm in Titan's Legacy. Her name is Goldenrod. She may be able to teach him. The other members of the team don't know what I've been up to but I won't be surprised if she does since she has her ways of finding things out."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"I can narrow it down further than that. It was my target's conversation with a missionary, as I followed him out of the airport in Los Angeles. I think I have accomplished my new contract," she nodded towards Shepherd, "but that is, I think, only the beginning of my new path. The right of passage could be my removal of the bonds to my mother, or it could be something yet to come. An ordeal, well, just as David in still in danger from any unscrupulous wizard who learns he is half trained, or anyone who fears what he might know, I must be aware that my mother will not take my defection lightly. And aid should always be welcome in times of trouble."
"Perhaps we can steer David to this Goldenrod, or vice versa. If she can teach him, he will be less vulnerable. Famous Ray's? Any relation to Ray's Pizza D'Oro? And will they be open at..." She looked around for a clock. She hadn't been thinking of pizza, but thought it a good idea in any event.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Shepherd nodded
"Yes, Ray's pizza. What i can do is when i head back home I can inform Goldenrod of the situation, this way David won't have to leave the safety of the basement. she is a powerful magic user and I am very confident she can help David out."
Shepherd finished drinking his tea.
"If you and David need asylum, My private base is an abandoned church that I purchased upon my arrival with a bunker that connects to the tunnels under the city."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"That might be good. Surely one of the last places anyone would expect to find an apprentice demonologist! Is it still consecrated?" Rhythiel was fairly sure it was Lillith preventing her from approaching such places earlier. And if not, best that she find out now... "I'll check to see if these tunnels can be accessed from David's basement. If so, we may be knocking on your door soon. If not, it may take a bit longer."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Shepherd smiled. as he nodded.
"Only to prevent evil creatures from entering.The place is surrounded with invisible sigils. Only those I allow in can enter."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"This sounds good. I'll need the address. And the idea of pizza is becoming more and more enticing. Is it still in Clarkes' Town?" Rhythiel's stomach was rumbling.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Shepherd nodded as he wrote the address on back of the Ray's pizza business card he had.
"If you want, we can head to Ray's now. He does stay open late for some of the heroes like myself who are usually on night watch."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
The address to Ray's hadn't changed in the ninety-eight years since Rhythiel had last been in Massachusetts, but from what she had seen earlier many landmarks had. She palmed the card and said, "Lead on!"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Before you go." He fished out a pendant from a pocket the rune raido was marked on it. "A little protection for traveling, won't protect from heavy duty threats like your mother, but will turn away minor muggers and such."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Shepherd looked at his other new allies. As he got up from the chair, he smiled at Finn and Taurien.
"Finn since you were kind enough to invite us to your home, The pizza is my treat.
He then looked back at Taurien.
"It's always good to find others like me that battle the same creatures I do. Not alot of heroes know how to deal with such creatures, but we can discuss strategies and tactics while we eat.."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
He packed up his things and stood "Very well. If it's the will of the powers I suffer heartburn tonight so be it." Thinking a moment then he prayed "Loki God of mischief and deception I ask you to deceive those that seek to destroy the life of my new friend and her ward." Opening his eyes "Not sure how much Loki will get involved the powers I follow prefer their subjects to think and act for themselves."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"I will accompany you." Taurien said, standing. He reached down to his belt and shifted the knot of the sash from his right hip to his left hip. This triggered a disguise enchantment and he ended up looking like a normal young man wearing a hoodie, camo pants, and dark sneakers. His scars disappeared and his eyes shifted to normal the next time he blinked.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Shepherd opened the door as he lead the way out to Ray's
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Just as quickly as they teleported they appeared in front of the statue in Phoenix plaza.
"we're here."
Shepherd smiled at her. He had hope no one noticed his eyes shift color when his aura shifted even if it was momentarily. on his time back he had met 5 new allies which to his estimation was good. There was still so much that he needed to do in his time back.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Hypatia released Shepherd as her sight (and her Sight) cleared from the aftereffects of the teleport. Then she looked (and Looked) at the statue. "Looks like it's about ready to be consecrated. Willing sacrifice, then it looks like you cleansed it, then someone else with a Nordic feel, but not the priestess of Freya that sometimes comes by the Library, someone else..."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Shepherd looked at the statue and then back Hypatia.
"That would be Finn. he is the guy who's aura was similar to Ron's."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Hypatia nodded. "Unfortunately, with all the cleansing you and Finn did, I can't really See much more than that. Hopefully Kahry will have some background info for me."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Shepherd nodded.
"Let's hope so. If I'm wrong about Rhythiel then it wouldn't be first time. I am no angel, but something completely different. Though celestial in nature with human attributes that carried over in my rebirth."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"From what I've heard, even angels have been known to make mistakes. What counts more is learning from them and fixing them if you can." Hypatia looked at her watch. "I'm going to see if I can catch Sarah at her office. Call me if anything comes up you think I can help with."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Gideon nodded as he sat down on a near by bench..
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Hypatia went across the street to the building where the District Attorney's offices were located. At the desk she gave her name and asked if Miss Holt was in, and if she had a few moments to spare.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Hypathia would be met with the beaming face of Isabella Harper, a pretty and fairskinned young woman clad in a stark grey business suit and skirt, with matching heels. Sarah's personal assistant, she has gone from being begrudgingly assigned to Miss Holt to one of her best friends and rare confidants, one only a handful of people trusted with her identity. Brushing a loose strand of black hair back into her bun, she proceeds to lead Pat down the hallway towards Sarah's office.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Isabella Harper, Miss Holt's personal assistant, she's in a meeting right now." Her sheepish though caring tone puts a greater weight on her words, before she stammers.
"Oh, I'm sorry?! W-what's your name?" She inquires as she leads Pat to a bench just outside the office, in which Sarah sits behind her desk facing a unknown but feminine figure...and she appears nearly livid, a pencil clad tightly within her grasp like a vice.
"Hypatia Argyros. Or just Pat. It seems I may have come at a bad time..." As she tried to make out the identity of the person Sarah Holt was facing, the sounds of Oingo Boingo's [I]Dead Man's Party[/I] sounded softly. She pulled out her Goldenrod phone and accepted the call, speaking softly...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Putting the phone away after a brief conversation, Hypatia said, "Seems I have less free time this morning than I thought." She pulled out a pad of sticky notes and began writing quickly.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The door to Sarah's office is quickly opened, as the silky and attention grabbing voice of Cordelia Bennet cuts off a still fuming Sarah.
"Miss Holt and I were just finishing, darlings." She calmly states as she eyes the pair, before slightly narrowing her eyes at Pat, before turning back to Sarah to rub salt on one last biting wound upon spying a picture of her late father and a beaming Sarah on the day of her first court case.
"And a pity about your father, my condolences...I bet he was a treasured member of the drunken beat officer club." With that last cruel insult, Cordelia steps out of the still tensionflled office and brushes past Pat and Isabella, as...a momentary chill is felt?
Not seconds after the sound of heeled boots enter the lobby and away from their area, Sarah rises slowly from her chair within her cream top, grey jacket and skirt, before speaking without a trace of malice as she waves them in.
"Pat, so sorry about the delay! Please come on in, take a seat. Isabella, can you make sure the DA is notified of my break?" Isabella nods, briefly appearing concerned at her boss's and friend's state before offering a smile to both women and closing the door as she practically skips out.
Sam Beckett had walked into the front area of Sarah's suite only a few minutes after Hypatia was led back towards Sarah's office. He'd decided to drop by and see if he could score a lunch date. But the good mood he was in darkened when he heard Cordelia's parting comment about Leo, a man that Sam had come to see as a father since his own had never been a part of his life.
Sitting on the edge of Isabella's desk, he stood and stepped into the hallway as Cordelia made her way towards the exit. He recognized her from various TV broadcasts and locked eyes with her cold gaze. "Detective Leo Holt was a good man and a valuable member of the TCPD. He died protecting the people of this city. It would be in your best interest to not insult him in my presence again."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Walking into the main entrance was a short fellow really short as in a dwarf his leg bones are deformed enough he walked with use of canes one held in each hand. He looked about "Where does someone need to go to register got to confess I'm a tad lost."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Not being sure of how secure Sarah's office is (certainly any criminal with pretentions of notoriety would love to put bugs in all these offices!), Hypatia was careful with what she said. "Unfortunately, I have less time than I would like, it seems there was an incident at the Museum. Again. But what I wanted to discuss with you was the legal aspects of a project I had in mind. I don't suppose you've read Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden novels? There's an idea from that series I wanted to try, assuming I can find a place to put it. Essentially, I'd make a map of the city, perhaps eight feet across, incorporating small pieces of major landmarks, and use it as a scrying device. It would be safer than more direct methods, although not as useful for showing others what I've found. My main question, Sarah, is would information from such a device be useful to a prosecutor such as yourself, or would it be inadmissible?"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Cordelia simply smirks as she lays her verdant eyes over Sam, appearing as though she had spotted something rancid and dying as she glanced in his direction. When she speaks, her tone drips derision and mocking.
"And where would Sarah be without her zookeeper, I wonder. Very cute, but please, all this entertainment isn't usually a part of my lunch rush. Regardless, I'll simply try my best, honestly." She states, before softly brushing past Sam and entering a waiting limosuine, driving off with a hiss of pavement.
Elsewhere, Sarah blinks at Pat's question, taking it into consideration before replying.
"Yes, I would. It could provide us with a additional source of evidence in a case, in wherein we have no witnesses willing to testify or etcetera. However I would have to get my co-counsel on board and the DA, but we could certainly try." She smiles.
Hypatia smiled back. "Well, making it will be a major undertaking, possibly over a year in my spare time. And I'd probably have to get space from Titan's Legacy to set it up. Maybe put a glass cover over it so they can use it as a conference table or something. I'll let you know when it's ready. Meanwhile, I have some possibly toxic spell residue to handle."
She got up, and offered her hand. "Thanks for your time."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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As Eric waited for someone from registration office to come out to view the reason he was registering outside he looked up at Unit Two a 6 foot tall ninja style combat battle robot. "Paper work and more paperwork just so I can do what I always wanted."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Sarah shakes Hypathia's hand firmly but friendily, before pulling the woman gently into a loving hug, stepping back to remark.
"And perhaps maybe membership could be negotiated, but another time." She grins, before beginning to walk Pat out of her office.
"I am also sorry you had to witness Ms. Bennet and I's little spat." She apologizes.
Sam maintained level eye contact with Cordelia as she left the office, the plunked back down on the edge of Isabella's desk and waited for the receptionist to return. Once she had, he greeted her. "Afternoon, Izzy. I don't know why the Queen Bitch of the Universe was here, but after that last comment, she's lucky she didn't get nova blasted back the way she'd slithered in."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Hypatia returned the hug. "I'm not. I like knowing who my friends need protecting from. Although I'd prefer not to encounter her on the way out. Is there an alternative exit?"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Izzy giggles at Sam's comment, having grown fond of him since Sarah had began dating him. Comforted by his presence, she speaks her mind rather than a usual mouselike reply.
"That was viscous, but Sarah is a superheroine, she used to complaints and stares and comments. What's going to matter is if she let's Queen Bitch be a negative blot on her day, or she continues being a quite literal ray of sunshine." They would receive their answer as they would spot a chuckling Sarah approach them as she leads Pat out. Sarah turns back to Pat with a smile as she replies.
"It looks like she has already fled on her broomstick, but for reference just down that hallway, those stairs." Points, before adding sheepishly, apologetically.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend...still not used to you being a witch. Makes me feel pretty meek in comparison, seeing as magic is...well, magic." Confesses quietly, as not to reveal their alter egos, before she grins to Izzy and Sam.
"Izzy, you alright, Sam?" The former nods, waving off the recent events with a twirl of her tablet stylus.
"It takes more than a socialite harpy to faze me Boss, I live in Downtown." Jokes
Sam smirked at Izzy's comment, then gently pushed off the desk to stand up and take Sarah's hands. He pulled her in to give her a quick kiss on the lips and then resumed his seat on the corner of the desk. He angled himself so that he could see both Izzy and Sarah, his right hand still in Sarah's left, and smiled.
"Hey there. I just thought I'd drop by and see if I could take my best gal out for lunch... but if Izzy is busy, I guess I can take you out instead." he said, looking back to Izzy with a quick wink, then giving Sarah one of his most charming smiles.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Outside Eric was yelling at the official who came to inspect Unit Two. "It's not an AI! It's a neural receptor ... ugh alright it's remote controlled" The official looked at Unit Two "Then how you got it here?" "It's remote controlled someone at my shop operating it... Ugh. Now can I fill out the paperwork so I can do some good for the community?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Unit Two moved looking down "Sir there a problem over at Clarkstown" Eric snorted "well go over their and take care of it." "Sir?" "You heard me just don't make Unit One look like a fool." "Yes Sir." With that Unit Two went running at top speed reaching seventy miles an hour.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Rift appeared in Phoenix park, startling a vagrant, and perhaps a few children with his arrival. The telltale Crack of a teleportal opening up a hole in space announced his arrival to the surrounding idle folk. He quickly made himself scarce atop the phoenix statue in the arc of it's shoulder. He curled up in the arc, cradling like a hammock. In his scaled hands was a simple black book with traditional gold leaf writing on the spine and front cover: Complete Guide to Super-human laws, Revision 5.2. It may have been a rental, it may have been 'borrowed'. Whatever the case was, the reptilian was still reading through the restrictions and privileges associated with registration. Something would probably come up later on to break his reading session. Hell, with all the recent events, it was even possible that something would come to him, just for being so central to the city. Until then...
"Chapter 6, probable cause is defined by..."
Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.
"If only I had Unit One back up and running. That kid not ready yet." He shakes his head and hobbles over to a bench to sit down and there he pulls out a drink flask from his pocket and takes a pill followed by a drink. It wasn't alcohol it was just a simple kool aid mix.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Izzy blushes furiously before chuckling, along with Sarah who replies warmly.
"I would have taken Izzy myself, but if you insist." Grins, Izzy blushing more furiously before Sarah walks back to her office to grab her purse. In that span of time, Isabella turns to Sam in a moment of seriousness, edged with a teasing lilt.
"So, when are you going to pop the question, Sam?" Quite bluntly asks.
"It's no big deal, Sarah. And magic isn't, either. I'll catch you later!" Hypatia smiled and waved to Sam and Izzy, and headed down the hallway to the stairs...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Sam smiled and played dumb. "What question would that be?"
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
The more he read, the more Rift found the laws and regulations set specifically for Super powered entities to be tiring and cumbersome. While it was technically true that certain rights and freedoms were granted under registration, just as many cases of heroes under scrutiny were in existence. Responsibility was just as prevalent as privilege, and seemed just as annoying as it was convenient. In frustration, the book was tossed to the ground in Phoenix Park, just below the statue. It's pages flew open, fluttering through the air before hitting the ground with a thud and a short skid, closing with several pages folded on a stone step.
The Reptilian striker rolled himself over, mulling over the idea further, weighing in his personal feelings with pieces and bits from his past, and how he seemed to act lately. Many of the Heroes, he figured, weren't worth considering 'friends'. The only hero who even gave second thoughts to any of his own aggression was the Zombie. And that only lasted as long as he was still in control over his body... Maybe it was time to start considering mercenary work again?
Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.
"The books that boring?" The dwarf said noting the book that fell from above and looked up.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"Laws. Go figure?" The reptile replied, semi-obscured by the angle and the stone designs of the Phoenix statue. The Dwarf might be able to make out a shoulder, or a tail from where he was, just enough to know someone was there, but not enough to discern WHO or even WHAT was up there. "One month to decide... Jeeze." He was referring to the deadline of registration from public manifestation of power. Not like this little man would know anything about super-law, right? That would just be too damned convenient. Rift rolled over in place and stole a peak over the side, only showing about 1/3 of his face. Rough hair, sharp protrusions from his skull, and a coppery-scaled skin could be made out. His cranium size would also suggest his body's scale, at least, to a clever man they would.
Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.
"Got a trouble with law huh." He used his cane to maneuver the book for a better look. "Complete Guide to Super-human laws, no wonder you toss this thing. My mother always told me if I have questions ask questions. You are in front of the City Hall, go be annoying ask questions. I have to register my tech because I rely on Government funds to pay for it. Just knowing that they weaponize some of it for the army." Shakes his head.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
The striker atop the statue let out an audible laugh. "You make it sound easy!" He jested, implying extenuating circumstances. "There's a reason I don't just "walk in" and ask my questions." The reptile stood from his perch and leapt down, landing with a softness similar to that of a big cat. His full scaly body was revealed to the man. "With this body-- People like to shoot first, ask later." Rift took the short man's appearance in, considering his statement. Military... that was something that the striker didn't care to get wrapped in right now. "You almost make it sound like military sponsorship is a bad thing... Your machines get called to war that often?" Rift crossed his arms, leaning casually to a side, placing his weight on one foot. The response that came next would be another piece in his decision, but nothing decisive had arisen as of yet.
Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.
Izzy took a moment to eye Sam with a look rarely used that made all manner of clientele shiver and beg for mercy, from jaywalkers to drug kingpins. Her tone was equally serious as she inquires.
"I think you know the question, don't you Sam?"