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The Daily Grind ((Open RP))

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The Daily Grind ((Open RP))

Roxicon Vorsza sat at the table sipping her coffee , glancing at her tablet from time to time. She knew the ad she placed so discretely hidden in other ads and those hard to find places on the web would work soon, or so she hoped. The ads were cleverly disguised to draw certain types of idviduals to her to help with certain tasks. Those with the abilities she needed were the ones she hoped would respond. The simply exaggerated digits '3' and a capitol 'A' had worked before.
Returning from the counter with another round was another woman, slnder build and attractive. short cut hair , jet black with an almost green tint to it.
"here ya go" Jayde said as she deposited the mug of steaming coffee in front of Roxicon.
Roxicon just twirled her long red hair, up in a top knot, and adjusted her glasses.
"thanks" she said quickly, "blue is set up as well, hopefully he can return the leads that we're looking for "
"aye " jayde replied , "but for now the matter on hand is more important".....

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Just northeast of Victory

Just northeast of Victory Beach, a girl, apparently in her late teens, sat on the roof of her parent's house. A casual observer might think she was just thinking, or perhaps meditating, but in fact she was working on a puzzle.

She had found several ads with a common theme: an enlarged 3 and capitol A, and they tickled something within the cryptanalysis software that originally been intended to be part of her core programming. While she could have easily hacked some of the boards these ads were on, the presence of others in other places indicated that whoever had placed these ads had no small amount of skill. Finally, after almost 300 seconds of thought, she came to a decision. She selected one of the ads, one that was ostensibly a job offer for a position that she could easily fill, if the employer was only looking for ability and not experience, and answered it. The email she sent did not exaggerate her programming abilities, and didn't claim any prior job experience, and she signed it with her own name: Alexandra Irene Morrison-O'Brian.

She rather hoped that they checked the name, they'd find the Declaration of Sapience filed with City Hall, and maybe the inquiry would jog loose the adoption papers from whatever was holding them up. Grabbing a tree branch that had been cut off just short of the roofline, she swung into the tree and climbed down it, then went inside to let her mothers know that she had applied for a job.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Roxicon's phone vibrated

Roxicon's phone vibrated again as she finished her third coffee. Jayde looked at her and then at tthe phone, "we have an inquirey yes?"
"yes we do, a gifted young individual that would be perfect for the one job " roxi scanned the pages in her tablet over and over.
"not the sweeper one ?"
"oh no, dont want to risk such a young talent on a simple but dangerous sweep" Roxi stated as she gestured for another coffee.
"the encryption task might be right up her alley"... "i'll send a formal invote to meet us here "
Jayde just smiled glanced over at the figure sitting at the table across from her. He looked up as if feeling her stare and nodded accordingly.

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"So, you think they're hiding

"So, you think they're hiding something?" asked Momma Marianne.

"Yes. The next question, of course, being why. And I can think of no better way to find out than to-" Lexi paused for a few hundred milliseconds, then the printer in the office started up. "They have responded. They'd like me to come in to an interview at a coffee shop. I have sent a reply. If I change into something less casual within ten minutes, I can still be there in a half hour."

Momma Millie picked up the printed message as Marianne went to help Lexi choose clothing. "The Daily Grind. I'd recommend you try their Sumatran Blend, I think you'll like it."

It only took five minutes for Lexi to choose a business-like outfit with matching pants and jacket and find some shoes that looked good and would hold up to run she was about to do. Her mothers looked her over. "Remember," said Marianne, "if it turns out that they're doing something you can't fight or run your way out of, call us right away." Lexi nodded and gave them a quick hug. The twins called out a chorus of "Good Luck!" from the living room, then went back to the erector set they were playing with.

Once out of the house, she broke into a jog, heading for the coffee shop. She stayed in the bike lanes, and only had to call out warnings twice to bikers as she passed. She arrived at the Daily grind with minutes to spare, never having had to activate her emergency cooling system. She straightened out her clothing, replaced a few stray hairs that had come out of the ponytail, and walked in, looking around at the people inside.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Incoming " Jayde whispered

"Incoming " Jayde whispered to roxi who was scrolling away on her tablet. Roxicon lookied up form it and saw the figure that entered the shop.She then looked at Jayde and the other figure two tables away and motioned for them to go sit at the counter. The second figure was short, no more than 5ft tall and wore a hood. He moved with determination and confidence. He hopped up and sat next to Jayde and asked for another bear claw.
Roxicon waited for the figure who was panning the place to look at her, then met her gaze with a friendly smile . "please do join me, want anything?" she asked as she gestured to the seat across from her

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Lexi smiled back as she sat

Lexi smiled back as she sat down, exposing nearly perfect teeth. "Thanks. I hear the Sumatran blend is good, perhaps a cup of that?" She glanced again at the hooded figure, then added. "And maybe a 'bear claw'. I'm Alexandra Morrison-O'Brian."

Lexi held out a hand in greeting, and was now close enough to Roxicon that she might notice that Lexi didn't have even the slightest trace of down, no hair other than eyebrows, eyelashes, and the hair on her scalp tied into a ponytail.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Roxicon shook her hand and

Roxicon shook her hand and said "please fill this young lady's order.'
As the person from behind the counter walked out with the coffee and fresh baked bear claw Roxicon said openly"feel free to talk openly here my dear, we are not a threat to you, although i sense more confidence and curiostiy than apprehension. That's good, that's what we're looking for. My name is Roxicon Vorsza, my associates or bodyguards over there are Jayde," Jayde bows deep to new comer "and Steelleevo" the hooded figure turned and gave a very slight nod , than back to his food.
I am with a company simplyu called 3A. we're looking for idividuals who offer a uniqe ability to help our clients with thier various tasks. Those who can decipher the hidden ads in newspapers, magazines, billboards and of course coursing all throught the web are the ones we know we want. You being the first to reply in this city. have i lost you yet? or are you still intrigued?"

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Lexi nodded to Jayde and

Lexi nodded to Jayde and Steelleevo and smiled again. "Definitely intrigued. What sort of clients, with what sort of tasks?" She took a long sip of the coffee, not swallowing until she'd had time to experience the taste.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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In the back of the building

In the back of the building the homeless man John Doe walked to the dumpster dressed in faded jeans, boots, black shirt. His arms and his shaved head sporting black tattoos that seem to flicker and move on their own. Other then that he seems a normal, and that far from then the truth, by now the alien life forms had completely altered the host body and nothing remains of the carbon based life form that was John Doe.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"The tasks are simply what

"The tasks are simply what the client needs" roxicon said,"we're not biased nor are we open to everything. We've survived by not choosing sides either way our clients get thier job done, and we get our fee. The task at hand is quite simple. We need information. And we need someone with a technical mind to retrieve it."

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"You need a hacker. I'm not

"You need a hacker. I'm not opposed to the idea, but I would like to know what sort of information, and whose system it's on. If you like, I'll sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before you tell me. And I'll tell you in advance that there is a system that an NDA would not apply to: Morrison & O'Brian: Architecture, Engineering and Gadgeteering. But I'd hope that if they were your target you'd have realized the potential for a conflict of interest there. Anyone else I might decline, but you'd have my silence." Lexi studied Roxicon's face, wishing that she had more experience at reading emotions.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Jayde sat and watched as

Jayde sat and watched as Roxicon chatted away with the young girl at her table . She sighed and looked at Steel. "I'm going for a walk not far ok?" She said as she walked towards the front door . "No worries , I've got this" steel replied as she passed. Jayde stood out front of the shop and casually watched the people walking by. Not sure which way to go being new to the area, she decided against really going anywhere. Her short black hair with the slight green tint to it blew gently as she stretched her legs. Her skin tight dark green pants hugged her slender figure. The boots she wore , with the slight heel , made barely a sound as she took small steps in the direction she eventually chose. Her jacket was average grey and dull except for the fact it hid her assortment of weaponry. The blades she favored she made herself , short , strong , lightweight. She carried just two hidden away on her person. Then her favorite pistols . FN 5.7 . High power . Armor piercing and lightweight . She made her way around the corner of the shop when she saw movement out back . As she crept up to the figure she drew her pistols. " hey you there, what're you up to "?

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"Hacker?"roxicon asked? " why

"Hacker?"roxicon asked? " why no my dear, we do not need a hacker . We need plausible deniability . We employ some of the best hackers, plus some of the best AI machines and even a few cyborgs. If simple hacking was needed it would already be done" Roxicon sipped her coffee and waited for it to sink in. " to be blunt if we were to try to ascertain said information the way we do , certain individuals would know it was us. Instead we hire outsiders with no known affiliation to do it for us . That way if there is a problem , well lets just say , it won't be ours directly ". The cold tone in roxicons voice was apparent . " we do offer compensation and even help in other forms as requested. " Roxicon got up and headed to the counter for a refill. " Still interested?" She asked

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"Intrigued. What I thought

"Intrigued. What I thought would be my best talents are needed only as a distraction. My previous questions would still apply, but in addition I should like to know what I [I]would[/I] be doing. If I am to be a scapegoat, I don't want to be leading trouble back home." Lexi waited for more information.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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He turned to look at Jayde

He turned to look at Jayde his solid black eyes looking at her "We are Salvaging, survival tactic." Glancing to the dumpster "We believe some would call it dumpster diving."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Jayde holstered one pistol ,

Jayde holstered one pistol , and with the other one still trained on the figure , pulled a small device from her pocket. She pointed the box like item at the man and watched the little screen. The faint Hum and small beeps emenating from the device slowed and then stopped. " what are you" jayde asked still training the pistol it's direction . "If you're hungry , I can help".

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Roxicon looked across at the

Roxicon looked across at the figure sitting there. " my dear you are not a distraction. We would be asking you yo locate the file were looking for". Roxicon slid a small tablet across the table . "It's here , police warehouse 27 " she sipped her coffee again . " the system isn't an issue , and we can easily get you in, we have men on the inside. " she took another sip " we just need someone to access the file location from the inside . That's it. We don't even think the file is there , but the separate main frame is . Oh and if pôssible , retrieve the contents of box 106. It's not a smash and grab. The details can be worked out by that amazing brain of yours. "

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"Your weapon wouldn't do much

"Your weapon wouldn't do much harm. We are not as damageable as you carbon based life forms. We are us, we are Unknown." With that he closed the dumpster lid "Nothing usable. Food substance not needed energy requirement for life function are being meet."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Jayde stared at the strange

Jayde stared at the strange figure for a few mins. Keeping her weapon in her hands and thinking to herself a few , lowered it and said " would you mind coming with me? "

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Lexi noted some strange

Lexi noted some strange signals coming from the back of the shop, and began storing them to an isolated file for later analysis. Meanwhile she looked at the tablet, and checked to see if she could access it remotely; it would be much faster than looking at it with her eyes.

"I take it your contacts can get me in, but either they don't have the clearance to get the file you want or the list of people who do is very short. The security cameras in the warehouse won't be much of a problem. I can obtain some non-lethal weapons in case violence becomes necessary, if there are people there you're not expecting. But before I remove any evidence from a police warehouse I will be confirming that the case is either closed or without merit. What can you tell me about this object, and why the police have it?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Our contact can get you in

"Our contact can get you in yes, but she can't acesss the system . She runs security there , not the main frame. The system there is an independent backup not attached to anything . No way in or out. Direct acesss is needed to obtain the files location. We trust you could obtain said information and leave no 'footprint' of ever being there , correct? " Roxicon stirred her beverage. " Steel my dear, would you mind bringing me a bagel?" She chimed as she never let her gaze leave Alexandra . " As for the object in box 106 , it's a book , an old book . It was evidence in a heist a few years back . The guilty parties who stole it are no longer with us , they met a few unfortunate accidents while incarcerated. It has been sitting and collecting dust for no reason . "Roxicon looked briefly up at Steel as he brought her the bagel. " onion with light cream cheese " is all he said and he turned to go sit back down at the counter. " the only other matter we have to discuss is your compensation " as roxicon said this her pocket chirped. She reached in and pulled out another small tablet device . " Steel" she said with a firm demeanor" find Jayde". We may have a problem"

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There was a flicker or shiver

There was a flicker or shiver of the black exposed tattoos and his eyes. Even the black hoodie seemed to move of it's own accord. "Option is acceptable. We will follow you."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Jayde heard the commotion as

Jayde heard the commotion as she was lowering her weapon . Steel opened the back door only to see a figure standing near the dumpster. " what the, who's that, Jayde you ok?" He stammered with his words ... " I'm fine " she said holstering her weapon. " he's not a threat as far as I can tell , scans show it's not quite human anymore ". She held up the device to show Steel. " we'll roxicon needs us " he said keeping his tone as normal as possible . " Yeah , I got the message too" she said putting her scanner away and now looking at her phone. " the prize may be lost " she read aloud. " in English please " steel muttered. " you know I hate all that cloak and dagger shit ". " it means someone else is aware of the files existence " With that she turned and headed towards the door . " coming? " she quipped to the stranger by the dumpster.

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"We did say we will come."

"We did say we will come." Any scan of him would be very odd. Mostly because he absorbs most of the spectrum at least where the black is exposed, very body heat he was nearly cold to the touch. There would be electrical impulses flashing among the crystalline cellular makeup. He seemed to have no fear as he walked into the building.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Lexi smiled again, as she

Lexi smiled again, as she started downloading police blotters from local news services, looking for a report of the case.. "Your client wouldn't be a local information broker called the Bookwyrm, by any chance? Never mind, if she were you couldn't tell me anyway." She listened (both sound and radio) as Roxicon alerted her people, then noted the source of the odd transmissions walking in....

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Steel came back in first,

Steel came back in first, followed by Jayde and the stranger. " who or what on earth is that?" Roxicon asked quite loudly, almost interrupting her own train of thoughts. " you know Jayde , she's always bringing in strays " steel half joked. "He was behind the shop , um, searching for food in the dumpster" Jayde said matter of factly. " if I promîse to feed him and clean up after him , can I keep him ?" She asked with a funny voice as if to sound like a child . Steel snickered as Roxicon rolled her eyes . " how did he, " she paused and looked into its solid eyes, than noticed the shifts , even ever so slightly , of the markings it bore, " or it" she continued , " get past the sensors? ". She stared more now in awe than apprehension. " this may answer that question. " Jayde said removing the scanner and uploading the data to roxicons pad. Jayde noticed as well a second smaller data stream being uploaded as well. She glanced at Alexis and smiled to herself. " aren't we the clever one, our little secret" she thought to herself. Roxicon looked at the data , or lack thère of , and said " this doesn't tell me anything ". Jayde smirked and said " exactly , he can absorb the transmissions , hes kinda like radar absorbing". Roxicon again rolled her eyes at Jayde and said sarcastically " thanks for dumbing it down for me ". Steel snickering the whole time finally turned to the figure and asked " hungry?" " ok so how do you know he's not dangerous? " roxicon asked. " well for one thing he was dumpster diving, I'm assuming because he wants nutrition. He didn't try to snack on me or even lash out when I pointed my guns at him . " Jayde said with a confidence she hoped was justified. Roxicon then stated " ok Jayde , I get it. He could be a great asset. Ok now Alexandra, are you still interested , if so we have to move fast. "

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"Who or what is unknown. We

"Who or what is unknown. We are, we were before falling to earth unaware. We fell dying, till Host came cellular matter entered host blood stream. Reproduction took place safe from magnetic field. Carbon matter was not compatible for long term survival. Host was absorbed and evolutionary possess took place to become resistant to magnetic field, awareness began when numbers of cellular life grew beyond earlier limitations." What he was now was far from the floating jellyfish like being floating in space till the Earth's gravity drew it into a decaying orbit.

"We do not need nutrition we were looking for items to be used."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"The book itself is an old

"The book itself is an old tome , not really sure for what ." Roxicon offered the information freely , " we discovered its location through our internal sources. We don't even really know much about it , except we'd like to secure it before it falls into the wrong hands. If it even matters. " she added . " the file , or location thereof is the priority. "

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Jayde turned to the stranger

Jayde turned to the stranger and asked simply " what is it you're looking for?"

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Still looking at the unknown,

Still looking at the unknown, Lexi realized what she had sensed had been the scanning device. "Yes, I think I am still in. Do you have transportation?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"There are things remaining

"There are things remaining from the host. Memories, fragmented ones. Someone tried to kill him, did in away for the body would have died if we didn't take over. Trace compounds was in the blood. We are seeking tools to find out what compounds were, and find the poisoner that killer the host... and her." Unknown blinked and shook his head there was even a change in his voice when he spoke the last to words more emotional.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Well stranger , I'd like to

"Well stranger , I'd like to offer you a deal , put simply , you help us we'll try to help you " Jayde offered looking at roxicon as not to overstep her authority. " sure , we have plenty of equipment to help analyze the toxins and would be more than open to a mutual exchange . " Roxicon added. " As for you little one". She looked back at Alexis, "what is it you think you may need?"
Roxicon was very curious about Alexis . The AI unit was one of the most real looking and advanced she's seen. So many questions she had , but later she thought time is of the essence. " we've gotten notice if another party interested in the file , should warn you up front ." She stated.

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"Gloves, as my prints are no

"Gloves, as my prints are no less unique than most, at least for now, although there would be no oils. DNA will not be an issue," - Lexi smiled as she said this - "and a simple stocking mask should conceal my appearance from bystanders. There won't be time for me to get the weapon I mentioned, so I will have to rely on hand-to-hand techniques. A pair of small alligator clips, a pair of wirecutters, and two jeweler's screwdrivers, one each standard and Philips head, in case the video system is not accessible otherwise. A USB cable. I'll finish perusing your data pad along the way." She took off her jacket and tucked her ponytail into the back of her dark blue blouse, then picked up the tablet. "I'll pick the jacket up later. And while on this operation, please call me [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font]"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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His form shifted the human

His form shifted the human looking skin was absorbed by the black tattoos and his clothing were absorbed as well. Now he stood there a black humanoid form his face was gone a smoothed face like feature was there no mouth or eyes as if he had a full solid mask. Any scanners would have even harder time picking him up now that he was absorbing nearly 100% energy he came in contact with. "What would be needed of us for this assistance?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Steel , listening to the

Steel , listening to the conversation of the equipment needed , smirked to himself . Should have all that in the van he thought. " Rox, they're here" he stated .
A car pulled up in front of the cafe followed by a white van with the name 'Lloyds and sons ' in big blue letters

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AIko looked out the window.

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] looked out the window. "I presume one of those vehicles is the answer to my transportation question?" She activated the wireless link on the tablet and set up an encrypted link that would have taken her hours of analysis to crack, if she hadn't given herself the key. Actually running this link would be well within the capacity of the tablet, and it would enable her to use it remotely for a considerable range, easily ten meters without setting up a reflector. Then she started downloading the files relevant to the mission: description of the security, floor plans, location of the mainframe, the name and expected size of the desired file...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Will our assistance in this

"Will our assistance in this operation be needed. If so what restrictions should we consider." He said this as one of his arms became a diamond hard sword like blade.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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AIko looked at the unknown.

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] looked at the Unknown. "Non-lethal only, and minimum damage to the police and others who work in the building, if you are to be accompanying me. Against anyone else after what we are after, non-lethal when possible, and lethal only when absolutely necessary to protect yourself, myself, and those who work in the building. And please keep in mind that humans are more fragile than I am, and I think far more fragile than you..." She turned back to Roxicon. "And if that's not my call, I'll be leaving the tablet and taking my jacket now."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"non lethal is what we wanted

"non lethal is what we wanted, ghost operation . In and out with no trace , however we dont need to 'sneak' in, that van is one of the ones used to bring the old paperwork and files from precincts. This werehouse is nothing more than a paper dump, no valuables of any type stored here so security is lax. Just the system inside , is more for catalogging, not even hooked up, and it's incrypted. " roxicon talked as she was walking towards the counter. "Another please" she said handing over an empty mug.
"we have received information someone else is interested in it as well, we think." She took the coffe from the young girl behind the counter," so we need to hurry."
She then turned toward the unknown and said"Can you look like one of the?"..motioning towards the two figures in the van. One of the men got out and headed towards the cafe.He was dressed in standard Grey/black security looking clothes with a name that said 'Lloyds and sons' over his right pocket.
"if so thats a plus, and you little one, can we ask you to don a uniform?"

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Unknown's form started

Unknown's form started shifting again soon a mirror image of the man getting out of the Van was standing there. It's wasn't a perfect match his hair looked more like a cheep toupee, but would pass. "Understood. Don't do any long term harm to anyone we meet. Avoid combat."

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2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Can you sound more, um

"Can you sound more, um normal? ballgames and barbeques?.."Jayde asked bluntly to the Unknown.
Jayde liked the stranger, she felt comfortable arond him, even safe oddly. So much so she never felt she had to tone down her sarcastic even smart-ass attitude.
"you sure alexandra would look 'normal' in one of those uniforms?"Steel asked,
"you mean would the rookie with the company be stuck on lame ass paper lugging duty?" Jayde quickly replied
"You've got a point.." Steel returned.

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Barry got out of the van and

Barry got out of the van and headed in the cafe. A quick stop for coffee is nothing out of the normal for these tired employess. When he opened the door , he wasnt even paying much attention and nearly walked into.. a almost perfect image of himself. "what the hell??!!" He gasped, then paused , looked at it again and said " the hairs off, looks like it did when i was in 6th grade, Geez rox, i'll never get used to this."
Roxicon smiled," How's the wife? "she asked....."Better, thanks to you...and the fancy machine you sent to the house, still needs treatment once a day but she's up and about like she hasnt been in years.And to think , the docs gave her a few months 2 years ago"
"glad to help"
"likewise"Barry nodded...."OK , lets go all we've got a time situation"
Jayde handed barry two coffees and a bag of donuts to go.

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"Yes, a uniform would be good

"Yes, a uniform would be good. So everything stored there is for old, closed cases? There's not likely to be anything about the assault on a prisoner transport this past Tuesday, or the attack on an EdenTech lab at which those prisoners were arrested?" Even as she asked, she was sure of the answer. She tentatively identified what she felt as "disappointment".

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The files about the warehouse

The files about the warehouse Aiko was downloading , would reveal the place had slighly better security than the local Home Depot. Three floors, plus basement, thats where the sytem was held. The floors had no set guard pattern and the few cameras that worked were easliy avoidable. It is very much what it was supposed to be, a paper dump.The files and contents were just non essential or even unknown importance to the opfficials that stored them here. Payroll ledgers from the 70's, old blueprints for buildinggs that never got funded, and countless memo copies of things that happened long ago. The system was just a simple catalogging one like in a library. The file that was wanted was a breif summary of events of an occurance that happened in 1954 in phildadelphia, PA. Why it would be here, if it even is, is still unknown. the file itself is simply called 54' philly.It was traced back to this warehouse, or informantion on it was,

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"no i doubt you would find

"no i doubt you would find anything so sensitive in such a place " Roxicon said, "But if said information is what you would like as payment for the operation, i can see what we can do" She said affirmingly offering the final part of the contract to Alexandra.

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"Our communication pattern is

"Our communication pattern is due to damage of original host mental state. We don't.. have vocabulary necessary to mimic full range of human communications." He looked over to berry then to Jayde "We need time to learn. Possess slow we are evolving to adapt. High level of information storage needed was never a biological function before arrival on Earth."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"then i guess you need to let

"then i guess you need to let Aiko do the talking" Jayde said with a 'matter of fact' tone in her voice. "If you two are ready the van is waiting," she said gesturing towards The Unknown and Aiko
Roxicon spoke up, "Do you need comm gear?" asking both The unknown and Aiko.

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AIko shook her head.

[Font=Lucida Bright]AIko[/Font] shook her head. "Perhaps we can discuss it later, time is short now. I can take the lead, our versatile friend can have laryngitis. I have comm gear, but it is difficult to share." She pointed at her head. "Also, who will be driving? If that van has manual transmission, grinding gears may attract attention to us if I drive. And I am a bit underage to have a license if the police ask to see it."

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"We can not operate such

"We can not operate such machines." He looked out the window to the van "Besides we deem it faster to travel on foot. As for long range communications we have no means."

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2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Barry spoke up" I'm driving,

Barry spoke up" I'm driving, if the two of you would mind getting in the van."
"Youre going to be actually delivering some old paper files to storage," Roxicon added, "if you two could just find a window to slip away, our contact , Marge, is going to meet the van at the gate at get the ball rolling ok?"
Roxicon tapped her pad...."this frequency, got it?" she adressed aiko.
"Oh and that's Mike" Barry added pointing the man in the passenger seat,
"The duffle in the van shgould have everything you need ok aiko?" Roxicon hurry we may be running out of time...Oh and we have two more assets in the area, not far , they'll be on the same frequency, Code named. Heartseeker, and The emerald knight. Called them in when i heard we may have competition. They'll keep thier distance, but if needed........"
Barry, coffee in hand headed towards the van and opened the door,"there are a few different sized uniforms there," he motioned towards what looked like a pile of laundry heaped in between a few stacks of old dusty boxes. He then walked around and got in the drivers seat , handed Mike a coffee and the bag of donuts. "try the blueberry cake, they're not as stale as the rest". Then he started the engine.

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Heading out side he moved to

Heading out side he moved to the van "We shall ride in the engine compartment, the warmth will feed us." With that he melted into a black puddle then oozed into the van hiding completely. For the trip the van would be running cool as he absorbs the heat.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Jayde had followed them out,

Jayde had followed them out, and when the van left she came back in.
"should be a simple op" Roxicon stated, "so don't fret, besides, heart and emerald are in a holding pattern"
"i thought you said none of our agents" jayde replied and went over to sit next to Steel.
"things have changed slightly," Roxicon added, " the other party and all"
"who is the other party?" Steel chimed in.
"we don't know" Roxicon said as she stared out the window, just barely able to make out the van on its way to the warehouse.

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Roxicon's cell chirped twice

Roxicon's cell chirped twice , "Heart....we were starting to worry....ok...he's fine? good....yes...i'll call everyone. See ya soon.." She hung up and had an agry look about her.
"what's up"jayde inquired..."All that commotion was the warehouse wasn't it?"
" Yes, everyones ok, Em got a little banged up , but he'll be ok in afew, " Roxicon stirred her coffee, "but we have a ton of questions and very little answers....Steel, would you mind picking up our friends?"
Steel without even saying a word got up from the counter and walked outside. He walked over to a large silver SUV. Hopped in and started the car.
As Jayde watched the car pull away she asked" So , who did you call in? "
Roxicon was hanging her phone up again when she answered simply,"Everyone"

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LIlly and Syl flashed in

LIlly and Syl flashed in right outside the door. The two casually entered the shop, Jayde immediately ran up to them, throwing her arms around each one she said" so glad to see you...We've been apart too long." with that the sound of a bike came flying towars slowed and pulled up out front. The red and white bike was matched by the rider in flashy red accents on her tight spandex suit. Heartseeker was getting off her bike when a Blue and white blur came to a stop right infront of her. "heya heart...what's news?" Blue asked. She threw her arms around him.." Blue!! glad we're all here, been waaaay too long for this. I was gonna pop by the apt soon to see you. How are 'the boys'?"
she asked referring to Blue's dogs. "they're fine, the took well to thier new home" he said as he opened the door for her. "Lil, Syl, good to see you"......He went up and hugged each of the others, than sat next to roxicon and gave her a deep kiss. "hey hun...miss me?" Roxicon returned Blue's kiss, then realized they were being stared at..."Yes dear of course, work always seems to get in the way. " She turned back to her pad as blue looked over it to see the info it held. The rest talked amongst themselves as they ordered coffees and food.

The suv pulled up out front of the shop next to the red and white motorcyle. At the same time a Harley davidson pulled up on its other side, the engine idled loudly for a sec then was shut off. Steel looked over at the man getting off and returned the subtle nod. "gang's all here it looks.....c'mon you two " he said to Aiko and the Unknown..."lemme introduce you..then we can put our heads together and try to make sense of this mess"..

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AIko got out of the S.U.V.

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] got out of the S.U.V. carrying the duffle bag and (in a make-shift sheathe fashioned of duct tape) a knife. She nodded to Steel, and headed inside.

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He got out of the SUV looking

He got out of the SUV looking like a biker now with a leather jacket bald head with those black tattoos. Heading to the back he removed the still dumb and dazed clone and carried him inside "Brought a possible lead if we can figure out how to tap his memory. We could but it would terminate his existence... and risk spawning a second awareness." He plopped the clone down in a seat before moving to the warmest spot in the room.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The group watched the ones

The group watched the ones with Steel enter the shop. Jayde walked up to them as they entered and said" Glad youre back, in one peice mind you." She smiled as she went around the room introducing them the others.
When the introductions were done, Roxicon spoke up " You have been a great service to us, how may we repay you?" then she thought...."are you two staying for the duratrion?"
she was asking directly to The unknown and Aiko. "the road may very well be dangerous one, if you so chose to travel it with us"..she sipped her coffe, "We're here because it's what we do as a group" she gestured to the rest of them, "we all have our own personal reasons as well, sp please think a minute or two before you so hastily agree to join us in this campaign"......Roxicon was only speaking out of concern for Aiko and the Unknown. "If you choose to terminate our relationship, we'll take all information gathered and offer you the payment you require for the endeavour. While you two ponder, I'll turn this little meeting to our leader ...Blue dear...would you please..."
Blue stood up on the seat of the booth they were in so he could be seen and heard by all.
"I know this shop is an odd place for this sort of meeting, but the building we bought isnt ready yet to be moved in bear with it ok?" He leaned down and roxi handed him the datapad she was holding......" First of all i want to adress the loss of a few of our friends, they didnt deserve that, nor did anyone at that scene that was more of an innocent bystander than anything else. For those in mind, we have set up hedge funds and such so that thier fmailies wont ever be without, I know it wont bring them back, but it will at least help." ....he looked over at the two new faces in the crowd. "We thatnk you for your service as well, from what Heart breifed me on, you two went over and above for the cause" ...."Now two things...first that book, the second thought to our primary goal turned out to be the main reason they were there, who 'they' is , i have no idea yet, which makes it even more puzzling as we know , or thought we did, at least something about any type of orginization witht the resources to do what they did. The information Aiko was able to retreive " He pointed at her and smiled " was enough to help us understand a little about it. I met someone at whitehold that may be able to help as well." He was of course referring to Pat. "She works in the city library and said she knows someone who is an avid book collector , especially things like this" he paused and looked around at them again. "the book , or tome, which is called Darkweal, reads like fairy tales, but is more of a recipe on how to make, or control, creatures. And by creatures i mean, if i read the research correct, lycans and the sort. "......he went on " Thas all we know, very limited info found about it, since Aiko was able to determine it's name."
"As for the file, philly 54, it contains info of a crystalline orb discovered in cairo in 1948. A professors name is all we have to go by really, How the two are related, or if they even are , we have no idea , yet. "
"any questions so far?" he asked.............Glenshadow spoke up, "We going to back to egypt?".......
"Don't think we have a choice " heartseeker answered.

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Oustide, a vehicle that

Oustide, a vehicle that looked like a Tucker Torpedo pulled into the parking lot propelled by electric motors.
Inside, [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] listened to Roxicon and Blue, and said, "I would be willing to help. However I need some repairs first. I'll need to borrow a phone."

"That turns out not to be the case, [font=lucida bright]AIko-chan[/font]," came a voice from the door. It had opened and a blonde woman entered. She was in her mid-twenties, a couple inches taller than [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] and bore a noticeable family resemblance, assuming the viewer looked past [font=lucida bright]AIko's[/font] darker skin and didn't know she was an android. She also bore a rather large tool kit. "I've brought spares of everything you burnt out or got stabbed, and something new, as well." She set the box on a table and took out a small piece of gadgetry. "A dedicated EMP generator."

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] almost certainly would have blushed if she had blood vessels. "Mom, this is Roxicon, Steel, Jayde, Heartseeker, Unknown, Blue, and some others I haven't met yet. Everyone, this is my mother, Marianne Michelle Morrison." She tentatively identified this emotion as "embarrassment".

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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At the words EMP generator

At the words EMP generator Unknown took a step back and did his tattoos got smaller? He was more resistant to water and magnetic interference in his human guise. "There weapons do not deal the kind of damage that would cause harm to us. We shall continue our assistance... if you will continue yours. We want the poisoner."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"The poisoner?" Blue

"The poisoner?" Blue questioned, then roxi said "Ill fill you in later"..... As she did Lilly approached the unknown, "this poison, you had mentioned you still had trace elements, or could maybe identify them? If so, i can help."....Lilly then introduced herself, not sure if it was done already in all the commotion. "it might take some time, just not sure our timeframe with the current situation".. She then turned and walked up to Aiko and her mother, introducing herself as well. The rest of the group did likewise untill everyone at least knew each others name.
"You have a very special daughter there" Roxi said to Marianne, "she was quite the asset"..
After a few minutes of idle chit chat amonsgt the group, Blue spoke up. "ok, this is what we know..the dagger here ," he held up the one Aiko had brought, " is nothing out of ordinary, no advanced metals, even the poison was common, lethal, had it been used properly , but still commonplace." He was staring at the screen roxi had punched up after Jayde had scanned it. " If you want specifics, it was viper venom, specifically Bothrops Asper.. a pit viper. " he thought... "every zoo in the country has a few im sure , plus found wild in mexico and south america....nothing ultra rare about it."
Blue then turned to The Unknown..."Steel had mentioned that you could , kind of mind meld with our guest over there." He pointed to the clone still just sitting and looking around. "Is it safe?"

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"No and it's not mind melt.

"No and it's not mind melt. It's infect, our cells enter the body attach to nerve cells. Memorise triggers and consume the nerve cell replace and mimic them. So we retain the memories of the host. It's very dangerous we would have to retrieve the cellular matter or risk a second being like ourselves spawning. There is no guarantee the second being would conservative about protecting the native life on this planet. So when we remove those cells from the second host... it will kill them." Given how he showed no restraint in dispatching the clones at the warehouse one would have to wonder how dangerous he really was.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Hmm, id vote a different

"Hmm, id vote a different route then"......He then grabbed his cell and sent a text to Pat, his neighbour......"Scry for us ?" all it said.
"ok " roxi spoke up... "Egypt, i know we just dealt with a situation there, but this isnt 'gunrunning'. We need to gather information and the professors name and the location is all we have. I know it's not 1948...but there has to be soemthing there to, in the very least, point us towards our next objective." she looked at her data pad, "the professor passed , it looks like 20 some years ago, but his research should still be obtainable."

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Marianne replied to Roxi,

Marianne replied to Roxi, "Thank you, we're very proud of her. She's been a good influence on her older sisters." Then she asked [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] to sit down and set up a force field to keep dust out while she worked. She opened up the back of [font=lucida bright]AIko's[/font] skull and started removing fried cell phones and other radio equipment.

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] held her head still but showed no sign of discomfort. She asked, "Do we know anyone who could extract the information less lethally?" Her words were only slightly slurred by as she tried to keep her jaw still.

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The text came back "Depends

The text came back "Depends on what for. Range and temporal limits, also ethical. For the book? I can try, but anyone who can use it I expect to have defenses."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Blue read the text, then

Blue read the text, then replied,"just want to know where someon e came from, they caused major devestation and took lives, if there are more , we'd like to try and prevent it. As for the book, just basic information about it, maybe more info than what we already know, No need to scry that just ask you're friend for anything they might be willing to share if at all possible"
Blue then spoke up and asked, "So who wants to go to Egypt?"......

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The text from Goldenrod read:

The text from Goldenrod read: "Still at work for two hours. Need all available info on target by then. Does this person have the book? BW says it is nearly unique, should make good focus. Will have available info on book from references by then." It closed with an email address.

As she installed new gear, Marianne answered Blue, "Sorry, Millie and I have two five-year olds to keep out of trouble. And if you're going overseas, young lady, you'll want this." She pulled from the toolbox a small backpack with a U.S. Passport sticking out of an outside pocket, and handed it to [font=lucida Bright]AIko[/font]. "And be careful. Some folks in that part of the world are not fond of non-human sapients. Connections good?"

[font=lucida Bright]AIko[/font] said, "Yes", twice; once to her mother, who began re-sealing her skull and skin, and once to Blue. She looked in the pack, finding spare clothing and a miniature tool kit.

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Blue showed Hearseeker the

Blue showed Hearseeker the email..."would you send a reply on all that happened there please? If this one can help by scrying a bit of the clones hair or whatever and trying to discover its origin, it may help save lives" Heartseeker took the phone and started to type a breif summary of the events at the warehouse. She added the file situation, and the fact they have a living clone 'prisoner'.

Glenshadow spoke up" I'll go back, to Egypt."
Heartseeker added, "im in as well"....
"Me too" the voice from the doorway said.
"EM !!!" Hearseeker should be resting....
"oh hell, think id miss a chance to give someone the bill from the tailors to clean and repair my suit?...besides, lil can patch me up better than any doc could."
Lilly smiled and walked over to emerald....her hand glowed slightly as she touched his wound. The warming feeling repaired flesh, mended bone, and filled him full of vigor and energy. "Wow lil, your'e amazing..and thanks. " Lilly blushed at the compliment, but everyone knew, they all at some point owed her thier life. Her healing powers were second to none, well none they knew anyway. Emerald then went around and greeted his friends that he hadnt seen in awhile. "Oh and rox, i'll need a new bike "
"yes i read the report" roxi said very droll.
"well stranger, " blue turned his attention back to the Unknown," are you joining them?"

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"We don't see why we shouldn

"We don't see why we shouldn't. Thought what is this Egypt is it another city entity like Titan city?"

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2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Heartseeker turned to The

Heartseeker turned to The Unknown "Ill breif you as we make the arrangements. Is there anything else you need?...Friend" She added that last part to show how much she appreciated his help in the past. She liked the Unknown and was glad to have his comapny on the trip. she knew his abilities would also come in handy .
"you'll be leaving by morning that ok? want to get a jump on this, speed is of the essence. if they knew about the warehouse , they'll know about the professor" Roxi stated.
"If the two are related," Blue interrupted, "we're still not sure hun,"

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An idea occurred to AIko.

An idea occurred to [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font]. "Let me see that drive again, please. If they accessed the Philly File, there should be a record of the access, unless they knew how to find and edit that record. Decrypting it...unless they have no decryption resources at all, it wouldn't take more than an hour or two after they start, and that's if they're using a three year old laptop."

Marianne finished closing up her daughter's head, sealing the plastic skin with no trace that Mark One Eyeballs could see, then went to work on the knife wound. "I hope you understand that this is not the preferred way to disarm a knife-fighter... There's a dojo that has classes in self defense at the Maul, we can sign you up there after you get back, if you want."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"We do not have any form of

"We do not have any form of identification. That would be a hinderance we believe."

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2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Aiko, after receiving the

Aiko, after receiving the drive back from Roxi, would have been able to detect that they did read that file , but not at first , in fact it was the 12th file accessed out of 21 they read, or at least copied.

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"I.D.? " heartseeker asked

"I.D.? " heartseeker asked "well if i know roxi we're not exactly flying an airline right?" she added.
"No, no not at all, youll take the herc.." she said as she typed and swiped at her tablet, trying to make the arraingements as quick as possible.
She was referring to the C-130 they used to travel like this. "it'll be ready with everything you'll need or should need. " she added... "oh and Aiko, can you ride a motorcycle? Even if we get a simpler one, like a dirt bike ?" then she looked at the unknown, " how about you?" she went back to her tablet...."oh and as for an I.D. , you can look like anyone right? So ill have a few old ones sent to the plane and you can pick as you see fit ok?"
"You two ready as well?" she glanced over at Steel and Jayde.
"who us? " Steel asked surprised..."why us?" he asked not really caring..but more curious.
"because after what happened to the other drivers , i want pilots that can take care of themselves"....Roxicon was referring to thier ability to fly the plane and operate pretty much any other machine. "dont worry Steel my dear " jayde chimed sarcastically" i'll put blocks on the pedals" she was referring to his 5ft even stature.
Steel trying to feign an agry retort did so poorly. He cared for all his friends so deeply, letting them get thier little shots in when they can was all just a game to him.The layers upon layers of mutual respect they al felt for one another ran deeper than any could imagine. They had all been through hell and back together, stood at each others sides against unsurmountable odds, even witnessed a few of them falling, never to get back up. It formed bonds that could never be broken by some casual ribbing.

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"That file and twenty others.

"That file and twenty others. Here..." [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] sent an email to Roxi's tablet, listing all 21 files they accessed, the time, and (unless they are more heavily encrypted than the Philly File) a summary of what each file was.

Marianne finished hooking up the new fuel separator, repaired the cut myomers, and sealed the skin as neatly as she had the head. "There ya go, good as new. Will you be spending the night, or coming home? I can give you a lift, and bring you back after dropping the twins off at school."

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] smiled. "I'll be coming home. Roxi can let me know if she needs anything else, or if plans change. What time should I be here if plans don't change?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"We do not have the skills to

"We do not have the skills to operate such crafts. We can run about seventy five miles per hour in appropriate form. As well as glide in the air if we gain enough air lift."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"5 am here ok?" Planes gonna

"5 am here ok?" Planes gonna be in the air by 6" Roxicon said.
"i'm gonna get some sleep, " steel stated and walked ot the back of the shop. The rest of them stood around heart as she described the events in over dramatic fashion to the rest of the gang.

roxicon approached the unknown, "do you require rest?, or food?"

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AIko had been devoting all

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] had been devoting all her attention to the hacking task, and finally realized a question had been asked. "Sorry, I don't know if I can ride a motorcycle, I've never tried. I can reach about sixty-five mile per hour on good mountain bike, trying to go faster bent the pedals."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"well, we'll make sure you

"well, we'll make sure you have both in the plane ok?" Roxicon said smiling at Aiko. Roxi was really starting to take a liking to her.

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Marianne frowned. "A bit

Marianne frowned. "A bit early for dropping the twins off. And for public transportation. I'll just set my alarm for earlier."

"I'll be here," promised [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font]. She waved , and she and her mother left. Moments later, the not-quite-a-Tucker hummed away.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The next morning , Steel and

The next morning , Steel and Jayde sat alone on the stairs of the shop. The sign on the door read 'closed' . Steel checked his watch, 4:45 it said and he sipped his coffee.
A small brown bag and another coffee witha lid on it sat on the step next to him.

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The three headlights

The three headlights illuminated the road as the mock Torpedo pulled up, the center light briefly illuminating the shop front as Marianne pulled up to the curb. [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] opened her door and got out, shouldering her bag. Marianne spoke softly, "Call if you need help."
[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] laughed, "Yes, but you'll know before I call, anyway."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Steel smiled as Aiko

Steel smiled as Aiko approched. "here ya go," he handed the brown bag to aiko. "not sure what youd want so i duplicated your first order here"... He then stood up and headed to the audi.
"Hiya aiko, you ready for this?" Jayde chimed
They through a few bags into the car and Steel went around and got in the driver seat.

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From the roof of the Daily

From the roof of the Daily Grind building leaped Unknown in his feline like form landing on all fours with ease. "We have arrived. And we are hungry what energy can we consume?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Aiko accepted the bear claw

[font=lucida bright]Aiko[/font] thanked Steel for the bear claw and coffee, and waved as her mother drove off. She sat in the S.U.V. and was eating the bearclaw, enjoying the interplay of chemicals on her experimental taste buds, when Unknown arrived. "What frequencies do you like?" she asked, and took a sip of coffee.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"Natural source of energy for

"Natural source of energy for our kind is the sun. Solar rays particular infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light. It could say we are the ultimate solar power cells." He shifted taking up his human form. "During this planet's rotation where this area away from the sun we suffer more often seeking heat sources." He looked to her "Thought we have adapted there are now organisms with in us that can process radio wave radiation. Our echo system still adapting to our new environmental conditions so that source of energy limited."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Unfortunately, that is my

"Unfortunately, that is my most efficient way to emit large amounts of energy," [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] said. "Perhaps if we left the cabin lamps on and you covered them?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"Often we would rest under

"Often we would rest under the street lights. Or curl up in the engine compartment of a motor vehicle for the heat." He looked to the others "Is this egypt place often get rain or very wet? We have a problem with liquids water especially."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Steel smirked, "rain? no sir,

Steel smirked, "rain? no sir, its very dry" He loaded the last few bags in the car.
"hungry? hmm " Jayde thought....road flares? She opened up a compartment in the back of the vehicle and took a few of the magnesium road flares out.
She struck one and it started to burn very intensly......tossing it on the ground she asked, "how's that? Need a few more?"

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"That would do." He melted

"That would do." He melted then forming a puddle donut around the flare to absorb as much of the heat and light from it.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
Jayde struck another flare

Jayde struck another flare and tossed it in the center for the unknown. She then hopped in the care and said.. "when your're full, we will be on our way.

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Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
When the unknown was done

When the unknown was done 'feeding'. They all left . Steel turned on the radio, and was listening to the news. Appears that there is something odd going on all over the place. They heard about odd things and horrible monsters popping up all over the world. Paris, Lisbon, Hamburg, Liverpool, Quebec, Atlanta, all had some odd event or deadly one for that matter. "What the hell is going on " Jayde asked out loud. "well if anything like that happens here, I'm sure ittl be dealt with" Steel said in an obvious tone.
Jayde took out her phone and sent a text to Roxi and blue. "well im sure they're aware, but just in case..." she stated.
They drove for about 20 mins and arrived at thier destination. Looking about they saw old buildings, the odd hangar , and a massive fence that went on as far as they could see.
Steel pulled up to the huge main gate and opened it. Hopping back in the car , he took them around one of the newer hangars and approached the gigantic plane.
It was sitting on the end of an old runway. around it were the others that were waiting for them.
"not much in the way of security here " Jayde said as she pointed out how easy it was just to walk in the gate to the plane.
"I'm sure Roxi has it handled" Steel retorted. "besides, its not like this place is abandonded." Jayde then did notice the other smaller planes, and a few people muttling about thier daily work load. She smirked.."leave it to rox to find the most rundown, backwoods, private airport of em all. " "i don't know, it's kind of homey..." Steel joked.
"That shorter runway is more of what i'm worried about " Jayde was quick to interrupt. "relax ..the load on the herc in minimul comapred to its capabilities, we'll be able to take off with less distance with such a light load. " Steel pulled up to the hangar door. The others were already standing by the plane.
