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Controllers unite!

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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 13:19
Controllers unite!

C'mon all you controllers out there, represent!

Sir Giles
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 22:26
Controllers were my favorite

Controllers were my favorite AT for sure. I had many of them on Infinity.
Fiery Transfer (fire/kin), Deceptive Construct (Illusion/Rad), Tundral Drift (Earth/Cold), Mass Point (Gravity/Time), Darkened Exhaustion (Time/Rad), Aphotic Authority (Dark/Dark), and Mantle Rising (Earth/Thermal) are the ones that I remember the most.
@Sir Giles

Rezelius's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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I had way to much fun with my

I had way to much fun with my controllers. I also had pretty much every combination out there.
From my Illusion/Kinetics, Fire/Rad, Gravity/Time, and Dark/Dark. There were so many good times and I miss them!

Mendicant's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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I've sorely missed being able

I've sorely missed being able to lock down foes in a few quick moves.

graff's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/29/2013 - 12:31
I loved my trollers gravity

I loved my trollers (Graff) gravity/force fields, earth/rad,(Grey cold) ice/storm,(Miss) mind/force fields,(Arcs) fire/rad, (Xarior) illusion/trick arrow,(Bad seed) dark/nature and (Spet) electric/kinetics

Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2013 - 13:19
Plant/kin, and a gravity

Plant/kin, and a gravity/fire. The gravity fire was redundant, but I loved tossing random things at villains so much I didn't care. Also...pets. Hey, don't look at me like that. I loved my gravity distortion/Venus man-trap. Er, giant fly-trap. My green thing, okay? I loved it.

Clave Dark 5
Clave Dark 5's picture
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Spending most of my time

Spending most of my time redside, I came late to trollers (I was a squishy player at heart I guess), but was glad I did! I had only two that got anywhere, one an Illusion/Rad, the other an Emp/Fire. One made it to 50, the other to something like 47th and both were a lot of fun to annoy foes with (especially the Ill/Rad with crazy levels of recharge).

"What you say is rather profound, and probably erroneous." - Joseph Conrad
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Comicsluvr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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I had a Grav/Time named

I had a Grav/Time named Infinity Traveler that rocked. So much backstory for him...great RP opportunity. SO looking forward to doing something like this again!

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 08:35
Inspectre was an Illusion/Rad

Inspectre was an Illusion/Rad controller on Virtue, and my first character to 50 iirc. I love using "soft" control powers: slows, accuracy debuffs, knockback, tanking pets, etc. For me, a chaotic battlefield is a fun battlefield.

Mendicant's picture
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My Illusion/Rad controller,

My Illusion/Rad controller, Stellar Flair, was one of my all-time favorite characters to play. It was so much fun to send in the Phantom Army to the cry of 'Goon squad, get 'em!"

syntaxerror37's picture
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Sir Giles wrote:
Sir Giles wrote:

Controllers were my favorite AT for sure. I had many of them on Infinity.
Fiery Transfer (fire/kin), Deceptive Construct (Illusion/Rad), Tundral Drift (Earth/Cold), Mass Point (Gravity/Time), Darkened Exhaustion (Time/Rad), Aphotic Authority (Dark/Dark), and Mantle Rising (Earth/Thermal) are the ones that I remember the most.@Sir Giles

Finally, another Infinity player, lol.

Though with that, I have to admit my favorite controller actually was on Triumph, my "cabin in the woods" server. Radium Dial, earth/rad. His damage output wasn't the best, but man, could he lock down spawns.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

Bellerophon's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Mmmmmmm.... Plant/Kin

Mmmmmmm.... Plant/Kin goodness.

Keeping the vines up all the time, the happy Fly Trap chasing everything down was great. Tossing the "contagious confusion" proc in Seeds of Confusion was just sick :D

Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2013 - 13:19
I should have added

I should have added dominators into the title, they're a part of this too. But hey, it was late and I was tired. I just wanted this forum to get a little love.

Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 08/28/2013 - 11:51
I never really got into the

I never really got into the control ATs until near the end of the game (and I played since launch). The last toon I took to 50 was an Earth/Fire dominator, Archmage Bubba.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 20:45
I enjoyed my fire/kin and

I enjoyed my fire/kin Luna and fire/rad Sanctus Incendia

Ric Thunder
Ric Thunder's picture
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My favorite of all was my

My favorite of all was my Earth/Grav Controller, Graviterra. Throwing bitches up into the air and watching them land on stalagmites was the BOMB.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2013 - 10:45
My favorite controller was my

My favorite controller was my Ill/Storm, soo much chaos with that build. But my all time favorite has to be my Plant/Fire Dom, he just made everything a cake walk.

JayBezz's picture
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I am very much looking

I am very much looking forward to playing a controller class.

To me this class generally has low defenses, low damage per second AND low healing.

Offensively a controller is known for its ability to lower enemy resistances.
Defensively a controller is known to keep attackers unable to attack.
Utility of a controller usually makes the player harder to target in combat.

One thing mechanics wise that is VERY important to me is that Mez be based on a QUALITATIVE system where the value of a slow, root, interrupt or incapacitate are measured by the strength of the caster vs the resistance of a target (just like damage and mitigation). A qualitative system means you can provide perks and participation points based on how many MEZ POINTS a Commander applies (the same way you can provide points for how much HP a healer heals for or how much DPS a Damage class deals and how much DPS a tank absorbs).

I like the launch version of the hold system in Champions Online. Holds applied an amount of MEZ POINTS (MP) to a target. When the target took damage, MP were depleted according to the gross (not net) damage applied. A target also has inherent resistance (from stats/powers/gear) to Mez as well. When MP hits zero a target is released and should be granted an immediate immunity to being mezzed again for a period of time.

- -
My Questions:
Does the systems designer have an idea of what offensive and defensive tools will be used/resisted?
- If I wanted a character to have "weaken immunity" as a defense (meaning other debuffs do not work well on my character) would this be applicable in your combat system for both PvE and possibly PvP?

Does the systems designer have a solid idea of how they want Movement Speed to work in combat?
- Will "weaken" debuffs and "Movement" debuffs be separate mechanics? (I hope so)

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Airhead's picture
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Big fan of controllers here.

Big fan of controllers here.

I like the idea that participation points come from simply participating. You're not punished for not fully understanding how to min/max your build, or for gimping yourself for roleplay, and level progression for a close-knit team would be consistent regardless of competence (keeping them together). In which case metrics for the impact of mezzing would only matter to testers and balancers internal to the system.

I liked the way they balanced Confuse in CoH. It was my favorite power from a roleplay point of view, but it was also effective.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

Manipulative Maiden
Manipulative Maiden's picture
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Also big controller fan here,

Also big controller fan here,
my main char was an illusion/kinetics controller (Manipulative Maiden), but I had several other max level controllers like Earth/Storm, Plant/Thermal etc.
I hope we'll get something new like managing part of the soft control with pets (i.e. illusions) and not only pure mezzes like immobs/holds/stuns etc.
Looking forward to seeing what our devs will come up with.

[b]Time until Zero Strykers Revival:[/b] When it's ready (tm), Beta Mid to End of 201?
Official Timekeeper of the Zero Strykers SG ~ Union

Last Trader
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
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I had quite a few controllers

I had quite a few controllers myself, quite enjoyed them, even if I tied to die quite a few times using them. My favourite being my first ever controller Mystery Magician, illusion/storm, organised chaos at it's best, although very easy to get in over your head and get alot of aggro if not careful. The other controller I enjoyed alot was my fire/poison, one of the more unusual combo's for sure but great in a team, and could do some nice damage with the earth mastery attacks mixed in.

I am interested to see how controllers are done, as I liked the fact that even as a support type it could still do respectable damage due to containment. Even though control is great, it helps if a player can still do damage with that character as some people only feel like they are contributing if they are doing damage that isn't pitiful. I did try dom's although my playstyle was always a bit aggressive so tended to die alot, go debt badges :D

JayBezz's picture
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I played (and quit) Champions

I played (and quit) Champions Online. My character concept was to do Electrical Damage, yet the game mechanics forced the powers I wanted to control with to be psychic attacks.

I really hope City of Titans can not only divorce animations from mechanics, but also find a way for us to customize power selection

Crowd Control Enthusiast

AxCent's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/12/2013 - 16:53
I would love to see an Earth

I would love to see an Earth based control set.....

ScRyiER's picture
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 10/12/2013 - 15:55
Grav/Time was my all time

Grav/Time was my all time favorite of course I always loved my Grav/Kin as well. Trolloers UNITE!

Warpdrive's picture
Last seen: 10 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 21:08
Oh jeez.. I miss my Gravity

Oh jeez.. I miss my Gravity/Kinetics so much.. A juiced up Singularity, not having to take a travel power.. Making people upset with me in Recluse's Victory with three stacks of Siphon Speed.. Man, those were the days.. Not to mention being able to run into the middle of a mob and nothing being able to do anything except just sit there and take it..

Kind of depressing when you think about it.. Those builds may never again grace our screens, but we can at least hope something better will be around the corner with this.. I want to wormhole some things again!.. Mob of things into drones! Nothing is safe from the wormhole!

Wormholes are just silly. One moment you're here. The next you're stunned and over there. Ha. Gravity is silly.

Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2013 - 10:09
I'm a HUGE controller fan.

I'm a HUGE controller fan. Had quite a few in CoH. Love em all. Now as far as controlling powers in CO.................BAD.....VERY, VERY BAD. You could never really control anything.
And a footnote on that for you all. As we all know Jack Emmert was one of the co-creators of CoH. In an interview in later years of CoH, (I believe it was before the NCSoft buy out), he said one of the biggest things he regretted about CoH was the controller class. So trying out CO (which he had a huge hand in creating), I totally understand all the control powers being SO weak.

And my favorite (well 2 favorite) controllers in CoH......Grav/Kin, and Ice/Storm.

The Ice/Storm was simply awesome!

Riptide's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 days ago
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Joined: 10/09/2013 - 07:01
I loved my grav/kin,

I loved my grav/kin, Lagrange Point, and ice/storm, Cryo Havoc.
I had others, but those were two of my earliest 50s that I continued to log in with right up to the end.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2013 - 14:30
earth/grav controller? not

earth/grav controller? not possible

Warsong's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/16/2013 - 08:44
Used to love trollers

Used to love trollers especially my ill/rad and my chaos controller(earth/storm). Back in the days I was a recruiter and used to get someone +4 my level and run their missions on invincible, then build the rest of the team with 5 or 6 trollers (at least 2 rads and 2 kins, preferably with fire and ill)with a blaster to bat cleanup against +6ish mobs (for everyone but 1 person). Believe it or not there was a time when people weren't sure u could successfullycomplete a mission without a tank, but with everything debuffed down to its socks, held, slowed and then us buffed, healed, on that kinetic crack and fulcrum shifted into total overdrive, the xp (and then eventually tickets) fell like rain! It was sick! Its just amazing it took me 2 YEARS of playing before I even tried one! (Played on/off for 6). I eventually got sick of recruiting teams and would usually just get in where I fit in where invited or solo/duo farm with my ill/rad and a friend. Was pure mayhem and lotta fun.

p.s. I think petwise we had available usually like 24 pets!

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 13:45
After Tanks, I had more

After Tanks, I had more Controllers than any other AT. Mind Control was a favorite, but also Gravity. Such Fun!

Be Well!

Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 10/09/2013 - 18:36
Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

After Tanks, I had more Controllers than any other AT. Mind Control was a favorite, but also Gravity. Such Fun!


- ...and while I wasn't an avid fan of Tanks...besides an Illusion Controller, a Mind Controller Was THE -BOMB-! You didn't need 'pets' with that Power Set because almost everything, in essence, was a 'pet' to the Mind Controller with Confuse...and while there are some who would say, '...b-b-but, Confuse reduced experience gain!' All I got to say to that is when you have a mob that's no longer attacking you, but the opposition instead -AND- providing buffs to your team if they're using some sort of AOE ability...-THAT- is the premier definition of 'Control'. My reaction to those who dislike Confuse is the same as those who dislike Knockback...

- ...cry me a river. ^_^

Doctor October
Doctor October's picture
Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/21/2013 - 23:56
I was a Controller nutcase.

I was a Controller nutcase.
I had Scrapper love on and off, and the Defenders were definitely fun. Tank was great for when i wanted to punch things and not keep one eye constantly on the green bar, but Controllers were awesome. Such interesting powers and choices. And it required some real strategy.
Doctor October was my Illusion/Storm and once he got up in the levels he was outstanding.
But I had an Earth/Storm which was also beyond fun, Fire/Rad (of course) and Grav/Rad which I came to late but loved. (Wormhole was the best kept secret in CoX, I swear!)

I so look forward to City of Titans coming together! Can't wait!

Doctor October

Redlynne's picture
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Joined: 10/28/2013 - 21:15
My main, Redlynne, was an MA

My main, Redlynne, was an MA/SR/Soul Mastery Scrapper. From day one of playing City of Heroes, I was a Scrapper at heart, and Scrapperlock was THE DRUG! Here's a picture of her in her Issue 2 costume (before the invention of Pants and Sneakers!) fighting Fifth Columnists who were NINE FEET TALL compared to my 5 foot nuthin'! Yes, I was playing on a 640x480 screen back in those days ...


My second hero though, was [url=]Ms Givings[/url] ... a Mind/Kinetics Controller. She was made pre-Containment, when Controllers took MINUTES to defeat a single Minion. Conversely, there were no limits on Max Targets for Telekinesis, so situations like THIS ONE in Terra Volta could happen ...


Later, I created (as a joke, obviously) ... Topheavy Gs ... a Gravity/Time Controller. This was my first "run the boobs slider all the way to max" character. Gave her long white hair and a purple and white color scheme in Mini Vest, Pants and Sneakers look that was broadly similar to Ms Givings', in part because it just worked so well. I gave her a bio that frequently got me compliments from random strangers ...


SAVE IT. I've heard all the jokes, and after all this time the odds that yours will be original is approaching nil.

Let's put it this way. How many girls do you know who had to invent gravity control technology as a defense against the onset of puberty? Right, didn't think so.

To my surprise, as a "Scrapper at heart" sort of player, I hadn't expected to LIKE playing as a Controller as much as I did, but once I started using Mind Control, and [i]especially[/i] once I started using Mesmerize, Dominate, Confuse, Mass Hypnosis, etc. etc. ... boy was I hooked! It almost got to be a point of pride for me that I could go through an entire mission and defeat all the Foes who spawned within it without drawing aggro onto myself [i]even once[/i] as a soloist. Where everyone else complained in chat channels about being unable to take down Trap Door or solo their way through the Incarnate Arc to get their first Incarnate Slot ... Ms Givings just mind controlled her way to victory, solo, through patience, perseverence, and a WHOLE LOT of Confusion!

To this day, I still prefer to think of the Tier 9 Power in the Mind Control Powerset as ... Mass Comedy. The first time I used it on a group of Banished Pantheon in Dark Astoria, just as a test run at Level 32 ... I couldn't stop laughing at the results for over an hour! Storm Shamans would spawn Lightning Storms ... that would [b]ZOT![/b] the Storm Shaman! Death Shamans would summon Zombies ... and attack the zombies they had just summoned! It was just hilarious to me to watch these mobs tear themselves apart while I got to play spectator.

And then there was her Battlecry, heard often enough on Hamidon Raids on Virtue:


Trust your Ms Givings!

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Sailboat's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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Loved Controllers. My first

Loved Controllers. My first 50 was Ice/Storm (The Queen of Knives, so named for the metaphors about cold penetrating). Her battlecry was perfect for unleashing Ice Slick:


Down goes the mercury...and YOU!

I never understood the bizarre comment a dev made in favor of making controls less effective..."it's no fun fighting statues." Well, it's fun if [i]I made[/i] the statues! I mean, they never said that about [i]other[/i] means of neutralizing foes...I mean, in that sense, if a Scrapper kills the enemy in one swing, that's even [i]less[/i] fun than fighting statues, because now we're fighting [i]nothing[/i]. I [i]loved[/i] being able to keep foes locked down (and, in the case of /Storm, debuffed and pinned against a wall upside-down. Yeah, /Storm rocked.)

Captain of Phoenix Rising

Redlynne's picture
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Sailboat wrote:
Sailboat wrote:

I never understood the bizarre comment a dev made in favor of making controls less effective..."it's no fun fighting statues."

Clearly said by a Dev who should have been allowed NOWHERE [b]NEAR[/b] Controllers at any time, ever. It's a bit like having a Dev say about a damage dealing class like Blasters or Scrappers... "it's no fun standing on a pile of corpses."

To which the obvious Player response is, "You're DISQUALIFIED to be a Dev!"

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Xenos's picture
Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
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Joined: 11/01/2013 - 10:33
I think the secret was that

I think the secret was that control in CoX didn't have to be static. Sure, the holds were handy, but the dynamic stuff like Wormhole, Mass Confusion, Hurricane, Ice Patch, etc., were all very potent means of control. It was about variety and strategy, especially when you were solo or in the right kind of group (I loved 5 ppl Controller groups).

My first character (back in the original beta) was a blaster, but my first lvl50 was Storm/Fire controller named Mistral. So much fun.

raederle's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 11/03/2013 - 21:47
My main, my first 50, and the

My main, my first 50, and the toon I loved the most was definitely my ill/rad controller Raederle (that's her as my avatar).

Chaotic_Blues's picture
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G-Well- Gravity/Rad

G-Well- lvl 50 Gravity/Rad controller My heroic Main
Cinder Fever- Fire/Fire Dominator

Both were fun for so many reasons.

Fiery Phoenix
Fiery Phoenix's picture
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/19/2013 - 05:40
My favorite Controller was,

My favorite Controller was, well, me. Fire/Rad Controller, Infinity Server.

Mendicant's picture
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Stellar Flair (Ill/Rad),

Stellar Flair (Ill/Rad), Earthshake (Earth/Kin), Winterwitch (Ice/Kin), Georgia Peach (Mind/Emp), and more.

Sailboat's picture
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Sailboat wrote:
Sailboat wrote:

I never understood the bizarre comment a dev made in favor of making controls less effective..."it's no fun fighting statues."

To revisit this comment, and I want to preference this by saying I [i]loved[/i] my Tanks and attended many Tanker Tuesdays, I never understood why "neutralizing an enemy by making him attack something he cannot harm" (an effectively indestructible Tanker) was supposed to be morally superior to "neutralizing an enemy by making him fall down/stand still/attack his ally."

Captain of Phoenix Rising

Fireheart's picture
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Yeah, it's no fun fighting

Yeah, it's no fun fighting statues... Twitching, straining, desperately trying to escape, while screaming in terror 'statues' were fun to fight, though! Especially when you knew that the boss-beast might escape any moment and mash you into quivering jelly.

Be Well!

Wall of Knight
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I had a really hard time getting into controllers- Archimedes' Lever (Grav/Kin), the 'troller I made on my main server of Guardian, just didn't really do it for me, despite the fact that I loved the name, loved how he ended up looking, liked most of the powers... but it just didn't 'click' for me. I'm a blaster player by nature, and the damage felt pathetically slow to me.

Then I made Skein to RP with friends over on Protector. Plant/Storm. And it was love at hideously overpowered first sight. By the time I got him to 50, I was leaving my settings to more or less permanently spawn for groups of 8 while I soloed, and even then, typically the only time I went down was if I accidentally aggroed a fourth 8-man spawn, and even then, there usually wasn't a lot left of them.

Good times.

Comicsluvr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 09/07/2013 - 03:39
I had many controllers but

I had many controllers but none to 50 until I had access to a Grav/Time named Infinity Traveler. Most fun I ever had on a controller...seriously

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Warsong's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/16/2013 - 08:44
Thunder-Puncher wrote:
Thunder-Puncher wrote:

Fireheart wrote:
After Tanks, I had more Controllers than any other AT. Mind Control was a favorite, but also Gravity. Such Fun!

- ...and while I wasn't an avid fan of Tanks...besides an Illusion Controller, a Mind Controller Was THE -BOMB-! You didn't need 'pets' with that Power Set because almost everything, in essence, was a 'pet' to the Mind Controller with Confuse...and while there are some who would say, '...b-b-but, Confuse reduced experience gain!' All I got to say to that is when you have a mob that's no longer attacking you, but the opposition instead -AND- providing buffs to your team if they're using some sort of AOE ability...-THAT- is the premier definition of 'Control'. My reaction to those who dislike Confuse is the same as those who dislike Knockback...
- ...cry me a river. ^_^

Ya, I had 5 lvl50 tanks as well, loved em too, lotta fun. Also re ill/rad & mind trollers, the sick thing is on my ill/rad I had contagious confusion slotted which had 33% hit rate (seemed higher cuz Deceive had like a 2 sec rech) so I would often get the benefits of being a mind troller and watching the whole room turn on itself, SO much fun! The beauty of it for me was I could confuse/debuff def & res on the mobs in one group getting mowed down by my PA, fire attacks and of course their own enhanced damage & tohit then debuff acc/tohit on the ones that aggro'd me and my mortal decoy! Really sped up the process and made it a lot safer to farm seeing as I played til issue 19 (i.e. pre "godmode") .

JayBezz's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Joined: 10/08/2013 - 14:54
NOOOO.. Marvel Heroes (my

NOOOO.. Marvel Heroes (my current superhero fix) is nerfing debuffs to quantity based mechanic (10% or nothing) and they're also nerfing all crowd control across the board.

I don't play a CCer there (but it's still disheartening to see another game deny the beauty of crowd control based on quality system mechanics). Wanna know what happens in a "We don't like healing/support/debuffs" game.. lots of soloing in a game.

I pray the devs commit to quality based crowd control and avoid the paranoia of crowd control hate that permeates games.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Redlynne's picture
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As yet another game succumbs

As yet another game succumbs to the desire to make it [b]*ALL*[/b] about an unchallenged "Pew Pew!" Factor. Sad really.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Pyromancer's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 12/30/2013 - 17:34
Absolutely I will be rolling

Absolutely I will be rolling a Controller... err Commander :D. Originally a 50++ Mutant Fire(/Rad) Controller here. I loved when power spectrum was introduced, changed all that sickly green radiation into brilliant orange. Finally I was complete. Could solo elite bosses enough time, buff and aid groups, and was happy to assist any group complete any mission.

The CC Controllers had in City of Heroes was, and still is, legendary among mmo players. The class was even named controller for gosh sake. Snares, roots, disorients, confuses, holds, sleeps, knockdowns, levitates, all over 15 seconds long. It was glorious. Death by a thousand paper cuts took on a whole new meaning with them.

Every villain is a hero in their own mind.

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My first controller was my

My first controller was my 3rd level 50 and a start to a long love affair with controllers particularly Earth. Seeing the power of Storm and knowing the power of Earth inspired my second controller and my first of many characters made on a server beyond my 'home' server of Pinnacle ... an Earth/Storm. Eventually 2 more Earth/Storm controllers were among my many controllers yielding 3 similar but in true CoH fashion different versions of Earth/Storm on 3 different servers (Pinnacle, Virtue and Justice). While I loved my Empathy defenders and my SR scrappers it was Controllers that did it across a whole AT and really fed my advanced Altitis.

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Now that I think about it.

Now that I think about it. The thing that got me hooked on Controllers were all the unique animations for holds and CCs. It was a pleasure to see and hear a villain that was just attacking me suddenly on lock down. Also knowing they couldn't hurt anyone else for quite a while after I tagged them was satisfying.

Every villain is a hero in their own mind.

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Pyromancer wrote:
Pyromancer wrote:

Absolutely I will be rolling a Controller... err Commander :D. Originally a 50++ Mutant Fire(/Rad) Controller here. I loved when power spectrum was introduced, changed all that sickly green radiation into brilliant orange.

Yep as soon as we could customize our powers in CoH I did the exact same thing with my Fire/Rad. I recolored both powersets to the same non-default redish-orange to make the all the Radiation powers look as "fire-oriented" as the Fire powers.

When CoT launches I'm actually considering re-rolling my old Fire/Rad Controller into a new Fire Control/Fire Blast Commander (Executor). This would naturally trade the buff/debuff of Rad for more direct DPS so this character would play more like a "pocket Blaster" than a traditional Controller. I figure out of all the original CoH Controller powersets Fire was easily one of the highest DPS generators to begin with and my Fire/Rad (with her Fire Mastery Ancillary) was already probably as close to a Blaster damage-wise as a Controller could get. Losing the Rad buff/debuff would make soloing AVs harder but a Fire/Fire Executor would be an absolute crowd-clearing powerhouse.

I guess learning how Mezz is going to be handled in CoT will determine just how important having more DPS will be.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Pyromancer wrote:
Pyromancer wrote:

The thing that got me hooked on Controllers were all the unique animations for holds and CCs. It was a twisted pleasure to see and hear a punk that was just shooting at me suddenly choking and coughing on soot, or frozen in ice, struggling against vines, gripping their head in a mental block, or shaking and screaming in terror. Also knowing they couldn't hurt anyone else for quite a while after I tagged them was satisfying.

City of Statues was always the motivation for me to play a Controller ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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I'm sort of in the same boat.

I'm sort of in the same boat. Waiting anxiously on word for how CC will work in this game. If it is the same or similar to COH no doubt I will be trying to remake my main just the way he was or as close as possible. If they decide to go for a faster more "actiony" CC system then ehh... will probably just go with a superhero flame thrower type concept. I can't talk about this anymore, it's making me want to play COH and it hurts.

Every villain is a hero in their own mind.

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It is the single most

It is the single most important gameplay factor to how I will perceive the combat mechanics of the game. Mostly because I will only be playing a controller. I'm glad they've declared it a separate class which means they must actually go and support it unlike all the other superhero games i've played.

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Pyromancer wrote:
Pyromancer wrote:

I'm sort of in the same boat. Waiting anxiously on word for how CC will work in this game. If it is the same or similar to COH no doubt I will be trying to remake my main just the way he was or as close as possible. If they decide to go for a faster more "actiony" CC system then ehh... will probably just go with a superhero flame thrower type concept. I can't talk about this anymore, it's making me want to play COH and it hurts.

Reading the comments in this thread made me reminisce CoH so much I downloaded Mid's and recreated my Plant/Poison Dominator build. When the game closed, I deleted all my build files, thinking I would never look back... but there it is, i did it.

Whoo! Looking forward to the release of CoT. Or CoT Beta. Even the costume designer! I loved all my toons a lot, and I have a lot of fond memories with my controllers- here's to controllers!

Dztblk's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
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I have always loved having a

I have always loved having a troller from the moment I played CoH. I'm a 5 year vet. My favorite was ice/ice. I can't remember the actual name of the sets. Love it! Someone mentioned something about low defense and low healing. Not with an all ice troller...and arctic air! OMG an end hog, but so missed. Enemies would be snared so hard and the amount of confusion you could generate made it all the sweeter.

Last seen: 11 years 2 min ago
Joined: 03/16/2014 - 21:06
I loved running all

I loved running all controller teams and TF's. Locking-down the mobs allowed the lower dps to not be a problem.

Posi all Controller TF level 15 or better to open in Steel. (How many times did I broadcast those words?)

Tinkhard's picture
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Controllers were tied as my

Controllers were tied as my favorite AT to play, I absolutely loved feeling truly powerful over swarms of enemies, it appealed to the control freak in me :P

Vitamin-X (Plant/Rad)
Lady Kindle (Fire/Kin)
Luna Dusk (Dark/Dark)

[size=12][b]TINK SMASH[/b][/size]

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Dztblk wrote:
Tinkhard wrote:

Controllers were tied as my favorite AT to play, I absolutely loved feeling truly powerful over swarms of enemies, it appealed to the control freak in me :P
Vitamin-X (Plant/Rad)
Lady Kindle (Fire/Kin)
Luna Dusk (Dark/Dark)

Oh yeeeaah, any AT with control capabilities was right up my alley too. The only thing that irked me was when enemies were too powerful to hold down. Drove me nuts pretty early on up until I spammed Propel with recharge enhancements to keep sending them flying.

Dztblk wrote:

I have always loved having a [color=red]troller[/color] from the moment I played CoH. I'm a 5 year vet. My favorite was ice/ice. I can't remember the actual name of the sets. Love it! Someone mentioned something about low defense and low healing. Not with an all ice [color=red]troller[/color]...and arctic air! OMG an end hog, but so missed. Enemies would be snared so hard and the amount of confusion you could generate made it all the sweeter.

[url=]'TROLLERS UNITE![/url]

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AAlbusUUmbra wrote:
AAlbusUUmbra wrote:

The only thing that irked me was when enemies were too powerful to hold down. Drove me nuts pretty early on up until I spammed Propel with recharge enhancements to keep sending them flying.

I love the concept of "Control Armor" (or interrupt armor as it's called in Wildstar) where given enough debuffers even bosses can be temporarily controlled. This would make me SO much happier than turning my controller into "team battery (DCUO)" or "team kill yourself (CO)". If I chose this as my primary role I know the sacrifices I am making (usually less HP and less DPS) but that doesn't mean I chose to be a debuffing class only to stop debuffing in a boss fight.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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If I recall correctly, and my

If I recall correctly, and my memory is horrible and sadly there are things about CoX that I didn't even realize I forgot until someone around here mentions them, most holds were stackable if your recharge was up to it. I do recall stacking Char on Boss/EB/AVs - and I think I remember that it stacked on top of Cinders as well as teammates holds. Getting flashbacks of my TF AV cycle...

[size=12][b]TINK SMASH[/b][/size]

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Stormy Weathermaker
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Absolutely loved the illusion

Absolutely loved the illusion/storm controller :-) was my first lvl 50 - played on Pinnacle server....took a fire/empathy troller to lvl 50 but didn't find it as fun as the illus/storm. Hoping for something real similar will be an option here. What could be better than decoys and debuffs? ;-)

[I]"I do not believe in taking away the right of the citizen for sporting, for hunting and so forth or home defense. But I do believe an AK-47, a machine gun, is not a sporting weapon nor needed for home defense." -Ronald Reagan[/I]

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Tinkhard wrote:
Tinkhard wrote:

If I recall correctly, and my memory is horrible and sadly there are things about CoX that I didn't even realize I forgot until someone around here mentions them, most holds were stackable if your recharge was up to it. I do recall stacking Char on Boss/EB/AVs - and I think I remember that it stacked on top of Cinders as well as teammates holds. Getting flashbacks of my TF AV cycle...

Yeah, CoH's holds were stackable, both with your own and teammates. A team of controllers/doms could easily hold an AV most of the time. It required surpassing 50 magnitude on your stack to break through the AV's mez special mez resistance while it was up. That meant 17 applications of holds generally. Elite Bosses required only 6 mag; bosses only 3; lieutenants only 2, and minions only 1. A solo dom or controller with enough recharge and a fast activating, long duration mez could mez an AV on their own. It was tough, but doable.

Anyhoo, controllers and doms were my true love in CoH. I took every control set to 50 at least once. I'm not sure if I recall every combo I played, but I'll try.

Trollers: Mind/rad, Mind/kin, Mind/emp, Earth/Storm, Plant/Storm, Plant/FF, Fire/FF, Ice/Rad, Electric/Time, Ill/kin, Grav/storm, Dark/Dark

Doms: Mind/nrg, Mind/fire, Earth/Fire, Plant/Psi

Mind was obviously one of my favorites and confusion was my favorite mez effect.

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Ooh.. I just played some

Ooh.. I just played some Deadpool and had to take on Vertigo (Marvel) and omg was that fun! LOL. Bio-Damage Controllers.. yes please.

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With Ice control, I hope they

With Ice control, I hope they bring back a ice slick type power. That power always made me laugh. My main was an ice/rad and was tank because the amount of control he had (have def soft caped, have arctic air with the cognitive proc, I forgot what the power is called, but its from rad that makes a circle around you that will randomly hold add a lockdown proc in that. You tp into a mob lay down iceslick and just stand there and watch everything slowed ,held, feared, knocked up.) If you just want to throw out powers, you can use glacier for overkill of control (never used EMP because this stops end and this build was a very end heavy build.)

Tibit's picture
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Loved my doctor nimrod,ice

Loved my doctor nimrod,ice ,dark powers) still have is pic around

Tiny bot of def

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My main was illusion/storm

My main was illusion/storm/psi, and he could do everything, from stealthing objectives, to defeating armies, to off-healing, to tanking Recluse. Sure, he started out slowly, but once everything in sight was confused, knocked down, or cowering in fear, there was no stopping him.

I also enjoyed my plant/storm and grav/rad.

Here's hoping this game will permit strong enough mezzes so that Commanders are viable.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Plexius's picture
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I see a few Ice/Storm players

I see a few Ice/Storm players in here. Rock on! I had one myself. The two sets really complemented each other well (Ice's lockdown vs. Storm's chaos). He was my favorite Controller though I never got him to 50.

My other Controllers were a Plant/Emp and a Mind/Kin, both 50, plus countless other Controller alts I rolled over the years.

I also had an Elec/Psi/Elec Dominator who could drain the endurance from entire mobs and keep them drained. Permadom, permanent Mu pet, and limitless endurance. She was probably my favorite control-oriented hero.

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All I can say after playing

All I can say after playing different MMOs since the shutdown is 2 SECONDS IS NOT A PROPER HOLD!!!

Seriously, looking at my Engineer in Wildstar(don't kill me), his stun is 2.5 seconds long and though this is 'action' combat, I easily lose that time maneuvering and via animation time so am not really getting extra attacks like in CoH. Same goes for the Control Wizard in Neverwinter. And what do I get when I want to upgrade it? The first tier Stun in Wildstar gives me an extra 0.09s. Yes, I had to do a double take on that. Not 1 second, not .5sec and not even .10...just ridiculously lame and who can notice that extra 'time'. This is what I loved about CoH. For most of the game, you actually noticed a difference when you upgraded a power. I'm talking subjectively as in it 'felt' better, not just sit there with a stopwatch so you could confirm "yeah, it's better even though I can't really tell the difference while playing". Things like I can now get in two shots with Propel before my Hold stops or I can reapply before the first one dissipates. But in Wildstar I need to investigate whether abilities like Recursive Matrix is really benefiting me or my bots instead of saying "wow, that really cuts down on incoming damage, no wonder it is on a 30 sec cooldown". Nope, I have to watch health bars closely because there is so little difference battle to battle.

This doesn't even take into account fun powers like Singularity, Wormhole, Carrion Creepers, etc. Did I mention confuse powers?

tldr - I really miss my Grav/Rad controller and my Plant/Fire dominator :(

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

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Everybody always talked about

Everybody always talked about Fire/Kin as the best 'troller, but my Mind/Kin could so solo just about any mission. Who rooms of enemies put to sleep while I patiently picked them off one at a time. (Damage was slower, after all) With heals and endurance transfers to cast, he was unstoppable. (Hgiher up bosses required a team, of course, but most missions were a snap)

JayBezz's picture
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My ideal is that for non

My ideal is that for non-controller setups 1.5-3s is the hold time.

For Controller hybrid setups the time should be around 2-5seconds

For controller dedicated setups you should see 5-8 seconds

THIS IS ALL OF COURSE BASED ON AN ENEMY WITH NO HOLD RESISTANCE. So many people get attracted to hold times with zero concern with how the holds are resisted. While the interrupt armor mechanic is nuanced in Wildstar the smaller stats like crowd control resistance tend to lose all value. My medic is based on ALL crowd control (best on Evindra if I do say so) and while she's packed full of great movement control mechanics the enemies don't really get a proper mechanic to resist them.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

My ideal is that for non-controller setups 1.5-3s is the hold time.
For Controller hybrid setups the time should be around 2-5seconds
For controller dedicated setups you should see 5-8 seconds
THIS IS ALL OF COURSE BASED ON AN ENEMY WITH NO HOLD RESISTANCE. So many people get attracted to hold times with zero concern with how the holds are resisted. While the interrupt armor mechanic is nuanced in Wildstar the smaller stats like crowd control resistance tend to lose all value. My medic is based on ALL crowd control (best on Evindra if I do say so) and while she's packed full of great movement control mechanics the enemies don't really get a proper mechanic to resist them.

Out of curiosity, how would the Supremacy Mastery affect the times you propose? Will it be the full effect of a dominator for a full troller and some type of penalty for the hybrid and lower setup?

Fireheart's picture
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CoH controls lasted more like

CoH controls lasted more like 20-30 seconds and recharged quickly, so that they could be stacked or laid on multiple targets. The only ones that complained were the PvP victims.

Be Well!

barbana's picture
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My main and favorite

My main and favorite character was CBOblivion and she was a Gravity/Empathy build. It's been so long I don't think I can remember the server though. I'd really like the chance to play her or something like her again. I'd even be down with re-rolling and starting from 1 again.

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

CoH controls lasted more like 20-30 seconds and recharged quickly, so that they could be stacked or laid on multiple targets. The only ones that complained were the PvP victims.
Be Well!

And of course, anyone who had a defense powerset could just activate whatever power granted them immunity to those effects and have at it.

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Redlynne's picture
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Again, the flaw of the City

Again, the flaw of the City of Heroes system was that it was at heart a Boolean ... Mezzed? (Y/N) ... sort of structure. There were no [b]degrees of impairment[/b], except for Slow, and even then there was really only one degree of impairment that "mattered" (ie. maximum).

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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I'm not averse to a 'degrees

I'm not averse to a 'degrees of mez' system, except that, when it's Important, I need a way to assure a [b]lock[/b] on the first try... versus Most enemies. Bosses and GMs are allowed to (barely) escape.

Be Well!

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

I need a way to assure a lock on the first try... versus Most enemies.

This is acceptable when dealing with NPCs who have no mez defenses. Things start getting problematic when you apply the same standard to PCs (guess why), particularly if there is a mandate that entire archetypes [i]aren't allowed to have mez defenses[/i] and are therefore "squishy" against mez attacks.

So an expectation of a "lock" against the defenseless is a fair assumption. The tricky part is figuring out "impairment levels/degrees" when affecting the defended ... both PCs and EB/AV/GM class Foes.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

JayBezz's picture
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I love slow for it's uses in

I love slow for it's uses in twitch based 2d combat.

It is much less useful outside of those parameters. I gotta say tho.. I'm realling digging my twitch based 2d combat atm.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

I love slow for it's uses in twitch based 2d combat.
It is much less useful outside of those parameters. I gotta say tho.. I'm realling digging my twitch based 2d combat atm.

Risk of Rain for me, and the slows in there are quite fun


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Tiger's picture
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Yeah, PvP was a different

Yeah, PvP was a different dynamic in CoH. Perma-Holding is fun to do in PvE. Being a victom of Perma-Hold in PvP is not so much fun. An experienced PvPer could mitigate it to some degree by having a high defense and a tray of big break frees, but the casual players did not enjoy the experience. So Controllers had a higher magnitude of hold but would only last for a base of 4 seconds. Yet, smart players were still able to hold unprepared players until the 10 seconds of immunity kicked in. But against cold or psi players you were usually at your -movement or -recharge cap and was good as Mezzed anyway.

Fireheart's picture
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Sure, but let's not nerf a

Sure, but let's not nerf a PvE mechanic just because it makes PvPers scream. I figure, if they want to PvP, then they'd best learn how to deal with the consequences, not demand that the Game be changed to suit them.

Be Well!

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Sure, but let's not nerf a PvE mechanic just because it makes PvPers scream. I figure, if they want to PvP, then they'd best learn how to deal with the consequences, not demand that the Game be changed to suit them.
Be Well!

to be honest, being stun locked by NPC's sucks as well...


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

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It was always fun fighting in

It was always fun fighting in pvp and when I felt outnumbered or in trouble I felt safe jumping in a crowd of longbow :) also use to get the villains mad

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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

to be honest, being stun locked by NPC's sucks as well...

I'm certain that's so. I can't recall it ever happening to me.

I mean, it probably did happen, once or twice. Most likely, it was Circle or Malta that did it. I just don't recall it being a big deal. Use a Break Free and go to town.

Be Well!

Darth Fez
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In my experience it was the

In my experience it was the Carnival of Shadows who were most likely to turn a character into a statue. Especially if you had the pleasure of running into more than one Master Illusionist at once.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

In my experience it was the Carnival of Shadows who were most likely to turn a character into a statue. Especially if you had the pleasure of running into more than one Master Illusionist at once.

Pretty much these guys... and whilst people say "But you could have used X"... the problem is that sometimes you just combined the wrong stuff to make an inspiration that you needed earlier.

Sometimes there is the catch 22....

Yes, I know that CoX had the work arounds, and that you should pretty much always have something to help out, but sometimes (just sometimes) it doesn't work that way... and when it does happen, it sucks.

Which is why I *kinda* like what Wildstar has done.

Over there, if you get stunned, you can wait out the duration, or you can hold a key that will pop up on screen. These keys map to the forward, back, strafe left, strafe right... I believe you can also redefine this to *seperate* keys if you so desire...

But the thing is, you are not forced to wait out the entire duration. You can break it early/quickly, because remember... the red stuff is bad.

Oh, and knock downs? Double tap (dash) in a direction to come back up... disarmed? Pick up your weapon again... Blinded? Change your point of view so you can see better... although your character will still miss a few times whilst blinded... you are not just whiffing to darkness.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Mind-Freeze's picture
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Oh I miss fighting 5 master

Oh I miss fighting 5 master illusionists :-(

Fireheart's picture
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

In my experience it was the Carnival of Shadows who were most likely to turn a character into a statue. Especially if you had the pleasure of running into more than one Master Illusionist at once.

Ah, there's the issue, then. For some reason, the Carnival was never in the same part of town as I was. Sad clowns.

Be Well!

TTheDDoctor's picture
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Mind-Freeze wrote:
Mind-Freeze wrote:

Oh I miss fighting 5 master illusionists :-(

I never had the fortune of testing myself against... [i]that.[/i] Did the control resistances granted by defensive powersets do anything, or did they eventually mez you all the same?

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Redlynne's picture
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"Wusses ..."

[b][i]"Wusses ..."[/i][/b]

Try fighting [b]5 [url=]Rikti Magus[/url][/b] ... solo ... holding their aggro(!) ... solo ... for over a minute ... solo ... while waiting for the cavalry to arrive and deliver the beatdown during a Mothership Raid ... without succumbing to their Mez Stacking.

Now try doing that TWICE IN ONE RAID and getting a ... reputation ... for being Death Defying.

And then doing it AGAIN on a second Mothership Raid on the same night.

[b][i]Rikti Magus are my natural prey.[/i][/b]
{engage Scrapperlock on Rikti Magus!}

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
