I'm wondering what else you are playing, how you think it compares to COH, and what "transferable lessons" there might be for COT.
Unfortunately, I have found nothing of interest, after COH.
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I'm playing DCUO now just to keep my heroes alive since I left Champs. Unfortunately, it really does feel like "while I wait."
Main transferrable lesson at this point is don't put a Superhero veneer over the Sword n Sorcery mechanics-move forward the new, original genre that CoH gave birth to.
Which is what CoT is planning to do- so I'm waiting :).
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
Have tried WoW, AoC, TSW, CO, NW, LotR, EQ2, SWTOR, and probably at least one other I can't recall at the moment.
None has kept me. In some I couldn't even get through a whole day.
Just hanging on for something that feels like CoX did.
Spurn all ye kindle.
Guild Wars 2, Wildstar, Guild Wars, Eve Online, WoW occasionally ( I play WoW for a few months, stop... pick it up again later for a few months, stop... have done for the past few years) are the ones right now that I have installed.
Ticket To Ride, Small World 2, Shadowrun returns (occasionally).
Actually taking a break right now whilst waiting for Wildstar to come out properly.
I'm on an on again, off again relationship with DCUO and various MMOs like Perfect World (shut up), Allods, Path of Exile. >_> trying to get into LoL and SMITE.. Sadly, the fantasy Genre just is full of cliche and the last good game for it IMO was Shadowbane, so I'm not as involved in those other games as I would be in CoH.. or Tabula.. or any of the other entertaining games they keep shutting down for whatever reason (GUNZ?! Seriously?! That was the hypest when I was young.)
[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]
Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain
I am kinda glad that I see Sarah Morrison several times a day (I have a door sized wall hanging, hanging on my bedroom door).
I would put up the 2nd one of her I have, but as it is a convention sized booth hanging, I dont *quite* have the wall space for it....
Still miss Tabula Rasa, and wish that they had just a few more months in beta as well a little bit longer to get more earth based content into it.
Once I found out that CoH was closing around September 2012, I decided to become the signature 3D animator of Stickpage, and I've been like that ever since. As for RPG's, I play Skyrim and Monster Hunter Tri whenever I take a hiatus from stickfigure animations. I've been in the RPG genre since CoH, but it's no longer quite appealing or convenient enough to be my staple.
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/toon-profiles-nnekonnin-llabanttselel-aalbusuumbra-aagimundr-sstaalsol-and-doctor]My original character profiles![/url]
Got all the classes in TOR through their storylines and left. This was more of because of their F2P model (I was a sub) keeping me the sub from being able to easily dye my outfits the colors I wanted. RNG Dye Packs with the most sought after color combos (black/black & white/white & black/white & white/black) being EXTREMELY RARE!
Lack of a dedicated group to run with didn't help either :/
TERA is great (imo) just lacked a dedicated group to run with, which was mostly because it's teaming issues (CoT devs I hope take note...make it easier for high levels and low levels to team up together and not screw one or the other out of xp).
Currently playing Champions Online (still wish I didn't have my main put down the pistols...because gah I hate CO melee). It's not OMG WORST GAME EVER! But it's no CoH.
FFXIV is good! Lack of friends joining me in the game though :(
WS is the newest, in the pre-order beta, enjoying it. Loving the combat. Hopefully it takes off with some friends so I can have CO and WS.
Trying ESO since I'm a huge Skyrim fan. It should scratch the itch until we get an Avatar Creator. Also back in school for my BA as well as working and writing books. Yeah...keeping busy
I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...
NCSoft aside, I'm LOVING Wildstar!
Their mission systems are amazing. Paths are FUN and encourage the different kinds of gameplay players love (So many RP settlers it's fun to see!) and the builds really FEEL fun.
The UI of the character sheet (using the hexagon to show character strength along the 3 axis is great. This way I can see myself as a Utility Esper without worrying about my DPS or Support. The powers and playstyles of even a single class are so vastly different.
They really hit that PERFECT tone of bizarre and fun without too much worry about realism and it makes my RP there feel fun and engaging. Even tho my character is still a SUPER Serious scientist it still fits the "joke". When games get serious sometimes people turn into buttheads and I've not seen many of those..
I'm unlikely to see many of my CoH friends over there, but Nexus feels like a fun place to run around while I wait for Titan City
Crowd Control Enthusiast
Playing a bit of Neverwinter, and other than that Diablo 3, which since the major update and expansion is much closer to the game I thought I was buying originally
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
Neverwinter is my favorite for now (even got my mother to play that, though she tends to get face-punched a lot, as the twitch combat is not so casual-friendly).
STO (good mission variety, customization)
CO (though I feel it's not fun enough to subscribe, and disappointingly limited without freeform options)
Rift (enjoyed the random events/invasions)
DCUO (stopped playing once all of my character concepts got "stuck" by being forced into powers/animations that didn't fit with the concept)
SWTOR (gave up on it after 19 levels - somehow they made being a Jedi feel "meh")
Tera (tried various archetypes but stopped them all at level 16, difficult to say why - but the gameplay didn't impress me)
Would drop all of them in a heartbeat for the old or new City...
I played CO and SWTOR. The problems I had:
The CO writing never took itself seriously. At all. It made it really hard for me to be invested in my character, and the art style did not help.
SWTOR was a good single player game. I had fun and greatly enjoyed the class stories, but was unwilling to redo the same non-exciting missions over and over to hit the class missions I cared about, so only leveled up 2 characters. The things that there dealbreakers for me here were a lack of sidekicking/exemplaring and no mission difficulty slider.
I agree completely, 7th. Especially on CO. I could complain about a lot of the game design decisions, but the point you made is probably the biggest factor for me.
Spurn all ye kindle.
Exodus server has the FC Paragon of Paragons for CoH expatriates. While it isn't necessarily the same as playing with friends does offer the opportunity to play with members of the CoH community. i haven't actually joined it yet myself, but i have been considering it since the FC i did join shortly after i started playing FFXIV has about three players who are on more than twice a week.
Anyway, as for the MMOs i've been playing...
Played [b]SWTOR[/b] as a subscriber for about three months and got really tired of the limited build viability and fight mechanics, pretty well written stories though. Haven't logged in for over two months after i cancelled my sub.
Tried [b]CO[/b] for a while and enjoyed the gameplay a bit more than the art and writing,but then i didn't like the art and writing very much. Then Perfect World did another "tweak" to the game account system or some such and i couldn't log in at all with my Cryptic legacy account.
[b]The Secret World[/b] seems like it could be fun, but solo play tends to become a tedious grind and i don't know anyone in game and haven't grouped in the limited amount i've played.
[b]Dungeons & Dragons Online[/b] isn't bad gameplay-wise, the writing and voice-acting evokes the sort of so-bad-it's-good nostalgia of playing D&D with a bunch of other early teens, but i don't find DDO's graphics very impressive and i have a hard time getting into traditional fantasy MMOs; that's what the pencil and paper RPG group i play with is for...
[b]WildStar[/b] is a bit too cartoony for me, but i haven't looked at it recently, so...
[b]Rift[/b] has some nice features, but the early game didn't really grab me, so i have to get around to trying it some more before i can really form more of an opinion.
[b]Defiance[/b] was more of a FPS than i was looking for, but some of the stuff added in the last couple of months sounds interesting and i might give it another try.
[b]Warframe[/b] is a fun bit of an action shooting/melee combat game, but the setting and gameplay is kind of limited in that it's a series of staged levels and not an actual world you can roam.
[b]Neverwinter[/b] and [b]Planetside 2[/b] are installed and just waiting for me to set up accounts and try them, so at some point i will.
[b]DCUO[/b]'s terms of service read as horribly overreaching (anything and everything you bring into their game becomes their property) so i haven't signed up yet since i have a hard not making original characters based around concepts i really like.
In theory there's no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is.
On the CoH forums at the end i went by the name Schismatrix.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
God I hope not. I remade my two favorite CoH guys on Champs and DCUO.
I mean, I have no ambition of making a comic or money or anything with them - just to keep them alive in some form on whatever game I can for fun and sentimental reasons - but it would suck to be told I couldn't make or play them. Is there any real danger of that?
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
There's not much danger of being told you couldn't play the characters in any other game since they're not likely to pay much attention to that. Also, there's a pretty good chance that trying to claim blanket copyright transferal using click-through ToS will not hold up in court, so as long as you're not, for example, using original characters from a comic, novel, animation or other original works there's not much real danger in having them claim ownership. It's a jerk move, but if they did decide to use your own creations for profit you would be facing an expensive court battle to get compensation and to also not be barred from using them in your own works.
So in your case it's probably nothing to be concerned about.
That said, i always suggest reading through the Terms of Service/User Agreement yourself just to see what you're signing away. For example, it certainly reads to me like if you posted a bit of fanfiction or artwork you'd created to the game's forums that those would also be considered property of DCUO from then on. Again, if you have the money to take it to court there's a very good chance it be would struck down, but it would be very expensive.
In theory there's no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is.
On the CoH forums at the end i went by the name Schismatrix.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
Been still playing CO, but not in a way to compare it to COX. Just another MMO in it's own right. Kind of how I plan to do when CoT hits. Hopefully a new game, maybe same familiar feel but new feeling nonetheless. Same procedure when I started COX back in the day. it was a new game, didnt compare it to WoW or the other MMO hits out there that have been played prior. It was COX, new game, new MMO, new outlook. There are some things I liked well in COX that no other game found have done, and some things I wished COX and hopefully maybe CoT will put in that other games have that COX didnt do or didnt do very well. But then again, I rarely played or play just one MMO at a time to begin with so maybe it's easier for me to see each as their own game instead of internal competition of which one is best or worse number 1 or number 2. And of course I'm still only speaking for myself and my experience Other views may vary and that doesnt make my or other views right or wrong or more right or more wrong or more right because it's more popular or more wrong because it's less popular. just different outlooks.
I tried CO and DCUO and didn't care for the feel of either of them.. it's hard to describe but I just was turned off by the look and mechanics of them instantly. I still gave them a shot but I couldn't get past that.
I've played SWTOR for over a year now, and like others said it definitely feels like something I'm doing to kill time while waiting on CoT. That said it's enjoyable, leveling up at least, even though you are repeating the same missions over and over. End game is a grind. But I do love the look and feel of it, and the voice acting is a wonderful touch that aids in immersion.
[size=12][b]TINK SMASH[/b][/size]
[url=http://dbgradio.com]DBG Radio[/url]
Just remember, CoH came out before WoW. :)
I found switching between the fractions helped a lot in TOR. Run Empire side, then run Republic. Got all classes to 50+ and completed their class storylines.
Would've stayed at TOR if it wasn't for not finding a guild I felt I clicked with and then DYE Packs...that was what really broke me.
I was a sub, and not only did I have to buy a random dye pack, the colors most sought after were the rarest of the rare, and being a player who is more than willing to help support their game, I was willing to throw money at them, but more money thrown at them than I should've >_>;; and I still didn't get any of those color combos I wanted...yeah...no. Unsubbed :/ Lack of new class storylines from now on also ruined it.
Indeed. But didnt hear about COX until later. Or to be more exact, didnt hear about it at all. It was chance that I came across a stray box in walmart sitting to the side and decided to give it a go.
Everquest. baby! 15th Anniversary Event!
Chivalry lives while I breathe
After CoH/CoV went away I tried other MMOs, but nothing seemed like a fit. I had fun playing them, but it wasn't that home feeling.
Let's hope CoT can do a bit more promotion and advertising!
Spurn all ye kindle.
Lets hope that the playerbase can get off their rear ends and do something similar at conventions (I Know that this happened EU side, when NCSoft had a stall at the sci-fi and comic conventions in the UK... before the US office decided to nix the whole EU office)
*Edit* I would like to add that player meets held in game centers are handy as well, because you not only have players of the game, but also *passing trade* to drag in...
I have a lifetime to CO, but haven't played it in a long time. Loved the character customization, but I think it always held them back that they had started as a Marvel game and switch to Champions at the last minute. If they had gone Champs ground up I think it could have built up a base.
The game I've been playing is GW2, with occasional hops into TF2. I don't like the fantasy theme or lack of customization that GW2 has, but they get a ton of things right.
Alas, nothing :(
CO is owned by PWE and while there are some parts of STO I really like, they've ruined it a bit with their f2p shenanigans. Plus there's the fact their new game client is part spyware. So while I wouldn't mind slipping into some tights and dealing out some 'justice' and I don't think CO is dreadful I can't bring myself to try it again.
I've tried DCUO several times but, and I can't put my finger on why, I don't enjoy it.
The Gazillion games aren't MMOs and don't interest me in the slightest. So if I'm ever to play a superhero MMO again (I really would like to) City of Titans is probably my only chance. I have some hope that H1Z1 or EQN might be worth playing in the meantime but am not holding my breath.
It's not an MMO but if like me you've tried everything in the MMO department and nothing suits, I've gotten good value out of Space Engineers. It currently has multiplayer and while they've not promised anything they have said it might evolve into a full MMO one day.
yeah. I wonder sometimes how many people out there would have loved COX but never played simply because they never heard of it and or heard of it after the big event.
Yep; a lot are still waiting, just like me.
The Secret World, FinalFantasy XIV (ARR)
really nothing replaces CoH though.
Well, I bounce back and forth w/EVE all the time. Its been a 10yrs journey really. Much like UO. I go back generally about once a year or every 12 months for 2-3 months at a time.
SWTOR I really actually liked that game. I really enjoyed the 1st , 2nd and maybe the 3rd play thru, but then that's it. It was exceedingly immersive for me, but than ofc it kind of stalls out after you've done it a few times.
Atm, though I've returned to TERA and that is just a ton of fun. Today is actually a patch day for a new class "Reaper" which looks fun as all get out. I think TERA is gonna work out for me bcuz I've gotten into several different guilds and all are fairly-to-VERY active guilds. So I can easily bounce around to being w/alotta peeps or just a few and solo even w/out any hassles or burdens. I always thought TERA was probably the prettiest game I've ever played and now Ive even gotten into their PvP system pretty well and find it enjoyable. Which is a rarity for me for that style of game. I generally only care for PvP in a FPS or EVE.
Understood. I hope CoT has the replayability that CoX had via varied power sets.
Spurn all ye kindle.
I haven't found anything to hold my attention.
The Secret World. I've finally found my good, strong RP in there, and I'm loving it. The story is just phenomenal, the fact that the devs actually pay attention to their players is great. Both strong qualities I know we'll have in CoT.
Other than that? I played...pretty much everything. CO (the second worst game in the history of mankind), STO, EQ2, DCUO (which wasn't bad for what it was intended to be), GW2, RIFT, EVE, and of course the worse game ever, the one that can make Superman 64 look playable: SWTOR. Ugh. That game. 'cause only EA can FUBAR things enough to make SOE look kind and just.
[center][color=#ff0000]Community Manager[/color][/center]
did you try Scarlet Blade... if you can close your eyes for the Mature stuff, you might like it. ;)
I'm bouncing around from STO to CO to TSW. None of them really hold my attention for long. Maybe because I mostly solo. There's something about the teaming mechanics in all of them that doesn't click well with me.
I tried SWTOR. Actually enjoyed it and was part of a fun and active guild, then they decided to consolidate servers. We all got shoehorned onto a handful of servers. I lost almost all of my names. The lag was so bad it was virtually unplayable at times. So I decided to take a break for a few months to let things settle down. When I logged back in, all of my names had been given away AGAIN. Haven't been back.
I also tried DCUO. I won't even bother to list all of the things I didn't care for...they've been covered pretty well.
"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."
I know that this is going to sound bad, but you know when players in CoX were at one point asking for names from low level characters to be freed up if they hadn't been played for a period of time? Thankfully Paragon Studios didn't do it, but it was (understandably) a fear for returning players.
Yeah, that is the feeling that happens to players when they return to a game and discover that they had lost their character names.
I *Honestly* cannot remember what the naming rules (and what they were renamed under) are, but I believe that if you were moved *to* a server then it was a race to "claim the name"....
Not 100% sure, but I was lucky none the less...
I picked up Champions Online in January 2013 and played it for a few months, but I got over it after I reached max level twice. The game just doesn't have enough variety in anything it tries to do, so there's no longevity. I think there's like only six zones to explore!
I've never really been an MMO fan, though; City of Heroes was an exception for me. Usually, I'm into shooters. I spend most of my gaming time in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive these days.
I can totally see both sides of the issue regarding tied-up names, and thankfully it won't be an issue in CoT with non-unique names@unique global.
I was annoyed when I was forced to move and lost a name to someone who already had it on the server I was moved to, but it wasn't their fault that they had great taste like I did. I was livid when I lost a name again because I took a break for three months!
If a player isn't active for years, yeah, I can see freeing up their name. Not sure where the line should appropriately be drawn. It's definitely my hangup that keeps me holding a grudge. From what I've heard about the game since it went F2P, I would probably find something else to gripe about anyway.
"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."
Guildwars 2 and many many many hours of Dwarf Fortress (may not be MMO, but still addicting!).
After City of Heroes demise, I dabbled in The Secret World but found the travel, power selection and mob aggro off-putting so it didn't last long. I played Guild Wars 2 and while a beautiful game, I found the lack of 'powers' as you level to be very limiting in how I felt about progression. In GW2, I felt the character was pretty much complete by the 30s and didn't play much different than when reaching 80 except for the grind for better stats of course. City of Heroes didn't have this problem. Also, again, I found traveling off-putting and is a theme that followed me from one MMO to the next.
I next went back to Champions where as some others mentioned, I also have a lifetime subscription. I got into fairly heavily for about 3 months then found myself bored with the gameplay. The 'weight' of the gameplay was not as fun though the particle effects were good but it just did not have the same visceral feel of power that CoH powersets provided. When I went back I was sitting on over 10000 Zen. I bought a few things like a couple vehicles, some costumes and some cosmic keys(ugh, I know). Any purchases made did not really capture me like buying a powerset in CoH or now that I have some different perspective, I also miss the superpacks. City of Heroes rewarded you generously with storage and auras by being account wide, unlike Champions. As it stands now, I don't really want to explore anywhere anymore. Even in City of Heroes, I didn't mind going back to Crey's Folley or Boomtown just to look around. In CO, it is just doing Alerts and maybe Rampages(not fire and ice, too hard for my characters). I don't know why I would like to play my Crab Spider and farm the same mission for well over a year. Maybe because I had built such a good base and could easily do other content with PUGs from time to time or I was just so in love with his level of power, variety of powers and all the great special effects(particle, sound and animations) that made me feel powerful. A fraction of that only occurs in CO so I had to look elsewhere.
And now where I find myself, Neverwinter, is about the most engaged in an MMO as I've been yet has still to match the level of involvement in City of Heroes. Again, here I find the familiar off-putting progression and limited selection of powers per character as I found in Guild Wars 2. BUT at least here, I am more appreciative of the animations, particle effects and to some degree, the animations. Out of all the MMOs, this is the one for me that has some 'weight' but again not to the level of City of Heroes. I thought I read a rumor this was originally planned as a single player game and after going through all the zones, I find it claustrophobic so tend to believe such rumors. It does not feel as expansive as City of Heroes though some of the zones do feel more alive because of the music, town criers and other general actions by NPCs. It does look good graphically but I'm not into fantasy as much as I am into science fiction. In City of Heroes, I could get both. What I can't get is decent travel and I find it boring which is mitigated somewhat by the smallish maps I mentioned previously. Maybe I will eventually get a Gelatinous Cube to travel in as that looks fun. Overall, I am somewhat invested in the game but I usually catch myself anytime I want to remove some annoyances such as limited storage or wanting to buy a better weapon on the auction house. Unlike City of Heroes, in NWO I stop myself constantly and ask whether the purchase will truly enhance my gameplay experience. Most of the times I decide it doesn't and have very limited spending in this game because it just doesn't check off enough on the list of wants I have after my 8 years with CoH.
In between I have had the briefest stints with Rift and Everquest 2 but as with all the game mentioned here I can't help but run into a wall where I found myself musing about the limitations of each game with thoughts like "City of Heroes did this better(example: Masterminds rule over any other pet class in any MMO)", "City of Heroes wouldn't have charged(or charged as much) for this", "if only this game had "x" from CoH, I might keep playing" or even " I think I threw a powder puff at that foe, what kind of sound and graphic effects are these?" In the end, I have found nothing that was as complete a package for my personal desires of gameplay as City of Heroes. Unless something is able to catch me until one of the projects goes Live, the rest of these MMOs are just filler and not the whole cherry pie.
[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]
I was into that game so much, and had actually pre-ordered the game and was just soooo excited for it for like a year before. Then I got into the alpha/beta and it just completely disappeared for me. The game completely fell apart from what I thought it was going to be. The combat was just horrendous. So unimaginative. I loved the skill tree but then the application of the skills was like cold soup.
In fact, my disappointment was so bad, I canceled my pre-order the day before release to get my money back.
That and the management of the game at release by their head Dev was the kicker. I think they actually fired him, and didn't they end up w/some kind of weird legal action against them? If I recall IGN had some article like a year ago about it all, I forget now.
I did try to go back once when they offered a free week or something, but aren't they still on a sub system? If they'd at least offer "hey come back and check us out" trials they might do better. Hell, you just about cant stop EVE from offering free time once a year unless you block them from your email, haha.
I'm with you, Savage.
Spurn all ye kindle.
I've been trying to persevere thru several games but nothing I've found even remotely compares to CoH.
I've soloed a half dozen characters of various ATs thru Neverwinter, but it becomes so repetitive.
I gave Champions Online another try with several different character types, but I get tired of playing the game since I don't bother paying to open the damn lockboxes, and teaming is pretty much non-existant.
I've tried Star Trek Online, but have no real intention of studying for the equivalent of an Engineering Degree in order to maximize my ship's options. (But to be honest, my 35 year-old son loves the game.)
On a high note, Perfect World International has come nice character customization options, and the Ranger and Cleric classes are played by Flying Elves (which makes a big difference in getting around quickly and avoiding large groups of hostiles.) The background is based around a Far Eastern Mythology, which makes it something quite different from your average Tolkeinesque rip-off.
Strategy-wise, my games of choice are Civilization (IV because I was too busy to give it much attention while I was playing CoH, and V because it's quite different from the others in the franchise, and the CoH-based mod is fun to play with.) I've also enjoyed some of the sci-fi style 4X strategy games such as Sins of A Solar Empire - Rebellion, AI War, and The Sword of the Stars series of games.
Flight sim wise (and I've been dealing Death from Above since the mid-80s) I've been studying some of Eagle Dynamics combat sims, such as Lock-On Modern Air Combat, and their interlocked DCS World simulator. These can all be played at any level of complexity you prefer, from an arcade version thru a quasi-military training level with lots of bells, whistles and tons of functional buttons to push.
I still activate Icon occasionally, to make new costumes / uniforms as well as to visit the old haunts and hideouts, especially after having spent most of Saturday night checking out the CoH videos on YouTube when a real-life friend and CoH partner came over, and we both reminisced about locations as they popped up on the TV (I was using my Roku box new YouTube function to check them out), we had a friendly griping session about how much we'd both love to get back to Paragon City if the opportunity ever presented itself.
I have to give Samuraiko 4 Stars for the great job she's done in showing off some of her team's experiences in the game, as well as expressing her emotions concerning it's loss via her excellent video work. Great work, Michelle!
No, the head dev is still in place. Ragnar Tornquist or however you spell his last name. There were some issues around launch, but the vast majority of those have been fixed up.
It's free to play now, too. I mean, you have to /buy/ the game. However, the sub is optional, but I sub to it and plan on going lifetime for the first time ever on it just because the perks are /amazing/. Especially when compared to shitty perks like those given at SWTOR (pay to make the game barely playable or suffer!!) and CO/STO (pay to get /one/ key to unlock the thousands of lockboxes you'll pick up that have nothing but junk in them!).
I understand why some don't like the combat mechanics, and I really didn't either at first. But after I got the hang of the system, I went nuts with it. I have never been so interested in build theory in any game as I have with TSW. It's not that there are that many variables, it's just that there are so many combinations within those variables. Once the system clicked I went from dying every time I accidentally aggro'd a mob to being an unstoppable killing machine. And it. Felt. Good.
[center][color=#ff0000]Community Manager[/color][/center]
Oh man I loved TSW when it first came out. I loved the missions they required puzzle solving or investigation, the character creation (clothing was another story but I could over look that) and leveling was fairly interesting. Combat was enjoyable (except some power choices just seemed odd....shooting someone with and assault rifle to heal them?).
The problem I had was There was very little variation in the game content. so there was limited replay value. The endgame consisted of a gear grind. PvP had so many issues that bothered me personally (bugs aside) that I could not get into it. The worst for me was the differences between factions was mostly cosmetic. Sure they had backstory to each but that did not translate into the missions. The only real separation between the factions as far as content goes is the home base and 3 missions total. I did enjoy how one of the missions was told from each factions viewpoint and timeline but that just further highlighted how the rest of the game did not do this.
I think I stopped playing TSW when I finished the last alternate mission from the third faction after already getting two characters maxed out in powers.
Has any of this changed much since the 4th month of its release (I think that's when I stopped playing)?
Sadly, I don't seem to be able to get into a meaningful relationship with any of them =(. I have gone out on dates but most are too shallow and self centered to be of any interest to me since my MMO sweetheart passed away. It sux putting out and being empty and feeling used afterwards =(. They all look exciting but after I spend an encounter or two with them it only makes me miss my beloved more.......
Well, I'm not quite this pathetic but I hope it gets my point across =)
I reserve the right to have an opinion. You reserve the right to not agree.
LMAO Follies!! Funny, but also...I know exactly what you mean. SWTOR was my rebound relationship, after several months I realised how I was being used.
Spurn all ye kindle.
I just joined and I'm happy to see many of the old names I recognize from the CoH forums :)
I've dabbled at WoW but they kept screwing up my account so when I sent them an email when I ragequit they filled my email with "please come back" messages. Screw them. Tried Hawken and the other new Mechwarrior MMO's, they sucked. Tried Perfect World but I was too used to an inverted mouse and you couldn't do it there so Byebye. Been playing CO mostly then I heard of this. It doesn't have to be a copy, just the "feel has to be right.
Looking foreward to the Beta :)
GW2, STO, CO, DCUO all of which became boring and predictable so quickly after reaching higher levels.
Even recently tried my hand at Elder scrolls online= that lasted till lvl 16 and once again became very bored with gameplay, lack of customization options ect ect.
I even went back to playing the sims 3 (actually looking forward to 4 coming) just to get my fix when not studying / working.
CoH / CoV you are by far the one and only true MMO for me until CoT rises :)
Shiantar Frost
'The Ice Queen'- Keeper of Winter
I've mentioned in other threads that I've been playing ESO pretty seriously since it launched. It's by no means a perfect game and in the last few days I've had to muddle through a couple of serious quest bugs via goofy methods where it was more like I was fighting the meta-mechanics of the game rather than "playing" the game if that makes any sense. On the upside I've haven't been stopped by any absolute "show-stopping" bugs yet and I just reached the max (non-veteran) level 50 cap on my main character. For what it's worth it appears they've been pretty responsive to fixing bugs so far so I'm guessing even the few I've seen will be fixed soon.
The main reason I was responding here was that they announced they will be introducing "armor dyes" that will supposedly allow for further customization. Between that and the ability to craft gear from 14 different racal styles makes for a fairly decent ability to "mix-and-match" a look for your characters. I really don't think any game will ever beat CoH (and hopefully CoT) for overall costume customization. But just wanted to mention that ESO will at least be making an attempt to make everyone's "standard plate armor" look a little different.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
STO was fun, I do like Trek, but the impending spyware and a need to clear some disk space ended it. I did have fun mastering a hospital ship and the screenshots were awesome. Now I am working on improving my close sight by relearning electronics to build a lightsaber, thanks to some hard core lightsaber making forums that I ran into. It seems more practical than playing video games, but seriously, a lightsaber? Looking forward to CoT!
[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]
Hi all!Dark Souls 2. I like this game. If it had a mass PvP zone, easy teaming system and more than 4 ring slots I would love it. I miss travel powers and hate that peeps think estus flasks are unfair. Most fun is when it is 2 against me in the clock tower :)
NCSoft bought CoH to kill it, because they new they could never out do it.
STO. I prefer supers to "pure" sci-fi, but playing a Romulan I can stick to my favorite tactic of decloaking and unloading.
I don't care for the DC universe, so that game was out, and even though I have a lifetime membership for Champions...something about that game just seems *off*. I like for my passive defenses to be sufficient without continuous healing, especially for character concepts that ought not self-heal. Also, the busier combat prevents a slow person like me from communicating, either for RP, or for more practical purposes.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
Does candy crush count ???
World of Warcrack, mainly because it's what my roommate is playing, and CO, for my superhero fix ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
Is Netflix an MMO? No? In that case, I haven't played any MMO's for quite a while. I played Guild Wars 2 for a time last year, but I've long since grown tired of it. It's been at least a few months since I've played any video games at all.
I feel like I'm just about finished with video games in general. I'm done with the console arms race, done with grinding for loot, done with soloing my way through MMO's, done with the whole shebang. There is no game that has captured my imagination in the way that CoH did. None have even come close.
That said, I'm committed to helping CoT flourish. I want to be a part of it, and I will be here on the day that they fire up the servers.
I can't really focus right now on any game I am ready for a real super hero morpg.
And CoH was the only one
[URL=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-knhgv6lgbrs/UA_riCKAHNI/AAAAAAAATxE/u-sgh23bZhc/s640/wonder_women_by_penichet-d47up0l.jpg [/IMG][/URL]
I'm currently playing WoW because my buddy asked me to join him. However, before that, I tried out Bunches of other games.
I'd recommend Age of Conan to anyone, but especially if you like interesting combat systems with combo-attacks. The Combos are 'twitchy' in requiring timed button-presses, but targeting is by Tab. I'll warn that it IS rated 'Mature' and the graphics are good enough to make a 'modern' GPU whimper a bit, when set to max. There is a mature/smart/friendly community, if you look for it, and Role-Players abound. Beware of the naked slave girls from Gor, they have teeth.
It's FTP, but non-subs get thoroughly handicapped on Inventory, Storage, Mail, and Auction house access. Buy the CD from Amazon and try your month of full access, and/or get it from Steam.
Star Wars the Old Republic will let you play out your heroic/villainous tendencies, however the plot is on rails, so if you want to work out your own interpretation of events, you'll be frustrated. On the other hand, the stories ARE pretty good. Jedi Consular, Smuggler, and particularly Imperial Agent storylines are my favorites, so far.
Again, this is FTP and non-subs are handicapped, but there is a 'Preferred' account level for those who have been Subbed before, or who make micro-transaction purchases. Preferred-level with a few access unlocks is almost the same as subbed. This is another one that I suggest buying the basic CD from Amazon, or your favorite game store, and trying it out for a month.
Lord of the Rings Online... is just different enough from all the others to be... quite a lot of fun. Bear in mind that the world is being driven by the plot from Tolkien's books. However, your own story is running alongside the mainline and only bumping into it occasionally. That said, it's otherwise a well designed and developed Fantasy MMO. There is a ton of content to explore.
I've played other games than these, but these are the ones that left the most positive impression on me.
In all of these games and others, I have met many excellent people, great guilds, and enjoyed teaming with friendly players. There are also plenty of jack-holes out there. Sadly, I have not found a community as consistently positive and helpful as CoH used to have. On the other hand, a lot of cool people I've met were former CoH players, so... make what you will of that.
Be Well!
Spider fighter Atari 2600
I playng DCUO but ansious to change to another superheroe MMO.
Balance broken DCUO and dependence off others players too, dependence of ps3 avoid evaluate of game.
CoH was my 1st MMO.
I tried CO, but never made it very far. I found CO's character creation a chore, rather than an inspiration. Then I tried STO. I enjoyed it, but I never connected with a home-like community like CoH. Even when in a "SG" and teamed up on missions with ventrillo, the game play seemed lonely.
Currently I bounce between solo work on various Fallout, and Total War type games, with an occasional venture into COD games--multiplayer when I feel like getting pwn'd by twelve-year-olds.
Call me Decoy.
Decoy, American Legion of Virtue; Nurse Goodbody, of Freedom; Uranium Patriot of Virtue and Freedom; and Tiglath Pileser of Virtue (tiglath.pileser3@yahoo.com)
Well, my game playing history since coh has been:
LOTRO - really liked this but lost interest when they released mines of moria - i was playing this at the same time as coh
Rift - pretty cool rift team mechanics but not found much in the way of teaming otherwise
The Secret world - really liked the free form class system (have whatever skills you like) and love the setting but again, not much tweaming outside of dungeons
TOR - too linear, as soon as you're a level or two above friends teaming is effectively over - SWG was much better
DCUO - i liked it but again no real teaming when levelling and i didnt like the way the "super" part of the super hero's powers didnt feel like your main attacks, if i make an ice based character i want to use those attacks all the time, not hit someone with a stick till i build up my mana.
Neverwinter - i liked this as well but was not a fan of the way teaming worked in the dungeons
STO - good and pretty different from anything else, the ship side of things was really good fun but i did not get on with the ground misions
ESO - really liking this currently, once vet levels are reached the difference between levels becomes negligable and there seems to be a lot more teaming.
Prior to CoH I played:
SWG - loved this before they saw the wow model and botched it as suddenly 250 subs wasn't encough. it was a proper sandbox environment with a real player driven economy & with teaming!
WoW - tried it, never got into it. I played on the US servers with my brother who was out there at the time - ive never seen so many obnoxious unhelpful l337 players in one place, i imagine times have changed but it was the most unfriendly player base ive ever encountered
GW2 - tried this before NCSoft screwed over coh, not playing it any more, enough said.
Basically, every game i've everplayed except for coh and possibly SWG are Solo RPGs with the MMO bit tacked on, COH seems to have been the only one to have actually encouraged teaming.
It's funny, because CoH was both IMMENSELY solo friendly and yet teaming was fun and easy. I have yet to play another game like this. I was and am mostly solo, but I teamed a lot in CoH because it was just so darn easy and fun--not at all the phenomenal pain-in-the-ass hassle that it's been in every other game I've tried.
I think part of this is that most games try to make teaming "automatic" by queuing, rather than just making it very easy to start a team or jump on a team like it was in CoH. YOU were in charge of teaming, not the game.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
I'm playing wildstar right now it's fun while it lasts until CoT comes out butI'm still looking over my shoulder while playing it cause you know... NCsoft and all that....
not my video just one I lke ===> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6-SdIN0hsM
lol when I could, I played GW2 and actually enjoyed it for its challenge. I also played Tera and enjoy it for it's different and varied combat style. But I just haven't been able to play any MMOs like I used to when I played CoX. I think what I really miss is the excitement and awe of creating unique characters, playing them and imagining their history and backstory while playing the first few missions then writing/drawing up the character when I decide to log out.
As of late, I've gone back to Pokemon because I can play it anywhere XD
So far I've played quite a few MMOs just because I enjoy them everything from WoW to Swordsman through PW.
You know what I wanted to play? Blade and Soul...but THAT game is likely never making it state-side so screw you NC Soft.
Actually, I am playing Blade & Soul right now (albeit on a non-US server, obviously), and that game is just as revolutionary for the wuxia/SnS genre as COX was for superheroes. The lesson to take away from that is go your own path and don't try to copy everyone else (even if they were successful) because well, your audience is already playing those other games.
As for other games I've played in the meanwhile: SWTOR (huge disappointment), DCUO (meh), Aion (also meh), CO (okay, but not great), Swordsman (double meh), Scarlet Blade (just as shallow as I expected it to be) and beta tested a whole bunch of other games, none of which kept my interested like COX or B&S did.
Good point.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
Wild star is just about the worst game ever it's clunky and the animation looks like it is geared toward a 13 year old.
I play guild wars 2 nightly only for the WvW.
Which is strange, because on my system, Guild Wars 2 hitches every 2-3 seconds for about 0.25 seconds which makes the game play now very jerky on it. Wildstar however, I enjoy the animations on it, and to me they seem smooth and fluid... yes, there is a Don Bluth stylisation in there, and it is "cartoon" like in terms of effects/animations... but in my mind at least, it *wouldn't* have worked being a "realistic" setting either...
It just wouldn't work with the rest of the game...
and yes, when you have a boat load of characters, your frame rate can tank in Wildstar, but it is nothing new... the same happened to me in Hami/Mothership Raids....
Oddly it is the opposite for me. GW2 is fluid even up to 60+ people spamming powers. Wild star is on a constant lag for me.
Amazon just sent me an email the other day suggesting 2 superhero/villain MMOs that they really think I would like. And they are cheap: less than 10 bucks each! What a bargain! I think I better buy these right away! They are called... hang on while I check to be sure I have the names correct... Yes, "City of Heroes" and "City of Villains"! I can't wait to try these!
[As if it weren't bad enough how small a font they use to present the notice that these games are now defunct, but to actively encourage me -- even if by automated email -- to buy them...?]
Spurn all ye kindle.
Tried out both CO and DCUO, but they didn't get it done... other than those two, I just haven't been able to bring myself to try anything else. The last game I played that could technically be considered an "MMO" that held my interest for more than a few days was Majormud..... Yeah, that's right... a text-based BBS relic originally released in the mid-90's with no new content released after 2001. Even with that, though, the only reason I got into it recently was because I was able to obtain a copy of all the software, set up my own server and have the entire realm to myself to tool around in as I saw fit.
What I've noticed most in what online-gaming experiences I've had is that it's usually not the community that draws me in, but the game itself. I hate having to rely on other people past the occasional casual PuG because so few seem to have the same mentality that I do, nor are willing to spend the time it takes to approach the game to assuage that mentality.
To that end, the level to which soloing was such a viable alternative along with the right balance of complexity vs. "stuff to do" are the biggest parts of why CoX appealed to me, and based on what I remember of the game, I'd be thrilled with a near identical remake with only very minor things removed.
Hopefully at least one of the projects among CoT, HaV, and VO will manage to scratch my unique sort of proverbial itch.
Hmm, I wouldn't mind playing on a non - english server. How difficult is if to grasp if you can't read anything in game? I never tried playing an MMO in such a circumstance but such environments could be opportunities to learn. Could help learn me some Korean XD
Its a known issue with AMD processors apparently, and whilst Wildstar has made steps to improve their performance, AMD stuttering issues are still prevailent in Guild Wars 2 (I have an AMD FX-8350 processor, and R9 290X GPU in the desktop). My laptop (A10-4600m and 7970m GPU) is the same as well...).
Ironically the stuttering in Guild Wars 2 went away a while back, but one of their updates returned it. And all I have seen recently is performance increases from the Wildstar lot (I will say that even on my system, the capital cities are a lag fest for Wildstar)
[quote=sigma1932What I've noticed most in what online-gaming experiences I've had is that it's usually not the community that draws me in, but the game itself. I hate having to rely on other people past the occasional casual PuG because so few seem to have the same mentality that I do, nor are willing to spend the time it takes to approach the game to assuage that mentality.
To that end, the level to which soloing was such a viable alternative along with the right balance of complexity vs. "stuff to do" are the biggest parts of why CoX appealed to me, and based on what I remember of the game, I'd be thrilled with a near identical remake with only very minor things removed.
Hopefully at least one of the projects among CoT, HaV, and VO will manage to scratch my unique sort of proverbial itch.[/quote]
Don't try FFXIV then.
Main Story quests are locked behind Dungeons.
Dungeons are the only way to in reality get the good drops without buying them.
Once level 50 the only way to get the REALLY good drops is to do the Dungeons in Hard or Extreme Mode.
Each Dungeon has its own quirks and you have to watch it on Youtube a few time to understand that Dungeons mechanics. I cant count the number of Dungeons Ive been in where someone, me or someone else, didn't know that Dungeon/Boss intimately and did something wrong so the team wiped (don't get me started on the fact that if 1 person dies the team can be almost guaranteed to wipe) and someone quit as we weren't "good enough".
There are sometimes cutscenes that can explain what happens but most people don't want to wait for new player to watch them so you feel pressured to escape the cutscenes and miss out on the story or potential hints.
The Phoenix Rising Initiative Rules Lawyer
I tried NeverWiinter , WOW, DCUO and can't get myself to stick with any of them...can't wait for COT
And now for something completely original...
...the [i]Monster Hunter[/i] series. Truly a game that glorifies the Titan Weapons powerset.
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/toon-profiles-nnekonnin-llabanttselel-aalbusuumbra-aagimundr-sstaalsol-and-doctor]My original character profiles![/url]
Trying DCUO, but it plateaus so soon, there isn't much more than break this thing, kill ten of those and carry these giys to that place and then repeat. It gets boring and since I can't pay for anything, I feel like I'm missing out more so than when I was F2P in CoH. At least there I could team with my dad and have a super fun blaster/tanker dynamic together. DCUO is weird when it comes to teaming.
I recently started playing EverQuest again. I started EQ in March 1999 when it began. Played for about 7 years, took only two breaks the entire time. Then I cancelled my subscription once I was playing CoH far more often, and all my friends on EQ started outleveling me. I played two years ago, leveled main (halfelf paladin) to level 75, made a new character, and got him to level 59, then quit again. Everything is basically handed to you now. All old world items are obsolete. I am thinking of making an old world character to just gain old world items though.
So I started playing again, and noticed they have an achievements system now. I'm on free to play at the moment, passing the time by gaining all the Exploration achievements. While I pass town to town, I pick up all the local beers, spirits, and wines, and ride drunk the entire time lol. I know it's lame, but the nostalgia hit me so hard the other day, I had to do it. Revisiting all the old zones is so satisfying. Weird how a game can do that to you. It's a huge stress reliever when not worrying about loot or exp, and you're just trying to zone out of reality.
5 OClock Shadow
"The Five", "Old Scruff", "Wolfbrand", "Tashomono"
Your shaving days are numbered...
I think you hit on one of the secrets to what made CoH so awesome. So much OTHER than leveling or upgrading your character was fun that many of us spent a lot of that kind of time in the game.
I had under 10 level 50s in 8 years and I didn't do a ton of alting. But I spent a lot of time on my main who was already fully tricked out just--enjoying being in the game.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
Yeah, once you let go of that constant sense of urgency, that's when a game becomes less of a chore. Plus, it alleviates the worry of others out leveling you. It allows you to appreciate so much more of the story, development, and craftsmanship. It adds value.
5 OClock Shadow
"The Five", "Old Scruff", "Wolfbrand", "Tashomono"
Your shaving days are numbered...
The Nightmare is doing everything he can to try and fight the urge to play CO again, but the hunger for a Superhero MMO is overwhelming. ._.
[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]
Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain
I feel ya, helldawg. Me too. Even DCUO :O.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
I can't ever do DCUO more than a day. The Nightmare prefers communication with other players, not a 1 minute pause between zone messages.
The urge is too strong .-. I've failed you. Hopefully my time there will be softened by some of you people joining me in the torment.
[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]
Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain
Same thing happened to me the other day - got a craving for some supers action so I downloaded Champions Online via steam and logged in. Then I immediately remembered that I cannot access any of my existing characters because I need to be "gold"/a subscriber.
Strike 1
And if I make a F2P character, forget picking your powers - you cannot even access all of the pre-made archetypes.
Strike 2
So I made a Radiant - got through the character creation and started playing the tutorial. And then I started to remember all the little things that bugged me about the game - like the art style and combat.
Strike 3 - I was out - finished the tutorial but that was it. The whole thing felt like an awkward late-night booty call from an ex-girlfriend - after I was done I remembered why it just didn't work out.
As for other games;
Marvel 2015 is not very good - a bad Diablo clone with hideously overpriced skins and characters.
Never tried the DC MMO - but from what I've seen it doesn't look promising.
I am however, having a lot of fun with SMITE recently. My first MOBA, but I'm getting the hang of it.
Man I loved that game.
Geez, that's exactly how it happened for me. I didn't join CoH until just before the released CoV. Maybe an issue or two before that. Ever since I have been hoping for its replacement. Other than that,
CO (too much soloing)
DCUO (Ok, been on for awhile now)
Wildstar (fun at first, bored with it fast. Never got past lvl 20 on any of my toons).
CoX was da BOMB!