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OOC: Guardians of the Galaxy-esque RP

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GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 11:43
Well, it'll be a slow burn no

Well, it'll be a slow burn no matter what, for the first day or so at least, I'd imagine.... but i'd want to wait for Xs to give the ok before progressing at all anyway.
(if nothing else, Alpha... until Kr'Kow downloads you into a body, your not holding anyone up ;P)

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

summer-heat's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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I see a lot of fun banter

I see a lot of fun banter between Alpha and myself about how the ship should be piloted and such! oh this is got me smiling! Can't wait guys!

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Actually, I'm thinking I'll

Actually, I'm thinking I'll wait until at least 1530 PST to post Lianre's processing. Download of Mal should happen then, and if Alpha can't post for a while we'll just chalk it up to the medbot having better counter-virus software that Mal has to work through. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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*finishes reading* Jeebus,

*finishes reading* Jeebus, you guys got a lot of planning done while I was gone. Go, my little minions, go go!

I like the sound of Mal. Seems like he could be a lot of fun.

Name: Gyr’Val Kahn
Race: Fal’kai (Winged humanoids with olive skin)
Skills: Leadership, Tactics, Aerial Reconnaissance, Extensive Combat Training (w/ and w/o flight), Close Quarters Battle, Weapons, Piloting
Role: Captain/Leader, Aerial Recon, CQB, Co-Pilot
Equipment: Modified FDC GAR-19 Quantum Disruptor Pistol, Modified Kreezan Thunder-Maul (Handle chopped down to make it one-handed), Modified FDC Mobile Battle Armor with molecularly-bonded titanium plates (All items currently locked in storage)

Currently wearing: A prison-issue jumpsuit, undone at the waist due to wings, FDC molecularly-bonded invulnium wing-bone armor

Species is unknown in this sector (500 explored systems) of space


Character: Gyr’Val Kahn
Species: Fal'kai
Role: Captain/Leader, Aerial Recon, CQB (Close Quarters Battle), Co-Pilot

Character: Lianre Kr'kow
Species: Dariali
Role: Hacker/Electronics, Demolitions

Character: Fortuna
Species: Vaissan
Role: Sniper/Ranged Combat, Grifter/Face

Character: Lyhhah Mao
Species: Nyhhsarian
Role: Espionage/Larceny, Melee Combat

Character: Gar-Lox
Species: Istapus
Role: Mechanic/Engineering/Electronics

Character: Damon Tess
Species: Tek'ari
Role: Pilot/Vehicular Larceny

Character: M4LW4RE
Species: Sentient computer virus
Role: Hacking, Medic

Oksana Yezhov
Character: ?
Species: (Spider-monkey?)
Role: Heavy Weapons, Muscle

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 11:43
Just for some OOC clarity:

Just for some OOC clarity:

it sounds currently like characters are in "the yard", so to speak (i.e. in jail, past the "booking and processing" portion) and have already been searched for weapons and the like...
is that correct?
if so, how are we planning to separate the wheat from the chaff (and just get us people out) or is the idea to cause a prison [i]riot[/i] and somehow escape in the confusion?

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Hmm, I imagined a riot would

Hmm, I imagined a riot would be rather inevitable, but let's wait to Xel weighs in? :)


GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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well, it is now ;P

well, it is now ;P

but I guess I was picturing more of like.. a drunk tank... (you know, in [url=]the movies and shows[/url] where people "brought in" but not necessarily processed yet are tossed while they wait to get booked?)
small-ish place with 10-12 people max inside in their normal clothes (after being searched for obvious weapons)

no biggie, just changes things.

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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A Drunk Tank holding area was

A Drunk Tank holding area was what I had in mind as well. Would explain the impound lot and minimal security.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

summer-heat's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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I think that's what I

I think that's what I envisioned as well....

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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uh, this is probably a little mutanous... but since we just up and killed one dude, and bludgeoned another... maybe the two people currently introduced are now gonna get "transfered"?

have the rest of the future crew be "working through processing" when the BREAKOUT EVENT happens, and chaos ensues... they steal the fastest ship available (the super-max transport freighter!) and run into Fortuna and the Captain as their trying to get it up and running?

(thinking over our list.. we do have a couple of serious hard-cases (Fortuna, Cappy, and Kr'Kow) and a couple "less so" hard cases.... so the distinction might play to our favor (Kr'kow drags the pilot and mechanic to the ship... where Fortuna and Kahn already are... or are enroute to when things go sideways))

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Good Idea ghosthack I delete

Good Idea ghosthack I delete my post I made to the Brake out. We really need just one RP thread the City of Titans has lots of locations in Lore that having multiple threads work. To avoid confusion I say we stick to one Forum Thread for the entire space RP.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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yep! i prefer one thread...

yep! i prefer one thread... at least until this "arc" ends....

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 11:43
hopefully that's not

hopefully that's not overstepping too much....

but now the clock's ticking... we have until Fortuna and Kahn get shipped off to the Hole, to break out of this place. (so, uh.. walk slow, guys ;P)

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Sounds good to me! :)

Sounds good to me! :)


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Okay so let me understand

Okay so let me understand correctly Gar-Lox and a few others would be in possessing at this location.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 11:43
Right.... I'm positive that a

Right.... I'm positive that a facility of this size will likely be able to process several future inmates at once..

processing itself generally takes a while (less time in the world of super-science/tech) and includes:
several searches (bodily and background)
a medical exam
and a collection of identity info (mugshots, fingerprints, dna sample, etc)

you could scan through this link for ideas, if you like

my assumption is that most/all of the rest of the cast are going through processing or in the holding cell "during" processing, while Fortuna and Kahn are being transported under guard to the garage.

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Okay I can have fun with that

Okay I can have fun with that.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Hmmm, I think I'd better get

Hmmm, I think I'd better get started composing my post. I'll post when I have it ready, that way Alpha can start with Mal at his convenience.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Going to be gone for the

Going to be gone for the evening again. Try not to leave me in the dust. :-D

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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we still have a lot of

we still have a lot of intros to get through... ;P

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Sorry Glady, but there was no

Sorry Glady, but there was no way the guards were going to let that necklace remain in her possession after she brazenly murdered another prisoner with it.

Also, we're most likely not going to hear from Oksana for awhile. She's friends with someone I know outside of the forums and he said that she's unable to post at the moment. We'll figure something out when she returns. :-D

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Don't worry, she'll be

Don't worry, she'll be getting that back soon enough! :)

And would it be a problem to alter Fortuna from a sniper to a pistol woman, perhaps dual handguns if no one else utilizes them? :)


GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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ok, cool... I didn't want to

ok, cool... I didn't want to GM too much in my inital NPC post.

I think we need Kr'kow to start her attack run (getting esplosions in place) and get Gar and Damon out of the lobby (:P) and everything will be set for the break out to begin. ;P

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Gladatoria wrote:
Gladatoria wrote:

Don't worry, she'll be getting that back soon enough! :)
And would it be a problem to alter Fortuna from a sniper to a pistol woman, perhaps dual handguns if no one else utilizes them? :)

Even if someone else uses them, I don't see why she couldn't. There's also thrown weapons or even rogue style (dagger in the back). Play what you think would work best for a face.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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just make her longshot-ish

just make her longshot-ish/domino-ish/bullseye-ish

i.e. doesnt much matter if she's using a sniper rifle, pistols, or chair legs.. she's gonna hit what she aims at, most of the time ;P

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Hmm, always liked Domino

Hmm, always liked Domino anyway!

Yeah, I think I'll leave her as she is for now...

Xel, you want to post the cell setup for her and such? :)


GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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Not gonna lie.. it's not

Not gonna lie.. it's not gonna last long, whatever it is. ;),

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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hope that's not too long...

hope that's not too long...

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Personally, I don't give a

Personally, I don't give a damn how long posts are.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Alpha0177's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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Neither do I. More detail the

Neither do I. More detail the better, IMO.

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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If you can make them big. I

If you can make them big. I would it's fun enjoyable reading. Just most of the time I don't have much to say.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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I have no problem with long

I have no problem with long posts.

BTW, the gravitationally polarized explosive, for those not familiar with the concept (TDX, from James Blish's [url=]Cities in Flight series[/url], IIRC), will produce about 99% of its effect in a horizontal plane, unless the gravity goes out first. Then with just the little gravity of the asteroid, it might as well be ordinary composition 4. Leanre expects a hole about 2 cm wide, about a meter long, in the wall, with any power/water/whatever lines behind it being cut, and the portion of the blast that goes into the room would do little more than ruffle people's hair by the time it spreads down that far. If she can get it placed ^_^.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Well Gar-Lox just shown that

Well Gar-Lox just shown that he's indeed a Muscle and that despite his earlier comment won't abandoned his friend.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Hmm, well then I take it

Hmm, well then I take it Fortuna can simply, well, leave...? : )


Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Not sure if that Tek'ari was

Not sure if that Tek'ari was Damon, or one of the others Lyhhah Mao had noticed. Please continue with your regularly scheduled chaos.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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welp, there are three on file

welp, there are three on file.. so you might even be a fourth ;P

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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No, Lianre is a Dariali, and

No, Lianre is a Dariali, and thinks of any humanoid species as Darialoid ^_^.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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after reading again, I'd say

after reading again, I'd say that Damon and Gar are still together, and Lianre was using the services of a different grey-one ;P

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

summer-heat's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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I am so terribly sorry I

I am so terribly sorry I haven't been able to post tonight! Big ol mess with my guild I needed to put out a fire or three. Anyhow, I'm gonna say that Damon got hit in the head by something to explain his confusion and lack of responses... Hope that's OK!

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 11:43
hah, no worries, it happens..

hah, no worries, it happens....

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Alpha0177's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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Your handy dandy virally

Your handy dandy virally converted medbot's got ya covered. He'll fix you up in a jiffy.

Oksana_Vikhrov's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
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Name: Viz'x Kreet (basic

Name: Viz'x Kreet (basic translation)

Age: 16 (appears mid-twenties. her species matures very rapidly and rarely live past sixty earth years)

Race: Miz'trex (bronze age level tree dwellers, rather spiritual)

Home world: Kalfius IV, a "super earth" roughly eight times the radius of earth. Kalfius IV is dominated by a planet spanning jungle of massive scale growth, dividing its surface into three distinct zones, above the canopy live roving flocks of locust like birds that devour the fruit of the trees (and anything else that is to slow to get away). the mildly clear mid trunk zone (a place of filtered to low light slightly more open and clear of the lower ground clutter, where a early bronze age sentient society has been developing). and the ground level (a place cluttered with overgrowth, abounding with dangerous wild life and all but devoid of light). due to the increased mass of the planet the gravity is accordingly heavier.

Physical Appearance: (I had a friends artist draw this for me! woo) She stands seven foot three and weighs 310 pounds.

Skills: Use of most modern projectile and energy projection weapons, limited demolition experience, extensive melee training.

Equipment: multi-barreled rapid fire assault Gauss cannon (custom build), Halon-tech Plasma pulse projection pistols X4, GP-44 drum fed EX-Pro launcher, sixteen assorted bladed weapons, mono-wire grenades X6, two weapons storage duffles, sixty eight power cells, 350 rounds of Ex-Pro ammunition, 200kg block hyper dense material for feed into Guass weapons (roughly 400 thousand rounds) Ceri-corp ploy-alloy body armor and mesh covering, multi-spectrum military issue communications torc. can of concealment paint black. All items currently in detention center armory for processing.

Criminal Record: Suspected of mercenary actions in at least four separate raids, has been seen in association with drug smugglers at least twice. currently detained for questioning thanks to an anonymous tip that placed her on a cargo freighter passing by this sector.

History: Viz'x was ten years old, excited for her first trip hunting with her brothers, sisters and cousins. they were all to go into the forest in pairs with older more experienced hunters and take a large beast to ascend to adult hood. a strange bird moved over her and her guardian as she stalked the tree's being young and foolish she moved up to get a better view...this was the last thing she remembers before the electrical pulse wave from the "bird" knocked her senseless. when she awoke she was in the hold of a slave ship bound for a life of manual labor. Her captors assumed since she was disarmed of her weapons that she was indeed harmless. this was a mistake, when the landed on a trading colony for supplies she broke free and evaded capture. A year later living in a strange world with strange devices and stranger "people" she met a man in a bar that seen the usefulness of her species. the man trained her, showed her how to fight, gave her a new family, a new home. She thought she was going to be happy this way until her body gave out or someone proved a better warrior then her, but that was not to be. The man and her family were hired by another group, one that sold chemicals, poisons, to others. they betrayed them instead of paying them there fair share. They killed the man, scattered her family. She plans to even that score.

Physical Abilities: coming from a heavy gravity world she of course has enhanced physical strength, her species is a hybrid between arachnid and arboreal primate. the four forward facing eyes are capable of pin point depth perception and can see the lower UV band and well into the IR range. her species seems to also have redundancy in mind in there construction with two hearts, four lungs, a bi-chambered stomach, a primary and smaller secondary liver. Even there skeletal system has a redundancy, during times of stress a chemical is released into the body that reacts with there dermal layer, hardening sections of it into exoskeleton plates. there second collar bone set crossed down in front of the rib cage acting as a cross thatching over ribs.

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Welcome back, Oksana.

Welcome back, Oksana.

Hopefully, this will be the last time posting this...


Character: Gyr’Val Kahn
Species: Fal'kai
Role: Captain/Leader, Aerial Recon, CQB (Close Quarters Battle), Pilot

Character: Lianre Kr'kow
Species: Dariali
Role: Hacker, Electronics, Demolitions, Mechanic

Character: Fortuna
Species: Vaissan
Role: Ranged Combat, Grifter/Face

Character: Lyhhah Mao
Species: Nyhhsarian
Role: Melee Combat, Espionage, Larceny, Scout

Character: Gar-Lox
Species: Istapus
Role: Mechanic, Engineering, Electronics

Character: Damon Tess
Species: Tek'ari
Role: Pilot, Vehicular Larceny

Character: M4LW4RE "Mal"
Species: Sentient AI (Current shell: Medical Droid)
Role: Hacking, Medical

Oksana Yezhov
Character: Viz'x Kreet
Species: Miz'trex
Role: Heavy Weapons, Melee Combat

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Notes about the Istapus.

Notes about the Istapus.

The Istapus people live in clan groups these clans fight over the key Islands used for hatching and raising young. The fighting settled down to more political then open physical fights. Technology wise the Istapus were stone age people before the coming of the "Outsiders" (don't know who technically runs the government of the sector) the space government beings. The primitive tech was more due to how the Istapus lives, they are semi-aquatic and spend a large amount of time in the water. Developing the advance tech requires forges and basically fire, something not possible in the water. To build factories on the land just didn't come to the minds of the istapus given how useful land is rare. Largest land mass is in the arctic circle much like Antarctica is frozen waste. This of coarse changed when the Outsiders came.

Seeking the minerals of the planet some quite rare, but was abundant in the pressurized deep oceans of Istapus. At first it was brute force there was little record knowledge of the life on the planet and few or none of the people knew that there were intelligent life on Istapus. The invading mining equipment was destructive and the Clans banded together to stop the mining. The Istapus quickly grasps the workings of the machines and proved to be problematic. Eventually an agreement was made the istapus would mine the minerals and in exchange they gain technology of the more advanced people. This proven cheaper in the long run given the Istapus can survive in the deep oceans crushing depths.

The Clans are led by the Elders the oldest of the clans. They dictate what is done and when. Fighting over fishing rights in one region or nesting rights of that island, and lately over who does what job in the mines.

Where Gar-Lox comes in. The Lox clan has control of the land mass where the space port is located. A rival clan trying to discredit them and take control of the island and the valuable land rites for the port. Gar having spent his young live growing up in the shadow of the space port became fascinated by the ships and dream of going into space. Something never heard of before and of course forbidden by the the Elder Lox clan members. Of course that changes when he and Damon Tess hijacked a ship and took off.

So the Lox clan fearing that Gar would cause major political damage and shame the Clan.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Oksana_Vikhrov's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 02/20/2014 - 12:44
Seems really interesting. I

Seems really interesting. I like the depth pun intended ^>^

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 11:43
SO, the plan is that Kahn's

SO, the plan is that Kahn's ship is in impound, or are we stealing someone else's?
I assume that Kreet and her guards are boxing out the entrance to the impound lot for plot interest?

Also, I know there's no honor among thieves, but the only way I can see the dynamic between Gar and Mao changing is if she gets shot, but isn't left behind. so when it happens, if someone would be so kind as to think of a good reason to drag her boney butt along, that'd be swell ;P

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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I can see Gar doing that.

I can see Gar doing that. After all he ripped off a door to aid his friend, he's not a hard arse yet. So seeing someone injured he would try to help.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 11:43
cool beans. Mao has some

cool beans. Mao has some pretty useful quirks, but she's best when she's got time to prepare or is striking from surprise.

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Gladatoria's picture
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And Fortuna wouldn't leave

And Fortuna wouldn't leave her behind either, not about to do that after she was liberated, among other internal reasons...:)


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More info on the Tek'ari

More info on the Tek'ari

Race was highly explorative and were not the only sentient species on their home planet. Being highly opportunistic, they gained much of their tech by scavenging from the larger species the Akre'ente. Historically the inquisitive nature and adaptability of the Tek'ari made them ideal slave force, but that proved disasterous when they behaved like swarms of gremlins more than any organized slave force. Most Tek'ari found off-planet were stow aways on their first trip, and are well known for their ability to figure out lots of tech intuitively without the ability to read labels. Most species have come to regard them as either troublesome nuisances, harmless annoyances, or means to ends. Most Tek'ari view everyone else the same way. They are largely non-confrontational, relying on their wit and others' disregard of them to get out of situations. A few can be aggressive and possessive of things, and others far more passive. The Tek'ari heirarchy is strongly pack oriented and the individuals that don't follow leadership are promptly and frequently exiled.

Damon found more interest in ship controls and has focused his natural problem solving skills into getting ships. He doesn't view anything bigger than him as something he owns, and very few things smaller than him as things he owns. Most of the time, if he can't carry it or pocket it lightly he doesn't find value in keeping it.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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RottenLuck wrote:
RottenLuck wrote:

Notes about the Istapus.
The Istapus people live in clan groups these clans fight over the key Islands used for hatching and raising young. The fighting settled down to more political then open physical fights. Technology wise the Istapus were stone age people before the coming of the "Outsiders" (don't know who technically runs the government of the sector) the space government beings. The primitive tech was more due to how the Istapus lives, they are semi-aquatic and spend a large amount of time in the water. Developing the advance tech requires forges and basically fire, something not possible in the water. To build factories on the land just didn't come to the minds of the istapus given how useful land is rare. Largest land mass is in the arctic circle much like Antarctica is frozen waste. This of coarse changed when the Outsiders came.
Seeking the minerals of the planet some quite rare, but was abundant in the pressurized deep oceans of Istapus. At first it was brute force there was little record knowledge of the life on the planet and few or none of the people knew that there were intelligent life on Istapus. The invading mining equipment was destructive and the Clans banded together to stop the mining. The Istapus quickly grasps the workings of the machines and proved to be problematic. Eventually an agreement was made the istapus would mine the minerals and in exchange they gain technology of the more advanced people. This proven cheaper in the long run given the Istapus can survive in the deep oceans crushing depths.
The Clans are led by the Elders the oldest of the clans. They dictate what is done and when. Fighting over fishing rights in one region or nesting rights of that island, and lately over who does what job in the mines.
Where Gar-Lox comes in. The Lox clan has control of the land mass where the space port is located. A rival clan trying to discredit them and take control of the island and the valuable land rites for the port. Gar having spent his young live growing up in the shadow of the space port became fascinated by the ships and dream of going into space. Something never heard of before and of course forbidden by the the Elder Lox clan members. Of course that changes when he and Damon Tess hijacked a ship and took off.
So the Lox clan fearing that Gar would cause major political damage and shame the Clan.

I dunno, seems a little fishy to me.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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stow it, bird-brain! :p

stow it, bird-brain! :p

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Since I will be away all

Since I will be away all evening and I'm sure there's going to be a lot of posting, ya'll have permission to take control of Gyr'Val. This character sheet should help.

Character Name: Gyr’Val Kahn
Code (super) Name:
Classification: Vigilante
CoT Alignment:
Law: Low to Medium
Violence: Medium to High
Honor: High

Similar Comic Character Offense: Tetragrammaton (Gun Clerics from Equilibrium)
Similar Comic Character Defense: Hawkman
Similar Comic Character Support Set: Hawkman
Similar Comic Character Movement Set: Hawkman

Experience: Expert (20+ years in the Fal’kai Defense Corps)
Overall power ranking: High A
AAA = Superman / Thor / Martian Manhunter
AA = Wonder Woman / Hulk / Professor X
A = Storm / Wolverine / Spider-Man / Iron Man
B = Batman / Beast / Punisher
C = Men in Black / Robin / Rorschach
D = Kick-Ass / Cypher of the X-Men

Physical stats:

Height: 6’4”
Weight: Body - 240, Wings - 120 (w/ armor)
Gender: Male
Hair color: Dark blonde
Eye color: Green
Skin: Golden tan
Origin Type: Alien Physiology / Tech

Characteristics (1 is standard human, 10 is peak human, 50+ is Superman)

STR: 20
DEX: 20
CON: 30
BODY: 20 (Regeneration)
INT: 8
EGO: 10 (Naturally high mental defenses + Fal’kai Defense Corps mental training)
PRE: 7
COM: 7


Physical blunt: 30
Physical bladed: 30
Projectile: 50 (Armor/toughness + high maneuverability)
Spiritual/Magical: Unknown (Magic does not exist on Falkara)
Elemental: 30 (Armor/toughness + high maneuverability)
Energy: 30 (Armor/toughness + high maneuverability)

Defense List:

FDC molecularly-bonded invulnium wing-bone armor. This is a treated metal that has roughly 20x the durability of diamond, but weighs 1/10 what a comparable amount of bonded titanium would weigh. Smithing and bonding the invulnium is a very expensive and difficult process, so the Fal’kai only use it to armor the wing-bones of their soldiers. This allows for maximum protection of the delicate bones without sacrificing flight speed or maneuverability.

Modified FDC Mobile Battle Armor with molecularly-bonded titanium plates

Superhuman dexterity / agility

Superhuman durability

Regeneration (Fal’kai heal at approximately 5x the rate of average humans)

Offense: (1 is unprotected human, 20 is a main battle tank, 50+ is Superman)

Melee Offense: 25 w/ Thunder-Maul
Ranged Offense: 15 w/ Disruptor Pistol
AoE Offense: N/A

Offense List:

Modified FDC GAR-19 Quantum Disruptor Pistol (powered by a Dynalithium Nanocell)
Modified Kreezan Thunder-Maul (Handle chopped down to make it one-handed)

Support (10-20 points being Elixir of the X-Men power level, 50+ Dr. Strange power levels)

Adept at aerial recon and stealth
Strong enough to carry one or two others, depending on the situation

List and rating of power(s):

Flight (Wings)
Superhuman strength, agility, and durability

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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some info about Nyssarians:

some info about Nyhhsarians:
Technically Nyhhsarian is not a species/race, but more closely a Nationality. the Ey'uur Nyhhsar (literally "Black Eared") were a theo-ethnic group on Alryeuur Prime in the distant past who have since expanded their culture to several worlds. These Nyhhsarians are fiercely territorial but not much for manifest destiny, growing only when they deem it necessary (when their planets can no longer maintain an increasing population). the civilization as a whole is run by a council called the Nine Yhheyrah, holy princes/princesses through whom the Divine makes its presence known to the physical world. they claim to represent Social Justice, Solidarity, and Reason, but it's remarkable how easily those ideals flex to be most convenient to the government.

Lyhhah Mao is a member of the original Ey'uur Nyhhsar race, having black-tipped ears and slanted eyes... however, outside the upper-echelons of the theocracy, the Black Eared ones are rather rare (i.e. seeing Nyhhsarian equipment would be as familiar as, say, seeing Victorian garb is for us today... but it's unlikely the person actually IS Victorian.)
(and, since we're sharing images)
This is Lyhhah... except she's got auburn hair, not blond

and her helmet would look something like a cross between hawk girl's helmet, and the face of a [url=]Caracal[/url]

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oh... well, if we're posting

oh... well, if we're posting full character sheets... mine probably isn't quite as easy to follow as X's, but here goes.
(in particular, if there are things Mao could sense, that would be useful to your post, feel free to include her sensing them into your post ;P)

Character Name: Lyhhah (Leah) Mao
Code (super) Name: Lynx
Classification: Anti-hero
Height: 5’2
Weight: 120lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Nyhhsarian
Hair color: Auburn
Eye color: Yellow/gold
Skin: Very Pale Olive
Age: 73 (similar to a human Age of 20)
Origin Type: Alien Physiology/technology

CoT alignment:
Law: 4
Violence: 6
Honor: 10
Personality (3-5 sentences):
Lynx is relatively new to the planet, so has a semblence of Niavete about human customs. She blends this sense of innocence with vamp-like qualities of a Femme Fatale and seems indominably playful, enjoying making uptight heroes squirm in their tights. She has a powerful sense of right and wrong but comes from a different culture with slightly different views on those two terms...

Sample speech (3-5 sentences):
"I don't mind getting a little rough.”
“Oooh, mine!”
“We will never understand eachother... but perhaps we can stand by one another.”
“Wanna play?”

Comic character offense this character is most like: Sabertooth
Comic character defense this character is most like: Hawkgirl (Thanagarian)
Comic character support set this character is most like: Vixen
Comic character movement set this character is most like: nightcrawler

Experience: Combat/Espionage Expert (30 human years)

Overall power ranking : A
Physical blunt: 30
Physical bladed: 20
Projectile: 50 (toughness+evasiveness)
Spiritual/Magical: 10/40 (melee/ranged toughness+evasiveness)
Elemental: 10/40 (melee/ranged toughness+evasiveness)
Energy: 10/40 (melee/ranged toughness+evasiveness)

Defense power List:
Nyhhsarians, in general, have significantly higher physical Strength, Endurance, "Toughness" (what we might call resistance to injury", Recovery (ability to heal physical damage to the body), Agility, and sensory systems.
Particular among these, are the Nyhhsarian sensory systems.(see below)

Melee O: 50
Ranged O: 10
AoE O: 10 (PbAOE only)

Offense power List:
The standard issue tool for Nyssarian scouts are the metalic gauntlets called Temporal claws. Tuned to the right frequency, they are able to cut through time space, enabling the wearer to (among other things) cut through most any materal, either physically or by creating a "door" to the other side of the materal.

beyond her gauntlets, Lynx benifits from her people's natural gift of exceptionally advanced sensory systems allowing her to manipulate an environment, the objects in it, and herself in fantastic ways (feats of balance, accuracy and martial combat... the messier the location, the better)
Expert Martial Artist (though her style lacks "form" typical of Human martial arts) and "Dirty Fighter"

Support: 30
List and rating of power(s):

Nyhhsarian Senses: ("True" Nyhhsarians)

All Nyhhsarians are born with a hyper developed system of sensory physiology.
Not simply "heightened senses," Nyhhsarians have expansive and often redundant systems that dramatically improve and expand their capacity to perceive and react to their environment (compared to humans).
This capacity, over the course of their lives also significantly improves many of post-sensory processes.
There is also some evidence to suggest they are able to amplify or more precisely codify theor pheromone release to affect others.

Nyhhsarian sight is different from human in the extraordinary quantity of rods and cones their eyes can utilize, the variety of rods their eyes possess (they are pentachromatic), and more nerve connections between photoreceptors and her brain. Further, they are able to more precisely and dramatically control the pupil/iris muscles of their eyes allowing for clear vision in extremes of light and darkness, the latter producing a tapetum lucidum effect.

Nyhhsarian audition (hearing) is augmented by extensive musculature in their ears that can gently shift the ear canal and flex the eardrum, enabling a greater frequency range, distance and (in a general sense) a form of echolocation.

Their Gustation (sense of taste) is four times more sensitive than humans, often able to determine chemical compositions of a substance, and some are able to “taste” through any skin contact, not just the mouth.

Nyhhsarian sense of smell is expansive including an oversized accessory olfactory system revolving around a vomeronasal organ. Their sense of smell is precise enough that they are able to determine the direction and distance to a smell based on subtle differences in sensation. Nyhhsarian comeronasal organ are fully activated and the subsequent olfactory system allows them to perceive and decode the pheromone signals of most fauna, including humans to a great degree. It has been suggested that, if functioning like other organs of this type, its receptor signals skip the conscious parts of the brain, moving directly to the amygdale and hypothalamus. This unnatural quality for a human seems to enable near precognitive reaction to organic interactions. It has also been suggested that this automatic response to pheromones might be the cause of some more unusual Nyhhsarian behaviors.

As previously stated, Many Nyhhsarians exhibit the ability to taste through touch. Their somatosensory system is likewise modified by other senses.

Nyhhsarian vestibular sensitivity is beyond that of humans enabling a nearly perfect sense of balance and absolute position in three-dimensional space.

Their thermoception is both more varied (they are able to sense infrared radiation and accurately judge environmental temperatures) and more manageable (they are better able to tolerate/accommodate extremes of cold and heat). Their internal body temperature is naturally slightly higher than normal humans (averaging 104 degrees Fahrenheit)

Like their vestibular sensitivity, Nyhhsarian proprioception is exceptional, and they are equally able to judge relative positions of body parts to themselves, as they are to their relative position in her immediate surroundings (if a Nyhhsarian has been in a room before, she could walk through it, and pick up a glass from the table while blindfolded.)

Nyhhsarian Chronoception is significantly more acute than the average human, and they are adept at maintaining perfect relative time in their local environment, even when deprived of other senses.

Lastly, their chromosomal telomeres are uncommonly long and in tests, very resistant to consummation. It is entirely likely that once traditional aging begins, it will last significantly longer than the normal human (living well into their hundreds before such aging begins, and as many years or more beyond that.)

Other Skills/perks/talents:
Beyond the above, Lynx also claims to have native directional awareness (she knows where she is, exactly, in her sensory environment (like GPS), and in relation to everything else in her immediate environment (like soundless eocolocation)) as well as the ability to detect electric fields, but there is no detectable Nyhhsarian biological system to account for these claims.

Nice guys.
Bad Boys.
...Men in general.

Also, Without her temporal claws, though stronger than any human, she is much less effective in combat. likewise they must be atuned to the appropriate frequency to achive their awesome potential (which generally depends on the materal in question) without proper adjustment, they are little more effective then steel blades.

while she has control enough not to be "overwhelmed" by any sort of sensory overload in normal contexts, any liquids splashed on her skin, any strong smells, extreme noises or changes in light will have a much more dramatic affect on her than they might on human.

any form of sensory deprivation, other than loss of sight, bothers her immensely.

Milk, milk products, and milk byproducts are heavily intoxicating and large quantities can be poisonous.

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

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While I do NOT have a

While I do NOT have a character sheet, Fortuna's voice (when not adopting another persona) is that of Claudia Black, here is an example! :)

As for her appearance...:)

She would looklike so except for a cleavage dip in the middle, curled lengths of ebony hair going down her back, and of course, amber toned skin. :)


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Post whatever you'd like

Post whatever you'd like about your characters, but bear in mind, I'm not asking for character sheets. I just figured having one for Gyr'Val would help if anyone wanted to RP him to move the story along on the evenings when I'm not available.

Ghost, can you tell me more about Lyhhah's temporal claws? Range, power, effectiveness against different materials...

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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adamantium ;P

adamantium ;P

basically they have dual functionality. in a neutral state, they can cut through nearly anything... but they're like cat claws, the're fairly short (she's got no problem tearing a doorknob off, but she's not cutting through a wall any time soon)

However, they are also her means of teleportation. by establishing an appropriate frequency, she can collapse space-time between where she is, and where she want's to be (the compression is invisible and unnoticeable by anyone, even her, but instruments designed to register space/time anomalies (gate jumps and such) would see it, if compression occurred in their field of view)
despite "slashing" she's actually more like pulling herself through. She can't, say, "open a door" between two places, nor is it strictly a hole. As the gauntlets move from here to there, they (and she) are pulled to the other place, re-establishing normal space-time. It is difficult, without having prior knowledge or experience in a location, to teleport away from a location under fire (i.e. she can't get the positioning and frequency calculated while people are shooting at her, but if she'd planned to escape from place/position X, she just needs to punch in the appropriate frequency and leave, regardless of how heavy the fighting is)

due to the nature of the process, she can't hop around willy-nilly (she's not nightcrawler) and she can't teleport anyone along with her (no one's got the grip strength to hold onto someone going infinity times the speed of light ;P) so it's generally used in lieu of walking (say, into the other side of a vault door) as short jumps generally require very little calculation, or to get into places she's not meant to be from outside an actionable range.(like a prison, perhaps)

as weapons, they're cat's claws, short range slicers, but they cut through most anything (i mean, heck, they can pass through quantum foam!) like it's warm butter. if something is hard/dense enough, though, they could potentially get stuck (a bigger danger than "not cutting") particularly a problem considering she only has her (more than human) physical strength propelling them.

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say they can 'bite into" any substance.. but the denser/harder the material, the less likely they will be able to cut completely through (that said, no conventional material poses a problem... it would only be super materials. Like she could probably get a good scratch onto your wing armor... but she'd likely get her claws stuck (when the thickness of the claws become wedged in the pressure of the super-strong metal) if she tried to cut through them. It would probably smart something terrible, though ;P)

they also retract, when not in use, curling backwards into the gauntlets so she can manipulate objects with her fingertips.

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also, I assume that the the

also, I assume that the the team's arrival at the choke-point will coincide with the detonation... and as I said in the thread, we're just waiting on Kreet to jump ;P

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Does the teleport function

Does the teleport function have a range? Are the claws unique or in common/rare use by the Nyhhsarian's? Could the technology be studied and scaled up or would that cause a mass conversion/transportation problem?

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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it is at the limit of it's

it is at the limit of it's potentia. (there is no place to scale it up to, and still enable it to function)
it's rare, but hardly unique (think of it like a barret 50 cal sniper rifle... it's not the hope diamond, but it's not a 9mm ruger, either)

The Nyhhsarian military issue them to certain special forces scouts, and they are keyed to the individual's genetic signature. they also contain materials/components only functionally available on the home planet. (Lyhhah could probably find replacement parts on the black market, but it would cost a substantial fortune to fabricate them from scratch, not to mention the know-how to program them.)

The teleport function technically has unlimited range, however the calculations to figure out the appropriate frequency for the jump grow exponentially more difficult the further away we're talking. she can, and has jumped across the galaxy on more than one occasion, however such jumps required super computers and several days to calculate the necessary frequency. Any deviation could plop her in the vacuum of space, in the middle a planet or star, or not work at all.
As shown, she's almost cavalierly comfortable with teleporting short distances in places she knows (or has studied, like the prison)

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Someone mentioned fire in the

Someone mentioned fire in the hole, so I figured it was time. Delay it if needed.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Retcon that to 570 YARDS, not

Retcon that to 570 YARDS, not Feet! A much more appropriate distance to cover, as a markswoman! :)


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heheh... well, not for a long

heheh... well, not for a long-distance record.... that's like less than a 6th of the human record ;P
I'm gonna say you said 4 kilometers (well beyond the physically possible for humans ;P) cause you're awesome.

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Haha! That works! :) Inhuman

Haha! That works! :) Inhuman accuracy and luck work for her!


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Gladatoria wrote:
Gladatoria wrote:

Retcon that to 570 YARDS, not Feet! A much more appropriate distance to cover, as a markswoman! :)

570 yards is better than 570 feet, but still not even remarkable. USMC range at Camp Pendleton went out to 500 meters (about 547 yards) in 1983, with recruits having just shot a rifle for the first time only two weeks earlier expected to hit a man-sized target at that range at least several times out of ten. Or maybe twenty. Don't recall specifics, only that ranges were 200 m for a circular target representing a head shot, shooter standing, 300 m for a target representing head and shoulders, shooter kneeling, and 500 m for the torso and head, shooter prone. And that I was 4 points short of Expert :(

If you want human records, I regret that this one is not held by a Marine: Craig Harrison (, the link breaks because of the parentheses around sniper) at a range of 2,475 meters, 2009. So the 4 km GhostHack suggests is, IMO, not out of line for someone with superior weapons and sights, and more-than-human hand-eye coordination.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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And now for something

And now for something completely different: Our Ship

Did this ship previously belong to any member of our group? What else has already been decided about it (other than the name and the hawk shape mentioned earlier)? BTW, I think as long as we avoid the warp nacelles it won't look too Trekky.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Ok maybe it's like a yacht?

Ok maybe it's like a yacht? Somewhat bigger than a shuttle, smaller than a full cruiser. Still capable of long-range, but can also handle some atmosphere. If we're saying the hawk ship is the one Damon hijacked, it would be sleek and have lines like a '69 stingray, or we can go the opposite direction and it has very blocky lines like Firefly or the aluminum falcon.. I think we established it has some interstellar travel mechanism... Hyperdrive for the simplicity of what to call it?

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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my thinking is it's the space

my thinking is it's the space equivalent of a boarder runner or smuggler ship

basically, it's a yaht that someone has tuned and modified under the hood... so it looks luxurious on the outside, but inside it's built for speed. No guns, per say, but anything that would help them avoid the cops (stealth systems, superior sub-light engines, enhanced maneuverability in and out of vacuum)

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

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The falcon pictures I posted

The falcon pictures I posted were for GyrVal's personal ship, the Peregryn. This is not his ship, however.

He was in his ship when he got caught trying to enter forbidden jump coordinates. He went evasive, but there were too many of them to avoid. Knowing he'd need his ship to not be impounded, he set the auto-pilot on extreme evasion mode and jettisoned himself in an escape pod. The cops chased down the pod and the ship escaped into an asteroid belt. It's currently being controlled by a VI (Virtual Intelligence).

The ship they are hijacking was the one that brought Kreet in. Originally, I was going to have it be a sector transport, but making it a hot-rod smuggler vessel that was impounded and re-purposed for use by the prison works too. The cargo bay could have been altered to carry prisoners and their possessions, instead of being wide open for cargo.

Any other thoughts?

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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i don't see a reason why it

i don't see a reason why it needs to be a prison vehicle, if we're going the hot-rod route, personally.

if your ship is "nearby", this stolen ship doesn't need to be anything fancy, so it could just be a sub-light prisoner transport. unless you don't want to get back to your ship any time soon.. in which case this stolen ship needs to last us ;P

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

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I took it as a ship of one of

I took it as a ship of one of the other prisoners. The ship was waiting to be towed away like half the inmates to a more permanent location or to be auctioned off. Or in other words it was evidence.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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GhostHack, reclaiming the

GhostHack, reclaiming the ship will be an adventure of its own. It's not even in this system.

Rotten, that works. We'll just say that Kreet was brought in on a different ship that is also in the hanger. :-)

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Sorry to make everyone wait

Sorry to make everyone wait my computer died and my fixy person is on vacation so all I have is this guys phone o,O fixy person should be back in less then a week I think I will keep trying likethis till then

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde

Foradain's picture
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Hopefully, when you get your

Hopefully, when you get your computer fixed, the echo chamber will stop ^_^

On my phone (an android) I usually use the notepad to compose, then cut and paste into the browser. Then hit the preview button to check, then save when it's something resembling right.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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yes, Kreet.... please don't

yes, Kreet.... please don't post EXACTLY like that ;P

one... or maybe two, is plenty :D

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Ugh, sorry your computer died

Ugh, sorry your computer died, Oksana. That sucks big-time.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Alpha0177's picture
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Lol, I was wondering how so

Lol, I was wondering how so many people replied so fast at one time. Yeah, sorry about that Oksana. My laptop had to be sent in to get a factory reset. I'm working off of a kindle.

Foradain's picture
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Yes, those are Firefly theme

Yes, those are Firefly theme lyrics ^_^.

Best wishes for your computer, Oksana!

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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I'm surprised Damon wasn't

I'm surprised Damon wasn't saying "I am a leaf on the wind, watch me soar!" :p

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

summer-heat's picture
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He may yet... He hasn't

He may yet... He hasn't triggered the jump-jump-jump seouence.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

Foradain's picture
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Well, Damon wasn't exposed at

Well, Damon wasn't exposed at an impressionable age to a young man who's latest favorite television series was [I]Firefly[/I], and that when he(Henry) was at the Golden Age of Science Fiction (twelve years old ^_^). Also, Henry never saw [I]Serenity[/I]; he didn't even know [I]Firefly[/I] didn't last the season...

Also, re V'six's response to Damon's request: LOL. And Lianre was worried about Mal's grasp of figures of speech....

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Oksana_Vikhrov's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
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She has been taught from a

She has been taught from a very young age to listen to specilists when their field applies add to that she is quite literal and pow. Anyway it seems madly stabbing the go button makes it post ten times sorry. As a note something I forgot in her bio as it is mores a quirk then a power. Her people comminicate as much with pheramonic scent as with words. She has learned to be far more vocal for others but if someones who's scent was acute enough and knew what the shifts ment she basically could not lie to. Not that she bothers to in most stituations anyhow. The production of these chemicals are not overly potent or conciously controlled in anyway. For an example if she was happy anyone with an average nose who was close to her might smell a feint sweet aroma close being 1 meter or so.

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde

Xselcier's picture
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heat, I went ahead and had

heat, I went ahead and had them do an in-system jump closer to the IJC (Interstellar Jump Conduit), which is this settings version of Jump Gates. But Damon is going to have to do some fancy flying while Gyr'Val programs the jump computer, because there are several ships from the prison kept on station to police the IJC and prevent escapes.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

summer-heat's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Oh well crap I gotta retcon.

Oh well crap I gotta retcon.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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Oksana_Vikhrov wrote:
Oksana_Vikhrov wrote:

She has been taught from a very young age to listen to specilists when their field applies add to that she is quite literal and pow. Anyway it seems madly stabbing the go button makes it post ten times sorry. As a note something I forgot in her bio as it is mores a quirk then a power. Her people comminicate as much with pheramonic scent as with words. She has learned to be far more vocal for others but if someones who's scent was acute enough and knew what the shifts ment she basically could not lie to. Not that she bothers to in most stituations anyhow. The production of these chemicals are not overly potent or conciously controlled in anyway. For an example if she was happy anyone with an average nose who was close to her might smell a feint sweet aroma close being 1 meter or so.

Mao is has extensively advanced senses... she can generally detect emotions-through-pheromones in a normal individual (and both detect lies AND subtly adjust other's perception of her through her own control of them)

which means not only is Kreet waling around with her pheromone megaphone set to kill, but she and Mao could probably hold a conversation, if she wanted.

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Xselcier's picture
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I got the IJC network further

I got the IJC network further fleshed out

FTL: A system of Interstellar Jump Conduits (IJC's) connecting approximately 7000 explored systems. All IJC's are connected and the means to lock an IJC is yet to be determined. Most ships are equipped with a variant of IJC technology that allows for limited distance jumps, allowing for fast in-system travel.

Jump Conduit Terminus (Links 25 IJC’s)
Jump Conduit Hub (Links 20 Termini and their 500 IJC’s)
Jump Conduit Plexus (Links 20 Hubs and their 10,000 IJC’s)
Jump Conduit Matrix (Links 50 Plexuses and their 500,000 IJC’s)

This is the extent of how far the current superpowers of the galaxy have determined the Network stretches.

How the process works is that when you first approach a Conduit, it automatically communicates with your ships jump computer (Jumpcomp?) and sends you the activation code for itself, so that you can use it without any problems. Once you've entered a Conduit, the Terminus will take over the jump and send the codes for all of the Conduits it connects, as well as the codes for the next five closest Termini. Passage through Termini, Hubs, Plexuses, and Matrices is automatic, without having to stop to redirect.

However, the prison officials figured out a way to jimmy this ship's computer so that it immediately deletes any codes transmitted to it. This leaves Gyr'Val having to enter the activation code by hand, followed by the destination code. The Conduit's activation process will then take about two minutes.

I hope Damon can make that ship dance.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

summer-heat's picture
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Oh he can make it dance.

Oh he can make it dance. Question is will the little yacht we have taken can handle the G's and other stresses such evasive dancing will ultimately put against it.

So I was thinking a doublejump would be where a pilot intentionally breaks out from a predetermined jump-gate and immediately reentering with the final terminus coordinates planned. Damon would have some experience with this, along with a memorized destination terminus for such a maneuver. All depends on how fast the jump gate can go from terminus to entry and such.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
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G forces only a matter near a

G forces only a matter near a gravity force. In space the G forces are so minor it's not even a problem. Now I said the artificial gravity having an issue because what I visualize it has to adjust for momentum of items in the ship.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

summer-heat's picture
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I was thinking of the physics

I was thinking of the physics of momentum and the countering force creating a temporary pressurization, maybe G forces were the wrong term to use... To analogize, taking a pliant stick and applying a repetitive forward-backward force to the base as that ripples down the stick the waves create enough stress to snap the stick.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
