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Hero 1/Ms. Librety = American Star/Anthem

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Hero 1/Ms. Librety = American Star/Anthem

Alright, been doing some research and have decided to breakdown what a few individuals have been praising as original characters.Here we go:

American Star


Alright, from what we know about them, these two may be seen as direct rip-offs of Hero 1

and Ms. Liberty

In origin, back-story, persona, and appearance, you could swap any given piece of these characters and say "Oh, look! A 100% unnecessary change in design to a character we already know and will likely get sued for imitating!"

Not only do they look similar, all four are patriotically themed, but their source of power is the same with less than a proverbial 2% difference.

Hero 1 got his powers from the magic sword, Excalibur, gifted to him by the Lady of the Lake.

American Star received his powers from a magic sword and piece of armor.

Not convinced? Alright, let's go a step further: Both Hero 1 and American Star died in exactly the same way.
What's that you say? Their deaths are not remotely similar? Let me show you otherwise:

Hero 1 was killed leading a team of heroes to stop the alien Rikti invasion, this team was known as the Omega Team. This team died to stop this invasion at its source.

American Star was killed leading a team of heroes to stop the coming storm, Hurricane Atlas, these heroes were known as the Atlas 33. This team died to stop this storm at its source.

Wait... Coming storm. Where have I heard that before? Oh, right! that was the code-name of the alien race Battalion in CoH! So a reincarnation of an alien invasion killed American Star.... great.

Oh and they both die before the current story-line takes place - Sean Bean could have voiced both of them, he'd have plenty of time.

Then we have Anthem, the cherry on top, who is given American Star's sword and armor after her mentor dies, just like Ms. Liberty. And why do they do this? Neither really explain why, they just did.

My advice? Set your writers and artists down in the same chatroom, give them a mild slap on the wrist for this lazy character design, and *please please please* ask them to try again. If you guys are as brilliant we think you are, this should be child's play.

Feel welcome to fling the obligatory "they aren't done designing them yet" at my observations, and forget about justifying IP infringement - I'm sure someone from NCSoft will bring that up.

PS: American Star's real name (dang that is an awful hero name) is James Duncan. What is he? The unnamed father of Alexis Cole-Duncan, alias: Ms. Librety?

I don't get mad, I restructure the laws of quantum physics and resolve the situation with temporal engineering.

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Brand X
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I see nothing wrong with the

I see nothing wrong with the patriotic theme, but yes, I figured most of the characters were CoH ripoffs. Instead of Mynx we get some Egyptian themed furry cat girl.

Doctor Tesla/Ohm/Hertz...forgot the name already...Lord Nemesis knockoff.

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Yeah as much as I greatly

Yeah as much as I greatly respect the Dev team for all their hard work I could write a more original flagship team in a good weekend. Can't draw worth a dime though so I'd need help with that part.

In their defense, EVERY story has already been told but now that you broke it down point by point...yeah...major rewrite necessary.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

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Just considering the artwork

Just considering the artwork by itself I don't think these two pairs of characters are incredibly identical to each other (except for maybe the red, white and blue colors). But I'd have to agree that their backstories share far too many elements in common.

I seriously think MWM needs to remain constantly mindful of the ever-present possibility of being sued by NCsoft for IP infringement. Now I recently mentioned in another thread that I'm not overly fearful or paranoid that NCsoft will in fact sue this game. But there's absolutely no reason whatsoever for these main characters in CoT to be ANYTHING like the characters in CoH at all. Why on Earth would the folks at MWM give NCsoft even the tiniest excuse to have real grounds to build an infringement case on? It's almost mind boggling.

I think if they really want to use the "patriotic theme" artwork (as Brand X mentioned) they could probably get away with the current American Star and Anthem images. But for all of our sakes I would implore MWM to please come up with backstories for these new characters that are as completely and totally different from Hero 1 and Ms. Liberty as possible. Same goes for any ofthe other new CoT personalities. Please don't give NCsoft any better reason to jump on us than they may already have regardless.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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You can copy known characters

You can copy known characters and still make them different while still making them pretty good and different enough. Look at Cyber Force, basically X-Men that moved onto their own.

But one problem I had with another CoH successor was when it started it's push was it was doing the same thing..."Let's basically copy CoH!"

Does this mean I won't play it? No. Does this mean I think it could've been done so much better? Yes.

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Hmm, you've got a point there

Hmm, you've got a point there. I never actually could put my finger on what was nagging me about Anthem all this time. True, City of Titans is designed by and for former City of Heroes players (as main target audience). But it does not have to be exactly the same, it's not so much Statesman, Ms. Liberty, Hero 1 and the other flagship characters I miss, it's the feeling. And for me this feeling is more about how the story is handled, not who it is about.

Now I do like Anthem and American Star as charakters, but I would be glad if their story could be a little more unique.

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Lutan wrote:
Lutan wrote:

Hmm, you've got a point there. I never actually could put my finger on what was nagging me about Anthem all this time. True, City of Titans is designed by and for former City of Heroes players (as main target audience). But it does not have to be exactly the same, it's not so much Statesman, Ms. Liberty, Hero 1 and the other flagship characters I miss, it's the feeling. And for me this feeling is more about how the story is handled, not who it is about.
Now I do like Anthem and American Star as charakters, but I would be glad if their story could be a little more unique.

I can aceept that there ought to be "flagship characters" like Anthem and American Star in CoT to provide some lore for the overall game. But frankly their overall "importance" to me would be like Number 92 on a list of the Top 100 priorities for this game. This is why I have absolutely no vested need or desire for their backstories to be anything like the those of the CoH characters.

I realize that some people are much more invested in the whole idea of these flagship characters than I am and that's fine. I just don't want them to be so close to CoH's characters as to be something NCsoft can use as grounds for a lawsuit. Besides just from a pure RP point of view I'd rather see completely "fresh" characters for this new game rather than some semi-lame attempts to perfectly clone previous characters from (let's face facts) a dead game.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Your "incredible

Your "incredible identicalities" are, as so often in such claims, rather superficial, if not even forced.

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Xnarl wrote:
Xnarl wrote:

Your "incredible identicalities" are, as so often in such claims, rather superficial, if not even forced.

Since I used your quoted phrase I'll assume you're referring to what I said.

To be clear I'll repeat that don't think the artwork between the CoH and CoT characters are that close to each other. They would be passably non-derivative assuming their backstories were completely different. The problem though is that as written their backstories were overtly almost identical which is kind of bad for multiple reasons. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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No, I was not using the

No, I was not using the quotes as a citation, but in the sense of "alledgedly", "so-called". And I [i] was [/i] refering to the alledged identicallity of their backgrounds, as I can see neither.


"Hero 1 was killed leading a team of heroes to stop the alien Rikti invasion, this team was known as the Omega Team. This team died to stop this invasion at its source.

American Star was killed leading a team of heroes to stop the coming storm, Hurricane Atlas, these heroes were known as the Atlas 33. This team died to stop this storm at its source. "

This basically makes as much sense as to say that, since both Palpatine and Angela Merkel are Chancellors, they are both secretly Sith Lords. And that "storm=Bataillon"... well, following this logic, they were helped by the Doctor and the X-Men.
Also, Automatisch seems to consider him/her/itself to know all that has been defined about Anthem and American Star, which is, of course, absurd.

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Xnarl wrote:
Xnarl wrote:

No, I was not using the quotes as a citation, but in the sense of "alledgedly", "so-called". And I was refering to the alledged identicallity of their backgrounds, as I can see neither.
"Hero 1 was killed leading a team of heroes to stop the alien Rikti invasion, this team was known as the Omega Team. This team died to stop this invasion at its source.
American Star was killed leading a team of heroes to stop the coming storm, Hurricane Atlas, these heroes were known as the Atlas 33. This team died to stop this storm at its source. "
This basically makes as much sense as to say that, since both Palpatine and Angela Merkel are Chancellors, they are both secretly Sith Lords. And that "storm=Bataillon"... well, following this logic, they were helped by the Doctor and the X-Men.
Also, Automatisch seems to consider him/her/itself to know all that has been defined about Anthem and American Star, which is, of course, absurd.

Well let's compare your two quoted statements by replacing the proper nouns with variable letters:

Statement 1 = "X was killed leading a team of heroes to stop Y, this team was known as Z. This team died to stop Y at its source."
Statement 2 = "X was killed leading a team of heroes to stop Y, this team was known as Z. This team died to stop Y at its source."

I don't know about you but these two backstories seem overtly and needlessly identical to me. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Because Automatisch wrote

Because [i]Automatisch[/i] wrote this nonsense in this form exactly to archieve this effect.
"X X was exposed to Radiation source Y and became the alpharic Z!" Ergo, most Stan Lee characters are virtually identical!

Really, these similarities are on a level of abstraction of, say, The Hero With A Thousand Faces, where really everything becomes the same.

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Xnarl wrote:
Xnarl wrote:

Because Automatisch wrote this nonsense in this form exactly to archieve this effect.
"X X was exposed to Radiation source Y and became the alpharic Z!" Ergo, most Stan Lee characters are virtually identical!
Really, these similarities are on a level of abstraction of, say, The Hero With A Thousand Faces, where really everything becomes the same.

I would argue it was easy enough for Automatisch to reformat the statements in those forms to highlight the similar details because these two sets of backstories are in fact uncomfortably identical.

Your hyperbolic, hand-waving attempts to claim that these obvious similarities are somehow non-existent or unfounded seem incredulous at best. To put it another way: if you don't think there's some obviously similarities here then I'd almost be curious to imagine how amazingly close two things really have to be to each other before you'd declare them to be similar much less identical.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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So, my main reaction to all

So, my main reaction to all of this is 'why do I care?' or even 'why is this a problem?' I'm still eagerly looking forward to the game.

Be Well!

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

So, my main reaction to all of this is 'why do I care?' or even 'why is this a problem?' I'm still eagerly looking forward to the game.
Be Well!

I only care because NCsoft might decide it'll be worth their trouble to sue MWM for IP infringment if it's even remotely obvious the "flagship characters" of CoT are merely ripped off versions of the CoH ones.

Recall that Marvel decided to sue Cryptic back when they were running CoH just for the dubious reason that it was "possible" to create IP infringing clones of Marvel characters with the costume creator. Why should MWM give NCsoft even an inch of a reason to come after them for their lazy allowance of letting the new flagship characters be practical clones of the equivalent CoH characters?

Ultimately I don't really care what the background stories of the new CoT flagship characters are... as long as they aren't blatantly obvious ripoffs of characters MWM doesn't have the rights to.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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You know, I've seen this kind

You know, I've seen this kind of logic before.

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.

Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.

Both were shot in the head.

Lincoln's secretary, Kennedy, warned him not to go to the theatre.
Kennedy's secretary, Lincoln, warned him not to go to Dallas.

Both were assassinated by Southerners.

Both were succeeded by Southerners.

Both successors were named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names.

Both names are comprised of fifteen letters

Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse.
Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.


Clearly, the only thing to do is change the colors of the United States of America to no longer match those of England's Union Jack.

(Remember, folks, all elements of lore as revealed are, and have been, subject to extensive change. It's possible Anthem no longer has the same name. It's possible she now carries a shield with a patriotic star in a circle motif.)

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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

(Remember, folks, all elements of lore as revealed is, and has been, subject to extensive change. It's possible Anthem no longer has the same name. It's possible she now carries a shield with a patriotic star in a circle motif.)

And remember I don't really care what the flagship characters for CoT end up looking like or what their backstories are. Again I'm just reminding everyone of a possible unfortunate real-world consequence for allowing them to end up being too remotely similar to the equivalent characters in CoH.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Darth Fez
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

(Remember, folks, all elements of lore as revealed are, and have been, subject to extensive change. It's possible Anthem no longer has the same name. It's possible she now carries a shield with a patriotic star in a circle motif.)

So long as the shield has the kite shape and is projected from a ring, this sounds perfectly acceptable.

/I got nuthin'.
//Obviously the colors of the U.S.A's flag should match those of the French flag.

- - - - -
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While we're on the subject,

While we're on the subject, has anyone ever noticed how similar Superman and Supergirl are?
Or for that matter Superman and Shazam?
Or Green Lantern and Quasar and Doctor Spectrum?
Or The Red Tornado and The Vision?
Or Doctor Strange and Doctor Fate?
Or Captain Cold and The Blizzard?
Or Thor and Hercules?
Or Professor X and Niles Caulder (Leader of the Doom Patrol)
Or Amazo and The Mad Thinker's Awesome Android?
Or Captain America and Mr. America?
Or Sgt. Rock's Easy Company and Nick Fury's Howling Commandos?
Or Aquaman and The Sub-Mariner?

The list goes on.....

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

While we're on the subject, has anyone ever noticed how similar Superman and Supergirl are?
Or for that matter Superman and Shazam?
Or Green Lantern and Quasar and Doctor Spectrum?
Or The Red Tornado and The Vision?
Or Doctor Strange and Doctor Fate?
Or Captain Cold and The Blizzard?
Or Thor and Hercules?
Or Professor X and Niles Caulder (Leader of the Doom Patrol)
Or Amazo and The Mad Thinker's Awesome Android?
Or Captain America and Mr. America?
Or Sgt. Rock's Easy Company and Nick Fury's Howling Commandos?
Or Aquaman and The Sub-Mariner?
The list goes on.....

If you can find me a pair of those where their backstories are almost word-for-word identical then you'd have a similar situation as what was described at the beginning of this thread.

On the other hand if say Anthem and Ms. Liberty end up ONLY being as similar as say Superman and Shazam are then we'd probably be fine.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

So, my main reaction to all of this is 'why do I care?' or even 'why is this a problem?' I'm still eagerly looking forward to the game.
Be Well!

It's a problem for some of us because we think CoT should be new and awesome. Yes, we'll likely see similarities in everything, and not just from CoT to CoH, but CoT to Marvel/DC.

So why not make sure it's all at the best at the start. When they haven't even gotten to putting the story into the game yet.

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That's really odd. The armor

That's really odd. The armor's on the wrong arm in that picture of Star. Everything else is identical. It must be really old.

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It is true that we can't

It is true that we can't expect a completely new and never seen before backstory. But I still think Automatisch has got a point there, there are several key points almost identical. Yes, not enough to get sued for, not enough for me to say "I don't want to play it anymore" but enough to make me feel uncomfortable.

At the end it all comes down to how those stories are handled. How will Anthem deal with it? What happens in the rest of their backstory? We know little, there might be much more to it that will give the storys their own unique flair. I hope so, but from what I know right now I'm still a little worried.

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Lutan wrote:
Lutan wrote:

It is true that we can't expect a completely new and never seen before backstory. But I still think Automatisch has got a point there, there are several key points almost identical. Yes, not enough to get sued for, not enough for me to say "I don't want to play it anymore" but enough to make me feel uncomfortable.
At the end it all comes down to how those stories are handled. How will Anthem deal with it? What happens in the rest of their backstory? We know little, there might be much more to it that will give the storys their own unique flair. I hope so, but from what I know right now I'm still a little worried.

No one's been asking for magically never-heard-of-before backstories from these CoT characters that are absolutely 100% different from anything that has ever existed before. As Radiac nicely illustrated the comics have never been an amazing hot-bed of pure originality. But I think it would be a trivial exercise for almost anyone to come up with CoT character backstories that are at least REMOTELY unique and non-identical to the CoH characters.

I realize CoT is supposed to be a "spiritual successor" to CoH but that doesn't mean every last detail or bit of lore has to be a 100% perfect clone of the previous game. Even if legality wasn't an issue I would think the folks at MWM would be motivated to put their own "spin" on this game and one perfect way to do that (without really affecting the core gameplay) is to come up with their own characters and backstories that are independent from CoH.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I think it would be a trivial exercise for almost anyone to come up with CoT character backstories that are at least REMOTELY unique and non-identical to the CoH characters.

Well, I'm trying to do [url=]precisely that[/url] in the thread for it.

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

warcabbit wrote:
(Remember, folks, all elements of lore as revealed is, and has been, subject to extensive change. It's possible Anthem no longer has the same name. It's possible she now carries a shield with a patriotic star in a circle motif.)

And remember I don't really care what the flagship characters for CoT end up looking like or what their backstories are. Again I'm just reminding everyone of a possible unfortunate real-world consequence for allowing them to end up being too remotely similar to the equivalent characters in CoH.

And don't forget, Marvel sued because there was just a possibility that someone, not NCsoft but a fictitious player, MIGHT infringe on their copyright. Law suits in this country don't have to be winnable to go to court. They still cost the litigants tons of money. NCsoft HAS tons of money, MWM doesn't. The real trick is to make it so blatantly frivolous that most judges won't hear it in the first place. Even then, you read the news. The stupidest stuff makes it to court, anyway. Often enough, good lawyers can beat common sense to death. I agree with Lothic in so far as I'd be more comfortable if more intellectual space seperated CoH and CoT.

I also don't really care who the Signature/Flagship characters end up being. But, legal similarities not withstanding, I'd like something a little more original, as well.

One other thing I'd like to point out. These forums can be used as evidence in said law suit that MWM was made aware of similarities and chose to ignore concerns if they go ahead.

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While there is a lot of

While there is a lot of similarity between the heroes, the reasoning comes perilously close to stating that there are only two(*) stories ever written (in a million variations) so adding more is not just copyright infringement but pointless as well.

There is a loooooong trail of stories where the hero wins or finds, a legendary weapon that proofs his right to rule.
There is an even longer trail of stories where the wise old mentor dies so the new king can take over. (that one literally has its roots in pre-historic times, as in before the invention of script).
(American) patriotically themed superheroes are as old as the first of them. (and it doesn't help that Hero One was a brit, not a yank)

I could just as easily argue that there are fundamental differences between the story of Hero One and American Star. The first willingly sacrificed himself on a mission he knew there would be no coming back from. The second lost his life trying to rescue a city, knowing there was a risk but not going in expecting to die. While both heroes died the circumstances and the meaning of their death is entirely different from a literary point of view.

(* the two apocryphal stories being: boy wins girl and boy loses girl)

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Nadira wrote:
Nadira wrote:

While there is a lot of similarity between the heroes, the reasoning comes perilously close to stating that there are only two(*) stories ever written (in a million variations) so adding more is not just copyright infringement but pointless as well.
There is a loooooong trail of stories where the hero wins or finds, a legendary weapon that proofs his right to rule.
There is an even longer trail of stories where the wise old mentor dies so the new king can take over. (that one literally has its roots in pre-historic times, as in before the invention of script).
(American) patriotically themed superheroes are as old as the first of them. (and it doesn't help that Hero One was a brit, not a yank)
I could just as easily argue that there are fundamental differences between the story of Hero One and American Star. The first willingly sacrificed himself on a mission he knew there would be no coming back from. The second lost his life trying to rescue a city, knowing there was a risk but not going in expecting to die. While both heroes died the circumstances and the meaning of their death is entirely different from a literary point of view.
(* the two apocryphal stories being: boy wins girl and boy loses girl)

I can completely accept the idea that there are no "new story ideas under the sun" or the theories that suggest there are only [url=]Seven Basic Plots[/url] in literature. But when I see people try to reduce arguments like this down to "all character backstories share enough similarities to render the concept of originality or uniqueness pointless" I just have to shake my head in disbelief.

I tend to believe it's incredibly easy for most people to compare two backstories and judge whether or not they share a few elements in common versus being practically word-for-word identical. Furthermore even if you want to believe that "there are fundamental differences between the story of Hero One and American Star" one can make a very simple argument to say that there's absolutely no reason why the differences couldn't (or shouldn't) be much, much wider. Sure the "meaning of their death(s)" might be nominally different but why do they both have to die? Surely it'd be easy enough to have American Star NOT die while doing something that was still effectively identical to what killed the "martyred" Hero 1. Couldn't they come up with some other pretense in the world to explain the "end" of American Star?

The claim of story "identicalness" has as much to do with perception as it does with specific details. I simply contend the backstories of the new CoT characters can easily be formulated in a way that at least doesn't "appear" to be exactly ripping off previous CoH characters even in your literary world that supposedly doesn't offer us many options for originality.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I simply contend the backstories of the new CoT characters can easily be formulated in a way that at least doesn't "appear" to be exactly ripping off previous CoH characters

I object to the term "ripping off" when used in this context. I prefer to nuanced notion of "filing off the serial numbers" instead.

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Lothic wrote:
I simply contend the backstories of the new CoT characters can easily be formulated in a way that at least doesn't "appear" to be exactly ripping off previous CoH characters
I object to the term "ripping off" when used in this context. I prefer to nuanced notion of "filing off the serial numbers" instead.

Well if the CoT characters are going to be defined as "the CoH characters with their serial numbers filed off" then why don't we go ahead and give them different scopes, stocks, magazine clips, flash suppressors and paint jobs while we're at it. That's all I'm saying.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Nadira wrote:
While there is a lot of similarity between the heroes, the reasoning comes perilously close to stating that there are only two(*) stories ever written (in a million variations) so adding more is not just copyright infringement but pointless as well.
There is a loooooong trail of stories where the hero wins or finds, a legendary weapon that proofs his right to rule.
There is an even longer trail of stories where the wise old mentor dies so the new king can take over. (that one literally has its roots in pre-historic times, as in before the invention of script).
(American) patriotically themed superheroes are as old as the first of them. (and it doesn't help that Hero One was a brit, not a yank)
I could just as easily argue that there are fundamental differences between the story of Hero One and American Star. The first willingly sacrificed himself on a mission he knew there would be no coming back from. The second lost his life trying to rescue a city, knowing there was a risk but not going in expecting to die. While both heroes died the circumstances and the meaning of their death is entirely different from a literary point of view.
(* the two apocryphal stories being: boy wins girl and boy loses girl)

I can completely accept the idea that there are no "new story ideas under the sun" or the theories that suggest there are only Seven Basic Plots in literature. But when I see people try to reduce arguments like this down to "all character backstories share enough similarities to render the concept of originality or uniqueness pointless" I just have to shake my head in disbelief.
I tend to believe it's incredibly easy for most people to compare two backstories and judge whether or not they share a few elements in common versus being practically word-for-word identical. Furthermore even if you want to believe that "there are fundamental differences between the story of Hero One and American Star" one can make a very simple argument to say that there's absolutely no reason why the differences couldn't (or shouldn't) be much, much wider. Sure the "meaning of their death(s)" might be nominally different but why do they both have to die? Surely it'd be easy enough to have American Star NOT die while doing something that was still effectively identical to what killed the "martyred" Hero 1. Couldn't they come up with some other pretense in the world to explain the "end" of American Star?
The claim of story "identicalness" has as much to do with perception as it does with specific details. I simply contend the backstories of the new CoT characters can easily be formulated in a way that at least doesn't "appear" to be exactly ripping off previous CoH characters even in your literary world that supposedly doesn't offer us many options for originality.

Please understand that I would not mind at all if the heroes and villains of city of titans has a more unique and less stereotypical slant to them.
However, saying that they are almost the same as the ones from city of heroes, does require a bit of selective presentation.
The point of the 'there are only two stories' argument is not to say that there -are- only two stories, but to clarify that if you generalise too far you end up with combining things that are by all other considerations quite different. In my example I was trying to point out that the -fact- of the death of these heroes means a lot less than the -why- of those deaths.
The old hero dying to make room for a new one, is a framework as old as mythology. But nobody would argue that King Arthur and Star Wars: A new hope, are essentially the same story (though by the framework they are very simillar). At the end the framework for the story is not the most important part, it is the way the details are added to fill in that frame into a fully realised story.
In that respect the issue I have with American Star and Anthem is not that they are too like Hero One and Ms.Liberty, but that they are too like COs Defender and Dr.Mayhem.Stereotypes without much in the way of their own personality. Generic superheroes draped loosely over a generic hero story framework.
Knowing more about these people will help a lot in making them more relatable, but deviating them from the stereotype is at least as important. The fact that anthem is a black woman is a good first step but it currently exists only in isolation and therefor comes across more like a gimmick than logical and fitting hero for the position of being the face and soul of the game.

Brand X
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My first thought on some of

My first thought on some of the heroes and Doc Tesla (or whatever his name was) was CoH cloned! That was just looking at concept art for them. Then background stories, which multiple people are saying reads like CoH.

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Joined: 12/19/2013 - 14:53
As much as I can appreciate

As much as I can appreciate your little story, Warcabbit, I must remind you of something: what you are describing is called coincidence, artists and writers don't get away with "coincidence" - they get sued. There was nearly a 100 year gap between the death of Lincoln and the death of Kennedy, as apposed American Star who was made a few months before the shut-down of CoH. I like how hard you tried, but please take this seriously. Wonder Man was sued for just his name. Captain Marvel won his case, but was drummed out by expensive litigation. I just don't want NCSoft to have enough of a case that they can even cast a sideways glance at us. You guys may be making a city of titans, but you are mistaken if you think this game is safe from being chewed up and spit out for things as small as this.

On more of a personal note, this forum was focused mostly on the discussion of the similarities between Hero 1 and American Star and their relationships with their city and close friends. Anthem is mostly unique (still don't like her, but whatever) acting only as "the person to pass the sword to", so I am wondering why everyone is focusing more on her that the issue that American Star represents. Anthem herself is not very similar to Ms. Librety in terms of backstory, it is just the character dynamic, the patriotic/partially armored costume, and the sword. Just food for thought.

I don't get mad, I restructure the laws of quantum physics and resolve the situation with temporal engineering.

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Actually, Warcabbit's post

Actually, Warcabbit's post was intended to be an ironical look at the 'abuse' of coincidence and, thus, a commentary on the original post.

Upshot is that the similarities between American Star, Hero 1, Ms. Liberty, and Anthem are merely superficial and not really worth arguing. They are similar because 'genre' and not because anyone was looking to plagiarize.

Be Well!

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So, uhm. How do you guys like

So, uhm. How do you guys like Anthem now?

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So some people don't like

So some people don't like that a hero died trying to save a city, simply because that happened to an iconic character in CoH.
Sorry but that's what heroes do when it get to that point - that point where in order to save thousands of lives you have to make a sacrifice even if that means sacrificing yourself.
If your not happy with that then fine American Star went into the Hurricane, stopped it and never came back. Is he dead? Is he alive after giving up his cape and driving a cab around town (ohhh plot device - Cabbie is American Star!!!!!)? Did he get sucked into another dimension/time zone?

Don't like him using a Patriotic theme for his costume. Well in thread discussing the look of Anthem I said Im not a huge fan of the large "USA!!!!" overtone but looked passed it when the backstory was explained.
But if people are really upset that it looks like a CoH amercian theme hero lets move Titan City to Australia.
That way its a completely different country.
With a blue, white and red flag with stars on it.

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I never had a 'problem' with

I never had a 'problem' with Anthem before. I don't really have a 'problem' with Anthem now. I only object to the 'torso' section of the gauntlet because... it just doesn't look right to me. Frankly, it looks like it was put on upside-down, or backwards, or something like that.

I've always approved of Anthem's basic look and attitude and the fragments of background we had of her. I'm happy with the backstory that has been revealed thus far. It's sad that there is this deceased hero who I never met, but I'm not sure I'd miss him, any more than I 'missed' Hero 1 or the others lost in the war. I have no trouble with seeing the mantle passed to a new hero.

As a Marine, a costume that is navy blue, crimson, white, and gold makes perfect sense. I don't find the design blatantly 'patriotic'.

Be Well!

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i still like my short backstory outline suggestion i made back when:

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Hokay, this whole "you're not

Hokay, while there is some valid discussion here, the whole "you're not doing it right" and "I could have done better" thing is getting old. That attitude is as common as fleas on a dog. EVERYONE thinks they could do better and likes their own ideas better. There is nothing LESS original than THAT attitude. It's starting to sound like the whole "Simpsons Already Did It!/Southpark Already Did It!" Family Guy thing.

But they are making this game for us. None of us are.

We didn't go out on the crazy dangerous limb and we're not putting in the hard work to build a new home for everyone. They are doing a great job in the way that they see fit because they are the ones actually doing it, not just spectating and commentating from the sidelines like the rest of us.

So, to MWM, don't let us armchair heroes rattle you. Keep up the good work and hold your ground when you know you're right. Oh, and, THANK YOU!

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

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Empyrean wrote:
Empyrean wrote:

Hokay, while there is some valid discussion here, the whole "you're not doing it right" and "I could have done better" thing is getting old. That attitude is as common as fleas on a dog. EVERYONE thinks they could do better and likes their own ideas better. There is nothing LESS original than THAT attitude. It's starting to sound like the whole "Simpsons Already Did It!/Southpark Already Did It!" Family Guy thing.
But they are making this game for us. None of us are.
We didn't go out on the crazy dangerous limb and we're not putting in the hard work to build a new home for everyone. They are doing a great job in the way that they see fit because they are the ones actually doing it, not just spectating and commentating from the sidelines like the rest of us.
So, to MWM, don't let us armchair heroes rattle you. Keep up the good work and hold your ground when you know you're right. Oh, and, THANK YOU!

Yep. ;)
Keep up the good work MWM. :)

Too bad there isn't an online flowchart (game?) using Lore where we can pick certain back-stories and consequent actions and have it mapped out and be able to compare it against other user created Lore diagram charts. Click a NPC Profile in the diagram and it expands to show his/her back-story also. NPC or an Event Back-story. ;)
And have 100 or so pre-written events we can pick from for our use. So its more Plug and Play, Drag n Drop, etc... :D
I'm not suggesting this be in the game. Online 3rd party is OK too! ;)
And later, have a whay to Play from start like a interactive Presentation... where you are presented with the Profile/Event/Etc... (fork in the road)... and you click on the profile you want to proceed down, and have the lore be shown on the side or on the bottom like you might have in PowerPoint slide.
Later, once enough pre-made assets (backgrounds, costumes, etc...) can be pasted over 2d drawn NPC's (2D puppet armature.. move legs arms etc...), have a Comic Book paneled presentation... where each slide pans to / jumps to the next slide on the page. (Pixton has something of the sort: [url=]youtube video[/url])

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costumewise...nothing alike

costumewise...nothing alike in design, other than colors used and a sword. in regards to background...yup, there are similarities but perhaps they are still fleshing them out and some items will change...and I suspect they will, to some degree or another, as the game continues down the developement path.

would I like to see a little more literary distance between the two, yup. does it actually matter in the grand scheme of things, nope.
