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I, personally, want to see the old City of Heroes again. But of course that is virtually impossible so I would want to see the same great community in an even better game.. if that is even possible. A better game in my opinion would be the same game but improved on and still retaining the same elements.. which I'm sure is what they plan to do. I could be less broad, and go into more detail, but I think everyone here knows what I'm talking about. I want it to remind me of CoX. Basically I don't want the game to turn into something that it shouldn't be.. and attract the wrong players. If that makes sense. I'm sure they'll do an amazing job.
edit: Just please include the giant octopus. (:
7 year CoX vet. and despite graphics still thinks it's the most beautiful MMO.
A sense of longevity or permanence to CoT:
I actually wrote to the Paragon Studio Developers and asked if NCSOFT might consider a stand-alone game understanding it may be limited to Atlas with some portals and possibly AE to bring some closure to the City of Heroes community (Think Fire-Fly series to the Serenity movie). They liked my positive approach, but the nails were already in the coffin.
I’m still fond a stand-alone CoX game with some importing/exporting between it and the online game. It would provide an insurance policy ensuring those aspects of the game survive even a shutdown of CoT servers. The character creator is a huge step in this direction. If the developers could expand it with the base creator and AE (call it the Danger Room), I think it would create additional revenue options for the project or future CoT expansions.
As others have mentioned I'd like to see a true 'Spiritual Successor to CoH' nothing like 'Champions Online' a Super Hero MMO for the sake of being one but I mean a true successor I believe MWM have the ability to do that....Bring CoH into the here & now!
Going back to my CoH days the MAJOR selling point for me would be the character/costume creator....I would sometimes spend hours there alone creating concepts that I would play in days to come or even work on alternative costumes. I know so many of us once in-game would spend days logging in/out at the tailors LOL!
~ If your going through hell...Keep going!!! #Winston Churchill
Please don't ignore the players who enjoy the solo experience.
I know it's an MMORPG but sometimes you just feel like running around by yourself. And sometimes you want to create characters who are lone-wolves. I'm not saying that loners should level as fast as those who are always teaming but lets not reduce it to a snail's crawl.
I'm sure they won't have it slower than CoH, and CoH wasn't a snails crawl.
I didn't actually mean to say that solo leveling in COH was a snail's crawl so my bad if it came across like that. I would be fine if the pace of solo leveling in COT was at the same pace of COX.
My apprehension comes from experiences with several other MMORPGs where you really have to grind to level on your own.
This is something I would love to see as well. The extensive costume design options available in CoX was just astounding. In many of the games I've played over the years, nothing has even come close to what was made available in my former digital home.
To add to it, the second selling point for me, and what kept me making alt after alt after alt, were the badges/accomplishments/accolades that were introduced in the game so long ago. I am not ashamed to admit it, I am a wh0re for badges. I would spend hours and days just flying/running/jumping/porting around collecting the exploration badges as soon as I was able to get my travel powers. Yeah, I was one of those level 14-16's you'd see flying and dying all through Grandville collecting explo badges and visiting lore plaques. Such fun times.
Despite all the death and frustration it caused me...I was a sucker who loved that punishment, even though I could have waited several levels to get them (I just loved having grandville "titles" at the lowest possible level I could manage solo.
(consider this signature a part of most of my comments)
It's a minor thing, but if we're talking pie in the sky sorta things ....
I'd like the ability to flag my character as being a non-human if that's what he or she is. A more extensive wishlist on that would be categories like "Alien, Robot, Monster" so that my seven foot tall robot character or sentient rockpile wouldn't be called "Puny Human" by whatever it is I'm fighting. :D
Oh yeah, having a few different races/species wouldn't be a bad idea at all.
If it could work, I'd be all for that too.
Also, I don't recall if this was mentioned but, what I would also like to see in the game would be the use of Spaces in names. For those of us who like Multi-worded names like Heavens Destroyer, Pink Polka Dotted Cleaver of Sins and Hank Landon.
On a side note: I am toally missing my Cyborg Mastermind with Robot Minions and his grasp of Applying the Miasmatic Theory upon ususpecting villains and heroes, through his awesome grasp of Magic via Technology.
(consider this signature a part of most of my comments)
Oh yes, definitely. This is one of those things that CoX allowed and I was stunned to find some other MMOs did not.
Reminds me of the very first sign that I was gonna hate WoW. A friend whose whole family played asked me to try it on a free 10-day trial, so in preparation I read a bunch of the lore and decided to make a troll character. Then I tried to name the character. Every troll in the lore had an apostrophe in his name, so I tried to follow suit... Nope; apostrophes not allowed! Made me quote Brion James' character in Silverado: "It's a bad start, boys!" I should have just renamed the character Baxter or Hawley. Or NotHawley.
Spurn all ye kindle.
You lost me right about there...the moment my eyes saw those infamous 3 letters, my eyes glazed over in boredom...I almost fell asleep, but I snapped myself out of it and trudged on to the end of the paragraph.
I found that game to be more boring than watching paint dry on the siding of a house on a rainy day.
But the kicker for me was when I actually logged on and saw myself standing next to myself...who was standing next to myself 4 more times. I logged off and cancelled my sub. And looked back, maybe 3 times, I think I made it to the low 30's by the time Cataclysm was pushing out a few pics here and there.
That game, it just wasn't as fun for me as CoH was. Massive Customization, is what truly stole my heart. then Badges. Spaced names was an awesome bonus that I didn't really expect. And even today, some high end games still don't allow spaces to be used in the Name parameter.
I mean really, with the billions of possible names, why would you limit you game in such a way?
(consider this signature a part of most of my comments)
It seems to me that COH was the most perfect MMO ever in the history of anything. The outdated graphics were the only real issue I had but that of course wasn't a problem. Now that its gone it seems every other game is lacking in so many other areas. Sure they may look pretty but they are missing just about everything else. Chat bubbles, Wakies, AE, Bases(Houses), 8 person teams, Pocket D, RP friendly setting, Zone events, Radio/Newpaper missions. LFT was easy.
I missing racing to the next mission, going inside then everyone gives the "Ready!" thumbs up signal.
I guess if you keep everything that COH did and give us more customization(Costumes,Bases and AE), better graphics and animation, more powers that would be enough.
This is just me, but I'm not sure if that was sarcasm or not. >.<
Honestly, for as "crappy" as the graphics were, I still loved looking at those big hands with the glued together fingers. lol Not so much the faces, because I was a mask/helmet kind of Super Villain/Hero
Hmm, I agree about missing quite a few of those in my current game, don't hate on me, but it's SWToR. I would love to see more personal ships in that game, recode them for more of a housing type thing, so that we can alter the interior to our design, you know. Unlikely to happen because EA is so anti-player friendly it isn't even funny. Chat bubbles, Bases, Pocket D, [b][u][i]RP Friendly Zones and Zone Events[/b][/i][/u] God how I miss these things, especially the last 2, finding teams, is -usually- pretty easy.
<.< \o/ >.>
(consider this signature a part of most of my comments)
Funny i tried to play SWTOR for awhile...and it was okay for the most part but as things began to drag on...I start to feel alone. i felt like I'm just going through the motions of the game....almost like I don't really have a choice in the matter. I had to do these mission or there wasn't much to do.
There's no one hanging out under the giant Atlas Statue, no CC's, No base building, No AE. So many Cantinas but no one really inside. Nothing like Pocket D where you can find people just talking and dancing.
I just tried the beta for Elder Scrolls online with a friend and its awfully boring as of right now. Graphics truly don't make the game. COH had all these new MMO's by leaps and bounds.
I can't and won't deny this...much. It is, essentially a Single Player Game with Online Capabilities. Where they went wrong, in my opinion, is they focused on End Game, but couldn't deliver, for whatever reason, i can't remember. Couple that with as many servers as they had at launch, not good. But I stuck with it. It's better now than it was then, I'll say that. can still be lonely. As it is, I'm only a part of 2...maybe 3 Guilds across 2 servers and factions. On one server, My imperial...i'm very picky with, and solo'd her from 1-55 without joining a Guild, and getting on 1 team. Yes, 1 team. I figure that because I have a very small amount of social points. Which is good for me, what would be better? If the game had more focus on Teams from levels 1-55, excluding End Game/Ops/FP what have you.
While this is mostly true, there are exceptions, finding them...more difficult. Most of the players (on the RP servers) RolePlay with their guilds...over random in the field/town/cantina. Atleast, that is what I've noticed.
So yeah, for CoT having a "Commons Area" where players can gather for a large RP group would be an absolute blast, such as an Atlas Park.
Anyhoo, need to go for now, I'll try and add more to this in a reply or edit when i get back.
(consider this signature a part of most of my comments)
hehe... racing a Teleporter to the mish entrance, and hoping their Endurance Drops out before they reach it. Priceless! ;D
Yes that is classic or just waiting for your team to get there. You sit and wait from the prompt Teleport a friend. Oh the memories!
"Okay the mish is up!" Everyone then mad dashes there.
I was one of those ones that had Super Speed or Flight with Recall Friend, (because I was the friendly fool). But I was too haphazard with Teleport, I'd start porting around, and before I knew it I was falling down to the mish door...SMACK in the middle of one of those small mobs that sometimes appear quite close...boom boom boom...Dropping to my knees with 0 HP after they were finished with me.
Agreed. I was part of a few of those beta's and nothing seemed to be improved, except to add voices. But then I'm not a large fan of Elder Scrolls. I buy the games sure...but play them until the end in one or two sittings? nope. I got Skyrim shortly after it came out, and I have yet to go beyond...White Run, I think...whatever the second town is, right after you get out of the "tutorial" area.
(consider this signature a part of most of my comments)
I think I've only ever taken flight and once super jump I think or decided to opt out of travel power all together for the sole purpose of a build. That's another thing great about powers then they blessed us with quick travel options.
Also one other thing the combat still seems to be the fastest of any of the games I've played. CO is about the same but everything else is slow in my opinion.
Indeed graphics dont make a game but it do help to have good graphics to get into the door. Like how many people wouldn't touch CO simply because they dont like the graphics. They never played it, and might like the gameplay might not, but because the graphics were unappealing, they stayed away.
Now of course once a person is in and likes the game graphics becomes less of an issue, even if the graphics becomes later outdated looking but remember new games trying to attract new people need a good package look, then keep them in with good game play. Because new players do not know how awesome the game is or how terrible it is. And sometimes the deciding factor is how it looks when they thinking about buying that game versus the next game offered on the list or shelf. While COX graphics worked for the time period it was developed in, for a new game now let alone two or three years from now, it probably wont fly as one touted to be an improvement over the last one. Even GTA have changed from day one to the newest one without losing the essence at least since the big leap from overhead sandbox view to 3d sandbox. That is how it stays competitive. Improving the graphics with the time along with improving the game play and features.
I see where you're coming from. In my case though, I did play CO back in beta and for a time after launch, and it wasn't just the graphics that was unappealing to me. I found the story, the mechanics, even the customization to be sub-par to CoX. Now, let me point out what I considered the most unappealing aspect, and quite frankly many would disagree with me, was the Black Outline that was originally, forced upon you. It turned a 3D character in a 3 Dimensional Game into a 2D character (as if trying to make the look precisely like a comic character cut from a comic book). Maybe 2.5D as there was depth on the character inside the Black outlines. That, for me, was a Major Turn away option. Granted, they later made it optional. The powers were alright, but not what I was used to at first. They had some options that were unavailable in CoX for a while, specifically their "static" poses. you, like how someone would be standing up all Superman like, and another was crouched over, more like Blanka from Street Fighter.
Graphics are important, yes, but for an mmoRPG, Story is More important. For a Super Hero mmoRPG, Powers/Mechanics are second in importance. Then Graphics.
(consider this signature a part of most of my comments)
Of course. What is more important, the brain, the liver or the heart? Without the brain, the liver and heart is just dead meat. But without the liver, the brain would die from the build up of toxins that the heart pumps. And without a heart, the brain would die from lack of oxygenated blood, and die with the liver not far behind.
Need all three to go. You can get around for a bit with a bad heart, even can kill off a lot of brain cells and keep going, only need a portion of the liver to survive.
Which one is important varies by opinion. Like I know some people that would not touch a game with terrible graphics (in their opinion) regardless of the story. I know many people left COX because they got tired of the mitt hands and stuff. Meh the graphics of COX didnt bother me much. But I kind of like CO style as much as I liked COX except a little bit more because I think some little details make it look better to me, like fingers, facial movements, and I found the customization option in clothing and powers to me gave me ability to stuff I couldnt even create anywhere near properly in COX. But I liked both games. Some people like CO more some like COX more. For some people , do not even read the story or care about it. It;s just another run in their kill all, or grab glowy or defeat boss at end of map mission. Another mission, another skin, to get through to get to 50. For some, the ability to create their own story is more important, while for many gamers out there, they dont give a hoot about customization (many of the top tier games as far as player numbers have pretty terrible customization and some people got into it because of the graphics, some got into it because they heard the storyline were good, and some got into it because of the cool powers. Brain, heart, liver. Like anything there is no definite answer of which one is more important over all. Maybe in personal view only it can be said. But my personal view is that all three of those are important. Plus do not forget that COX graphics were pretty good for 2004. If it looked like a 1994 game, I'm sure some people would play it, but like people rag on CO graphics, there would have been lot more people ragging on the graphics and saying it's "distraction to the point they cant play it" like they say about CO if COX graphics looked 10 years outdated at creation.
But one thing I think made COX good and seemed like a decent package for me because for it's time it had decent graphics, had decent story lines and decent powers and mechanics. Now many games out there may excel in one or two of those areas, but lack in another like great graphics that make one go "WOW!" yet lack good mechanics, puts a ding in the fun factor while some games have good story good mechanics terrible graphics and puts a ding in the fun factor just the same and some have good mechanics and good graphics but terrible story which also puts a ding in the fun factor. I think sometimes the importance of graphics are under estimated because if the stuff on the box or screenshots of COX I seen when thinking about playing the game looked dull, boring, and shoddy, I probably would have never grabbed it off the shelf and wouldnt know anything about the storyline or mechanics. And there are probably many games I passed over that have or had great storyline, and great game mechanics and power but graphics that didnt catch the eye out there. Kind of like in real life. People take three subject experts in person. One is in a clean Italian cut suit, one is in dirty rags, and the third is in a cheeto stained t-shirt with belly hanging out. Now many people will pick the suit guy to be subject matter expert or one that knows something in the name of success even though he might be most incompetent of the three but many wouldn't give the man in rags any thought simply based on how they look. While some might listen to what they say regardless of apparel. But if those three walked into a finance office looking for a job, which one would get the interview? Probably the suit again, even though he may know nothing much compared to the other two. All based on the look. Humans tend to be visual creatures.
I dislike the on world missions...Example Kill 10 bandits who are just standing in an area of the map.....IT seems less personalized especially when you get there and there's 5 other people are doing the same stupid task. COH had this but it was very light...most of missions were on a different load map which allowed the mission to scaled to you. Thus if you were on a team made it that much more fun because it scaled to all of us.
Every other MMO I've played is like CO, WOW and its horrible. Now I know that's not how all the missions are but when you are doing missions that way you get this solo'ers mindset and figure hey i'll keep going on my own. You're just trying to complete as many missions as quickly as possible. I don't know I start to drown, I get tunneled and I don't really enjoy the game. I honestly play these games for the roleplay and player interaction.
COH 8 person teams and mission system made it easy to meet end up playing with a lot of people. Possibly making in game friends and relationships. Now in my personal life I have plenty of friends but the friends I made in game I cherish just as much. You create a bond, a friendships, not troubled by the stupidity that real life creates. COH system made that possible far better than any other game I've ever played.
I see where you are coming from, however I had the problem in CoX (especially on my server in the later years of the game) in that you rarely saw other players in the game world outside of the WW/BM area or the universities... you could see a few running through area's that had one or two entrances (ie RWZ base), but the game world *could* seem very empty, because people were out in their own little private mission instance.
Although I tend to play most MMO's solo, I rarely get "tunnel vision" in them. Sure, I will go and do a quest line or two (mission arc), but I will also break that up with exploring at the same time.
CoX had a problem in my mind in that with a *few* exceptions, almost all of the content was instanced. I actually *enjoy* being free to wander off and explore the map *whilst at the same time* also doing random content at the same time. I start wandering around the map, picking up random other quests, gathering stuff (granted that isn't for everyone) and looking out for stuff.
With CoX though, because I could only do the vast majority of missions "outside of the zone" (ie on instanced mission maps), I tended to actually more tunnelled vision in CoX... because that was all there was to do for the vast majority of the time.
I like being able to do several types of content all at the same time (be that exploration, killing, gathering, questing). But I can understand as to why other people might not enjoy it.
I don't know what it is, but I feel that overall (with the exception of Eve Online) that I interacted more with players in other MMO's than CoX... (notable exceptions being when I was doing a show in Atlas Park in the early days of CoX's life, the server population was also a great deal larger then in comparison).
I found the mission system was more of a hinderence to making it easy to meet people... The only time I really met people that I hadn't played with before was early in the games life on the EU servers. This was when most of the zones were busy, and you had enough people going through the content and generally finding people at mission doors waiting for team mates to show up.
Later on, I found that at least in my experience that people were far more inclined to solo... I guess that this really coincided with the Invention system being introduced (along with the better difficulty slider) so that with a few exceptions, although you *could* team up, if you didn't have a team, you were still generally able to rejig the difficulty so you could do it (It also didn't help in that you couldn't really out level content to do it later on and just power through the hard parts when you are +5 to the mobs....)
I have had similar experiences in other games as well, not just CoX... although for one reason or another, they all stopped playing CoX *way before* the game was closed down. I am still friends with them, and it trancends games (The same could be said about LRP in my case, because I was LRPing before I got into MMO's, some of them started playing CoX without even telling me).
I like instanced content.
I LOVE open world content.
Crowd Control Enthusiast
this, but in reverse.
I hate competing for mobs in open world areas. It just invites kill thieves to come along.
And my luck states "If you are killing same level mobs, a Higher level player must come in and destroy everything before you can."
(consider this signature a part of most of my comments)
When I started COH had no experience with MMo's....It was suggested to me by a friend. It was about a month or two after its release. The was still developing and I struggled to find my footing. It was on the Freedom server. It wasn't until COV that I started to love the game. I crossed over of course to the Villains side on the Virtue server. There I began to meet and start understanding the game...MMO's in general. I began to connect and interact with other players and I found out how fun this game could be....still it was until I created Gabby here that this really picked up. I guess what I'm saying is you have to find out what works best for you.
Open world seems like the norm for most games and I will never like it. In open world especially for a Hero Type game....I don't feel a since of accomplishment. Sure you completed the mission but they just respawn. COH instanced at least you can completely clear a mission and kind of get the sense you've done something. You can kind of be in your own little world where you matter. Open world as it is right now you are just ants seemingly running around killing stuff that just returns minutes, seconds later....So that the few hundrend, thousand other players can finish the quest too.
I find it hard to believe people have a hard time finding a team in COH. The moment you enter Atlas Park...there is a few dozen sewer teams to get you going. You can usually run with that same group to about lvl 12 in about an hour...same goes for the Praetoria side. I don't know any other game that happens in. On the Praetoria side I started at lvl 2 with a group and ended up reaching lvl 50 with those same people (Of course you mix and match with a few others). Not having Altism helped. I only had 4 characters in my entire time of playing. I was Gabby for a very very long time until the Alexander Family run ended. So I was able to make a lot of friends as one character.
Open world is great if you like doing stuff alone I guess but COH's format allows for solo play but seems more welcoming to teams than any other game I've played. Like I said before i don't play these games to play it alone....So its weird to me when people prefer to play alone. Seems to defeat the purpose of MMORPG. Every other game I've played besides felt like a single player console game with online multi-player content and features.
I know right! LOL
I think choice of how your powers look is important but say if you had fire powers would they be all the way up your arm, or just on your fist, or just on your head. i really hope they sort of include that :P
Well, yes and no. Some people prefer the social aspect of the game over the beat-em-up aspect. I'm not saying to the extent that they never or rarely team up.
I myself, teamed up quite often, but just enough to let my friends and SGmates know that there is around a 40% chance that I'll join a team if asked, and if I don't, it hurts nobody's feelings...much.
(consider this signature a part of most of my comments)
I would often play solo if I was doing something I either didn't think anyone wanted to do (like exploration badges), was doing something again but more slowly so I could read all the descriptions (often on long story arcs redside), just wanted to travel around (I never did see the whole Shadow Shard) or I was doing housekeeping stuff like the Market or Crafting and I didn't want others waiting on me. I hated being 'that guy' that always held up the team because I needed to actually build something. I loved the common IOs because I never out-leveled them so I never had to say 'Hold up...all my Enhancers just went red. Time for shopping.'
I much preferred teaming but you almost HAVE to play solo once in a while or else everyone is waiting on you for something.
I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...
I don't know about the overall "purpose" of MMORPGs but I tend to consider it a "strength" of most MMORPGs that you can generally CHOOSE to either play solo or in teams. You obviously don't have a choice in single-player games.
I suppose it's ultimately a little weird wanting to solo play a Massively [color=Red]Multiplayer[/color] Online game 100% of the time. But I suspect the overwhelming majority of players like to do a mix of both from time to time. I know at times I "preferred" to solo in CoH and other times I "preferred" to team - the choice at any given moment depended on many different things. *shrugs*
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Well a lot of single player games come with multi-player options nowadays.
I never chose to solo as opposed to teaming. I've only solo'ed if Teaming wasn't available which would be early in the morning or late at night when there very few people on.
If I felt like doing things by myself it was more along the lines of AE's which I was designing a story Arc in which would be apart of a RP event later on in the future...or of course base building.
I find instances to be isolating. I like seeing a random hero doing something heroic in front of me. I don't play ORPGs I play MMORPGs.
Everquest Next will have a ever changing growing and expanding open world where players aren't regulated to the same old spawns and same old places which I have to say is REALLY exciting to me.
I know we're not trying to reinvent the world, but having a badass enemy walking down the streets begging for a brainf**k.. nothing beats it.
I dont like going into the same old warehouse.
Also one of the things I love most about Marvel Heroes is that the spawns keep coming. The less time I spend standing around being anything less than a superhero the more bored I get. If when I want to stand around I'll find a hub. Otherwise keep the openworld full of badassery (Heroism or Villany) for me to tackle
Crowd Control Enthusiast
These were my favorite times to play, in terms of avoiding mob competition and Badge Collecting. (i'm a badge wh0re.)
It got to the point sometimes, on new characters where 2 things would happen, (1) my SG team would prepare themselves for my badge collecting in zones that I didn't collect from, or (2) they would ask if I was collecting badges or finished, before asking me to team.
I miss those people...for the most part. they were too much like me to love them.
edit: to add:
Bwahaha, I love Wold Bosses/Giant Monsters or even Elite Creeps, that require multiple people to take down in the open world.
(consider this signature a part of most of my comments)
Well multiplayer do not automatically mean team play.
Some people sometimes play solo for a number of reasons. While for some people social interactions is second nature. They hop into a game two days later they have large group of friends to play with that is always on when they are on, that like the same missions, and like doing the same stuff. Others may be various levels of less, what's the word, social experts. Some it takes time for them to warm up to people, others love having multiplayer around to RP (multiplayer) and interact but sometimes want to get down to business and knock out some missions even if everyone else wants to sit around and RP for a few more hours. Others, are a little shy. Of course to social experts they may not see the big deal or cant fathom of why interaction online is hard. But it's like anything. Some people will walk up to anyone and everyone and start a conversation with them in any situation and are totally comfortable doing that, while others, have to build up to it, and others are uncomfortable doing that but yet enjoy the company and the person that can walk up to anyone it's so easy to them they do not understand why people are not more social like them in real life.
Then some days, teams are not always available. Especially if you don't have that close group of friends that are always on. Some days, a person may get the feeling to do something that isnt the FoTM farm mish that everyone is busy doing. ANd thus sometimes there is no choice but to solo. And then sometimes it's a case that someone have a mission but the rest have already done that mission dozens of time and not itching to do it or simply do not like that particular mission or story arc and thus to get it done, one must go solo if they plan on progressing past it anytime soon. And some days some people just not in the mood to deal with the stuff that goes with teaming. 7 other people 7 other ways of doing something, 7 different critiques of their build, 7 opinions of how they should be be playing that toon. Then other days it's tedious to form a team for specific tasks. Sometimes even in COX for some things it took an hour or two to get a team together to get stuff going assuming one get enough at all within a couple of hours. Hours that could be spent playing .Now for someone that have 6-8 hours to play, that may not be much but some people only have a couple of hours and thus that time is important. But multiplayer do not neccessarily mean teaming. Althoug hthe nature of MMOs with other people around helps with teaming, it's not really the purpose. Sometimes it's simply to play with other people in various ways, whether dueling here and there in between missions, or standing around shooting the crap in RP, or chatting with others about things while knocking out a story arc alone. There are ways to interact with people besides must team or it's not multiplayer.
Very well put!!
(consider this signature a part of most of my comments)
Yes but in "single player games that don't come with multi-player options" you don't. And as always if you're playing a "single player game that has a multi-player option" by yourself it's still technically a "single player" game at that point. I kind of took these assumptions as being obvious in my last post.
One could argue when you were in the AE or base-building by yourself that you were "chosing" to "play" the game solo. But despite my usual Devil's Advocacy in these forums even I would be willing to admit that might be a bit of an excessive quibble on my part. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I think it'd be interesting if players had a stable of limited DIY NPCs on which they could call (and who would call on them). They could be an organized (military/police/etc.) unit that feeds the PCs information, individual or a group of like-minded civilians helping out, mercenaries or other hired professionals, a network of informants, or whatever the player decides makes sense for the character. Each NPC could be given a name, type of contact (e.g. civilian computer geek, alien slave[color=red]*[/color], snitch), a picture or avatar, and preferred method of contact (phone, blind drop, seedy bar or dark garage, etc.). Ideally there would also be a stable of such NPCs, perhaps even ones created by other players.
[color=red]*[/color] Here's lookin' at you, Brand X.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
This is an interesting idea. I've heard of people wanting a "custom designed nemesis" and a "custom designed sidekick" (both good ideas BTW) but this would be sort of a "custom designed handler" like [url=]"M" from the James Bond books/movies[/url].
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Good point, a mentor or some kind of boss figure is another classic option (Professor X, for an obvious comic reference). I figured they'd also make an excellent delivery method for things such as daily missions.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
This is the role I had envisioned for Kahrythadrizsa the Book Wyrm: contact, patron, or research assistant, as needed.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
I was thinking more along the lines of custom style contacts, though the contact could also be a mentor. Or it could be that fidgety hacker. Police officer? DA? Judge? Crooked DA? Crooked Judge? Bad cop? You get the idea :)
For me it might depend on how many of these custom contacts we'd get to have and just how "customized" we could make them. But yeah if something like this ends up being generic enough I suppose they really could be almost anything you'd want them to be.,.. even an alien slave like Darth Fez mentioned. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
To explain what I'd like in the game, I have to explain what it was about CoH that kept me as a paid customer during its entire run. When CoH first came out, I had very recently become a widower. I played some other MMORPGs, but many of them were a bit dark and very serious. I looked at CoH, and not only did it appeal to a long love of the comic book genre, but it also felt optimistic. The world was bright and vibrant and made me feel better during my depression. Characters had colorful costumes. The music was upbeat. Playing it had action, but a feeling of casualness that I liked. I could easily pick up missions, or just hang out and chat. Throughout its entire run, it became the one game I always would turn to when I had nothing to do. At first, it was to occupy my mind during my dark period, but then it became an old friend I kept returning to.
It felt like freedom. I could escape to this bright fun world and had the freedom to do almost anything I wanted.
That's what I'd like to capture. Being able to create multitudes of different personas. Being able to either hang out and chat or pick up a mission at will. Not being restricted to following a certain path or performing a certain action. Being able to have my own base and spending time customizing it and detailing it. Being able to have this fun casual attitude, but then being able to get serious if I wanted and customize my character with special IOs to tweak their abilities. Being able to play my level 50 character as a level 50, or scaling down to when he was a simple level 10 and re-experiencing the limitations he previously had. And being able to do all of that with a bright, colorful, vibrant world filled with corny costumes and comic book goodness.
As for the original post and what I'd like to see when it's released..... a good amount of content. The variety of archetypes we had. Good customization options. A place like Atlas Park's City Hall where everyone could hang out (CoV didn't really have anything good villain-side). Working bases with items that are useful. A way to get quick and easy missions (like the radio missions we used to have).
Oh, and a halfway decent way to respec. Being able to move around slots or drop and pick up a power without having to start all over from the beginning every single time. That was atrocious!
That's what would make me happy and make me a paying customer!
I'd like to see more of that in games, as well. Its lack is one reason I won't dabble in ESO unless it's F2P. Judging by the little I've seen, they're going for the dull & drab look.[color=red]*[/color] It's no less valid an aesthetic than any other; I'm simply not much of a grimdark fan. I believe that the apparent lack of popularity of the Rogue Isles had at least as much to do with their fatalistic-depressing appearance as it did with the dearth of low level content. That's not to say that in some cases there is not a certain sense to it (the [b]dark[/b] elves in Thor were all about the [b]dark[/b] and making the universe [b]dark[/b] with the [b]dark[/b] matter and the [b]dark[/b]).
I think we can all agree that anyone who relies on darkness and gloom to make something appear edgy and cool has already failed at their task. I'd say the ostentatiousness of the Nemesis uniforms was a good middle ground between the standard Malta or Crey troops and the Carnies.
[color=red]*[/color] TOR has a similar problem. Nar Shaddaa should have been Las Vegas on steroids, but most of what one sees on the ground is as colorless as it is lifeless.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
Try TERA Online!
Never felt drab and lifeless to me!
TERA does fall into the pretty Korean MMO category, I'll grant you that. 'course, focusing on pretty graphics can give rise to other problems.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
A highly customizable modern superhero/villain mmo romp in the veins of COX. That is what I really want. I'm not asking for anything specific really. Just a damn good original IP superhero mmo with a focus on the players.
I think what will be key here apart from a solid foundation of programming, with good gameplay, art, music, and story, is giving the players extensive tools to customize or even create a large amount of content for the game in between major updates or expansions. Giving players the ability to make almost unique characters, costumes, power colors and combinations, personal story, bases, and even missions is groundbreaking game design. That level of interactivity would be an instant sell for most gamers I know.
Now I'm not asking for an insane Mutants and Mastermind level of engagement, just something comparable to COX, or beyond if possible.
Every villain is a hero in their own mind.
I meant on the upbeat aspect. TERA does not feel dark and gloomy. TERA is of course very pretty!
One thing I wouldn't mind seeing is more zone wide events. I always loved flying around in Atlas and seeing some one yell "Lusca up in IP!" which was followed by a mad rush to the trams.
Both GW2 and FFXIV did a good job of having having small events that popped up that gave both good XP and a nice diverson to the normal level grind.
It could be really neat to see this kind of thing like the turf wars that popped up in The Hollows or the Paladin construction in Kings Row but on a much more varied scale. Imagine coming out of a door mission to see "Anti-Matter is moving a shipment of radioactive material on Striga Isle. All available heroes please respond." Don't get me wrong, I loved fighting the giant monsters, but it would be nice if there was some variety to the zone events. Other than go kill .
All available heroes please help stop Anti-Matter.
All available villains go help Anti-Matter.
It wouldn't even need to be explicitly PvP. You could do a sort of tug-of-war kind of thing using the environment as the interactive medium, resulting in a PvEvP sort of setup. That way the Players aren't fighting (and griefing) each other [i]directly[/i], but rather [i]competing[/i] against each other through environmental inter(re)actions ... which could be as simple as Villains want the conveyor belt to advance and Heroes want the conveyor belt to reverse, and you have to play whack-a-mole with the glowies to in order to accomplish your objectives (all while being "distracted" by the Event NPCs) through multiple steps and stages.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
An "Alert system" without queued instances?! This sounds exactly like what I wanted from another game. I would LOVE that kind of "pop-up" mission in the open world. If there are enough of them localized on the map then the entire map isn't subject to extreme framerate death too.
Many smaller pop-ups are better than a map with 1 large pop-up.
Oh and Open Missions are awesome too
Crowd Control Enthusiast
Oooh, I like the sound of this!
Spurn all ye kindle.
How about a TF with, essentially, two interlocked plots, a red and a blue, in which heroes and villains compete against each other indirectly. Accomplishing objectives on one 'side' of the TF unlocks (dis)advantages and affects the plot on the other 'side'. Perhaps it ends with a climactic Doppleganger Fight between the two sides?
Be Well!
I want to be the very best.
That no one ever was.
[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]
Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain
+1 to you. That is an amazing idea and would love to see something like this implemented.
Absolute Zero, your idea is excellent. Consider asking the Devs at:
One other thing I loved was that I could either play by myself or easily find a team. At some points, if I felt down, I wanted to just lose myself into a game and would not feel social. I enjoyed hearing the chatter from other players, but if I wasn't up for it, I'd just play solo. It was so easy to find something to do in CoX even while solo. I could browse the markets looking for IOs, pick up radio missions, run an old (or new) story arc, work on tweaking my character, customize my base, or just fly around and street sweep. But when I did feel social, it was so easy to get into a team. The way it was at the end, where everyone would be either boosted or lowered to a certain level range, worked great. I could either put together a team or jump into one so easily. And when I was in a team, the control were so easy too. Some other games I haven't been teaming in because I simply don't know how. CoX was easy. You'd see a team invite on your screen, accept, and then the team roster would pop up. The mission would show up in your nav bar, and I'd be off. Playing some other games, I'd join a team and I had no idea what I was supposed to do or where I was supposed to be. CoX spoiled me with how easy and seamless it was.
Just wanting to comment on the solo vs team portion of the discussion. As rcarnevali and others have stated so well for me CoX offered both. If I wanted to team I could generally find a team, usually with friends or sgmates at any hour doing something I could join. But if for whatever reason, whether it was something like exploring or badge hunting that simply didn't typically involve teaming or just because I didn't really feel all that social I could solo.
But in either case, with this community especially, even when 'solo' I never ever felt [b]alone[/b]. And that is something a non-MMO is going to be hard pressed to accomplish.
I think one of the best aspects of CoH was the sidekicking system. People want XP when they team, they don't like teaming and not getting XP when helping friends out. This isn't to say they don't want to help friends out, but they also want to progress.
Don't get that in games such as TERA and TOR.
As much as I am loathe to ever suggest it - half decent PVP.
By that I mean PVP that is meaningful and has as much meta-gameplay as PVE, but also does not interfere with PVE. Gameplay, builds, enhancements, etc all included.
Oh also at launch - many chats, custom global channels across the game included. BUT also the option to customise your chat tabs if you don't want to listen.
EDIT: POWER INTERACTIONS! Remember how semi-useless Gale was? What if you used fire cages, then gale, and it did bonus fire damage as a result of fanning the flames into a mini fire storm so to speak.
I've likely mentioned this before in some form and manner, but it bears repeating.
I'd like to see recurring "average person" NPCs. In every other game out there, almost every NPC with which a player has contact is only met once (or perhaps two or three times, depending on how many missions they've got). I would be thrilled to see some NPCs who are more than one-shot, "Yay, you saved Muffin from that evil tree!" types. It would also be nice to see such NPCs about the city, going to the movies, restaurants, museums, and wherever else people go. Could this be incongruous since these NPCs also need to be available as mission providers? Maybe. Between mobile phones, e-mail, and social media networks I would be more mystified to see someone holding down the fort 24/7 unless they absolutely, positively had to provide or receive physical goods.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
I am basically a Roleplayer ive played in muds irc javacats and mmos
so my opions wont reflect the likes of raiders/pvpers
1. character creator should be intuitive but have a balenced variety
if you can only have x number of hair styles make sure you dont have 90% of the hairs as short(sto)
try to have a relitivly balenced number of short medium long and ponytails/braids
as example city had all short skirts so when medium skirts/butcapes were added people all looked alike
neverwinter has 90% capeskirts so people go nuts over the 2 non capeshirts and pants this also makes people avoid the capeskirts
2. make sure movements are bindable some people can not use mouse or keypad due to laptops or disabilities ( this is a huge complaint in neverwinter as you can not bind turn right or turn left without going into camera binds.)
3. please have speech bubbles and minimal social emotes sit sitchair sitstool drink walllean readbook (neverwinter still doesnt have a proper sitchair)
4. rp tools such as housing or arcetect entertainment are crucial to have at least in minimal form or a clear timeline when they will be added.
5. crafting is a very good way to keep content locusts (power levelers) from getting bored in two weeks but make sure we have a reason to max crafting other than a money sink. add something that you can only get from maxed craftings. weather it be combat buffs/costumes/pets/gear people need to feel thier work is worth it.
6. some sort of auction house. be warned whatever currency is used for AH it will go through inflaton as people will try to buy/sell everything on AH. neverwinter uses astral diamonds for auction house (which is tradable for zen the real $$ currency. )this almost costantly inflates the exchange rate unless they put zen(real money currency) on sale.
7. a good find a team/guild tool.
8. make sure the rp zones are big enough to acomidate multible groups of ppl with a clear view of eachother but with enough distance they cant hear eachother. also make sure they dont share zones with non rp areas . in neverwinter most the bars share zones with combat areas and are so small you can hear everyone in the bar. it seems hard to expand these after the fact.
9. side kicking! and ability to redo outleveled/already done content later especially stuff connected to badges. if you have a limited badge/costume/pet( aniversery or holiday) that will not be repeted make the item global. or add a way to restart a char at level 1 with a new at without losing stuff. city was always about making lots of alts and catching all the badges/outfits/pets. the ability to just restart over and over without fear of losing an irreplacable bit of collection adds to replay and fun. this may also be the difference between playing as a vip for 2 months or 2 years.
10. layered and asymetrical outfits
but over all im sure it will be better than most the current hero games as long as
i dont have to tell my friends give it a few months youll get used to .....
bizarre controls,
lack of essentials that every mmo has like sitting emotes or auction house.
or high concept "features" like cell shading.
I simply need to be able to create the characters I envision and then feel like a *super* hero when I use them to fight crime.
It pleases me that this thread has grown so much!
After a lot of thought I wanted to add my two Inf:
I want everything dealing with the community to be rugged and versatile. If I want to play solo and tune out the noise, I should be able to close ALL my chat windows and just play the game. If a Friend shows up then they should be able to message me and I get a prompt unless I turn that off too. If I want a team I want EVERYONE looking for a team to be able to see each other if they choose. If someone can't find one, maybe they'll start one if they see 25 different players all LFT in the same level range. Like an LFT waiting room where we can virtually go and see who else is LFT. I say this because I was often the one guy soloing while LFT all night only to find out 'oh man...we could have used you but we didn't see you were on!'
I want stories. I don't mean 'bad guy kidnaps some people and YOU have to get them out.' There will be plenty of those and a good writer could pen 50 such scenarios in a weekend. I want a STORY. I want to get a mission at level 5 that send me to Dr Evil's lab where I thwart some plan but some bad guy gets away saying 'You'll regret the day you crossed me!' as he leaves. Then, at level 30, his minions jump me as I emerge from another mission. I defeat them but one of them drops a clue and I smack my head and think 'Oh no...THAT guy?' I want to hear a passing conversation on the street, approach the person to ask for details and find a clue to a new mission. I want to KNOW, going in, that there is NO WAY that I'll see it all on one play-through because there's no way to catch all the subtle hints dropped in the background. I want a bartender or a barber or a cabbie who knows ALL the rumors but only some of the time.
I want to be rewarded for being clever in combat. I don't mean rewarded as in the 'I Win' button but some little thing. Say my teammate punches his opponent into the water where I hit them with my Ice-based Hold. Being in the water gives the Hold an extra second or two of effect or maybe a Slow added on when he breaks out. What would REALLY be cool (and resource-intensive) would be a different effect that plays when the right two things happen at the same time. My Gale plus your Firestorm results in a fiery tornado for a few seconds. I want to be able to feel that I can play Batman and still contribute to a fight. Sure, I can't hit as hard as my teammates but I'm smart and they hold aggro. While they're abusing the bad guy's boots with their face I can sneak up behind him for an assassin strike or maybe find out how to shut off his power source. I want a reward for going 'Hey YOU!' at just the right moment so the Big Guy can deal the final blow.
I want different kinds of bad guys. There will always be the mindless hordes of goons and there should be. They're a staple of the genre after all. The officers should be smarter and their minions should fight harder when they're around. There should always be 1-2 cowards who flee when things go bad. Maybe they run for help or maybe they just run. I can't be sure and that adds to the suspense. There's nothing wrong with low-level villains. Yes, you need a bigger stable of bad guys to choose from but the depth is worth it. Not every enemy has to be a big boss vs the whole team fight. Comics are filled with the Named Hero fighting several of his opponents at the same time and it looks fun. I want the enemy lair to be filled with traps...maybe. I want the sense of the I'm not sure where all the enemy spawn points will be. Newness breeds replayability.
I want versatility. I don't want to feel like taking X powerset locks me into Y movement power (anyone else remember Granite?). Don't worry about Perfect Balance between all the sets because it'll never happen. Soon enough the Power Gamers will figure out that taking Flame Control with Lightning Shield is the ONLY way to pwn in combat and that's fine. If my Plant Control/Time Mastery combo does a little less damage I'm okay with that as long as it's not totally broken. Every set should have that one cool thing that you can only get from that set whether it's monster damage at the cost of End, really cool FX or whatever. This will encourage me to see it all eventually.
I want to play how I want. The first time I hear that some gonk discovered that the XY combo is OP in PvP and that calls for a nerf in PvE play I'm going to call foul. The first time I get a concept for a character and I want to PL it to see how it plays then I'd better not hear any complaints. Anything I do as a proof of concept is exactly that, proof of concept. Imagine how much grief you'd give if your 'perfect' character broke down at level 39 after months or years of play because some power you just got didn't do what you thought it did. While we're on this topic...
I want truth in advertising. I'm dead-ass serious about this and no mistake. If you tell me a power gives me a 'Defense boost' and I find out that the 'boost' is less than 1% I'm going to scream holy Hell. Use your adjectives for this stuff! I'm a big boy now and you don't have to sell me the junk car claiming it runs great. Power and Skill (if we have them) descriptions MUST be accurate! I want a way to see a Power's animations BEFORE I choose the Power. I want a way to test stuff before I make the choice so I don't have to waste a Respec unloading the power I just got because the FX suck or it doesn't do that I thought it did. If a power works well (or not well) with another power then I want to be able to KNOW that before I make the choice (like some Immobs breaking some Sleeps).
I want a lot but I'm willing to pay for it.
I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...
Comicsluvr, I really like your paragraphs on "I want stories" and "I want different kinds of bad guys."
Spurn all ye kindle.
Thanks! I just think that one of CoH's failings was a great game with mediocre story content. Except for the TFs and such it was too much like the same old thing all the time. I could spend a weekend coming up with a good chart to build a HUGE number of missions if someone could code it.
The bad guys were part of that problem...always acted the same and spawned in the same places.
I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...
Wouldn't you agree, though, that the writing got better in the last couple years? Aside from the editing errors (which got worse) -- I mean more interesting arcs, like the one where you meet your double, the cloning facility, the mediporter arc, etc?
Though I have to say that, compared to other MMOs I have tried, CoX had a lot of variety.
Spurn all ye kindle.
I agree that things improved and became more interesting as time went on but there was a LONG period of doldrums there IMHO
I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...
Well, I think you hit two nails on the head without realizing it there.
One, bad guys acting the same and spawning in the same place is an automated coded process. Different bad guys constantly spawning in different places in the same area is multiple distinct processes and orders of magnitude more coding.
Also, anyone could spend a weekend and write a chart with a huge number of missions--how GOOD the content would be is a different story. I think it makes sense not to simply spew out content, but to really quality check it and cherry pick the best of it to actually use as you go, which takes more time.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
What do I REALLY want?
::runs away::
You mean a Spines/Regen?
When Hell is full, the Dead shall walk the Earth.
Yup, I want Peacebringers, too.
Be Well!
I don't want a Peacebringer per se, but I would appreciate a utility character like that so that I can get as close to the CoH Amerikatt as possible. I'm hoping that the Devs will surprise me and the CoT Amerikatt will actually be even better than her predecessor.
Naturally, I want a fully articulated, dressable, and customizable petite female feline character model with textured and colorable fur (and the option for her tail to be animated).
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
And who do you want to play you in the Epic Summer Blockbuster [b]"Amerikatt and Mister Boots Save the World"[/b]?
I agree, it's the extremely flexible powers that I want, not the seafood.
Be Well!
There is currently a three-way tie for actresses to do the voice-over for Amerikatt: Julie Newmar, Claudia Christian, and Kathleen Turner.
There is only one actor who's [b][u]ever[/u][/b] been considered for Mr. Boots: Antonio Banderas!
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
And it's not like he isn't familiar with the role ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
I'm the opposite of the OP. My strong preference is to play a single character so personally I'd rather they have the core character stuff ready.
But I agree with those who say this question is moot. Launching any MMO in a non-feature complete state is begging for bankruptcy.
Possibly the question could be more meaningful in relation to pre-launch priorities especially with the growing trend of "paid early access".
I have posted this elsewhere on the forums, but this was Matt "Positron" Miller's advice to the The Phoenix Project:
"Start small. You do NOT need to ship with every feature under the sun; that's setting yourself up for failure in the long run. If you can't support a feature for the long run, don't cram it in just to have a bullet point. Add it in when it makes sense to add it to the game. Concentrate on making the game FUN and ENGAGING first, then you'll be able to add the features you've always wanted when they are ready for prime time, not because you need to get them out the door."
The only reason I'm re-posting it is that it seems to actually support what you would like to see and to refute the problem that it's bad to launch a non-feature complete MMO.
Maybe that's because he's a designer and not a marketer? I would tend to trust Posi in general, though. Another ray of hope is that CoT shouldn't be as high overhead as some games and so might be viable on a relatively smaller playerbase.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
Perhaps I erred too much on the side of brevity. I didn't mean to suggest that an MMO needs to have every feature it will ever have in at launch and never add more.
But the proposition put forth by the OP seems to be asking which bits of the game do you think CoT could afford to launch without. I think that's begging for trouble. MMOs get one chance to launch. To date I can't think of a single MMO which launched in a less than pristine state and managed to recover later, no matter how good the game eventually became.
So at launch I'd prefer CoT to be a 'complete' package. First impressions are all you get in this industry and I'd like CoT's to be good. That said it does one huge advantage of not having any real competition by way of other superhero MMOs so there is a bit of wriggle room there. At least if take the 'early access' route they possibly get away with charging money for the game when it's at least better/more fun than CO.
Yeh, a bad launch is tough to recover from. And... it usually means there is a fundamental problem with the game.
I THINK CoH actually had a good launch, the only real rough patch early being Emmert's idiotic handling of ED.
The other games I've played, Champions, TSW, and DCUO, all had launch problems, and, while they all have sparks of real genius in them, they all have some deep flaws in their basic game design.
I don't remember ever feeling that CoH had any deep, fundamental flaws like that. So, yeah, I agree, MUST LAUNCH WELL--with a bit more wiggle room than most other genres.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
Peripheral to the law update, one thing I'd like to see are the occasional follow-ups or updates on arrests and similar happenings. For example:
* So, I captured Count Ducku. How's the trial progressing? What is his sentence? To which jail was he sent?
* A recycling company is exposed as an illegal dumping outfit, or suspicions are raised that one or more of Dr. Doctor's nefarious schemes were funded by the International Business Company. Where do these investigations lead? Does the recycling company's owner flee the country? Who is ultimately charged with a crime? Is IBC in fact guilty? Was it just some corrupt executives within the company? Is there a cover-up?
* Any number of possible situations that show that today's good guy has a shady past for which the law must take him to task, or someone who succumbs to the temptation of vigilantism (e.g. taking a bat to a drug dealer selling to school children, perhaps even getting the wrong person). What happens to them and how are the lives of their friends and family, perhaps even the entire community, changed by this event?
In addition to providing color and life to the setting, in some cases this could be used for leads to additional missions. The hero might take it upon himself to assist with an investigation, or the police / lawyer / district attorney's office could ask for help.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
I like this idea. It would give my particular character's story a sense of continuity instead of feeling like just a random series of missions. Especially if these bits were always several levels later; it would feel like my character is actually developing a personal history.
Re: point 2 -- surely Dr. Doctor would at least give you the news.
Spurn all ye kindle.
I'm pretty easy to please, as long as I can mix and match certain sets to make a fire brawler or the like then I'm happy. There is one thing however I hope this game doesn't do, I want to feel like a superhero when I move, if I'm flying I'd like the ability to fly with fire or in a certain stance, hell as long as it feels fluid and like I'm soaring and looking for crimes to stop/commit then I'm happy. It's also true with acrobatics or super-speed. I want to feel like I'm dashing through the town or climbing along an urban jungle, movement is massively important in a game like this or we end up bored with how we're moving through Titan.
I'd also like a detailed editor, I'm an altaholic so I spend a good chunk of my time in DCUO and Champions tweaking for the perfect costume to match my backstory. I know some here have mentioned unlockable pieces and I like the idea but make it a matter of exploration not grind, I don't want to defeat 1000 of these enemies or the such just for a cape emblem.
That brings me to my next point, avoid cookie cutter tasks for story quests, it's not a sin to include combat but try and make the missions feel like they matter and make the typical go here or deliver this tasks that I can do that lead to bigger more complex missions.
Vet of Champions Online and DCUO, Sadly late to the party that was City of Heroes. Proud thief/rogue.
I remember around Issue 3 in CoH, i would constantly get invites to team, and i like it.
But by Issue 19+ (dont recall exactly) I found myself having to spam the global channel with LFT.
and by Issue 22+(...) I found myself directly /tell'ing random strangers asking if they would take pitty on my sorry soul and let me join their SG only team. (:<
Oh in the early days of the game, I3 to I6 I kept on getting the invites, but then it seemed to die off over time. And as I was used to taking breaks from the game and returning, I was fairly lucky in that I still had friends who played who could help me out.
But the whole blind inviting (especially when I was in a mood for soloing) was something else, because I tended to get them when I had my status set to "SOLOING" (or "not able to team right now").
When I returned again around the Going Rogue era, it had changed a lot, where it appeared that everyone else had their own groups and it was hard to find a group on your server that could help you out. There were a few people that I would log in at the drop of a hat to help out.
I think that over time, as the general player base dropped, people found the groups that they were happy with and stuck to those, whilst those who tended to wander back and forth found it hard to find teams.
And I tended to dislike messaging people who were in missions, because I KNEW that they were busy doing something. This was one thing that put me *severely* off the amount of instancing that CoX had.
All my own opinion from what I experienced on my server, YMMV
What helped me most were the chat channels and moving to the high population servers. By simply subscribing to the channels centered around gameplay of interest to me (badges, taskforces, trials, market, etc), I could easily get and give helpful answers or volunteer/recruit for a team. I realize that certain server populations did not consistently support this technique, but that's a problem solved decisively by the single-server/multiple-instance MMO design. The chat channels allowed me to PUG all content - I never had a SG or group of RL friends to count on, but I played thousands of taskforces and trials (I counted...heh). Virtue server had especially solid support for pick-up grouping, with large friendly chat channels, many people willing to jump on board, and leaders willing to invite without much prejudice. A PUG formed from the TF channel didn't feel like some kind of random queue - it felt like having a SG of 2500 people (often >400 online).
Great, now I miss CoH even more than usual...
keep it to a one-liner (or someone concat all this thread, lol)
i want: real physics in 3d/4d.. i want my punches to hit if i am on target, not just have target in 120 degree cone and within 5/10 ft. I want damage to scale depending on my accuracy; if i am too close, my punches will be weaker, if i am too far away, i will miss, if i am too much to the left/right, it will be glancing blow or miss, etc... scale logarythmically [damn, did i spell that right? lol]
that's all for now, since any more and it will just get skipped :)
ps. i wouldn't mind a scheme that allows for the use of 2 meese at same time, movement and targeting, plus extra buttons, of course, plus keyboard, of course
ok, that is 2 things, i'm done