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New Powers Suggestion Thread

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John-Andre's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2013 - 07:00
New Powers Suggestion Thread

I'm going to speak on some 'esoteric' powers -- powers that exist outside of frameworks, or don't seem to have a simple place in an MMO.

Stealth powers -- like invisibility, or facial shapeshifting, or a disguise kit -- require a perception system in order to defeat them. It would be nice to have a perception system for stealth-oriented missions, or missions where a stealth character would have other options to complete a mission than just running in and laying down the smack. Seems like this sort of thing would have to be coded into the game from the start, as it's too big an option for an expansion...

Phasing -- the ability to move through objects -- requires that there be objects to move through. Walls and doors that aren't just places the map doesn't exist. Locked boxes an intangible character can just reach through. X-Ray Vision would require the same -- objects to be seen through. And there have to be other methods of accomplishing the tasks performed with these powers. If there's a wall in the mission that a phasing character can just move through, another character needs some way to destroy or deconstruct said wall. If there are boxes a character with X-Ray Vision can just look at to see the bomb inside, other characters need bomb detectors (or the ability to withstand a bomb blast when they rip the lid off the box).

Water Breathing -- I'd love to see underwater zones, where powers like water breathing, super-swimming and Command Fish could be used. (I'm not an Aquaman fanboy, I just believe in empowering those who are.) But if your character doesn't have water breathing, then what? SCUBA suits? Air bubbles? Survival suits? As I said, I'd like to see underwater zones, and people who choose to take underwater powers should get more utility out of them than people who have to rely on Professor Power's Patented Water-Breathing Apparatus Device.

Life Support -- Having your own air supply (or not needing to breathe) could be used as a defense against gas attacks; having a nonhuman physiology could make poison attacks less powerful against you. It's one power that you have to take, but it can reduce or even eliminate element-based attacks against you.

Super-Senses -- they tie into the Stealth/Perception idea above. But I'd like a Low-Light Vision power to enable me to be able to see at night as well as I could in the daytime. Most games, when it gets dark outside, you can't see as well, and that annoys the crud out of me.

Stretching -- there's lots of comic-book characters with it. In my eyes it should be its own powerset, with attacks (stretching a fist to attack someone at range, or turning into a giant ball, or forming yourself into a rubber band to throw rocks at a target), defenses (you're pliable, which means you dodge attacks easily, or your rubber skin resists damage), and movement (stretching your legs to give yourself stilt strides, or just bouncing all over the place).

Shapeshifting -- another powerset. Movement forms (cheetah, eagle), attack forms (wolf, gorilla, elephant), stealth forms (hummingbird), aquatic forms... this will need a lot of additional art resources, but I'd still love to see it.

Duplication -- the ability to summon another entity and fight as your own team. This may be an exact copy of your character (and if I had that ability my next character would be a clone of Tomax and Xamot from G.I. Joe), or a completely different person (a robot drone panther to back your fighting space ninja up in combat). Going to need A.I. to handle the dupe, plus some balancing... you and your dupe shouldn't be as powerful as another character, but taken together you might be slightly better, in some ways).

Anyone have any other ideas for powers and powersets they'd like to see?

"My attention span doesn't wander. It takes long trips to exotic locales where it meets strange women that leave it crying and broken in the hot, hot sun."

Tempest's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Not a new power, but one

Not a new power, but one which excited me to no end when I opened the CoH box, and that will be available from the start in CoT - Weather Control.

Based on my character name, you can probably guess what my first hero was, and I hope that his spirit will be the first I can reincarnate in this new City.

"Yes they do Otto, they just don't understand it!"

I am Tempest; Tempest Master in my previous life, and known as Temp to almost everyone that knows me.

Heavy Weather
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 15:17
Tempest wrote:
Tempest wrote:

Based on my character name, you can probably guess what my first hero was, and I hope that his spirit will be the first I can reincarnate in this new City.

Ummm...a scrapper? ;)

Heavy Weather
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 15:17
Ok, maybe I will regret this,

Ok, maybe I will regret this, but is there a place in CoT for powers that are more funny than "OMG eleet must haz dat!"
After all, Propel (Grav COH single-target ranged attack) was worth taking just for tossing random junk.
Example suggestion:
Potato Gun as weapon
Standard potato round does some damage
frozen taters have an armor piercing capability
Rotten taters perform a Taunt function, but do minimal damage
Slimy baby reds have an AoE slow effect, like an ice patch

snate56's picture
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I'm going to go out on a limb

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that won't be in the initial release...




"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 23:56
If I had to pick a power from

If I had to pick a power from CoH, please let it be Kinetics.
Powers from outside I'd love to see: Body transformation(different materials), I like the plasticity/elongation you mentioned, Magnetic Control/generation, Vibration control/generation, Light control/generation, Plague or disease power, probability control, or Cosmic energy control/generation.

snate56's picture
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I Loved Kinetics!

I [i]Loved[/i] Kinetics!
Second most fun was that black hole power that snagged a random piece of junk from somewhere and you pelted your enemy with it. It was particularly hilarious to smack the bad guy with a flying toilet!



"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Heavy Weather
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 15:17
snate56 wrote:
snate56 wrote:

I Loved Kinetics!
Second most fun was that black hole power that snagged a random piece of junk from somewhere and you pelted your enemy with it. It was particularly hilarious to smack the bad guy with a flying toilet!

That was Propel, from the Gravity control set. The same set included Wormhole, which let you target a group of bad guys, then target where you wanted to place them, and line of sight wasn't required to target. They'd vanish, and reappear (stunned, I believe) where you directed. The first range (how close you had to be to target mobs) was similar to other attacks, but the 2nd range (how far you could put their destination) was a really long ways (several hundred yards?). It could be used to to reposition mobs tactically (yank bad guys out of a room, toss them into a corner where freezing rain and scrappers were waiting). It was also a decent damage power outdoors (wormhole mobs straight up, then sing "it's raining men" while you wait to see how high they bounce), and "get way, way, out of my face" power. Above and beyond the practical applications, it had a good animation and cool sound, and it was just absolutely evil-cackle fun to use.

Heavy Weather
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 15:17
Some increased perception

Some increased perception/awareness abilities:
X-Ray vision
See infrared/UV
increased hearing
detect/see water vapor
pet/drone/astral projection of self?

Easiest way for this to manifest would be showing mission maps beyond what can be "seen", including location of mobs. The cool way would be to activate the power (lower your visor, whatever) and modify the actual viewpoint of the player to depict stuff behind walls (building wireframe?) and mobs, blobs of heat, little clouds for exhalation, be able to see footprints where they've walked, etc.
Powers can be Super and contribute to accomplishing a mission and extend beyond attack/buff/debuff/defend/heal/travel.

Gauntlet's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2013 - 19:03
I would just like to be the

I would just like to be the first to Formally request the resurrection of Masterminds. I know pet classes are considered crappy or easy mode but please, City was the only one to ever offer a class like Masterminds and they must return for the true feel to be complete. Bots/Dark MM 4Life. :,(

Yeah, that sounds like a Jedi. Massacre a whole room full of people, then stand around apologizing for it. - Swtor NPC

John-Andre's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2013 - 07:00
Masterminds with reskinnable

Masterminds with [b]reskinnable pets[/b]. So your mercenaries could be just generic soldiers... or they could be Navy SEALs... or they could be the A-Te... er, I mean the C-Squad, or they could be Deltaforce. (Yes, THAT Deltaforce.)

"My attention span doesn't wander. It takes long trips to exotic locales where it meets strange women that leave it crying and broken in the hot, hot sun."

Doc_Nova's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 16:35
I would like a multiple arms

I would like a multiple arms animation, myself. So many other things could be invested in this, but the idea of a Doc Ock/Crab Spider assembly on one's back producing multiple limbs is quite compelling. Nearly every other power could be utilized through this animation medium: blasts, punches, thrown objects, deflections, and the like. I was elated when CoV introduced these, but CO's backpack satellite version leaves much to be desired (including being able to link powers to it).

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No wait, let's not limit it just to size...let's do shape, as well. I'd prefer not being forced in to predefined forms, but rather allow us to utilize the avatar creation multiple times with animations for the switch. This would be especially incredible if Rocket Cat gets his eventual want to include animal forms. Ahhh, someone could finally make Blowhole!

Reaperbert's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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Along the lines of size/shape

Along the lines of size/shape changing, I would like to see a lycanthrope power set, the closest I was able to do in CoX was to make my costumes a progression of the characters change.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are small, crunchy, and taste good with ketchup.

Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/31/2013 - 02:05
I have outlined a whole power

I have outlined a whole power set based on teleportation in this thread. It would be awesome to have some power sets based on Teleportation and Super Speed and Flight.

SPatriot's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
Joined: 10/17/2013 - 02:09
I realise it'd be odd to have

I realise it'd be odd to have a character with dual pistols who didn't shoot enemies at range; but I did request a 'Gun Fu/Gun Kata' scrapper set for CoH (after watching the movie Equilibrium one too many times) way back in the day. Saying that...a lot of CoH melee sets did have a ranged attack so...why not have a melee pistol wielder?

Screw it; CoT devs I hereby officially request a dual pistol melee power set in CoT. :D ...not necessarily at launch...but perhaps as a new power set later down the line. Cheers muchly.

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 11:43
Just don't pull a Champions,

Just don't pull a Champions, and nearly rip the gun-kata straight from the film, and put it into a power....

Honestly, though.... The only part of Equilibrium that I felt was in any way a "melee set", was the scene where he flips the guns around and uses them like blackjacks...... which is really just a dual weapon melee set.

So as a counter to the above suggestion... I would very much like to see the long-barreled pistol options you include in the game also included as available as melee weapons (when flipped around and held like like a small ax or club) and, further... give us a "support" set that encompases for dual-wield weaponry

...that way, we can shoot around with our dual pistols, until we get into melee range, then "flip the guns around" and whap people with the but of the gun. ;P

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Fireheart's picture
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How ia a Melee-range

How ia a Melee-range Pistoleer different from a longer ranged one? You're not describing a Scrapper, that's just a 'Blapper', a Blaster who prefers to work at close range.

Be Well!

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 11:43
I was suggesting a support

I was suggesting a support set to work in conjunction with a ranged set.... pistols are ranged weapons, after all.
if someone wants to "blap" with that combination... awesome....
but truely it allows a player to utilize the weapon concept to it's fullest, without having to choose "between" ranged and melee pistols.

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Gauntlet's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2013 - 19:03
This would make a good

This would make a good assault set. Dominator secondary from CoX.Mixed bag of ranged and melee attacks with a build up somewhere in there.

Yeah, that sounds like a Jedi. Massacre a whole room full of people, then stand around apologizing for it. - Swtor NPC

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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yep, it would... make three

yep, it would... make three sets

an offensive ranged set
a melee heavy support set (I keep calling it support... but I guess the technical name is "manipulation")
and a balanced assault set cherrypicking powers from each.

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Heartsong928's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/23/2013 - 21:31
I was a huge fan of the dark

I was a huge fan of the dark/dark defender in CoH and would love to see it brought back to CoT. Champions just doesn't cut it for me. The dark heal with the debuffs and the dark rez that was an attack power of its own were terribly fun.

WarBird's picture
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I'm hoping to see a Martial

I'm hoping to see a Martial Arts set that is truly viable as a primary power set. I suspect lots of characters will use it as a secondary as well. And please, for the love of Shang Chi, can we get some decent animations?

If we're getting choices for the style of power manifestations, how about some weapon sets? Would "Staff" be a different power set than "Nunchaku" or "Sai"? Could there be an "Empty Hand" set with a "Power Manipulation" secondary to create an "Iron Fist" typ character?

Von Krieger
Von Krieger's picture
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WarBird wrote:
WarBird wrote:

I'm hoping to see a Martial Arts set that is truly viable as a primary power set. I suspect lots of characters will use it as a secondary as well. And please, for the love of Shang Chi, can we get some decent animations?
If we're getting choices for the style of power manifestations, how about some weapon sets? Would "Staff" be a different power set than "Nunchaku" or "Sai"? Could there be an "Empty Hand" set with a "Power Manipulation" secondary to create an "Iron Fist" typ character?

All the varying weapon sets seem to be more of animation style choice than powersets in and of themselves from what I've been hearing. You can have your Fire Melee attacks come from a sword, for example.

[color=green]BIZZARO MEDIA FOLLOWER[/color]


Voldine's picture
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So...I had a thought after

So...I had a thought after reading one of the above posts containing a suggestion for a duplication power. It crossed my mind that one of the oft-requested sets for Masterminds back before all hope was crushed was self-summoning. Duplication is also considered a somewhat gimmicky yet 'common' power.

I therefore propose the following Master set: Clones.
First pet: Faulty Clone(s). Uses first attack power from primary set and can use tier 1&2 powers from secondary set.
Second pet: Inferior Clone(s). Uses first and second attack powers from primary set and can use up to tier 4 powers from secondary set.
Third pet: Imperfect Clone. Can use all attack powers from primary set and up to tier 6 powers from secondary set.

Now, I'm no dev, and I may not have any kind of grasp on game balance from any perspective yet...but this idea seems rather awesome to me. Certain kinds of powers could certainly be excluded from pet use like potent buffs whose very balancing point is based on potential uptime from a single source...or just make it so that those buffs don't stack from pets since the character is technically the source. Another would be massive knock effects like Gale. Wouldn't want pets spamming that in all directions.

This concept, while inherently raw and unbalanced in this initial form, would work decently across all Master subclasses. Taskmasters would have little Assault using clones along for the ride. Ringleaders would have minions spamming ST immobilize and minor damage punches. Engineers...could be problematic with pets spamming buff set powers...but you definitely wouldn't need a backup 'heelor'.

The balance factor would be that the clones would boost the powers they use according to what is slotted in the pet power rather than the powers they copy from the Master.

The original Lady of Ysgard. -Virtue

Voldine's picture
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Okay, now that I got the

Okay, now that I got the sillier idea that would not leave my head out there, time for a bit more seriousness in my suggestions.

First, allow me to state that my basic ideas are rough and likely already in consideration by the devs.

Theme: Knock-based, heavy on soft control. Lots of knock down and knock up, little forced knock back. Knock down powers can be slotted for extra knock back effect at player discretion for variety.
Suitable Animations: Water/waves, wind/air, sand, stones, gravitic manipulation, telekinesis, vibration control (sonic manipulation), Batman-level crazy paranoid and prepared mechanical trap placement ('How did you...' "My company built this building." 'Really? And you trap every building you make?' "Eeyup." 'I'll have to remember that the next time I use the bathroom in the base...').

Theme: Restraint through solid, animate, flexible objects. Basic control set.
Suitable Animations: Whips, chains, lengths of barbed/razor wire, rope, vines, tentacles (minds OUT of the gutter!), ribbons/sheets of uncut cloth, power cords attached to random appliances.

Theme: Control via manipulating/altering terrain. Hinder enemies by changing the ground on which they stand.
Suitable Animations: Turning the ground into quicksand, lava, molten tar, water, ink, slime, marbles, rubber balls, banana peels, Styrofoam peanuts. Basically any kind of unstable surface. This one is a bit silly and farfetched.

Standard variant animations for any elemental control power: Allow us to make it look like we're trapping the enemy with hands and arms made of the element in question and not just giant bricks of it. If I have an 'earth controller' who used to be a sculptor; she'd find a way to make her controls look elegant rather than brute force. This standard request could be facilitated easiest by a 'simple' effect switch to particles and textures used by various elemental effects from a potential control animation with a necromantic twist that summons dead bodies under your foe to grab and trip them with undead arms and strength.

The original Lady of Ysgard. -Virtue

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 11/06/2013 - 09:48
I'm going to throw my vote

I'm going to throw my vote into elasticity powers too. I can't imagine how it could be implemented well though... But can it be a blaster power set? Fist blasting. But in an awesome way, not in a gross sexual way. DO NOT GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH!

Also masterminds with customizable pets is the perfect way to handle a "clone" powerset. You just summon more yous.

Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/08/2013 - 19:56

Super-Senses -- they tie into the Stealth/Perception idea above. But I'd like a Low-Light Vision power to enable me to be able to see at night as well as I could in the daytime. Most games, when it gets dark outside, you can't see as well, and that annoys the crud out of me..

This could make a nifty Power pool. Assuming we're getting power pools. We'd BETTER have power pools.

The plastic tips on the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets; their true purpose is sinister.

Gauntlet's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2013 - 19:03
Voldine wrote:
Voldine wrote:

So...I had a thought after reading one of the above posts containing a suggestion for a duplication power. It crossed my mind that one of the oft-requested sets for Masterminds back before all hope was crushed was self-summoning. Duplication is also considered a somewhat gimmicky yet 'common' power.
I therefore propose the following Master set: Clones.
First pet: Faulty Clone(s). Uses first attack power from primary set and can use tier 1&2 powers from secondary set.
Second pet: Inferior Clone(s). Uses first and second attack powers from primary set and can use up to tier 4 powers from secondary set.
Third pet: Imperfect Clone. Can use all attack powers from primary set and up to tier 6 powers from secondary set.
Now, I'm no dev, and I may not have any kind of grasp on game balance from any perspective yet...but this idea seems rather awesome to me. Certain kinds of powers could certainly be excluded from pet use like potent buffs whose very balancing point is based on potential uptime from a single source...or just make it so that those buffs don't stack from pets since the character is technically the source. Another would be massive knock effects like Gale. Wouldn't want pets spamming that in all directions.
This concept, while inherently raw and unbalanced in this initial form, would work decently across all Master subclasses. Taskmasters would have little Assault using clones along for the ride. Ringleaders would have minions spamming ST immobilize and minor damage punches. Engineers...could be problematic with pets spamming buff set powers...but you definitely wouldn't need a backup 'heelor'.
The balance factor would be that the clones would boost the powers they use according to what is slotted in the pet power rather than the powers they copy from the Master.

This is actually a very popular request on these forums (and in old CoX too), and have been mentioned several times. I hope the Devs see our love for the idea.


Yeah, that sounds like a Jedi. Massacre a whole room full of people, then stand around apologizing for it. - Swtor NPC

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 11/12/2013 - 12:24
While I only had the chance

While I only had the chance to briefly play CoX however I did love the Gravity power set. I would enjoy seeing that brought to CoT just because of how unique it is. Especially if it gives me the opportunity to bring buzzing heroes out of the sky hehe.

Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2013 - 10:09
Yep. Use TP Friend on a few

Yep. Use TP Friend on a few teammates into a pile. Get a target, and rez em all at the same time was awesome!

Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 12/07/2013 - 17:55
I would like to see a Clown

I would like to see a Clown Power Set that pairs comical animations together with the usual game attack/buff effects. Stuff like pulling an oversized mallet out of a pocket and going for the stunning overhead smash, or throwing banana peels in front of your target to make them slip and fall, throwing a pie in the enemy's face causing disorientation or reducing accuracy, or an irresistable handshake with the hidden shock buzzer, etc. Gags borrowed from physical comedy and slapstick, like the Road Runner or Three Stooges, which would would make you laugh when used during combat.

Sometimes it just gets boring and grim during the grind, and this I think would spark things up. Especially if you got creative by creating combinations of chained attacks. The longer the successful chain, the more effective the final results. Of course, the longer the chain, the harder to pull it off. I also would recommend coming up with some mechanism where new clown powers (and maybe new combinations) can be released periodically to help keep things fresh. I've played with a number of tankers who role-played this to the hilt with their costumes and chat, but were limited in their buffoonery by having mundane attacks. Take the movie Drunken Master with Jackie Chan. His attacks were sloppy and unintentional looking, but were deadly effective and hilarious.

Abnormal Joe
Abnormal Joe's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2013 - 22:34
Always wished there was a

Always wished there was a beast master control set. Swarm of army ants (think hot feet), Boa Constrictor (ST Hold), Hyenas (Fire Imps) Bees(confuse) I could go on but thats the general idea.

Repeat Offender
Tank Addict

Brand X
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

How ia a Melee-range Pistoleer different from a longer ranged one? You're not describing a Scrapper, that's just a 'Blapper', a Blaster who prefers to work at close range.
Be Well!

Pistol Whips. But with how CoT currently plans to work, that would likely be an assault set. Bullet Beatdown in CO is a perfect example of how to do it.

I like the idea of a lot of the OP's suggestions, but I'm not so sure CoT will be the type of game to offer little power perks that are more flavor oriented.

For instance my namesake in Mutants & Mastermind build has Dark Sight and Immunity: Cold Enviorment (so not immune to cold attacks, just cold weather)...CoT will likely say Cold Resist covers the later aspect, while no need for Dark Sight.

Auroran's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 10/13/2013 - 16:58
I understand there was no

I understand there was no equivalent to the Might power set from CO; surely there will be something akin to it in CoT?

I'd also like to see a good super-speed set.

Just remember - CoT is in the spirit of CoH, it is not CoH!

Mr Wizard
Mr Wizard's picture
Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 12/07/2013 - 20:27
Hi all,

Hi all,

Don't know if it's come up yet but has a giant sized hero option been discussed at of the things I always wanted back in the CoX days was a Giant or Double Sized hero option...even if the power could only work in outside maps and not in building/ would have been awesome to be able to walk around and fight BIG Bosses on their own terms...!

I had originally posted this in the costume thread but it probably belongs here...

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic...Arthur C. Clarke

jai jobi khan
jai jobi khan's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 12/10/2013 - 01:02
How about vampiric abilities

How about vampiric abilities Bat/mist/werewolf travel options. Day time/ night time buff/debuff. Vampire pet(.ie defeated human minions only) or maybe human by day/werewolf by night gruel summon.

Blood lust ability: allows players to stack blood lust points to max of mabe 15 by damaging living opponents to receive different types of buffs. X amount of points stacked keep your vamp in a "enhance'"blood fueled state. Where he could really shine is when you spend your blood lust point on special abilities called blood magic. Ex : spend 10 of your blood magic points on the blood magic ability" werewolf form" to becoming a force of destruction for x amount of rounds. Spend 12 blood magic stacks to use the" Blood rave" ability pulling blood from every defeated opponent around you refuelling both health an stamina plus regen buff for x amount of rounds.( I can just see the animations for this one being a fav of the community if done correctly. Blood swirls around you like a dying star to a black hole. Entering the players hands/mouth. Or maybe even a make it rain blood effect.

Spend blood lust stacks to enhance your vamp minion /gruel. 5 to buff and 4 to heal. 3 blood lust to cast hypnotize( works on Lt's an below) controls mininion/ stuns Lt's. vampires weaknesses. Undead types/ robot types/ sunlight/fire damage/ zero blood stacks. Cool power to choose once balance was found

Just my thoughts

We're not here because we're free. We're here because we're not free.

Mr Wizard
Mr Wizard's picture
Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 12/07/2013 - 20:27
I really like this idea but I

I really like this idea but I would go even farther with the concept and maybe have a point when the character actually looses control and become a crazed maniac and starts attacking team members, either by becoming game/AE controlled for a brief period or having AOE attacks do damage to other players for a brief period after some threshold has been breached...that would be a great concept power...a berserker rage type of power...heh

I can picture a Vampire/MM type characters whos "pets" start going crazy and attacking the that has some "bite"...

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic...Arthur C. Clarke

Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 12/19/2013 - 14:53
Why not a parkour power? The

Why not a parkour power? The abiltity to run up certain objects based on how fast you are moving. Super speedsters could even run up building, across water, and in extreme cases could even run on the sides of walls for brief periods.

I don't get mad, I restructure the laws of quantum physics and resolve the situation with temporal engineering.

Lin Chiao Feng
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Automatisch wrote:
Automatisch wrote:

Why not a parkour power? The abiltity to run up certain objects based on how fast you are moving. Super speedsters could even run up building, across water, and in extreme cases could even run on the sides of walls for brief periods.

It would be an interesting travel power, fitting in between superspeed and superjump...

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Automatisch wrote:
Why not a parkour power? The abiltity to run up certain objects based on how fast you are moving. Super speedsters could even run up building, across water, and in extreme cases could even run on the sides of walls for brief periods.

It would be an interesting travel power, fitting in between superspeed and superjump...

Like Ninja Run?

Ninja Run was very popular.

Be Well!

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Automatisch wrote:
Automatisch wrote:

Why not a parkour power? The abiltity to run up certain objects based on how fast you are moving. Super speedsters could even run up building, across water, and in extreme cases could even run on the sides of walls for brief periods.

I'm too lazy to link you to it, but from what I've heard, the "Acrobatic Leaping" thing mentioned in the Kickstarter as one of the perks from the $500k level (WHICH WE HIT!!) was basically going to look and feel a lot like parkour. Apparently they even though of actually naming it that, but decided not to for some reason. All of this is from out of my fuzzy memory, but you can scroll through the 19000+ Kickstarter posts and look for it if you feel like it.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Powers I'd like to see:

Powers I'd like to see:

1. This isn't a power per se, but I'd like to see all of the different sets have some kind of different feel to them. Dark Blast, Energy Blast, Fire Blast, Ice Blast, Water Blast, Sand Blast, Psy Blast, Radiation Blast, Sound Blast, Electric Blast, etc should all have some kind of thing about them that sets them apart. I think there was talk about "What if you could pick your blast set mechanics separate from the animations?" but personally I think it makes more inherent sense to tie certain secondary effects to certain damage types, etc. This doesn't eliminate the ability to color and animate your powers as you like, I just want Dark Blast to do something (like -Acc to target) that makes sense as something Dark Blast would do. Similarly, Ice Blast might give targets hit -move speed or -recharge, etc. something that sounds like what Ice Blast WOULD do, etc. Same goes for the various types of melee sets (e.g. Dark, Energy, Ice, etc).

2. I too want the ability to skin pets, using the character creator, I would think.

3. Some kind of Dark Pets set, i.e. walking shadowy figures (like the shadow twins from the end of the revamped Posi TF) that fight for you. Seems easy enough to do graphically.

4. I gotta have a pistol set of some kind, preferably with LOTS of choices for pistols (especially after all the Lethal Weapon timers expire and we get everyone's signature weapons for free).

5. The Sky Surfing power from the Kickstarter needs an "Ice Slide" option, if that works.

6. If there is a "Stretching" power, I'd like to be able to make it look robotic, like Inspector Gadget (i.e. telescoping robotic limbs).

7. Some version of "create energy constructs" a la Green Lantern.

8. Jetpacks. God help you if there aren't jetpacks. doesn't have to be a power, probably better as a costume piece actually, but I need it to be there. CoH certainly made us wait long enough for that.

9. Some version of a power that triggers a costume change when you toggle it on (like when the Hulk transforms, or when Colossus goes all metallic, etc). My idea being that you get to make the "regular" avatar in the char creator, and also separately make the "Beast mode" version, as a separate costume that you change into upon toggling your armor power or whatever on. you could use this to go from Tony Stark to Iron Man, or plain clothes guy to Super guy, or human to Werewolf, or whatever, I feel like it would have a lot of uses. In fact this feels more like a macro that ties a costume change emote to a toggle power when you toggle it on. I guess what I'm saying is, I DON'T want the Stone Armor poo cage effect. Let us make our own "guy with Stone Armor" avatar and use that instead.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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This is related to another

This is related to another post I made, about power interaction. Didn't really know where to post, so here it is. There' is also a thread about carrying people that's related.

So as a kind of power interaction I'd love to see something that's common in comic books: a character with some kind of super strength throws a melee fighter at someone, or some group. Yes, I want Colossus to throw Wolverine at a pile of baddies.

Keeping in mind I know nothing about how to build a game, I'm imagining it somewhat like the power combos in CoX. You execute a power, then get a timer of some sort for your teammate to execute the accompanying power. If he does, boom. So, just using CoX powers since I know them: a Super Strength tank activates hurl, if there's someone in range with a compatible power, like a martial arts scrapper or whatever, he gets a timer to active his power.

IN the other thread folks were talking about making sure this wasn't something that was such a decisive advantage that it became necessary to have a compatible teammate. I'm behind that. This could be a simple "teleport friend" equivalent with a minor AOE buff to the original SS power.

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a power i loved is in CO

a power i loved is in CO called Telekinesis i loved the look of this power but i hate the fact that there had to be a object (that was pickupable) to throw to make it do any damage or do anything at all. my thought would be that someone useing Telekinesis to throw a object would either throw a near by object (ie chair, table, car... ect) or they would simply rip the ground up and throw that if nothing else is around... or maybe pick up the bady and toss him against a wall/floor/ceiling or even throw another lower bady(or other hero with claws maybe?) at the boss.. my point is that there should always be something you can throw at them with your mind when useing that kind of power.

and all games say everything should be balanced in a game so as one power is not more powerful then another... but i disagree in a super hero world. for example superman can break batmans back or even rip him in two if he wanted to. but if batman slips on a kryptonite ring the tables turn in his favor. and wolverine cant really be killed cuz he regens so fast... but yet magnito can rip his bones out or even incase him in a metal prison or cut his head off... my point is that each power should have a big advantage over maybe others but still have a weakness of some kind. so one good idea to maybe do, is kind of a power i supose, would be when your picking your power sets you get to also pick your weakness's.
for example if i pick a regening, ice throwing, super cowboy... then i can pick that my wekness or my "kryptonite" is fire throwing/shooting badys that i will be super weak against (but make it a choice so you could pick maybe being very weak to darkness attacts instead of fire or something just give some options).

another power i would love to see is SHAPE SHIFTING. no super hero game has yet to make a power set that dos shape shifting... turn into a big dino to squish your foe... or maybe a mouse to sneek past them... or a fly to spy on them a bit. (WoW did so some limited shape shifting in there Druid/Shammon class's) but maybe expand on it make all your powers do diffrent shapes/animals/vehicles/ect... another cool thing with this is let you pick what type of shape shifter you are. are you tech based as in you transform similart to maybe transformers... or are you more organic, you turn into animals with flesh and bone... or are you magical you turn into demons or other scary ( or beautiful) things? im sure you get the idea give options like that would be freaken awsome!

and another awsome power would be MULIPLICATION / DUPLICATION im not talking your good at math..... i mean you can make more then one copy of yourself to either confuse the badys or just simply out number them quickly. make it have some draw backs ... the more you duplicate the weaker you and your new "friends" get this toon would be probly more of a master mind type set havieng mulitple pets but have them perform things that you do act like you. i know this was done somewhat with illusion powers in COH but i hated how they only lasted for a few seconds. make them last a bit longer or stay as a normal pet for at least a few of them.


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I think a body odour power

I think a body odour power could be cool

Halitosis [single target, and aoe melts face ]
Dog egg [clears an entire room and has sleep effects on those that remain if target is undisturbed]
Sneeze [cone slow and reduced accuracy]
Rank armpit [taunts foes with the smell of onion]
Smelly socks [throw sock and has a TAoE knockback]
Projectile vomit [supreme damage acid AoE max target 20]

When do I get my new power set ?

day one vet

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Hellbender91 wrote:
Hellbender91 wrote:

another power i would love to see is SHAPE SHIFTING. no super hero game has yet to make a power set that dos shape shifting... turn into a big dino to squish your foe... or maybe a mouse to sneek past them... or a fly to spy on them a bit. (WoW did so some limited shape shifting in there Druid/Shammon class's) but maybe expand on it make all your powers do diffrent shapes/animals/vehicles/ect... another cool thing with this is let you pick what type of shape shifter you are. are you tech based as in you transform similart to maybe transformers... or are you more organic, you turn into animals with flesh and bone... or are you magical you turn into demons or other scary ( or beautiful) things? im sure you get the idea give options like that would be freaken awsome!

DCUO has a shapeshifter set under "Nature", with several choices of animals So it has been done in a superhero game. Wider choice would be nice, but each new ability set (shape choice) would increase balance problems (flexibility vs. how well it does in any given role). As for the tech vs. magic vs. nature, that would just be special effects, and would only have to wait for the devs to make the animation set you want ^_^.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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In my (limited) experience,

In my (limited) experience, DCUO's shapeshifting is a lot like Kheldian shapeshifting. When you shift, you swap in a completely different set of abilities.

Be Well!

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Based on the Kinetics set but

Based on the Kinetics set but for tanker/brute/scrap/stalks

Kinetics had alot of sap powers.
Siphon speed was a self +runspeed buff/enemy -recharge debuff
Siphon power was self +dam/enemy -dam
Transfusion self +heal/enemy -endurance
etc etc

Id like a set like this for melee.
I use a sap power to steal a mobs defense/resist and transfer it to myself. Have a different sap power to give yourself mez protection while stripping it from the mob.

It'd be very clicky but I think tons of fun.

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Kinetic Melee/Kinetics

Kinetic Melee/Kinetics Scrapper ...? You'd probably need to use Fulcrum Shift on a "perma" basis just in order to have some level of protection against dogpiles of Minions (and more). However, this is probably the best case I can think of for a "manipulation" secondary translation into City of Titans.

[i]"Always in motion is Kinetics. You must FEEL the Clicks surround you, and bind you. Luminous Power FX are we, not this crude polygon!"[/i]
- KM/K master instructing student in the ways of Kinetic Forces

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I want an offensive Force

I want an offensive Force Field set. As I stated in another thread, the biggest differences between Sue Storm and Green Lantern is that he has a ring and she looks better in tights. There is no logical reason why Force Field always has to be a defensive power set.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

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Comicsluvr wrote:
Comicsluvr wrote:

I want an offensive Force Field set. As I stated in another thread, the biggest differences between Sue Storm and Green Lantern is that he has a ring and she looks better in tights. There is no logical reason why Force Field always has to be a defensive power set.

Nah, energy construction is different from her telekinetic shields. Although, Force Fields could have offensive uses.

I don't get mad, I restructure the laws of quantum physics and resolve the situation with temporal engineering.

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What about a power that makes

What about a power that makes other powers go haywire? Not get rid of them, but cause you to lose control of them. Just random mistimed attacks that drain your energy reserves? Obviously, this requires more thought if it is to be taken seriously. But it is a start.

I don't get mad, I restructure the laws of quantum physics and resolve the situation with temporal engineering.

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Please have INSECT control

Please have INSECT control powers. Swarms, Arachnids (Spiders/Scorpions).

summer-heat's picture
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A completely team-dependent

A completely team-dependent powerset I would like to see would be a power-borrow/symbiosis set. Based on the archetypes that have joined the team, various powers at each level are swapped out for one from those sets to make a potentially powerful combination. the downside and risk to playing of course is that such a set gets gimpy when the wrong combo joins up. It would have to be an unlockable epic AT probably because the gameplay of such a set would be dangerously complicated for a new player. There would also need to be default siphons and such based on which group the player is fighting so that solo play isn't completely useless...just a thought, but it could be lots of fun.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

Brand X
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I think one of the things CoT

I think one of the things CoT needs to do is focus on just a variety of visual effects at start so players have more concept options. What I hate about DCUO is the lack of options, especially since it requires you to pick some sort of element (counting tech as an element here) instead of allowing classic INV or SR types.

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Yeah.. and when mechanics are

Yeah.. and when mechanics are tied so closely to FX/theme you end up with mechanics you love with FX you hate and/or duplicates.

When Champions Online came out with their "Rock" passive that did the exact same thing as the "Force" passive it became clear to me that there should be a complete divorce of mechanics and frameworks.

I think it truth people don't care if their mechanics are exactly like the next person (as a PvPer I kind of prefer it TBH) but they DO want to be an individual. The animation is very important for concept and the FX are very important for concept. As long as my concept feels individual I'm okay with being mechanically similar to the man next to me.

There's always gear (I call the disciplines and hope the idea of training disciplines instead of picking up "gear" sticks), enhancements and other combat options (defense type, etc) besides the powers you have access to for concept.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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I'd like to cite Hasten.

I'd like to cite Hasten. Everyone knows this power, the mechanics it provides, and the vitality to have this power pool power in any pop or pve build. It also had a very unique effect that was some ugly color of diluted urine in a gassy bubbly form that didn't make any sense with the visual effect style of any of the primary or secondary power sets and even looked inconsistent with Super Speed which was in the same grouping. Sure, they were just about to give power pools color customization, but it didn't happen even by the end of life for the game. Then there was that god-awful sound effect that accompanied it every time it went off again (I had mine on auto, I wonder how many others did).

FWIW, I like that there's a design plan to allow for greater power customizations in a game setting where we are all unique snowflakes over being pigeonholed into an atrocious looking and sounding power for the sake of one of the most basic build power inclusions.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

Brand X
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I think the idea behind

I think the idea behind Hasten and it's ugly sound/glow was to let the player know the power activated. It wasn't until later in the game when they realized, players didn't really care for those visual healing and turning green.

Think it only remained for PvP because lots of PvPers whine a lot if they couldn't tell what you were. :p

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This and another post (the

This and another post (the one WarBird started about maps) has me thinking about Super Sense powers and the effects they could have. Thoughts so far:

1. Super Hearing could be a click-to-use power that allows you to know (via some pop up window or something) how many undefeated badguys are still left in the area you're in, and gives you some idea of where the named elite boss or AV is based on loose chatter you've picked up. One option would be that when you click the power, your toon get's a thought balloon above his head that tells you something you wouldn't already know. Since you can't control what people say when you're not in the room, you get some randomness in the info, and sometimes no info if the badguys are "maintaining radio silence" or whatever you'd call it.

2. Keen Scent could be a passive power that gives you some general idea of what amount and type of badguys there are on the map, or nearby, e.g. what villain group do they smell like, are there any surprise OTHER groups present? Any scents you DON'T recognize? Bosses, lts, minions, etc would all smell different and your scent ability could allow you to ID a named boss by scent if, say, an NPC gave you something of his to get the scent from, bloodhound style. some form of pop-up box that shows various info would be good.

3. Super Vision could give you any number of things, probably as toggles, like the ability to see in dark areas via infrared "heat" vision (CoH had light-level effects that made seeing in dark areas a problem, this would offset that). Low-light "cat" vision might allow you to see in the dark, but only grey-scale, just to make it look cool and different from normal vision. X-ray vision could allow you to "transparent-ize" different interior walls and other objects and make looking for glowies an stuff easier. Shouldn't work on everything , of course, some things need to be "lead lined" or whatever, especially exterior walls in a map, etc. And it should probably have s limited range, e.g. if a wall is too far away, you can't see through it, and/or you only can see so many feet past a wall if using x-ray vision. If you wanted to get really fancy you could assign every in-game wall material an "x-ray opacity" value so that enhancements in X-ray vision could allow you to see through ever increasingly dense/thick walls are longer distances, etc.

Any or all of these, or others, could affect your Perception and help versus stealth/invisibility too, obviously. In fact, this is sounding a lot like it should be a Pool isn't it? First power is some kind of generic "Spider sense" that gives you help vs stealth, second one is either Hearing or Scent, and the last one is some kind of uber vision.

Just ideas.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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One might also have it as a

One might also have it as a Temp-power. You could 'ping' the power and have it clear, or partially-clear a section of map, and even flash NPC locations.

Be Well!

Ben Grimm Rules
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Just some thoughts:

Just some thoughts:

Charm: NPC factions to you (briefly) )
Possession: Control an NPC (briefly)
Forced Desolidification: Attack that allows actions only against other Desolid characters
Gliding: Prevent falling damage; slow drop, wide turn flight
Mirror Image: Non-Combat copies that add targets for NPCs
Acid Power Set: Varied Abilities
Fake Unconsciousness: Aggro Dropper
Reflection: NPC attack returns to them
Hurl: Grab and throw environmental objects / NPCs (I was always disappointed I couldn't grab a car on the street and throw it)
Absorbtion: Reduce damage, regain endurance (effect specific: Cold Absorbtion, Lightning Absorbtion etc)
Vehicles: As a travel power (who doesn't want a Batmobile)

Oh, and +1 to the person who suggested Underwater Zones and Super-Swimming,great ideas.

Chivalry lives while I breathe

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Ben Grimm Rules wrote:
Ben Grimm Rules wrote:

Oh, and +1 to the person who suggested Underwater Zones and Super-Swimming,great ideas.

I may be alone in saying this but Lemuria was by far my favorite zone of Champions Online. I know so many people hated it (The first year it was FULL of Lag) but having a 3D navigational zone was awesome.

Maybe this time, instead of underwater the devs take us into the gravity less vacuum of space?

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Robertt Steel
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I would LOVE to have a

I would LOVE to have a Technology SUPERPOWERS:

Imagine this:
Tanker we can have a "invulnerability suit" as primary, could be and mechanical armour suit, or force field suit or energy field suit, nanobite suit, simbiotic suit imagine the posibilities!
Blaster could have "State of the art weaponry" as offensive/secondary: Shoulder mounted rocket launchers/gatling guns, "Nuclear blast" (an air strike as an AOE bombarding, destroying all the mobs and some of the environment) Ground support (A tank comes in and blast all mobs) or maybe you could drive a Tank... Energy blast gloves/mini rockets, There are plenty of ideas here...
Travel powers: "Rocket Boots" "Helicopter" "Airplane" "Jetpack" "super speed ground vehicles" "Teletransportation device"

Technology nowadays should count as a superpower due to the power againts the world it could produce... just imagine the posibilities!

What ya think?

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I don't want to see travel

I don't want to see travel powers in this game as something secondary. it would be great to see them born from your power sets themselves. Quick movement or flight that gets stronger and faster over time with some kind of fire aura for fire based toons. I like someone's DocOc idea with multiple arms power idea earlier. Imagine a parkour type deal scaleing buildings and such very quickly with those arms. I think this is important from a role play perspective.

Cold_Iron's picture
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Going off the tech powerset I

Going off the tech powerset I would like to see a utility belt set that is actually made up of utility powers. Think about this, batman is the utility belt hero but how many weapons douse he have in there? For the most part just the batarang and that is more of a stun/disarm tool. The rest of the tools in the utility belt consist of B&E gear, smoke bombs, medicine, forensics tools and just the right thing for getting out of a deathtrap. There are a ton of other bat gadgets but these cover the primary ones not including modes of transportation. Anyway the utility belt could consist of gadgets that CC, heal, manipulate threat, or counter others CC. And the customization of it could be almost endless. Is the Healer stunned or asleep? Have Fratman use a gym sock to snap him out of it. Need to tie up an enemy with CC? Catman has a extra large ball of yarn for the job. Is the damage dealer building up to much treat? Don't worry, Hatman has a smoke bomb under his fez.

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

This and another post (the one WarBird started about maps) has me thinking about Super Sense powers and the effects they could have. Thoughts so far:...

I had actually suggested something like this in Cities way way back. I still think it would be great as a sort of 'utility' powerset to be combined with something else. A claws/regen/supersmell were character, for example.

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Fireheart's picture
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Okay, but the 'problem' with

Okay, but the 'problem' with that is that Technology is an origin of powers and not a super-power in itself. 'Armored Suit' is a costume. 'Utility Belt' might be a minor powerset associated with a more developed powerset like 'Devices'.

All of the effects you're describing could also be created by 'Magic'. Or, given an odd enough nature, it could be completely Natural for a character to fly or be invulnerable.

Be Well!

Brand X
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Would love little special

Would love little special senses and missions that make use of those! My main for example has Dark Sight, would love to have a mission where everything is completely black except for those who can see in total darkness! Maybe with flashes of lights when enemies attack heroes with no dark sight.

Radiac's picture
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What I'd like, would be

What I'd like, would be something like what Brand X is saying, but the "all dark" map either comes with or allows you to use light sources to try to illuminate it. But the light sources you get (flashlight, torch, etc) either nerf you in some way or give the bad guys an advantage to reflect the fact that they can see in the dark. Then the super-senses people can go all "I'll take point" and scout ahead, lead the team into position, etc. Also, I still think it would hbe awesome to have two different versions of dark vision, one where you get DnD style "infravision" where you can see, but all you get is greyscale, the other being "infrared" where you get a "heat signature" type effect (red for hot, blue for cold, etc). I have no idea how difficult that would be to to code though.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Just going to point out that

Just going to point out that I like that you guys are interested in situational combat modifiers. The ideas being talked about here are awesome.

P.S. adding to Infravision, and infrared vision, I'd like to add another but lower version of radar where the map and sight shows the enemies but not the walls (wireframe)

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Okay, but the 'problem' with that is that Technology is an origin of powers and not a super-power in itself. 'Armored Suit' is a costume. 'Utility Belt' might be a minor powerset associated with a more developed powerset like 'Devices'.
Be Well!

I was thinking of it being tertiary powerset. A way to be just a bit better at your job or have a easier time with X. Sorry I didn't say so.

Brand X
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Cold_Iron wrote:
Cold_Iron wrote:

Fireheart wrote:
Okay, but the 'problem' with that is that Technology is an origin of powers and not a super-power in itself. 'Armored Suit' is a costume. 'Utility Belt' might be a minor powerset associated with a more developed powerset like 'Devices'.
Be Well!

I was thinking of it being tertiary powerset. A way to be just a bit better at your job or have a easier time with X. Sorry I didn't say so.

They seem much more like flavor powers than tertiary though. The question would be, how to implement them.

I could see how to do it in a different system (like a point based system) but in an AT system?

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[URL=] Cryptobiosis! [/URL]
Basically it is a state of suspended animation that actually exist in nature. While in this state, the organism can endure [i]years[/i] without food, near total dehydration, and pretty much everything . Bacterial spores have, indeed, been reactivated after MILLIONS of years in dormancy. The most famous metazoans (animals) practicing cryptobiosis are the [URL=] Tardigrada [/url].
In game, Cryptobiosis would be a summit ability of a Bio Armour/Adaption power set, either as a resurrection or as a "retreat to recover" power in the lines of Hibernation.

[url=] Save the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from Extinction![/url]

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Xnarl wrote:
Xnarl wrote:

Basically it is a state of suspended animation that actually exist in nature. While in this state, the organism can endure years without food, near total dehydration, and pretty much everything . Bacterial spores have, indeed, been reactivated after MILLIONS of years in dormancy.

I fail to see how a powerset that only "works" while the Player is logged out of the game would be all that successful at either fighting crime or perpetrating crimes ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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"Everything" is pretty much
Redlynne wrote:

Xnarl wrote:
Basically it is a state of suspended animation that actually exist in nature. While in this state, the organism can endure years without food, near total dehydration, and pretty much everything . Bacterial spores have, indeed, been reactivated after MILLIONS of years in dormancy.
I fail to see how a powerset that only "works" while the Player is logged out of the game would be all that successful at either fighting crime or perpetrating crimes ...

"Everything" is pretty much the key word here. If you followed any of my links, you certainly should be able to find out that the borders are [i] very [/i] high.
I fail to see where you take both the "power[i]set[/i]" idea from, nor that it worked "only [']works['] while the Player (sic) is logged out of the game ". I actually described the possible role after the part you quoted:
""In game, Cryptobiosis would be a summit ability of a Bio Armour/Adaption power set, either as a resurrection or as a "retreat to recover" power in the lines of Hibernation."

[url=] Save the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from Extinction![/url]

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Because in my mind,

Because in my mind, "hibernating" is synonymous with logging out ... not with a 20-30 second pause mid-battle in which your character suddenly phases out of normal existence so nothing hits them (despite the fact that "Hibernate" is what Ice Armor had as its Tier 9 power which did exactly that).

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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Hi,all. I'd also like to see

Hi,all. I'd also like to see powered-suits ingame. A lot of roll play games have suits with the basic powers(abilities). Flight packs boots, back- shoulder mounted weapons like rockets,mini guns,gatlings,canons. Then there's weapons mounted to or in the forearms of suits. These can be anything from small caliber pistol types to rifle calibers like 60mm an 50's. You also got your special weapons from neddlers to lasers. And the heads up displays you can have night vision to thermal.

NOVA--UP>Big Booommm Time!!
Heros>Green-Guard, Radint, Kale-hoge, Yuna-Kzin, Kale-Kzin, Kale-Shade, Ksuo, Blazing Atomic Bug, Inferno-Charge, Power Armored Gal,Cyber Stone, Sonic-Rat, Arctic Stone.Villains> Drone Master-Neon, Over-Grown, Sonic Rat

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 02/13/2014 - 16:11
Shape shifting into different

Shape shifting into different kinds of animals would be fun to have as a power espetily if you could use the abilities of that animal

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Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/10/2014 - 22:20
One power I liked in COX was

One power I liked in COX was plant controller. I had a villain Over- Grown that looked like a big mess of salad greens. I liked that you could make vines pop-up around bad guys to trap and damage them. The thing I like to see with COT is that more of plant abilities come from the character itself. Like to see vines that come out from the arms for ranged attacks, gripping,whipping. Attracts from the legs, root spikes, root holds. Also plant summon ability from surrounding plants and trees(minions).

NOVA--UP>Big Booommm Time!!
Heros>Green-Guard, Radint, Kale-hoge, Yuna-Kzin, Kale-Kzin, Kale-Shade, Ksuo, Blazing Atomic Bug, Inferno-Charge, Power Armored Gal,Cyber Stone, Sonic-Rat, Arctic Stone.Villains> Drone Master-Neon, Over-Grown, Sonic Rat

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Joined: 12/26/2013 - 09:54
Green_Guard707 wrote:
Green_Guard707 wrote:

One power I liked in COX was plant controller. I had a villain Over- Grown that looked like a big mess of salad greens. I liked that you could make vines pop-up around bad guys to trap and damage them. The thing I like to see with COT is that more of plant abilities come from the character itself. Like to see vines that come out from the arms for ranged attacks, gripping,whipping. Attracts from the legs, root spikes, root holds. Also plant summon ability from surrounding plants and trees(minions).

a very good idea, i would only like to add to it. maybe have all the powers have the option to pick if you wanted it to come from your toon or from the ground or even from the sky depending on the "theme" of toon you have (ie. caster would make lightning rain from the sky... but a electric mutant might shoot said lighting out of his hands)


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Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 03/06/2014 - 16:15
Oh I Love your idea about

Oh I Love your idea about shape shifting, It should be included most definitely in COT.

Through power, I gain Victory

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Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
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Yes I agree the Dual Wield

Yes I agree the Dual Wield set allowed you to switch between different types of ammo why not do the same for Power Armor upgrades. Missiles for large AOE attack, gatlings guns for High DOT, various beam attachments heat, cold, concussive. These would all be available in different damage points as you level or you can mix and match.

Through power, I gain Victory

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I would like to see a

I would like to see a Supernatural MM Power set.
One that would have

(3) Ghost as your lower tier minions (freezing touch that slows the enemy down and does damage as well high defense to compensate for the low number of attacks and for an upgrade possession that may look like confusion or maybe looks like domination causing damage over time)

(2)Werewolves as your mid tier minions (Fang and Claw attacks for close in then for upgrade self heal and Lung for range attacks) and

(1)Vampire as your Top top tier minion (Super Strength and confuse for the vamp mesmerize effect in the upgrade you get life drain from blood sucking and as a Older Vampire ignite your enemies with fire)-check Ann Rice not the glittering one from twilight…hehe

Through power, I gain Victory

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Id like to see an Elemental

Id like to see an Elemental Powerset but with all the four combined. Earth, Fire, Water, Air I think that would be freaking awesome and gives you a wide range of possible effects and damage potentials. I'm talking about, Last Airbender Avatar on Steroids!

Through power, I gain Victory

Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
Joined: 03/13/2014 - 10:21
This might not be the biggest

This might not be the biggest of ideas but it would be neat if there were a couple of vanity powers for each set. Something you could toggle/play with while just hanging out waiting for a mission to start. Nothing crazy but for example, a toon that has super strength, maybe they could pick up a rock and crush it into dust, or a weather controller could conjure up a small twister. It might be asking a lot, but I feel it would give the game the "sprinkles" on an already amazing ice cream cone.

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Absolute_Zero wrote:
Absolute_Zero wrote:

This might not be the biggest of ideas but it would be neat if there were a couple of vanity powers for each set. Something you could toggle/play with while just hanging out waiting for a mission to start. Nothing crazy but for example, a toon that has super strength, maybe they could pick up a rock and crush it into dust, or a weather controller could conjure up a small twister. It might be asking a lot, but I feel it would give the game the "sprinkles" on an already amazing ice cream cone.

SWTOR did this in a couple of different ways. Depending on your race/class, you will have a particular 'social' skill that is a timefiller, and each of the base classes has a different animation for the 'rest' power -- Jedi Knights will kneel and meditate, Consulars stand and meditate, Troopers reload their weapon, Sith Inquisitors pace back and forth like Darth Maul in Ep I while he waited for Qui-Gon, Sith Juggernauts stand and focus rage, Bounty Hunters perform a weapons check, Imperial Agents review a holographic target list, and Smugglers flip a credit coin a couple times before tossing it in the air and shooting it (here I am tucked over in this corner to avoid any mobs noticing me while I rest up, and I'm [i]shooting[/i] at things). It does add flavor to the game, and I think having powerset-based 'idle' actions would add some additional individual variation to characters, particularly if these non-combat animations had some of the same degree of customization as the combat powers.

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srmalloy wrote:
srmalloy wrote:

Absolute_Zero wrote:
This might not be the biggest of ideas but it would be neat if there were a couple of vanity powers for each set. Something you could toggle/play with while just hanging out waiting for a mission to start. Nothing crazy but for example, a toon that has super strength, maybe they could pick up a rock and crush it into dust, or a weather controller could conjure up a small twister. It might be asking a lot, but I feel it would give the game the "sprinkles" on an already amazing ice cream cone.
SWTOR did this in a couple of different ways. Depending on your race/class, you will have a particular 'social' skill that is a timefiller, and each of the base classes has a different animation for the 'rest' power -- Jedi Knights will kneel and meditate, Consulars stand and meditate, Troopers reload their weapon, Sith Inquisitors pace back and forth like Darth Maul in Ep I while he waited for Qui-Gon, Sith Juggernauts stand and focus rage, Bounty Hunters perform a weapons check, Imperial Agents review a holographic target list, and Smugglers flip a credit coin a couple times before tossing it in the air and shooting it (here I am tucked over in this corner to avoid any mobs noticing me while I rest up, and I'm shooting at things). It does add flavor to the game, and I think having powerset-based 'idle' actions would add some additional individual variation to characters, particularly if these non-combat animations had some of the same degree of customization as the combat powers.

Seems like they could do this by just giving us a bunch of generic "emotes that look like powers" and then just let people choose whichever ones they liked and use them whenever they wanted to. No need to make these "powers" in the traditional sense. Players could then decide which emotes are appropriate to their given character concepts without the Devs arbitrarily limiting them by locking them to any specific Origin, AT or powerset.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Star Trek Online does

Star Trek Online does effectively the same thing through use of Stances that you can pick in the Costume Editor. That way, it isn't something tied to your powerset choices or skill choices or origin or whatever. The Stances only activate/animate while your character is standing idle.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
Joined: 03/13/2014 - 10:21
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

srmalloy wrote:
Absolute_Zero wrote:
This might not be the biggest of ideas but it would be neat if there were a couple of vanity powers for each set. Something you could toggle/play with while just hanging out waiting for a mission to start. Nothing crazy but for example, a toon that has super strength, maybe they could pick up a rock and crush it into dust, or a weather controller could conjure up a small twister. It might be asking a lot, but I feel it would give the game the "sprinkles" on an already amazing ice cream cone.

SWTOR did this in a couple of different ways. Depending on your race/class, you will have a particular 'social' skill that is a timefiller, and each of the base classes has a different animation for the 'rest' power -- Jedi Knights will kneel and meditate, Consulars stand and meditate, Troopers reload their weapon, Sith Inquisitors pace back and forth like Darth Maul in Ep I while he waited for Qui-Gon, Sith Juggernauts stand and focus rage, Bounty Hunters perform a weapons check, Imperial Agents review a holographic target list, and Smugglers flip a credit coin a couple times before tossing it in the air and shooting it (here I am tucked over in this corner to avoid any mobs noticing me while I rest up, and I'm shooting at things). It does add flavor to the game, and I think having powerset-based 'idle' actions would add some additional individual variation to characters, particularly if these non-combat animations had some of the same degree of customization as the combat powers.

Seems like they could do this by just giving us a bunch of generic "emotes that look like powers" and then just let people choose whichever ones they liked and use them whenever they wanted to. No need to make these "powers" in the traditional sense. Players could then decide which emotes are appropriate to their given character concepts without the Devs arbitrarily limiting them by locking them to any specific Origin, AT or powerset.

I mean this could work and it might even be easier than what I suggested, but, I dunno, I always tried to make things that seemed "right" for my character and it would bother me (more than it rightfully should XD) to see some mind control type toon pick up a rock and crush it into dust lol.

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Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Absolute_Zero wrote:
Absolute_Zero wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Seems like they could do this by just giving us a bunch of generic "emotes that look like powers" and then just let people choose whichever ones they liked and use them whenever they wanted to. No need to make these "powers" in the traditional sense. Players could then decide which emotes are appropriate to their given character concepts without the Devs arbitrarily limiting them by locking them to any specific Origin, AT or powerset.

I mean this could work and it might even be easier than what I suggested, but, I dunno, I always tried to make things that seemed "right" for my character and it would bother me (more than it rightfully should XD) to see some mind control type toon pick up a rock and crush it into dust lol.

Depends on the specific visuals. A mind-control type character with an idle action that picks up a rock telekinetically to float in front of the character, spinning or turning over slowly for a couple seconds, then a flare of power envelops the rock as it is crushed into dust, dribbling away in a trail of powder would be much more likely to be appropriate for the character.
