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RP Lore Cheat Sheet

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Steamtank's picture
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RP Lore Cheat Sheet

Hello! Well personally I was getting tired of sifting through posts and interviews all over the place to remind myself about what I know, what is near what, and what happened when... so i present.....

RP Lore Cheat Sheet V 0.5

This is a living document. I will update it as more lore comes it. It is not EVERYTHING about every faction and district, just a cheat sheet so our basics all line up.

Please let me reserve 6 slots after this OP. After that... start correcting me ^_^ I will update often... and hopefully with better spelling and grammar. ((once editing works of course))

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Designing your character? Check out Kickstarter update #85


48 factions set for launch: update #86 5+ named NPC’s per faction usually

Aether Pirates- 5 known factions. Primarily concerned with loot acquisition through robbery or hijacking.
Steampunk inspired. Flying airships, jetpacks, small flying crafts, robotic ‘swab-bots’, cyborg ‘boiler-borgs’,

Agents of Revolution- Blow stuff up

Apkallu- Evil faction update #69

Arcane Sentinel- (Good faction update #69) The secret world as a faction.. 3 factional beliefs, protecting people from "evil" magics... with "good" magics. In the magic world they are the light that fights the demons (according to them)

Barons- #91 (Villains) Ironport based, use Necromancy, led by bokor?

CAP- Good faction update #69

Edentech- Hazard Environment Action Response Team (HEART) are potential NPC’s. Lots of scientists. Going green with biotech. Caused(ing) many science experiments gone wrong. Proclaiming making a better cleaner future.

ePunk Radicals- cybernetically enhanced hackers

Fishmen- Anywhere ocean meets city

Five Dragons- Ironport. Asian-Americans. At war with The Black Rose., Centered in Lotus Hills, Use Magic, Lady White

IFRIT- International Fire Response/Ignition Team, a group of pyro inclined mercenaries. Hired to protect the steel mills in Ironport. Hates ‘The Black Rose’. They burn stuff, sometimes more than they should. Plasma rifles and flamethrowers, military inspired leaders. They claim dominion over a South American country, the Free People’s Democratic Republic of Surguery.

Infernians- (villains) Update #83

Motorheads- Simple Ai swarms that tear apart things containing metal (mostly cars) in order to produce more of themselves. Robotic cockroaches.

PIT - (heroes??) worked with National Guard to raid tannerwork megafactory

Pyrebrands- Chaser addicts centered in Ironport

Regency-Update #67 Mages, don’t like interruption

Rooks- #87, Small time crooks

Savant Society-

Scorpion- #87, (Villain)

Tarot- Villain group for hire. Attacks heroes, robs banks

The Black Rose- Ironport, At war with IFRIT and Five Dragons. Most likey a Chaser drug cartel. Operate on the black market. Italian mob inspired. Dressed in suits, strict code of honor. Use weapons designed to fight supers. Cybernetic enhancements on enforcers. Fund illicit scientific research. Father Omerta

TCPD- Titan City Police Department, the boys in blue.

The Kights of the Hourglass- time travel?

The Unforgiven- #87 creepy, drown ppl on land, suck them through mirrors

Mole People- (cabbie info)

Ninjas with a green glow: some sort of gang?

Homeless in Rhinehart Park – dust and dreams and unicorns, could be dangerous

Weird Sisters- Rapscallion faction issue #69

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02

"American Star" James Duncan- (Hero)
First hero of Titan City. He was killed protecting the city from a massive hurricane. His protege was Anthem. Used a magic sword +arm armor. He dated back to 1887. Native of Bradford

Arbalest- #91
Contract killer, uses tech and a crossbow

Arcanist Duncan- (Hero?)
Arcane Sentinel Scholar of Ideology

Antares- (Villain)
Leader of XII Unknown if the villain is shelved as well as the faction

"Anthem" Harriet E. Ross- (Hero)
A ‘leading lady’ hero. African American Sword user, 1 magically armored arm. May or may not also possess a breastplate (some art shows with, some without)

Monster themed super band, always causes problems

Baldassarre Montalcini "Red, The Butcher"-
The Black Rose Enforcer leader. Cybernetic brawler. Arms legs and spine

Aether Pirate faction leader (revolutionary)

Captain Barbarous-
Aether Pirate faction leader

Captain James Edward Learner- (Villain)
founder of learners cove

Cabbie- Good source of information

Celerity- ????? update #75

Chief Gherrenfur-
TCPD Lycan, grey wolf like appearance

Courser- #81 (Villain) might exist… centaur like

Commissioner Zheng- TCPD Commissioner

Cumulus Rex- (Villain)
Created the catastrophe of Storm Atlas Also referred to as Morpheus Rex

Debbra Alexandra- #84, Reporter

Deputy Chief Gherrenfur-

Dr. Alegra , Dr. Torch-(Merc)
Leads IFRIT in Ironport. Flamethrower weaponry

Dr. Robert Graachs-
Chief of Research and Development: EdenTech. Started career in the 50’s. giant monster maker.

Dr. Tyche- (Villain)

Edith Buck, "The Sorceress,"- (Hero?)
Arcane Sentinel Founding mother of Warfare.

Elizabeth Rachael Laliekuleila Harris-
COO: EdenTech

Father Omerta- The Black Rose Higher up

Frank- He fishes

Golden Tragopan- (hero)

Hexbane- (Villain) update #33,#59
Genteel and honorable, collects cursed objects, rich

Jacques Blanc, "The Scholar," - (Hero)
Arcane Sentinel Founding father of Education.

Kathleen Aurelia- #87, TCPD first year recruit

La Cisna-
Aether Pirate faction leader (wily thief)

Lady White- Five Dragons higher up

Lenny Alvarez- TCPD officer

Madog ap Rhys-
Head of Corporate Security: EdenTech. Druid from the past somehow alive now.

Villain seen in early game Update #72

Miss Yu- Five Dragons, assistant to lady White

Mr. Castilucci- Veteran Member of the Black Rose

Mr.Johannesen, Thermight- (Merc)
Upper level member of IFRIT. Titanium body.

Officer Cogburn – TCPD

“Opal” Palinski- Hostess of the Opal Room, mutant with ‘luck’ powers

Old Ben- #84, Clarkstown resident

Oswald “Titan” Lawrence-
first coined 'city of titans' historically important to the formation of titan city

Particle- ???? update #75

Professor Assan-
Teaches at Ephesus University

Professor Federico Semezin “Professor Headrush"-
The Balck Rose, drug manufacturing lead. mutant, reptile appearance

Rottweiler- (Hero)
Lots of muscles, Creepy batman-like mask, looks like a brawler.

Ser Morgan-
Aether Pirate faction leader

Shannon Wharton-
CEO: Wharton Steel. Contracted IFRIT.

Sigfreid Rhinehart-
Had a magic rock, it brought him luck. Had lots of money

Stephen Workham-
CEO: EdenTech.

Suleiman Hatar, "The Lorekeeper,"- (Hero?)
Arcane Sentinels Founding father of Secrets

The Ratiocinator- (hero)

The Victor- (Villain)

Tygron- (Hero?)
Tiger like super won case to not have to be a registered super (update #78)

Veil- (Hero) The Obfuscated Woman

Wayang- (Villain)

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02


Steward’s Bay- boarders several zones including: Clarkstown, Victory Beach,

Northeastern Research District- Futuristic, high in science and technologies
Locations include: Progress park, Innovation center, EdenTech BioCampus, Pioneer Point

Daybreak Ridge - located near Aurora on the waterfront. Formerly a Warehouse district turned mom + pop shops
Attractions include: Movie Theater, Restaurants, Shopping center, Music Hall

Downtown- lots of 1920’s-40’s skyscrapers, underground walkways
Locations include: Fitzgerald Square, Orbit (club), The Night Walker, Owl roost (update #74)

Rhinehart park- Update #62 contains a memorial statue garden built after WW2 to honor fallen heroes. Named after Sigfreid Rhinehart
Locations include: Victorian gazebo, Rhinehart estate, Freetown Woods (strange coincidences), South Field (With ampitheatre and Frankies hotdog), North Field (Hedgemaze)

Aurora- (cabbie info) Bicycles galore
Locations include: Liebner & Kurtzburg's

Santiago-Yuri Island- Contains Hardlock super prison

Alexandria- (Northern area)Ultra modern
Locations include: Phoenix Plaza, City Hall, Titan City Museum of History, Ephesus University , Central Library

Victory Beach- (South of Alexandria) Amusement park open 24/7, beach closes after dark
Locations include: Victory Beach amusement park, boardwalk

Stoneham- (Furthest north)

Ironport- (south of Charleston) Working Class. A major industrial area. Dockyards, warehouses, industrial plants.
Locations include: Wharton Steel Mill, Harborside district

Charleston- (north of ironport, first southern district) Smoke filled skies, heavy industry
Locations include: Widow’s Reach, Harborside Playhouse,

Highpoint- (west of ironport) Middle Class. Large Hispanic population. Good nightlife.
Locations include: Carlas Jazz Club, Turell Hill

Clarkstown- (west of Highpoint) Nicer than ironport, not as nice as Highpoint. Lots of homeless. Lots of rundown buildings.
Locations include: Garvison Square Mall, Briggstone neighborhood, Sinclair Ship Works, Port of Clarkstown, CCN Rail Yard, South Titan Coal Refinery, Beenie Weenie restaurant, Cowtown, Southside, Cronos Pizzeria, The Shipyard Public House, The Vault + Vaulted Comics, (Update #84)

Muir Park- ???

Sunken Space City- raid location

Moon- Soon ™

Old Bradford - (north) One of the original settlements, In the southern area near downtown, contains a very active nightlife (update #74) Fat Tony’s, art museum, movie theater, playhouse

???- Safari Jon's – café

??? -Titan Colosseum

Tannerworks Megafactory- ???

Club Virtue- 3 floors of supers getting their dance on (Update #74)

Opal Room- Baddie drinking club, owned by a Polish Family located in Charleston run by Miz Palinski (update #74)

Learner’s Cove- Some sort of island, rumored buried treasure (Update #79)

Liberty Harbor- (MAP!) Update #86

Preszewski Center- TCPD HQ #87

Hercules Bridge???? #87

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02

1706- Clarkstown established
????- St. John’s church built (Tower still stands) in Clarkstown.
????- Sinclair Ship Works established
1887- American Star (The 1st) officially recognized as a super hero
1908- Clarkstown fire + Ironport fire
1908- Titan City founded
1920’s- Carlas Jazz Club opens in Highpoint.
1939-43- The Paragons formed under American Star
1950’s-60’s- Progress park built in Northeastern Research District
1960’s?- Beenie Weenie opens in Clarkstown.
1985- Operation Anvil. DA Amir assassinated after 513 criminal convictions
1990's- Rise of the 'grim and dark' heroes
1998- Hurricane Atlas enhanced by Cumulus Rex (Atlas 33, 33 supers who held against Rex the longest) American Stars death
2000- New city hall finished
2005- Member of the Captains spits fire after ingesting “Chaser”

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Lingo + in game pop culture:

1706- Clarkstown established
????- St. John’s church built (Tower still stands) in Clarkstown.
????- Sinclair Ship Works established
1887- American Star (The 1st) officially recognized as a super hero
1908- Clarkstown fire + Ironport fire
1908- Titan City founded
1920’s- Carlas Jazz Club opens in Highpoint.
1939-43- The Paragons formed under American Star
1950’s-60’s- Progress park built in Northeastern Research District
1960’s?- Beenie Weenie opens in Clarkstown.
1960’s- Textile Mill incident (Update #84)
1985- Operation Anvil. DA Amir assassinated after 513 criminal convictions
1990's- Rise of the 'grim and dark' heroes
1992- Old textile Mill exploded
1998- Hurricane Atlas enhanced by Cumulus Rex (Atlas 33, 33 supers who held against Rex the longest) American Stars death
2000- New city hall finished
2005- Member of the Captains spits fire after ingesting “Chaser”

Lingo + in game pop culture:

‘Chaser’: A popular drug.
Phoenix Burger-chain burger joint
Titan Taco – chain taco joint
Speedmart- general supers shopping
"Atlas 33"- Held the line agaisnt Rex

Captains- (Updated #64) Titan Cities Football team.
Mascot: Captain Corsair
Colors: Blue + Gold
Coach: Alan Capulet
Wenchettes- the cheerleaders

Triton Hockey

Meteors Basketball

Saucers Womans Basketball

Captain Cakes- breakfast cereal

You do NOT have to register as a super to be legal, you do have to register dangerous powers if you plan to use them in public (or within 30 days of having used them) Deadly force is sometimes justified. (update #78)

Monetary Words:
Raellion: One Million.
Stars: Our version of Cash Shop Credits.
Ingenuity: How much credit you have with the world. Yeah, well, we wanted something that started with INF but nothing sang to us. We’re up to changing it if someone gets a good idea.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Reserved... for stuff ((last

Things that do not exist: (Either outdated info still online, or dev posts about stuff we WONT find in CoT)

XII- (CURRENTLY SHELVED) Coalition of Villainy led by Antares. This is a loose coalition of twelve different organizations.

Anarchy Red- (CURRENTLY SHELVED)Similarity issues… blows stuff up

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

RottenLuck's picture
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Looks good. Note I just

Looks good. Note I just posting here so it be on my posted thread for easy find!

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
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RottenLuck wrote:
RottenLuck wrote:

Looks good. Note I just posting here so it be on my posted thread for easy find!


[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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man, I wish we had more info.

man, I wish we had more info.... this is crazily spotty, but Great work so far, Steam.

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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ideas where this new faction

ideas where this new faction fits in?

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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I'd assume they're the

I'd assume they're the prototypical Paladins of good and law and yadda yadda..

Boring curs that limit our freedom of magical use. BURN THEM ALL!

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Amerikatt's picture
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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

I'd assume they're the prototypical Paladins of good and law and yadda yadda..
Boring curs that limit our freedom of magical use. BURN THEM ALL!

Don't dis the Paladins of Good or I'll sic Vork, Zaboo, and Bladezz on you, Naughty Spawn!

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

GhostHack's picture
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actually, they seem a bit

actually, they seem a bit more secretive, then that.....
Either they're like the Wizard Council (dresden), or something like the Midnight Squad.....

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Steamtank's picture
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GhostHack wrote:
GhostHack wrote:

ideas where this new faction fits in?

Updated... I read it very The Secret World .. where they view themselves as the good guys fighting the evils of the magic world.

11/2 updates include:
American Stars real name
Anthems real name
Time line updates
Location updates
Faction update

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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Query: Steam, any chance you

Query: Steam, any chance you could footnote or cite sources (as much as is useful) in your cheet-sheet posts? I sometimes feel like I missed some really obvious post somewhere, that explains things (like, is there a map out somewhere, or is this all just pieced together from a multitude of blog blurbs?)

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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GhostHack wrote:
GhostHack wrote:

Query: Steam, any chance you could footnote or cite sources (as much as is useful) in your cheet-sheet posts? I sometimes feel like I missed some really obvious post somewhere, that explains things (like, is there a map out somewhere, or is this all just pieced together from a multitude of blog blurbs?)

I think the info will be moved at some point from the kickstarter to the main site... thats when i will be linking everything found.

There is no map yet... I have pieced together the locations of things based on their described locations..

I will be doing up a basic 'map' that will be wildly inaccurate... but at least show the locations in relation to each other.

i have been at educational conferences for the past 3 days so my brain has been a bit fried.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Steamtank's picture
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The Black Rose description + noted NPC's

Where the Library is lcoated

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Xselcier's picture
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Steamtank wrote:
Steamtank wrote:

American Star- (Hero) the second to bear the name. She took up her mentor's mantle after he was killed protecting the city from a massive hurricane
Antares- (Villain) Leader of XII
Anthem- (Hero) A ‘leading lady’ hero. African American Sword user, 1 bionic arm.

Steam, I don't think there is a second American Star.

In the last paragraph of Update 42, Anthem's origin is touched on briefly:


American Star’s former protege, Harriet E. Ross, took up his sword and carried on his mantle as the heroine Anthem.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Xselcier wrote:
Xselcier wrote:

Steamtank wrote:
American Star- (Hero) the second to bear the name. She took up her mentor's mantle after he was killed protecting the city from a massive hurricane
Antares- (Villain) Leader of XII
Anthem- (Hero) A ‘leading lady’ hero. African American Sword user, 1 bionic arm.
Steam, I don't think there is a second American Star.
In the last paragraph of Update 42, Anthem's origin is touched on briefly:
American Star’s former protege, Harriet E. Ross, took up his sword and carried on his mantle as the heroine Anthem.


all my edits were reverted back.....
Anthem IS the second american star... but i had edited that to be the 1st to show the most up to date accurate info.

im going to post later tonight with ALL of my previous edits in a new post. Q_Q I really hope they fix the forums soon.... that was a lot of info that just vaporized.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Xselcier's picture
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I know. I've taken to copying

I know. I've taken to copying all my posts and putting them in Word until I'm sure that the edit is going to take.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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*Sigh* so all of my edits

*Sigh* so all of my edits were deleted due to whatever forum bug that hates me.
Edits that will be implemented:

Speedmart- general supers shopping
"Atlas 33"- Held the line agaisnt Rex

???- Safari Jon's - cafe

Ironport:- locations include Wharton Steel

Old Bradford - One of the original settlements. In the southern area near Downtown

Alexandria: locations include Ephesus University, The Central Library

Tannerworks Megafactory- ???

Oswald “Titan” Lawrence- first coined 'city of titans' hostirically important to the formation of titan city

Baldassarre Montalcini “Red, the Butcher.”- Head enforcer of The Black Rose. cybernetic arms legs and spine. Brawler type.

Professor Federico Semezin “Professor Headrush”- Lead drug producer of The Black Rose. mutant, reptile appearance

Jacques Blanc, "The Scholar,"- Founding member of Arcane Sentinels

Suleiman Hatar, "The Lorekeeper,"- Founding member of Arcane Sentinels

Edith Buck, "The Sorceress,"- Founding member of Arcane Sentinels

Professor Assan- Teaches at Ephesus University

James Duncan- 1st American Star. Magic sword +arm armor. 1887. Native of Bradford

Anthem- real name Harriet E. Ross

The Ratiocinator, -Hero
Golden Tragopan, -hero
Veil, the Obfuscated Woman -hero

The Black Rose- Italian Mob styled group. Uses cybernetic implants (enforcers) and/or black market weapons designed to fight supers. Strict code of honor. Very mafioso look. Corner the market in designer drugs.

Arcane Sentinel- Very 'The Secret World" vibe. Seek to control the dark arts in the name of good and light. 3 factions with slightly different goals.Scholars- educate and use with care. Lorekeepers- lock away dangerous magic for the greater good. Sorcerers(esses)- wield magic with its full might to fight the wicked. (The sword, book, padlock)

PIT - (heroes??) worked with National Guard to raid tannerwork megafactory

Agents of Revolution- Blow stuff up

1908 - 2 fires. 1 Started in ironport, the other Sinclair Shipworks
1908- formation of Titan City
Post WW2- formation of "The paragons" under American Star
1960's- New city hall
1985- Operation Anvil 513 convictions by DA Amir (who would be assassinated)
1990's- rise of the 'dark heroes' grittier, less golden age
1998- Hurricane Atlas, natural event superpowered by Cumulus Rex. "Atlas 33", death of American Star
2000- reconstruction of city hall finished

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

4colorguy's picture
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Watching this with great glee

Watching this with great glee. Lore was one of my favourite things in CoH, i tried to have all my characters fit into the established world there.

P.S. Is there any way to "favourite" or "star" a thread?

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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once you've commented, you

once you've commented, you can find it in the list of threads you've commented on... ;P

(see what's new>my recent content OR my Account > Track)

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Warpdrive's picture
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Really like all the lore here

Really like all the lore here! Nice work on collecting it all!

Wormholes are just silly. One moment you're here. The next you're stunned and over there. Ha. Gravity is silly.

Ozmosis's picture
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Steam, if you can send me a

Wow, very good job on this thread! We didn't expect people to be paying so close attention! Makes us feel like we're doing a good job! :D

Steam, if you can send me a PM, I have a few questions regarding the info here. There is a fair amount of the information listed here that is either inaccurate, or has changed significantly, although I cannot elaborate as too much of it is still in flux.
I would love to know how you obtained some of this information, as I have some questions in that regard.
We do appreciate everyone's enthusiasm so far, but we want to be sure that you have it right whenever possible. :)
Thank you in advance.

[color=#00FFBF][i][b]You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am.[/b][/i][/color]

[color=#ff0000]Staff Writer, Composition Team[/color]


kitsune9tails's picture
Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
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Steamtank, keep up the good

Steamtank, keep up the good work! This will be a useful resource for us to help monitor the image of how the City is coming together in the eyes of our RPers. We'll try to keep you all from veering too far off course, but of course we will allow you a few misconceptions to avoid spoilers. See you all in Titan City!


[color=#ff0000]Composition Assistant Director, Composition Team[/color]


Foradain's picture
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Thanks, Steamtank! (flagging

Thanks, Steamtank! (flagging for later, frequent, use)

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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RottenLuck's picture
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Wonder what info that shouldn

Wonder what info that shouldn't have been leaked.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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I seem to recall seeing all

I seem to recall seeing all of that info in the Kickstarter updates.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Xselcier wrote:
Xselcier wrote:

I seem to recall seeing all of that info in the Kickstarter updates.

That's pretty much where all of the info that we've heard has come from, to the best of my knowledge.

Gladatoria's picture
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*Peeks from the safety of the

*Peeks from the safety of the forums* There expecting us...but for what purpose?


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message sent ^_^

message sent ^_^

it almost makes me want to just start making stuff up so they have to clear the air... almost =P

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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RottenLuck's picture
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They can't handle the power

They can't handle the power of your search fu Steamtank! If it's out there you find it Mah ha ha ha.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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mostly its me rereading for

mostly its me rereading for odd word choices. Listening to podcast interviews. Comparing newer released info against older released info. Nothing all that fantastic.

i mostly am building this so that I dont have to bookmark 1235134523 sources when figuring out lore to rp into =P

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Message received, thank you!

Message received, thank you!

I will be looking into some information/sources, and will get back to you ASAP.

[color=#00FFBF][i][b]You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am.[/b][/i][/color]

[color=#ff0000]Staff Writer, Composition Team[/color]


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Ah... this reminds me of the

Ah... this reminds me of the days I used to read the CoH forums and scrutinize everything, trying to get every possible piece of info! It's so weird being on the opposite side of the fence now! LOL

Just wanted to say the composition team believes you're doing a great job, and a great service to all the other "loreheads" out there! We encourage you to keep up the good work, and suggest that in the future you post a link to the source material. This way we can contribute by either confirming or denying said sources.

Now, as I'm sure you can guess, I'm not in a position to give out too much information, but I can, however, explain information that has previously been made public.

-Anarchy Red has been placed in stasis for now, as it was deemed too similar to Agents of Revolution.
-The Xll are gone for the foreseeable future.

Also, please note that a lot of the Lore has changed in the few months prior to the Kickstarter, as we needed to review it for continuity reasons.

I hope this helps to clarify things a bit.

See you all on the front lines!

[color=#00FFBF][i][b]You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am.[/b][/i][/color]

[color=#ff0000]Staff Writer, Composition Team[/color]


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once editing works properly I

once editing works properly I will change the info.

I didnt want to link until the info was moved from the kickstarter site to a more permanent home. Unless it's not being moved over to CoT?

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Von Krieger
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I vaguely recall some mention

I vaguely recall some mention of a take-off faciton of CoH's trolls, called the Unicorns. Though I don't remember if that was something in official lore, or just some wacky hijinx in the KS comments about a take off of CoH's Trolls.

[color=green]BIZZARO MEDIA FOLLOWER[/color]


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A comment on update #33

A comment on update #[i][/i]33 implies the existence of a time-travelling faction called "The Knights of the Hourglass". Not sure if that's solid enough info to be worth including in the main list - and just a faction name doesn't help with RP much - but hey, it's something, right?

(post edited to remove erroneous auto-links)

Phoenix Rising Token Minidragon

Steamtank's picture
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good catch... i will add it

good catch... i will add it once we are informed edits will work for the long term... not all willy nilly like they do right now.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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umbralwarrior's picture
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SteamTank, thank you for this

SteamTank, thank you for this. I've put a link to this in our SG forum for those of us who intent writing in the CoT universe, this will be very helpful...

We all have it in us to be a hero to someone,
Super powers are optional.....

Part of the Phoenix Rising Initiative.....

Proud to be a hero. Prouder still to be a member of [url=]Watchfire[/url]

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Wyvern wrote:
Wyvern wrote:

A comment on update #33 implies the existence of a time-travelling faction called "The Knights of the Hourglass". Not sure if that's solid enough info to be worth including in the main list - and just a faction name doesn't help with RP much - but hey, it's something, right?
(post edited to remove erroneous auto-links)

What do we want? TIME TRAVEL!
When do we want? THAT'S IRRELEVANT!

Please note however, that hints included in comments may not be as solide as actual updates. Furthermore... the mention of Hexbane in update #33 was missed? tsk tsk! :p

[color=#00FFBF][i][b]You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am.[/b][/i][/color]

[color=#ff0000]Staff Writer, Composition Team[/color]


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*pssst!* (more lore info)

[color=#00FFBF][i][b]You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am.[/b][/i][/color]

[color=#ff0000]Staff Writer, Composition Team[/color]


Steamtank's picture
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edits are still not confirmed

edits are still not confirmed as 'working' in the long term.

still waiting on the major forum update before i can make my OP's nice and clean and up to date.

yay for new links!

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Ozmosis's picture
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No problem, helping out

No problem, helping out however I can.

Feel free to comment/ask... no garantee I can say anything, but if I can I will :)

Also, if you request for specifics from Lore... i can mention it in a meeting. No garantee anything will come out of it, but if we see enough interest for a specific subject, we may try to steer in that direction. You know, pleasing the customers and all that jazz :P

[color=#00FFBF][i][b]You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am.[/b][/i][/color]

[color=#ff0000]Staff Writer, Composition Team[/color]


Brand X
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Do we really need a store

Do we really need a store that caters to supers? :/

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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Not specifically "lore" but a

Not specifically "lore" but a brief or general physical map of the area around the bay would be nice

teasers about each city zone's "theme" would be super awesome (like, the location themes we've heard about so far, a teaser might be something like "world of tomorrow" .... not really specific, but something that gives roleplayers a bit of "flavor" to peak their imaginations) though probably not likely....

also, just a random question for locals/teen heroes.... is there JUST a "Titan City High" or will we be seeing Clarkstown, Alexandria, Highpoint, Ironport, whatever all have a mix of industry, residential, and public service? (i.e. is the team making an effort to make each section of Titan City into a fully realized Burroughs, or will it be more just "theme parky")

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Ozmosis's picture
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*DISCLAIMER: Please note

*DISCLAIMER: Please note everything seen here is subject to change before the games launch, and may or may not be included.*

Brand X: "Do we really need a store that caters to supers? :/ "

Maybe it'd be less 'catering' and more 'where people are used enough to supers that you won't get weird looks from the cashiers'. ;)

Furthermore, in a city so heavily populated by super beings, it is only natural some Entrepeneurs make their business, either modeled after or aimed towards, super powered beings.

GhostHack: I am awaiting confirmation from some higher ups on what exactly I'm allowed to say regarding those questions. Your comments have been noted for further releases.

[color=#00FFBF][i][b]You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am.[/b][/i][/color]

[color=#ff0000]Staff Writer, Composition Team[/color]


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sweet :D

sweet :D

also, who wants toffee?

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Lord Nightmare
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Well, if Villain-Mart doesn't

Well, if Villain-Mart doesn't ever happen (Remember Folks, when your lair's acid pit is running low get 30 barrels for only 199.95! Need spare parts for that shrink ray? Villain-Mart has you covered with a buy-one-get-one-free Ray Repair Kit. Villain-Mart, your one stop shop for that diabolical need.) then I'd really like to see something like the Black Market.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Brand X
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Ozmosis wrote:
Ozmosis wrote:

*DISCLAIMER: Please note everything seen here is subject to change before the games launch, and may or may not be included.*
Brand X: "Do we really need a store that caters to supers? :/ "
Maybe it'd be less 'catering' and more 'where people are used enough to supers that you won't get weird looks from the cashiers'. ;)
Furthermore, in a city so heavily populated by super beings, it is only natural some Entrepeneurs make their business, either modeled after or aimed towards, super powered beings.
GhostHack: I am awaiting confirmation from some higher ups on what exactly I'm allowed to say regarding those questions. Your comments have been noted for further releases.

I don't know. People are used to supers in the marvel and dc universes and we don't see a store dedicated to heroes and villains shopping needs.

Kartanian's picture
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It's also not an MMORPG in

It's also not an MMORPG in the comic books themselves, so it's unnecessary there. Game mechanics being what they are, we may need something.

Please, please let it not be a gear-focused game design! CoX did it so well, avoiding the massive gear grind almost every other MMO requires. :P

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

GhostHack's picture
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I almost wish there was a

I almost wish there was a 'gear class'.... or a set of them.... Gadgeteers, inventors and the like... people who's abilities allowed them to create......stuff they can wear or use.

i Have no idea how it could ever function alongside the cox style (where would you 'wear' the stuff you create?) but i love the idea that you would be able to 'play the way you wanted'
if you wanted to craft, you could craft, if you wanted to 'gear up', you could, if you wanted to ignore all that stuff, you could do that too.....

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Ozmosis's picture
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*DISCLAIMER: Please note

*DISCLAIMER: Please note everything seen here is subject to change before the games launch, and may or may not be included.*

GhostHack: "just a random question for locals/teen heroes.... is there JUST a "Titan City High" or will we be seeing Clarkstown, Alexandria, Highpoint, Ironport, whatever all have a mix of industry, residential, and public service? (i.e. is the team making an effort to make each section of Titan City into a fully realized Burroughs, or will it be more just "theme parky")"

I have been authorized to answer this question, though it will be pretty vague. It's the best I can do under the circumstances.

Answer: Yes and No. Most of the Districts/Neighborhoods/Locations were made to be self-sufficient, therefore will have most of the basic amenities (police, fire station, stores, etc.). However, most Districts/Neighborhoods/Locations will also have very specific themes to make them stand out from each other, in order to give the player a lot of variety, as well as incentive to explore different areas.

Hope this helps.

[color=#00FFBF][i][b]You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am.[/b][/i][/color]

[color=#ff0000]Staff Writer, Composition Team[/color]


GhostHack's picture
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A little, yes... still not

A little, yes... still not sure (from an rp perspective) if I should be considering clarkstown the Brooklyn to Alexandria's Manhattan..... or more like harlem to alexandria's Midtown

(that is, i cant quite tell if we're talking about buroughs (in the new york city sense of defined 'municipal corporation'within the consolidated city) or just 'parts of town' (like 'downtown', 'eastside', and the like)
i've always kind of assumed the former (smaller individual townships that consolidated into a single mega-city over time) but from a lore perspective, it might not be accurate.
and while i'm sure many roleplayers we'll just generalize and say TC High..... for me, it always kind of griped at me in COX that ther was no sense of a 'kings row community college' or 'talos island prep', no sense that the zones in the city were actually places where people lived and worked...

not to mention... cities like new york, san francisco, chicago, and la often have multiple sports teams and cross-town rivalries....

due to war-walls, it often felt like cox zones didn't even consider anything outside their zones as 'existing'... everything was a microcosm (hence, the theme park 'lands' effect)
and while i understand (and deeply desire) that each area of the city will have its own themes and aesthetics... as a lore junky and RPer (and storyteller above all).... i'm always curious what the varsity brackets last year looked like, why kids from alexandria cross the bridge to cause trouble with the highpointers or if there's a north bay/south bay sports team husbands take their wives into downtown or alexandria for date night? Who's got the best pizza (preeety sure it's clarkstown, just sayin')

....not just what is a neighborhood's 'theme' but how do people live there, and how do they feel about their neighborhood, and the other neighborhoods

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Brand X
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Kartanian wrote:
Kartanian wrote:

It's also not an MMORPG in the comic books themselves, so it's unnecessary there. Game mechanics being what they are, we may need something.
Please, please let it not be a gear-focused game design! CoX did it so well, avoiding the massive gear grind almost every other MMO requires. :P

It's not necessary in an MMO either, click a key and up pops a costume creator screen. Click a key and up pops a Auction House Screen.

Brand X
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GhostHack wrote:
GhostHack wrote:

A little, yes... still not sure (from an rp perspective) if I should be considering clarkstown the Brooklyn to Alexandria's Manhattan..... or more like harlem to alexandria's Midtown
(that is, i cant quite tell if we're talking about buroughs (in the new york city sense of defined 'municipal corporation'within the consolidated city) or just 'parts of town' (like 'downtown', 'eastside', and the like)
i've always kind of assumed the former (smaller individual townships that consolidated into a single mega-city over time) but from a lore perspective, it might not be accurate.
and while i'm sure many roleplayers we'll just generalize and say TC High..... for me, it always kind of griped at me in COX that ther was no sense of a 'kings row community college' or 'talos island prep', no sense that the zones in the city were actually places where people lived and worked...
not to mention... cities like new york, san francisco, chicago, and la often have multiple sports teams and cross-town rivalries....
due to war-walls, it often felt like cox zones didn't even consider anything outside their zones as 'existing'... everything was a microcosm (hence, the theme park 'lands' effect)
and while i understand (and deeply desire) that each area of the city will have its own themes and aesthetics... as a lore junky and RPer (and storyteller above all).... i'm always curious what the varsity brackets last year looked like, why kids from alexandria cross the bridge to cause trouble with the highpointers or if there's a north bay/south bay sports team husbands take their wives into downtown or alexandria for date night? Who's got the best pizza (preeety sure it's clarkstown, just sayin')
....not just what is a neighborhood's 'theme' but how do people live there, and how do they feel about their neighborhood, and the other neighborhoods

Not sure the lore HAS to tell you such things.

I know in CoH, my main was a cheerleader for the Steel Canyon High School Bats and I set up rivalries with Talos and Kings Row.

Kartanian's picture
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If I'm interpreting GhostHack

If I'm interpreting GhostHack's sentiment correctly, it's not that we can't make up stuff ourselves, as Brand X did, but that there are players that don't want to do so, only to be told they are wrong by other players or subsequent content released by the dev team. So, the questions of what is lore and how should we think about these districts comes up as people seek clarity.

Overall, there will be places where "stuff" is written out clearly and plenty of spaces where the stuff is open for players to insert their own interpretations. The real dividing line ends up being the things that are stated, implied, and directly observable in the released game content. As a player, I can say, "Well, there was not really a Talos High School, nor a Steel Canyon High School, either, because there were no buildings with those labels in the game." But, I have to deal with the consequences of that stance when dealing with other players who have current or backstory involving those things, or released content that depends on the existence of those schools that I independently declared to be "non-existent."

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

Kartanian's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

It's not necessary in an MMO either, click a key and up pops a costume creator screen. Click a key and up pops a Auction House Screen.

Actually, that would be awesome. (Like the Cartel Market button in Star Wars: The Old Republic, or the pay market in CoX I suppose.) Thanks for stretching my thinking in that regard. That gives players the option of declaring super-focused businesses if they want them while not imposing them on those that don't find them realistic.

(I would prefer if the button(s) for those things could be hidden or shown in the interface at the player's control, if this were implemented.)

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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it's more an issue of context

it's more an issue of context (like all lore)

see, the thing is, "Lore" is a god-down view of things. "This is the way it is".... it is external. Lore, in the game sense, is cracking open a history book of Titan City... as opposed to going there and making up your own mind.

...does that make sense?
In an MMO, Lore establishes setting. it is exposition. it is the famework on which everything we do is built. In City of Heroes, each zone was functionally independant of every other zone, its lore was independent, and focused around justifying its "theme" (why is place X themed like this? oh, because of this thing that happened in its past or this location which dominates its landscape) the real world, lore defines much more than that.....
Sure, Detroit is "Motor City" because all the car industries are there... but why is New York the "Big Apple"? and is that how someone from the bonx identifies themselves? is someone from Hells Kitchen the same as someone from brooklyn... why or why not?

Cities are integrated systems, and their lore is also integrated. Clarkstown is part of Highpoint, even if it's just "good girls don't go to clarkstown, its full of drug dealers and gangs" and North of the bay is part of south of the bay. People KNOW their city, all of it... and they define their opinions and their world view on the lore they have come to know about their city.

Titans won't be like COX. The city is thriving, it is alive and it is at a level of regularity. Paragon city began in a state of (functionally) martial law, it was in crisis as a whole, and normal people were hoping to just survive until the crisis past.... that is a vastly different dynamic, than what we will see.

And the lore should reflect that. Paragon city was static, it was confined to it's levels of isolation, and as such the lore itself was splintered into individual chunks.
Titan City is alive and moving foward, and should reflect that also.

I used the idea of high school rivalries, or sports team rivalries as a catch all for the interconnections of people and culture. Growing up in my small suburban town in Orange County, I didn't even know really how to get to the cities with names people knew (Like Newport, or Huntington Beach or Anaheim) but I KNEW them, I had opinions about those places, and about the people IN those places... my schools had local rivals, and city rivals, and national rivals. The Angels and the Dodgers had their freeway series each season...
It is the nature of a thriving (urban) city life.

And while I go large, I can also go small... My neighborhood backed up against the "bad" part of our small town... while my couple of streets were nice, if you stepped over to the other side of the street, everything just seemed a little darker, a little more threatening. people who had tattoos or dropped out of school lived there, I knew. it was too close to the city park, where people got stabbed or raped or something at least once a years (yeah, I grew up in a pretty low key city :P)

Lore is exposition, it is the framework, the foundation of the world you build everything else on. It is the thing that defines how furniture characters react in their world, how they view themselves and others, and ultimately, how the world itself feels.
How would spiderman feel, if the people on the street didn't act like newyorkers? And how ingrained into the lore of America is the sound of a new york city accent, and the attitude that goes with it?
THAT is "lore"

I'm not so much concerned with feeling like the stories or characters I create will be "wrong" according to the established lore.
I want to know if the lore of this game will be more than just a collection of facts that justify the villains and zone themes..... that it will be more than simply a localized stub about place X, without context or integration into the greater world.

....And, for my own part, I want to know HOW the elements of this world ARE Integrated. I want to know if Kids in Alexandria drive down to Clarkstown to score weed and then race home....
Or if the North bay is styled after Metropolis, and the South is Gotham-esque...

where do the lines intersect, where do they never meet? We don't have war walls, here, there is no physical barrier between these parts of the city and PEOPLE live here, not just heroes, villains, cops and criminals. People have Lives and Lives need to be lived.

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Xselcier's picture
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Very impressively said, Ghost

Very impressively said, Ghost. Knowing that kind of small, detailed lore would be awesome. But [b]IF[/b] the developers are going to get that detailed with the lore, it may be quite awhile before we see it.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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heh, in re-reading the above,

heh, in re-reading the above, I realize it's sort of all over the place. Sorry about that.

basically, I see lore as having two sides.
the first side, we generally call "world building" but often it really just consists of blatant facts that we TELL our audience (the sky is green, the people from the north are evil, etc)
This involves the history of places, important dates, the development of themes and aesthetics. but it boils down to explicit facts.
This is a necessary component as a developer, as it dictates what "works" and "doesnt work" in a location (be it stories, or architecture, or villain types). but it is also very....flat. It lacks anima, soul... it feels manufactured.

The second side of Lore is the lore created by those who live in place. It involves how people in a culture view themselves, and how they view others, and how those views have caused the things we see in the first side.... how people didn't want to live near the factories in South Bay, and so moved to the "suburbs" of Clarkstown... but as times changed, and less affluent or foreign workforces took over jobs, and perhaps were willing to live closer to the factories, those who could "move up" left clarkstown for Highpoint or somewhere else all together... and those left limp on in their shell of a town...
This second side is the place where rivalries, jealousies, politics, religions, races, etc react to those pure facts on the first side... and, in turn, shape those bold brush strokes into more realistic patterns.

Most games have no problem with the broad brush strokes. They always know when the city was founded and the great victories and tragedies of the day... the ancient legends or urban lore....
Unfortunately, the end result is that roleplayers often feel like they must "connect" to these grand events (how many heroes "had their first experience" or "returned from retirement" or "took up the mantle" during the Rikti or Qulaar invasions?)
And, when they DON'T tie themselves to Countess Crey, or receive their super powers in a Viper warehouse explosion..... there is a sense of "drift" That their story could have taken place ANYWHERE. It lacks substance, it is no longer part of the greater world of the game... it's just A story, with a background of the game (a really pretty chat room)

Very few games make an effort to incorporate that second side... most likely, because it's a big task in such a large space, and a task that most players won't even really be aware of.
but it is in that second side, that IDENTITY exists. It's easy to say your character was born in Alexandria.... but what does that Mean? how are they different from someone born in Highpoint, or Ironport, or anywhere else for that matter? If it has no greater meaning then a piece of trivia.. if it cannot shape the character (because there is no lore significance to BEING an "Alexandrian" vs anything else) then it has no value in defining character.

In the real world, if someone says they're from Turn Creek, Alabama, just past the battlefield, they'd talk with a twang and they'd have a distrust of city folk (or, play "against type" and do the reverse) but there is a social consciousness about someone from a place called "Turn Creek" and out of a major town in the deep south (right or wrong) that people KNOW and respond to.
And it's generally absent from gaming lore.

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Lord Nightmare
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GhostHack wrote:
GhostHack wrote:

is someone from Hells Kitchen the same as someone from brooklyn... why or why not?

You know you can start fights with that assumption ;)

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

GhostHack wrote:
is someone from Hells Kitchen the same as someone from brooklyn... why or why not?
You know you can start fights with that assumption ;)

hah! exactly.... and that's kind of my point. that adds soo much to the world, to make it feel alive. when places have 'character'.... not just 'theme'

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

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Hey Steamtank, I see Cumulus

Hey Steamtank, I see Cumulus Rex in the lower comments but not in the Heroes/Villains NPC list.

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I think it's in deference to

I think it's in deference to the editing save bug on the forums....

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

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GhostHack wrote:
GhostHack wrote:

I think it's in deference to the editing save bug on the forums....

I can hear Zombie Man in my head saying, "It's a known issue. We're working on it. In the mean time, pie?"

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better than "working as

better than "working as intended" :P

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

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The whole thing makes me

The whole thing makes me wonder if there isn't a moderator setting somewhere that forces edits to need to be moderator approved or they'll revert? I've noticed that edited posts don't immediately shift back to the original post. it's always after a span of several hours, somewhere between 6 and 12 hours.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Xselcier wrote:
Xselcier wrote:

The whole thing makes me wonder if there isn't a moderator setting somewhere that forces edits to need to be moderator approved or they'll revert? I've noticed that edited posts don't immediately shift back to the original post. it's always after a span of several hours, somewhere between 6 and 12 hours.

If that is the case, then they need more active moderators (no offence meant to Zombie man). I have a feeling that the forum database is falling over occasionally and reverting to old saved edits.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

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So.... here's another lore

So.... here's another lore question....

we keep seeing "Titan City".... but is that it's official designation?
if so, what is Ironport, Clarkstown, Bradford, etc? I asked earlier about "buroughs", like in newyork.... and that seems the most accurate.... but the Kickstarter updates uses the term "District" and in each district there are "neighborhoods"....

So, The whole area is like NYC, NY (TC, Mass.)
and like there is Manhattan in NYC, there's Clarkstown or Alexandria (what new york calls Buroughs, and what the team is calling Districts)
then, in manhattan, there are places like hell's kitchen, the meatpacking district, or harlem (which generally get called Districtes, in nyc, but we're calling neighborhoods)
....then there's smaller, localized areas like Times Square, or Phoenix Plaza..... that don't generally have a regional name, but are just referred to as their signature element....

am I right in this connection between real world and fictional terminology?

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

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GhostHack wrote:
GhostHack wrote:

So.... here's another lore question....
we keep seeing "Titan City".... but is that it's official designation?
if so, what is Ironport, Clarkstown, Bradford, etc? I asked earlier about "buroughs", like in newyork.... and that seems the most accurate.... but the Kickstarter updates uses the term "District" and in each district there are "neighborhoods"....
So, The whole area is like NYC, NY (TC, Mass.)
and like there is Manhattan in NYC, there's Clarkstown or Alexandria (what new york calls Buroughs, and what the team is calling Districts)
then, in manhattan, there are places like hell's kitchen, the meatpacking district, or harlem (which generally get called Districtes, in nyc, but we're calling neighborhoods)
....then there's smaller, localized areas like Times Square, or Phoenix Plaza..... that don't generally have a regional name, but are just referred to as their signature element....
am I right in this connection between real world and fictional terminology?

That sounds reasonable.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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yeah, just in writing it out,

yeah, just in writing it out, it made more sense.... it was the use of "districts" that was throwing me off, because technically a lot of the places mentioned as "part of titan city" were seemingly cities in their own right (starting way back with bradford and charleston).... and so there was a weird disconnect between a region in city...... and a conglomeration of various cities...

also, it didn't help that my only strong point of reference of an "overcity" literally absorbing smaller cities, IS new york, where such smaller cities got their own unique municipal identity beyond just vague cultural boundries (like the "districts" in many cities, like "china town" or "little italy")

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

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oh, and it came up in writing

oh, and it came up in writing..... and it is i figure I'll ask...

Is there a major Football team in Titan City?
I called them the Titan City Heroes (seemed fitting)
but since I've been on this new york/new jersey vibe with North and Southie Titan City.... I was curious if there was a second team?

you know, the Giants are a hop-skip from Manhattan in the Meadowlands, while the Jets are deep into New Jersey....
...or like how Yankee Stadium is in the Bronx, and the Mets play across the water North of Queens...

I guess I've just grown to believe in a deep-seated cultural rivalry between north and, despite how integrated the pamphlets say everything is. Everything we've see really describes a tale of two cities... the high-tech/modern/shiny north and the industrial south.... Heists in the north vs systemic corruption in the south.... wealth vs poverty...

And, because of this, I keep seeing this personality developing.... where the North looks to the future, has a sense of idealism....
while the south is stuck looking at the present... or even mired in the past...
So, the north sees the south as antiquated... cruder, more savage, lacking in cosmopolitan culture....
while the south sees the north as shallow.... image obsessed, aloof, thinking their poop don't stink...

It would stand to reason to reason that, though such undercurrents wouldn't be strong enough to see outright hostilities anymore (i see it more like how the english and the french are quick to say something snarky about the other's culture, but can be perfectly sociable otherwise).... would lead to pretty staunch cross-town rivalries....

Like the 49ers and Raiders....
even if they don't play each other often.... their "identities" as teams are drastically different, as are their fans.

I don't know if the devs had thought about this (it's pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things).... but it would be cool to see NPC's in the north and south rocking their local team's colors...
I like the Titan City Heroes.... it's just so darned "comic-booky" and self-aware..
...for a second, southie team.... I was thinking the "Steevers", a rebranding of the old "Stevedores"
It seems like all of the "dockwork" happens south of the bay (Ironport/Charlston), so "Stevedores" makes sense, and is a bit oldy-timey, like the Trolley Dodgers, The Philidelphias, or Brickley Giants...

I love the juxtiposition between the southie sports team's "mundane" team name and the almost bombastic northern name.... and It would just be fun for hometown hero type characters to be able to find Heroes or Steevers (or whatever they ended up being) jerseys or other "team gear" in tailor for their plain-clothes outfits.

.....I know, sort of silly and insignificant.... but it's the little things that add up to make a place feel real...

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Beamrider's picture
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GhostHack wrote:
GhostHack wrote:

So.... here's another lore question....
we keep seeing "Titan City".... but is that it's official designation?
if so, what is Ironport, Clarkstown, Bradford, etc? I asked earlier about "buroughs", like in newyork.... and that seems the most accurate.... but the Kickstarter updates uses the term "District" and in each district there are "neighborhoods"....
So, The whole area is like NYC, NY (TC, Mass.)
and like there is Manhattan in NYC, there's Clarkstown or Alexandria (what new york calls Buroughs, and what the team is calling Districts)
then, in manhattan, there are places like hell's kitchen, the meatpacking district, or harlem (which generally get called Districtes, in nyc, but we're calling neighborhoods)
....then there's smaller, localized areas like Times Square, or Phoenix Plaza..... that don't generally have a regional name, but are just referred to as their signature element....
am I right in this connection between real world and fictional terminology?

Titan City is the entire area. Alexandria, Clarkstown, Ironport, etc, are Districts, which are named subparts of the city. It is similar to New York and Hell's Kitchen, Harlem, etc. "Neighborhoods" are smaller areas within each district.

Districts are distinct from "Zones", which are a game construct related to how much of the city loads at once. It's not clear what the relationship between those two will be, as it'll be a bit before anyone knows how Zones will really work.

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]


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Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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Right.... so

Right.... so
Titan City= NYC
Districts (Alexandria, ironport, Clarkstown, etc) = Buroughs (Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, etc)
Neighborhoods (Harborside District, The Savoy, Widow's Reach) = Districts (Hells Kitchen, Garment District, Morris Heights, Jamaica)

Districts act as the potential boundaries between locations (whether we have a contiguous world or not is TBT)
got it.

so, the "heavy themey bits" are the whole districts (like COX's Croatoa) ?? Or will overall districts be fairly general, theme-wise, with "Heavy themey bits" being in the neighborhoods?

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Beamrider's picture
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GhostHack wrote:
GhostHack wrote:

Right.... so
Titan City= NYC
Districts (Alexandria, ironport, Clarkstown, etc) = Buroughs (Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, etc)
Neighborhoods (Harborside District, The Savoy, Widow's Reach) = Districts (Hells Kitchen, Garment District, Morris Heights, Jamaica)
Districts act as the potential boundaries between locations (whether we have a contiguous world or not is TBT)
got it.

so, the "heavy themey bits" are the whole districts (like COX's Croatoa) ?? Or will overall districts be fairly general, theme-wise, with "Heavy themey bits" being in the neighborhoods?

If a "Zone" turns out to be as small as a "District", then the district boundaries would be boundaries in game terms, yes. In CoH, the equivalent of "Districts" were the game Zones, and their boundaries were in-game boundaries. Chances are, our Zones will be bigger. Hopefully much bigger, but too early to call, depends on tech. I very seriously doubt that any sort of in-game boundary (other than sub-areas in instanced missions) would ever cut through a District, however.

The "heavy theme bits" is mostly a reference to Districts, yes. Areas within a district that have variations on a theme will be neighborhoods.

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]


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Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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Ahh, cool....

Ahh, cool....

so a district might have a "Noir" theme, and one neighborhood might be "Gotham-esque" and another district might be more "Bogart", and a third might be "lovecraft"

.....or something like that (thats probably an awful example)

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Ozmosis's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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New update on the kickstarter

New update on the kickstarter page full of story-oriented goodness!

[color=#00FFBF][i][b]You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am.[/b][/i][/color]

[color=#ff0000]Staff Writer, Composition Team[/color]


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Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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hah. I read it last night! :P

hah. I read it last night! :P
though I think I missed in one of the kickstarter updates where "aurora" is.... or maybe it's a new drop?
where's that map, when I need it? :(

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

ConundrumofFurballs's picture
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Aurora is over there! *points

Aurora is over there! *points on the map* Can't you see it? ;)


Conundrum of Furballs

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team, Staff Writer[/color]


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To be updated once edits work

To be updated once edits work:

Daybreak Ridge - located near the waterfront. Formerly a Warehouse district turned mom + pop shops
Attractions include: Movie Theater, Restaurants, Shopping center, Music Hall

Tarot: Villain group for hire. Attacks heroes, robs banks.

Ninjas with a green glow: some sort of gang?

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Lord Nightmare
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Watch out... here comes the

Watch out... here comes the Nuclear Ninjas!

They're Radioactive Ronin! Geiger Genin! Science Shinobi! And they're coming to get you!

...either that or it's just Ninja Brian screwing with us.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

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Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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hey, I'm not screwing with

hey, I'm not screwing with anyone!

oh.... that was a joke.... Carry on.

/throws a brick

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 12/19/2013 - 14:53
I see a subtle change of

I see a subtle change of focus from lore to the mechanics of the cityscape. Perhaps a rough map would clear up the confusion?

I don't get mad, I restructure the laws of quantum physics and resolve the situation with temporal engineering.

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Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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i am still alive and waiting

i am still alive and waiting for the forums to be unbugged so i can fix all the posts with edits <3

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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New lore filled update on the

New lore filled update on the KS page!

[color=#00FFBF][i][b]You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am.[/b][/i][/color]

[color=#ff0000]Staff Writer, Composition Team[/color]


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Thanks for the heads-up, Oz!

Thanks for the heads-up, Oz!

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Steel Accord
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Don't suppose I could jump in

Don't suppose I could jump in to this RP world? Are there any rules I should be aware of?

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Steel Accord wrote:
Steel Accord wrote:

Don't suppose I could jump in to this RP world? Are there any rules I should be aware of?

If there are any written down, I haven't seen them yet ^_^. Is there such a thread?

My main rule I've been using I adapted from the ground rules described for various shared-world series: Describe what your character does, but what that turns out to do to someone else's character is up to that someone else. Appearance of other people's character through special senses (like Hypatia's "Mage Sight"), for example: If they let me know what they envision their character's aura looks like, then that's what Hypatia Sees. If not, I extrapolate the best I can based on prior description (Talon is an allegedly normal human who uses swords about as well as [url=]Goemon Ishikawa XIII[/url], maybe better ^_^, so I felt justified in describing her aura as "disciplined").

Next would be to have your characters abilities (offensive, defensive, utility, whatever) as well defined as you can. Where you can't, go with what makes a better story, and use that to help define the character.

Finally, some of these stories are being told to establish plot points for the originator's characters. RottenLuck, for instance, seems to be using the Museum Heist thread he started to establish what the deal is with certain orbs that are part of some of his characters' background. So if there's a dispute, I treat him as the GM, with the final say over that story. I shouldn't let my vision of how that story alters what I had planned for Hypatia interfere with his story, unless he thinks it should ^_^

edit: Whoops! wrong Lupin III cohort ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
