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Character Animations

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JayBezz's picture
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Character Animations

Here are a few things I've heard.. instead of a static "stance" devs have thrown around ideas like "resting motion". Which resting "styles" would you like to see?

- I'll start by saying one word.. "Hairflip"

Attack animations will be decoupled from the powers framework! Want to shoot telepathy from a hawk friend who flies next to you.. that just may happen. Shoot from a staff? Sure. Shoot from your head? Ok. What attack animations are you looking forward to?

- I'll start with "temple touching" .. LOTS of touching the frontal lobe of the brain. Also I want to see some amazing melee Bow animations (Archers applaud)

Emote Animations.. I know you love them. I tend to be more "serious" in my roleplay so things like air guitar and dancing aren't really for me.. What do you want to see?

-I want a "phone call" emote. I want a "Lay Down" and "Sit Down" emote. I want a "Computer Wall" emote. I want lots of cycling "angry talk" emotes. Anyone who's met Kontrol will know why.. LOL. And while Kontrol can't fly.. I'd love some "tricks" like barrel rolls that can be done when flying.

Any other animation types you can think of?

- Costume/Build Changes. Interaction animations (Champions Online FINALLY updated their interactions in the tutorial so the character goes to a fixed map position.. I loved that.. so I wasn't typing in thin air when the keyboard wasn't aligned). Door Opening animations (kick it in or pick a lock or teleport in or.. PHASE THROUGH!). I don't know what's being done with Pets but if their AI is controllable then I hope the mastermind gets cool "shout" animations and pointing.. or playing with a watch computer.. .

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Brand X
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A snapping fingers emote!

A snapping fingers emote! Maybe even power animation wise! I know CO has a couple of powers that use that animation, and I LOVE IT!

Airhead's picture
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One more for temple touching!

One more for temple touching! One-handed and two-handed.

[url=]Wai[/url] - as an attack emote and also as a social emote.

[url=]Fist in palm[/url] - as an attack emote (eg. buff) and also as a social emote (Chinese salute).

The Thinker - bench-sit or kneeling pose.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
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Lin Chiao Feng
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Airhead wrote:
Airhead wrote:

Fist in palm - as an attack emote (eg. buff) and also as a social emote (Chinese salute).

Also reload animation for brass knuckles.

(In joke from Tabula Rasa, long story.)

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Darth Fez
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I see your tomato and raise

I see your tomato and raise you a [url=]namaste[/url]. Most people will likely also be familiar with the Chinese martial arts (or Wushu) salute/greeting:


Powers based emotes would also be neat, such as holding a ball of flame in the hand or having electricity zap around the arm.

Related to the forehead/temple emotes, there's the popular [url=]nose (bridge) pinch[/url].

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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JayBezz's picture
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For rest stances *I use them

For rest stances *I use them "M and F" for male and female but men can choose the female stances and vice versa

Flirt (F) - Vixen stances with hair with defauly hairflip emotes intermittent
Flirt (M) - wider stance lots of hands through hair and eyebrow raises (Jersey Shore)
Heroic (F) - Shoulder wide stance. Arms cross and go to hips.
Heroic (M) - Shoulder wide stance chest puffed out. Well timed nods while surveying
Nerd - FIgdgets alot.. seems caught off guard and looks around
Beast - Low to ground, lick paws
Cheer (F) - Harajuku (one inverted bent leg) stance. Lots of Anime references (forward peace signs everywhere!)
Cheer (M) - Slumped shoulders.. mocking poses (thumb on nose kind of stuff)

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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From CoX and now TSW I have

From CoX and now TSW I have noticed that while Character emote, Standby & Power motions, some areas, while they "paint" these motions well, do degrade some medium-to-slower systems. Everything we add to Character drawing and graphics take time & memory that some systems do not deal with well. Yes for Character actions, but within limits for slower systems. Maybe a Toggle setting?

summer-heat's picture
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Because the costume and

Because the costume and default model has been established to be androgynous and all pieces form to both male and female characters (thus allowing for "huge" females and males as I'd assume through body scalers) Like in STO open beta, where stances were not gender specific yet, I'd really like to see the option to select our toons' default stances and walk animations across male/female/huge model options. This way there are inclusive options for effeminate male, masuline female, big-dog-little-body, graceful bull, etc. If I can set the animation family for casting powers, it only makes sense to extend this versatility to movement and idle stances.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

JayBezz's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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I sound callous but I do not

I sound callous but I do not think these limitations still exist. Most of the animations are going to appear from the client (not the server). I do not think computers have a large issue with passive animations any more than they do with displaying a character standing still.

Will there be slow systems trying to keep up with gaming.. yes. Should the game be held back to the lowest common denominator for it? No. I know City of Heroes was 10 years ago. Computers are WAY better now than they were then.. sure there may be a few persons who are still using 10 year old systems.. but I don't want that to stop the progress of good development.

I want to play PS4 games on my PS2.. but the reality is, that won't work and I may have to buy a PS4 to play new games

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Lothic's picture
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

I sound callous but I do not think these limitations still exist. Most of the animations are going to appear from the client (not the server). I do not think computers have a large issue with passive animations any more than they do with displaying a character standing still.
Will there be slow systems trying to keep up with gaming.. yes. Should the game be held back to the lowest common denominator for it? No. I know City of Heroes was 10 years ago. Computers are WAY better now than they were then.. sure there may be a few persons who are still using 10 year old systems.. but I don't want that to stop the progress of good development.
I want to play PS4 games on my PS2.. but the reality is, that won't work and I may have to buy a PS4 to play new games

Moderation... in all things.

I don't think the potential coolness of this new game should be held back so that it can easily run on 10 year old computers. But by the same token not everyone's going to have a $3,000+ super-rig desktop that they just bought last week available to play this game on either.

As always a good balance needs to be struck so that MOST people will meet/exceed the minimum system requirements for a game that'll be launching in the timeframe that this one will be out. Clearly what constitutes "minimum system requirements" in 2015 will be a lot different than what they were back in 2004. There's always going to be a "lowest common denominator" when it comes to these things. Just be thankful that the current lowest common denominator is a lot better than it was a decade ago.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Lord Nightmare
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

I sound callous but I do not think these limitations still exist. Most of the animations are going to appear from the client (not the server). I do not think computers have a large issue with passive animations any more than they do with displaying a character standing still.
Will there be slow systems trying to keep up with gaming.. yes. Should the game be held back to the lowest common denominator for it? No. I know City of Heroes was 10 years ago. Computers are WAY better now than they were then.. sure there may be a few persons who are still using 10 year old systems.. but I don't want that to stop the progress of good development.
I want to play PS4 games on my PS2.. but the reality is, that won't work and I may have to buy a PS4 to play new games

I do recall hearing that MWM is going to go the old WoW route (..that won't be happening anymore when WoD comes out -.-) of "Even your dad's computer can run it!"

For those that aren't familiar with the phrase, essentially WoW from launch and even now was basically able to run on EVERYTHING. Even my terribad 256MB RAM laptop from 2003 (this was back in WoTLK days..) played WoW on medium settings. Of course, eventually older comps are unable to run as the engine receives updates. That crappy thing wouldn't run anything nowadays (glad I scrapped it.. and by that I mean turned it into a prop.) but my subpar laptop from 2010 can still run it! ON HIGH! \o/ (Only had to drop down to medium in Orgrimmar.)

So from what I understand, MWM will be trying to continue this idea (just as CoH did.) and allow most comps still in circulation to play CoT on mediumish settings.. so people having to see animations being a bit stiff and such won't be that big of an issue (unless they were designed to be stiff..)

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

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JayBezz's picture
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When my character goes AFK I

When my character goes AFK I'd love for her to look bored and start pacing. (Also a partial remedy for when players use static public maps and stand in doorways)

Crowd Control Enthusiast

TheMightyPaladin's picture
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I want my character to

I want my character to casually spin his nunchaku.

Mask-of-Many's picture
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Character pulls out their

Character pulls out their phone and takes a photo. Or, even better, a selfie. (Actually, a "Selfie" emote would be perfect for a hero who's in it for the fame & attention. LOOKING AT YOU, STAR-LORD. YOU TOO, DEADPOOL.)

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Mask-of-Many wrote:
Mask-of-Many wrote:

Character pulls out their phone and takes a photo. Or, even better, a selfie. (Actually, a "Selfie" emote would be perfect for a hero who's in it for the fame & attention. LOOKING AT YOU, STAR-LORD. YOU TOO, DEADPOOL.)

I'd add Booster Gold into that "I'm looking at you" list, but he wouldn't take selfies, he'd just have Skeets take the pictures. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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I hear this suggestion was

I hear this suggestion was made in the Hair thread...but lets make it official. A Shantae style Hair whip. It would be a melee style in itself and would need a ponytail or an I Dream of Jeanie style pony tail. The style is a lot more impressive than you would think.



Interdictor's picture
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Mask-of-Many wrote:
Mask-of-Many wrote:

Character pulls out their phone and takes a photo. Or, even better, a selfie. (Actually, a "Selfie" emote would be perfect for a hero who's in it for the fame & attention. LOOKING AT YOU, STAR-LORD. YOU TOO, DEADPOOL.)

And hey - they could even go the GTA V route and let you take actual in-game screenshots from it.

Radiac's picture
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Dr. Tyche has said that

Dr. Tyche has said that getting some costume pieces will be tied to badge unlocks. That is, like when you get the badge for defeating 50 Aether Pirates, you unlock the steampunk mechanical wings, etc. I think it would be cool to be able to unlock different emotes like that too. Like when you defeat Dr. Evil and get the "Mojo" badge, you also get the "Yeah, baby!" emote, or whatever.

I think the only instance of this in CoX was the Ernesto Hess TF which got you the /dice7 emote.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lothic's picture
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

Dr. Tyche has said that getting some costume pieces will be tied to badge unlocks. That is, like when you get the badge for defeating 50 Aether Pirates, you unlock the steampunk mechanical wings, etc. I think it would be cool to be able to unlock different emotes like that too. Like when you defeat Dr. Evil and get the "Mojo" badge, you also get the "Yeah, baby!" emote, or whatever.

I think the only instance of this in CoX was the Ernesto Hess TF which got you the /dice7 emote.

Yeah I think there's a lot of things that could be attached to "mission completion" like that and TBH CoH sort of dropped the ball on doing more of that.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012