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Melee Types, then?

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Rick Tacular
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Melee Types, then?

My favorite AT was the Brute. Strong like bull! Tough like...well, not as tough as a Tank, sure, but not as squishy as a Scrapper (relatively speaking). So, what's the name of the "Brute" in CoT? Also, are we going to have SS/Inv (or /WP) again? Please? :-)

Von Krieger
Von Krieger's picture
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There's a helpful table in

There's a helpful table in the "We know the names..." thread here that I'll repost here:


It's the current arrangement of AT's, for the moment, subject to change without reason, void where prohibited, if you experience an AT lasting more than four hours... etc etc.

The idea is that you'll be able to pick your primary/secondary pairing, then deciding which inherent power you get.

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Rick Tacular
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Got'cha. SS/Inv (or WP)*

Got'cha. SS/Inv (or WP)* Gladiator it is!

*or whatever the various powersets are going to be named. ;-)

Mendicant's picture
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So will we be referring to

So will we be referring to Enforcer-lock, now? :D
(Or would it be Gladiator-lock?)

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Mendicant wrote:
Mendicant wrote:

So will we be referring to Enforcer-lock, now? :D
(Or would it be Gladiator-lock?)

It will ALWAYS be scrapper-lock :)

I'm intrigued by the Bodyguard... melee\Support? I wonder if it's like the Shield set.. some powers buff your teammates def/res?

Rick Tacular
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Well, if the Stalwart Bulwark

Well, if the Stalwart Bulwark does at least 10% more damage than the Tank in CoH, I'll be happy to be that. ;-)

TheMadGent's picture
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From what I can tell,

From what I can tell, Bodyguard is like a straight melee defender (I guess corruptor would be slightly more accurate). A full buff/debuff set combined with melee powers.

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meta brawler
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I too am looking at the

I too am looking at the enforcer archetype for my main. As for the three subtypes (specs), I think they will all be similar in dmg to each other. seeing as how the dmg is mainly brought to the table by the primary set. I just hope that they will allow us to have multiple specs within each archetype and an easy method to respect incase we don't like our secondaries. Melee corruptors sound pretty good for pvp. I would personally like to have body guard for pvp / raiding and either a striker or gladiator for soloing/leveling.

These are my bases:

CoH Base

Citadel Forged With Fire

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Is anyone else looking at the

Is anyone else looking at the Striker...,

- ...and thinking OMG? If they stay true to this platform...we're talking about a Super Strength/Energy Manipulation build. We're talking about a character with Rage, Build Up and KO Blow. This character would tear through a Tank...and he wouldn't lack range - Boost Range and Hurl. Only one problem, like a Blaster (Hunter) - no defense. Still, just thinking of a Broadsword, Darkness Manipulation build sounds nasty! Would probably be one of the hardest AT's to play, but paired up with a Guardian would make Gladiators seem weak by comparison... ^_^

TheMadGent's picture
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I brought up the potential

I brought up the potential doubling with Melee/Manipulation up on the old boards, and the devs suggested that the /Manipulation sets would be slightly different between primaries, most likely swapping some of the offense for defense in the case of Melee. The closest example of a Melee/Manipulation set they could give me was Stalker /Ninjitsu, which added some control/debuff powers to the normal defenses. I think /Devices could also port over to a Melee character basically unchanged.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

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- ...that would be rather excessive for melee attacks, drawing from two power sets would be rather one-sided. Perhaps swap a majority of the attack powers for more utility based concepts such as the likes from various defensive elemental powers ala tankers/brutes/scrappers/stalkers.

Xnarl's picture
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In the case of strikers, the

In the case of strikers, the melee attacks are indeed intended to be replaced with some defense,

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I just want my Flying SS/WP

I just want my Flying SS/WP Brute w/Energy Mastery again...,

- ...was the fastest 50th I ever leveled...didn't worry about having too much defense, didn't need it. If things got 'too hairy'...Whirlwind followed up with Handclap = problem solved. Wasn't much of a 'team player', but Sappers were cute (...oh, you drained my end?...well, almost all my defense powers are passive - thanks for building my rage meter, though...). Wanted to really test the limits, but the sun set on CoX...along with my ambitions...

The Kitteh
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Melee attacks + a secondary

Melee attacks + a secondary that slightly under-performs in the DMG department, but it lets me slowly accumulate +RES/DEF numbers with each successful "hit" (think of this as a res/def version of fury). I can then choose (at any time) when to release, or better put, transform my res/def "fury" into +DMG for my melee attacks over some short/moderate period of time (so essentially, a build-up power). The penalty would be a reset of my res/def "fury" back to base + enhancement levels.

Could that be Enforcer-Striker?

cybermitheral's picture
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Catherine America
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I demand Street Fighting!

I demand Street Justice!

...and Shields!

Honestly, one shield will do.


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Catherine America wrote:
Catherine America wrote:

I demand Street Fighting!
...and Shields!
Honestly, one shield will do.

Shields I can wait for.. but yeah.. a "street-level" scrapping set should be in at launch...

Super-Strength would be AWESOME though!!! :)

Zombie Man
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Streetfighting? What did the

Streetfighting? What did the street ever do to you?!

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GH's picture
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He's clearly just a street

He's clearly just a [url=]street fighting man[/url]

[url=]I jest.[/url]

If people won't pay enough to finance its creation, it is not worth creating.

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And so it begins.... the

And so it begins.... the first Rickroll of these new forums? :)

cybermitheral's picture
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The street hit me in the face

The street hit me in the face when I tried to fly and failed.

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Chaotic_Blues's picture
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I find the idea of the

I find the idea of the Bastion and Centurion interesting. The Bastion, will have a mix of ranged and melee attacks. While the Centurion will have abilities similar the Blaster secondaries, if I'm not mistaken. I wounder how they will work in practice?

doctor tyche
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Chaotic_Blues wrote:
Chaotic_Blues wrote:

I find the idea of the Bastion and Centurion interesting. The Bastion, will have a mix of ranged and melee attacks. While the Centurion will have abilities similar the Blaster secondaries, if I'm not mistaken. I wounder how they will work in practice?

More akin to the Stalker secondary Ninjitsu. The Melee powers would be defense instead.

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RottenLuck's picture
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Zombie Man wrote:
Zombie Man wrote:

Streetfighting? What did the street ever do to you?!

Streets are evil some even try to eat cars!

Yeah my Main was a Street Justice / Will power / Energy Mastery Brute. I like street fighter style maybe a set called Dirty fighting where you can throw dust into a foes eyes giving them an -Acc or -to hit debuff!

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Brand X
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RottenLuck wrote:
RottenLuck wrote:

Zombie Man wrote:
Streetfighting? What did the street ever do to you?!

Streets are evil some even try to eat cars!
Yeah my Main was a Street Justice / Will power / Energy Mastery Brute. I like street fighter style maybe a set called Dirty fighting where you can throw dust into a foes eyes giving them an -Acc or -to hit debuff!

And throw a chi blast!

cybermitheral's picture
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I want Psychic melee with the

I want Psychic melee with the animation option of... nothing.
No punches, kicks, headbutts, etc. Just standing there (hovering) like a Mu and letting my mind do all the work :).

OnlookerA "Look out here come the T8 ST OneHitKill attack"
Enemy "Arrrrggghhhh......"
OnlookerB "I didn't see anything??"
OnlookerA "Exactly"

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Chaotic_Blues wrote:
I find the idea of the Bastion and Centurion interesting. The Bastion, will have a mix of ranged and melee attacks. While the Centurion will have abilities similar the Blaster secondaries, if I'm not mistaken. I wounder how they will work in practice?

More akin to the Stalker secondary Ninjitsu. The Melee powers would be defense instead.

Wouldn't that give the Centurion extra defense?

Comicsluvr's picture
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cybermitheral wrote:
cybermitheral wrote:

I want Psychic melee with the animation option of... nothing.
No punches, kicks, headbutts, etc. Just standing there (hovering) like a Mu and letting my mind do all the work :).
OnlookerA "Look out here come the T8 ST OneHitKill attack"
Enemy "Arrrrggghhhh......"
OnlookerB "I didn't see anything??"
OnlookerA "Exactly"

I like this!

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

GhostHack's picture
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i'm super duper psyched for a

i'm super duper psyched for a melee/debuff build....

also, a melee/control type with the old brute inherent would be fantastic (as long as tick damage counted towards it)

i might actually be able to make ghostHack the way she was always ment to be :D

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JayBezz's picture
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I love the idea of some

I love the idea of some powers have no animations (but not no FX). I'd especially support the "stoic" animation set!! One devs can animate really quickly and cheaply and really FEELS super to me.

A major boon to separating the animations from the mechanics and something I'm glad the devs are embracing.

Look at it this way.. If you are psychic (<-damage type) melee you could have all of the following different types of character:

Street Fighter
Kick Boxer
Single Blade (psi-blades)
Dual Blade (psi-blades)
Heavy Blade (psi-blades)

Sure the numbers diversification should exist but the above is the kind of customization I think people are really asking for. And frankly Devs can sell more Animation Sets without ever stooping to the guise of selling new power sets

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Pyromancer's picture
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Very much so. Great chart by

Very much so. Great chart by the way!

So Gladiators are Brutes, Scrappers, and Stalkers? Sounds OP lol

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I hope they're much tougher

I hope they're much tougher than Brutes.

Foradain's picture
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Pyromancer wrote:
Pyromancer wrote:

Very much so. Great chart by the way!
So Gladiators are Brutes, Scrappers, and Stalkers? Sounds OP lol

"Or", not "and", I think. Choose these options, and you have a brute. The other way, a stalker. On the gripping hand, scrapperlock. Or something like that

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