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Costume Sets

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Costume Sets

I want to know what costume sets will be available? The reason I'm asking is that I loved the Bestial heads and wondered if there will be a costume set that revolved around a multitude of beast heads (for Beast-Type heroes and villians). Will it consist of all types from land, sea , and air? Since, City of Titans is going on in Kickstarter, perhaps an add-on could be a full-on Phoenix Costume for Kickstarter pledges. What do you think Phoenix Project?

What would players want in costume choices?

Petalstorm's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 04/20/2013 - 19:10
As many different costume

As many different costume sets as we can get done by launch and then keep going to bring you guys more and more choices.. We have several different beastial heads in concept stages from all types and walks of life real and imagined.

Honestly we have a lot of people who are costume addicts.. myself included. I could and have just played with character creators for days and days on end. *blushes* I want to have as many options for you guys as we can and I want to keep adding new stuff for y'all. Suggestions are always welcome. Y'all have come up with some pretty neat ohh that is a good idea suggestions and I hope y'all keep them coming.

[color=#ff0000]Art Director[/color]


Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Suggestions, you say? How

Suggestions, you say? How about something cyberpunk, if you get the chance? I think everyone was looking forward to that in City of Heroes. :P

Mendicant's picture
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I'm really hoping that

I'm really hoping that asymmetrical costume options are added. One of the few things I liked about CO's costume creator over CoX's was the ability to change a costume piece on the left hand without changing the right as well.

Gladatoria's picture
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Is there something planned

Is there something planned for maybe slightly revealing lace tops with trench coats...leggings of the same stye...combat and such....*ahem* : )


graff's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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I would like to see ankle

I would like to see ankle length hair, garter belts and stockings to go with them, long skirts, corsets, lace outfit top and bottom

Master Roshi
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I have an obvious need for

I have an obvious need for Japanese schoolgirl uniforms (knee length skirts please) and for some anime inspired hairstyles. (the more hairstyles the better imho)
Also a variety of wings: draconian, angelic, steampunk, etc.
A variety of horns as headgear at different positions and in different sizes

@Petalstorm - you aren't alone. There were times when I logged into the game and spent 4 hours at the Tailor only to do it again the next day.

and don't even get me started on auras!!

I kamehameha'd your mom

Lord Nightmare
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Power ARMOOOOOOOOOOOOOR! Seriously. How do you expect me to be a glorious villain without my power armor? :D

Also, Champs came out with a Witches and Wizards set a while back that I loved a lot, along with the heroic formal set. A big reason was the trim on them. It allowed such things as

Also, dibs on the asymmetrical costume pieces.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Steel Cobra
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Three words.

Three words.




Full face, etched and plain, metal masks. With and without eye-holes, mouth-holes and whatnot.

Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 15:45
What I wanna know is am if I

What I wanna know is am if I pick to wear a jacket will I get access to all shirts or upper body tights and not get limited just because i picked a jacket. Always bugged me that just because I decided to wear a jacket or coat or trench, I suddenly was restricted to only a dress shirt or only a few tops. Would be nice if just because you picked something you didn't suddenly get limited to your options. I can understand that some things would have horrible clipping so they aren't compatible. But sometimes it just boggles the mind why some stuff is unable to be worn together when it would be totally possible to do so. Why can't I have wings AND a sword on my back. Doesn't just go for jackets but other pieces as well. If I decide to wear hats suddenly I can only have either short hair or a pigtail. Or if I wear a face item or face paint I suddenly lose the ability to use make up.

Also tails. Will the tails have a more realistic look? I've noticed tail's always look like they are coming straight out just below the waist. Shouldn't tails have a sort of curved downward hang?

And emblems and such. Why I can't put one on my jacket or on the breast pocket or on the back. Maybe I like wearing a blazer with my emblem on the breast pocket.

Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
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Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble

Twilight Widow
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Some thing sexy so that can

Some thing sexy so that can make a female vampire type toon :)

Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
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Yea in comics like majority

Yea in comics like majority of the girls run around in really high sex appeal outfits. Would only make sense for us to be able to make toons with really skimpy stuff =P just saying.

Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
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Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Ellysyn wrote:
Ellysyn wrote:

What I wanna know is am if I pick to wear a jacket will I get access to all shirts or upper body tights and not get limited just because i picked a jacket. Always bugged me that just because I decided to wear a jacket or coat or trench, I suddenly was restricted to only a dress shirt or only a few tops. Would be nice if just because you picked something you didn't suddenly get limited to your options. I can understand that some things would have horrible clipping so they aren't compatible. But sometimes it just boggles the mind why some stuff is unable to be worn together when it would be totally possible to do so. Why can't I have wings AND a sword on my back. Doesn't just go for jackets but other pieces as well. If I decide to wear hats suddenly I can only have either short hair or a pigtail. Or if I wear a face item or face paint I suddenly lose the ability to use make up.
Also tails. Will the tails have a more realistic look? I've noticed tail's always look like they are coming straight out just below the waist. Shouldn't tails have a sort of curved downward hang?
And emblems and such. Why I can't put one on my jacket or on the breast pocket or on the back. Maybe I like wearing a blazer with my emblem on the breast pocket.

Most of these were artifacts of the underlying engine. Those that we can fix, we shall fix. One thing I am very much *hoping* to be able to resolve is the jacket/coat/etc layer vs. shirt layer. The reason you didn't see them was driven by a number of factors, but I would expect it was primarily driven by the fact that it would be nearly impossible to avoid severe clipping issues.

Suffice to say that on that front, my personal goal is to be able to have a trenchcoat over a long-sleeved shirt over a robotic arm, and have it all work together. Whether we can reach that goal depends on how well we can convince the engine to behave, but we have a couple of possible approaches.

Wings and sword is a question of how many "off-body" attachments we allow, and how we set them up. But if we're able to support more than one "back piece" at all, and if they don't clip, then it should be available. On the subject of clipping... well, I should probably avoid that subject right now, mostly because it is tied into some tings that haven't yet been hammered on. Though I can say that we want to avoid restricting folks as much as we can, while giving them awesomeness.

Tails are a combination of physics and animation, and will probably take some tricky juggling to get to behave right, but yes, I would personally prefer to see at least the option to have a more 'relaxed' position for the tail than is currently available most places.

The face is a bit complicated to explain, but I'm still hopeful that we can do a bit better in terms of allowing more flexibility there. I suspect there will be quite a bit of experimentation before we can say a lot about it.

Emblems, however... that, the design has covered. Let's just say that barring severe technical problems, the planned support for them will rather more than meet the requested behavior.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


notears's picture
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skeleton pieces for every

skeleton pieces for every costume part not just the head

not my video just one I lke ===>


Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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I'm hoping for a proper

I'm hoping for a proper shorthaired housecat-type head (with ... whiskers! (and maybe a lioness type, too, if time allows before launch, though I am happy to wait till after launch for the lioness as long as the standard kitty kranium is available at launch).

I'd also appreciate proper kitty forepaws, hind legs, and shorthaired cat tail.

If at all possible, please make them so that masks and other costume parts can fit on them.

Oh, ya! *PLEASE* give us the option to have an absolutely flat-chested "Cat Chest". A female cat with a 36C bust is just ... wrong!

Fank-mew! :D

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Blue Raptor
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 10:13
It would of course be awesome

It would of course be awesome if combing different layers works well, like the mentioned shirt and jacket (maybe by parts of the shirt layer being flagged to not be drawn when long jacket sleeves are worn, or a second version of each shirt for being worn under a jacket that is build to not clip?), but also skin being its own layer (for hairy, fur, scales, zombie skin, ... ).

As for the early clothes options, I would just ask to please cover very basic stuff first that a lot of people can use even if it lacks a few details, before adding highly specific stuff that is either 100% right or completely useless for a character you have in mind.
(Like City of heroes had about 200 different versions specific era Samurai helmets with all the fancy options, but not a single helmet even close to a hard hat, or a motorcycle helmet, or any nondescript baggy hat for that dull npc for your story arc.)

Please add simple jeans, basic outdoor shoes, generic leather jacket, plain business suit, plain buttoned shirt and plain basball cap, before adding Queen Victoria's coronation robe or 2-buttoned, 3-buttoned and 4-buttoned embroidered wedding tuxedo. : )


Xnarl's picture
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Everything I posted in [url

Everything I posted in [url= ] this thread [/url]

[url=] Save the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from Extinction![/url]

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Rottweiler's neck brace and

Rottweiler's neck brace and mask... also laser blaster hands and wrist mounted guns...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Sailboat's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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I would like to be able to

I would like to be able to sport a giant pair of shears on my back.

But I'm afraid of clipping.

Captain of Phoenix Rising

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Cyberpunk, Steampunk,

Cyberpunk, Steampunk, Horror, Spooky, Beast, Element, Alien, Insect, Music Genre themes, Power Armors, Sleek armors, Ninja, school uniforms from grade school through high school, Sports and cheerleader themes, Armed forces themes, Pirates, Medieval, Space suits, Sci-Fi, Medical themed outfits as well as the evil crazy versions, Biker, Gangster/Mobster, Street Gang, Underwater, Time Traveler,

Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
Forum Breaker
Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble

notears's picture
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Theatrical masks

Theatrical masks

not my video just one I lke ===>


charlieranger's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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Please more tech style

Please more tech style costumes and pieces. The cyborg and clockwork sets were great from COX. Also, update the '50s military uniforms. MM pets and NPCs had full tactical gear, while the hero just emerged from the Army surplus store.

Von Krieger
Von Krieger's picture
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Sailboat wrote:
Sailboat wrote:

I would like to be able to sport a giant pair of shears on my back.
But I'm afraid of clipping.

There's no need to be snippy about it.

[color=green]BIZZARO MEDIA FOLLOWER[/color]


Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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going back and designing for

going back and designing for the Cultists.. it made me realize something.

CoH had no robe bottoms. Ok.. it had ONE, the Ninja one. But IIRC, you had to buy that in a costume set. CO, however, has a plethora of them along with different designs. Please dear god get some robe-age up in here.. and the full thing too (feet that poke from the bottom? :3). Mages aren't all cape wearing loonies in skintight clothing.. some of them actually go a more archaic design :D

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

notears's picture
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GFN wrote:
GFN wrote:

going back and designing for the Cultists.. it made me realize something.
CoH had no robe bottoms. Ok.. it had ONE, the Ninja one. But IIRC, you had to buy that in a costume set. CO, however, has a plethora of them along with different designs. Please dear god get some robe-age up in here.. and the full thing too (feet that poke from the bottom? :3). Mages aren't all cape wearing loonies in skintight clothing.. some of them actually go a more archaic design :D


also I would like the option to have a weapon for a hand, with the option for it to look like it was attached cybernetically, and robotic pieces that look like they where jury rigged.

not my video just one I lke ===>


shyguy92's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2013 - 12:29
How about glowing-neoney-body

How about glowing-neoney-body tattoos or neon glowy-shiny-powerarmor? Something that glows, glowey-neoney stuff.

just hurling out stuff here.

Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 15:45
Von Krieger wrote:
Von Krieger wrote:

Sailboat wrote:
I would like to be able to sport a giant pair of shears on my back.
But I'm afraid of clipping.

There's no need to be snippy about it.

Don't cut your idea before its tried.

Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
Forum Breaker
Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble

Col. Kernel
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 14:08
Ellysyn wrote:
Ellysyn wrote:

Von Krieger wrote:
Sailboat wrote:
I would like to be able to sport a giant pair of shears on my back.
But I'm afraid of clipping.

There's no need to be snippy about it.

Don't cut your idea before its tried.

Such sharp wits in this thread!

Col. Kernel
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 14:08
Beastial legs. Please do the

Beastial legs. Please do the skeleton right for them. Dog legs are different than cat legs, which are different from frog legs, squirrel legs, etc, etc. I know you can't do all of them. I hope you can do at least 2 or 3 of the most common ones for launch and have community voting to see which to add next.

notears's picture
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tesla coil shoulder pads like

tesla coil shoulder pads like the freakshow shockers had

not my video just one I lke ===>


Riptide's picture
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Col. Kernel wrote:
Col. Kernel wrote:

Ellysyn wrote:
Von Krieger wrote:
Sailboat wrote:
I would like to be able to sport a giant pair of shears on my back.
But I'm afraid of clipping.

There's no need to be snippy about it.

Don't cut your idea before its tried.

Such sharp wits in this thread!

Shear genius.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Esen's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 weeks ago
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Bioluminescence! I loved

Bioluminescence! I loved those sets in CoX, and all the gnarly bio or crystal armor.
And the Carnival of Light headgear. Glowy things! On my head! Woo!
You can approximate glow by color choice/saturation, but however they were done, those were probably complicated costume bits to do, so if those don't show up until well on down the line that's totes understandable.

Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 10/09/2013 - 18:36
One selection I hoped for...,

One selection I hoped for...,

- ...but never found available on CoX (...yeah, I know...surprising, neh?...) was full length gloves (...and not just the 'witch version'...) and sash ( the ones worn by human form Khelds...). I can't imagine the coding being too difficult as there would be far less 'plexi' graphics required to create than...say, 'butt-capes', trenchcoats or capes altogether. The full length gloves might be difficult as certain patterns would only come up about halfway...which would either make them look silly, or provide interesting new costume potential. Just an idea... ^_^

Brutum's picture
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I want chains for the torso

I want chains for the torso and arms/hands. And a gas mask as well mostly lol.

Puny Heroes.

Comicsluvr's picture
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Mendicant wrote:
Mendicant wrote:

I'm really hoping that asymmetrical costume options are added. One of the few things I liked about CO's costume creator over CoX's was the ability to change a costume piece on the left hand without changing the right as well.

+1 to this!

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

tripthicket's picture
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I have an idea for a full

I have an idea for a full costume set that could be used for at least a half-dozen different character types. Once I work up the visuals, would I submit the link (for drawings) here or in private message?

Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/19/2013 - 21:43
National Flag based costumes.

National Flag based costumes. In particular, allow three different colors for the chest piece, either across or down, to allow simulating various national flags. Plus various national emblems (stars & stripes, maple leaf, union jack, hammer & sickle, crescent of allah, star of david, etc). At a bare minimum, have flag options for all of the countries that the game is localized to.

Gauntlet's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2013 - 19:03
The character for my my posts

The character for my my posts here, Gauntlet, is based on the concept of a living artifact that could transfer from host body to host body. But that the personality was actually stored in the glove. To do that in CoH i had to select the cyborg arm chest style and choose the metal skull bone glove for the other arm to get my character. This was barely acceptable, and caused me to miss out on some cooler stuff later like trench coats. I also hope that will be fixed in this game.

ALSO make trench coats a back item not a chest one. In CoH it wasnt too too bad but in like DCUO its terrible. Its like noone knows that a t-shirt with yer emblem on it goes under the coat. In DCUO they have a vest. A VEST!! Like the DCUniverse is based solely on 18th century London!

Yeah, that sounds like a Jedi. Massacre a whole room full of people, then stand around apologizing for it. - Swtor NPC

Numerology's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 08/22/2013 - 16:17
A good number of one off pick

A good number of one off pick and mix style pieces or variations on basic pieces would be highest on my wishlist. I always found it a bit disheartening when there would be a cool costume piece that was incredibly difficult to mix in with others because it was catered to a specific costume set and had some strange tints to them which, while looking great with the rest of the set, seemed out of place and awkward as a one off piece.

Also white that looks like white and doesn't let skin colour bleed through ;)

Khaos's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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I would like to see different

I would like to see different types of hats and all masks available with those hats (I like a flat cap or driver's cap). I also would like to see what emblems are available and would like the ability to put the emblem on the mask similar to the Green Hornet and Captain America. Trench coats and different weapon styles, weapons made of different or unusual materials a fire/ice/energy etc. sword...

Gauntlet's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2013 - 19:03
This may be a memory sink and

This may be a memory sink and not be possible, but with us moving to a newer engine and all could we do moving/glowing parts? like clockwork options with gears that turn, or lights,wires, and hoses for the power armor/cyborg guys? Other games offer armor with glows or lights or burning balls of flire n stuff but not many modern/tech/mad scientist options.

Yeah, that sounds like a Jedi. Massacre a whole room full of people, then stand around apologizing for it. - Swtor NPC

Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/21/2013 - 23:30
Will we get long robes and

Will we get long robes and skirts here? I sure hope so!
I'd also love to have a unisex Jedi-style cloak to wear. And waist capes for both sexes. Kind of like the one I'm wearing here:

And I would love to be able to dress a character in-game with robes like these:

Khaos's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2013 - 14:58
I'll add to this - a kilt

I'll add to this - a kilt would be great.

Amanita wrote:

Will we get long robes and skirts here? I sure hope so!
I'd also love to have a unisex Jedi-style cloak to wear. And waist capes for both sexes. Kind of like the one I'm wearing here:
And I would love to be able to dress a character in-game with robes like these:

Doctor October
Doctor October's picture
Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/21/2013 - 23:56
Yes! This!

"I'm really hoping that asymmetrical costume options are added. One of the few things I liked about CO's costume creator over CoX's was the ability to change a costume piece on the left hand without changing the right as well."

Yes! This!

Doctor October

Doctor October
Doctor October's picture
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Joined: 10/21/2013 - 23:56
Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

going back and designing for the Cultists.. it made me realize something.
CoH had no robe bottoms. Ok.. it had ONE, the Ninja one. But IIRC, you had to buy that in a costume set. CO, however, has a plethora of them along with different designs. Please dear god get some robe-age up in here.. and the full thing too (feet that poke from the bottom? :3). Mages aren't all cape wearing loonies in skintight clothing.. some of them actually go a more archaic design :D

And some more dramatic cape collars as well.
Remember Maestro in Striga? He had a GREAT look and an awesome, old school cape collar.

Doctor October

graff's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/29/2013 - 12:31
body art or tattoos for male

body art or tattoos for male and female , and some jewellery for both male and female earlings ,nose rings, lip rings I know CoH had nipple rings for male toons so maybe a navel ring for females as its rate t for teens so no nipple rings for females

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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wizard robes and hats

wizard robes and hats

not my video just one I lke ===>


Project WASP
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/24/2013 - 13:37
What I want?

What I want?
Jumpsuits and Leisure suits (big collars a must )
My emblem on a pendant
Swagger sticks
Bell bottoms
Hair so big it moves a second after my head turns
V-cut tops for men
Platform shoes

Experience is something you gain after you need it.

Col. Kernel
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 14:08
Project WASP wrote:
Project WASP wrote:

What I want?
Jumpsuits and Leisure suits (big collars a must )
My emblem on a pendant
Swagger sticks
Bell bottoms
Hair so big it moves a second after my head turns
V-cut tops for men
Platform shoes

I liked the 70s for a lot of things. Fashion wasn't one of them. :P

Still, I guess that'd all be good stuff in game. :D :D :D

umbralwarrior's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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Samurai armour,

Samurai armour,
A Draconic form (quadraped and biped)
Beast forms
Alien forms
Power armour variants
If possible, A moving pattern on the costume (such as swirling colours)

Lots of melee weapons
Lots of ranged weapons

We all have it in us to be a hero to someone,
Super powers are optional.....

Part of the Phoenix Rising Initiative.....

Proud to be a hero. Prouder still to be a member of [url=]Watchfire[/url]

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Lothic's picture
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Hube2 wrote:
Hube2 wrote:


I'm not an artist but from what I understand it tends to be pretty hard to get human feet to look good when you're creating 3D character models in games like this. I recall when CoH added those strappy "gladiator" styled heels that the feet looked so bad they actually went back and reworked it so that the feet looked better while wearing them.

Obviously I'd love to see all sorts of shoe options in this new game. I'm just saying that I hope the artists are up to the challenge.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

solarblaze's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 10:45
After seeing Update #29 on

After seeing Update #29 on Kickstarter, I've got a few ideas.
Transparency has be talked about, but what about a "lava-lamp" effect? A transparent body with items (bubbles, stars, sparks, and other aura-effect ideas) visibly floating inside the body. Ideas like a black suit with stars moving inside the body, or like WoW's wind traders, or a glob-like humanoid with electricity inside the glob (sounds familiar somehow).

Also, what if the patterns on a suit moved magically? Like a wind pattern that moved around the suit or like the flame pattern actually moving like live flames? Basically, like most patterns are static, how about making it animated instead?

Solarblaze (Fire/Fire Blaster)
Kitty Phoenix (Fire/Emp Controller)
Phoenixblaze (Fire/Fire Dominator)
- A friend gifted CoH on my birthday, 5/1/2004.
I had never heard of it before then...
It still is the best birthday gift to this date.

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solarblaze wrote:
solarblaze wrote:

Transparency has be talked about, but what about a "lava-lamp" effect? A transparent body with items (bubbles, stars, sparks, and other aura-effect ideas) visibly floating inside the body. Ideas like a black suit with stars moving inside the body, or like WoW's wind traders, or a glob-like humanoid with electricity inside the glob (sounds familiar somehow).
Also, what if the patterns on a suit moved magically? Like a wind pattern that moved around the suit or like the flame pattern actually moving like live flames? Basically, like most patterns are static, how about making it animated instead?

This is what I was on about in my post. Well done for actually articulating it! :)

We all have it in us to be a hero to someone,
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Hoping for a moose head and

Hoping for a moose head and antlers, for some odd reason.....


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RottenLuck's picture
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Speaking about a costume with

Speaking about a costume with a lava lamp look... How about an all out oozing body form. Something that could be a mass of Nanites, Slime, or even and Alien Symbiote. Basically something that seems alive or moving in a humanoid form.

Oh Scars! Some small like cuts other area scars like someone that been badly burned. I used CoH bio costume and colored it flesh tones for someone that was burned. Would be nice for that effect but not a whole head or body look. Say a burn over half the face (twoface) or over the eye (Zuko: Avatar the last Airbender) or part of the face (Phantom of the Opera)

Of course bringing up the Phantom we need Half face masks or Whole solid face like masks. Like the Guy Fox Masks.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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chainsaws!!! Chainsaws for

chainsaws!!! Chainsaws for everyone!!!!!!

not my video just one I lke ===>


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RottenLuck wrote:
RottenLuck wrote:

Speaking about a costume with a lava lamp look... How about an all out oozing body form. Something that could be a mass of Nanites, Slime, or even and Alien Symbiote. Basically something that seems alive or moving in a humanoid form.

Adding to this, what about a humanoid form made of:

water (slowly rippling or flowing, translucent)
mud (very slowly rippling/flowing/bubbling)
oil (slowly bubbling/flowing, rainbow-light-reflecting sheen)
sand/dust/ash (grainy appearance, occasional puffs of the substance (altho this last would more likely be an aura))
darkness (dark body-defining lines against darkity-dark main body)
light (light main body with lighter body-defining lines (this might work best with some versions of light auras, as well) and possibly translucent to transparent (altho not necessary))
glass (transparent, but NOT crystal or ice)

And how about an obviously-metal form that doesn't have deliberate-but-senseless lines arbitrarily/randomly carved into it.

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Cybernetic body parts.

Cybernetic body parts. Something where you can see it flesh over metal or at least a better integration of man and machine. examples are the BORG, Duse Ex Human revolution's Adam. The Terminator.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
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Mercolista's picture
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It might not be possible with

It might not be possible with the engine, but outer-frame type pieces would be cool, Costume pieces that really let you see that your character is more like an 'operator'. A good example of this would be the iconic power loader from Aliens. Champions Online does this a tiny bit with their large transparent bubble helmet and gloves where you can see your character's head and limbs inside.

Hand props might also be welcome. Canes, wands, flowers, beer steins, fetishes, tomes, and the like can help flesh a character out. Also on the subject of hand items, having lots of shields is great- even if there aren't and shield-based powers. City of Heroes and Champions Online offer some good looks. City of Heroes had a lot of good permanent shield options, whereas Champions Online's block abilities have some great effects and looks as well, though you only see them when you use the ability. The option to adjust the scale or diameter of the shield during creation would be a plus, as would being able to pick which arm it's attached to.

How about a few plant-based outfits, allowing your character to be covered in flowers, vines, thorns, or tree parts? Then maybe offer an aura of bugs or birds hovering around the character, picking at the various costume elements.

Having roller skates / blades might be neat, too. It could be linked with or independent of a skating movement power.

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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

chainsaws!!! Chainsaws for everyone!!!!!!

As the person who suggested to Noble Savage during the last Player Summit in 2012 to include chainsaws in any kind of Post Apocalyptic Costume Set, I need to remind everyone that when David started drawing the chainsaw on the body template (and making it puff smoke) a decidedly female voice in the audience yelled out "make it drip!"

I'm pretty sure she wanted David to use a RED color for the drippy off the chainsaw ...

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Darth Fez
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If there is a chainsaw weapon

If there is a chainsaw weapon then there must be an option to have the chainsaw replace a hand, otherwise we might as well shelve the whole idea.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Petalstorm wrote:
Petalstorm wrote:

As many different costume sets as we can get done by launch and then keep going to bring you guys more and more choices.. We have several different beastial heads in concept stages from all types and walks of life real and imagined.
Honestly we have a lot of people who are costume addicts.. myself included. I could and have just played with character creators for days and days on end. *blushes* I want to have as many options for you guys as we can and I want to keep adding new stuff for y'all. Suggestions are always welcome. Y'all have come up with some pretty neat ohh that is a good idea suggestions and I hope y'all keep them coming.

from one addict to another, I would love to see some ability to "layer" tights patterns in the game. Basically, you would choose your "base" tights, then have the option to choose additional layers. these additional layers would take the base tights, and make color one, or color two (or three or four, depending on how you all set up "painting) invisible.
In this way, the player could mix and match elements of their favorite tights, all but exponentially increasing versitility and uniqueness without actually adding more art resource to the work load.

In a similar vein, if we could have a way to make "cut outs" in tights, ourselves (like have a "cut out" list of options on the various available bodyparts) so that we could further self-modify our tights without needing a specific and unique set come out that happened to have cut-outs where we wanted them....

Basically, i'm really hoping there is time/resource/budget to allow players to get more creative in the CC through manipulation of layers and given options... rather than needing to wait for new content production in the hopes it scratches a particular costume itch.

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I'm also really hoping for

I'm also really hoping for some degree of layering - while I don't expect to be able to put large numbers of layers together, I would at the very least like a "skin" layer and a "costume" layer; imagine if all the options in the CoH "tights with skin" category could work with scales or fur or stitched zombie skin or the metallic surface of an android...

Phoenix Rising Token Minidragon

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My ideal, Wyvern, would be a

My ideal, Wyvern, would be a separate "skin" tab that had scales, metal, and translucent or whatever, then two layers of "tights" that could be stacked onto eachother (which would encompass anything that was geometrically "skin tight") a "cut away" layer (basically a series of patterns that "removed" (colored to match skintone) portions of the tights layers) followed by an "outer layer" which would be bulkier elements like body armors, coats, and protruding do-hickies
have that for torsos, as described, and with legs (replacing coats with pants or shorts or weapon harnesses)

I really think this would maximize our ability to manipulate the character creator while minimizing the resource load on the art team. That said, I don't really know how far along the CC engine is, and whether a suggestion like this is even feasible anymore...

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

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On second thought, I wouldn't

On second thought, I wouldn't want a "skin" layer that was limited to just skin; I'd want to be able to put any texture on that layer. (I started to say "any texture that didn't have transparency", and then realized that no, someone somewhere will want to play an iridescent soap-bubble forcefield construct, or an animated pile of water/ice, or... etc.)

Phoenix Rising Token Minidragon

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I'm not sure I understand....

I'm not sure I understand....
to me, the "skin" layer is simply the bottom layer, the "base" or "background" to the layers of mesh.
so any "base texture" would work

I guess my confusion is your use of the word "texture"
it could either mean "mesh"... like whatever types of matter your character could look like s/he was made out of (plated metal, like Colosus, glowing energy like Dr. Manhattan, stone like the Thing, etc, et al)
Or it could be a texture like Champions has textures, of patterns and padding and chainmail or whatever...

I definitely would love to see this latter sort of "texture" included into the tights layers, but I'm not sure if the Dev team intends to include that sort of manipulation into this game's Costume creator....

as for the former.... well, that's what I intended for the "skin" layer already....

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

GhostHack's picture
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Something I realized we

Something I realized we simply MUST have in the costume creator...

tights patterns that are different on the front and back. That is to say, that rather than the image being divisible into right and left equal images, they can be split into front and back independent images.

such patterns are vital to making a costume that mimics several animals like [url=] foxes[/url] that have chests and backs of different colors....

Secondly.... I really really want under-arm wings like [url=] the silverhawks[/url] and [url=] spiderwoman [/url]
and "bell sleeves" like [url=] mockingbird[/url] had in earth's mightiest.

And, lastly... I would really, REALLY like to be assured that there will be domino-style (and any other iteration) masks that actually have "thickness".... rather than looking painted on.

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

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Another brain wave (hopefully

Another brain wave (hopefully someone's already thought of this, but if not, here goes)
a "Shoulder" option that is "emblems"... so we can put emblems directly on our bare(tights) shoulders... not to mention a collection of "tangible" (i.e. have thickness and a sense of physicality) simple shapes for shoulders (stars, crescents, shields, etc) that, again, stick directly onto the shoulders (rather than as "part" of a larger shoulder pad.)

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]

Col. Kernel
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They showed emblems on the

They showed emblems on the shoulder in the first (?) display of Andy in one of the recent Kickstarter updates.

And +1 on the underarm "wings", like Falcon, Spider-Woman/Man, and many others.

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Gun arm please!

Gun arm please!

solarblaze's picture
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And not just the blaster

And not just the blaster cannon type gun arms. Put some rotary cannons on there, some ray-gun style cannons, maybe even a missile launcher or rail cannon? Make some unique shapes too. Besides Metroid and Megaman, some gundam references come to mind too.

Solarblaze (Fire/Fire Blaster)
Kitty Phoenix (Fire/Emp Controller)
Phoenixblaze (Fire/Fire Dominator)
- A friend gifted CoH on my birthday, 5/1/2004.
I had never heard of it before then...
It still is the best birthday gift to this date.

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Wyvern wrote:
Wyvern wrote:

I'm also really hoping for some degree of layering - while I don't expect to be able to put large numbers of layers together, I would at the very least like a "skin" layer and a "costume" layer; imagine if all the options in the CoH "tights with skin" category could work with scales or fur or stitched zombie skin or the metallic surface of an android...

More than two colors per part would be nice, and/or regarding "with skin" pieces, don't have the skin count as one of the two colors. That used to drive me nuts...

I also wish we could have a "necklace" category like CO does, so everything's not under "Shoulders." I find CO's alts quite ugly but it must be admitted, they do have more categories in their CC and those are nice. Their CC is not very intuitive though.... I remember the time I wanted to take a cape OFF and it took me five minutes to figure out how to do it. Ugh!

solarblaze's picture
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That would be interesting to

That would be interesting to have rings and necklaces and earrings included as choices. Like under bare hand option, several rings. Just like the crowns/tiaras/headbands. And under ears, not only do elf ears and all that, but then earrings too.

Solarblaze (Fire/Fire Blaster)
Kitty Phoenix (Fire/Emp Controller)
Phoenixblaze (Fire/Fire Dominator)
- A friend gifted CoH on my birthday, 5/1/2004.
I had never heard of it before then...
It still is the best birthday gift to this date.

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Fingernail and toenail

Fingernail and toenail painting? Might be too small to notice though.

Solarblaze (Fire/Fire Blaster)
Kitty Phoenix (Fire/Emp Controller)
Phoenixblaze (Fire/Fire Dominator)
- A friend gifted CoH on my birthday, 5/1/2004.
I had never heard of it before then...
It still is the best birthday gift to this date.

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The above image is the kind of costume I wanted to make in CoX. I loved the coat and hood, but there was no mask like that for male toons. The closest was carnival masks which only female toons could wear. I'd like to see that in CoT.

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

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Hube2 wrote:
Hube2 wrote:



I used the CoX Stlletto option a lot, especially for the first few years I played the game, because all of the other footwear made the feet look so bad. The stilettos were not very realistic, but at least they were cute and did not make the feet look ginormous.

I am hoping CoT does a better job on the feet, for both sexes. All my men had on the Sinister boot for like, forever until we got Valkyrie and later, the Ascension boot. Low-heeled boots for both sexes were so boxy and clunky when the game was new. Nope. Do not want.

I am hoping we can get something like the Ascension boot in CoT.... but with the thigh armor for BOTH sexes, please please pweeeeeeeeeeeeease with pink sugar on top! Those boots were SEX

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Safehouse wrote:
Safehouse wrote:
The above image is the kind of costume I wanted to make in CoX. I loved the coat and hood, but there was no mask like that for male toons. The closest was carnival masks which only female toons could wear. I'd like to see that in CoT.

Yessssssssssss this mask is excellent, male and female alike need this type of thing.

WarBird's picture
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Turbans, from realistic

Turbans, from realistic (smooth sikh perhaps) to way out there (giant Karnak style.)

Maybe a kafiyeh(sp) style hood.

If you do cowboy hats and fedoras, please get the brims right.

It would be nice if we could adjust the postion of hats, too: Jaunty right/left, straight, tilted back/front, etc.

sunglasses and goggles

Gun holsters, hip AND back scabbards for blades. (is it asking too much to have them empty when you pull the weapon? or reflect what kind of weapon you actually have?)

And +1 for asymetric design capability. I'm talking about complete asymetric functionality, too. mix and match tights/gloves/arms/legs (Tho I'd like a toggle/default to symmetrical to save some effort) recognizing there would be some limitations for animations . (You couldnt run with one human leg and one bird leg, for instance.) But doing a right arm and left leg that are bionic on a basically human torso.

Vambraces (forearm pieces) that are seperate from gloves. (i.e. applied over base layer gauntlets, compatible with wrist length gloves)

Catherine America
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-- Outfits from the 20s

-- Outfits from the 20s (showgirl, starlet, Boardwalk Empire, The Great Gatsby, etc.)
-- Flamenco (female and male)
-- Baggie shorts (females -- like boxing, soccer and basketball)
-- Egyptian (female)
-- Asymmetrical (female -- one sleeve bare + one sleeve short, mid-length or full length; one leg bare + one leg short, mid-length, or full length)


([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])

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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

If there is a chainsaw weapon then there must be an option to have the chainsaw replace a hand, otherwise we might as well shelve the whole idea.

I couldn't agree more. Doesn't need to be the default (think Doom)... but yes, this should be an option.

JayBezz's picture
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Because this is also a

Because this is also a villains game (I would not request this for Champions Online, for instance) I hope you do give us what I call "Skanky Elf" costumes. Anything a female in Tera would wear (Metal Bra and codpiece, Chainmail capes, etc) I want to see them in City of Titans.

I say this ALSO because there are alot of artists who are already looking for work in Fantasy games who have models already made and know how to make fantasy models. Lets face it, most MMOs are elf/dragon/wand and sword games. No reason not to take someone's work that's already been started.. I can think of like 10 Game design students who could turn out 1000 fantasy costume pieces in a week. LOL

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Anjay's picture
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Loincloths. Definitely

Loincloths. Definitely loincloths. Long tradition of jungle heroes in loincloths. Can also go "ancient warrior" or "native warrior" route.

And on the flip side, who's a toon gotta defeat to get a spanish conquistador-style helmet like [url=]so[/url], or [url=]so[/url], or [url=]so[/url]? Maybe a full on "Renaissance-style" type set. A lot of swashbuckler opportunities there.

“Cambiar el mundo, amigo Sancho, que no es locura ni utopía, sino Justicia!".― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Steamtank's picture
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everything you think of when

everything you think of when you hear "game of thrones"
everything you think of when you hear "tank girl"

oh and a "dirty" texture pattern... that way i dont have to default to ripped up clothing just to look dirty in game.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Fireheart's picture
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Asymmetrical stuff is great,

Asymmetrical stuff is great, but let's not do asymmetrical just to be twisted. Symmetrical is Also good. So let's hear it for asymmetrical Left, symmetrical, and asymmetrical Right, all at the same time.

Be Well!

Xnarl's picture
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Some equivalent to Champion's

Some equivalent to Champion's Steelhawk (particular the feathers).

Since there seems to be no thread for individual costume pieces, some requests:

The Cape worn by this lovely lady:

Phrygian Helmet:

A byzantine armour from the 10th to 12th century(klivanium/Κλιβάνιον)

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Knee Pads (with symbol)

Knee Pads (with symbol)
Shoulder Pads (with symbol)
Elbow Pads (with symbol)
Shield (with symbol)
Helmet (with symbol)
Belt (with symbol)
Headband (with symbol)

Oh and YAY for Platform wedge Heels!

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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I would love to make a bear

I would love to make a bear costume! Bears are practically like people... but with fur! Despite what people think bears are not very dangerous to people, especially the friendliest of bears, black bears! They are very nice and would make a great hero :-)

If nothing else, it would be as simple as offering a bear-like head option (with like the long pointed nose, not a wide-open-snarling-teeth-hanging-out-scary-face) If I could see a friendly black bear face on my hero, all would be right with the world, no questions asked. The rest of the bear costume would just be the cherry on top! Of course, with the right head, any dog or cat-like fur would make at least a believable bear, and I feel like its pretty likely that those will make it into the game. But if people really go for this idea...

Black bears have wide paws with five "fingers" on each paw. They have strong claws that are not sharp (mostly used for climbing to eat and escape threats) or very long and very blunt claws for digging (grizzly bears). I could definitely see a somewhat shorter and bulkier version of the dog or cat legs and a little bitty tail. Their fur is long and thick when it gets cold, which is what makes them look like they are very fat. Of course, like I said, all I really want is the face, I understand it could be difficult to add all this extra stuff in.

My bear would definitely be a timid (hide in the back) support type, because he doesn't want to fight, he just wants to protect his friends. And if they put it into the game, he is definitely picking up that climbing power.

However, if we let people make bear toons, I better not see any villains using the bear face, because bears are not the villains, they are people's friends!

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Steven Colbert wrote:
Steven Colbert wrote:

Bears are godless killing machines.

'nuff said.

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Darth Fez
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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okay okay, so I guess I'm not

okay okay, so I guess I'm not the only one who has opinions about bears :-P so I am willing to allow villains to make bears just as long as I get my calm bear face! :-D And if it appeases the masses, we could add in a snarling "bite your face off" bear face too.


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