how to download game?
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Unfortunately, Step One is wait until there is a game. Hopefully by Early 2016.
I hope to learn Step Two by then. ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Of course if you're that impatient for CoT to arrive you could always do what [url=]Eric Cartman[/url] did...
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
It would be nice if videos could be posted that show the progress every few months as well as videos actually showing some of the game being played.
Be assured that when progress is suitable for showing it will be shown. At the moment, it isn't but hopefully will be in the reasonably near future.
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
It might be "nice" if software developers could do this on a scheduled basis. But in practice it wouldn't be as useful or informative as you'd think.
Take for example what it'd be like if you were waiting for a car company to make you a new car. Let's say that at every 5% milestone towards completion of the car the makers took a bunch of pics of the latest parts and the semi-built car itself. Would you really get any idea of how that car is going to look or drive in its final form until it's like maybe at least 80 or 90 percent done? Not really. Same is true for computer games in general.
I'm not saying I wouldn't want to see every scrap of artwork or design insight the folks at MWM would be willing to share in the next few years. I'm just stressing the idea that there's really no point in getting (or even expecting) specifically scheduled installments of information until they start getting towards the Alpha/Beta testing stages.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
what about Alpha or Bata game play?
all ready Valiance Online changed there Pre- Pre- alpha to alpha download.
while on the another story line. True story line. APR well you know Atlas Park Revival is working on City of Heroes 1.5 using the same Unreal Engine 4 that COT is doing (not Circle of Thorns)
I seen photos of this and wow its outstanding! Like AE building
able to see inside of the building and see the details that is inside of the A.E. Building
and a possible new zone.
any way Alpha game play is target to download and play it at the end of 2015
that's the ticket\
Edited to remove obscenities by Minotaur, and duplicate post deleted
Valiance Online had an advantage they had their own Engine and basic systems already started for a fantasy game. When CoH shut down they started reworking it into a Superhero MMO. So the rough framework was already in place. There was no learning curve to use their engine when MWM learning Unreal Engine 4.
Before someone asks yes there was early talks between Valiance and MWM and the two chose that the two game ideas (not to mention the desire of many volunteer workers) just wouldn't mess.
So that why the Valiance Online group of Paid Programmers were able to get a playable proto-alpha up and running. Yes I have it on my computer and hop in to visit our Sister City.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
How is it?
is there a phone number for accounting? what happened my email that was used to pay for the kickstarter got lost. and call your people up and talk about it?
2nd how about beta download ?
There is no phone number, PM Warcabbit or Doctor Tyche, but I thought they sorted you out.
Beta is not imminent.
And please only post once, posting the same thing several times is more likely to get action taken against you than actually achieve anything positive.
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
If, due to lag, or ADHD, or some other issue, you multi-post By Accident, you can always delete or edit your own posts.
Be Well!
It's alright some powers, able to run around and street sweep random mobs. Art at least the last time I logged in kind of cartoonish, good still. Not to thrilled with the models but it is Proto-alpha can't even call it an alpha yet. So far I say it has a good chance. Game play is good for the stage it is in. They are listening to the player base and adapting. If you get the latest build remember it's NOT a game yet. Just the beginnings of one.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
So is this game dead in the water or still being worked on? *BUMP*
Welcome back to the forums. If you had simply looked at the latest posts on this forum (instead of necroposting to a 2.5 year old thread) you'd know that this game is not "dead in the water".
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Are we there yet?
I can turn this MMO around and take us back home if that’s what you want!!
or as my Dad would tell us: "Sit back and enjoy the view, we'll get there when we get there."
of if we were persistent, (ie my younger sister): "Shut Up! Enjoy the view! We're almost there!!"
What a way to "welcome someone back to the forums" No need to be a d*ck about it. Was just a simple question, and something a little more professionalism would've been a lot better recieved.
Maybe something like:
"Hey thanks for coming back, yes it is still in developement. Keep checking back to stay current with the coming events, and keep yourself up-to-date on the new breakthroughs."
Welcome back Soulreaper. Ignore Lothic. Grating Comments is kinda his brand. He/she doesn’t mean to offend just sorta comes by it naturally, me thinks. Don’t be put off by it there is a lot of excitement right now! We are all anticipating the character generator (chargen) to be released at least to supporters for beta testing and well we are all getting hyped for it! Of course no official word on actual dates or anything but a lot of hope and energy! Welcome back!
"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle
Asking for professionalism from another forum goer?
I don't think Lothic gets paid for what they do.
I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they did, but then I'd have questions. Like how much does that pay? And how do I get in on this racket?
Anyway, welcome back I guess. There's been some cool updates recently including a preview of the character generator.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
You do realize that popping in on a dead thread and necroposting something like "Hey is this game dead or not?" sounded pretty "d*ckish" to begin with considering there are some of us who have been regular forum posters here for years.
For what it's worth I'm happy you've decided to check in and see how things are going but you yourself could have posted the following:
"Hey I'm just checking back in to see if this game is still in development and get up to date with the coming events and breakthroughs."
Can you at least acknowledge that "d*ckishness" can go both ways and that in this case you might have started the ball rolling on that?
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Sorry I just tend to respond in kind. You honestly can't tell me that the way Soulreaper099 asked about the game was the "nicest" way they could have asked about it can you?
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Hey if I managed to figure out how to get "paid" for this from a game company with no discernible income/profits yet I'd be more of a "miracle worker" than I ever thought possible. ;)
To be clear I don't technically "work" for MWM (probably much to their relief) so the idea that I have to be "professional" here is a bit laughable. But again I [b]will[/b] respond to what I think is "d*ckish disrespect" against this game in kind so I suppose you can always count on me for that.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
No attempt at maybe the Active Topics button? lol
Still in development, gotten good looks are Character Generator and hints of a demo of it for some (or possibly all) backers and/or members late this year with even the "world" beta being likely another year after that if we're lucky. Its been this long and I'm still hyped everytime I come to this forum to see the new things being revealed and reading the lore that's being put into this world so I feel it'll be well worth the wait. Stick it out with us!
(In case a disclaimer is necessary to say I don't work for MWM, as it's probably hard to locate the badge line with the Staff badges also I don't work for MWM)
No, honestly it didn’t hit me as prickish. If anything it hit me as someone that doesn’t want to take the time to look for information on their own but rather have it provided to them. I deal with people that know it doesn’t take much effort to get information they want but choose not to get it themselves all the time. It’s annoying but after dealing with enough of these types I get numbish to it. Perhaps it’s just a millennial, they seem to do it a lot too but I don’t know.
"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle
Perhaps I simply consider "someone that doesn’t want to take the time (in this case we're talking like what, 30 seconds maybe?) to look for information on their own but rather have it provided to them" [b][i]is[/i][/b] fundamentally "prickish".
For what it's worth I'll grant you that the question, "So is this game dead in the water or still being worked on?" was brutally direct and to the point. But it also came off fairly rude and impatient-sounding with the implied flippant expectation that this game has already completely and utterly failed. Am I not allowed to take umbrage at such a statement?
I simply think it's fascinatingly ironic that Soulreaper099 apparently got mad at my so-called "d*ickish response" to him/her while seemingly remaining 100% tone-deaf to their own poor phrasing of their initial question. It's like if someone had asked you, "How's the weather outside loser?" and you were to respond, "I don't know, why don't you check it yourself jerk." and then have the first guy reply back, "Hey! Your answer wasn't very nice." Why -should- it have been?
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Yeah but then that’s why I suppose he/she is a millennial as this is characteristic of the several I’ve had to deal with the last few years.
And I certainly applaud you for defending our games honor! I know I can count on your undying loyalty there!
Yeah I went there, our games honor! It’s coming, fear not lil soul reaper; it is coming.
"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle
Now that makes complete and utter sense now, I won't judge you for your lack of an upbeat respectful personality. Apparently what I said really hit home though because you had like 3-5 responses for my 1. But anyways, tis is life. Can't expect everyone to be respectful and kind to other users of the website, nor to take their response as a PoV. My initial question was brought on by just sheer and open and honest question. Found the link through Google to this forum, so i posted it in a thread that i believed was fitting. A simple yes or no would've sufficed as well.
In the words of Thumper:
If you can't say somethin' nice.., don't say nothin' at all.
Kinda fits snuggly here.
Ya'll have a great day though, I laughed so hard at how much of a response I got on my thought of respect.
You say things like this with the apparent notion that you don't need to apply these concepts to your own postings... priceless. If you had asked your initial question "nicely" on one of the many currently active threads you would have likely gotten an equally "nice" reply back. Pretty simple really.
You clearly are -not- a regular here. Once again welcome to the CoT forums. :)
At least I wasn't the person who necroposted to a dead thread to ask what should have been a simple question in probably the most terribly crass and condescending way possible. Your lack of self-awareness in this matter is refreshingly quaint.
Trust me, I was initially as respectful and professional(?) to you as you deserved. Next time if you're actually interested in a game like this you can spend a few seconds to find your own answers without the need to rely on "unprofessional" people like me lol.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
*Noted* I will not bother to read any of your posts as you told me you really don't gaf. Thanks or the heads up, friend. :)
gaf... that's a good one. It actually took a few moments for me to guess at the meaning of that given the context...
Ironically (although most of the Rednames and other fellow posters here would likely be loathe to admit it) I'm probably one of the oldest, longest lasting cheerleaders for CoT this forum actually has. Sure there are some I could name who probably hate my guts, but frankly I wouldn't be doing my "job" here if everyone loved me unconditionally.
As far as someone who cares for and wishes to see the best for this game goes you're probably not going to find too many others who are as dedicated to it as I am. I pledged a four-figure amount to this game back during its Kickstarter so you can call me anything you want but a person that doesn't "gaf" about CoT is the LAST person I'll ever be.
Ignore me if you'd like. I'd simply consider that your loss, not mine.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Heh, just because you can throw some cash around doesn't necessarily mean you gaf. Rich kids do it all the time. Lol. Also, that you had to ponder the acronym really shows your age good sir. It's a pretty old one. Hehe, anyways as said before you all enjoy your mornings. I'm gonna enjoy my cup of coffee and get back to work now. Catch ya'll around.
Considering that I played CoH for its full 8.5 year run I don't really consider pledging to CoT an act of "a rich kid throwing some cash around".
And surprisingly enough a person who's been "lurking" on the Internet since it was the ARPANET can still learn new things. Frankly I've never seen anyone silly enough to use "gaf" before as an acronym - that's definitely got to be some kind of cutesy text-based Millennial thing.
Take care... I only wish I could take your wildly inaccurate assumption about my age and bottle it - I'd make a million on the anti-wrinkle makeup market. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Take it you've never seen DILLIGAF or FUBAR either. If those are milennial things, you should tell the armed forces that. They've been using those acronyms for decades lol.
Like the rest of your posts so far your response here continues to be SNAFU-ish. Since I've been working for the Air Force in various engineering capacities since the early 90's I'm fairly familiar with many common acronyms that have -actually- been around for a while. But I will admittedly concede that much of the new text-based gibberish/abbreviation that passes for communication on smart phones these days is beyond me. Yes, I'm the Luddite that still "texts in compete sentences".
Oh well, so much for "ignoring me". I hope you decide to stick around and try CoT regardless. Maybe you'll decide to skim these forums well enough from now on so that you don't have to "ask" what's going on again. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I kinda agree with Lothic for once. (Not that I usually disagree with Lothic either, I just usually stay out of the way when things get controversial.) But it’s always bad forum etiquette anywhere to necropost without offering anything useful to a thread. Combine that with laziness and something of a slam on the game, and I think Lothic’s brand of snark was perfectly placed in this case.
You gotta stop competing in sentences and start completing them. ;-) Friend.
No instructions on how to download the game? How unhelpful.
There are several ways to do a thing such as that.
1) Time machine - go into the future, purchase the title, download the game.
2) Magic Lamp - rub it and when the genie appears, wish for a download to the game
3) Dimensional Rifts - find a dimensional tear and hop through the multiverse until you find a world where the game already exists
4) The Matrix - jack in to a completely virtual world, have the entirety of everything you need to know downloaded into your brain and create the download yourself
5) Pot o Gold - follow a rainbow to the pot of gold and capture the leprechaun, he will grant you a wish, and if he doesn't give the gold to MWM for more staff
6) Science Experiments - By performing questionable acts of science, a lab mishap will give you the power of future sight, and you can mentally already be in the future playing the game
7) Delorean - there's already several deloreans out there, just find one with a flux capacitor and go 88 miles per hour to get you to your desired future point
These are all valid options for downloading the game currently, and I'm appalled that nobody else is willing to help a fellow future hero.
Think you forgot some kind of telephone booth that can travel time too maybe, Idk I don't watch that ridiculous Dr. Who show anyways, really don't know what it does lol.
You are my new hero. <3 You have a splendid day good sir.
By the way you're trolling attempt is an epic fail for being way off topic of the current conversation. I was only asking "if the game was still in development or dead in the water."
Cheers though mate! *Raises Glass*
Ha Ha very funny. I managed to get over pointing out other people's minor typos several decades ago. For instance I didn't even bother to point out that you FUCKED UP and forgot the "f" in "for" towards [url=]the end of this earlier post[/url] of yours but since you were once again being dickish about the whole thing I'll highlight it for you now:
Anyway I hope you never decide to talk to one of the top Devs on this forum named Tannim - since he typically responds here on his phone he usually manages to misspell every third word.
P.S. At least I didn't screw up and effectively re-post the same post three times in a row. lol Buddy.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Yeah, I got bored again. You seem to be the funniest thing going on atm, so yeh. Still having some good laughs. If you find a good stand up comedy, do you really ever leave the show early? Nah
In the overall spectrum of things I've been called on forums over the years a "stand-up comedian" is hardly the worst. In fact it's practically a compliment. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Never said it was a insult, but how far you've taken it on this "necrotic" thread is pretty hilarious though. Apparently we both have nothing better to do.
When you oversee various automated post-mission data processing jobs you tend to get a few spare minutes in-between waiting for results. I only have "nothing better to do" at periodic intervals during days like this. ;)
Anyway once you peel the scab off a "necrotic" thread like this it's pretty much back in action. The fact that there have been like 5 or 6 other posters (besides us) since you Frankenstein'd it back proves that. The faux pas is usually only assessed against the person who did the necro'ing, not anyone else who keeps it going.
But as far as necro'd threads go this one is pretty tame. There was another semi-infamous thread on this forum that lasted the better part of 3 or 4 years. It would flare up every once in a while for like a week or two then die back down for several months. All told it probably got necro'd maybe 8 or 10 times and even though it's been down for well over a year or more now I suppose it could technically get nerco'd back at any moment. Fun times... but trust me at this point there would probably be at least half-a-dozen regular posters/Devs who would likely try to track you down IRL to smack you around were you to find and revive that thread - even I'm not touching it with a 10-foot pole.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
You guys do realize that even without my "help" that thread could literally be dug up by [b]anyone[/b] at [b]anytime[/b] regardless right? It's likely only by the grace of [i][insert name of random deity here][/i] that the thread has been as quiet as long as it's been lately.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: All the Rednames need to do is lock/delete that thread and the long nightmare would be over for everyone...
Barring that I've provided absolutely no clue as to the topic of the thread in question here so if it does pop back up anytime soon it won't be my fault.
P.S. Frankly I actually kind of think it's funny this forum has its own Voldemort thread. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
They also forgot about timeships (Waverider FTW! :D )
What have I done!!!??? Lol!
I blame Lothic <-------- This guy lol
This is why necromancy is blasphemous.
Necromancy isn't necessarily evil as long as you realize what you are doing and it's honestly the only thread that exists to discuss a particular topic after THOROUGH research. Usually the non-evil necromancer says something like "I searched all the threads and didn't see this mentioned anywhere else, so forgive me for reviving this old thread; but..."
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
First part completely agree. :-)
Second part: I deny your reality and substitute my own. ;-)
If you want to deny reality with a childish "Blah, Blah, Blah" you might as well use the all-time best example of it:
P.S. BTW if you're reading this Soulreaper099 our good friend Cobalt Azurean here would likely be (if it wasn't already obvious) one of the ones to be a bit "perturbed" to see a certain thread in question make yet another comeback.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
If you agree with Huckleberry on this why didn't you do it? This kind of gets us back to the unceremonious way you kicked this current line of discussion off in the first place.
You do understand you're responding to Huckleberry's signature line right? ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
You do understand that it doesn't normally quote the "signature" right? I purposely put it in there to just mess ariund.
On point one it wasn't a troll at first, that's just what it became after a fun filled afternoon. You participate in it too lol.
Discussions often weave around here on a daily basis regardless. What happened yesterday really wasn't anything "special" or "unusual" so I wouldn't pat yourself on the back for doing anything amazing here.
And I never said your "kickoff" on this thread was a troll one way or the other. It was just a coarsely worded post that got a coarsely worded reply. Your "indignation" for being called out on being semi-rude was what got things going and you decided to play along too. It happens.
Sometimes we talk about things meaningful to CoT. While we're waiting for new updates we talk about dumb stuff like this.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Yes it was fun while it lasted though you gotta admit, putting on a good show is what I do lol. Glad you were a good sport about it lol, if I was really hurt it would've gone down a way different path. Lol.
Ohh, I didn't post that in relation to that thread specifically.
It was more that the bantering between you and Soulreaper had reached popcorn levels.
As was mentioned there wasn't much else happening on the forum at the time. *shrugs*
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Sometimes I got nothing to do so I post something dumb.
Like this post.
Here I was ready to shut down an argument, and instead I see silliness.
Carry on.
As for your original question, still chugging along. Not as fast as we'd like it, but making solid progress.
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
Don't you realize that roughly 99.999999% of the "arguments" on this forum -are- silliness. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I know, but I have to keep an eye out. Having a necro post go from 9 replies to 50 in a few hours....
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
By the power of grayskull! Also the internet. Lol
Ironically the "dangers of necroposting" is actually what we've been talking about here in the last few posts... lol
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Strange powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my [b]plastic[/b] sword and shouted ... [b][i]"By the powers of Playskool!"[/i][/b]
[youtube]7yeA7a0uS3A[/youtube] [youtube]wR65P73X5GI[/youtube]
Behold ... the mid-80s cheese ...
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
So, where is the download link for the game?
Which game do you refer to? We're a dark cult solely existing for the purpose to enslave humanity and their sinful foolish thinking. Their society might have forgotten us, but we won't. Join us and feel the gratitude of our gods. Let them bless you and share their knowledge with you.
(There is no download link)
45 52 52 4F 52 3A 20 34 30 34 0D 0A 48 65 72 6F 20 6E 6F 74 20 66 6F 75 6E 64 21
The download link is still futureward of this time. Fortunately we all have a basic (if unidirectional) time travel power, so we'll catch up to it eventually.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Download? The dark rites involved are too horrifying to describe. I would rather wait for the official release.
There is also the possibility of downloading from another alternate universe. However the quality is questionable.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Last time I tried to download a copy from another universe I got "City of Trenton." I will admit it's not a bad game just... odd.
Wait until you see the... nope, that would ruin the surprise.
BUT there has to be a way to download the beta, AM I RIGHT?????
The world shall bow down to me because I am SOOOOOO cute!
I mean... This is an ancient thread and none of the info in it applies anymore, but if you want to download the current alpha of the game, the link is at the top of the page. Second line in the Announcements section.
[color=red]PR Team, Forum Moderator, Live Response Team[/color]