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Sidekicks are the new capes!

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Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 13 hours 19 min ago
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Sidekicks are the new capes!

In CoX, we were able to get a cape when our character reached level 20. It was a big moment and way of declaring that we had arrived.

But in CoT we will be able to wear a cape from character creation onward. So what will mark our promotion to the Big Leagues?

How about:[h1]Sidekicks[/h1]

This was first discussed in an exchange between @Lothic and I in [url=]this post[/url] in the [url=]Packaged Themes[/url] thread. This discussion was also touched upon in Lothic's [url=]Vanity Sidekick Pets[/url] thread.

I think it deserves its own discussion thread, so here I go:

When a character reaches level 20, they become eligible for a certain mission arc. At the successful completion of the mission arc, they get a companion sidekick. I'll leave it up to the talented writers of MWM to come up with a suitable engaging mission arc that tugs on all the right strings, whether villainous or heroic or something in-between.

Players could customize their sidekicks in the Avatar Builder, or with the [url=]commander's[/url] minion customizer, whichever is most appropriate.

Maybe instead of character level, some other threshold like [url=][i]renown[/i][/url] could be used. I think renown makes sense since it would take a certain amount of fame/infamy for sidekicks to even want to apprentice with our character. Maybe there could even be a combination of prerequisites like a certain renown to be eligible for a sidekick and a certain reputation with a faction to get certain sidekicks specific to that faction. This could turn into collect-them-all type achievement hunting that would extend players' gametime engagement.

[list]But what would a sidekick be good for?
[*]Vanity - Like a cape in CoX, perhaps a sidekick in CoT has no purpose other than to look good and follow us around (when we are out of combat only?). We could toggle them on and off so they're not always visible. And when toggling them on and off they could say something and dash away, or vice versa, in accordance with whatever travel power we have.
[*]Select from a few pre-generated personalities, so that when they are following us they comment from time to time on what we do and we can interact with them in a few rudimentary ways.
[*]Farming/crafting - Much like how [url=]Retainers[/url] are handled in FFXIV, or how our followers can go on [url=]Errands[/url] in FF Tactics, our sidekicks can go on their own off-screen missions. These missions would end in some rewards in the form of drops or crafting supplies as well as some renown or reputation. This could help characters farming for renown and reputation, especially if they want to switch over from hero to villain or vice versa.
[*]Combat - Give our characters a sidekick ability or two that calls our sidekick to perform a combo attack with us, or provide some other combat capability. Maybe do this by granting our character a separate [i]Sidekick Combo[/i] ability that we can insert augments and refinements into and even a separate sidekick set of masteries we can pick from so we can customize how our sidekick helps us in battle. This could synergize well with the faction reputation idea mentioned earlier if certain factions provided sidekicks with different capabilities.
[*]Base Decorations - Whenever we enter our base, we can find our sidekicks there, lounging or doing busy work. We could even decorate the sidekicks themselves for seasonal events, something that can be sold in the cash shop or earned on certain seasonal missions. Maybe even dress our sidekicks up in costume items that are only available after certain milestones or achievements.

Further questions:
-Should we be able to have more than one sidekick at a time? If so, should we be able to actually show more than one of them following us at a time?
-What other questions would be appropriate?

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
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These are interesting ideas.

These are interesting ideas. I like how you've summarized several long standing Sidekick suggestions from The Original Game (TOG) such as the ever-favorite "Sidekick as base decorations".

For my two-cents there are probably many ways players could gain access to Sidekicks in CoT. Using Renown for this seems like a natural fit - a character would likely only be able to attract a Sidekick if they're someone worthy of being followed. I'm not really sure I'd make something like this dependent on level-gating. They did that with capes back in the early days of TOG mostly as a means to limit having too many players running around with capes to lag down the game's graphics and bandwidth. Sure they created the whole lore around "earning" a cape at level 20 but ultimately it was just a meta-method to control the loading of the servers.

At a minimum some type of "customizable vanity" Sidekick ought to be buyable in the in-game store for those players who want a simple Sidekick at level 1. The more "complex" Sidekicks could be reserved as rewards you'd have to play through the game to unlock. I would think the game ought to allow us to collect multiple types of Sidekicks but (for many practical purposes) it should probably only allow us to have one active at any given time. At the very least that would mitigate the risk of players finding ways to exploit them.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
I think a sidekick as a

I think a sidekick as a tertiary power would be great

not my video just one I lke ===>


Kalideus's picture
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Without thinking about it in depth too much yet, I like that angle.

Tannim222's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

I think a sidekick as a tertiary power would be great

I’ve considered it as a possibility but right now the “rule” is, if the power set is only a secondary sets will be proliferated into tertiary versions.

Since Summons sets will be a primary set, it won’t have a Tertiary version.

Not only that but the math behind Tertiary design doesn’t work out right for converting NPCs by their ranks.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
well you could go a tertiary

well you could go a tertiary for 5 one hit point minions and one that would summon one minion that didn't die in one hit. Just let my walrus boi have his minions man!!

not my video just one I lke ===>


Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Joined: 09/25/2013 - 13:48
"Further questions:

Further questions:
-Should we be able to have more than one sidekick at a time? If so, should we be able to actually show more than one of them following us at a time?"

If you go the mission route "a la Capes", then you only get the one Sidekick. However as a means of raising money through micro transactions (we know it will happen) allow the player to buy more if they so choose. That way we can build the perfect [s]harem[/s] [b]HERO[/b] team we want. Place them in your base, have a crowd of sycophants following you around, cheerleaders at your fights, a bumbling fellow who has "opportune" accidents during missions or combat, the list goes on.
The possibilities are endless. Now whether or not this is doable, or rather the extent to which it is doable . . . . .