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Vanity sidekick pets

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Lothic's picture
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Vanity sidekick pets

Over the years I've brought up the idea of a having what I've called "vanity sidekick pets" in CoT. I'll briefly redefine what I mean by that and then I'll explain why I'm mentioning the idea again.

Essentially (in terms of what CoH originally called a vanity pet) I'm talking about having a non-combat pet which follows your character around for RP purposes and has some built-in emotes to animate them. What would make this sidekick pet idea different from CoH would be that it would have its own costume slot just like the ones that PCs will get so that you can customize your "pet" to look any way you wanted. If you wanted a Robin sidekick to follow your Batman around you could do that. Or you could make your pet look like a "romantic love interest" that's common to an overwhelming number of classic comic book characters.

So here's why I'm talking about the idea again: It turns out that the makers of a new computer game called Baldur's Gate 3 (based on the original classic AD&D computer games) just released a playable open access alpha version of their game. As part of its character creation process the game has you customize a "romantic love interest" NPC that presumably would appear in the game at some point. In effect when you create a character in Baldur's Gate 3 you also get to create a customizable NPC that seems to be a lot like what I've been suggesting for CoT.

To be clear I'm not implying CoT should force anyone to have a vanity sidekick pet or require that everyone use that game mechanic to create a romantic love interest if they don't want one. I figure in CoT having a vanity sidekick pet should be something you could either earn as a reward or maybe as something you could buy as an optional unlock from the game store. I'm simply mentioning the concept again because I find it interesting that Baldur's Gate 3 (a RPG game that's been highly anticipated for years) is effectively borrowing the generic idea of having a "customizable NPC related to your PC" be a part of the gameplay.

Just another data point to consider for the Devs of CoT...

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Impulse King
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One of the smaller CoH

One of the [REDACTED] already has this. :)

DesViper's picture
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Again, our forums is not the

Again, our forums is not the place to discuss pirate software.

BUT, I checked with tech team and once we're near Commander (pet-based class) launch, making sidekicks like this would be trivial. There's a lot of under the hoot stuff to figure out first, but sidekicks are a quintessential part of early comic books.

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Lothic's picture
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DesViper wrote:
DesViper wrote:

BUT, I checked with tech team and once we're near Commander (pet-based class) launch, making sidekicks like this would be trivial. There's a lot of under the hoot stuff to figure out first, but sidekicks are a quintessential part of early comic books.

Yeah I think this has been covered before but if CoT ever gets to the point of having "customizable combat-capable Commander pets" then the idea of allowing any character to have "customizable non-combat Vanity pets" should be, as you say, trivial.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Fireheart's picture
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But I want to have Lady Jane

But I want to have Lady Jane and Fusionette as Pets!

Lothic's picture
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I guess it'll depend if MWM

I guess it'll depend if MWM puts any artificial limits on customizable pets in general.

It's possible the Commander pets will have limited customization because the Devs might use a unique "pet" body model that's completely different from the standard male and female models that player characters use. In fact I could see this happening on purpose because if players could make their combat pets look exactly like random player characters the whole thing could be confusing especially during PvP.

But as far the customized non-combat vanity pets go there's really no logical reason not have them use the same body models players use. If customized vanity pets end up using the exact same body models we use then they should be as completely customizable as any player character will be.

Frankly the idea that Commander combat pets have to be working before customizable vanity pets is a little confusing. Since customizable vanity pets are non-combat and would use the exact same body models players will be using it should be far, far easier to implement customizable vanity pets long BEFORE Commander pets are working. If anything MWM should try to get customizable vanity pets working FIRST as a simple stepping stone towards getting customizable Commander pets to work.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Grimfox's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

But I want to have Lady Jane and Fusionette as Pets!

Clearly this is for a villain. Having pet that suddenly runs off and attacks...anything, can only be good for one thing, EVIL!

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Lothic's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

But I want to have Lady Jane and Fusionette as Pets!

Again we'll see how customizable Commander combat pets are. At least having customizable non-combat vanity pets would be far easier to implement and far more likely to actually happen.

Grimfox wrote:

Having pet that suddenly runs off and attacks...anything, can only be good for one thing, EVIL!

You're describing Fire Imps here. Fire Imps aren't evil... they're just playful. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012