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Animation Suggestion Thread 2.0

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notears's picture
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not my video just one I lke ===>


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So I know bee swarms are up

So I know bee swarms are up there a couple times, can I throw in a specific request for butterflies as well?

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Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
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Yes! Stream of Butterflies

Yes! Stream of Butterflies Attack! Giant Green Butterflies Melt your Face!

Or Bees, or Tinkerbells, or little red devils.

Sounds Like FUN!

Be Well!

ZeeHero's picture
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Uncle Sheo approves of

Uncle Sheo approves of butterflies!


DesViper's picture
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Added "butterflies, other

Added "butterflies, other insects" to Swarm of Doves etc

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Been awhile since a new one

Been awhile since a new one of these. But I think it would be cool if there was an Afterimage Strike particle. Similar to the afterimage teleportation. But just a slightly transparent version of the user smacking someone in the face with an attack. Now, this would possibly be hard to implement because it would be either the same attack for everyone (which would be doable, but kinda boring) or there would be several attacks that would be assigned to this particle. Which could be cumbersome.

Could be used as a damage over time particle to be attached to the enemy, just have someone constantly being punched in the face. A cool ranged option for a speedster

This is also a call to arms for anyone that can find a good example. As I can' all

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DesViper's picture
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Think I got a good enough

Think I got a good enough example from One Punch Man :)

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Renkage wrote:
Renkage wrote:

Been awhile since a new one of these. But I think it would be cool if there was an Afterimage Strike particle. Similar to the afterimage teleportation. But just a slightly transparent version of the user smacking someone in the face with an attack. Now, this would possibly be hard to implement because it would be either the same attack for everyone (which would be doable, but kinda boring) or there would be several attacks that would be assigned to this particle. Which could be cumbersome.

Could be used as a damage over time particle to be attached to the enemy, just have someone constantly being punched in the face. A cool ranged option for a speedster

This is also a call to arms for anyone that can find a good example. As I can' all

I like this idea. You could basically use any melee attack animation, but apply it to a ranged attack and it will create a ghost image of it at the target. Seems as simple as it is cool. I think it would be appropriate to have the character model blink out of existence while the animation is underway so it looks like the character really did travel to the target. Yes, I know you mentioned using just a still image from one frame of the attack animation sequence, and that would probably be just as good or better than showing the full animation at the target.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

notears's picture
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not my video just one I lke ===>


DesViper's picture
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We've got "swarms of...bats"

We've got "swarms of...bats" under D :)

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Um, forgive me, but perhaps

Um, forgive me, but perhaps 'murder hornets'.

Be Well!

Lothic's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Um, forgive me, but perhaps 'murder hornets'.

DesViper already has a "swarm of insects" listed but those murder hornets in particular are horrific. They look like they were designed on purpose as little miniature spawns of hell.


Might be creepy if MWM can make them big (like maybe human-sized) and we have to fight them as an alien insect invasion event (which they sort of actually are IRL).

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

ZeeHero's picture
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Murder birds too please. and

Murder birds too please. and Murder robot drone swarms. I would also like something that looks like the DRAGOON system from Gundam Cosmic Era or the "Fangs" from Gundam A.D. (00)

Basically 6 to 12 little mechanical particle guns that fly and manuver independently, the "Fangs" version could also act as a stabbing device.

Cyclops's picture
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ZeeHero wrote:
ZeeHero wrote:

Murder birds too please.

Than I want a Tippi Hendron look-a-like face and outfit as well please.

AND an emote bird attack!


DesViper's picture
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We've got "Animal summoning

We've got "Animal summoning attacks (birds, bugs, wolves, BEEEEEES etc)" but "Falcon attack" has been added under D also :)

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DesViper wrote:
DesViper wrote:

but "Falcon attack" has been added under D also :)

Falcon should be filed under Double D.


notears's picture
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this walk cycle

not my video just one I lke ===>


Huckleberry's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

this walk cycle

OMG That's great. I think they call that the "Keep On Truckin' " walk, made famous by this R. Crumb image:

In fact, after a quick search, here's an attempt someone has already done to animate a portion of it:
I highly endorse this suggestion, if only for some silly NPCs.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

notears's picture
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these martial arts styles plez

not my video just one I lke ===>


DesViper's picture
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I wish the video had more

I wish the video had more demonstrations, but I found some on N'golo/Engolo movements/katas, added under "movements"

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notears's picture
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kay thenks

kay thenks

not my video just one I lke ===>


notears's picture
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if you want more

if you want more demonstration there's this guys channel, he's like skallagrim and shadiversery only with african weapons instead of europian ones

not my video just one I lke ===>


notears's picture
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I need this in the game


I need this in the game

not my video just one I lke ===>


Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 8 hours 21 min ago
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You mean something like this?

You mean something like this?


using the [url=]9000 swords[/url] mod for UE4.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

notears's picture
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yeah like that but maybe not

yeah like that but maybe not something that spawns actual game objects, that would slow the game down. I just want to barf swords everywhere.

not my video just one I lke ===>


ZeeHero's picture
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I'd love to see something

I'd love to see something like Mugino "Meltdowner"'s ability as attack animations.


DesViper's picture
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I think these animations

I think these animations would be covered under "floating orb" emanation points :)

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BHZShadowD's picture
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I hope im not too late but I

I hope im not too late but I would like see in game:
My Hero Academia: Fumikage Tokoyami's power Shadow that what I like looks Claw for Melee. IMAGE(

I know we have Dark tentacles from the earth on list but I want see with Dark or Shadow Claw like that, only I can find. Dragon Nest: Revenge Hand EX (
Minion spawning from shadow ground IMAGE(

DesViper's picture
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BHZShadowD wrote:
BHZShadowD wrote:

I hope im not too late but I would like see in game:
My Hero Academia: Fumikage Tokoyami's power Shadow that what I like looks Claw for Melee. [img][/img]

I know we have Dark tentacles from the earth on list but I want see with Dark or Shadow Claw like that, only I can find. Dragon Nest: Revenge Hand EX (
Minion spawning from shadow ground [img][/img]

Dark Claw added under Entities :)

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After the recent travel

After the recent travel powers post, it got me thinking of an over-the-top way of flying...

So what about Sky Jumping?

You can have slower "skipping" for a floating animation, while stronger kicking for the actual flight.

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Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 8 hours 21 min ago
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Renkage wrote:
Renkage wrote:

After the recent travel powers post, it got me thinking of an over-the-top way of flying...

So what about Sky Jumping?

You can have slower "skipping" for a floating animation, while stronger kicking for the actual flight.

I love it. It's basically flying but with a running animation.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

DesViper's picture
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Skywalk added under Movements

Skywalk added under Movements :)

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Fireheart's picture
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Didn't see it on the List:

Didn't see it on the List:
Emanation Point:
'Aura' - as in a glowing outline of the character emits energy, as if expressed from some part of the body, ie. a 'beam' from head, chest, hand, or 'blast' from same, or 'third-fist' punching from sheer Will. Let us avoid 'groin-blast', but 'heart-beam' could work.

Be Well!

Lothic's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Didn't see it on the List:
Emanation Point:
'Aura' - as in a glowing outline of the character emits energy, as if expressed from some part of the body, ie. a 'beam' from head, chest, hand, or 'blast' from same, or 'third-fist' punching from sheer Will. Let us avoid 'groin-blast', but 'heart-beam' could work.

Be Well!

So to be clear are you suggesting a roleplay concept that a character needs to have a glowing aura around them as a sort of "prerequisite" for them to be able to fire off ranged power blasts? If that's the case then I think the current set of emanation points can apply to your idea and it would just be up to the player to make sure they always have an aura around their character before they use their powers. This basically sounds like a variation of the idea that a character must wear a special "power ring" in order to use their powers but in this case we're talking about an aura instead of a ring.


Fireheart wrote:

Let us avoid 'groin-blast'

Sorry but if you hadn't mentioned it I probably wouldn't have been reminded that it was a perfectly legitimate "emanation point" on Rick and Morty:


Don't worry... I doubt MWM will offer that body location as an option but I'm just pointing out that it did appear on network TV not too long ago.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Fireheart's picture
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Hmm, actually, what I

Hmm, actually, what I envisioned didn't require an 'aura'. Simply that the 'effect' was disconnected from any particular body-part and emanated from some invisible 'surface' beyond the character model. IF the character did have a visible aura, then there might be some congruence. A 'psionic third arm' might reach out and punch a thug while the character's physical arms were restrained.

And I have not watched TV since... Um. A very long time.

Be Well!

Lothic's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Hmm, actually, what I envisioned didn't require an 'aura'. Simply that the 'effect' was disconnected from any particular body-part and emanated from some invisible 'surface' beyond the character model. IF the character did have a visible aura, then there might be some congruence. A 'psionic third arm' might reach out and punch a thug while the character's physical arms were restrained.

So instead of picking an exact body part as an emanation point you were imagining a character being effectively surrounded by an invisible sphere and having blasts coming from the outer surface of that sphere. I would assume the exact point on that sphere where the blasts come from would be closest to the enemy it was directed towards. In that context you could probably decide if you wanted the sphere to be invisible or serve as a visible "bubble aura" around your character.

It's an interesting idea and probably wouldn't be that hard to do from a code point of view. In some ways it'd likely be simpler to implement because it wouldn't require any special body animations since the beams would fire out regardless of the position of your character's body.

Fireheart wrote:

And I have not watched TV since... Um. A very long time.

Yeah I haven't watched "traditional TV" in several decades myself. We've had TiVos for 20+ years which was long before streaming became a thing. Having a DVR really focuses exactly what you want to watch (without commercials) when you want to watch it. Now we only watch a handful of specific shows that are worth watching, Rick and Morty among them.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Hmm, actually, what I envisioned didn't require an 'aura'. Simply that the 'effect' was disconnected from any particular body-part and emanated from some invisible 'surface' beyond the character model. IF the character did have a visible aura, then there might be some congruence. A 'psionic third arm' might reach out and punch a thug while the character's physical arms were restrained.

And I have not watched TV since... Um. A very long time.

Be Well!

I think I like this idea, but could you get a youtube vid or something to show an example?

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DesViper wrote:
DesViper wrote:

I think I like this idea, but could you get a youtube vid or something to show an example?

I found this nice pic of Sue Storm in action from one of the Fantastic Four movies:


In this pic she's got a spherical force field up to defend against a lightning blast.

Now simply imagine that instead of defending -against- the blast her bubble was emitting that blast outward. I think that's effectively the idea being suggested by Fireheart.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Yes, or the 'aura' could

Yes, or the 'aura' could conform, somewhat, to the body. Still, yes, one could pick an area of the 'aura' for the emission to spawn from. So, the effect could arise, not from the hand itself, but from an energy-cocoon surrounding the hand, or from a 'shoulder-pet location', eyes/mind location, chest/torso/navel area... All, without any overt emanation point, or even a 'body' animation. A character might have such dominion over their power that things 'just happen'.

Be Well!

DesViper's picture
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I went to add this and I

I went to add this and I noticed "Area around character" that might fit the bill, if a bit vague.

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Darth Fez
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That's something I'll be

That's something I'll be looking for so 'around character' sounds just right.

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Response to here.

Response to [url=]here[/url].

Coin (flipping, throwing) added under Particles :)

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