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Gotta good clip or gif for me? Kinda don't wanna link Champions Online :p
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Best I can find for you is this, around the 0:26 mark.
[s]Okay I thought I already added one for [url=]this shield[/url] :p[/s] I did, it's under "other"
"Hexagon shield" added :)
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Greyscale/desaturation or supersaturation or even adding noise for AoE auras. Something that suggests an environmental change, eg. some sort of physics manipulation (perhaps a buff or debuff). Optionally have a ring aura around it if the image processing is subtle.
[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]
Do you have a video or picture to illustrate such a thing? I'm struggling to picture it.
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Something like these perhaps? I just made this up. With an image filter there's so many possibilities. This is Black & White, 100% Saturated, and Some Added Noise. An edge effect (like cartoon-effect) would be optional.
[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]
Those are actually really neat!
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The black and white one reminds me of Raven's power aesthetic in Teen Titans.
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I love Raven's power
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I would love to see a few visual powers:
- Sand combat. Here is a video:
- Mud combat. Vid:
- Air combat. Vid:
- Sound Combat. Vid:
Added :)
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I would like an elemental style of animations for wizard blasters. This way they can use air, water, fire and earth effects. the diversity of effects fits well with a mage style character.
Throwing ofuda, a Japanese classic
“Cambiar el mundo, amigo Sancho, que no es locura ni utopía, sino Justicia!".― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Not sure what the suggestion is? Remember movements are seperate from the VFX.
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@DesViper Awesome! hopefully they get made in the future
I thought of a few more visual powers:
- Plant manipulation. Video:
- Telekinesis. Video:
- Portal Manipulation:
- Electromagnetism. Vid:
- Claw/Slash attacks:
- Chi Attacks:
- Light combat:
- Gas/Smoke attacks:
Added :) grouped some of them, like "energy blast" covers light and chi.
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Ofuda to throw is not in this thread? Which thread is that then? I thought it would be here because is like common Japanese version of western "throwing poker cards"
“Cambiar el mundo, amigo Sancho, que no es locura ni utopía, sino Justicia!".― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Cool! There are so many powers out there.
- Stretchy attacks:
Magic scrolls/spells/talismans
No I got "paper talismans" not sure what Cyclops was suggesting.
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Here are a few more.
- Webbing
- Hair Manipulation
- Nanites
- Diamond attacks
- Earth manipulation
- Acid attacks
Got some! not sure what you mean by "nanites" the example is someone recovering their arm.
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That is what they are, but the common manga/anime wrinkle of throwing them like weapons at enemies which I showed some examples of in my first post is what I was asking about
“Cambiar el mundo, amigo Sancho, que no es locura ni utopía, sino Justicia!".― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Added "card/paper throw" under Movements too :)
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That last example wasn't the best visual; It was nanites that healed the arm.
Nanites can heal, create weapons/constructs, and damage enemies. Here is another example:
I was suggesting an animation set for Blasters. It would offer many varied effects, like air, lightning, fire, stone, and ice, all mixed together.
This would represent the many varied spells a Mage would know. I chose a theme of the Four Elements to make it more mystic.
IE, a starting power would be a gust of air, the next would be a lightning bold, then fire. All of these effects are likely already in existing animations. All we would have to do is mix them up into a new animation theme.
I'll point [url=]here[/url] for an overview of how animations/powers will work in City of Titans. As of now, a variety of VFX can be added to any movements. So a package of mixed elements wouldn't fit the current model.
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I've added "Nanites" under Particles.
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And we forgot one of the grossest visuals of all . . .
Tongue attacks!
Added! Also adding X-men to the list of "movies not to rewatch as an adult" :p
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Aww, c'mon Des!
Days of Future Past? Logan? Uhh uhh...the rest can be skipped :)
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
@DesViper I'm not a fan of those X-men movies either. They had a great example of tongue power tho. Here's the last few visuals I could think.
- Radiation
- Lava/ Eruptions
- Seismic waves/Earthquakes
- Power Stealing/Imitation
I did mention Butterflies, right? I have this eccentric sorceress... Instead of 'firebolt', she fires off a stream of red butterflies... that set fire to anything they touch.
Be Well!
Got 'em :) power stealing is a tough cookies though.
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[url=]Diamond dust[/url]/ice crystals would be a nice particle effect, as well as [url=,_Portugal.jpg]rainbow clouds[/url]. :)
@DesViper Power stealing is a tuff cookie. I've only seen Marvel Heroes tackle that one.
Also, you mixed up the videos and powers, on your list, of
- Lava/ Eruptions
- Seismic waves/Earthquakes
Fixed :)
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Remember how much better that X-men was movie was than the following two?
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Will we be able to have mist, chem trails, shadows in stead of limbs?
What game is this?
City of Titans?
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These are pretty niche:
- Feather attacks
- Throw Bombs/pumpkin bombs
You could get archangle's metal feathers with "flurry of darts" and "wings" emanation :)
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I want a top hat that can turn into a gatling gun like so
not my video just one I lke ===>
Hmm, that's somewherer between an emanation point and a prop....hmmmm. I'll add "transforming hat" under Other :)
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not my video just one I lke ===>
how about some of these? :)
[url=]Dramatic weapon summoning[/url]
[url=]Dramatic, powerful kicks[/url]
[url=]Electrified clouds[/url] (Photosensitivity warning)
[url=]Plasma wisps/neon[/url]
[b]Emanation points[/b]
[url=]The user's back[/url]
[url=]The user's nape[/url]
[url=]Above the caster[/url] (Photosensitivity warning, again. I'll fight these low framerates)
A [url=]puppet[/url]/[url=]marionette[/url]
[url=]Elemental limbs[/url]
[url=]A giant temporary shield/forcefield[/url]
[url=]Attacks like throwing and re-summoning the weapon after it's thrown[/url], (variation: [url=]doing it with multiple weapon copies[/url])
I tried to sort by my best understanding on your description of the categories. :)
Also we have fingerguns on the list, but [url=]I just gotta share this[/url] because it's a wonderful way to watch that animation in action. :P
Got em, and puppet is in Props I'm pretty sure.
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I've been away for several months and am getting caught up. Excited to see that video tour of Alexandria. But that reminded me of something I recall from way back when Pretoria opened up: All the reflective surfaces.
Because Titan City has so many reflective surfaces, mirrors and etc., I think it would be great if there were animations / emotes that show our characters checking themselves out in them. Here is a brainstorm of a few:
[*]walking animation where we stop, lean back half a step, and nod in approval before walking on.
[*]standing animation where we twist to look at our backside
[*]flying animations can duplicate walking animations if we change what the lower body does while flying
[*]telling yourself that "you look mahvelous" but in body language.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
Those sound more like [url=]Emotes[/url] ;)
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Welcome back, Huckleberry.
I need some confirmation on something. I have a list of animations regarding unarmed combat. But a lot of them are specific strikes instead of just a type of strikes like "Martial Arts" or "Boxing".
Is this fine?
[center] [i] [color=blue] Unarmed combat best combat. Every media [/color] [/i] [/center]
Renkage, I think that's part of the intent of this thread. Suggest your suggestions. Worse thing that happens is that they don't make it in. Which is the fate of most of the suggestions in this thread. That said some of your specific requests may already exist in the animation pack that they have purchased.
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Alright, sorry about my paranoia. Kind of a bad habit. WIthout further ado...
Unarmed combat fanatic here to bring you to the PUNCH EMPORIUM [size=10](and other strikes with the body)[/size]. I noticed there isn't enough unarmed combat. There is a few, but NOT ENOUGH! So here we go
[url=]Dempsey Roll[/url] (This can be multiple separate animations. The rolling back and forth in a defensive posture. Could be a good animation for a defensive self buff. Swaying left with a heavy right punch. Swaying right with a heavy left punch. Then the rapid fire left/right as seen in the video)
[url=]Butterfly Kick[/url] (Maybe add a bit more flair to the landing)
[url=]Somersault Kick[/url]
[url=]Spear Hand Strike[/url]
[url=]Shoulder Tackle[/url]
[url=]The Sledgehammer Strike[/url] (maybe combine it with a hover/hop if on the ground? A good animation for a knockdown attack, to slam them back into the earth.)
[url=]Spinning Hook Kick[/url]
[url=]Floating Combat[/url]
[url=]Elbow Strikes[/url]
[url=]Clasped Hands Swings[/url] (not sure what else to call them, but they are rad. The whole video has some examples of other types of Clasped Hand Swings, but those are the two clearest imo)
[url=]Knee Strikes[/url]
[url=]Spinning Strikes[/url]
[url=]Roundhouse Kicks[/url]
[url=]Flying Kick[/url]
I tried to avoid basic strikes. Because I assume they are gonna be added. So stuff like jabs, hooks, uppercuts, and the like weren't included in the list. I coulda added more, and I might still add more. But finding the names for these attacks is a pain. As I am a fanatic, not a historian.
[center] [i] [color=blue] Unarmed combat best combat. Every media [/color] [/i] [/center]
I must admit, I was disappointed with CoH's somewhat simplistic martial animations, when my (former boxer) Tanker was punching foes. I had to Imagine that he had techniques at least as developed as Dempsey's. Good hand-to-hand technique involves the whole body, not just waving your fists in the general direction of the enemy.
It would be Exciting to see more unified movement in CoT's animations.
Be Well!
I`I'm not sure if these should be considered animations or emotes or movements but:
1 limping
2 on crutches
3 hunched over walking
4 elderly shuffle
I could see the uses for roleplaying.
Added dempsey roll, butterfly kick, headbutt, spear hand strike, shoulder tackle, double fist strike, elbow strike, knee strike, roundhouse kick, and [url=]Walking alternatives[/url] :)
Tbh, as a practitioner myself, a lot of those youtube demos look terrible :p But I think our Art Team can make them look superheroic
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cape attacks like julith from dofus
not my video just one I lke ===>
Do you have a good video or gif example?
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this good?
not my video just one I lke ===>
she can hit people with it, use it as a bag of holding and can shoot missles out, she's a great example of attacks for both ranged and melee powers and as a way of getting your prop out. It's definatly a type of animations that would take alotof work, and is something you would have to buy but I think it looks cool.
not my video just one I lke ===>
To help out a bit. The Batman Arkham video game series also has a lot of good examples of cape attacks. This video has some good examples
[center] [i] [color=blue] Unarmed combat best combat. Every media [/color] [/i] [/center]
Arkham Knight is probably a better basis to use, but in that video the cape is hiding his attacks, not his striking weapons. So "cape attacks" added with NoTear's video :)
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I want umbrella and suitcase tricks like Doctor Henry Killenger
and while people will say this belongs in props I'll have to disagree, I'm not saying I want an umbrella or briefcase that looks a certain way, I'm saying I want to use my umbrella and suitcase in a certain way. More of an evil Mary Poppins way than a Penguin way.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Is an evil guy killing evil guys evil?
Either way, I do think this is under Props, since umbrella tricks without an umbrella Prop doesn't really make sense.
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I really should have called this "power aethetics suggestion thread" when I made the original, this is just confusing...
not my video just one I lke ===>
I think a megathread of Props, Animations, and Animations for Props would definitely be unmanageable :/
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fair point
not my video just one I lke ===>
I think some of these ideas might be considered packages, because they include props, animations dependent upon those props, and FX that work with those props and those animations. I started a [url=]package thread[/url], but it seems I'm the only one who ever contributed to it; probably because of the work involved, I guess.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
Jet powered spin kick: [img][/img]
Shoulder thrusters: [img][/img]
I could see this as adding a fiery particle effect with the emanation points being the hands and shoulders respectively. Along side a spinning kick and power-up stance. Kinda the fun part about the system they have in place
All though. That being said. Should Shoulder Blades (the anatomy, not a blade on the shoulders) be added as a separate emanation point?
[center] [i] [color=blue] Unarmed combat best combat. Every media [/color] [/i] [/center]
Emanation points, as far as we've been told, are points from which power attacks originate, so things like beams and rays and such. Since shoulder blades are on your posterior, I find it hard to conceive how they could be used as emanation points.
Having said that, however, I could certainly see the shoulder blade area being used for fast travel power effects. And if such effects need an emanation point then by all means I think that's a good idea.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
I've been wondering if MWM had any thoughts or plans to combine auras and emanation points. For example, an aura that provided the appearance of additional arms akin to:
Then emanation points that could provide the impression that attacks were coming from the hands of those arms.
That artist is
- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
Added "thruster charge" under Movements, and "rocket strike" under Particles, since a jet powered spin kick is a spin kick with jet effects.
"Area around character" could cover the aura :)
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How about extra limbs as a particle effect? Like they grow out of you when you attack and mimic the actions of your arms, or something like zanyatta from overwatch where he makes laser arms when he uses his ultimate to heal everyone around him
not my video just one I lke ===>
You seem to be describing Dichlonus Vectors when at full power, translucent ghost limbs. I'd be all for that. I think that manifestation of telekinesis is really cool.
I just realised someone already suggested that
not my video just one I lke ===>
basically, just summoning the arms for only your attacks rather than making an entire mesh
not my video just one I lke ===>
Yeah I dont want my character to always have the arms only when they make attacks which use them.
yeah but others might. One could use the particle effect used as just a regular aura maybe?
not my video just one I lke ===>
For those who only want it as an attack we'd have an attack animation for those who want it always, an aura, sounds good.
floating weapons as a particle effects one you can have as an aura that's just them floating around and one for powers that has the weapons attacking. Maybe have versions that have all archaic medieval type ones, one that a bunch of guns and one that's a mix of both.
not my video just one I lke ===>
We've got "]Energy Arms/Mage Arms from the back" which seems like what we're going for
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what about aura of weapons?
not my video just one I lke ===>
I think that's covered in Auras
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can't we have it as particles too? Like a gun that shoots guns?
not my video just one I lke ===>
I jus' wanna do stuff like this man is that so wrong?
not my video just one I lke ===>
"Floating Weapons" added under Entities :)
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