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Glitch404's Character Workshop

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Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
Glitch404's Character Workshop

Decided to give the official City of Titans Discord a break and show off some of my creations here on the forums. Of course a lot will/might see some upgrades as the CC continues to be upgraded and improved as we get closer to launch. Some of the creations that you'll find below are of the few characters I plan to make that are of the "spandex variety" while others are merely experimental base looks of what will eventually become a more "baggier" and clothes-oriented design, this will be a case in point for Archerette as she isn't necessarily going to be wearing tights as her 'final' look. Also if you come to enjoy any of my designs, be sure to check back on this thread as it will continue to get updated regularly. Whether it be new character entries or updates to any of the previously posted characters' looks. Anyway lets begin!


[u][b]Rodrigo Guevara/Cryptozoan[/b][/u]

Honestly, there's not too much that can be said or explained about this character. He possesses the ability to transform into any cryptid known to man. That includes Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, Yeti, The Jersey Devil, The Chupacabra, and more. The only limit is his imagination. Some believe this power to be supernatural while others believe it to be some extreme form of DNA manipulation that allows Rodrigo to alter his own genetic structure with various "borrowed pieces" from other terrestrial animal species, hybridizing them into what eventually resembles the cryptids of legend and folklore.

This character's look is a personal favorite of mine and can't wait to see I can go about executing him at some point in-game. Even if it's not at launch and his overall first appearance must be delayed for a few years.




[u][b]Jenna Grant/Impetus[/b][/u]

Jenna Grant is from a time-manipulating speedster from the future although the classification of her being a "speedster" is used lightly. She possesses the ability to displace herself into a faster, individual time-stream where her movements and awareness are seconds faster than what they would be in normal time. As a result, when Jenna inhabits this alternate time-stream, any movements or positional orientation she is to assume within it are played back in the normal time-stream as a mirror image, thus providing the illusion that she is performing tasks at superhuman speeds when technically she is not.

Impetus is actually a successor character to my main hero that I played in Champions Online called Velocitus. Jenna, in the continuity of City of Titans, is the daughter of Velocitus and her story is pretty simple. She's from the future, or in a more technical sense, was conceived in the future but for some unknown reason she was born in the past, thus making her a temporal anomaly. Its assumed that a rival from her father's past has something to do with it or even some unforeseen meddling with her father's personal history has caused for some unaccounted -for repercussions to be had and as result has seen her transported to current day Titan City. Either way, she's going to get to the bottom of this mystery.




[b][u]Jug'em Not[/b][/u]

This one was just made for fun because of the helmet. I suppose that Rhino from the Spider-Man PS4 game had some influence on this design due to the exposed skin and how the metal areas of the costume warp and bend around said parts of the exposed skin. I imagine this little guy stands at around 4 feet 11 inches? Maybe a bit taller. I don't know, I do know that this guy better be wearing a sports cup under those boxer shorts of his.




[u][b]Cassie Warren-King/Archerette[/b][/u]

This design may seem some changes relatively soon, but this is just the working model I had going so far. Honestly this character was primarily attempted due to me managing to create an arrow emblem from the X emblem and the Triangle base emblem in the AB.





[u][b]Nathan Davenport/Torque[/b][/u]

Nathan Davenport, also known as Torque, is an inspiration of Angel from the X-Men in some way, hence his vary Archangel-style costume. He possesses the powers of race of spiritual angels that include creation and manipulation over orbital forces, flight, and the ability to manifest ring blades composed spiritual, celestial energy that can be used for close range or long range combat. The AB is lacking energy-based wings at the moment and a lot of the auras are very buggy, so the look I would want to have can't be made yet which leaves us with this very basic ketchup-and-mustard looking costume.




[u][b]Piggs Porkly[/u][/b]

This one was also made just for fun in an attempt to play around with the fat sliders. Also he and Drax share a commonality and that is that they both have sensitive nipples. So good ol' Piggs went out of his way to cut those areas of his lovely stained tank top off. #FreetheNip.




[b][u]The Widower[/u][/b]

As for the final entry before I go to update this thread with more characters is The Widower. This is one of the first line of characters I made after I (finally) had the Avatar Builder installed and patched. This isn't necessarily a character I plan to make or even roleplay with. I just saw the awesome Hourglass pattern and decided to go nuts and make a Batman/Red Robin influenced look, but this time around replacing the bird and bat theme with that of the obvious black widow spider. While a rather basic design I still like how it came out for not being an "official" OC of mine.



"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Airhead's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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I really like your Kid

I really like your Kid Cryptid. Another critter for him to channel would be a bunyip. You have a nice clean and uncommon color scheme.

As others mentioned on Discord, Archerette's beige / slate combination is great. Makes sense, beige and slate are opposites on a color wheel. There is a camo texture among the zillions of textures that has a rugged "normal map" (meaning it appears slightly crinkled). You could see if that looks less spandex-y. Chervonetz on Discord was wearing an indigo version of it.

Torque is cool too. His stripes seems to be suffering from de-rez. You might have just forgotten, there is a "Sweet" option under the resolution options that appear when you press the Esc key. Sweet should clean those patchy parts up.

Piggs Porkly... and to think people poo-pooed Hamster-man. Some folks have no taste! The Widower is a nice comeback.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
Thanks for the compliment on

Thanks for the compliment on Kid Cryptid's color scheme, Airhead! Glad to know that its actually fitting when viewed at by another set of eyes. I was really digging for a color scheme that wasn't overly common/generic and allowed the character to stand out a bit, so I really appreciate the comment. I also take a look into the bunyip as well, KC is definitely going to involve a lot of research into specific types of cryptids in order to see who and what can actually be made at some point.

I really enjoyed how Archerette came out myself. The camo color palette was originally going to be forest green but I swapped it for a navy blue after feeling that it wouldn't be appropriate when operating in a city-based landscape. The beige hood is perhaps my favorite since its supposed to appear as though its a separate piece entirely from the rest of the outfit that was just sewn on top of it. Similar to the Green Arrow costumes on the first few seasons of Arrow. I'll definitely dive down the rabbit hole of camo options again and see if I can come up with another alternate look for her.

As for Torque, yeah I was noticing the nasty de-rezing he was suffering from. I wasn't sure if the resolution options were even working yet considering that you can't mute the music without muting the sound on your computer altogether, which stinks because I would love to enjoy some of my own background music while I get lost making characters. Anyway, I'll be sure to make that settings change the next time I log in.

Good ol' Piggs Porkly, perhaps there's not too much I can say about him other than I'm sure his eyebrows will one day transform into a unibrow if they become any thickee lol. The Widower just had to be added since he was one of the originals I made and I really loved his almost pulp/classic superhero design.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Cooltastic's picture
Last seen: 11 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 07/17/2014 - 20:20
To mute game sound: Right

To mute game sound: Right Click speaker on your Taskbar. Click "Open Volume Mixer." Then click the speaker icon associated with City of Titans.

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
Cooltastic wrote:
Cooltastic wrote:

To mute game sound: Right Click speaker on your Taskbar. Click "Open Volume Mixer." Then click the speaker icon associated with City of Titans.

Well thats such a derp moment on my part given that I completely blanked on employing that method instead X_X

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35


Obviously a play and even my take on Caitlin Fairchild from the Gen13 comics, Rothschild is a character that existed in the back of my mind as a template for awhile. Never really got the opportunity of making her a full-fledged creation without drawing too heavily from her inspiration, but perhaps that may change one day down the road when CoT is to officially launch.

Like the Widower, she was one of many characters that was first created sometime after the launcher finally finished patching and I was able to immerse myself within the AB.




[b][u]Jordan Price/Mindscape[/b][/u]

Mindscape was first created in Champions Online as an amalgam of Jean Grey and Rogue from the X-Men comics. These were two characters I wanted to make an inspiration of for a long time, but never found the opportunity to do so until Mindscape finally came to be. Like Jean, Jordan's a notable telepath, but she's also a widely recognized telekinetic due to her unique ability to replicate the powers of other metahumans through her psionic energies after making physical contact with them. The only exception to this rule is magic and other supernatural forces due to their "complex compositions".

In retrospect, Mindscape came out as more of a mixture of Hope Summers and Rogue rather than Jean in the end, but she did eventually develop to where she could replicate powers after seeing them used once. Now that I plan to make her in City of Titans, who knows how she just might evolve and develop in this game's continuity as opposed to Champions'.





Like Piggs Porkly, this character was made primarily as a way to experiment and play with the limits of the sliders and see what could or couldn't be attempted. Here we have Terry, an LGBTQ+ character who appears to be into the rocker type of crowd given their taste in clothing. There's not too much that can be said for or about this character, but I thought it turned out pretty well for what has to be my first shot a building a mostly male-esque physique on a female body.

Also, its clear I began to work on them immediately after having made Mindscape, so you'll have to ignore why her name is listed above the character model.



"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
Johnathon Henry-Claude

[b][u]Johnathon Henry-Claude Sterling/Blue Patriot[/b][/u]

Here we have another carry-over/transfer from Champions Online, I present, Blue Patriot. This guy never actually had much of a set story as I had created him when I was real young, probably around 14-15 years old at the time. This makes it kind of great though as it allows for their to be a chance to get some RP development out of him in the future if I'm able. I might just recycle an origin story that was originally slated for another character and give it to BP since that character has since evolved and become something entirely different at this point.

Originally I was conflicted on giving Blue Patriot a bionic arm as a callback to another character I had made in CO generically called, Avenger. However, I feel like with the presence of Anthem, another patriotic hero that exists within the lore of City of Titans and the simple matter that I think BP looks just as stunning without a metal arm, I'll go with current design seen below.



"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35


Got two versions of this character to show off here. In the past I had an adversary for Blue Patriot called Red Soviet, this guy who for the sake of this post is going to be dubbed Liberator, I kind of made as the infamous "mirror image of the hero" trope. He's never existed anywhere in my personal universe's lore prior to the release of the AB, but I do like the choices of color and materials I used to make his costume.

The first set of images is very much influenced by Captain America, while the second set is more in line with BP's.

[u]First Costume[/u]



[u]Second Costume[/u]





This is character that continues to exist as a costume file on the City of Heroes: Homecoming servers. She's supposed to be a gag character of sorts since I don't really have any intentions of RPing her. But who knows, things can always change down the road, I personally just don't see myself getting into extensive RPs with this toon.





Another character that'll probably just exist as a concept or costume file since the power-set I envision him having likely won't come to fruition. But he is supposed to be visually inspired off of Ragman from DC Comics. I personally think that he looks pretty cool and would've never thought I costume design like this would even be remotely possible.




[b][u]The Inquisitor[/b][/u]

Not much I can say by these final two character entries other than that they were an attempt at something that had a more Lovecraftian feel in their designs. This is especially prevalent in the second set of photos that labels the character as 'Deadlights' an obvious callback to Stephen King's 'IT'.





"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Mask-of-Many's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/16/2018 - 07:49
Good costumes!

Good costumes!

The knees on the female models look like they're too low, though. Is that the default position?

Master of the forbidden art of thread necromancy!

* Kestrel
* Zero Break
* All-Star

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
Mask-of-Many wrote:
Mask-of-Many wrote:

Good costumes!

The knees on the female models look like they're too low, though. Is that the default position?

Thanks! As for the knees on the female characters, I do think that's their default position. Especially since I don't tend to temper with the legs all that much unless it I'm adjusting the actual height slider in the character creator. After taking a closer look at them, the knees do look a bit "off" now.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Centcomm_Actual's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: 10/27/2019 - 10:10
Id just like to make a female

Id just like to make a female character that does not look like a steroid- Mutant ape human cross over.

“If every vampire who said he was at the crucifixion was actually there, it would have been like Woodstock.”

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
Centcomm_Actual wrote:
Centcomm_Actual wrote:

Id just like to make a female character that does not look like a steroid- Mutant ape human cross over.

I mean I think its definitely possible. It would just involve a lot of trial and error and experimenting with the different sliders. Knowing which ones work and which ones don't. This especially applies for characters who have a very specific body type and designing them so that they don't look "too" awkward.

Besides, I'm sure Beast from the X-Men would be the bar you're looking at when it boils down to a character looking like a mutant ape-human crossbreed. Even though he's had a mutation or two that made him more cat-like in years past.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

RickmanUK's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 10/21/2013 - 04:53
Centcomm_Actual wrote:
Centcomm_Actual wrote:

Id just like to make a female character that does not look like a steroid- Mutant ape human cross over.

I've found adjusting the Shoulders and Upper arms Helps, that and lengthening the arms (for both male and female, since they just look... cramped otherwise, Doesn't need much though). You can get pretty close at the moment, just playing with the scales. Awkward to do though. That said it's still good when you do manage it

Heroes, Villians... Who Cares. In the end, it's our Actions that define us not a name or tag we use.