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Glitch404's Character Showcase: Maleficia

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Glitch404's Character Showcase: Maleficia

[center][color=red]Warning: Lots of text[/color][/center]
[center][color=red][b]Update (01/18/2020):[/b] Updated 'Powers and Abilities'; added a new power and included an additional ability to 'Spelldaggers' in final excerpt.[/color][/center]
[center][b]Determined Archetype:[/b] Ranger - (Partisan)
[b]Basic Playstyle:[/b] Ranged - (Atrophic Blast [Primary]/Barrier Generation [Secondary]/Atrophic Aura [Tertiary])
[b]Focused Playstyle:[/b] AoE Focused
[b]Ranger Masteries:[/b] Eliminator - (Killstreak)/Resolve - (Resolute)/Suppression - (Covering Fire)
[b]Movement Travel Powers:[/b] Flight/Teleport[/center]

[u][b]Basic Information:[/b][/u]
[b]Name:[/b] Vivian Nomaru
[b]Alias(es):[/b] Viv, Vivian Crovay, Maleficia
[b]Species:[/b] Half-Witch/Half-Eldritch Being
[b]Nationality:[/b] Yliarathan
[b]Ethnicity:[/b] Japanese-American
[b]Marital:[/b] Single
[b]Relatives:[/b] Alana Crovay (mother); Kulzorath (father); Amy Nomaru (adoptive mother); Jason Nomaru (adoptive father)
[b]Occupation:[/b] Student
[b]Base of Operations:[/b] Titan City, Massachusetts; Overcast, Coventre

[u][b]Physical Characteristics:[/b][/u]
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Height:[/b] 5’6”
[b]Weight:[/b] 120 lbs
[b]Physique:[/b] Average/Slim
[b]Hair:[/b] Black
[b]Eyes:[/b] Hazel
[b]Skin:[/b] Regular
[b]Distinguishing Features:[/b] None



Vivian Nomaru, or as she would come to be known as Maleficia, was the daughter of Alana Crovay, a magic-wielding gypsy with notable powers in precognition and Kulzorath, an eldritch being that was a part of an ancient sect of cosmic horrors known as 'The Forgotten Gods'.

The Forgotten Gods were a race of six extra-dimensional aliens that could travel across the cosmos and the multiverse itself at will, feeding off concepts such as belief, ignorance, fear, despair, and madness. It was through this method that the Gods were able to wipe out entire civilizations alone by making their residents lose all sense of serenity, which in turn caused for these worlds to effectively wipe themselves out. This was a process that the Forgotten Gods did repeatedly across countless planets and dimensions growing all-the-more powerful and eventually omnipotent until an unknown collection of inter-dimensional cosmic and mystical powers united against them and bound them to prison worlds outside the natural universe, forbidding them from manifesting onto any other world, including Earth (their eventual next target), ever again. [i]However, it shouldn't go without noting that before their banishment, Kulzorath and the other Forgotten Gods inscribed all their arcane knowledge on scrolls made from indestructible paper and left them behind to serve as a physical link between Earth and their new home should they ever find a way to return.[/i]

At some point in time in the early 1600s, a gypsy who went by the name of Alana Crovay found herself drawn to the town of Salem, Massachusetts after sensing a strong presence of dormant magic in the small town. Alana was secretly a witch with notable powers of precognition and high-grade magicks, she had come to Salem in search of six young women also possessing magical gifts of their own and sought to teach them in how to both utilize and hide their abilities from the rest of the God-fearing town. This mission proved successful as after finding these six girls, Alana founded a coven shortly after where the girls would practice their abilities daily, but this success was shortlived as an occultist by the name of Miles Stepford had learned of the coven's existence and attempted to track them down.

Not too much is known about Miles Stepford outside of him being the former lover of Alana and a paranormal investigator. Miles developed a particular interest in eldritch magic and lore to the point of where he became obsessed and Alana was forced to leave him, afraid that she would lose him to the madness eldritch was known to bestow onto its victims. He now wields an early version of what would eventually come to be known as the Temperas Demonicas, the indestructible volume of arcane knowledge written by the Forgotten God, Kulzorath, eons ago. Miles planned to use this book to perform a fearsome ritual that would impregnate six women by the powerful six cosmic beings. This event would come to be recognized as [b]'The Harrowing'[/b] in the later writings of the Temperas Demonicas before it would leave Miles' possession. The time Miles spend with the book drove him mad and obsessed with finding worthy suiters to bare the offspring of the Forgotten Gods, that was until his adventures led him to Salem where most of the work had already been enacted for him by Alana.

Taking his former lover and her proteges hostage, Miles set up shop in a wooded terrain directly outside Salem for him to perform the ritual. The resulting children that would be born from these women upon the ritual's completion would be used as hosts by the Forgotten Gods to incarnate themselves into Earth with all their power and more given that these children would also carry the magical powers their mothers also possess. (un)Fortunately, a local passerby happened to watch this ritual begin to unfold and thus they notified the townsfolk who promptly prevented the ritual's full completion by chasing Miles out of town, saving Alana and the coven from the overwhelming power of the Forgotten Gods, and raising Salem's awareness to male witches in the process. With Alana and her proteges appearing unharmed and viewed as victims of a madman's delusion, they all returned home by the end of the night.

Alana was still unsure of the likelihood of being in the clear that easy, decided to pack her things and go to Yliarath, pacifistic society in another dimension that had peace and harmony in spirituality and eventually transcending into a higher state of being. However, Alana had to make this journey alone as the proteges she had taken under her wing up until this point in time had mysteriously vanished without a trace, never to be seen or heard from again...for now. After arriving in Yliarath, Alana would continue to live out the rest of her days in this dimension and eventually give birth to a baby girl named Vivian, of course as it had turned out, the ritual's half completion was still just enough to impregnate Alana in the long run.

Vivian would live out most of her days in Yliarath and away from Earth where her "brothers and sisters" would teach her in how to use eldritch powers and safeguard her from the corrupting influences and grip of her father. Vivian, due to being part-eldritch, was born with a very grotesque appearance as well, one in which that cannot even be put into words. Due to this, Vivian was bestowed with a more acceptable, human guise she could roam around in, this form appearing to be a reflection of her mother's albeit younger and easier on the eyes as well as preventing those that would dare turn a glance at her from losing their minds. Come her 16th birthday and finally growing bored of her prolonged existence in Yliarath, Vivian longed to explore the world beyond the walls she was left within for so many years. She was eventually granted acceptance to leave Yliarath and was welcomed to return whenever she pleased, but before her eventual exodus, Vivian was bestowed with the gift of an amulet known as the Dragon Pendant. The Pendant was sealed to her person via the use of blood magic which allowed for Vivian to be the only person to remove it and it also masked her presence as an eldritch entity.

Alana, however, was unable to accompany Vivian to earth as her presence was still deeply tainted with the power of the Forgotten Gods and in her place, she sent two other Yliarathans by the names of Amy and Jason would serve as Vivian's parental guardians while on Earth. Setting up shop in the Coventre district of Titan City, Massachusetts, Vivian and her "parents" adopted the last name 'Nomaru' to avoid any potential threats and/or hazards that might've come if she were to use her mother's own last name. The adoption of the last name also aided in helping Vivian come one step closer to a normal life. Vivian did see a somewhat smooth transition from magical studies to academic studies at a local high school where she didn't make many friends, likely due to her very gothic appearance and liking of wear black or dark clothing and makeup. However, Vivian's adjustment to her new life was quickly beginning to take a turn for the worst when her adoptive parents informed her of a sect of cultists by the name of the Inquisitors. As it had turned out, they were on a mission to finish assembling the pages to the very same book that was used on Alana by Miles Stepford all those years ago, only this time it is going by the name, Temperas Demonicas.

It's rumored that if all these pages are collected it would lead them to the whereabouts of [b]'The Six'[/b], Vivian and the five other women that were impregnated with the Forgotten Gods' spawns and then from there manifest the Gods onto Earth. While reluctant at first, Vivian was urged by her 'parents' to use her abilities to prevent this event from unfolding as she was the only one well-versed enough to combat this threat. Deciding right then to rise to the challenge (hesitantly), Vivian opted to use the online screen name she had used in chatrooms and various forums across the internet to further cement herself as an "official" hero and that name was Maleficia.

[u][b]Powers and Abilities:[/b][/u]

[b]Malefic Energy Manipulation/Netheric Magic:[/b]
Vivian's powers are based in esoteric mysticism, meaning she is capable of manipulating a unique form of energy known as netheric matter, a spiritual element that goes unperceived in the physical world without the use of physical element as a medium. Once this energy is focused into a physical element, Vivian can achieve usually destructive forms of energy projection and manipulation over biological forces. The extent of these abilities usually comes from how they can negatively affect either Vivian or those around her. Because of this reason alone, Vivian has come to recognize this list of abilities as 'Malefic energy' due to their dark and volatile properties and effects they can have on those around her. However, her training and established background with the people of Yliarath has allowed her to use her malefic energy in 'less destructive' ways by incorporating it with magical energies in order to pull off anything from ranged attacks, manifesting force fields, casting spells, etc. Vivian has since come to recognize this practice of arcane arts as netheric magic and while it can still be very destructive and unpredictable, its a lot more easier to control and harness than just netheric matter in it's pure form.

[b]Mnemopathy/Memory Manipulation:[/b]
Deriving this power from another plane of existence known as the Casual Realm, Vivian can manipulate the memories of those around her via physical contact. As a self-dubbed "mnemoic", Vivian can do so much as induce amnesia, manifest memories as visual projections, restore damaged or lost memories, fabricate new memories in place of old or existing ones, and suppress any unwanted memories in the back of her target's mind via the use of an implanted mental block. Vivian can also manifest herself within her target’s head and experience their memories firsthand as they would have happened, similar to watching a movie.

[b]Akashic Shroud:[/b]
Another one of her more powerful abilities, Vivian is capable of manifesting what she calls the 'Akashic Shroud'. The shroud is the physical manifestation of her 'presence' in the form of an aura-like formation that she can cast from her person and a third eye that opens at the center of her forehead. It is through this shroud that Vivian can make herself selectively imperceptible or invisible, possess or take over the bodies of others, take on the guise or form of those that are friends or allies to her targets. Vivian has also shown the ability to weaponize her Akashic Shroud in order to manifest herself into the minds or psyches of her enemies and from here she can call upon her True Self and break them mentally by revealing her Eldritch form to them. In the most desperate of cases, Vivian can also manipulate the presence of others and banish or simply 'erase' them from existence by making them disappear and effectively transport them to another location or dimension. Due to the overwhelming nature of this ability, Vivian's aura is made to resonate especially powerful to the point of where aura readers can easily perceive or feel her arrival before she has even entered a room thus making her especially susceptible to attacks from other magic or supernatural threats. To counter this, Vivian employs her Dragon Pendant to mask her Akashic Shroud and use only a portion of it's power.

[b]Quaternion Realm Tap:[/b]
Vivian has access to a pocket dimension that is connected to a “corner” of the Quaternion Realm, a dimensional plane that exists on a universal frequency that is difficult to travel to and from without pinpointing its [b][i]exact[/i][/b] coordinates. Like the Q-Realm, this pocket dimension also exists on a complex universal frequency that makes traveling to and from it an extreme difficulty. Its also important to know that time does not pass in a physical sense and as a result no one can age or die, and those that are to be trapped within this plane exist as a singular point in space-time unable to interact with the world beyond this dimension as well as hurt anything or anyone. This pocket dimension exists purely as a personal void of diabolical darkness and isolation that Vivian uses to trap or imprison “the worst of the worst” in order to ensure that they are to not bring harm to any creature she dare tries to protect.

[b]Aura Perception:[/b]
Vivian can utilize her supernatural powers to perceive the auras of other people. An aura is the invisible, etheric energy that surrounds a person with a luminous glow of varying colors. The use of this practice allows Vivian the ability to understand the power levels of her opponents and gain clairvoyant knowledge into her allies’ health, mental and emotional state.

Served as a way to transport herself to other dimensions or places on Earth. Vivian, through the use of her Akashic Shroud, can teleport herself and others over vast distances.


[u][b]Equipment and Paraphernalia:[/b][/u]

[b]Dragon Pendant:[/b]
Worn around her neck, Vivian dons a pendant in the design of a dragon encircling a pentagram. This piece of jewelry acts as a channeling device and a medium for helping Vivian regulate the flow of her Akashic Shroud and mask her presence as an Eldritch entity. The pendant was also ‘sealed’ to Vivian via the use of blood magic, meaning that she’s the only one capable of removing and wielding the necklace as well as use it’s incarnate power housed within the aurora borealis jewel affixed to the pentagram’s center.

The Spelldaggers are the physical manifestation of Vivian's magical powers as a witch as well as her completed training in Yliarath. The Daggers, in actuality, are stored inside of Vivian and are powered by blood magic. In order to conjure and operate them, a blood offering must be made whether it be in the form of a wound, a small cut, and even from menstruation. Once this is done, the wielder is capable of using the Spelldaggers to do whatever they so much please. Traditionally the Daggers are attuned to deal non-lethal damage partnered with an incantation Vivian is known to utter upon summoning them, "Once the blood is drawn, let these Blades of the Arcane make their dawn". While she can use the Daggers in ways similar to that of a wand and perform slight ranged attacks, Vivian is limited by actually needing to impale someone (or something) with the Daggers in order to properly "cast" a spell. This is done by echoing an incantation into the Daggers' blade(s) and then getting in close to her opponent so she can then stab them. However, once this is done, the same spell can't be used on the same enemy again and the Daggers will simply fail to afflict damage for a second time. Another unique feature about the Spelldaggers is their ability to conjoin after accumulating enough power to transform into a new weapon, aptly known as the Quaterblade, a large buster sword that can be used to handle far more powerful threats and dispose of massive waves of enemies.

[b]Murciélaga Cloak:[/b]
Woven from the thick leather wings of a bat, this cloak grants Vivian the power of flight. As well as easily mask her presence from others by utilizing the shadows of her nearby surroundings, essentially giving her some form of camouflage.



The many sources of inspiration that led to Maleficia’s creation included:
⦁ Raven (DC Comics).
⦁ Nico Minoru (Marvel).
⦁ Illyana Rasputina/Magik (Marvel).
⦁ Outer Gods (H.P. Lovecraft).
⦁ The Crucible by Arthur Miller.
⦁ American Horror Story: Coven.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

DesViper's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Developer11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 03/10/2014 - 00:55
I dig it, gotta Lovecraftian

I dig it, gotta Lovecraftian magic good stuff :)

Writing criticism: while you gotta define her biology, the first half of the bio isn't even about her. I actually lost track of the hero whose backstory this is :p

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Atama's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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I have a very similar

I have a very similar character in mind, even the name is very similar. Except I’m going Guardian with her; Vampiric Emanation primary, Vampiric Blast secondary.

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

I dig it, gotta Lovecraftian magic good stuff :)

Writing criticism: while you gotta define her biology, the first half of the bio isn't even about her. I actually lost track of the hero whose backstory this is :p

Thanks! I tried my best to squeeze in the Lovecraftian elements wherever I could :p. As for the first half of the bio not being about her, its meant to be that way. Trust me, I've attempted [b]NUMEROUS[/b] times to try and streamline it as best I could but it just wouldn't work. The reader(s) would've likely been lost as without the necessary information being there to explain certain things, the story would've felt...empty? I guess to put it simply would be to say that, the story would make less sense without the vital details. But who knows, once-and-if I manage to find a way to shorten things I might revisit this thread. ^_^

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
Atama wrote:
Atama wrote:

I have a very similar character in mind, even the name is very similar. Except I’m going Guardian with her; Vampiric Emanation primary, Vampiric Blast secondary.

I actually considered the Vampiric abilities at one point in time, but I figured I save it for a separate character. And to be honest I stole the name Maleficia from Champions Online, where one of the 'Named bad guy NPCs' are called 'Maleficia'. It was too cool of a name to pass up, especially since I don't make magic-y folk often.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

DesViper's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Developer11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 03/10/2014 - 00:55
I kinda had a similar problem

I kinda had a similar problem over in Redeemers: it's pretty necessary to start at their childhood, but it ends up two paragraphs.

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
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Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
Then consider me jealous

Then consider me jealous because I'm lucky if I'm able to make most backstories short enough to fit into just one paragraph or two even.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

DesViper's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Developer11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 03/10/2014 - 00:55
No I mean just the upbringing

No I mean just the upbringing two paragraphs :p

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
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Hablaguy28's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 10/04/2018 - 10:45
She sounds pretty powerful

She sounds pretty powerful with those abilities she has.

"Science is the gift of humanity that we all should treasure."