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Elongated Arms Swinging, a la Elastic Woman or Plastic Man. I didn't see it on the list on the original post yet.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Added! :) Under "other"/technically difficult
Though it's technically similar to morphing weapons, still deserves its own slot.
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animation replacement for energy attacks, both direct line and area of effects
The picture below is called, "A rage of crows." While it doesn't show what I want it inspired this idea.
replace the energy blast with a mass attacy by crows, bats or flies. The area of effect would be way cool! --especially damage over time effects!
I'm posting the pic anyways because it is cool. if it pictured what I wanted there would be a line of crows 3 or 4 across hitting an enemy.
of course this means a crow shoulder pet, and maybe a few non-combat crow pets just flitting around (available for a price at the company store).
Added "Swarms of Crows, Bats, Doves, Flies" :)
Always a struggle between Entities and Particles. Flies might be particles, but I think the rest would be entities.
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Yeah this sounds like it could be "evolved" to offer all sorts of animation variations (i.e. sparks, globs of goo, locust swarm, etc.).
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
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Yes, my [u][url=]art gallery[/url][/u] is almost entirely screen captures. Tough.
Tiny evil Pixies.
Swarm of Ants climb up target's leg and invest their underoos.
Swarm of Gnomes " "
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So, wait, going for a 80s arcade pac-man/men or orbs of evil?
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Attack of the Kirby Dots ...
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Seems like a good investment. ;-)
I'm too down to get anything REALLY productive done so I think I'll start adding links to the suggestions since a video or picture tells much more than a few words.
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[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.
Beat me to it. I was thinking the same thing. Love that gif. LOL
[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]
I love bees so much I would actually be pleased with an entire power set based on bee powers. Oprah will be my herald.
Aaaaand....done! that took way too much time :(
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Wait, you did that for both threads? Oo
Someone has too much spare time... it's appreciated though.
[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.
And some of them were so poorly defined too
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Firing an energy blast from a shield. In other words, making a shield [u]a firing point.[/u]
I always liked the concept where all a hero's powers came from a single object.
Likewise, standing on the shield for flight.
I think there's an Emanation Points thread, but I've got other "firing from" so I added "firing from shield". Also added "Surfing for flight" to cover various items below a flier, e.g. clouds, shields, silver surf boards, rockets, etc.
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I want to stand on Gamera's back. to travel!
Probably means I'll be sick, whenever I land.
Be Well!
Very likely. You may want to try sitting down.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Combination of whirlwind flight and surfing?
Added Emanation Points on this thread, instead of it's own, since I think Animations are intrinsically linked
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I'm not sure where this would be used, and while I've seen the effect before, a little artistry made it look much more appealing. Maybe as a hold effect? I dunno looks like something fun to have.
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Idk how to word it better than "steel wool effects" :p
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Burning steel wool effects...?
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Has a dev ever 'spilled the beans' on what their goal is for launch for how many animations they want? So I guess there are 2 parts...animation sets (like fire, ice, electricity, etc), and then how many animations in each set?
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From the Discord they've said "two FX suites" per character. And Tannim confirmed two props. But, I don't think there's a limit on emanation points or movements.
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That wasn't my question(s). I'm asking how many "FX suites" will we get to choose from and how many animations have they, or do they plan to have, for each.
For example, you go to create your first hero on Day 1 of Issue #1. You get to the part where you pick your aesthetic for your first attack power. How many options/styles/suites/whatever-you-want-to-call-its do they plan on having? Fire, electricity, ice, earth, martial arts, dark, gravity manipulation, psionics, telekinesis, etc etc etc. Then, once you've chosen that, you choose the animation...right? So if you chose a fire 'suite', now pick whether you punch with a fist that is on fire, or backhand, or kick, or conjure a flaming prop (as an animation) like a baseball, etc....or if you have a prop like a sword, do you do a classic strike, twirl, overhead strike, jab, etc etc etc.
I'm just curious if they've ever mentioned what their goal is for how many 'suites' they want. Most of the animations will be identical across suites, with only the particle fx being different, right? How many particle effects do they have planned? or how many is their goal?
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Oh, yeah no idea how many FX suites, or props they have planned total. I presume it's numerous.
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Yea, i'm just curious as that's really what im most looking forward to. Im sure it'll be a year or two before they can say definitively but hopefully they can give us an update before then on the currently planned ones. I would think animations would take an insane amount of time to get them all done right.
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It's hard to even speculate how many things will be in the dropdown: even "fire" could be split into "flames", "steam", "lava", etc.
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I think if you check out the particle FX library in the UE store, that could give you an idea of what is possible. I know they have purchased at least one library that covers animations for body movements (though they will have to rig those up to the skeleton) and a sound library. It stands to reason that they would likely have also purchased a FX library or two to help them quickly develop a largess of animations and FX. That said, it's never good enough to buy a piece of art and slap it on your butt and call it a day...I mean you can do that...but MWM will have to spend sometime tweaking and modifying what exists in the purchased library to make it worthy of their esteemed fans...namely Me...and also you, I guess.
(I have a headache and I'm in a weird spot mentally so please excuse my ramblings.)
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I'd like a steam animation where you surround an enemy in super heated steam (control or ranged attack). My idea it would be like 50% dense so you could still partially see the enemy. It would come from the ground up in a circle around the enemy. A stronger version would encompass multiple enemies. I think the steam animation could be awesome. You could change color to green for person fog or dark orange-ish for like caustic fog...or any color for any kind of gas.
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Got "Steam attacks" under Particles, is there another wording you'd like to add?
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That works
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Yay :)
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Thank you, Professor Steamhein!
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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High-pressure Steam is a terribly destructive element.
From the discord, I added "Area around character" as a point for TK based attacks, e.g.
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So I'm watching Cohh play some FPS, and the particle effects from the pistol he's firing look like what I'd expect from a launch pistol firing off a rocket ([url=]Gyrojet[/url], or one of the Gyroc weapons from GURPS Ultra-Tech). Unfortunately, the pistol kicked up with each shot, as if there was significant recoil going on.
So the question is, should the Devs make whether or not your pistol kicks a function of the weapon, or place the decision in the hands of the player?
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Considering the fact that you're not just adding/deleting/swapping FX around, you're changing animation/motions, what you're talking about would have to be a whole different set of Recoil vs No Recoil animations for the power. Note that having a recoil vs no recoil animation would be beneficial whether or not you're actually using a weapon (for broad body language gestures and the like), in addition to depicting "no recoil" energy weapons and the like that aren't slug throwers.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
Good point on laser weapons and such, but I'll throw on Non-recuiling gunfire. Esp for characters with super strength who can power through recoil.
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That's similar to a gripe I had/have with Halo 2. Master Chief, cybernetically enhanced super soldier who wears a 2 ton suit, can't keep 2 smgs straight. Each of his arms probably weigh close to half a ton each and he can't keep those guns straight? That's some bull.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
I'd really love to have the option for a character to "rumble" in flight. Anthem has a perfect example of what I mean.
It subtly suggests the jets letting the character fly are very heavy duty and not entirely stable, which I'm sure a lot of people could get a lot of use out of for various character concepts
Also, right at the start, when the guy uses jets to boost into the air? Adding animations and particle effects to your jumps (such as for jump jets, a magic circle, or whatever else) sounds like a big deal for some concepts
An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".
Technically, I'm pretty confident we could have jets put out extra on a jump :)
"Rumble during flight" added :)
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Checked the front page for it and didn't see it so...
Multiple energy arms for punching and stuff.
Possibly a prop or costume piece, could occupy the wings slot, I guess.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
That thought just gave me the most tremendous mental image of a bunch of arms acting like wings. Very cool.
This multiple arms thing could also allow us to make a character with arms like Durga
[img][/img] or some of the other Hindu Gods.
That could be an entire animation pack I would be willing to pay for if they could be customized with emanation points etc. Creating such a pack would add additional animations and functionality to existing arm-like options such spider leg backpacks, octopus backs or robotic arms, etc.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
Hmmm, that does occupy a diffucult space between animations, props, and emanation points. I'll throw it under Entities ;)
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[I]It was good enough for Kali
Though embracing her is folly
She'd be quite an armful, golly!
So it's good enough for me![/i]
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Man, that looks sweet! Maybe I should've played Borderlands...
That's in the new one. Which comes out end of September. The other two (plus 1) were also pretty good.
Player A: Are those wings?
Player 2: Yeah.
A: but they are just arms.
2: Yeah! I punch the air really fast and really hard.
A: O_o
2: WHARGHHHHH *punches the air 67 times per second, floats up off the ground*
A: That seems exhausting.
2: It's awesome cardio. *flexes*
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Arm wings, better than hand wings?
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Uh ... bat wings ARE hands (and arms).
So are most bird wings ...
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
Yeah but most bird/bat humanoids are hexapods.
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Those do not look like Feet.
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Well humans are tetrapods with 4 limbs, so 4 limbs and two wings would be hexapods, no?
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Only exceptions I can think of offhand are harpies/sirens, who are usually depicted with all bird limbs and a humanoid head, with the torso being variable based on the setting or the artist's choice, either bird torso or humanoid torso.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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I generally see pretty humanoid harpies.
And sirens would accomplish their goal better more humanoid ;)
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The range I usually see is from this [url=][img=400x600][/img][/url]
to this. [url=][img=400x600][/img][/url]
Rarely do I see this [url=][img=400x600][/img][/url] called a harpy. But there it is, from the first line of the DDG image results... And that just means that Harpies are not necessarily an exception to your "most bird/bat humanoids are hexapods", just that the ones I usually see are. ^_^
OTOH, I looked for siren images, and the screen fills with the aquatic version, and I have to hunt to find an avian siren at all... Making them completely irrelevant. ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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My first exposure was the YuGiOh ones :p
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"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Harpy 4th of July!
Is an oliphount a tetrapod or a pentapod?
Cyclops, I see what you did there. It took me a minute, and after I saw it I seriously considered not acknowledging it.
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[url=]4 limbs, tetrapod[/url]
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The nose doesn't count, no bones about it.
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How may pods is a whales?
I dunno, but 3-50 whales is a pod.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
I'm disappointed that nobody has suggested that we be able to destroy our foes through the power of dabbing on them.
I'm sure dance moves of all kinds have been suggested.
Though some dances actually have like, rights holders or some such, I think. So that might complicate things.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Dabbing, however, doesn't have a clear originator, and could arguably be considered a "social dance," making it effectively public domain. I'm not a lawyer, though, so I can't really make that determination.
Epic Games was recently dealing with a similar situation with both "Backpack Kid" and the Floss, and Alfonso Ribeiro and the Carlton both being used in Fortnite. Ribeiro dropped his suit, while I think the one with Backpack Kid may still be ongoing.
Also helpful is that you can't copyright a single move or step, only a choreography, and I don't think an individual dab would meet the requirements to be considered choreographed dance on its lonesome. A longer dance that includes the dab, certainly, but not the dab alone. That would be like a songwriter copyrighting a single chord in a song.
Tyche explained to me that "choreographies" are protected, so it'd be a tough case to call one movement a "choreography"
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Would be like copyrighting a front flip...which I'm sure has been tried :p
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Dabbing them with What, though? Dabbing them with blood? Paint? Toxic Spores? I mean, 'to dab' is a verb in English... Not something new.
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It refers to a specific movement in this context. To dab is to do this:
To "dab on" someone is to do that motion at them, usually as an act of defiance, mockery or triumph over them.
Insufficient limbs for humans to dab, according to posted evidence, not going to be added to game any time soon. /snark
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While useful for added stability, legs are not required for dabbing, and it can be done sitting. Only arms are required to perform a dab.
I would prefer, for some crowd control abilities, to have a kirby/king dedede-like inhale animation.
Professional wierdo genius.
Added under "movements" :)
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Could we get a flying animation of being carried by a bird or machine or other entity?
Like this, but with a bigger bird.
That's a rough one but i'll add it under Entities :)
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Looking over the list, do we not have the Dragon Ball style power up stance or similar? You know, wide stance, arms bent along your side, and shouting really loud? Focusing your energy to do whatever it is you're doing. It'd be a great toggle activation animation. Or for a PBAoE. Power up so much that everyone around you explodes.
That is an oversight! "Ki powerup stance" added under movements :)
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I don't see it on the list, but "honeycomb shields" would be a great particle effect for a variety of defensive powers. Champions Online has one for its Energy Shield power from the Power Armor framework.
And combining hexagons and pentagons for a geodesic shield bubble!
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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