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the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.
To purchase your copy of the City of Titans Launcher, visit our store at A purchase of $50 or more will give you a link to download the Launcher for Windows or Mac based machines.
Does Movement in Issue ) count as time to master movement powers.
If so then at the start we have a game and a goal
one for the perversely patient will find rewarding.
Even at a fraction of the development speed.
[URL= [/IMG][/URL]
I hope you get the chance. Humans need vacations to recharge their batteries.
Shocking Blu
Dam, that doesn't sound good. I'm glad I live in a country that has a legally mandated paid vacation time (based upon the time you actually work iirc).
That's awesome. I actually earn tons of vacation time through my job (Currently 6 weeks saved up) but don't actually make enough money to do anything if I were to take the time off. Lol.
I just use a day occasionally for taking my car for maintenance...
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
This reminds me. First time I ever took a vacation from a job, I went to see a friend of mine 6 states away. Was to be gone from Monday-Saturday. Thursday, I get a call asking why I wasn't at work. My boss scheduled me in the middle of my vacation.
Then they didn't pay me my vacation hours on top of it.
That job sucked.
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
...Then there are those of us that have taken a vacation day just so we can get work done 'offline' without the interruptions that come from being constantly connected...
The first paid vacation I ever took I had planned a week-long camping trip with some friends.
Two hours after I got off work to begin the vacation, I broke my leg!
"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."
I remember taking the day off when COH was released so I could play ASAP. Spent several hours just trying to log in and reserve my Hero name that I wanted the most.
Winds of Change
Thanks for all the replies, and it's not like we don't receive vacation time at our respective jobs but we just never take it. By the by, we visit our families in their locales over the various holidays but that doesn't count as vacation... >XD
Great Scott! You worked for Amazon? :O
Shocking Blu
Did you get it?
Hi. I'm Hope.
Yes! Inquiring minds want to know! And what was it? I'm always curious if I ran into some of my fellow CoHers ingame.
Shocking Blu
Wow. I'm glad to hear the Chargen is so close to launching. Keep up the hard work! Even with part of the capabilities you have worked on availableat lauch, it will keep us occupied for some time.
Can we understand that the new website will be released in the same period as Issue #0 ?
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
Good question! I would hope so, plus a look at what will be offered for second chance so we can figure out how much money we need to throw (in a nice way, of course) at them.
If a chihuahua chews on the money before we get to it, you may have to throw it again!
Charles Logan
I'll make sure to shoot the darn rat First, then throw more money at you guys.
YES! Awesome! :D
Shocking Blu
I am also hoping for the second chance KS. Didn't hear about the first one until after it was over.
William deBoves
Hey, I have been following this project for a while from shadows but I finally decided to join properly. I'm glad this project got so far.
I'm one of those people who never experienced CoH and I'm pretty bummed about it.
Glad to see everything going on, and I hope we are gonna get some way to support your work.
Welcome to the forums, man! =)
Same here. I'm taking a week off when it opens. The wife said she will do the cooking and deliver a few meals to the computer room. But I'm paying for it with a week at Disney World.
Shocking Blu
Welcome Spacerror!
Same here! Was so excited. I didn't have a cool name or anything though.
Hey, new to the forums as well. Had my yearly moment when I miss CoH, so checking on the status of the successors to help me overcome it.
Really cool concept art and very pleased to see the options already present in the powersets and costume design.
I haven't seen any gameplay footage, though. Is that something the team is still working on and not ready to release? When would some gameplay and combat footage be available?
Thanks for all the great work you guys are doing. Coming here was the comfort "food" I needed.
Well, the way they're developing the game is that they've broken it into smaller chunks - so the combat system is separate from the costume creator, the quest system, the chat system, and the map system, among others. As a result, while the systems are individually being developed quite well and apace, they don't look anything like a finished product until they all get linked up together. Unfortunately, that'll be some time. Hopefully not too long, though.
An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".
For some really rough, but interesting, stuff, go check out their Twitch channel.
Keep in mind that they design stuff in discrete sections, so what you're seeing isn't a prototype of the complete game, but just a basic environment for testing things; You won't see a lot of neat costumes or completed buildings (though the bank stuff they're going to use for the tutorial is pretty nice looking already) and you'll definitely see a lot of placeholder assets and UI. All the same, I was really interested to see what they had, and hear them discuss their processes for designing and creating it.
~ DariusWolfe
Errant, TNT, Vibrant and Fluxion on Liberty
Hey cool, thanks for this. I hadn't seen this yet. Seems like there's some good progress on this front as well.
So I've been investigating further and if I understand correctly, we're getting a first release at the end of the year with full character creation and a chat zone, is that it? Is the end of the year date still a go? Would this be a paid version with a subscription, or free for the chat zone only? How would that work with people who had supported the game already during the development?
And when would we get a release with the first playable content (first set of missions with combat)?
Hey just found this:
Awesome. It was really hard to find it though, so maybe it would be good to make these videos and demos a bit more public so that impatient people like me can easily find them.
Everything we've heard so far, they are still on track for the first release of a character creator (costumes only, no powers available) for this year. I believe they are also putting in a limited "chat zone" with the first release. Aside from that, as with any game development project, they will get us as much as possible when pieces are ready for public release (whether that be alpha, beta, or launch). Game release is a "Box" price with an optional monthly subscription model for a few perks, and a cash shop focusing on quick unlocks for cosmetics that can also be earned through normal game play.
Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die.
Protect the pack kid, no matter how much it hurts. If everyone else in the pack is safe, you can carry on or die knowing you've done your duty. - Fanfiction
So we basically need to pay for the game + subscription to use the character builder + chat zone, but without knowing how the actual game is going to work?
Maybe? Until they announce how you get into the beta test, we won't know how you get into the beta test. All we know so far, is that the $10 [url=]Kickstarter[/url] pledge level gives:
Note that this level of KS support does not come with "The Box", and doesn't specify how much of the beta it gives access to. Presumably the Second Chance Fundraising will have some similar level that gives access to the closed beta, and I doubt that it will be higher in cost than the KS "Construction Crew" level. But I don't know. Also, we don't know if or when they will open up the beta even further.
But I do not doubt that they will have some way to open up the "Open Beta" to people who have not yet bought "The Box" yet still require them to buy "The Box" once the beta tests are complete if they wish to continue playing. If nothing else, they need to be able to do this for the 802 KS backers who have been promised some level of closed beta access but not a copy of "The Box".
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Okay, makes some sense. Thanks, will keep following this until more is known. I might give it a go on next fundraising, and try to keep an eye for any further updates on how other sections of the game are progressing.
I don't recall where I saw it, but I did see a dev response that suggested that the monthly subscription will not start being counted until they feel that the game is actually complete enough to warrant it; My guess is that Issue #0 will not start using your subscription, but Issue #1 will. You still have to buy in to get access to Issue #0, either in the original Kickstarter from 5 years ago, or in the Second Chance, whenever they get that up, though.
~ DariusWolfe
Errant, TNT, Vibrant and Fluxion on Liberty
We probably wont be getting anything new on the game that isnt about the character creator anytime soon.
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
I would certainly hope for that to be the case. Up till now I hadn't even considered the possibility that our pre-purchased sub time could start being used before we are able to actually play the content.
Spurn all ye kindle.
Seeing as the game is going to have a box price, with an optional sub, I doubt Issue 0 would require any version of sub.
That said, if the sub was available at that point to further support development, I'd buy into it.
Since "Beta access" and "Subscription" were separate perks according to the Kickstarter terms, I don't think MWM could legally charge Issue 0 against the sub time, even if they wanted to.
And I don't for a minute think they want to. Anyone who follows these forums even casually should realize how importatnt community goodwill is to the dev team.
At some point, Subs will start being charged, but that point isn't going to be the day the Chargen goes into closed beta. I would assume subs would start to be counted with Issue 1, or with the first "feature complete" public release of the game, if that's not Issue 1. In any event, "We're going to start charging people" will be a huge moment for the game, and not something they're going to sneak in during early, pre-release backer testing.
You know, I just realized something that may account for how cagey MWM has been about various details of the game and their progress, especially as we get close to the launch time frame of Issue #0. Consider how impatient people have been, even among those that have a general understanding and optimism about how complex MWM's progress has been. Even the most loyal supporters are saying that we should have a lot of updates in these last weeks, and have expressed frustration.
Now imagine how it's going to be once we have "Titan City Chat" where we can design our characters and maybe run around; All of the time between Issue #0 and Issue #1 (like Geveo said, assuming that this is the "feature complete" release; What I recall reading suggested that is the plan, but I could be wrong, or plans could change). Sure, if my supposition is right, we won't be paying anything for this time, other than our initial investment which won't start counting against us right away. But it's going to be a goldrush of people logging in, making characters and getting in there to run around and see what it all looks like, meeting people, using the chat system and seeing what else they were able to get ready for us. We're definitely going to put a load on the server(s) and put the systems through their paces. I guarantee we'll probably completely break the game at least a few times in the first week it's available.
But then the excitement is going to wear off. Even the most supportive fans will start to get restless because of the promise that they're seeing, but aren't yet having fulfilled. Even if we stick to the line of "a delayed game will be good eventually, but a rushed game is bad forever" we're going to want to really [i]play[/i] the game. The more pessimistic fanbase... well, I don't think it's going to be pretty. I think it may make the current annoying dismissiveness look tame by comparison.
That's why I believe they're being sparse on updates, because they realize this. They've probably got most of the character creator done and ready to integrate, but they're spending time polishing and finishing [i]systems[/i] that will be needed for the full game. Because once we get a taste, our ardor for the full experience is going to be even stronger than it is now. Hopefully this means that active development between Issue #0 and Issue #1 (see above caveat) will be very rapid, and will probably be buggy and unbalanced as hell.
Those of us who get into this phase of release will be put to work, and should be ready to play through some hilariously broken bugs and create useful reports of bugs and balance experiences, etc. It'll be an exciting time I think, but it's not going to closely resemble the glory days of City of Heroes, at least not at first, and we should be prepared for that, too.
~ DariusWolfe
Errant, TNT, Vibrant and Fluxion on Liberty
Issue #0 is Beta! They couldn't charge sub rates. Sub rates and linked perks are for a Live Game that the public can play, not test.
Charging for alphas and betas has become fairly common in game development, with some noteworthy (towns and space base df-9) examples never making it out of that stage with the devs taking the money and running or just slowing work to a glacial pace (7 days to die, project zomboid).
I'm happy to give MWM the benefit of the doubt (it is easy when I missed the KS and haven't put any money in) but people being suspicious is natural given the behavior of other dev studios.
Issue #0 is not the beta. It's what MWM will make available to show that they have something substantial, so that the Second Chance won't be based on pure faith. It's got to be open and available to everyone. Beta won't be until they're much closer to Issue #1, since beta indicates the game is feature complete (i.e. powers, combat, missions, etc.). The closed beta access that is a KS perk, and that I expect will also be seen in the Second Chance, will come at this stage.
And yes, I fully expect the game to be officially launched and live before any subscription time begins running.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
Issue 0 will be interesting as it won't be a standard Alpha. While day 1 content of.... a room to walk around in with others may get old quickly. Keep in mind it needs to eventually be patched up to the full product. Over the year or more of 'today we added a new map' to more exciting updates like 'today we add in NPCs' or 'Today we raise the level cap to FIVE' should help keep snagging us back.
I wouldn't expect I0 to stay live (much) past the Second Chance. MWM has said in the past that they don't want to have any kind of live alpha or even beta. 'course it's been a while so that could well have changed. Or may yet change.
- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
No live alphas or betas? Where did you hear that from?
More accurately I could see what they call "Issue 0" to act as their "test sandbox" which might go up and down all the time as they continue to add and tinker with it. But the idea that this wouldn't be the basis of their ultimate beta testing is a weird idea at the very least.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
DocT mentioned some time ago that they wouldn't have a live server prior to launch. Issue 0 will be something of an exception, hence I don't expect it to stay live past the Second Chance. This assume that the second chance does have an end date.
- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
I think you're making some assumptions here.
It's my understanding the Issue 0 will be made available to *backers*, not to everybody. And that includes backers for the 2nd chance, which will come around the same time.
There will certainly be more to show once they've got the Chargen rolling (they've already shown some in a more limited way, with Warcabbit's trip to NYCC). But "something to show" doesn't mean "open access" to everyone.
Of course. We're all making assumptions.
You may be correct. To me, it makes no sense to hold back the Second Chance until there's something to show, and then not show it except to people who're willing to give to the Second Chance based on faith. The Second Chance will be hobbled if all they aim to do is convince the people who've already given, or are prepared to give.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
at this point, I am just frustrated, time to take a walk and check back in a month or so. I am hoping the period between issue 0 and issue 1 will be measured in a few months. If it morphs to a year, things will get ugly.
I wonder if people who gave during the Kickstarter (like myself) will be able to give again during the 2nd Chance. If so, would that second donation stack with the original one towards rewards? Just curious, because I wasn;t in a position to give much at the time ($50.00 I believe).
Shocking Blu
Pretty sure the Devs have said yes to both of your questions more or less. They have mentioned specific things they will not re-offer like the "customized building" version of a Mogul Add On for instance. Not sure about the other high end Perks that would require significant "customized work" (like Fashionista).
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Doubt I'd be able to reach any High-End perks, even if my 2 contributions stacked. :D Could probably kick in another 50-100, though. Not sure what that would get me; been awhile, so I don;t remember the categories.
Shocking Blu
Not to be the bearer of bad news, but I've been saying a year as my OPTIMISTIC estimate.Yes, with the way the game is built it will be easy to 'plug' in the finished modules, BUT that doesn't mean it doesn't have to be tested. Sure, theoretically they could activate NPCs, Enemies, Combat, Missions and instanced missions in one go. I think it's more likely the NPCs are added one day and the devs collect data and find bugs as we interact with them for a while (at least a week or more!). Then enemies are added and our only interaction with them for a while is an auto attack to test aggro behavior, if they die at 0hp and if they spawn/despawn properly around the map. From this point they can add actual combat, but even without there's the testing of missions. Does the NPC give the mission, does the proper enemy/ object properly count for the objective, does x enemy spawn on y trigger, can the mission be turned in, is the next mission given afterwards appropriately. Then later we get entrances to instanced missions. Is the mission entrance a door the player can reach, does it load, do enemies spawn on the map properly, etc, etc. That can all be tested without actual combat which is still separate from gaining experience, leveling, and power choice progression. Which is not even counting actual balancing of if powers do the right amount of damage at EACH level vs mobs of VARYING levels. Does a level 4 using Kinetic Melee's Jolt do an abnormally large amount of damage against an enemy 3 levels higher? THEN, there's even enemy RANKS. Minion to Boss ratios. The grouping system. The scaling spawning of enemies based on groups. There's a lot!
Should these work 'out of the gate?'. Yeah, I assume the 1 dev that made the system wouldn't give it to us unless it worked for him. But in MMOs, ANYTHING can break once added to the main build. Does the NPC stop responding if 4+ players are talking to it? If one entrance leads to two different missions for two different players, are those players loading into the proper mission? Is there one door that load backwards on a building, only accessible from within terrain and so players can't enter? Is there a door between two building that actually touch? Does a boss spawn properly for 4 people, properly doesn't spawn for 2 or 3, but spawns for a solo player and inexplicably spawn 8 bosses for 5 players?
They've always said it would be pretty quick to start putting everything together, but that doesn't mean Issue 1 is a month after Issue 0. We're taking character creation with a shared space and a chat system and watching it evolve into a full and finished launch product. There are going to be many steps along the way, each one requiring QA and testing to make sure it works as a whole.
McJigg, mich of what you said about what would be tested is inaccurate as we test internally (it’s called prototyping) and once we have all thebrelated features of a system working, the prototype is in an alpha state.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
*Gasp* You've taken the [s]nerf bat[/s] magic crowbar to my thoughts of how long it could take! I shall conservatively shorten my optimistic view to 9 months until more info is available.
To be honest, I'm a little excited at the idea of being part of the process from "proof of concept" to commercially viable product. Imagine the stories you'd have to tell.
~ DariusWolfe
Errant, TNT, Vibrant and Fluxion on Liberty
A dev recently theorized Issue 1 could potentially be in 2020. They still have equally large parts as the chargen to work on; combat mechanics coding, world building, power tree and implementation with class structure, animation creation, more than half the planned missions if I remember right, and a host of others I'm sure. We dont really know anything about the status of those so they could be months to Issue 1 release or years.
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
Issue 0 in late Nov or Dec of 2018 + 1 year is almost 2020. Even if not complete, I do assume 'something roughly playable' by then. Once there's working combat and enemies on a map, I can turn on some music and street sweep to relax after work. I spent countless evenings just running around Peregrine Island with Super Speed + Super Jump on my Ice Blaster just... having fun. Fighting many "Nemesis?" who hung around parking lots and explaining to low level friends it was not a high level version of the clockwork enemy group.
The 9 months / 1 year guess as said was my 'optimistic' guess, pessimism knows no bounds so any tangible progress is enough to keep me happy.
I lik your attitude. Enjoy what you get when you get it. Trust that the Devs are giving us all they can as fast as they can. Know that anything can happen, despite best intentions. :)
Shocking Blu
Waiting patiently to see what Second Chance has to offer. I have another kid to train in the ways of the cape and cowl.
When you need help you call the police. When they need help they call me.
"Ask not what Second Chance can do for you, but what you can do for Second Chance"
I think after some of the difficulties delivering on promises to the first kickstarter, the second's perks could be a bit more tame.
10/10 bastardization of that quote :p
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
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