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Remembering your old CoH/CoV characters

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Sakura Tenshi
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After thinking just a little

After thinking just a little on it, I might actually try to focus on some original creations for City of Titans first. as a friend's pointed out to me, a lot of old characters will have their stories said and done, even if it only happened in my head after City's closing.

Though if I do bring back some, I'm probably going to aim for a fresh angle on them instead of what I've done repeatedly.

There is a song I hear, a melody from the past.
When I woke for the first time, when I slept for the last.
You are the one, the hero who will stand.
Do not blame father, he is only a man.

rookslide's picture
Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
Joined: 09/25/2013 - 10:26
I agree with this. I recently

I agree with this. I recently read a bio here that was made for a character with the exact same name I used for my staple character in COH. Honestly I liked the bio I read here better than my old character. I think I will be reinventing some but mostly creating entirely new ones.

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Project_Hero's picture
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Sakura Tenshi wrote:
Sakura Tenshi wrote:

After thinking just a little on it, I might actually try to focus on some original creations for City of Titans first. as a friend's pointed out to me, a lot of old characters will have their stories said and done, even if it only happened in my head after City's closing.

Though if I do bring back some, I'm probably going to aim for a fresh angle on them instead of what I've done repeatedly.

Most, if not all, of my old characters are receiving this treatment.

Kinda like how the ultimate universe do. I did this also for when I moved some of them to Champions Online.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

.Foresight's picture
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I had a few mains that I

I had a few mains that I stuck with after a million alts. Started off as a villain on Victory, then hero. Then moved to Freedom after a couple years.


.Foresight-(#1 main) Mind/Time controller

.Avalanche-(my profile picture) Earth/Storm controller

.Warewolf (all variations of Werewolf were taken-don't judge)-Claws/Regen scrapper. I used a macro to switch costume, do an emote and activate one of my regen toggles in missions to transform into a werewolf. Everyone always got a kick out of that.


Seiji Amida- NInja/Poison Mastermind. I hope we get even half as much pet controls in this game as we did in CoV. Best pet class I've ever seen in an MMO since then.

.Sorceress- Mind/Electricity Assault

"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Dark Cleric
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I think the day before CoT

I think the day before CoT launches, not just the chargen but the full release game you can play, I'm going to go on Paragon Chat and run around CoH one last time. For a few reasons. I want to get back in the spirit of the game and take that to CoT. One final goodbye; I probably won't even log back in to Paragon Chat if CoT is a success, that is a coffin that needs to be closed and buried finally. And to see the, likely, stark contrast between the old game and the new one. I'd liken it to the difference between Diablo and Diablo III graphics. That should make jumping into CoT for the first time the best possible experience.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

alltrueist's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Sakura Tenshi wrote:

After thinking just a little on it, I might actually try to focus on some original creations for City of Titans first. as a friend's pointed out to me, a lot of old characters will have their stories said and done, even if it only happened in my head after City's closing.

Though if I do bring back some, I'm probably going to aim for a fresh angle on them instead of what I've done repeatedly.

Most, if not all, of my old characters are receiving this treatment.

Kinda like how the ultimate universe do. I did this also for when I moved some of them to Champions Online.

Thinking about our CoT characters like "Ultimates" versions of our CoH characters is actually a great perspective.

I've been wanting to change my main hero's (Altruist) name for awhile simply because it doesn't feel like a superhero name. I'm leaning toward Centauri, but I'm afraid of changing the name that has been my moniker in superhero games since 2003.

The Altruist, Invulnerability/Super Strength Stalwart.

Lothic's picture
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alltrueist wrote:
alltrueist wrote:

I've been wanting to change my main hero's (Altruist) name for awhile simply because it doesn't feel like a superhero name. I'm leaning toward Centauri, but I'm afraid of changing the name that has been my moniker in superhero games since 2003.

Why not have more than one "main" character? Make both an 'Altruist' and 'Centauri' and play them as much as you want.

I'm not really saying this to be flip or "silly". Back in CoH I ended up with a total of around 40ish alts. But out of those 40 I had like 4 (or maybe 5) characters that I played far more often than any of the others. I basically considered that top group my "mains" (plural).

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 03/25/2015 - 15:24
Wasn't my first or, by far my

Wasn't my first or, by far my last. But this was one of my favorites after CoV came out. (Sadly no shots of my heroes exist any more and this was just by chance.)

C. jejuni
Last seen: 6 years 1 week ago
Joined: 01/26/2014 - 04:10
I remember only a few names

I remember only a few names because I've only played CoH for a couple months, but I still remember all my characters. I didn't really progress very far with any of them because I liked jumping inbetween different concepts and trying out new stuff. Creating fun characters was my primary motivation in CoH.

Dr. Quarks was my last character, he was essentially a mad scientist trying to subdue the world with quantum mechanics. Even though he was clearly conceptualised as a villain, I started in Paragon City to turn him evil later.

Gyklare was my favourite, he was a jester with a purple-golden (iirc) color scheme who was a Dominator with Mind Control and Psionic Assault.

I had a cute/freaky small Asian villain girl who was an underage prostitute back home who got abused and mutilated by some of her punters and turned a bitter assassin over it. She was a double-bladed scrapper. I loved having her sit down on a ledge over the port and just enjoying the nightsky in Cap Au Diable.

Another scrapper I had was inspired by Egyptian mythology (specifically Anubis, think AoM Anubites), claws and dark armor.

I also had yet another scrapper who was supposed to be a man possessed by the Oni of a Japanese daimyo, and his costume was inspired by the armor of Sanada Yukimura, with blue-glowing eyes. He obviously used a katana.

The concenptually most uninspiring one was a tanker who I wanted to model after a crusader, but he turned out more like a horrible cringy attempt at mixing spandex with armor for some laughable superhero b movie. He was also not a lot of fun to play.

I also had a green and scaly Mastermind character who was supposed to be a demon from hell, sent to wreak havoc on earth. He had a maniacal grin and demonic underlings.

Another Mastermind I tried out but quickly abandoned in favour of my demon was some High-Tech drone commander/SpecOps type, my other boring character.

Aside of the two I dismissed as boring, I loved all of them. But most of all the Chinese girl, the daimyo oni, and the jester.


Tiger's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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I was...surprise...Tiger, on

I was...surprise...Tiger, on justice server.

Grayfigure's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: 08/26/2013 - 13:56
Ruin's Legacy.

Ruin's Legacy.

My only 'Successful' (Successful = made it to level 50 and began the Incarnate Track) Controller. Earth Control/Storm Summoning Melee Dance floor specialist. God, she would die SO....FREAKING.....MUCH!! Until Level 22, and her AoE Hard Hold. Between that, and proper understanding of the -kb in her AoE Root, She really came into her own. Add in her two pets (Stoney the Golem is one, but I counted Tornado from Storm Summoning as the other once I learned about -kb) and just a smidgen of damage from Air Superiority, Jump kick, flurry, and the magic ax temp power you could get permanently, She evened out REALLY well. Most fun i'd ever had on a Controller (Im a melee focused sort).

On the edge of your Perceptions......
Turn away and feel his hand upon your shoulder.....
Look for him and he shall not exist.....
in the middle of the crowd....lost in the faces....
Stands a Figure....of Gray......

Hatut Zeraze
Hatut Zeraze's picture
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So,...I'm at home from work

So,...I'm at home from work sick today and a bit bored. I thought I'd continue my giant list of characters from where I left off (see post #52 from over a year ago). As before, I try to make each description pretty brief as a nod to the length of the entire list. If it isn't your kind of thing, just ignore this post. It is mostly a self-indulgent thing for me. Thanks for your patience.

49. Kid Scorpio (CoV)
- My ignorance of efficient character design bit me harder with this character than any other. I finally broke down and spent a lot of time Respec-ing her because of that. She is a cursed, demonic cowgirl, using the two-gun option and she spit poison like spittin' tobacco. She was also a Mastermind, with her cow-hand mercenaries serving her whims. She had yellow skin, a dark red cowgirl outfit, and a demonic, mad grin on her face.

50. Lady Eris (CoV)
- The concept was a goddess of chaos using a supervillain as an avatar. As with many others here, she truly started out in the costume maker. She had that mad grinning face, a giant, razor-thin mohawk, and a mad mix of colors like jet-black, orange, pink, and green. She had a truly frightening visage.

51. The Living Prometheus (CoV)
- I made up a pretty sharp looking robotics Mastermind and struggled to pick a name. I imagined a mad scientist who fancied himself as someone who created life with his robots. Creating life was a power of divinity, so it was like he was stealing the power of the gods, like Prometheus, hence The Living Prometheus. He had a bright green Vitruvian Man as his chest logo.

52. Man-Panda (CoH)
- This was just a brawling, tanky guy dressed like a panda. My concept came from two places: 1. a fascination with the peculiar sub-set of comic characters that use Man as a prefix. Man-Thing, Man-Bat, Man-Wolf. 2. In high school, I had a friend who made up a remarkably clever wrestling role-playing game and my main character was Roman "The Panda" Neely. I combined these inspirations to make up Man-Panda. His battlecry was "I will not mate in captivity!", which I loved to occasionally spam in zone chat for laughs.

53. Mr. Insecurity (that third option that I cannot remember - grey area, newer zone)
- I made up a mastermind who had demonic pets. I imagined the pets less as actual hellish demons and more as psychic manifestations of Mr. Insecurity's inner demons. Their names were along the lines of fear, self-loathing, etc. Costume-wise, though, I goofed with some of the pieces I had usually shied away from. He looked like a 90's-era grunge-a-palooza poser with superpowers. He had jawline-only facial hair, a backwards baseball cap, and big black work-boots all working with his high-collar cape and devil-head chest logo.

54. Mr. Quiz (CoH)
- Publicly a gaudily-dressed, over-the-top, baby-smooching, successful game show host, but privately one of the world's most dangerous spies, this toon originated not in CoH, but in CO. When CO launched, I was getting kind of burned out on CoH, so I basically abandoned it for CO. After some time away, the real beauty of CoX dawned on me and I returned with a new-found enthusiasm. Mr. Quiz was one of the few concepts I had (maybe the only?) that started on a later game and was remade in an older game.

55. Nick Chopper (CoH)
- This was my tribute to L. Frank Baum's Tin Woodman character. He was entirely metallic, with armored body parts, a metallic face and headgear. He even had a red heart logo on his chest and fought with the fireman's axe. I'd make that guy again.

56. Nox Populi (CoV)
- I had such a good idea. I'd take the phrase Vox Populi, which means voice of the people, and tweak it and use "Nox" instead of "Vox" because Nox means poison or diseased, right? Then I'd make a guy who was noxious and poisonous. Except, as was pointed out by a friend after I bragged about the cool concept, that Nox doesn't mean poison. It means night. So, my extremely cool noxious, poison costume was sporting a name that meant Night of the People. Ugh. What a misfire. I still love how cool that costume looked.

57. The Orange Stranger (CoV)
- This guy was all about the costume. He was a mysterious sorcerer hero. He had an orange mask covering his whole head, except for two small eye-holes. He had a black tuxedo vest and white dress shirt, black gloves, black dress shoes. His cape was orange and his dress slacks were orange with black leopard markings. I made his origin story equally mysterious (he IS a Stranger, after all), hinting that he MAY have been empowered by the blood of Eochai, the giant evil pumpkin creature. I also had some fun with the repetition of the "nj" sound that is in both Orange and Stranger. I opened his origin story with "Cringe at the lunge of the Orange Stranger!"

58. Outjack (CoV)
- A vampire jester. That was pretty much it. Since there was no real biting power set, I ran him as a claws character. He had on the jester costume set in black and white with a red omega symbol on his chest.

59. Papa Sysop (CoH)
- Admittedly this guy wasn't my best, and I barely played him past initial creation, but I have a little fondness for how weird he was. He was electrical-powered, had a blue bodysuit with the circuitry design in white. His head, in contrast, was plain. He had old man wrinkles, a gray comb-over, sunglasses and a cigar.

60. Pinball Lizard (Cov)
- Really, just a play on the old Pinball Wizard song by the Who. He was a Lizard instead of a Wizard, so he had reptilian skin with bestial matching legs. He sported a bright magenta vest, a matching top hat and a monocle. I think he used mind-control powers and maybe gravity control. Was that a combo one could do? I don't remember very clearly.

Hatut Zeraze
Hatut Zeraze's picture
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61. Prince Cinnamon Boots

61. Prince Cinnamon Boots
- I was watching a cartoon one day (googled it: The Replacements) and one of the characters, a girl had a broken-down mule she named Prince Cinnamon Boots. I thought the name was so funny, I had to use it. I made up a broadsword-wielding prince with a prince valiant haircut and a horse logo on his tunic. The color scheme used primarily a dark red, highlighted with silver and yellow.

62. Robot Musketeer
- This was a simple concept: In a sci-fi adventure future, there was a group of heroic robot musketeers. An accident sent one of them through time into the present day where he continued to fight the good fight.

63. Mr. Saturday Knight
- I just liked the wordplay. Trying to figure out what kind of a character this would be, I landed on a blaxploitation-style character, like Shaft. He wore a white suit with a high-collar, dark blue cape. He had a big afro, goatee, sunglasses, and playing off the old phrase "saturday night special," I had to make him a dual pistols fighter.

64. Scourge McDuck
- I saw someone else's toon cleverly use a yellow-colored gas mask to simulate a duck beak. I was enamored and wondered if there was some duck-hero variation I could play with that would be different. I rolled around ideas and names until I noticed that Scourge sounding similar to Scrooge, so Scourge McDuck was born. He wore an eyepatch, a tattered top, and kilt and fought crime with a broadsword.

65. Shamrock Speedster
- This was my go at making a speedster, but I wanted one with some original flavor. I designed a leprechaun-like guy with a permanent scowl, hooves (giving him a satyr look), a green bowler hat, a green vest, and barbed wire around his neck. I got a little distracted with that barbed wire, which looked kind of punk rock. I tried to incorporate a punk rock element to his origin, but it never really felt right. There were clearly too many ideas competing with each other with this character.

66. Silver Citizen
- This guy was one of my favorites. He was a retired senior citizen whose declining health made him bemoan his growing uselessness to the world. One night, he dreamed of a perfect, almost celestial silver suit jacket and matching slacks that had the power to take away that useless feeling. When he awoke, it was in his closet. He could don the suit and it gave him youthful, superheroic energy and vigor. He fought crime as the Silver Citizen. He had a silver suit, matching fedora, white gloves and white shoes. He had a thick white moustache and sunglasses. I think he may have been a healer.

67. Skreeper (CoV)
- A creepy Halloween robot. That pretty much says it all. Admittedly, he does look much cooler in CO than he ever did in CoV.

68. Snow Angel (CoH)
- I had to name her Miss Snow Angel because there was already a Snow Angel on EVERY server. Years before CoX, I played in the old Mayfair DC pnp rpg. All my friends were making these brutal, tough, dark and serious characters and I felt obliged to provide a contrast. As a result I made up a character who was essentially a superheroic cross between Frosty the Snowman and Mary Poppins. She was an actual snow angel created by two adorable children, brought to life through the magical power of love. She was one of my earliest toons in CoH. I loved blowing mobs of goons off of building roofs with her weather control powers.

69. Soldier of Love (CoV)
- This was another toon I made in a mood of contrariness. He was a mastermind with gun-toting thugs. He had a long thin moustache and matching goatee, a pink beret, and sunglasses. He wore a tight white shirt with some arm showing between the sleeves and his valentine-red gloves. His pants were striped red and pink, ending in long black work boots. He was a dual-pistol wielder. He was vaguely modeled after an old Valentine's Day-themed villain I ran in my old Champions rpg. The most fun I ever had with him was at big party events in Pocket D. I would move my masterminded thugs around and make them dance with other people's toons, while Soldier of Love hung out nearby. I am not normally into the MMO role-playing, but I remember having fun with this a few times.

70. Trauma Mama
- This yellow-skinned character, quite accidentally ended up reminding me of one of Jack Kirby's weirdest fourth-world creations. I suppose she is a bit of a mix of Mad Harriet and Granny Goodness. I still love that name.

71. Xalamander Xorr
- This guy was more bat-faced than reptilian, but I did love that name so to heck with it. He was one of my very few fire-powered characters.

72. The Yellow Unitard
- I love how unabashedly dorky this name is. He is a fitness buff that runs around in a yellow unitard with a big letter "U" on his chest and fights crime. Admittedly he is a bit of troll character, in that I half-intended him to provoke eyerolls. RP-wise, he was oblivious of how stupid he looked, but just earnestly trying to do his job as a goodguy crime fighter.

73. Zebrathustra
- Battlecry: "Thus spake Zebrathustra!" I loved this guy's design. White skin with black stripes through his whole body, a black mohawk, a black X across his eyes, hooves, and wrapped gloves. He hit his enemies with a big bone, which his backstory defined as the trophy he extracted from an evil Were-Lion he defeated in an African savanna. My favorite part, though, was the amazing tribal shield that tied the whole look together. He was an exotic, cool character and I will NEVER remake him in any game without a tribal shield costume piece. It was essential to the look.

74. The Zeta Zenturion (CoV)
- He was just a weird energy-shooting villain with no real backstory. His costume was black with prominent purple and white highlights. He had an all-white face mask, an eye symbol on his chest and thick gloves and boots. I stole the "Zenturion" part of his name from one of the villains in Grant Morrison's JLA run.

That's it! I had a bunch more whose names I forgot, were deleted, or who didn't seem worthy of having their images saved.

Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 04/28/2015 - 10:50
Icy_Nferno. Fire/Ice tank was

Icy_Nferno. Fire/Ice tank was my Paragon powerleveling toon.

DesViper's picture
Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

I'm surprised I haven't posted in this thread previously.

This might be the best costume I've ever seen in CoH

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

I'm surprised I haven't posted in this thread previously.

This might be the best costume I've ever seen in CoH

Thank you! That certainly made my morning. As previously touched on, I wasn't known for my... diversity with the costume creator. I was very surprised how this one turned out (especially considering the different sets I combined from) and the positive reaction that it got from people. In fact, I had a friend tell me that since they liked it so much, they were going to steal it. She's the short, aqua version on the left, which is kind of ironic considering my general naming convention and color scheme.

DesViper's picture
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How did you do the face? It

How did you do the face? It seamlessly blends into the armor.

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

How did you do the face? It seamlessly blends into the armor.

Let's see what Paragon Chat says:
Head: Standard
Shape: Average 1
Face: Face 1
Hair: Club
Ears: Human
Detail 1: Carnival of Light 1
Detail 2: Carnival of Light
Looks like her skin is just white, in fact I picked the uppermost right corner of the color selection. Zoomed out it looks pretty seamless but if you zoom in, you can see that the texture is different between the two. It was something I noticed the first time putting it all together but it wasn't enough of a disparity for me to spend any more time on it. Since the whole face was covered up anyway, I could have just picked a simple mask that was skin-level that wrapped around the outer-edges of the face that closer matched the texture of the body if it was a real issue.
Finding a matching hairstyle to the spiky bits of the Carnival of Light Detail 1 piece was probably my proudest work of the entire costume.

DesViper's picture
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I think what really does it

I think what really does it is the line that forms from the bottom of the mask into the armor.

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Mindscythe's picture
Last seen: 11 months 1 day ago
Joined: 11/09/2018 - 06:20
I had many, many characters,

I had many, many characters, but there are two that I miss (and will be re-creating at first opportunity).

Ty Rhone was my first character to 50, a stone/stone tanker. Just for a lark, I dumped damage SOs into Mud Pots, and defense SOs into Granite Armor. The end result: I could wander into practically any mob group and just park myself. After about 45 seconds, the minions were down, and after about 60 seconds, the Lts were down, and I never had to throw a punch. Nothing hit me, and everything died in the boiling mud.

Mindscythe (<---- my pic) was my main, though. A mind/rad 'troller, toward the end he was actually able to confuse Hami once or twice, which was a blast to watch. :) My favorite trick was to confuse the power-sapping mobs and then help them pick off their fellows, then drop them once they'd done my bidding. Muahaha. :D

Wherever, whenever, long live the drunk server! #PinnacleForever

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 03/01/2019 - 16:54
I had sweet wee Maron, the

I had sweet wee Maron, the Girl Wonder. She was a tiny thing in a patriotic red white and blue costume. She was a tanker, my best. She had super-strength and Invulnerability. For me there was nothing more fun than simply patrolling through Steel Canyon with my superleap, so heavily slotted she could jump from the train near the Icon store and not touch ground again until the train on the other end. Every so often some players would complain that a lvl 30+ ambush had been abandoned by the characters playing the mishie, so here would come Maron to take out the villainous stragglers. I adored her. I adore her. She will come back in CoT, just as tiny, pg-tailed, and adorbs as she was in Paragon City.

"You bad bois are under arrest!"
