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OOC: Street Soldiers (Street Level Hero Warfare RP)

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The Hybrid
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OOC: Street Soldiers (Street Level Hero Warfare RP)

I wanted to gauge the interests of the forum for a concept like this. Would anyone be interested in a "Heroes for Hire" type team where a group of street level heroes (badass normals or low-powered supers) form a special tight-knit team to take on the criminal underworld for money? This could be set in the southern area of Titan City, which is decidedly more grounded and nasty compared to the north. Such a setting lends itself well to darker storytelling, maybe the kind where they take on drug dealers and human traffickers of that sort.

I do have a character to contribute: [url=]Stephanie Yin[/url].

She's a martial arts heroine who draws upon chi energy to enhance her attacks, shoot chi blasts, and give her enhanced durability or mobility. Gives her an advantage but is nothing too overpowered, and she relies mainly on her fighting skills. The power set obviously takes inspiration from Iron Fist, though the character and her backstory is quite different.

If anyone wants to join, let me know and share what kind of hero you have. Just remember, this is street level warfare -- where characters of decidedly low power have to use their wits and skill as much as their powers, if they have actual powers that is. Please don't bring a Superman to an alley brawl. Also, this being a darker setting with our heroes getting paychecks, we might want to avoid the "Paragon" type hero as it's not a good tonal fit.

What do you think?

notears's picture
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looks like a good fit for

looks like a good fit for trickshot

not my video just one I lke ===>


Xselcier's picture
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Man, if I wasn't already

Man, if I wasn't already playing Blind Edge as a teen, i'd bring an older version of her in. *thinks*

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Project_Hero's picture
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Xselcier wrote:
Xselcier wrote:

Man, if I wasn't already playing Blind Edge as a teen, i'd bring an older version of her in. *thinks*

Time travel exists :p

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Gladatoria's picture
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I already pitched Xingzhe in

I already pitched Xingzhe in the other thread for this, and i feel he would fit and add some political intrigue and eastern mysticism.


Sleepymoth's picture
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Oooooh I have an idea for

Oooooh I have an idea for this.

.....Any of you guys into cyberpunk?

Xselcier's picture
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Sleepymoth wrote:
Sleepymoth wrote:

Oooooh I have an idea for this.

.....Any of you guys into cyberpunk?

*looks over at the Shadowrun books on his desk*

Nope, what's that?

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Sleepymoth's picture
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I have an idea that sprouted

I have an idea that sprouted from the recent E3 unveil of Cyberpunk 2077 which I am really excited for. Just gotta parse it out.

Atama's picture
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I posted in the other thread

I posted in the other thread on the same subject but for completeness I have a street level staff-fighting stealthy and athletic martial artist that would fit in this kind of group. This character was originally played in DCUO, then I remade him for the Cold Steel Wardens tabletop RPG campaign I played in, and I was going to make another incarnation in CoT.

I guess I can give a little background... Character is named Eduardo Raphael Domingo Sanchez (Eddie Sanchez), he goes by Blackstaff as an alias. He’s half Cuban, half Mexican (first generation American). When Eddie was a small child his dad was killed as a bystander in a gang fight, later his older brother joined a gang himself and was murdered by a rival gang member, and when Eddie was a teen his mother died of cancer. After that was adopted by a family friend, a Brazilian man who simply goes by the name “the Machado”.

Eddie was naturally athletic and exceptionally agile. The Machado was a Mestre (teacher) of the Brazilian martial art Capoeira, and so taught Eddie the art, at first just to help him focus his mind, give an outlet for his grief, and to help him grow up strong.

As Eddie started to show true potential, the Machado trained him in earnest. He combined weapons training with gymnastics and acrobatics, and as Eddie excelled with staff work taught him to focus on that.

When Eddie grew up, he decided to try to use his skills on the streets to make things safer, so that other kids didn’t have to grow up losing their families like he did. He threw together a simple costume with a dark mask and hooded trenchcoat, grabbed his staff, and patrolled the streets at night looking for gang activity to break up.

BiotopeZ's picture
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I was going to have Edward be

I was going to have Edward be south-side, staying around Weston mostly. Not sure if a biopunk character is too odd for this, but he is a street level vigilante who goes after organized crime.

He has no martial arts training at all, nor any real detective skills. His best advantage is self-made genetic modifications that give him an edge (strength, night vision). So he fights like an untrained street brawler, but with more power and mobility than someone untrained has any right to. I doubt he'd be able to fend off some super ninja, but most street level criminals aren't that. In addition to being a blunt instrument to throw at the enemy, he could use his biotech knowledge to provide forensic support. Being able to test genetic samples against a suspect without involving the police is a good thing for vigilantes.

He has a bad history with a motorcycle gang from another city, but they wouldn't be likely to show up in TC.

Unfortunately, he'd keep getting stronger and stranger over time as he mods more, so in the long run could drift away from a group like this, but his mods are frozen at the backstory level until after the game launches. Even then, he'd still be focused on the rough neighborhoods that shiny heroes ignore...

Read as much as you want and let me know what you think: [url][/url]

Halae's picture
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I've been meaning to get back

I've been meaning to get back into RP and may have an idea that works for this. Harlequin is a half-demon, and an obvious one at that, as she's covered with green scales and has a crest of horns on her head. Despite the name she has no actual clown getup, but trust me, there's reasons for the name involved.

I could get into a big description about her here if anybody wants, but by and large she'd be a goofy powerhouse. With super-strength, regeneration, and impressive acrobatic ability, she'd probably end up as one of the heavies for the group, all told. A good distraction if nothing else, she can take hits, dish them out, and keep attention on her for long periods of time. In spite of her goofball demeanor, she's an intelligent woman, good at reading details, and is dependable for things like investigations and fights.

Would that be alright?

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

notears's picture
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I mean it depends on how good

I mean it depends on how good her superstrength/regeneration/super reflexes are... like is she like wolverine where she can survive a nuke? Or is it like something that takes hours, is she someone who can lift a house, or is she someone who can push a car with enough effort?

not my video just one I lke ===>


Halae's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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Nothing like that. Think more

Nothing like that. Think more Spider-man level super strength, and a comparable level of regen. She'll be able to take bullets just fine (they're fairly minimal on damage, to be honest, just in key places), and even regrow an arm if she needs to, but that arm's gonna take a good couple days to get back, and her super strength, while good, will make it so that she still has trouble lifting small cars over her head. No building-lifting here.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

BiotopeZ's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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The Hybrid would be the one

The Hybrid would be the one to weigh in on our characters. Thread starter privileges.

Anyway, this group is currently severely unbalanced, so I might withdraw to help with that. It's all melee fighters except one ranged person (trickshot).

Halae's picture
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BiotopeZ wrote:
BiotopeZ wrote:

The Hybrid would be the one to weigh in on our characters. Thread starter privileges.

Anyway, this group is currently severely unbalanced, so I might withdraw to help with that. It's all melee fighters except one ranged person (trickshot).

Thaaaaaat is an excellent point. Okay, new plan; I'll roll with a different character entirely. A spellcaster who got her powers from striking a bargain with a demon. She's a good person, but using the power of whatever realm demons call home is a good way to put her straight into morally gray territory. Still gets the feel of being Demonically attached across while going for a ranged character weho has a lot of utility on the side. The group could use a magic specialist anyways, from what I'm seeing.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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I was thinking of adding a

I was thinking of adding a healer or support. Either a cyberpunk medtech or a dark magic/voodoo healer

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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I have some ideas I could add

I have some ideas I could add... But they're not super fleshed out... And most of my street level characters tend to be criminals.

Or teens.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Its likely my may be a

Its likely mine may be a vigilante.

notears's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

I have some ideas I could add... But they're not super fleshed out... And most of my street level characters tend to be criminals.

Or teens.

well it's not like this is age restricted right?

not my video just one I lke ===>


Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Well, I have Skull Man. He

Well, I have Skull Man. He wears the gear of a deceased villain. No powers, no formal training, just some body armor and gadgets both home made and from the villain's stock. Is actually a teen hero but with a voice modulator in his helmet and calling himself Skull Man he could probably pull off that he's older.

There's my Masked Criminal; Renegade. Guns, body armor, trained by an assassin, explosives, and an uncomfortable amount of knives. She's kind of like Robin/Nightwing if he decided to steal stuff instead of fight crime. Though she tends to steal things for money (mostly targeting fronts for criminal gangs) I could see her heroing for money.

I have Gremlin, a tech suited technology thief. Who has the power to short out electronic devices. Could also see her helping out some heroes if the pay was good.

I have Raccoon Girl, who is more of a joke character. She wants to be a criminal so bad, but she's just really bad at it. She comes from a rich family so when she does get in trouble with the law it's not for long. She has the power of preternatural luck, despite being a colossal screw up, she has yet to be killed or even seriously injured, a bit like Domino's power but less powerful and usually doesn't end with Raccoon Girl looking cool as heck, usually the opposite. What she does bring to the table is a large knowledge base of the criminal underworld she knows the movers and shakers and usually where things will be going down, she has her "sources" but no one truely knows where she gets her information.

That's all the offerings I can think of from my large bank of characters.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Mask-of-Many's picture
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I'm actually working on a

I'm actually working on a cyber-enhanced character who basically acts as a "fixer" & recon specialist. She has some hardlight Barrier Generation & enhanced reflexes thanks to her cyberware, and good old fashioned gunplay for when she needs to get her hands dirty.
Tentatively named "Firewall" until I think of something better.

Master of the forbidden art of thread necromancy!

* Kestrel
* Zero Break
* All-Star

Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Sounds like your character

Sounds like your character would really like my cyberpunk medic.

BiotopeZ's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Firewall would work better if

Firewall would work better if they were a decker instead of a fixer. Would make sense for recon, too (bypassing security). ...unless you weren't using Shadowrun terms and meant a different kind of fixer, in which case nvm.

Edward's a biopunk. In fiction, biopunk is very similar to cyberpunk in look and feel and themes... just replace cyberware with genetics. Shadowrun even added bioware (bio-printed alternative to cyberware) as a biopunk option.

But anyway, two cyberpunks and a biopunk in one group... almost looks like a second possible team. At the very least, they might have known each other pre-team.

Gladatoria's picture
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Then they would have Xingzhe

Then they would have Xingzhe for infiltration, spycraft, martial arts and a bit of magical knowhow.


The Hybrid
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In fairness, I don't see

In fairness to the above, I don't see Spidey as a street leveler despite what people call him. I don't think someone on a street level could do this:


Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Spiderman's an odd case I

Spiderman's an odd case I think. I am not overly familiar with him (I am more into the Titans and Static Shock) but from what I understand he started out as street level and due to how popular he got he got more powerful overtime.

Project_Hero's picture
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If that's a more modern comic

If that's a more modern comic then Peter is more Avengers level. Miles Morales handles the classic Spiderman street level stuff.

Unless that's changed.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

notears's picture
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same thing with batman too.

same thing with batman too. He started off with a reasonable talent with martial arts and street level mad science and now he's pretty much the strongest apex human in the DC Universe and mad scientist powers so powerful that they can make Tony Stark blush through his armour.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Atama's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

same thing with batman too. He started off with a reasonable talent with martial arts and street level mad science and now he's pretty much the strongest apex human in the DC Universe and mad scientist powers so powerful that they can make Tony Stark blush through his armour.

Speaking of Stark, Batman has used various powered armors over the years. He’s basically Iron Man, plus a detective and a ninja, who chooses not to wear his powered suit most of the time because he doesn’t have to. He’s had a lot of power creep over the decades.

Brand X
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Spider-Man was never really

Spider-Man was never really street level hero in the sense that he lacked strength (of course his strength level has gone up over time), but that was his area.

Miles is the same way. His powers put him above a street level hero.

Neither of these two are really phased by thugs in masks, though neither are bullet proof.

Also, Miles is more powerful than Spider-Man, in that he has way more abilities. He has all of Peter's powers and then more. It's one of the reasons I don't like the character. First they couldn't give him his own hero identity, because they figured he couldn't get popular without the Spider-Man moniker and next, what they do with almost every new spider themed hero. Make them more powerful than Peter but claim, "Oh, they're less experienced." :p

Project_Hero's picture
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From the small amount of

From the small amount of research I did, Miles isn't as strong, fast, or as durable as Peter. To compensate he has invisibility and his venom sting thing.

Also you can't beat Peter Parker twice.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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He's at the 10 ton range last

He's at the 10 ton range last I recall (mind you, what they say and what writers artist do, are totally different). He's shattered Ultimate Cap's shield with one punch.

He's Spider-Sense is more pre-cog.

Then he has his added Bio-Electricity and Stealth abilities. His Bio-Elec abilities also working as webs for him now.

He's just as strong, fast and as durable as younger Peter if not more so.

It's just like Silk. She's not as strong as Peter, but close enough to not matter, but has better agility that supposed to be very noticeable, web generation and a better spider-sense. But again, that's all supposed to be less when compared to Peter's experience. :p

Project_Hero's picture
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The Shield he shattered

The Shield he shattered apparently wasn't a vibranium shield.

Peter can lift about 25 tons and has, in the past, been shown to move hundreds of tons.

His spider sense only apparently warns him of imminent danger.

So, Miles is no where near as strong. His spider sense is weaker, and I'm pretty sure Pete is faster, more durable, smarter, and has a butt load of experience.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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You obviously aren't reading

You obviously aren't reading what I said. Miles at 17 is stronger than Peter at 17.

Oh. Okay. Peter is smarter. :p And back to the load of experience fall back people like to go to.

What? This spider hero isn't more powerful, even though it's constantly mentioned how they are more powerful, because Peter has more experience. :p

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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So what if Miles is stronger

So what if Miles is stronger than Peter was at the same age? Peter Parker Spider-man is stronger than him now. And also when Peter Parker was 17 that was what, in the 60's? Pretty sure every Marvel hero has had some power creep since then.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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Well duh. Missing the point.

Well duh. Missing the point. They keep making all the others more powerful. Except for Batman. None of his replacements/copies ever seem to come out more powerful. :p

notears's picture
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soooooo…. when is the IC

soooooo…. when is the IC thread going to be made?

not my video just one I lke ===>


BiotopeZ's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Well duh. Missing the point. They keep making all the others more powerful. Except for Batman. None of his replacements/copies ever seem to come out more powerful. :p

Batman is too OP to be a street level hero, now. Some writers make him so powerful, he becomes a parody of himself, and they don't even seem to realize it.

"Yeah, so there's this guy, he's a normal guy, not a meta, he has all the world's knowledge ever off the top of his head, his body never breaks down no matter how much he fights, he has every skill ever, and he's super stealthy, like no noise or scent or anything, even when wearing a heavy, bulky, full body suit with a billowing cape. No noise. But... he's a totally normal guy, you know, not a meta, so people can relate to him."

Brand X
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Heh...I always like that

Heh...I always like that "People can relate" tripe. :p They say that, but I usually prefer the ones with powers.

Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Yeah I have come to dislike

Yeah I have come to dislike Batman over the years. He is overused way to much and has become ridiculous in what he can do in the scope of things. One of the new things in the Batman comics is this alternate Earth were Batman got infected with Joker Venom and then somehow killed the whole Justice League and then conquered the galaxy. Superman? I can see that happening with. Batman on the other hand. No just no. I don't know what it is with normal humans that have gadgets getting turned into overpowered powerhouses but its incredibly annoying and tiresome. Some Batman fans I have met have also turned me away completely. A lot of them genuinely think that Batman could take Superman on and think he's ''cooler''.

I dislike it when people are just in it for the cool relatable ''edginess'' then anything else. Superhero stuff is all encompassing, all kinds of types of heroes and villains can be found in the genre. Edgy heroes are not the only ones in the genre and they aren't cool for simply being dark and gritty. For me personality is everything and Batman has none most of the time.

The only thing that has interested me in regards to Batman as of late was some new villain that was revealed very recently called Mr. Bloom. Very unique design for a villain and I hope the comic book writers don't ruin him.

Brand X
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Only way Batman has ever been

Only way Batman has ever been shown to take Superman, is with kryptonite. The problem with that, is anyone with kryptonite can take down Superman. :p For a guy who's first reaction to being shot at is to stand there and take it, many more villains should invest in a kryptonite bullet. :p

As for Batman. Make him a great tactics guy and a great martial artist. Even make him peak human to the point that he doesn't have to be bulked up to still do that world shattering strength at the cost of his agility (though he's never been the most agile of superheros if I recall, as Nightwing is supposed to be more agile than him).

Just allow that to be his gig in the JL. Money. Good vigilante. Not super powered, but he doesn't need to be Superman level for his city.

I'd even cut back the tech or start giving him some Iron-Man inspired stuff, like Batman Beyond, just have him start using such a suit much sooner.

Sleepymoth's picture
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The best thing about Batman

The best thing about Batman to me was his villains, not the man himself. His villains themselves are pretty interesting characters. Hell his sidekicks are more interesting. Batman seems to work best when he has someone to play off of, that's about it. I think that's because conceptually he is a pretty boring and silly character without the people he fights and a kid sidekick to play off his gruff and edginess.

Barring Joker and Harley. They got the same overpowered treatment that Batman got and are overused as hell now. And I find it absolutely disgusting that some people act like they are a ''romantic'' couple despite Joker being abusive as hell in multiple continuities. Doesn't excuse Harley's actions but man are some Batman fans and writers really miss the point of the characters including the villains. Mr. Freeze is an interesting villain because a lot of people can see why he does the things he does, he wants to save his very much loved wife (atleast before they tried retconning it to him being simply crazy). Joker's motivation is cause mayhem and because he pretty much has a crush on Batman. Yeah that gets old really fast.

I think most of my issue just comes down to overexposure though. I don't mind dark and gritty stuff. Hell my cyberpunk character that I am trying to build for this RP is dark and gritty on some level, comes with the genre. I am just tired of hearing about how cool and badass the Bat is when its very clear the writers are just jumping the shark with the character these days.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Sleepymoth wrote:
Sleepymoth wrote:

Joker's motivation is cause mayhem and because he pretty much has a crush on Batman.


"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Ahh Lego Movies, always

Ahh Lego Movies, always comedic gems in the rough

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Sleepymoth wrote:
Sleepymoth wrote:

Ahh Lego Movies, always comedic gems in the rough

They are so good.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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I thought they ended Joker

I thought they ended Joker and Harley. However, no reason for them not to have them be a couple if that's what the writers want, as they're fiction.

Besides that, it's typical of some relationships. One or both beat each other, someone gets involved to stop the guy and the girl fights to save the one who was beating her.

Though the fact that they are/were a fictional couple, means people can love it. People wouldn't tend to love it in RL, but fiction means rules change :p

I think the writers don't realize Batman can be cool, while still being one of the weakest members power/physically in all of the JL. There would still be a reason for the normal human vigilantes to be in the JL :p

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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The fact that some people

The fact that some people talk of Harley and Joker as "Relationship Goals" is what's troubling. That some veiw their relationship as romantic instead of abusive is a problem.

Their relationship isn't supposed to be a good one. That's the point of it. It should really only be admired as a realistic portrayal of an abusive relationship.

Also who is the They you speak of? DC comics? Cause she's with him in the DC cinematic universe. Pretty much every DC animated movie. Most DC animated shows. Most DC videogames. Pretty much in any media except for comics these two are together.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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I was speaking of the comics,

I was speaking of the comics, which is what I consider the main source of their relationship. The shows and movies just cherry pick were they're at, often putting them together because the time there is short.

Comics is more important for Batman than any of the cartoons. Though I would consider B:TAS, JL/JLU and Batman Beyond to be some of the best Batman story telling.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Those are great shows. I'd

Those are great shows. I'd personally add Batman Brave and the Bold to the list also.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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Brave and the Bold was a

Brave and the Bold was a little to campy for own personal liking. I did like The Batman and I've been enjoying Gotham. David Mazouz is one of my favorite Bruce Waynes for sure, same for Camren Bicondova as Selina).

BiotopeZ's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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But anyway, to get this back

But anyway, to get this back on track (since I'm partially at fault for helping it stay off track)...

Hybrid, just say who's in and who's out. You started the thread, so that's your prerogative. I think it's safe to say we'll all agree to abide by it. Besides, if those who are out want to, we/they can always form another group, like a street group with higher-threat enemies.

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BiotopeZ wrote:
BiotopeZ wrote:

But anyway, to get this back on track (since I'm partially at fault for helping it stay off track)...

Hybrid, just say who's in and who's out. You started the thread, so that's your prerogative. I think it's safe to say we'll all agree to abide by it. Besides, if those who are out want to, we/they can always form another group, like a street group with higher-threat enemies.

Mmm, basically, yeah.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

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BiotopeZ wrote:
BiotopeZ wrote:

Firewall would work better if they were a decker instead of a fixer. Would make sense for recon, too (bypassing security). ...unless you weren't using Shadowrun terms and meant a different kind of fixer, in which case nvm.

Edward's a biopunk. In fiction, biopunk is very similar to cyberpunk in look and feel and themes... just replace cyberware with genetics. Shadowrun even added bioware (bio-printed alternative to cyberware) as a biopunk option.

But anyway, two cyberpunks and a biopunk in one group... almost looks like a second possible team. At the very least, they might have known each other pre-team.

Not the Shadowrun term (though I understand how that could be implied). No, a "fixer" as in "someone who sets up contact & information networks to feed information and/or missions to other agents." She's basically like Oracle in DCUO, only she also gets her hands dirty herself sometimes. Maybe more like Fiona from Burn Notice...

Also, if the 3 of us could be a squad a la the Birds of Prey or something, I'd totally be down for that. (I am also soooomewhat considering just renaming Firewall into "Zero Break" or maybe just "Zero." Thoughts?)

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I was speaking of the comics, which is what I consider the main source of their relationship. The shows and movies just cherry pick were they're at, often putting them together because the time there is short.

Comics is more important for Batman than any of the cartoons. Though I would consider B:TAS, JL/JLU and Batman Beyond to be some of the best Batman story telling.

Keep in mind that Harley Quinn was invented for Batman: the Animated Series. She didn't make it into the comics until she became popular with the fans of the show.

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Brand X
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Mask-of-Many wrote:
Mask-of-Many wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I was speaking of the comics, which is what I consider the main source of their relationship. The shows and movies just cherry pick were they're at, often putting them together because the time there is short.

Comics is more important for Batman than any of the cartoons. Though I would consider B:TAS, JL/JLU and Batman Beyond to be some of the best Batman story telling.

Keep in mind that Harley Quinn was invented for Batman: the Animated Series. She didn't make it into the comics until she became popular with the fans of the show.

I know this, but I don't recall any complaints about their relationship back then either :p

Still, while that started it, the comics expanded.

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Mask-of-Many wrote:
Mask-of-Many wrote:
BiotopeZ wrote:

Firewall would work better if they were a decker instead of a fixer. Would make sense for recon, too (bypassing security). ...unless you weren't using Shadowrun terms and meant a different kind of fixer, in which case nvm.

Edward's a biopunk. In fiction, biopunk is very similar to cyberpunk in look and feel and themes... just replace cyberware with genetics. Shadowrun even added bioware (bio-printed alternative to cyberware) as a biopunk option.

But anyway, two cyberpunks and a biopunk in one group... almost looks like a second possible team. At the very least, they might have known each other pre-team.

Not the Shadowrun term (though I understand how that could be implied). No, a "fixer" as in "someone who sets up contact & information networks to feed information and/or missions to other agents." She's basically like Oracle in DCUO, only she also gets her hands dirty herself sometimes. Maybe more like Fiona from Burn Notice...

Also, if the 3 of us could be a squad a la the Birds of Prey or something, I'd totally be down for that. (I am also soooomewhat considering just renaming Firewall into "Zero Break" or maybe just "Zero." Thoughts?)

I can do that as well.

Theres another character I have that is more street level I think.

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Mask-of-Many wrote:
Mask-of-Many wrote:

Not the Shadowrun term (though I understand how that could be implied). No, a "fixer" as in "someone who sets up contact & information networks to feed information and/or missions to other agents." She's basically like Oracle in DCUO, only she also gets her hands dirty herself sometimes. Maybe more like Fiona from Burn Notice...

Also, if the 3 of us could be a squad a la the Birds of Prey or something, I'd totally be down for that. (I am also soooomewhat considering just renaming Firewall into "Zero Break" or maybe just "Zero." Thoughts?)

That's actually really close to the Shadowrun term's meaning, only exception being that Runners aren't also Fixers. But Shadowrun takes place in a very different world to CoT. Someone who's both would make a lot more sense in CoT.

Zero Break could work. Problem with just Zero is that makes me think of Zer0 from Borderlands, who had a very cyberpunk feel to him.

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I like Zero Break. That’s a

I like Zero Break. That’s a cool name.

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As for the trio, even though

As for the trio, even though Edward uses a different method, they'd still all need some of the same equipment. What if they met out of necessity, like they share a lab? Street level punk labs can't be that common. They could each still do their own thing, but have that place in common, and have each other's backs if a threat became too big for one of them to handle.

For example, Edward's focus, in addition to fighting organized crime in the areas that the cops and north heroes tend to overlook, is helping gene freaks of all kinds who might be getting lynched or whatnot, because that's part of the biopunk baggage. I wouldn't expect the other two to have a partial focus on helping gene freaks. But even so, they could share a "work place," share information, and team up when things get really ugly in the organized crime category.

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Gwen would be more concerned

Gwen would be more concerned with helping disadvantaged folks in those areas in general. She would do jobs for people in the richer zones or people in the hospitals (she charges higher prices for the richer folks). I basically imagine her as the alternative choice for folks that don't have many options if they have been attacked. If they can't give her money then she'd ask for something else like information. Cosmetic work would always be highly priced though.

Her combat weapons would of been built mainly for protection as I imagine many gangs would want her for her healing and cybernetic upgrades. The ePunk Radicals would be pretty interested in her as well (local cyberpunk gang). Not sure if I want to do anything with that as we don't know what the ePunk Radicals do though. I imagine they might be netrunners.

The Hybrid
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So how's everything coming

So how's everything coming along?

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Here is a sketch of how Gwen

Here is a sketch of how Gwen looks so far. Obviously not the final version. The artist seems to be going for a Ghost in the Shell kind of look for her so far.

Not that I am complaining, I like it

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Nice, the circuitry on the

Nice, the circuitry on the left arm is a good detail to have.

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She's done, credit goes to

She's done, credit goes to Evilunyia for drawing her. She came out really well.

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The Hybrid wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:

So how's everything coming along?

Good, personally I'm just waiting for you to start the IC thread :]

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Looks great, that artist does

Looks great, that artist does really nice work!

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Well, some stuff came up and

Well, some stuff came up and I was away from the forum for about a week.

No guarantee that won't happen again.

So... I might bow out of this. If I get more time by the time we start, I'll post along, but I'm just saying don't wait for me.

Mask-of-Many's picture
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BiotopeZ wrote:
BiotopeZ wrote:

Well, some stuff came up and I was away from the forum for about a week.

No guarantee that won't happen again.

So... I might bow out of this. If I get more time by the time we start, I'll post along, but I'm just saying don't wait for me.

Hey, life got in the way for me, too.

I'm still down for this, btw. As for the "shared lab space" idea, I like it. Zero Break is a scavenger and techie, so it could totally be operating out of the warehouse she uses as her base of operations (unless you people had better ideas for its location & ownership, of course).

Master of the forbidden art of thread necromancy!

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Sleepymoth wrote:
Sleepymoth wrote:

She's done, credit goes to Evilunyia for drawing her. She came out really well.

I need to know how much you paid for that. I SUDDENLY NEED A CHARACTER ART.

Master of the forbidden art of thread necromancy!

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Mask-of-Many wrote:
Mask-of-Many wrote:
Sleepymoth wrote:

She's done, credit goes to Evilunyia for drawing her. She came out really well.

I need to know how much you paid for that. I SUDDENLY NEED A CHARACTER ART.

30 dollars, an head shot/bust was 15 dollars by Evilunyia.

I am also getting an commission of the same character done by another artist called altq1. Here is some sketches. These in all are costing 31 dollars
This is actually Gwen as well. This person took some liberties with her design to make it just a bit more unique. I really like what they did with her so far.

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So, I don't know who Hybrid

So, I don't know who Hybrid wants in the group, but I do know that Gene Freak, Gwen, and Zero Break need to be a squad at some point. XD

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Ideas on a potential assassin

Ideas on a potential assassin character? I had the idea of a character named Desiree, or Desire with an accent, and she is a former runaway with the mutant ability of pheromone generation and control, and can use it to control, induce nausea or weakness, enhance her own strength or speed, etc.



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Pheromone control could also

Pheromone control could also induce rages or infighting. There is an wasp out there that targets butterfly eggs for their own offspring to reproduce and grow out of. The problem? Ants due to the parent butterfly's own pheromones treat the baby larva butterflies like their own ant larva. So how does an wasp get past this you may ask?

The wasp walks right into the burrow, secretes an pheromone to stop the ants from killing it. This pheromone causes the ants to go into a rage and start attacking and even killing eachother. The wasp then gets to the butterfly larva unhindered in middle of all the chaos and then bails.

Pheromone control if you look into how insects use them would be both an very powerful and scary as hell power. An assassin with it could easily make an target's death look like an accident or like someone else killed them.

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Yeah, I feel like she would

Yeah, I feel like she would use it both for seduction to get close to targets, control and confusion to get away, and causing rages or infighting in combat, while also boosting her own capabilities.

She would be appropriately terrifying and probably in high demand as an assassin.


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Gladatoria wrote:
Gladatoria wrote:

Ideas on a potential assassin character? I had the idea of a character named Desiree, or Desire with an accent, and she is a former runaway with the mutant ability of pheromone generation and control, and can use it to control, induce nausea or weakness, enhance her own strength or speed, etc.


Gladatoria wrote:

Yeah, I feel like she would use it both for seduction to get close to targets, control and confusion to get away, and causing rages or infighting in combat, while also boosting her own capabilities.

She would be appropriately terrifying and probably in high demand as an assassin.

Isn't "Pheromone Control" at least part of what [url=]Poison Ivy[/url] does to people?

Not saying that Poison Ivy has to be the only character that could ever use that power. Just saying that you'd probably want to make sure your character is "different" enough from Ivy to not be suspected of just copying her.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Atama's picture
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Poison Ivy does have

Poison Ivy does have pheromones, and Gambit does also. Starfox (Thanos’s brother, not the starship-flying fox from Nintendo) has a similar power but using psionics.

Project_Hero's picture
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Spider woman Jessica Drew

Spider woman Jessica Drew also has pheromone control I think.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Atama wrote:
Atama wrote:

Poison Ivy does have pheromones, and Gambit does also. Starfox (Thanos’s brother, not the starship-flying fox from Nintendo) has a similar power but using psionics.

Project_Hero wrote:

Spider woman Jessica Drew also has pheromone control I think.

Yeah I guess it shouldn't be surprising that just about every power has been copied multiple times by multiple comic book characters. ;)

The whole "seductive pheromone" thing just seems to be Ivy's signature move against hapless heroes so I'd still be wary about copying that cliche too closely.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Atama wrote:

Poison Ivy does have pheromones, and Gambit does also. Starfox (Thanos’s brother, not the starship-flying fox from Nintendo) has a similar power but using psionics.

Project_Hero wrote:

Spider woman Jessica Drew also has pheromone control I think.

Yeah I guess it shouldn't be surprising that just about every power has been copied multiple times by multiple comic book characters. ;)

The whole "seductive pheromone" thing just seems to be Ivy's signature move against hapless heroes so I'd still be wary about copying that cliche too closely.

Yeah, my character’s powers would be more mutation based tan being a plant based mutate, not to mention Ivy’s powers now more tend to be along the lines of floralkinesis and plant manipulation than pheromone control solely

Their spheres of influence are also diffirent, as Ivy focuses on subjagating the civilized world in order to support the natural one, while my character simply enjoys utilizing her powers, and is more self serving than being well, an eco terrorist.


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Ivy is self-righteous

Ivy is self-righteous character wise. She uses her ''cause'' which is fighting for the ecosystem as an excuse to do horrible things to people as most versions of her are misanthropes coupled with misandrists.

Judging by it Gladi's character just uses pheremones for their own self-gain which is a much different modus operandi from Ivy.

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So I know the level of

So I know the level of interest before I consider submitting a character, can we get a roll call?

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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*necros the thread*

*necros the thread*
Yo, joining the roll call. Life happened, sorry.

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I'm itching for another

I'm itching for another thread, maybe 3 is too much idk :p

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Mr. Fan Tastic
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I would be interested in

I would be interested in joining too. Streetlevel would be a nice opportunity to start with Singularity since she just arrived and is new to the superheroing. I planned to make her a heavy hitter but since she just got her powers and no clue how to work with them, starting on street level seems like a solid plan. And connecting with locals seems logical too. Maybe there could even be a mentor if somebody would be willing.

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I kinda wanna take Smog out

I kinda wanna take Smog out for a spin now that I've made a backstory, maybe before he's a big name Redeemer.

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