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What kind of Enforcers have you been planning?

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Deelon's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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What kind of Enforcers have you been planning?

Hey guys, my first real post here. I'm checking in on the forums more and more lately because, like most of you, I've suffered from CoH withdrawals for the past however many years and have become impatient af for this game.

Most of my favorite characters from CoH were either Scrappers or Stalkers because they inherently hit like a truck and were capable of being built to survive what would otherwise be a team wipe. The new Bodyguard type sounds like it'll offer a great new playstyle of protecting the team with support powers and eliminating targets that may have strayed from the tank and are now threatening your squishier members, which will require a bit more situational awareness than traditional scrapping. That being said, it's starting to look like half of my characters are going to be the Enforcer type in CoT because there are just so many ways they can be built. With the scattered information we have so far about specifications, powersets, and masteries, what kind of Enforcer builds and characters do you guys have planned?

Some of my planned characters:

Swordsman type:
I plan on recreating my Kat/SR scrapper one way or another because he was near unkillable (except for those damn floating Rularuu eyeballs that refused to miss) and was a blast to play. The only things I can narrow down so far is that he'd be Gladiator with Super Agility or maybe Striker type once they reveal what the manipulation secondary will be like. The primary power is what I'm stuck on because AD could make something even as bizarre as Super Strength a pretty cool option for a sword (assuming there's several options for object swinging animations?). It's a toss up on whether Surprise Strike or Rage would be the best fit Mastery for the playstyle I'd use for this character, I want him to be like the classic unkillable swordsman type from [choose your favorite anime]. Travel power being Parkour and maybe adding Super Jump or Super Speed if that's not enough

Hip Hop Ninja type:
I imagined this being a Bodyguard built for spike damage and a music themed support secondary (pls I need this). It's hard to tell what primary power is the most single-target focused (I imagine I'd want to keep aggro to a minimal), maybe Kinetic Melee with a short sword/tanto animation as well as the Surprise Strike mastery. Strategy or Preservation are what I had in mind for a secondary, I was imagining a music themed support similar to Lucio's from Overwatch. Travel powers being Parkour and Teleportation, because he's like a ninja or whatever :).

Spooky Ghoul type:
Seeing the amount of customization we'd get on the sliders in the character creator really made me want to create a spooky character that could be possessed or monstrous with those spooky long nightmare closet monster arms. He'd be another Gladiator with either Massive Melee or Super Strength for his long spooky arms and either Atrophic Aura or Grit for a secondary because he's all undying and junk. Rage mastery because he's an angry boye. Travel powers would be maybe Super Speed and Spider Climbing if I can make it look creepy enough. I'm really banking on them offering the customization for wall climbing and standing posture to really make this a spooky boye lifestyle.

Let me know what you all think! Any suggestions for my characters or ideas of your own! I'd love to see more concept characters and potential ways of playing each archetype.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 26 min ago
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My favorite scrapper/brute

My favorite scrapper/brute/stalker in CoX was a fire/fire scrapper. I loved how it was super strong against targets that were vulnerable to fire or who had fire based attacks. And I liked how it was noticeably weaker against others. Playing with these strength & weakness made the game more fun for me, and made it feel like I actually fit into the world.

CoT won't have strengths and weaknesses like CoX did, but it will have similar strengths and weaknesses based upon damage type: Physical, Energy or Exotic. And we also know that attacks and the protections against them have an additional classification as either melee, ranged or area. And this latter classification adds yet another delicious layer into our build strategies.

So since I enjoyed the lopsided strengths and weaknesses of my fire/fire scrapper in CoX, I think I would like to try out a similar style of lopsided enforcer in CoT. I had so much fun with the AoE nature of the Fiery Aura protection set in CoX, I would definitely like to try the Atrophic Aura protection set for my first go at it. Obviously that means I would be making the [i]Gladiator[/i] Specialization of [i]Enforcer[/i], which is most like a scrapper from CoX. Unfortunately we don't know yet whether Atrophic Aura will cause Physical, Energy or Exotic damage, so I don't know off-hand what kind of lopsidedness I could create with damage type strengths and weaknesses. But the fighting style I would like to match with Atrophic Aura the most would be Fighting Prowess. I like how my attacks would buff my defense a bit, which makes up for the weakness of Atrophic Aura's defenses, but mostly because the attacks sound like they could work with the atrophic aura motif.

So I have a Fighting Prowess + Atrophic Aura Gladiator: FP/AA Glad. I have no idea what tertiaries are even going to be available, so I won't discuss those.

I was't planning on making another Fire/Fire scrapper. But now that I've got an idea of the powers, I got an idea for a character and it will be a fire-based character again. The character's body will be his weapon, and will be able to get so hot that he can only wear some ceramic modesty panels in battle. I picture him looking like the sun through one of those sunspot cameras. I think I'll call him [b]Corona[/b].

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Wolfgang8565's picture
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Deelon wrote:
Deelon wrote:

Spooky Ghoul type:
Seeing the amount of customization we'd get on the sliders in the character creator really made me want to create a spooky character that could be possessed or monstrous with those spooky long nightmare closet monster arms. He'd be another Gladiator with either Massive Melee or Super Strength for his long spooky arms and either Atrophic Aura or Grit for a secondary because he's all undying and junk. Rage mastery because he's an angry boye. Travel powers would be maybe Super Speed and Spider Climbing if I can make it look creepy enough. I'm really banking on them offering the customization for wall climbing and standing posture to really make this a spooky boye lifestyle.

Let me know what you all think! Any suggestions for my characters or ideas of your own! I'd love to see more concept characters and potential ways of playing each archetype.

This is going to be such an awesome yet creepy character. I love it! lol


[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]

Nos482's picture
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Sunfire's look in Age of
Huckleberry wrote:

The character's body will be his weapon, and will be able to get so hot that he can only wear some ceramic modesty panels in battle. I picture him looking like the sun through one of those sunspot cameras. I think I'll call him [b]Corona[/b].

Sunfire's look in Age of Apocalypse comes to mind.
I really hope we'll be able to make a costume like this.

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I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 26 min ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
Nos482 wrote:
Nos482 wrote:

Sunfire's look in Age of Apocalypse comes to mind.

I really hope we'll be able to make a costume like this.

Wow that is amazing! I do too.

<...embarassingly...> I need to bone up on my comic book lore. I had no idea that character existed, and now I feel like a plagiarizer.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Lothic's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:
Nos482 wrote:

Sunfire's look in Age of Apocalypse comes to mind.

I really hope we'll be able to make a costume like this.

Wow that is amazing! I do too.

<...embarassingly...> I need to bone up on my comic book lore. I had no idea that character existed, and now I feel like a plagiarizer.

I wouldn't feel too bad about that kind of thing - I'd be amazed if any superhero character created by [b][i]anyone[/i][/b] in the last 50 years was truly 100% original.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cobalt Azurean
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:
Nos482 wrote:

Sunfire's look in Age of Apocalypse comes to mind.

I really hope we'll be able to make a costume like this.

Wow that is amazing! I do too.

<...embarassingly...> I need to bone up on my comic book lore. I had no idea that character existed, and now I feel like a plagiarizer.

I always thought Sunfire was an under-rated character in the X-universe. I was glad to see him get a sweet costume in AoA, since this one never really struck me as being good with it's weird flared upper-face mask:
BUT this one was better with some tech added to it that was big in Jim Lee's era:
I'm pretty much a sucker for anything with banded metal, like Colossus or Cable's arm.

To the OP; I'd like to re-create my TW/WP brute, my Elec/Elec scrapper, and my Bane Spider or my DB stalker. I'd probably start with my TW/WP, if possible, emulated with /Regen at some point when it's available. Thanks to Bane's having some limited ranged capability with their Mace Blast from their Primary and then from Black Scorpion's Patron Pool, I felt it was close to my Nrg/Nrg blapper that was my original concept Cobalt as a villain could get. I just wish they could have customized their maces to a greater extent.

The Hybrid
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One I've come up with is

One I've come up with is Little Monster. She's basically a teenage female version of Frankenstein's monster, and is very strong and tough. She also has electrical attacks as well.

As for her appearance, I think I'll commission one from an artist later but this is what comes to mind.


Basically, a young female Frankenstein's monster that looks endearing, somehow.

Lothic's picture
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The Hybrid wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:

One I've come up with is Little Monster. She's basically a teenage female version of Frankenstein's monster, and is very strong and tough. She also has electrical attacks as well.

As for her appearance, I think I'll commission one from an artist later but this is what comes to mind.


Basically, a young female Frankenstein's monster that looks endearing, somehow.

It's a great idea for a CoT character. But just to continue the point I made earlier in the thread it's not exactly original. As I suggested -nothing- is truly "original" anymore.


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Deelon's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/26/2017 - 14:35
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

It's a great idea for a CoT character. But just to continue the point I made earlier in the thread it's not exactly original. As I suggested -nothing- is truly "original" anymore.


That and Corpse Bride is what came to mind for me lol. Seems like a very Tim Burton-esque style character, which is never a bad thing! I’d love to see if a Jack Skellington physique is going to be possible, it’d be hilarious standing over the baddies like you’re on stilts.

Wolfgang8565's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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I actually did this on VR

I actually did this on VR Chat. One of the skins available was Jack Skellington and I stood tall over everyone else. It was fun for a bit but really, VR is for teens which I haven't been for a while.


[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]

notears's picture
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I'm going to see if I can

I'm going to see if I can make a gun fu guy as an enforcer, like making a massive melee/ super reflexes with a lot of ranged tertiaries

not my video just one I lke ===>


Wolfgang8565's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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I'm planning on making a

I'm planning on making a stalker type (Enforcer Striker) for PVP and I want him to look almost exactly like my character in COH. I wish I had a screenshot but basically It was a ninja type all dressed in black. He wore a tattered cloak with a hoodie and ran around barefoot with a katana. His name was Xx Dark Blade xX.

I think he was Energy/Sword? I chose Energy because of the TP Foe resistance (people kept tping me to a drone or into a trap) although I quickly found out that they nerfed it, and the resistance never worked.


[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]

Deelon's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/26/2017 - 14:35
Wolfgang8565 wrote:
Wolfgang8565 wrote:

I'm planning on making a stalker type (Enforcer Striker) for PVP and I want him to look almost exactly like my character in COH. I wish I had a screenshot but basically It was a ninja type all dressed in black. He wore a tattered cloak with a hoodie and ran around barefoot with a katana. His name was Xx Dark Blade xX.

I think he was Energy/Sword? I chose Energy because of the TP Foe resistance (people kept tping me to a drone or into a trap) although I quickly found out that they nerfed it, and the resistance never worked.

I’m curious to see whether the /protection or /manipulation specification will be best for a stalker playstyle. If I remember correctly the stealth aspect is going to come from a tertiary and the “assassin strike” will probably be a power of your choice being boosted by the Surprise Strike mastery.

What power sets do you plan on using at the start? I miss my Katana main, the combo of Golden Dragonfly > Gambler’s Cut > Soaring Dragon > Gambler’s Cut > (repeat) just melted through baddies that even resisted lethal damage like the rock dudes from Devouring Earth. I’m torn between Tactical Combat and Fighting Prowess for something that’s as fast and heavy hitting as Katana.

I’m worried tactical combat will be too similar to dual blades, which I wasn’t the biggest fan of because of the long root times and way too flashy animations. If anyone remembers that animation demonstration where the guy has a bow and a sword (I’m terrible at finding things here), his AoE has him spinning around like a helicopter, which I’m kind of worried will be what I’m stuck with for Tactical Combat’s “Vortex of Pain” being that it does light damage over time. If I’m able to adjust the animation to just single solid hits like Katana’s Lotus Drops even though it’s a DoT I’ll be fine, otherwise I’m kind of limiting myself to choices of whatever power sets have toned-down animations available.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 26 min ago
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Deelon wrote:
Deelon wrote:

I’m worried tactical combat will be too similar to dual blades, which I wasn’t the biggest fan of because of the long root times and way too flashy animations. If anyone remembers that animation demonstration where the guy has a bow and a sword (I’m terrible at finding things here), his AoE has him spinning around like a helicopter, which I’m kind of worried will be what I’m stuck with for Tactical Combat’s “Vortex of Pain” being that it does light damage over time. If I’m able to adjust the animation to just single solid hits like Katana’s Lotus Drops even though it’s a DoT I’ll be fine, otherwise I’m kind of limiting myself to choices of whatever power sets have toned-down animations available.

I can understand your worry. But I believe you will be able to choose what animation you use for every power you select. And depending on the props[color=red]*[/color] you use, you will have additional animation options for those props in addition to the standard set. So I think that you might have an opportunity to avoid certain animations you just don't like when you build your character.

[color=red]*[/color] Prop: weapons and such that you hold in your hand, have on your shoulder, or hover about you)

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

SpellSword's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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I'm thinking of making a

I'm thinking of making a character that basically has access to a literal Hell Forge (a pocket dimension of hell that's sole purpose is to forge and craft demonic weapons.) She can open portals to this vast expanding armory by connecting to the Forge's demon overlord, pulling all kinds of axes, blades, shields, bows... anything she might need in the current fight into our reality, as well as using the Forge master's abilities to enhance her strength and durability, etc.

I was thinking of a name like "War Forge" or "Forge Mistress..." Something like that. Just an all out scrapper who's constantly throwing all new kinds of weapons and tools at the enemy.

Fireheart's picture
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I was always more Tanker than

I was always more Tanker than Scrapper, but I did have a lot of fun with a Spines/Invuln. Crazy alien stone lizard creature. That might be a fun to resurrect as an Enforcer.

Be Well!

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My old main, Crimson Shroud,

My old main, Crimson Shroud, was a Spines/Dark scrapper. He's planning to visit CoT and will most likely be Massive Melee/Atrophic Aura. I'm just hoping there will be a similar animation option.

Deelon's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Cutter wrote:
Cutter wrote:

My old main, Crimson Shroud, was a Spines/Dark scrapper. He's planning to visit CoT and will most likely be Massive Melee/Atrophic Aura. I'm just hoping there will be a similar animation option.

I hope so too, that Spine Burst noise was so satisfying! I hope there will be animations/props that mimic the flying projectiles like that.

I wanna be an ouch mouse just one more time.

MeSoSollyWan's picture
Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
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SpellSword wrote:
SpellSword wrote:

I'm thinking of making a character that basically has access to a literal Hell Forge (a pocket dimension of hell that's sole purpose is to forge and craft demonic weapons.) She can open portals to this vast expanding armory by connecting to the Forge's demon overlord, pulling all kinds of axes, blades, shields, bows... anything she might need in the current fight into our reality, as well as using the Forge master's abilities to enhance her strength and durability, etc.

I was thinking of a name like "War Forge" or "Forge Mistress..." Something like that. Just an all out scrapper who's constantly throwing all new kinds of weapons and tools at the enemy.

There are limits in CoT on how many effects and props 1 character can use at a time. Right now, a character can only use 2 types of props at a time*.

HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING: for your character, maybe a Demonic Morning Star and a Demonic Dagger:


Then you can pick 2 special effects your character might exhibit. Let's say "Hellfire" and "Summoning from Hell." Your first effect, Hellfire, might be used for your character's auras and abilities, etc. Your second effect might open portals in the ground or w/e to show that you're summoning demonic powers. But again, only 2 effects at a time*.

Like this but on a smaller scale:

*Maybe you could have different "costume slots" that [i]look the exact same[/i] but have 2 more, different props and effects? Could be a good workaround for the limitation.

Everything is subject to change, and hopefully I am remembering what the devs said correctly.

Deelon's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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MeSoSollyWan wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

Everything is subject to change, and hopefully I am remembering what the devs said correctly.

That’s how I recall it as well. I can’t remember if they talked about how the two props would handle though. Is there a draw/unsheath animation every time you switch props or can you just have your dude hold both all the time? Is the prop just going to pop into your hand when you swing? (Pls no)

The option of ripping your weapons out of a portal would be pretty sick even if you’re limited to just two. Would also be a cool Ranger concept of throwing an unending supply of weapons from a portal like an off-brand Gilgamesh from the Fate series.

MeSoSollyWan's picture
Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
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From Pyromantics megathread:

From Pyromantics megathread:


· You can choose props (e.g. a weapon), opening up the appropriate animations. If you use a prop, the intent is for you to be able to select a place on your body for it to be, and for it to disappear from that place when in use.

Post here:

SpellSword's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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That's actually pretty close

That's actually pretty close to what I was thinking, just more... visceral, obviously. I mean, we would be ripping weapons directly out of hell. I'm assuming there'll be some blood and screaming involved. xD Of course, I have a tendency to RP out my characters. I'm sure I'll have to refocus things a bit based on in-game limitations, etc... But it's still a cool concept!

MeSoSollyWan's picture
Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
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SpellSword wrote:
SpellSword wrote:

... But it's still a cool concept!

I agree. Very cool concept! Hopefully there will be a very convincing way to represent your ideas in game! =)

dreamcatcher's picture
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Deelon wrote:
Deelon wrote:

Hey guys, my first real post here.

Welcome. The more viewpoints, the better.

Deelon wrote:

Most of my favorite characters from CoH were either Scrappers or Stalkers because they inherently hit like a truck and were capable of being built to survive what would otherwise be a team wipe. The new Bodyguard type sounds like it'll offer a great new playstyle of protecting the team with support powers and eliminating targets that may have strayed from the tank and are now threatening your squishier members, which will require a bit more situational awareness than traditional scrapping.

That was pretty much how I played my DM/Regen from day 1. That was the most fun for me. I was the situational 'fixer' shall we say.

Taking out Malta Sappers when they were considered painful and the Blaster couldn't or wouldn't, wasn't even there in the first place, or there was more than 1 sapper and we'd split them.

Also, in the worst case scenario of a team wipe and I'm the last person standing, I could get out safely and get the res'er back up, so we could get the team up and going again.

I would also routinely scout ahead for glowies or prisoners and direct the TF on the right path to go, or just get them myself.

Finally, when the need existed, I would offtank, like with Mako, and buy the team time to focus on other targets free of hassle.

That's what I enjoyed most about Scrappers; the role diversity within the role. I frequently had no idea what I would actually be doing, since the need depended somewhat on the team. If no need existed, I just hurt things, which was then refreshing since it was rare that I exclusively did just that.

Whatever concept/ AT I go for, I will be looking to recapture that versatility, and sense of adding value where and when it was most needed.

My main was an experiment (as a baby) in controlled demonic possession by a family of diabolists, and was the black sheep in that she went all light side, with her demonic entity in tow, like the traitorous little cow that she was (if you take her mother's opinion as gospel). That was about the extent of my RP, though, and I expect that to remain true for CoT.

I've been struggling to attribute power groups to concepts since we don't know how they will play and the freedom of AD was disorienting at first. When faced with all choices which one do you go for?

However, I finally progressed past pure intellectual understanding last year and I've decided my character will essentially be the same in CoT as in CoH but the way her powers work functionally will just be different from before. Regen was always just the closest fit when I created her and was never really my go to. The concept reason remains the same and now I get to do it justice rather than cramming that square peg in where it doesn't really belong.

of Phoenix Rising
Am I

Gorgon's picture
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The only reason I exclusively

The only reason I exclusively used /regen was so I could maximize ongoing DPS.

I really wonder why mana, regardless of name, even remains as a gameplay mechanic anymore. Cooldowns are there to limit furious DPS output even with full mana (and that's bad enough.)

If so, it probably shouldn't empty after just a few rotation cycles.



The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.

Tannim222's picture
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Gorgon wrote:
Gorgon wrote:

The only reason I exclusively used /regen was so I could maximize ongoing DPS.

I really wonder why mana, regardless of name, even remains as a gameplay mechanic anymore. Cooldowns are there to limit furious DPS output even with full mana (and that's bad enough.)

If so, it probably shouldn't empty after just a few rotation cycles.

It helps establish a base line for pacing at early levels of play. At high levels of play it can be necessary to limit high performance.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:
Gorgon wrote:

The only reason I exclusively used /regen was so I could maximize ongoing DPS.

I really wonder why mana, regardless of name, even remains as a gameplay mechanic anymore. Cooldowns are there to limit furious DPS output even with full mana (and that's bad enough.)

If so, it probably shouldn't empty after just a few rotation cycles.

It helps establish a base line for pacing at early levels of play. At high levels of play it can be necessary to limit high performance.

It can also give interesting dynamics if players have to essentially choose between high burst damage or medium sustained damage (relatively speaking). If you can always have high sustained then what is the point in building for burst when it doesn't give a significant advantage?

dreamcatcher's picture
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True, but in most MMOs you're

True, but in most MMOs you're shoehorned into one or the other based on your class. What I liked about CoH is that it was less true.

of Phoenix Rising
Am I

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Joined: 06/10/2018 - 16:02
My main is going to be an

My main is going to be an Enforcer, I know that for sure. I think I know the primary power set, but I wasn't sure if that was something you can change and you couldn't change your archetype, or you couldn't change archetype AND primary powerset.

Right now I'm considering Tactical Combat most since I like combo's and my playstyle is more based around speed. If I can choose animations separately from mechanical abilities, I can have more freedom with ability types (I love this). He'll be a dual wielder, as a favorite visual style and I'm hoping for energy swords or something mystical looking to represent spiritual non-physical weapons. I think I read all melee is physical damage, but I don't care much if I can make it look like something else.

For his secondary, the Atrophic Aura looks like it'll suit the character. I hope to represent it by a swirl of ghosts or something otherworldly. Eventually, I'd like to try a supporting secondary and have those 'spirits' shift their purpose from protecting him to serving his team. Masteries will probably be the first Rage ability, then the first two inspirations.

So if you haven't guessed by now, my theme for him will be a spiritual warrior. Using his soul as a weapon and ambient spirits for protection. Rather than a monk type of person, he's going to be a teen in his first year of college who inherited some abilities from his supervillain and late, father. I think his superpowers are going to be mostly represented by his sword props and secondary/tertiary abilities rather than his primary.

Lothic's picture
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Ravrohan wrote:
Ravrohan wrote:

My main is going to be an Enforcer, I know that for sure. I think I know the primary power set, but I wasn't sure if that was something you can change and you couldn't change your archetype, or you couldn't change archetype AND primary powerset.

When you say "change" I assume you mean doing a respec after character creation. If that's the case then IIRC the only things you'll be able to change are your secondary powerset and any tertiary powers. The character's archetype and primary powerset are "locked in" permanently. I assume we'd still be able to modify the specific powers you're using in your primary powerset - you just can't change from one primary powerset to another.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 03/06/2016 - 16:15
I honestly never got any of

I honestly never got any of the primary melee ATs (Brute/Scrapper/Stalker) to 50, but the Bodyguard spec really has my interest piqued (I'm a support player at heart, so I'm interested in trying it in all variations).

I can see myself trying out Fighting Prowess/* and/or Kinetic/*, most likely paired with */Strategy or */Vampiric Emanation. Tactical Combat/* and Massive Melee/* are also possibilities, depending on how well the sets' mechanics handle inserting support powers between attacks and managing area agro generation, respectively.

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Ravrohan wrote:

My main is going to be an Enforcer, I know that for sure. I think I know the primary power set, but I wasn't sure if that was something you can change and you couldn't change your archetype, or you couldn't change archetype AND primary powerset.

When you say "change" I assume you mean doing a respec after character creation. If that's the case then IIRC the only things you'll be able to change are your secondary powerset and any tertiary powers. The character's archetype and primary powerset are "locked in" permanently. I assume we'd still be able to modify the specific powers you're using in your primary powerset - you just can't change from one primary powerset to another.

You have it right, I mean respecc. I recall something about two builds and being able to swap between them. I'll more than likely do a solo build and a team build, based around the core primary set.

Though if we can't change that, I may end up with an alt or two just to play around with certain sets to see which one I want to focus on. I imagine the sets will get more descriptive in time and we'll have actual powers to look at, so that'll narrow it down, and maybe I'll start the Stalwart first so I can mess with her secondaries more freely.

I'm not so used to having this much choice when it comes to melee mechanics, it's pretty exciting.

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Ravrohan wrote:
Ravrohan wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Ravrohan wrote:

My main is going to be an Enforcer, I know that for sure. I think I know the primary power set, but I wasn't sure if that was something you can change and you couldn't change your archetype, or you couldn't change archetype AND primary powerset.

When you say "change" I assume you mean doing a respec after character creation. If that's the case then IIRC the only things you'll be able to change are your secondary powerset and any tertiary powers. The character's archetype and primary powerset are "locked in" permanently. I assume we'd still be able to modify the specific powers you're using in your primary powerset - you just can't change from one primary powerset to another.

You have it right, I mean respecc. I recall something about two builds and being able to swap between them. I'll more than likely do a solo build and a team build, based around the core primary set.

Though if we can't change that, I may end up with an alt or two just to play around with certain sets to see which one I want to focus on. I imagine the sets will get more descriptive in time and we'll have actual powers to look at, so that'll narrow it down, and maybe I'll start the Stalwart first so I can mess with her secondaries more freely.

I'm not so used to having this much choice when it comes to melee mechanics, it's pretty exciting.

The Devs have already confirmed that characters will be able to have more than one build in CoT. Characters were able to have up to [b]three[/b] builds in CoH but I don't know if the same number will be allowed in CoT.

Presumably we'll be able to have at least one build with one secondary/tertiaries and another build with completely different secondary/tertiaries. That will allow one character to be fairly changeable even with only two builds. If we're allowed three or more then it'll be pretty wide open.

I suspect that the build system in CoT will be pretty similar [url=]to how it worked in CoH[/url] (except for the new part about being able to swap out secondaries in CoT).

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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Enforcer is sure to be my

Enforcer is sure to be my main, I just don't know which Primary I'll go with.

If it's just a matter of feel and not animations at all, I'll go with whatever Primary feels the most fun to play, as in theory, I should be able to make all the melee sets look the same.

As for Defense set, I'm looking at Grit, as it may be the closest to Regen/Reflexes/bit of Resist (basically like Stalker favorite Defense set) was.

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I'm waiting for the game to

I'm waiting for the game to come out to see precisely what primary I'm going to go with, but I'm currently planning on a character in high-end power armor, so secondary is likely to be invulnerability. I had fun with a Super-Strength/Invuln Brute in CoH and I'm hoping I might be able to copy the feeling here, but I'm torn between super strength and Tactical Melee for CoT

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Ravrohan wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Ravrohan wrote:

My main is going to be an Enforcer, I know that for sure. I think I know the primary power set, but I wasn't sure if that was something you can change and you couldn't change your archetype, or you couldn't change archetype AND primary powerset.

When you say "change" I assume you mean doing a respec after character creation. If that's the case then IIRC the only things you'll be able to change are your secondary powerset and any tertiary powers. The character's archetype and primary powerset are "locked in" permanently. I assume we'd still be able to modify the specific powers you're using in your primary powerset - you just can't change from one primary powerset to another.

You have it right, I mean respecc. I recall something about two builds and being able to swap between them. I'll more than likely do a solo build and a team build, based around the core primary set.

Though if we can't change that, I may end up with an alt or two just to play around with certain sets to see which one I want to focus on. I imagine the sets will get more descriptive in time and we'll have actual powers to look at, so that'll narrow it down, and maybe I'll start the Stalwart first so I can mess with her secondaries more freely.

I'm not so used to having this much choice when it comes to melee mechanics, it's pretty exciting.

The Devs have already confirmed that characters will be able to have more than one build in CoT. Characters were able to have up to [b]three[/b] builds in CoH but I don't know if the same number will be allowed in CoT.

Presumably we'll be able to have at least one build with one secondary/tertiaries and another build with completely different secondary/tertiaries. That will allow one character to be fairly changeable even with only two builds. If we're allowed three or more then it'll be pretty wide open.

I suspect that the build system in CoT will be pretty similar [url=]to how it worked in CoH[/url] (except for the new part about being able to swap out secondaries in CoT).

You start with one build but can unlock 2 more through leveling. These can have different Sexondsry Sets (or even a different Specification when those are available).

You can also choose different Mastery Powers for each build as well as new tettiary sets.

There will be a significant timer and limited locations allowed for switching builds.

A respec allows you to switch powers in your primary, choose new Masteries, a new secondary, and new tettiary sets.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

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blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:
Gorgon wrote:

The only reason I exclusively used /regen was so I could maximize ongoing DPS.

I really wonder why mana, regardless of name, even remains as a gameplay mechanic anymore. Cooldowns are there to limit furious DPS output even with full mana (and that's bad enough.)

If so, it probably shouldn't empty after just a few rotation cycles.

It helps establish a base line for pacing at early levels of play. At high levels of play it can be necessary to limit high performance.

It can also give interesting dynamics if players have to essentially choose between high burst damage or medium sustained damage (relatively speaking). If you can always have high sustained then what is the point in building for burst when it doesn't give a significant advantage?

Building for burst is separate from sustained damage. Burst involves, among other things, taking big front-loaded hits with slower recycle times such that a delayed buildup doesn't enter into DPS, when used as a fight lead off.

Anyway, I want high sustained DPS because anything else is more tank light. That was what was great about the scrapper -- it showed you could have a high dps single target and not worry about the ancient problem of tank mage, where the tougher you are, the wimpier the damage and vice versa.

I could steer clear of fake tank duties with meh (or meh+ damage) and go full melee high dps, as much as any ranged, single target anyway.



The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.