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Gay/Gay-friendly Super Group.

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Voldine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
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Are you including transgender people?

The original Lady of Ysgard. -Virtue

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Of course! As I mentioned

Of course! As I mentioned waaay back, the thread title is a legacy from pre-beta CoH and we welcome anyone that would have joined the Pride global channel in CoH.
Welcome aboard Voldine!

I DO apologize for any confusion. Legacy is a fairly strong theme for this thread and I had a personal attachment to my 1st SG. Plus we get the benefit of stating we were here before, we are here now, and we will be here in the future.

Voldine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
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Good to know.

Good to know.

Even better to know I won't have to be afraid.

Being transgender is the only reason I never spoke during any of the closed beta TeamSpeak or ventrillo sessions back in CoH...

The original Lady of Ysgard. -Virtue

Impulse King
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Voldine wrote:
Voldine wrote:

Good to know.
Even better to know I won't have to be afraid.
Being transgender is the only reason I never spoke during any of the closed beta TeamSpeak or ventrillo sessions back in CoH...

Well we certainly don't want anyone to be afraid. No actual ideas on vent or TS just yet, but if they happen I imagine we will have a rich tapestry of sounds. (I myself veer into several voices as the comedic urge strikes.) Eventually as the gaming progresses, the ability to convey information will be the most important. Stuff like "RUN", "The AV is rezzing", "SB meh", and "bio brk".

Heartsong928's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/23/2013 - 21:31
I will stand up for you,

I will stand up for you, fight with you, and buff you in all ways possible as we play together, Voldine. :)

elegantmess's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 02/14/2016 - 10:57
You may have to correct me on

You may have to correct me on your pronouns once or twice (I will do my level best to remember your correct pronouns). But don't feel you should need to silence yourself. Especially in Ventrilo/TeamSpeak/Skype/wetf we wind up using.

Khione, Boreal Princess of Phantoms/The Riveter, Hammer of Liberty/Rosa Amarillo, Sweet Belle with a Six-Shooter

Magical Girl in a Marvel Comics World

Tinkhard's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 week ago
Joined: 04/15/2014 - 08:18
Heyyy I definitely want in on

Heyyy I definitely want in on this :D

[size=12][b]TINK SMASH[/b][/size]

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Impulse King
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Welcome Tinkhard! Glad to

Welcome Tinkhard! Glad to have ya!

Impulse King
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It's that time again! Time to

It's that time again! Time to say we are still accepting applications for those that want in. Pokemon Go may be in the limelight just now, but CoT will be even bigger, and we will be here for YOU!

Impulse King
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If you haven't noticed yet,

If you haven't noticed yet, there's another update on the costume creator progress posted. It's well on it's way to being FABULOUS! So go check that out and then come back here and tell us you want to join our network.

MrNate310's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/11/2014 - 15:45
Greeting everyone! I miss

Greeting everyone! I miss the comradery that I had in COH. No other game has every come close to how it made me feel. Every now and then I just onto this site to check out the new info on COH. I eagerly await it hoping to be able to find some gaming buddies like I've had in the past. I just happened to browse the topics and came across this thread and wanted to see if I could get in on this SG? Any room for a friendly cub? :) It would be Awesome to be able make some new friendships before the launch.

Impulse King
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We always have room! Welcome

We always have room! Welcome aboard MrNate310. If you are on Facebook, may I suggest the group CoH PRIDE? It's not required by any means but it sounds like it may also be a good fit. :)

MrNate310's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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Impulse King wrote:
Impulse King wrote:

We always have room! Welcome aboard MrNate310. If you are on Facebook, may I suggest the group CoH PRIDE? It's not required by any means but it sounds like it may also be a good fit. :)

Thank you, just joined :)

Impulse King
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Alright, as I write this it's

Alright, as I write this it's election night in the USA. And even though it's not the best idea to talk politics in these forums, what I CAN say is that you can still elect to join our group. (Maybe wait until after you vote. It's important!) Enjoy the night then look forward to enjoying CoT.

Impulse King
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Happy holidays to everyone!

Happy holidays to everyone! And to everyone who wants, an invitation to join!

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
So we've just gotten another

So we've just gotten another awesome costume update and it seems like a good time to step back into the spotlight for ourselves. We welcome all that are inclined to join and we aren't shy about answering questions either. Give yourself a chance to see what we can offer and offer yourself a chance to see how far you can go!

Melanieshaman's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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I think i found myself a home

I think i found myself a home. I would be honored to join y'all.

My DeviantArt page

Impulse King
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Welcome aboard Melanieshaman!

Welcome aboard Melanieshaman!

Impulse King
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Happy 4th of July to all! Now

Happy 4th of July to all! Now it's been over 2 months since this thread had a post, but it has been checked at least once a day, often more.We are always ready to welcome those who wish to join!

Will you be next?

Impulse King
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Hello again all! Did you know

Hello again all! Did you know that September 19th is also International Talk Like a Pirate Day? For longer than this thread has been around I have been subjecting my coworkers to pirate themed DVDs in the breakroom.

And now for some game information. Thanks to the PvP phase thread we now know the CoT terms for Teams, Super Groups, and Coalitions.

Teams will be known as Groups.
Super Groups will be known as Super Teams.
Coalitions will be known as Leagues.

For now, these terms (And how they interact in the PvP phase) are all we know. But I have submitted further questions in the current official question thread.

Researching things like this seems to be one of my strengths, but everyone has something worthwhile to offer. Join us and let us help you discover YOUR strengths.

Foradain's picture
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Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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TitansCity's picture
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Impulse King wrote:Hello
Impulse King wrote:

Hello again all! Did you know that September 19th is also International Talk Like a Pirate Day? For longer than this thread has been around I have been subjecting my coworkers to pirate themed DVDs in the breakroom.
And now for some game information. Thanks to the PvP phase thread we now know the CoT terms for Teams, Super Groups, and Coalitions.
Teams will be known as Groups.
Super Groups will be known as Super Teams.
Coalitions will be known as Leagues.

I don't even know what coalition is like in CoT ^^ Is it like a "super team work" ?

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Impulse King
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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

Impulse King wrote:
Hello again all! Did you know that September 19th is also International Talk Like a Pirate Day? For longer than this thread has been around I have been subjecting my coworkers to pirate themed DVDs in the breakroom.
And now for some game information. Thanks to the PvP phase thread we now know the CoT terms for Teams, Super Groups, and Coalitions.
Teams will be known as Groups.
Super Groups will be known as Super Teams.
Coalitions will be known as Leagues.
I don't even know what coalition is like in CoT ^^ Is it like a "super team work" ?

Great question! Sorry I should know better than to assume everyone was familiar with all of CoH.

In CoH Coalitions were basically 2 or more Super Groups (SGs) that were friends. There was a Coalition channel in your chat tab as default and by using it you would be addressing your own SG and all of your Coalitioned SGs. Depending on how permissions were set, Coalies could access your SG base and maybe even use some equipment. I don't know if CoH ever planned to do more with Coalitions, but well known issues with the undocumented code on SG bases could well have prevented that.

Overall Coalitions in CoH were entirely optional, as were Super Groups for that matter. Poor use of them could have "half conversations" annoying folks as an SG you were Coalitioned with conversed with one you were not Coalitioned with. But GOOD use could result in large groups having fun together on a large scale. Eventually Global Channels with server** specific themes would provide much the same function.

**DISCLAIMER** We also already know that CoT will not have separate servers as CoH did. Heck it was mentioned in this very thread years ago! (When I got it wrong.)

Also worth mentioning again is my expectation this thread may spawn more than 1 Super Team and my hope they may all choose to join in a League together.

TitansCity's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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I Forget this subject of

I Forget this subject of coalition in coh ^^ team / superteam and superleague will be awesome !! will have a base and as a gay man it Will be of course open to everyone and i'll be glad to join a league ^^

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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]

Impulse King
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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

I Forget this subject of coalition in coh ^^ team / superteam and superleague will be awesome !! will have a base and as a gay man it Will be of course open to everyone and i'll be glad to join a league ^^


Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Alright we have 2 special

Alright we have 2 special things worth mentioning.

1. Today is National Coming Out Day.

2. Tomorrow there is a significant update for the CoT website which will include some powerset info!

And as always we welcome any and all that wish to join us.

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Hello again everyone! Seems

Hello again everyone! Seems hard to believe this thread has been here for over 4 years now. We have all been patient as the Devs have been working on their labor of love. But now we are seeing updates a bit more frequently and perhaps in a few months talk of beta will happen. And beta will bring with it a surge of activity and interest and more or less a new "phase" for Super Teams and Leagues.

And a League is what I am anticipating from this thread after the game launches. There are many reasons for this with playstyles, playtimes, and personalities leading the list. This is okay. We have anticipated this in part because it happened to P.R.I.S.M. in CoH and we have learned. There are 2 anticipated tools that will help take the sting out of division by Super Team.

The first is obviously Leagues. Leagues are essentially alliances between Super Teams. My expectation is that they will work fairly similar to coalitions in CoH with formal communication benefits and options for more. But in fairness all that is currently "known" is the name League and how it affects who you can target in PvP.

For the second tool I'm taking a slightly bigger leap of faith and assuming there will be something akin to global channels. Global channels were account based, as opposed to character based, communication. In CoT I'm hoping they will also allow communication between PvE and PvP phases. And again in fairness I haven't seen a mention of this as yet by the devs.

If those come along as I expect then that should be more than enough for our experienced players to help new folks get the most out of City of Titans when it goes live.

Before that of course will be beta. In beta we shouldn't need to many Super Teams in my opinion, but it largely depends on people and what needs testing.

So in broad strokes those are the plans for the group(s) next year. Here on the forums my intention is to continue keeping pace with the activity levels I see. In addition I will be more active as more becomes known about Super Teams, Leagues, and advertising as those topics tend to be my personal stronger areas.

And as always we welcome any and all that wish to join us!

Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
*hugglecates and

*hugglecates and headbonkinates the folks in this thread*

A gay heart is a joyous heart!

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Impulse King
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So recently we got a few

So recently we got a few details on the tri axis alignment system that CoT will use in the "Gray Guilds?" thread. In brief this system will not tell you if you are considered a hero or a villain. Instead it's purpose is to determine which branches of the Path system unfold for you. Players, at present, will not see the alignment of themselves or other players. This is different from reputation with various other groups in CoT. Another interesting note is this alignment system is technically optional as you might choose to level yourself throughout the entire game via street sweeping, PvP, or user generated content.

There were several posters that had hoped to use the alignment system to create "hero only" groups for example. But MWM is not serving up a simple tool for that.

I am entirely OK with that. This Super Team / League has a theme that recruits players as opposed to characters. And I have no interest in forcing playstyles beyond complying with the letter and spirit of the game rules and/or TOS. We were ALWAYS going to have a large variety of playstyles and we knew this going in.

That said, we are also a League and individual Super Teams within it can have whatever extra themes they wish, within the rules and TOS. So we may have heavy RP groups, PvP focused groups, and other groups all within the same umbrella of the League. You're a paying customer supporting this game and we want you to enjoy it with us. Always accepting new members of course. :)

Impulse King
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The Ides of March is coming.

The Ides of March is coming. That is the time when MWM will decide if they can meet their deadlines and launch CoT this year. Of course I'll keep us updated or appoint someone to do it if I'm on vacation (Probable).

So some discussion we had last night in the "CoH PRIDE" facebook group got me thinking..

It's time we decided on a name. So what I propose is that we take suggestions both here and in the "CoH PRIDE" facebook group. Folks wishing to post suggestions in both places are encouraged to do so, but it may help if you note the crossposting to minimize confusion.

Of course I have a suggestion. It's a bit dull, but descriptive and marketable.

The PRIDE Channel Super Team. (Pride ST for short.)
We fight with grace.
We fight with style.
We fight with PRIDE!

Foradain's picture
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Impulse King wrote:
Impulse King wrote:

The Ides of March is coming.

Odd. It seems like just yesterday was the Ides of February. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Princess Paladin
Princess Paladin's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 03/27/2018 - 23:37
I am interested in joining

I am interested in joining this group thing when the game exists in a playable form! ...On that note, I'm guessing we will be buying a copy of the game when it's able to be played. This seems like an awful lot of work and expenses for a completely free-to-play game, so it seems unlikely it would be one of those. Will there be subscription fees and all that? Probably the wrong place to be asking this, but it came to mind just now.

TitansCity's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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From what i know, the game

From what i know, the game will have a (small) cost and and then, you can either pay a monthly fee to have access to the cash shop stuff or don't have a monthly fee and buy (or not) cash shop item when you want. (i.e : the monthly fee will be turned into stars, whichthe game currency ^^).
Either, all the cash items will be available in game by some differents way to obtain them (challenge, badges, etc)

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Impulse King
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Welcome Princess Paladin!

Welcome Princess Paladin! What TitansCity said is correct. A handy resource on "known" game information was compiled by Pyromantic in the FAQ subforum. And he updates it every so often so it's an excellent place to get up to speed.
Of course questions are welcome here as well.

Terwyn's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 5 days ago
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I am impressed at the

I am impressed at the camaraderie shown in this thread.

It is only when we stand up, with all our failings and sufferings, and try to support others rather than withdraw into ourselves, that we can fully live the life of community.

[color=#ff0000]Business Director[/color]

Princess Paladin
Princess Paladin's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 03/27/2018 - 23:37
Thank you!

Thank you!

Impulse King
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Aye, thank you!

Aye, thank you!

MeSoSollyWan's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Terwyn wrote:
Terwyn wrote:

I am impressed at the camaraderie shown in this thread.

It's a very good exercise to come and read parts of this thread after spending time in other threads where people are expressing nearly opposite views. Keeps the mind, heart, and soul balanced.


TitansCity's picture
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Terwyn wrote:
Terwyn wrote:

I am impressed at the camaraderie shown in this thread.

Historically an inherent way of thinking from communities who were hurt in some ways or other ^^
We always had to fight and defend ! And it makes us strongest ! \o/ like heroes :p

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Impulse King
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MeSoSollyWan wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:
Terwyn wrote:

I am impressed at the camaraderie shown in this thread.

It's a very good exercise to come and read parts of this thread after spending time in other threads where people are expressing nearly opposite views. Keeps the mind, heart, and soul balanced.


Ok, now I'm blushing. Almost don't know what to say. (But we all know that now I'm home from work I'm gonna squeeze off a few paragraphs!)

[Flashback] I suppose the idea for this thread started as far back as CoH beta ramping up. Quite frankly it wasn't our best time. Personalities started to flare and Gay groups that hadn't been on the forums started to appear. Suddenly, in our minds, we felt a little less special and disorganized in comparison.

Flashing forward to just before this thread started. I realized that *I* was the only one left with that experience and that it could happen again. But THIS time, we could be prepared! We could get it right and so many others could benefit from it if we did. I set the back of my mind on the issue and it returned to me the idea of "just welcome everyone that wants to join and let them play the way they want. Even in separate SGs! So long as we linked through Global channels or coalitions we would all be together in the ways that mattered most."

But permissions had to be obtained to do it best so I pitched the idea on the CoH PRIDE group on facebook. (Dramatic music intensifies) This was where it all hinged! Things could be stopped DEAD in their tracks if they didn't agree. As folks conferred and murmured whispers were exchanged, a verdict was returned...

"Eh. Sure dude. Whatever."[/Flashback]

And the rest has been written here in this very thread.

So in spite of this this torrid tell-all of our secret sordid origins, we still DARE to welcome ALL that would wish to join.
WILL THIS BE YOU!?! If so just post so we can welcome you too. :D

TitansCity's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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Joined: 10/28/2013 - 02:09
You forget to mention that

You forget to mention that sometimes, young people are happy to find a place where they can talk, share and find reassurance since their life are sometimes really tough, in an homophopbic way. Then, even a virtuel place is always good :)

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Impulse King
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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

You forget to mention that sometimes, young people are happy to find a place where they can talk, share and find reassurance since their life are sometimes really tough, in an homophopbic way. Then, even a virtuel place is always good :)

Excellent points! I would only add that all ages can benefit.

Impulse King
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55


So I have a confession to make. I'm not the best base decorator around. In CoH my bases tended toward the bland and utilitarian unless base PvP was a consideration. And we know that CoT will not have base PvP. Which leads to..

What we know about bases so far.

First thing to mention is the Devs would LIKE to have bases in at launch, but it may not happen. Second is that one person bases will be available. (Maybe not so important for us, but this thread is widely read so helping the community is good practice.) Third is that there will be no separate currency for bases. All base items will be bought with In Game Currency (IGC). And as mentioned, no base PvP.

And that's about it. It's a really short list just now. But with some guesswork I can work with it.

Also worth mentioning are things we DON'T know about bases.
We don't know how base editing will work or how permission to edit will be assigned. In CoH technically any SG member rank could be allowed to edit the base. But normally it was restricted to a few people by most player SGs.
We don't know how entry permissions will be set up. In CoH the widest settings let all SG members and all coalition members enter. If someone else wanted to enter, they had to be teamed with someone with entry permission. Conversely bases could also be set up so almost no one, even teammates, could enter. (I have said in other threads that I would like to see an option for anyone to enter a base.)

And now we can veer back toward the thread topic. As I have said, we can actually have multiple Super Teams based on playstyles like RP and PvP as desired by the members. What I hadn't said before is that we might also consider having another ST for specialized base functions. Allow me to toss out 2 ideas with it being understood we don't really know if it can work as I hope.

The "Anyone can edit the base ST". I actually did this on a tertiary server in CoH. I always thought it was a shame that so few folks ended up getting to REALLY play with the base editor. I understood the whys of it of course, but I set out to do my part to enable others and added some RP elements too. J.O.K.E. was solidly in favor of a rubber chicken in every pot and two clown cars in every garage. It featured named ranks like Funny person, Jester, Motta, Comedian, and Clown Prince. The plus sides to this is it basically maintains itself. Just come in, edit as you please, take screenshots, and let the next person play. Open viewing to the public if possible.

The wedding chapel. (Working title)
This one was recently inspired by another thread in the forums. Marriages are an important topic out in the real world and we can expect players to want them in game. So why not get ahead of it and meet the expected demand? Our members come from a variety of traditions so I'm thinking we could set up different rooms in differing styles. If something different is needed or an addition requested, the requester would have to give the IGC cost to cover the expenses. Fully open to the public would be ideal to accommodate different time zones. And a calendar of events maintained on the forums to prevent scheduling conflicts would be a decent idea. Officiates not provided by us. No charge for use of the facilities, but donations are always appreciated! (This would likely be expensive to initially setup so mastering market PvP would help) Note that honeymoons should probably be private and take place somewhere not open to the public.

Again these ideas have a LOT of assumptions built in and I don't really know how workable they will be. Hasn't stopped me yet though!

And we are ALWAYS accepting new members! Just post in this thread if interested.

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 days ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
Re: no base PvP.

Re: no base PvP.

While base PvP in the strictest sense is not to be, I would note that the base editor is a subset of the world editor. I would be very surprised if one could not make a copy of one's base for an instance for User Generated Content. Which could then be PvP. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Impulse King
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

Re: no base PvP.

While base PvP in the strictest sense is not to be, I would note that the base editor is a subset of the world editor. I would be very surprised if one could not make a copy of one's base for an instance for User Generated Content. Which could then be PvP. ^_^

That could certainly be interesting!

And it inspires an unrelated thought. Base building contests in the UGC! In essence an upgraded version of a costume contest. You might well be able to impose conditions like a maximum budget, theme, and a time limit (like a week or so). Announce it on the forums and set up a tag for contestants in the mission title. I would suggest prize levels be multiples of the budget such as 1st place 1.5-2x budget, 2nd 1x budget, 3rd 0.75x budget and so forth. Winners would also get screenshots posted in the contest thread.

Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
*pelts Cyclops with black

*pelts Cyclops with black jelly beans*

*joyfully noms on the rainbow of other jelly bean colors, especially the purple and pink ones*

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Impulse King
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
We've got some more CoT Super

We've got some more CoT Super Team news to share from the official question thread Tannim222 said


We were already going to allow players to invite their own characters to another one of their characters’ Super Team, which also grants access to the base.



Right now it is 1 Suoer Team per character. There are Leagues which Super Teams can form together. We have not set an upper limit on the number of Super Teams that can form a League not a limit on the number of Leagues they can be a part of. We may set those numbers at some point, they just don’t exist at this moment.

With the proper permission settings, one character can essentially utilize their Leagues’ base access and base resources, resulting in something of a “quasi-form” of belinging to multiple Super Teams.

This is good news for us! CoH had a limit of 10 coalitions per SG, which I admit I was concerned could be constraining if copied in CoT with leagues. But it looks like we will have PLENTY of elbow room in that regard.

And as always we are accepting new members. Just post in this thread to let us know you're interested.

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Joined: 03/06/2016 - 16:15
I'll be there, whether as my

I'll be there, whether as my own personal SG within the League or in a SG with others I can't say yet (it depends on base building ability/requirements/resources), but I'll definitely be there.

Impulse King
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Glad to have ya old friend!

Glad to have ya old friend!

Nick The Great
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Hello new and old friends,

Hello new and old friends, Been lurking around this forum for a bit....

~The Shadow's Are Coming~

Impulse King
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Nick The Great wrote:
Nick The Great wrote:

Hello new and old friends, Been lurking around this forum for a bit....

Ah yes. Rule 12 of the internetz! "Lurk moar, it's never enough."

We welcome everyone to lurk on this thread from time to time. I often feel humbled by it.
And then my inner advertising nerd kicks my posterior to "start typing, darn it!"

Because every so often, a lurker decides to become a member AND a new friend. It's just that easy AND just that awesome!
We still check this thread everyday at least once, and often more. Are we waiting to welcome you? Just let us know.

King Dunce
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Joined: 07/31/2018 - 10:49
Just an ally but I'd love to

Just an ally but I'd love to be a part of this!


King Dunce

"The world is full of evil and lies and pain and death, and you can’t hide from it; you can only face it. The question is, when you do – How do you respond? Who do you become?"

Greeno34's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
Joined: 01/10/2016 - 18:54
I'm totally on board!

I'm totally on board!

Impulse King
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Welcome to both King Dunce (I

Welcome to both King Dunce (I'm an ally myself), and Greeno34! Looking forward to playing CoT with you both!

Impulse King
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Happy Guy Fawkes Day everyone

Happy Guy Fawkes Day everyone! (Remember remember the fifth of November...)

Recently it was confirmed we WILL have global channels in CoT, which I think is awesome news. Also recently some fans got to spend time with the costume creator outside NYCC and one of them wrote up the experience. It's not official hype or marketing, it's just a fellow fan sharing with other fans in the best way.

And of course we are still accepting new members and this thread is checked daily.

TitansCity's picture
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I don't know if some of you

I don't know if some of you are interested in some crowndfunding, but if you are, there is a gay comics project which needs support ^^
you can check it here :
It's almost at end and need a fex support :) moreover, you can have the book by participating !

I'm still in and i hope we could have more than 1 SG so as to join this one and, in the same time, handle the FR community SG is about to launch.

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Impulse King
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That looks awesome TitanCity!

That looks awesome TitanCity! Fortunately this thread tends to be widely read on these forums so it's possible your post alone may help.

And of course the plan is to ultimately have multiple SGs. While I admit I had missed languages as a reason for wanting a separate SG, it's at LEAST as valid as playstyle reasons. I'll go one better in fact. As game mechanics and members allow, there's no known reason we couldn't have several French SGs. (And German, Spanish, etc..) We're building a network here and we welcome anyone that wants to join.

Rezelius's picture
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Hi all! I just wanted to pop

Hi all! I just wanted to pop in and throw my name in the ring for joining up. I miss the days of CoH and the camaraderie that came with it.
Can't wait to jump in game with everyone!

Impulse King
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Welcome Rezelius! And we can

Welcome Rezelius! And we can't wait to be in game with YOU!

Leo_G's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 07/17/2014 - 20:19
I find it kind of funny that

I find it kind of funny that we finally get mostly tolerance and acceptance of LGBT (how many times do people just quote current year as evidence) yet the community itself wants to wall themselves off in segregated LGBT spaces... Unless it's an 18+ environment, then I guess it makes sense...

Foradain's picture
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Leo_G wrote:
Leo_G wrote:

...yet the community itself wants to wall themselves off in segregated LGBT spaces...

I never got the impression that they were walling themselves off, at least no one has made me feel unwelcome. After all, the title of the thread includes "gay-friendly", which implies folk from outside the community are welcome as long as they are friendly. Hence my presence. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Impulse King
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Leo_G wrote:
Leo_G wrote:

I find it kind of funny that we finally get mostly tolerance and acceptance of LGBT (how many times do people just quote current year as evidence) yet the community itself wants to wall themselves off in segregated LGBT spaces... Unless it's an 18+ environment, then I guess it makes sense...

I understand how there can be confusion, but we're no more walled off than any other Super Team. In fact, I've been saying for years that our only barrier to entry is deciding to ask. That's it. Ask to join and you're in.

Another facet is Super Teams are, by their very definition, exclusive. Some want fire using characters, others want to focus on street level themes, and others on PvP. The moment you create a Super Team, you are excluding SOMEONE. Obviously I have no known means available to change this, but I have made great efforts to minimize it through the use of League structures. If some folks want to focus on PvP for instance, they are entirely welcome to form their own Super Team and ally with us with no hard feelings. Likewise with any playstyle, and recently language, choices.

Now inevitably we come to the question of why do this at all. It's pretty simple actually. It's just nice to be able to focus on playing the game without explaining yourself over and over, which can break immersion. It makes for a better gaming experience that way.

And as Foradain pointed out, we aren't excluding anyone that wants in. I'm straight and I'm leading the group.

I hope this helps with understanding us. Be well.

TitansCity's picture
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For me, it's important to be

For me, it's important to be able to play withtout hearing "oh you faggot" (i don't know if in other countries than France it's a usual insult, but in France, insulting someone as a faggot is usual and it's really borrowing to hear this kind of things. Being in a LGBT friendly group prevent me from hearing that at least ^^)

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Cobalt Azurean
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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

For me, it's important to be able to play withtout hearing "oh you faggot" (i don't know if in other countries than France it's a usual insult, but in France, insulting someone as a faggot is usual and it's really borrowing to hear this kind of things. Being in a LGBT friendly group prevent me from hearing that at least ^^)

Wow, people still use the word "faggot"? O.O

Pearly's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/18/2018 - 14:32
I'll throw my name in the

I'll throw my name in the ring as well! I can echo the sentiment of TitansCity; I would love to just play the game and not have to put in extreme effort to avoid homophobic slurs and asides. I'm not saying that's what is to be expected of the CoT community, but my experience in other MMOs lends itself to that effort.

Kuraikari's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
Joined: 11/28/2018 - 12:59
Yeah other MMOs often use

Yeah other MMOs often use slurs and homophobic phrases. It is off putting and just simply childish.
So, I'm happy to see here open minded communities :)


45 52 52 4F 52 3A 20 34 30 34 0D 0A 48 65 72 6F 20 6E 6F 74 20 66 6F 75 6E 64 21

TitansCity's picture
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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

For me, it's important to be able to play withtout hearing "oh you faggot" (i don't know if in other countries than France it's a usual insult, but in France, insulting someone as a faggot is usual and it's really borrowing to hear this kind of things. Being in a LGBT friendly group prevent me from hearing that at least ^^)

Wow, people still use the word "faggot"? O.O

pretty usual in France ("pd" is the most popular), unfortunately. But, it usually the same kind of people who use this term as an insult... you know the idiot one...who, either, think the women are just here to clean the house and prepare the meal :s But, whatever, i don't just the CoT community (at least, the present one) will be like that xD.

Just a last example. I put an article on to promote a crouwdfunding comics project (a gay superhero) and i had the pleasure to see a comment (of a guy which will play CoT and is usual in visiting the website and our forum and our discord) which said "you should not promote this kind of thing"... A lot of work is still needed ^^

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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]

Cobalt Azurean
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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

For me, it's important to be able to play withtout hearing "oh you faggot" (i don't know if in other countries than France it's a usual insult, but in France, insulting someone as a faggot is usual and it's really borrowing to hear this kind of things. Being in a LGBT friendly group prevent me from hearing that at least ^^)

Wow, people still use the word "faggot"? O.O

pretty usual in France ("pd" is the most popular), unfortunately. But, it usually the same kind of people who use this term as an insult... you know the idiot one...who, either, think the women are just here to clean the house and prepare the meal :s But, whatever, i don't just the CoT community (at least, the present one) will be like that xD.

Just a last example. I put an article on to promote a crouwdfunding comics project (a gay superhero) and i had the pleasure to see a comment (of a guy which will play CoT and is usual in visiting the website and our forum and our discord) which said "you should not promote this kind of thing"... A lot of work is still needed ^^

While it is distasteful, I always find it interesting to get an insight into another culture. I'm not saying they're a culture of hate or anything like that, but just a slice of some terminology or what have you that people say or use.
Again, from a purely worldview enlightening perspective, interesting.

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
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Well, 'faggot' is an old

Well, 'faggot' is an old english word for a piece of firewood. It has been applied to cigarettes. I believe it was once used as a 'friendly insult'. One might be 'fagged out', meaning Tired. All of that said, it really doesn't have an appropriate application in modern polite society.

Be Well!
(amateur etymologist)

Mask-of-Many's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/16/2018 - 07:49
Hey, count me in!

Hey, count me in!
Pansexual transfeminine IRL, with several MOGAI* characters in tow.

*Marginalised Orientations, Genders, and Intersex - much more elegant and concise than the longer acronyms used for we various queer/non-cishetero types.

Master of the forbidden art of thread necromancy!

* Kestrel
* Zero Break
* All-Star

Leo_G's picture
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Impulse King wrote:
Impulse King wrote:

Now inevitably we come to the question of why do this at all. It's pretty simple actually. It's just nice to be able to focus on playing the game without explaining yourself over and over, which can break immersion. It makes for a better gaming experience that way.

And that's the reason why I question this. I don't feel it's needed and for the very reason you point out. Most people not concerned with sexuality of people and their relationships don't ask homosexual individuals to explain anything. In this day and age, I feel it's rather mainstream now and most people have encountered homosexuals or transgenders either in media, in person or through political activists and their talking points.

The individuals that seem insistent on explaining themselves are the individuals within the community. (see the above comment)

Impulse King
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Mask-of-Many wrote:
Mask-of-Many wrote:

Hey, count me in!
Pansexual transfeminine IRL, with several MOGAI* characters in tow.

[i][sub]*Marginalised Orientations, Genders, and Intersex - much more elegant and concise than the longer acronyms used for we various queer/non-cishetero types.[/sub][/i]

Welcome Mask-of-Many!

Pearly's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/18/2018 - 14:32
I'm not going to make any
Leo_G wrote:
Impulse King wrote:

Now inevitably we come to the question of why do this at all. It's pretty simple actually. It's just nice to be able to focus on playing the game without explaining yourself over and over, which can break immersion. It makes for a better gaming experience that way.

And that's the reason why I question this. I don't feel it's needed and for the very reason you point out. Most people not concerned with sexuality of people and their relationships don't ask homosexual individuals to explain anything. In this day and age, I feel it's rather mainstream now and most people have encountered homosexuals or transgenders either in media, in person or through political activists and their talking points.

The individuals that seem insistent on explaining themselves are the individuals within the community. (see the above comment)

I'm not going to make any assumptions about whether you are a part of the community, but if you aren't, it's likely that you'll never understand why we want spaces like this. Sure, the sexuality of other people is not a priority of others when playing online games. But in my experience, when someone says something homophobic, you want to call them out and ask them to stop saying crap like that because it ruins your time. When you do that, people often question why that's such a big deal to you, which you'll have to reply that it affects you personally. Then this opens you up for targeted harassment. Either way, it's a lose-lose scenario.

When you have groups like this where you can guarantee that stupid comments won't be displayed, you can relax and just focus on the game. The reality is that online communities can be a very toxic place because of the anonymity granted to the experience, and people will say stupid shit because they aren't held accountable and love to meme around.

Impulse King
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Leo_G wrote:
Leo_G wrote:
Impulse King wrote:

Now inevitably we come to the question of why do this at all. It's pretty simple actually. It's just nice to be able to focus on playing the game without explaining yourself over and over, which can break immersion. It makes for a better gaming experience that way.

And that's the reason why I question this. I don't feel it's needed and for the very reason you point out. Most people not concerned with sexuality of people and their relationships don't ask homosexual individuals to explain anything. In this day and age, I feel it's rather mainstream now and most people have encountered homosexuals or transgenders either in media, in person or through political activists and their talking points.

The individuals that seem insistent on explaining themselves are the individuals within the community. (see the above comment)

So because you yourself have never seen folks ask questions about a player's sexuality, this group isn't needed? And this seems reasonable to you? I think I'm going to disappoint you and keep the group going anyway.

And as for "the current year" or "this day and age", well you clearly haven't read the thread. I can directly trace this group back to pre-beta City of Heroes. Because of course, I was there. In fact, let's do a storytime from back then. It's a favorite of mine. Back on the.. 3rd page of the original PRISM thread on the pre beta CoH boards, we had a poster similar to you in some respects. He too said "he didn't see a need" for our SG. Also that we were putting it in peoples faces.

A little over a year later he posted again. To apologize. He had gone to start his own SG. One with a christian theme as it happens. Wanna guess what folks told him as he promoted it? That's right. Others told him they "didn't see a need" and that he was putting religion "in their faces." Ultimately he gave up on his SG (which was a shame really). But he DID have the strength of character to empathize with us and I respected that. I hope he enjoyed his time on CoH.

Over the intervening years as I played CoH I played with, and inherited many SGs. Learned from what worked AND from what didn't work. Why for over a year I helped lead a tightly interlinked coalition pretty successfully. After that I discovered the Pride global channel. (You wouldn't have seen a need for that either Leo G.) And all those experiences became the foundation for this Super Team and League, which was created over a current year before you joined the forums.

So Leo G, allow me to explain how this will work. You are entirely welcome to keep posting. If you happen to cross a line, mods will step in as has happened before in the thread. Assuming that doesn't happen, I'll continue to turn your posts into advertisements for our group. You'll help us stay at the top of the page and to get us more members that you don't see a need for. I'm good either way.

And if you ever want to start your own Super Team, this thread is chock full of great tips, if I do say so myself. Be well.

Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/19/2018 - 06:22
Impulse King wrote:
Impulse King wrote:
Leo_G wrote:

I don't feel it's needed and for the very reason you point out.

So because you yourself have never seen folks ask questions about a player's sexuality, this group isn't needed? And this seems reasonable to you? I think I'm going to disappoint you and keep the group going anyway.

And as for "the current year" or "this day and age", well you clearly haven't read the thread. I can directly trace this group back to pre-beta City of Heroes. Because of course, I was there. In fact, let's do a storytime from back then. It's a favorite of mine. Back on the.. 3rd page of the original PRISM thread on the pre beta CoH boards, we had a poster similar to you in some respects. He too said "he didn't see a need" for our SG. Also that we were putting it in peoples faces.

A little over a year later he posted again. To apologize. He had gone to start his own SG. One with a christian theme as it happens. Wanna guess what folks told him as he promoted it? That's right. Others told him they "didn't see a need" and that he was putting religion "in their faces." Ultimately he gave up on his SG (which was a shame really). But he DID have the strength of character to empathize with us and I respected that. I hope he enjoyed his time on CoH.

Over the intervening years as I played CoH I played with, and inherited many SGs. Learned from what worked AND from what didn't work. Why for over a year I helped lead a tightly interlinked coalition pretty successfully. After that I discovered the Pride global channel. (You wouldn't have seen a need for that either Leo G.) And all those experiences became the foundation for this Super Team and League, which was created over a current year before you joined the forums.

So Leo G, allow me to explain how this will work. You are entirely welcome to keep posting. If you happen to cross a line, mods will step in as has happened before in the thread. Assuming that doesn't happen, I'll continue to turn your posts into advertisements for our group. You'll help us stay at the top of the page and to get us more members that you don't see a need for. I'm good either way.

And if you ever want to start your own Super Team, this thread is chock full of great tips, if I do say so myself. Be well.

Fucking. Bravo.

I rarely like to quote a full comment, since I feel it usually just means you're scrolling past a bunch of stuff you've already read, but this is something I think deserves to be said twice.

~ DariusWolfe
Errant, TNT, Vibrant and Fluxion on Liberty

TitansCity's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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Joined: 10/28/2013 - 02:09
I must say that a group like

I must say that a group like this is also useful for young people who can not speak about their desire toward the same sex. It's like a shelter (it's probably not the good word ^^ i mean a home like in the mountain for lost people ). And it's important to have somewhere where you can be who you want (like MWM says ) without any qestions or worries.

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Leo_G's picture
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Impulse King wrote:
Impulse King wrote:

So Leo G, allow me to explain how this will work. You are entirely welcome to keep posting. If you happen to cross a line, mods will step in as has happened before in the thread. Assuming that doesn't happen, I'll continue to turn your posts into advertisements for our group. You'll help us stay at the top of the page and to get us more members that you don't see a need for. I'm good either way.

I find this funny. I'm not trying to suppress you or shame you to hide in the shadows so posters seeing the thread isn't a consequence. I'm simply criticizing something I find questionable as I tend to do. I guess threatening with moderation is the go-to response to such things these days.

Impulse King wrote:

So because you yourself have never seen folks ask questions about a player's sexuality, this group isn't needed? And this seems reasonable to you? I think I'm going to disappoint you and keep the group going anyway.

Well, you didn't actually respond to the criticism I pointed out but that's fine. You're not obligated to respond to my posts.

I didn't say people never question someone else's sexuality, I said *most* aren't concerned with sexuality at all unless they happen to be talking about sex. I even prefaced that in my 1st post.

Impulse King wrote:

And as for "the current year" or "this day and age", well you clearly haven't read the thread. I can directly trace this group back to pre-beta City of Heroes. Because of course, I was there. In fact, let's do a storytime from back then...

No thanks. Perhaps another time.

It is cool that you're continuing a legacy/tradition from the old CoH though. But times have changed and my eyes have opened wider since I was a teen back then which is why I question things more rather than just follow the crowd silently.
Now a days, it's almost pathological to see blind tolerance and vitriol for those that question it and that leaves you open to infiltrators that hijack intent to rationalize and normalize certain things. You might think I'm some bigot or homophobe for even commenting but I am bi. I've seen fandoms and lgbt groups degenerate and implode...perhaps you have too, more times than me. And if you have, you should understand why someone would question and criticize.

Impulse King
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Are you deliberately

Are you deliberately responding to points out of order for effect? You weren't being threatened with moderation. I had stated my belief you hadn't read the thread earlier. And this community on the whole, doesn't really NEED much moderation. So, as a fellow critical person I asked myself "Is there any reason Leo G might think mods watch this thread?" Well of course the answer I came up with was "no." I was telling you moderation HAS happened in this thread before out of a sense of wanting to be fair with you. I might disagree with you, but I do like to be fair.

Alright, if we're going with the "I like to question and criticize" route, then that's a different lecture. A lot of it is in the approach. The approach you chose at the beginning was a blanket statement about the LGBT community here walling itself off. And without having read the thread first to learn about the group you made a blanket statement about... Well there's not much positive this old tactician can say about taking Custer's approach to Little Big Horn. [Recap: Custer did no recon and found himself surrounded and ridiculously outnumbered.] The "question" part of the "question and criticize" probably would have had better results. A simple word added to the beginning like..

"ARE you planning om walling yourself off from the rest of the community?" Could have done wonders. The answer of course being no. My personal intentions are to be a rather active in the community, but I make NO requirement on the rest of my members. I expect some will and some won't. Mostly I want my members to be able to enjoy the game.

Of course, I have to notice that in your last post you asked.. no questions. Plenty of statements, plenty of criticisms, but no actual questions. And I still think you didn't have the curiosity to read the thread.

Actually glad to hear you're bi. I was starting to worry you were lashing out at others out of self hate. The closet is a terrible place to be. Hadn't worried much if you were a bigot or a homophobe actually. Just gave the response I felt the situation required. So what other potential concerns might you have that I can assuage? I've already told you that all participation is voluntary. But I WOULD like you to read the thread before asking questions please. It'll go much smoother that way.

And yeah, a big part of my personal themeing here is "What's past is prologue." In my last post I told you I had tried my best to learn from the various successes and failures I had in CoH. I did this with critical questioning and acquired tactical and strategic acumen. And I did it because I had made promises. To my friends in PRISM, to my friends in the CoH PRIDE facebook group, and perhaps most importantly, to myself. To apply all that I had deliberately striven to learn to create the best SG I could manage. (I like to think all SG leaders promise themselves that.)

And we're still accepting members! I, and others, try to check the thread at LEAST once a day. :)

Mask-of-Many's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/16/2018 - 07:49
Don't forget, Leo G, that

Don't forget, Leo G, that while acceptance of LGBTQ/MOGAI/insert-acronym-of-choice-here is more commonplace, there's still a lot of prejudice and even outright violence against them in many places. Australia, parts of the UK, a large swath of the US - especially the deep South and Midwest. In my city, bigots assault & even pull weapons on anyone who "looks queer" in the local gay district - and the police barely even respond, if at all. Oh, and my entire state allows people to be fired from their jobs for being trans. (Openly being a Nazi, on the other hand, can't get you fired here unless you outwardly violate one of your employers' rules. Which is how we have a white-supremacist judge on the criminal circuit.)

I'm glad you haven't had the same experience. But for some of us, just not hiding who we are (like holding hands with our significant other in public, or dressing to fit our gender identity instead of our birth-assigned sex) is still dangerous. And there are still a [b]LOT[/b] of outspoken homophobes and transphobes in the internet gaming community. So it's nice for some of us to have a group where we don't have to worry about being targeted like that.
It's honestly no different from having a group centred around a single religion, or even an ethnoculture (Filipino guilds are incredibly common, for instance).
Groups like this are needed specifically because the last vestiges of LGBTQ hate tend to congregate on the internet, and they have an unfortunately notable presence in online games.

Master of the forbidden art of thread necromancy!

* Kestrel
* Zero Break
* All-Star

Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 03/14/2014 - 23:25
I don’t know what form my

I don’t know what form my participation would be yet, but I’d like to support this, either as an SG member or as a global channel member.

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Welcome Mrwrk! Looking

Welcome Mrwrk! Looking forward to any support you want to give!

DoctorTomorrow's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/24/2016 - 19:05
I am also interested in

I am also interested in joining! Also will be interesting to see if there is a way to make a queer space where people in other supergroups could socialize too.

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Welcome DoctorTomorrow! With

Welcome DoctorTomorrow! With global channels confirmed this is both the plan all along AND easy to accomplish! (Essentially a global channel is a private chat channel that others can join or be invited to depending on settings.) Not only Super Teams in our League will be invited, but any interested player. (That is the intent. What actually happens will of course depend on the tools we have to use.)

Fun fact. One of the inspirations for this group was the Pride global channel in City of Heroes.

WolfSoul's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 08/26/2013 - 09:41
Count me in.

Count me in.

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Welcome WolfSoul!

Welcome WolfSoul!

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Recap time! Our story thus

Recap time! Our story thus far started a long time ago, on a forum far far away...

On the City of Heroes (CoH) pre beta forums, Super Groups section, there was a thread titled "Gay/Gay-friendly Super Group". I read through it and asked to join. They accepted me and I made some great friends as the first str8 (but not the last!) member of P.R.I.S.M..

As the wheel of time turned, City of Heroes went away but City of Titans (CoT) started to rise as a spiritual successor with great hope! And I began to think "What's past is prologue". That the ideas of my friends could be remembered into THIS game merged with knowledge I had gained from years of playing CoH. I checked with my fellow members of the CoH Pride facebook group and was given the go ahead to organize around the principals of the Pride global channel in CoH. Let's see how that has been expressed so far.

1. To join, just express an interest. Pretty much the lowest barrier to entry I could think of.
2. We check this thread at least once a day. A simple, easily delivered promise. While I try to do this myself as much as possible, there are times when I ask friends to help.
3. We intend to make use of Leagues* in CoT to have an allied network of Super Teams. (This is HUGE! We don't have to argue on playstyle [RP, PvP], theme [Left handed fire users], or even languages! We can just let folks enjoy how they want to play within the letter and spirit of the rules and TOS.) Also we will have a Pride global channel.

*Leagues are basically two or more Super Teams that have "friended" each other, or formed an alliance while maintaining their own identity.

And around five and a half years after starting, we are still taking new members! So take a read through the thread if you like and join if the desire strikes.

Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 09/05/2014 - 14:40
Very interested in joining!

Very interested in joining! Will be nice to start off the game with this group!

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Welcome Tomkat1814 !

Welcome Tomkat1814 !

Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
*pounces on Tomkat1814 !*

*pounces on Tomkat1814 !*

*scurries away*

*lifts up sofa*

*hides under sofa*

*lowers sofa*


[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Check out the latest

Check out the latest announcement. Avatar builder (incomplete build) available to test at Norwescon!!
