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Discuss: What We Can Do - Powers

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doctor tyche
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Discuss: What We Can Do - Powers

Pow, Bam, Oof!

Technical Director

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SavageFist's picture
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Are we limited to one type of

Are we limited to one type of damage per character?

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

doctor tyche
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SavageFist wrote:
SavageFist wrote:

Are we limited to one type of damage per character?

Each individual power has it's own types of damage, and only a few are a single type.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Scott Jackson
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Heads up, when I accessed the

Heads up, when I accessed the announcement, my browser quickly slowed to a crawl. After halting the playback (it was auto-looping) of the second and third videos (under "The Catch: The Theme" and "What: Props"), the browser returned to normal. The other videos (still looping) seemed fine. This was in Windows 10, Chrome 58.0.3029.81.

Kid Rad
Last seen: 7 months 19 hours ago
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This is an exciting update.

This is an exciting update. Looking great!

SavageFist's picture
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Scott Jackson wrote:
Scott Jackson wrote:

Heads up, when I accessed the announcement, my browser quickly slowed to a crawl. After halting the playback (it was auto-looping) of the second and third videos (under "The Catch: The Theme" and "What: Props"), the browser returned to normal. The other videos (still looping) seemed fine. This was in Windows 10, Chrome 58.0.3029.81.

Same for me.

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

SavageFist's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

SavageFist wrote:
Are we limited to one type of damage per character?
Each individual power has it's own types of damage, and only a few are a single type.

Excellent. Even more mix and match.

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

doctor tyche
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Scott Jackson wrote:
Scott Jackson wrote:

Heads up, when I accessed the announcement, my browser quickly slowed to a crawl. After halting the playback (it was auto-looping) of the second and third videos (under "The Catch: The Theme" and "What: Props"), the browser returned to normal. The other videos (still looping) seemed fine. This was in Windows 10, Chrome 58.0.3029.81.

Well, that's weird. Those are the smallest of them.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Godling's picture
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What no Control Reality;) I

What no Control Reality;) I guess we would have to fake it with illusions and kinetics.

We still get the chance for the augments that replace damage types by 50? Is that still in the works?

[URL= [/IMG][/URL]

Dark Ether
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Is there a new update I'm not

Is there a new update I'm not seeing? Last one I see is the April Fools' one.

(insert pithy comment here)

doctor tyche
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Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

Is there a new update I'm not seeing? Last one I see is the April Fools' one.

Look on the front page.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 53 min ago
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I noticed you swapped

I noticed you swapped Commander and Operator Archetypes. Thank you. I think they make more sense this way.

And I didn't understand what you were trying to say under the "What: The Extras" heading. Are you just talking about the first basic attacks we get when we start off? If so, how are those "extras?"

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Cinnder's picture
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Oh man, this is the kind of

Oh man, this is the kind of meaty update I really like. More detail on the 'rules' of the game plus evidence that development is coming along nicely. Keep up the good work, MWW!

Just two questions:

1) In the video at the end at around 1:15 the character attacks a held mob and the mob drops to the ground and attacks back. Is this just a coincidence of timing? CoT won't be one of those games where holds are broken by attacks, will it?

2) So does the Grit power set do more damage against ice? :o)

Spurn all ye kindle.

doctor tyche
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Oh man, this is the kind of meaty update I really like. More detail on the 'rules' of the game plus evidence that development is coming along nicely. Keep up the good work, MWW!
Just two questions:
1) In the video at the end at around 1:15 the character attacks a held mob and the mob drops to the ground and attacks back. Is this just a coincidence of timing? CoT won't be one of those games where holds are broken by attacks, will it?
2) So does the Grit power set do more damage against ice? :o)

1) Depends on the hold. Some are interruptable while others persist.
2) ha

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

doctor tyche
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I noticed you swapped Commander and Operator Archetypes. Thank you. I think they make more sense this way.
And I didn't understand what you were trying to say under the "What: The Extras" heading. Are you just talking about the first basic attacks we get when we start off? If so, how are those "extras?"

The are basic attacks given when starting off. Remember, not everyone will have played CoH, so the idea of an automatically included attack is not a given. Keep in mind that these extras are impacted by your power choice, and themes apply to them. So, your fire belching dragon no longer throws a hypodermic needle or punch.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Scott Jackson
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After a bit more testing, it

After a bit more testing, it appears that specific videos aren't an issue...may be more related to Chrome dealing with the number of them loading and playing at one time, or the sequence in which they load. After closing/reopening the browser and reopening the page, the odd behavior shifted to video #2 and #5.

Ignoring that, though...
Really liked all of the videos and the variety offered in the tentative launch powers list! Excellent news on travel power flexibility, too. Good call on swapping the Operator/Commander naming. Will be super interesting to see the (eventual) reveal of an example powerset and its powers in such a way that demonstrates the full range of options for choosing theme, props, and animation/coloration. The full video showed a great range of powers and a few props and colors, but I couldn't tell if the powers were all from the same primary powerset. For example, from the way aesthetic decoupling had been described, I am thinking that the control (lifting hold) and ranged flame attack starting at 1:06, then the beam attacks, and the bow attacks shown later *could* have all been part of the same ranged powerset (maybe force or kinetic?), but due to the cuts and demo mode nature of the video, I wasn't sure. Seeing a tentative example powerset in its full glory (or at least its first 5 to 7 powers?) with some example aesthetic variations will be quite amazing - maybe even some helpful voice-over or annotations if it shows combat but not the steps involved in choosing & customizing...

Great work by the team!

Cinnder's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

1) In the video at the end at around 1:15 the character attacks a held mob and the mob drops to the ground and attacks back. Is this just a coincidence of timing? CoT won't be one of those games where holds are broken by attacks, will it?

1) Depends on the hold. Some are interruptable while others persist.

OK fair enough. As long as it's not all holds, that actually provides some interesting variety. Is it the kind of thing where your earlier hold powers are more easily broken while later ones are less likely to be interrupted by attacks? And maybe this is something that can be modified with Augs/Refs?

I have to say that even in this rough pre-Alpha stage the power effects are shaping up quite nicely. I especially like the jab punch in Tertiaries and the fire and the earthy power in Themes.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Planet10's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I noticed you swapped Commander and Operator Archetypes. Thank you. I think they make more sense this way.

They didn't change the description on the [url=]What We Can Do - Archetypes[/url] page yet. So it may not be official.

From the [url=]What We Can Do - Powers[/url] post:

Powers wrote:

What: Primary Power Sets
Your primary is your class. It says what you do best. Stalwarts tank. Enforcers mix it up. Rangers befuddle and blast. Guardians mend and defend. Commanders lead teams. Operators control the battlefield.

From the Archetypes post:

Archetypes wrote:

The Commander is a master of strategically limiting the options of the opposition. He can deny them movement, opportunities to attack, avenues of defense, and even control of their own bodies and minds. (subtypes: Brigadier, Director, Executor)

Superhuman beings able to generate or summon allies at will are classified as Operators, living embodiments of the principle of ‘strength in numbers’. Whether skilled, magical or technological, these allies are obedient and useful. (subtypes: Engineer, Ringleader, Taskmaster)

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

Cinnder's picture
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Scott Jackson wrote:
Scott Jackson wrote:

After a bit more testing, it appears that specific videos aren't an issue...may be more related to Chrome dealing with the number of them loading and playing at one time, or the sequence in which they load. After closing/reopening the browser and reopening the page, the odd behavior shifted to video #2 and #5.

I don't wish to downplay the plight of the Chrome users, but after Doc mocked those of us still using IE, I just wanted to point out that IE has no problem displaying the update page with all the videos. :-p

Spurn all ye kindle.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 53 min ago
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Planet10 wrote:
Planet10 wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I noticed you swapped Commander and Operator Archetypes. Thank you. I think they make more sense this way.

They didn't change the description on the What We Can Do - Archetypes page yet. So it may not be official.

They may not have changed that post, but they did change the [url=]Archetypes page[/url].

I still don't like the icons for operator and commander, though. Commander's icon says "soldier" not "leader", and operator's icon doesn't say anything at all except "I am a jumble of purple shapes."

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Volron's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
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Awww, I was hoping to see

Awww, I was hoping to see Broadsword action in there, or a version of it. :( Yes, I want a CoT version of my BS/Regen Scrapper. :P

I like what I see. :D That being said, I'm wondering if powerset like Titan Weapons and Duel Blades will make a show. I was really digging those powersets before the shutdown; a Titan/WP and DB/Regen, both Scrappers. :) I am also curious to how you are going to make the terrain react to powers/abilities. :)

Planet10's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

They may not have changed that post, but they did change the Archetypes page.

Thanks, I didn't see that they had made that change.

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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Thank you for this update.

Thank you for this update. Seriously.
I had just expressed a strong desire to see this very info a few days ago.

I am interested to know more about augments and refinements because it seems like it involves more than just improving a power by increasing stats or adding additional effects. Can we expect an update to go into more detail soon?

Am I wrong or is this the first mention of the 'freebies as you go along' part of The Extras section?

I am quite pleased with the powers you intend to launch with. Diverse, easy to understand and yet offers a wide avenue for aesthetics. Little surprised there isn't one called healing under the support section but I can see how it could be by design.

One last thing.
Holy crap that ball is huge, looks like something that would drop outta Paul Bunyan's pant leg after Babe kicked him in the joy buzzer.

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Volron wrote:
Volron wrote:

Awww, I was hoping to see Broadsword action in there, or a version of it. :( Yes, I want a CoT version of my BS/Regen Scrapper. :P
I like what I see. :D That being said, I'm wondering if powerset like Titan Weapons and Duel Blades will make a show. I was really digging those powersets before the shutdown; a Titan/WP and DB/Regen, both Scrappers. :) I am also curious to how you are going to make the terrain react to powers/abilities. :)

Those are props.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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Different damage types?

Does this mean that CoT does not have different damage types? In CoX, there was Fire, Cold, Smashing, Lethal, Psionic, Energy, etc. and certain sets were strong or weak to these different damage types (Fire armor was strong vs fire, weak vs cold, for example). It seems by fully decoupling the visual from the effect that you lose the ability to have understandable damage types beyond {small number} and {big number}. The calculus of knowing what type of defense or offense you needed against what type of foes made the game more interesting (for me, at least).

Planet10's picture
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Launch Powers List

Why is MWM muddying the pool here?

Powers wrote:

Launch Powers List
(all names tentative)
Burning · Agility · Invulnerability · Solid Form · Grit
Super Strength · Burning · Brawn · Dark · Kinetic
Force · Burning · Kinetic · Psychic · Dark
Heat Generation · Sonic · Devices · Force Field · Kinetic
Gravity · Mind · Cold · Illusions · Force

You are using functional descriptors for the class (aka primary) powers. I am going to harp on this again, but if you are going to use the lore descriptors, you should use them consistently so we as the users (A) don't get confused and (B) follow your lead and adopt your vernacular.

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Zaran wrote:
Zaran wrote:

Does this mean that CoT does not have different damage types? In CoX, there was Fire, Cold, Smashing, Lethal, Psionic, Energy, etc. and certain sets were strong or weak to these different damage types (Fire armor was strong vs fire, weak vs cold, for example). It seems by fully decoupling the visual from the effect that you lose the ability to have understandable damage types beyond {small number} and {big number}. The calculus of knowing what type of defense or offense you needed against what type of foes made the game more interesting (for me, at least).

We do have different damage types, but they are not the same as one normally finds in an MMO. The final list of damage types we need game testing data to nail down.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Scott Jackson
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Planet10 wrote:
Planet10 wrote:

You are using functional descriptors for the class (aka primary) powers. I am going to harp on this again, but if you are going to use the lore descriptors, you should use them consistently so we as the users (A) don't get confused and (B) follow your lead and adopt your vernacular.

Those functional descriptors (Defense, etc) are not exclusively classes (primaries)...they can also be secondaries, where allowed by the design. I believe the list they were providing here was intended to show which powersets will be available for each functional descriptor, whether it's used as a primary or secondary. For example, Defense/Melee would be a Stalwart, but Melee/Defense would be an Enforcer. Still, it's a fair critique - switching from lore descriptors to functional without a bit of explanation does add confusion.

avelworldcreator's picture
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Volron wrote:
Volron wrote:

Awww, I was hoping to see Broadsword action in there, or a version of it. :( Yes, I want a CoT version of my BS/Regen Scrapper. :P
I like what I see. :D That being said, I'm wondering if powerset like Titan Weapons and Duel Blades will make a show. I was really digging those powersets before the shutdown; a Titan/WP and DB/Regen, both Scrappers. :) I am also curious to how you are going to make the terrain react to powers/abilities. :)

I'm wanting a MA Scrapper/Regen myself.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Planet10's picture
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Powers wrote:
What We Can Do - Powers wrote:

[b]What: Secondary Power Sets[/b]
Your Secondary Set is your Specialization. Each Secondary Set has its own style of play. Enforcers can become protective Bodyguards, or solo-focused Gladiators, or go for broke with an attack-focused Striker. We’re only launching with one Secondary for each Primary, but [I]each Secondary Set has its own constellation of Power Sets[/I]. That Bodyguard could chose from multiple armors. Don’t like the Secondary you start with? [I]You’ll get the other Sets in time, and be able to swap between them when you change your Build[/I].

MWM is saying that a character has a Primary Power Set (your Class) and a Secondary Power Set (your Specialization). This description is making it sound an awful lot like and Enforcer can eventually swap between being a Striker >> Bodyguard >> Gladiator at your whim. I would like to get a hefty explanation from MWM on the intended purpose of changing Builds.

If it is what the text describes I [u]really[/u] do not like this design choice. You have a character concept. You forge your story, set your foot print in the foundation of Titan City then... when you get bored or discouraged you respect to another Specialization and render all of your lore and experience as meaningless?

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

Planet10's picture
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What We Can Do - Powers wrote
What We Can Do - Powers wrote:

Super Strength · Burning · Brawn · Dark · Kinetic

If I were to guess, Burning would be a damage + DoT. Dark would be a damage + debuff. Kinetic would be a damage + buff.
I am uncertain what the differentiator would be between Super Strength and Brawn. Can MWM provide more insight or an example?

Actually, can MWM provide more information on all of the launch powers so we understand the decoupled baselines?

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

Tannim222's picture
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Planet10 wrote:
Planet10 wrote:

What We Can Do - Powers wrote:
What: Secondary Power Sets
Your Secondary Set is your Specialization. Each Secondary Set has its own style of play. Enforcers can become protective Bodyguards, or solo-focused Gladiators, or go for broke with an attack-focused Striker. We’re only launching with one Secondary for each Primary, but each Secondary Set has its own constellation of Power Sets. That Bodyguard could chose from multiple armors. Don’t like the Secondary you start with? You’ll get the other Sets in time, and be able to swap between them when you change your Build.
MWM is saying that a character has a Primary Power Set (your Class) and a Secondary Power Set (your Specialization). This description is making it sound an awful lot like and Enforcer can eventually swap between being a Striker >> Bodyguard >> Gladiator at your whim. I would like to get a hefty explanation from MWM on the intended purpose of changing Builds.
If it is what the text describes I really do not like this design choice. You have a character concept. You forge your story, set your foot print in the foundation of Titan City then... when you get bored or discouraged you respect to another Specialization and render all of your lore and experience as meaningless?

At certain points in your character's progression, you will earn separate build slots. These build slots must be the same Primary, but can use a different Secondary Set, Mastery Powers, and Tertiary Powers. There will be a limit on how quickly you can swap builds. Of course, it is the player's descrestion if they want to utilize separate builds or not.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Scott Jackson
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Volron wrote:

Awww, I was hoping to see Broadsword action in there, or a version of it. :( Yes, I want a CoT version of my BS/Regen Scrapper. :P
I like what I see. :D That being said, I'm wondering if powerset like Titan Weapons and Duel Blades will make a show. I was really digging those powersets before the shutdown; a Titan/WP and DB/Regen, both Scrappers. :) I am also curious to how you are going to make the terrain react to powers/abilities. :)

Doctor Tyche wrote:

Those are props.

Definitely, having those options as props is excellent...but Volron might have meant to ask about their equivalent CoH mechanics as well (momentum and combos).
Obviously, the mechanics of the powersets are not yet revealed, but now that there's a working list of powersets, we'll naturally beg for info on what mechanics will be generally present somewhere in some powerset, and what won't (at launch). DoTs, stuns, holds, immobs, knocks, slows, team defensive buffs and healing are either in the video or can be safely assumed...but to hear some news about the more unusual mechanics/effects would be very interesting - especially if they are to be included in a primary/secondary powerset - though some might be available in a tertiary, I suppose.
Energy/endurance drain? Momentum? Combos? Charge-up features? Team damage buffs? Confusion?

Stalker's picture
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... I saw a ball c:

... I saw a ball c:

Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.

Solari's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Joined: 02/22/2017 - 02:47
Awww no claws! I can wait. :D

Awww no claws! I can wait. :D

Human Flea / Union / Sci SR/Claws Scrapper
H3-AL / Union / Sci Emp/Psi Defender

doctor tyche
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Solari wrote:
Solari wrote:

Awww no claws! I can wait. :D

"Claws" are a prop. 8)

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

At certain points in your character's progression, you will earn separate build slots. These build slots must be the same Primary, but can use a different Secondary Set, Mastery Powers, and Tertiary Powers. There will be a limit on how quickly you can swap builds. Of course, it is the player's descrestion if they want to utilize separate builds or not.

What was the decision making process behind that choice?
How does it impact the "reroll an alt" mantra to keep the lower end of the game space populated?
How does it impact the FotM build bullshit that can get you included or excluded from groups?
How does it impact the story telling process for each character if they build their reputation for one thing then essentially spit in the public's face, swap secondaries and never look back (and how is that any different than just rolling an alt)?
Is there a comic book precedent out there to base this on (and is it ubiquitous enough to apply to an entire population)?

How does this not totally and completely spit in the face of the lore based naming scheme of the Specializations? "Bulwark was the savior of our city until he got conked in the head and went a little Bastion on us and destroyed the local Quik-E Mart"

I really do not agree with this design decision.

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

Empyrean's picture
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Planet10 wrote:
Planet10 wrote:

Tannim222 wrote:
At certain points in your character's progression, you will earn separate build slots. These build slots must be the same Primary, but can use a different Secondary Set, Mastery Powers, and Tertiary Powers. There will be a limit on how quickly you can swap builds. Of course, it is the player's descrestion if they want to utilize separate builds or not.
What was the decision making process behind that choice?
How does it impact the "reroll an alt" mantra to keep the lower end of the game space populated?
How does it impact the FotM build bullshit that can get you included or excluded from groups?
How does it impact the story telling process for each character if they build their reputation for one thing then essentially spit in the public's face, swap secondaries and never look back (and how is that any different than just rolling an alt)?
Is there a comic book precedent out there to base this on (and is it ubiquitous enough to apply to an entire population)?
How does this not totally and completely spit in the face of the lore based naming scheme of the Specializations? "Bulwark was the savior of our city until he got conked in the head and went a little Bastion on us and destroyed the local Quik-E Mart"
I really do not agree with this design decision.


I really love this design decision.

In comics it is not at all uncommon for--just to use a specific example--a mutant to have a significant secondary mutation that completely changes their powers. Or a non-powered hero to get powers from a particular adventure. Or a powered hero to become de-powered. Or... just crazy ass sh#* to happen.

Fits. Perfect. Love it.

Schwing of an update, btw. I'm not worthy.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

doctor tyche
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*cough*Iron Man*cough*

*cough*Iron Man*cough*

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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Planet10 wrote:
Planet10 wrote:

Tannim222 wrote:
At certain points in your character's progression, you will earn separate build slots. These build slots must be the same Primary, but can use a different Secondary Set, Mastery Powers, and Tertiary Powers. There will be a limit on how quickly you can swap builds. Of course, it is the player's descrestion if they want to utilize separate builds or not.
What was the decision making process behind that choice?

Part of the decision was to provide options for character building as time goes on in the game. Ways to diversify the way your character plays.

Planet10 wrote:

How does it impact the "reroll an alt" mantra to keep the lower end of the game space populated?

You still only get one entire Primary, and one Secondary per build. There will be plenty of choices for players to use for rolling alts.

Planet10 wrote:

How does it impact the FotM build bullshit that can get you included or excluded from groups?

FoTM builds come and go over time and there can always be more FoTM going on at one time as well. If anything, this gives players more choices for what build they want to use and when.

Planet10 wrote:

How does it impact the story telling process for each character if they build their reputation for one thing then essentially spit in the public's face, swap secondaries and never look back (and how is that any different than just rolling an alt)?

What choices you make has nothing to do with what powers you use. Rep has nothing to do with your powers. Your rep has nothing to do with your powers. Changing your build, or even going back and changing a power within a given build does not affect any of these aspects of the game.

Planet10 wrote:

Is there a comic book precedent out there to base this on (and is it ubiquitous enough to apply to an entire population)?

Well, for one, Iron Man had suits with very different power capabilities. While some stuff was always relatively the same (his Repulsor Blasts and UniBeam), how sturdy the armor was, the strength boost it provided, and more, changed with different suits.

Planet10 wrote:

How does this not totally and completely spit in the face of the lore based naming scheme of the Specializations? "Bulwark was the savior of our city until he got conked in the head and went a little Bastion on us and destroyed the local Quik-E Mart"

The lore aspect was for naming the Specs themselves, and has little impact on your character. The 'world' may not look at your character by what build it has, but by the choices you made.

Planet10 wrote:

I really do not agree with this design decision.

Noted. However, CoH had a pve and pvp build, a second build unlocked at level 10, and a VIP reward gave a third build. The difference being, you couldn't choose a different secondary. We're providing more choice.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

ooglymoogly's picture
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terrific update - the

terrific update - the progress is evident during the past few months and the willingness of the team to make a definitive statement about character builds is damn encouraging.

now, about that 2nd kickstarter...

Interdictor's picture
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Wow - awesome update folks.

Wow - awesome update folks. Just out of curiosity, what are the differences between "Invulnerability and Solid Form"? It seems both could share many of the same themes - so I guess it's on the mechanical side?

By the way - "Guardians mend and defend" - is there going to be a "Glitch" prop? ;^p

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

*cough*Iron Man*cough*

Ok, tell me exactly when Black Widow did something similar. Spider Man? Wonder Woman?
The point wasn't to give one example, it was to understand the how & why it could apply to an entire player base.

Sure a super could temporarily lose their powers and regain them at some point. Or they could mutate into a different form. But what Tannim22 is describing is swapping between two Specifications at the player's choice on a timer. If Specifications are supposed to be unique and fill a certain role, why are you allowing players to hop between roles?

Invariably there will be breakdowns of how to defeat X encounter or a walkthrough video or whatever. Do you prefer that the player base change their powers to fit the roles outlined by others? Or do you prefer that people adapt their tactics given what heroes or villains show up at the moment?

"The giant squid creature is destroying the port! Help!" "Ok guys, I need all of the Enforcers to swap to their Striker builds, otherwise we won't be able to dps it down in time."

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

dell56v's picture
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Holy **** **** **** Im so ***

Holy **** **** **** Im so **** exicted! **** Yes! This **** is awesome! The system is placed in advance so most customizing and powers can be introduced with out stepping on each other's feet! YES YES YEEEEES!

One question though my lovely lovely Devs; I love pugilist... like really love getting into the thick of it fist flying... But I also want a punk wielding a nice hefty bat. Will the powers be too similar to enjoy that? By that I mean, will I only live through it cosmetically or will there be power sets that differ enough to use both with out feeling the same? Don't get me wrong I made so many duplicate power sets in CoX but I am curious! But Holy **** hot ****! This is an update I can day dream for hours so many concepts! Also went back and re-read the last update, nice story O)-(Ob ... Also will there be a grapple-ee brawler set? Or too early to know? And was there any say on pet types? I see the power basis stuff but I feel like im overlooking from pure excitement!

Have a nice day!

Scott Jackson
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Hmmm...I'm seeing three

Hmmm...I'm seeing five possible justifications for secondary swapping:
1) The fact that we'll have limited choices on release day, and we might want players to be able to swap to their "true choice" later or have their character experience a life-altering event,
2) We want to allow players to try out a secondary in-game (but not a primary) and then change it if they think they've made a mistake,
3) Secondaries will be dramatically less build-defining than in CoH,
4) Enable at least some aspects of what "suit swapping", "multiple personalities", or "possession" could mean for a super,
5) CoT is intended to provide an order of magnitude greater potential to repeatedly redefine even a max-level character, compared to CoH or 95% of most other MMOs.

Is there something else I'm missing? #1,2,3 justify tertiary and mastery swapping, and that's a good decision (whether by respec of a given build, and/or allowing different builds to have different tertiaries/masteries).

For secondaries, however,
#1 & #2 might be better addressed by allowing one free mega-respec per character, with maybe a chance to earn another through some life-altering lore process. There would be some repeatable simple respec process, of course.
#3 seems unlikely from what I'm hearing...I would think a build swap involving secondary powersets would be quite significant, as that would (for example) be equivalent to changing a CoH corrupter from /dark to /kinetic and back - very different mechanics.
#4 feels more like an inherent feature of a subset of defense and damage powersets that center around combat flexibility, as we saw in CoH dual pistols with its Swap Ammo power, but improved to make it more impactful.
#5 is valid, but seems to have at least some negative potential impacts on alting and gameplay, which concerns me. It seems like a major thing to change as easily as a build swap - such as CoH had, leave the instance and /buildselect 2 on a once-per-x-minutes limit.

I'm willing to see how it plays out, and am normally happy with giving players more freedom, but of any decision so far - this one to me seems to have the most possible downside if the "feel" of CoH gameplay remains a core objective. I suggest beta testing heavily for player opinions and behavior, and be prepared to make a tough choice on live if the negatives start to outweigh the positives. If the devs would rather split this discussion into its own thread so we don't derail the update and can better see how others respond to this specific issue, I'm all for it.

Edit - Sorry, a strange thought just came to me. So a Stalwart (aka Tank aka defense primary) would be locked into Burning/* (let's assume this is a resistance-focused powerset), but Enforcers (aka scrapper/brute/stalker) could buildswap from /Burning to easily become /Grit or /Agility depending on what enemy group is about to be faced? In other words, a CoH equivalent Fire/ Tank is stuck with its (admittedly better stat/cap) Fire defensive primary, but a scrapper has incredibly flexible defenses by build swapping from /Fire to /Willpower or /SuperReflexes secondaries?

Interdictor's picture
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If Specifications are supposed to be unique and fill a certain role, why are you allowing players to hop between roles?

If I understand correctly, the secondary powers don't define your role, it's more like they define how you go about performing your role. And they are not so unique - other classes have attack powers, defenses, controls, etc. Some may share those exact powers. As long as you can't switch the powers in the middle of combat - that would be a overpowered.

Depending on your character you can rationalize it all kinds of ways; switching martial arts styles, diverting power to different parts of your power armor, accessing different types of magic, wearing a different utility belt that day, whatever. Or - you don't have to mess with it at all if you don't want to - it's optional.

CoH had this feature and I personally never encountered any kinds of issues with it gameplay-wise or community-wise. Then again I didn't really use that feature in more than one character. Maybe two characters? It's been a while.

warcabbit's picture
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One minor comment on multiple

One minor comment on multiple specializations: They open up to you, but you don't have to use them. It's intended, in part, to allow people to have an Emp/Emp (equivalent) or other pure team build, but still be able to solo. And it's also supposed to mimic, in some ways, how comics characters use their powers differently in team situations rather than solo - the powers aren't any different, but how they use them and their tactics are.

It may not work. Like the Ice Armor Brute, we may go 'well, this was a bad idea' and lock it off. But right now, it's possible.

Not all specializations will be available at launch, either, and this is our way of letting you play early, then choose to swap later.

Comments on the video: What you're seeing, for the first time, are actual powers - AoEs, buffs, holds, KB, a really nifty DOT (look carefully when the guy drops from the hold, he's on fire.) and others. Not all the animations are final - the straight ahead flight animation is in progress - but we're proud of that because we worked hard on how it shifts from sideways to back to front flight. (It wasn't working in the KB shot - he is 'locked' in the last frame of the animation, which is why he slides backwards a bit)


And why does this update exist? We just gave you one, after all.

Happy Anniversary.

Tomorrow's the 28th.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

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I love you alluring devs you!

I love you alluring devs you!

Have a nice day!

Lothic's picture
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Scott Jackson wrote:
Scott Jackson wrote:

Hmmm...I'm seeing five possible justifications for secondary swapping:

Interdictor wrote:

CoH had this feature and I personally never encountered any kinds of issues with it gameplay-wise or community-wise. Then again I didn't really use that feature in more than one character. Maybe two characters? It's been a while.

As pointed out the key difference between the proposed build swapping idea for CoT and [url=]the one that existed in CoH[/url] is that we'll be able to change secondaries in CoT. Technically that's not -that- much different between the two games.

Having said that I'd agree it does sound like it might be a bit overpowered (in the vein of being able to create pseudo Tank-Mages with single multi-build characters) but I'm also willing to learn more about how secondaries are actually going to work in CoT. Had we been able to swap secondaries in CoH it would've definitely been broken - perhaps it'll be different in CoT.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Interesting, I don't see any

Interesting, I don't see any of the Support sets as [i]the[/i] healing set. That's actually pretty good. I'm sure some of them can heal, but it's nice not to have one of the initial sets give Guardians a reputation for being the Healer class at launch.

I do see my first character in that. Force Fields support. Force ranged. Themed to look like magic of some kind. If it can look like magic flowers, it would be amazing, like force constructs, but I'll be happy with just a transparent fist so I can reach out and punch somebody with a magic hand.

Dark Ether
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Lots of bow clipping, so

Lots of bow clipping, so weapon in hand movements and idles are going to have to have the arms flared out a fair bit, or the bow turned more vertical so the string doesn't cut through the side every time.

(insert pithy comment here)

Phararri's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 week ago
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Best update by far imo,

Best update by far imo, because it was something people have been asking for. The specs and the developmental notes are great. It is nice to get a sneak peek under the hood, but this sneak peak may have eased the doubt. It sounds similar to free form from CO, as far as flexibility goes. This is getting good now.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Cobalt Azurean
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Man, this update delivers! As

Man, this update delivers! As someone who tends to fixate on a single character, not a lover of alts but will if necessary, the idea of swapping specializations is win. Thanks so much for this!

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Solari wrote:
Awww no claws! I can wait. :D
"Claws" are a prop. 8)

he meant nunchucks and X-Busters.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Lothic's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Huckleberry wrote:
And I didn't understand what you were trying to say under the "What: The Extras" heading. Are you just talking about the first basic attacks we get when we start off? If so, how are those "extras?"
The are basic attacks given when starting off. Remember, not everyone will have played CoH, so the idea of an automatically included attack is not a given. Keep in mind that these extras are impacted by your power choice, and themes apply to them. So, your fire belching dragon no longer throws a hypodermic needle or punch.

I assume this idea is CoT's version of CoH's [url=]Origin Powers[/url] mixed with perhaps things like Brawl and/or the original Vet Attack powers (Ghost Slaying Axe, Sands of Mu, Nemesis Staff and Blackwand).

I always liked the "idea" of these "starter powers" but I never thought CoH quite implemented them correctly. Instead of hardwiring specific powers to characters based on Origins, Themes and/or Vet status I always thought the game should have created a generic pool of let's say at least a dozen minor attack powers (obviously the more the better). These could have ranged from relatively simple things like Taser, Baseball Bat, Throwing Knives, Magic Missile Wand, and so on. Then the players could say pick one power from that established pool during character creation as their "freebie random starter" attack power.

The beauty of the idea is that the player could pick ANY of these powers regardless of hardwired preconceptions. For example let's say I have a girl that uses magical telekinesis as her main attack powers but just happens to pack a .22 revolver as a "backup weapon" or maybe I'd have a ex-Navy Seal who has no intrinsic powers but who might have been given a magic ring from a relative that let's him pop off a minor electrical zap. By not hardwiring these freebie powers to any kind of built-in origin/theme we'd be able to further customize our characters with any of these we wanted for our character concepts. Obviously you'd be free to pick a power that directly meshed with your main theme as well (i.e. a Magic User could get a wand-based starter power).

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Volron's picture
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Scott Jackson wrote:
Scott Jackson wrote:

Definitely, having those options as props is excellent...[b]but Volron might have meant to ask about their equivalent CoH mechanics as well (momentum and combos)[/b].
Obviously, the mechanics of the powersets are not yet revealed, but now that there's a working list of powersets, we'll naturally beg for info on what mechanics will be generally present somewhere in some powerset, and what won't (at launch). DoTs, stuns, holds, immobs, knocks, slows, team defensive buffs and healing are either in the video or can be safely assumed...but to hear some news about the more unusual mechanics/effects would be very interesting - especially if they are to be included in a primary/secondary powerset - though some might be available in a tertiary, I suppose.
Energy/endurance drain? Momentum? Combos? Charge-up features? Team damage buffs? Confusion?

Yes. :)

As for Titan Weapons and Dual Blades being a prop, I think some props should be locked to certain powersets. :)

Tannim222's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Doctor Tyche wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:
And I didn't understand what you were trying to say under the "What: The Extras" heading. Are you just talking about the first basic attacks we get when we start off? If so, how are those "extras?"
The are basic attacks given when starting off. Remember, not everyone will have played CoH, so the idea of an automatically included attack is not a given. Keep in mind that these extras are impacted by your power choice, and themes apply to them. So, your fire belching dragon no longer throws a hypodermic needle or punch.
I assume this idea is CoT's version of CoH's Origin Powers mixed with perhaps things like Brawl and/or the original Vet Attack powers (Ghost Slaying Axe, Sands of Mu, Nemesis Staff and Blackwand).
I always liked the "idea" of these "starter powers" but I never thought CoH quite implemented them correctly. Instead of hardwiring specific powers to characters based on Origins, Themes and/or Vet status I always thought the game should have created a generic pool of let's say at least a dozen minor attack powers. These could have ranged from relatively simple things like Taser, Baseball Bat, Throwing Knives, Magic Missile Wand, and so on. Then the players could say pick one power from that established pool during character creation as their "freebie random starter" attack power.
The beauty of the idea is that the player could pick ANY of these powers regardless of hardwired preconceptions. For example let's say I have a girl that uses magical telekinesis as her main attack powers but just happens to pack a .22 revolver as a "backup weapon" or maybe I'd have a ex-Navy Seal who has no intrinsic powers but who might have been given a magic ring from a relative that let's him pop off a minor electrical zap. By not hardwiring these freebie powers to any kind of built-in origin/theme we'd be able to further customize our characters with any of these we wanted for our character concepts. Obviously you'd be free to pick a power that directly meshed with your main theme as well (i.e. a Magic User could get a wand-based starter power).

This is pretty close to what you can do with these basic powers, one is ranged, the other meleee. Both are linked to to your attack set (controls can be attacks in this case), and do they can match up by theme easily. Add in props and...

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Empyrean's picture
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Planet10 wrote:
Planet10 wrote:

Ok, tell me exactly when Black Widow did something similar. Spider Man? Wonder Woman?

1) Originally...

"The Black Widow is a world class athlete, gymnast, acrobat, aerialist capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats, expert martial artist (including karate, judo, kenpo, jujutsu, ninjutsu, aikido, savate, various styles of kung fu and boxing), marksman and weapons specialist as well as having extensive espionage training.[54] She is also an accomplished ballerina."

Now... "

"The Black Widow has been enhanced by biotechnology that makes her body resistant to aging and disease and heals at an above human rate;[55] as well as psychological conditioning that suppresses her memory of true events as opposed to implanted ones of the past without the aid of specially designed system suppressant drugs."

2) Spider-Man? LOTS! Black symbiote suit, armor Stark gave him, de-powered a few times, hints at spider control at times, the whole "Spider-Totem" arc, strength more than doubled and then went back to original strength more than once, had freaking six arms for a while, etc., etc.

3) Wonder Woman? Too much to go into in detail, considering WW existed in the Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Modern ages of comics, her powers have not remained perfectly consistent and she has gained, lost, and regained powers many times without even taking Pre vs Post-Crisis into account. Also, she has been both partially and totally de-powered for long periods of time more than once.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Lothic's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

This is pretty close to what you can do with these basic powers, one is ranged, the other meleee. Both are linked to to your attack set (controls can be attacks in this case), and do they can match up by theme easily. Add in props and...

That sounds pretty good then - as long as it reasonably allows us do things that are "against type" as far themes go. Just because my main powers might be fire based doesn't mean I should be forced to take one of these starter powers that's also fire based... Maybe my fire guy wants to have some brass knuckles just for fun.

One other thing you might want to consider if you haven't already: I think ALL characters should probably get the generic "Brawl" power as the universal baseline attack power regardless of any other suggestion. No matter what a player's character concept could be we should all be able swing a basic punch/slap even if it does super-pathetic damage.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Unlurking for a moment:

Unlurking for a moment:
[*]You're welcome. :)
[*]I actually used the "multiple build" feature in CoH (well, CoV) to make it possible to usefully play my Brauts/Tarps MM both solo and on a team. Even with something that's already so focal on "amplify / support" for really getting the most out of it in solo, there was a world of difference between what really worked the best between a solo build and a team one, for a variety of reasons. Everything from "lower the KB and take some immobilize to help prevent the bots from just knocking everything silly and pissing off the tank" to "any form of rez except a self-rez is absolutely useless in solo because minions can't be rezzed anyway" to "don't bother with powers that excel at opening at range with a stun because that's what the tank is for". So yeah, the same character can entirely plausibly be a *very* different focus and play-style between those two situations, and frankly in several others as well.
[*]The comment about "except make it useful" re: "Switch Ammo" highlights one of the problems of trying to make that work. Quite simply, in order for it to *feel* useful, it actually has to be nearly overwhelmingly good... or it has to have a very big downside, such as not being able to switch rapidly.
[*]In my personal experience, the "forced to use alts" mechanic didn't result in a high *active* population in the low levels. It just resulted in a very brisk trade (and in some cases, business) in power-leveling so that folks didn't have to go through the X arc (Faultline, Lost, Snakes, pick your poison) for the umpteenth time. Or in alts that leveled to mid-teens or maybe the low twenties and then sat on a shelf for literally years. Sure, I was a bit unusual in that I ran very few alts, and almost all of them were blueside (where I had no 'primary'), mostly because I only played blueside for teaming and it was useful to be able to bring in whatever the team needed. Redside, where my primary was and where I mostly soloed, I think I had maybe five other alts, the best of which made it up to the 20s, because I had no particular reason to bother arranging to power-level them.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


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Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

Lots of bow clipping, so weapon in hand movements and idles are going to have to have the arms flared out a fair bit, or the bow turned more vertical so the string doesn't cut through the side every time.

Scotty, we need more physics, dammit!

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


Huckleberry's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I noticed you swapped Commander and Operator Archetypes. Thank you. I think they make more sense this way.
And I didn't understand what you were trying to say under the "What: The Extras" heading. Are you just talking about the first basic attacks we get when we start off? If so, how are those "extras?"

The are basic attacks given when starting off. Remember, not everyone will have played CoH, so the idea of an automatically included attack is not a given. Keep in mind that these extras are impacted by your power choice, and themes apply to them. So, your fire belching dragon no longer throws a hypodermic needle or punch.

I read this, then I read the Announcement again. Then I read this again. The announcement still doesn't make sense as written. I think you'll need to edit it because I think you know what you are trying to say, but the words don't convey it.

Even I am still not sure after reading your explanation what you are saying. The announcement says we get basic attacks. And, yes, I think it is a given that every character in every MMO ever starts out with a basic attack. How else are we going to kill the first 10 rats? If this is in some way trying to say that we start with more than a basic attack, it doesn't succeed at all.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

The beauty of the idea is that the player could pick ANY of these powers regardless of hardwired preconceptions. For example let's say I have a girl that uses magical telekinesis as her main attack powers but just happens to pack a .22 revolver as a "backup weapon" or maybe I'd have a ex-Navy Seal who has no intrinsic powers but who might have been given a magic ring from a relative that let's him pop off a minor electrical zap. By not hardwiring these freebie powers to any kind of built-in origin/theme we'd be able to further customize our characters with any of these we wanted for our character concepts. Obviously you'd be free to pick a power that directly meshed with your main theme as well (i.e. a Magic User could get a wand-based starter power).

[*]Generic ranged basic attack, pistol theming / light pistol prop, backup holster costume (especially if the game ever supports animating costume+prop combos properly)
[*]Generic melee elemental attack, military melee + electrical themes / hand emanation point, ring prop (especially if they manage to support tying costume animations to specific attacks, which was always in the "ideal design" but I have no idea whether they've found it practical to implement in my absence)

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


Scott Jackson
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Perfect, I like that system

Perfect, I like that system for the basic (non-powerset) powers. Thanks for the clarifying discussion.

I also should have mentioned how nice the city demo area looked, even when static. Lots of realistic touches.

Ridgid's picture
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What about energy powers!

What about energy powers! Please oh please! Nrg/nrg blaster for life!

Ridgid of COH, 50 +3 NRG/NRG Blaster, Victory server
Blaster of Phoenix Rising

dell56v's picture
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Did my original question get

Did my original question get answered? I'm skimming to try and keep up, hopefully i didnt miss it!

Have a nice day!

dell56v's picture
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Did my original question get

Did my original question get answered? I'm skimming to try and keep up, hopefully i didnt miss it!

Have a nice day!

Cyclops's picture
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Now we are getting down to

Now we are getting down to the meat. POWERS, the main course!
Just looking at the starting powers I can make a million different characters.
more importantly, [u]I can make Black Falcon![/u] IF we have feathered Wings at launch. (starving artists, please get on it. Thanks!)

Devs, I am really pumped by this. Thank you so much.

Claws are a what melee power works with them? Braun? any?

so if I want to make a gadgeteer with a satellite weapon, i can also have guns, laser boutonniere on my vest, and a fire spitting faerie on my shoulder? and a taser cane. I want my taser cane.
don't make jokes about my faerie. don't make her mad. you wouldn't like her when she is mad.


Cyclops's picture
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If gunner isn't available at

If gunner isn't available at launch, please make him with the first release (he asked nicely).


RottenLuck's picture
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Please tell me the difference

Please tell me the difference between Invulnerability and Solid Form. From what I take from that both are forms of powers that make you hard to be damaged. I would call the THING invulnerable even though his power is that's he's a Solid Rock. He can stand up to the Hulk so has to be really Solid.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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RottenLuck wrote:
RottenLuck wrote:

Please tell me the difference between Invulnerability and Solid Form. From what I take from that both are forms of powers that make you hard to be damaged. I would call the THING invulnerable even though his power is that's he's a Solid Rock. He can stand up to the Hulk so has to be really Solid.

I'm guessing that both have different strengths and weaknesses. in COH, Invulnerability was very good except against Psionics.
I'm just guessing, bur here Invulnerability might be similar, while Solid Form Might be slightly weaker but stronger overall.

a strong overall defense might be better in the long run verses an invulnerable keeling over at the sight of every Professor X in the game.

thats my guess.


doctor tyche
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RottenLuck wrote:
RottenLuck wrote:

Please tell me the difference between Invulnerability and Solid Form. From what I take from that both are forms of powers that make you hard to be damaged. I would call the THING invulnerable even though his power is that's he's a Solid Rock. He can stand up to the Hulk so has to be really Solid.

"Solid Form" is the closest thing we could come up with for a name for our "Stone Armor" analog, since you're not tied to looking like a rock anymore.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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And Invulnerabilty is...?

And Invulnerabilty is...?

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

And Invulnerabilty is...?

*Nigh* Invulnerable!

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


dell56v's picture
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Will there be a point for me

Will there be a point for me making a Pugilist and a Bat wielder? or is it just cosmetic? If it is I'll be a little down that it will cut down on my alt character ideas.

Have a nice day!

Tannim222's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

RottenLuck wrote:
Please tell me the difference between Invulnerability and Solid Form. From what I take from that both are forms of powers that make you hard to be damaged. I would call the THING invulnerable even though his power is that's he's a Solid Rock. He can stand up to the Hulk so has to be really Solid.
I'm guessing that both have different strengths and weaknesses. in COH, Invulnerability was very good except against Psionics.
I'm just guessing, bur here Invulnerability might be similar, while Solid Form Might be slightly weaker but stronger overall.
a strong overall defense might be better in the long run verses an invulnerable keeling over at the sight of every Professor X in the game.
thats my guess.

To add to what Doc said; both fall under the same basic game play design template, being generally tough. Bit they both do so in different ways. Invuln is fairly straight forward while Solid Form, well, uses an interesting mechanic to get really tough. I know that plays with your imagination, but, well you'll have to wait.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Dinma's picture
Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
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Great update MWM team. The

Great update MWM team. The modularity and decoupling principles will save you time and effort as you reuse modules, objects and other code attributes. If I'm interpreting correctly, I will be ecstatic to use chain attacks for damage bonuses. I truely enjoyed the way I could build damage stacks with the the street justice power set. And finally decoupling the aesthetics will be huge. I loved my scrappers street justice/shield powersets but then I had to write into my character conception/origin why I had a shield. Giving the players the ability to select visual effects on their powers is a huge stride in giving the players more artistic license as we imagine and build our avatars!!!

Tannim222's picture
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dell56v wrote:
dell56v wrote:

Will there be a point for me making a Pugilist and a Bat wielder? or is it just cosmetic? If it is I'll be a little down that it will cut down on my alt character ideas.

Both of those are more cosmetic. Instead, what may fuel your ideas for alte is how power sets play differently from each other, how those can be further driven by mastery powers, and the secondary set.

Ridgid wrote:

What about energy powers! Please oh please! Nrg/nrg blaster for life!

Look at the Ranged Sets, there is this thing called Force underr there...

Just remember, the Blaster analogue is not slated for launch. The Manipulation Secondary sets will come later.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 03/06/2016 - 16:15
Good stuff. I like what I'm

Good stuff. I like what I'm seeing.

With regard to having separate builds able to swap secondaries (and thus roles). This isn't really an outlying/unreasonable feature, a great many games include something similar. Even in WoW you can have multiple builds, and most* classes have specs allowing multiple roles; e.g. Paladins can be Tank(Protection), DPS(Retribution) or Heals(Holy); Deathknights can be Tank(Blood), or DPS(Unholy/Frost) etc., etc. You can swap between any of your available builds at any time not in combat.

For me, personally, unless I find that I don't like the powersets I picked for a particular character, I'm unlikely to alter their spec with their extra builds. Most likely I'll just use the feature to make Group and Solo builds and just roll an alt with the other spec I'd be interested in.

*Always felt that the classes with only 1 role across their three specs got shafted in this.

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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

Cyclops wrote:
RottenLuck wrote:
Please tell me the difference between Invulnerability and Solid Form. From what I take from that both are forms of powers that make you hard to be damaged. I would call the THING invulnerable even though his power is that's he's a Solid Rock. He can stand up to the Hulk so has to be really Solid.
I'm guessing that both have different strengths and weaknesses. in COH, Invulnerability was very good except against Psionics.
I'm just guessing, bur here Invulnerability might be similar, while Solid Form Might be slightly weaker but stronger overall.
a strong overall defense might be better in the long run verses an invulnerable keeling over at the sight of every Professor X in the game.
thats my guess.
To add to what Doc said; both fall under the same basic game play design template, being generally tough. Bit they both do so in different ways. Invuln is fairly straight forward while Solid Form, well, uses an interesting mechanic to get really tough. I know that plays with your imagination, but, well you'll have to wait.

Guess I have to see it in action. I get the stone armor idea as being cosmetic part of the appearance where Invuln is the power type. So Solid Form has different strengths and weakness to classic Invulnerable. Superman and Hulk are classic where say Ironman and The Thing are Solid form? Ironman armor would be the costume element that expands via say the Hulk Buster add-ons or Thing gaining stone spikes. Where Classic Invulnerable just gets stronger.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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Are the defense sets going to

Are the defense sets going to be strictly "this set is resist, this one is evade and this one is heal" Many didn't care for this back in CoH :p It also doesn't help with concepts. You know, like being agile and regenny at one time :p

Also, is the combat going to look less stiff in the finished product?

Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: 07/07/2014 - 03:52
Wow. Just WOW! This is going

Wow. Just WOW! This is going to be... WOW!

Thank you for your hard work!

Ysangard's picture
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No electricity? No Water

No electricity? No Water powers? sad :(
But it's a really good news. Thanks a lot MWM

Phararri's picture
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Who will be the first

Who will be the first successor to show some minion powers? Robots ftw

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

nightchrome's picture
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Sounds to me like "Solid Form

Sounds to me like "Solid Form" is better described as "Natural Armor" in that your skin is super tough for some physical reason, such as stone or chitin or what-have-you.
Which would then make it quite clearly distinct from "Invulnerability" which would have you be impervious to harm for non-physical reasons.

Tannim222's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Are the defense sets going to be strictly "this set is resist, this one is evade and this one is heal" Many didn't care for this back in CoH :p It also doesn't help with concepts. You know, like being agile and regenny at one time :p
Also, is the combat going to look less stiff in the finished product?

The power sets are all designed with a Play Style. For the Protection sets, yes younstsrt with "tough" sets taking damage, evasive sets for avoiding, and so on. And while there may be some sets which lean heavily on a simple mechanic, others will be diverse using multiple mechanics. In fact many of the more simple sets actually utilize several combined mechanics.

No two sets in the same within the same play style play the same, even if they use the same basic mechanics of say, resistance, there will be other mechanics involved which makes the sets distinct.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Red Warlock
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Illusion control at launch?

What a totally amazing update - It looks so great!!!

(And Illusion control at launch - Wow, didn't expect that and am so excited for that!)

[color=#ff0000]Environmental Artist, PR Editor[/color]

Scott Jackson
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Also, is the combat going to look less stiff in the finished product?

Yes; throughout the full video you can see the character return to a neutral out-of-combat stance between attacks, which would almost certainly be replaced by some sort of neutral combat stance - and improve the flow dramatically, like in CoH. With UE4 there's supposedly a possibility for further smoothing of the transitions between closely-timed attacks (as some MMOs are now able to do), but I haven't heard MWM's plans for this yet.

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Scott Jackson wrote:
Scott Jackson wrote:

Brand X wrote:
Also, is the combat going to look less stiff in the finished product?
Yes; throughout the full video you can see the character return to a neutral out-of-combat stance between attacks, which would almost certainly be replaced by some sort of neutral combat stance - and improve the flow dramatically, like in CoH. With UE4 there's supposedly a possibility for further smoothing of the transitions between closely-timed attacks (as some MMOs are now able to do), but I haven't heard MWM's plans for this yet.

Yeah I'd pretty much assume that any "stiffness" we see in the combat now is just because they haven't finished all the transitional animations or the optimizations to smooth things out. Basically I'm willing to cut them a huge amount of slack for things like that at this point. I'll only worry about it if it hasn't improved in say a year from now.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Starhammer's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

Brand X wrote:
Are the defense sets going to be strictly "this set is resist, this one is evade and this one is heal" Many didn't care for this back in CoH :p It also doesn't help with concepts. You know, like being agile and regenny at one time :p
Also, is the combat going to look less stiff in the finished product?
The power sets are all designed with a Play Style. For the Protection sets, yes younstsrt with "tough" sets taking damage, evasive sets for avoiding, and so on. And while there may be some sets which lean heavily on a simple mechanic, others will be diverse using multiple mechanics. In fact many of the more simple sets actually utilize several combined mechanics.
No two sets in the same within the same play style play the same, even if they use the same basic mechanics of say, resistance, there will be other mechanics involved which makes the sets distinct.

One thing I would really like to see Is some alternatives between *Tough* playstyles (and/or dodgy or healy) that allow players to account for their personal strengths and weaknesses. We've seen a lot of "action" in these type of games over the past many years, as they try to become more active games, yet some players (often like me) just don't have the reflexes of a college kid on a Starbuck's bender. I think having diverging vectors in power development to leverage or compensate for this would be interesting. Imagine that you're quick, and have excellent bandwidth, and can increase your evasion effectiveness by keeping the character moving... you suffer more glancing blows that would otherwise be direct hits, the enemy just misses outright because you aren't where they aimed originally, or for "tough" you're able to hunker down and block an incoming attack to take a lot less damage from it. On the other hand, a player who knows this active playstyle is their shortfall might be able to use the same points they could have put into enhancing their active defense effectiveness into a more passive defense adjustment that may not be as glorious or dynamic on each individual attack, but gets better mileage over the long run. Not to the point where the way to go is just macro-script-botting (because that's where the obvious accusation will aim for promoting such an idea), but to where people who are good at the more dynamic style, and people who aren't, can both contribute significantly in group content (unlike me in raids that are heavily dependent on timing mechanics, such as avoiding a fast growing circle, or firing off specific buffs at just the right second, where I usually just get kicked for being a sucky noob, if I bother trying to take part in the content at all).

ooglymoogly's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

"Solid Form" is the closest thing we could come up with for a name for our "Stone Armor" analog, since you're not tied to looking like a rock anymore.

Why not be more accurate and descriptive and use "Density" instead?
