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Discuss: Where We Stand - The Builder

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warcabbit's picture
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Discuss: Where We Stand - The Builder

I can't wait till I can show you a Lot more...

Again, Charles will be streaming his art Thursday, 9PM EST at

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 18:42
Cool cool cool, nice vid,

Cool cool cool, nice vid, good looking progress

eabrace's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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That appears to be quite a

That appears to be quite a handy tool you've come up with. Nice work.

Big thumbs up for "Ascendent Ave", too - although I think it was previously spelled actually "Ascendant".

And for the sake of curiosity, is it "Ephesus" or "Eupheses" University? ;)

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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eabrace wrote:
eabrace wrote:

That appears to be quite a handy tool you've come up with. Nice work.
Big thumbs up for "Ascendent Ave", too - although I think it was previously spelled actually "Ascendant".
And for the sake of curiosity, is it "Ephesus" or "Eupheses" University? ;)

Ephesus University

If you click on "Welcome to Titan City" then "Alexandria" at the top, you'll get a little writeup of the various neighborhoods, including Ephesus.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

warcabbit's picture
Last seen: 10 months 3 weeks ago
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There's also a Pheonix Plaza

There's also a Pheonix Plaza if you look hard enough. I was wondering if anyone would catch the typos. Five points to eabrace!

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Redlynne's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
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Is the music done by

Is the music done by Hellwreckage? Because I'm starting to pine for something akin to [b][i][url=]THIS PAGE[/url][/i][/b] that can be dumped into iTunes to give us a "sense" of the world you're inviting us to come inhabit next year. Be nice to have an online library of [b]TITAN MUSIC[/b] that can be added to piecemeal over time when Hellwreckage finishes up work on pieces hosted somewhere here on the site.

There's word of mouth ... and then there's word of music ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

warcabbit's picture
Last seen: 10 months 3 weeks ago
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Interesting idea. And yes, it

Interesting idea. And yes, it's Hellwreckage. He has a really distinct sound, doesn't he?

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Alaric Shadowson
Alaric Shadowson's picture
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Love it guys, I can't wait to

Love it guys, I can't wait to move in.

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

Interesting idea. And yes, it's Hellwreckage. He has a really distinct sound, doesn't he?

Well, that answers my question on YouTube. Feel free to disregard it.

Keep up the good work, all the same!

Edit: we call them 'rotaries' not 'roundabouts' in New England.

Darth Fez
Darth Fez's picture
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This is huge. Between this

This is huge. Between this and the avatar builder, to produce NPCs, I'm getting the sense that MWM will be able to produce new content at a pace that may be comparable to major studios.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

Interdictor's picture
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Very nice guys. It's good to

Very nice guys. It's good to see all the back-end work paying off!

Lost Deep
Lost Deep's picture
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Wait... you programmed

Wait... you programmed something that builds the city for you. You took our requests for the feel and quality of the city and turned them into a utility that could make it all come true.

Man, this game isn't even out yet, and it should leave a mark on gaming history. I realize it may be presumptive to assume no one else has done this, but I've never seen this kind of result before. As a novice programmer, I salute you.

Under Construction...

harpospoke's picture
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You guys are impressive.

You guys are impressive. Looks like it's going to be worth the wait.

Terwyn's picture
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Just goes to show what

Just goes to show what happens when you find someone willing to say "Damn the Torpedos..."

It is only when we stand up, with all our failings and sufferings, and try to support others rather than withdraw into ourselves, that we can fully live the life of community.

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Nos482's picture
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Holy BEEP, this is awesome Ô

Holy BEEP, this is awesome Ô.Ô
Just those few buildings in the test environment look already much better than anything CO has to offer.
This is really getting my hopes up, great work.

And I quite like the new design for the website... certainly a big step up from how it looked before.

P.s. Will we, at some point in the future, be able to buy Hijinx hoodies? It surely would make for a nice piece of merchandise.

[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

Empyrean's picture
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

This is huge. Between this and the avatar builder, to produce NPCs, I'm getting the sense that MWM will be able to produce new content at a pace that may be comparable to major studios.

EXACTLY what I was thinking. One of the most exciting things about MWM and CoT is that they are positioning themselves to be able to crank out new content both fast AND well with a relatively small team.

Of course, the price paid is the up-front prep time. Which is why we are waiting patiently while the short-attention-span-theater-peanut-gallery full of Chicken-Little-Henny-Pennys are running around screaming "it's vaporware, it's vaporware"!

How's that for an unruly knot of references?

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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eabrace wrote:
eabrace wrote:

Big thumbs up for "Ascendent Ave", too - although I think it was previously spelled actually "Ascendant".

Yep, [url=]sure is...[/url]

Ascendant wrote:

Ascendant. No, with an A. D-A-N-T.

Ready to crank out a template-generated wiki with me again when this launches next year? ^_-

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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Lost Deep wrote:
Lost Deep wrote:

Wait... you programmed something that builds the city for you. You took our requests for the feel and quality of the city and turned them into a utility that could make it all come true.

Man, I'm hoping the SG base builder is this cool.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Darkfaith's picture
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Lost Deep wrote:
Wait... you programmed something that builds the city for you. You took our requests for the feel and quality of the city and turned them into a utility that could make it all come true.
Man, I'm hoping the SG base builder is this cool.

If it's even half this cool, I can't wait to get my hands on it. The things we could make...when I think of how much time I spent kludging together stuff in the CoH base builder, having even half this sort of ability would be amazing, and miles better than what we had. Though, that said, I'd take what we had in a heartbeat, if it was all we could get. It was a pain to work around, but we all made it work.

Last seen: 2 months 5 days ago
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Joined: 05/03/2014 - 22:49
great update.

great update.
the tech updates are always the ones i look most forward too.
the buildings look amazing, can't wait to run around in our world :)
keep up the amazing work youre doing

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Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!

Brutum's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 days ago
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Absolutely brilliant and

Absolutely brilliant and looks great. It's taken awhile but rush not want not. Can't wait.

Puny Heroes.

Rebel Scum
Rebel Scum's picture
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Darkfaith wrote:
Darkfaith wrote:

Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lost Deep wrote:
Wait... you programmed something that builds the city for you. You took our requests for the feel and quality of the city and turned them into a utility that could make it all come true.
Man, I'm hoping the SG base builder is this cool.
If it's even half this cool, I can't wait to get my hands on it. The things we could make...when I think of how much time I spent kludging together stuff in the CoH base builder, having even half this sort of ability would be amazing, and miles better than what we had. Though, that said, I'd take what we had in a heartbeat, if it was all we could get. It was a pain to work around, but we all made it work.

I came here to post exactly that, that the video looks almost like the CoH base builder but turned up to eleven. And I really want to get as lost in that as I used to in the CoH one at times.

Forgive my rudeness. I cannot abide useless people.

Esen's picture
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I had such a moment of

I had such a moment of longing, watching this! I miss our City! Running around exploring all the things; the Optimus Prime semi, the giant doughnut, the Mountie and his dog, Snape in the magic shop... Melting mobs around Perez with Hot Feet at 50, running for our lives when the giant mecha blew, screencapping hilarious ragdoll results, Hami raids, skiiing in Pocket D, getting turned into a black panther at Halloween, invasion pandemonium, getting badges, chatting with friends across the country... I even miss the terrible Oranbega maps.

This is an amazing tool, and the scope and speed and variety it grants you is impressive and inspiring! There are so many incredibly talented and dedicated people on this team! These updates definitely do give confidence that when the game comes out it will be all we're hoping for and more - super looking forward to 2018!

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Either that video is running

Either that video is running a bit fast, or the user is very fast and has been practicing enough to know where all the commands are. Of course, the demobot scenes argue for the latter interpretation, as his speed looks normal as he runs around to demonstrate the scale of what has just been done...

And on those last two images, I'm going to guess that the one on the left, that looks better and with the lamps I saw in the video, that took two minutes to make. ^_^

Finally, I think the title of this update is a bit misleading. This isn't where you (the devs) stand. This is where you were as you march steadily forward, getting ever closer to our goal...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Redlynne's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
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Nice building( material)s ...

Nice building( material)s ... but they're composed of 90 degree corners everywhere. The demo doesn't show, although it implies, that you can do orientations other than perfect 90 degrees for things. Does it also include "rounded" features for objects/items in addition to the right angles?

We always used to joke about how Paragon City had all these gas guzzling cars everywhere and no gas stations (so they were [url=]nuclear powered[/url]?). There were also a FEW parking lots scattered around Paragon City, but never in any places that would be of any use to park in (hence why you saw all those civilians walking the streets). I'm thinking you'll need to include some [url=]parking garage[/url] and [url=]surface lot parking[/url] features in association with some buildings/areas. Granted, you can also include underground parking lot features for some of the higher density buildings/skyscrapers (and I strongly recommend that you do), but then you need to account for internal spacing of features and not just a solid/opaque exterior.

I trust that your Builder tool is allowing you to assign Mission Door status to features so that they can be used to transport PCs to either the building interior (if it has one) or to an Instance Map?

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Redlynne's picture
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

Interesting idea. And yes, it's Hellwreckage. He has a really distinct sound, doesn't he?

Indeed. This is one of those cases where keeping it all internal isn't doing you enough favors. If Hellwreckage has even TWO finished compositions for City of Titans, even if they don't wind up being used in the exact form released to us, it would still be wise to begin offering up a Titan Music library here on the website (somewhere) to help promote the notion that the parts and pieces are starting to come together, and that music is going to be a part of the distinctive Sound And Feel of the City of Titans. Granted it's not the Avatar Builder that people can play with ... but it is something that you can publicize RIGHT NOW that your fans can play to enjoy and [b]share with others[/b] to demonstrate the potential of the project that is already being realized.

Best possible way to rig things would be to set up a page that Hellwreckage can edit to add things to, giving him control over releases, and then getting the music "out" as a draw for interest. We are living in the iPod era, where being able to share music with your friends is "a thing" that can be done. We're not stuck in the analog cassette tape Walkman era anymore. This [i]can be[/i] advertising for the project ... if you're amenable to the notion.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

eabrace's picture
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Ready to crank out a template-generated wiki with me again when this launches next year? ^_-

Oh, those were the days. Where did I ever find that much free time? :D

Halae's picture
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I'm with Redlynne here. I am

I'm with Redlynne here. I am very, very interested in getting some released music from the game, and I've played the Builder video several times for the music alone.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Hyperbolt's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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Man I'm so glad I found you

Man I'm so glad I found you guys. You guys are great giving us these great updates unlike Valance Online which hasn't had an update for ages. This is already looking better then any open world game I ever played and you guys still have quite a ways to go before Titan City is habitable. One day the heroes of my imagination will reside in Titan City and will accomplish wonders. I believe you guys won't disappoint us.

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Radiac's picture
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Sweet video! Although, given

Sweet video! Although, given the sped-up rate at which it ran, perhaps thew Benny Hill "Yakity Sax" music would be more appropriate :P

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Zerohour's picture
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This was a great update.

This was a great update. Thanks. That music track was killer. Loved that guitar riff

Currently trapped inside the Speed Force...

warcabbit's picture
Last seen: 10 months 3 weeks ago
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We promised the backers who

We promised the backers who contributed to the kickstarter a virtual CD of Hellwreckage's music. We're two finished tracks away from the first volume, and we'll be putting it up as soon as it's ready.
I'd love to just put up a free page of them for everyone, but we committed to this, and we need to follow our commitments.

The good news is it should be somewhere in the vicinity of soon.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Riptide's picture
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Awesome update!

Awesome update!

I noticed, in the video, that when you were putting things on the building you could see the bits being moved reflected in the windows, but when Odo was running around there was a reflection but not of him.

It's been discussed before how reflective surfaces in older games use a bit of trickery to "bake in" reflections.

Will be be able to see our own reflections in windows and mirrors in the final product?

Not that I'm a narcissist or anything...

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Cyclops's picture
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The Devs never fail to

The Devs never fail to impress me. I love this tool and the speed it gives you! thanks for the update! I am pumped for this game.


DesViper's picture
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I just love the hybrid

I just love the hybrid between build from scratch then cut cookies vs assembly. And the video does actually look like the buildings are similar, sharing history, but not identical.

Obviously more notable buildings will be made from scratch I'm sure.

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blacke4dawn's picture
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Weeee, really nice tool you

Weeee, really nice tool you have built there. Really good to see that your philosophy of building solid (and extensible where appropriate) base systems and tools is still holding strong.

Putting the base of [i]The Builder[/i] into the UGC and base editor would be just so sweet I have a hard time imagining the full capabilities of it.

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

We promised the backers who contributed to the kickstarter a virtual CD of Hellwreckage's music. We're two finished tracks away from the first volume, and we'll be putting it up as soon as it's ready.
I'd love to just put up a free page of them for everyone, but we committed to this, and we need to follow our commitments.
The good news is it should be somewhere in the vicinity of soon.

Soon or "Soon™"?

Either way, excellent news.

warcabbit's picture
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... 'at the speed of Hell'

... 'at the speed of Hell'

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Grimfox's picture
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Great video, I forwarded it

Great video, I forwarded it to a non-COH friend and he was impressed. Despite the time lapse it seems that the whole thing was done in a couple of hours with a break for lunch. I'd be down for seeing a video of a new block being built every couple weeks. Or perhaps a longer video tracing a building from beginning to game world. It seems the buildings in that video were not quite complete.

Have you been using google maps images for design? Like given a 6 story mixed use building what items are on top of it. I couldn't help but notice that there were only 3 heat exchangers sized for a much smaller buildings on top of the primary building. Maybe that works...

Second Chance:
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SavageFist's picture
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

Interesting idea. And yes, it's Hellwreckage. He has a really distinct sound, doesn't he?

Yes, I had to go out to my car at lunch and hook my phone to my car to really crank it up while I dreamed of flying/fighting through a city again. Excellent tech update, excellent music and excellent progress considering your resources. Gee, it's almost like you guys get better with each update. :)

I know it's minor for today's games but coming from CoH and always trying to read details of objects close up inside of buildings but only seeing a semi-recognizable blur of imagery, I'm still amazed I can clearly read the text on the signs. It's just a strange bit for myself that grounds the game a little more when I see details like this. It's one of the reasons I like Marvel Heroes where I get a better sense of being in a particular neighborhood. Do you still have to add any physics to the buildings like swinging signs/doors or breakable glass?

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

warcabbit's picture
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Couple of hours? Oh, no. That

Couple of hours? Oh, no. That entire video was fourteen minutes long before compression.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Beeker's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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This looks terrific. I'm not

This looks terrific. I'm not a programmer but the design approach you describe sounds like it's going to help reduce the time/cost of production significantly. From my perspective, this contributes to a stable place for gamers to adventure.
Well done and keep up the great work!!!

Dark Ether
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

Couple of hours? Oh, no. That entire video was fourteen minutes long before compression.

That says so much more than many people even expected or hoped for.

Unfortunately, that also makes me want to start playing even sooner. I have free time this weekend, btw. ;)

(insert pithy comment here)

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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eabrace wrote:
eabrace wrote:

Oh, those were the days. Where did I ever find that much free time? :D

I have no idea where you got that kind of time. You were easily on 5X as much as me.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

cloganart's picture
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*is totes streaming Right now

*is totes streaming Right now: *

Charles Logan

ScorpionKing's picture
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Lol. That fire escape brings

Lol. That fire escape brings back memories. The only real way to get around when you didn't have flight or super jump. Are we going to be able to use them or are they mostly decor this time around?

You see these claws. If I manage to scratch you you'll be out of blood faster than you can call an ambulance.

harpospoke's picture
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

Couple of hours? Oh, no. That entire video was fourteen minutes long before compression.

Nice. You guys can move fast on this stuff.

I would echo the earlier post in that I could watch this kind of update every month. It's fascinating to watch how things get built, gives me a sense of the world, and builds my anticipation.

Cinnder's picture
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 16:24
This is brilliant. I love

This is brilliant. I love your design philosophy, and how it should allow even a small team to create a large city in which we will be able to play/fight/rescue/plot.

Also, I'll repeat what I said before: I love how everything looks familiar, as if transported from our old city into a new hi-res world.

Funny how these updates sate my hunger and make me more ravenous for the game at the same time.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Bounder's picture
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Sooo excited. Your tools look

Sooo excited. Your tools look more fun to play with than a lot of games.

I wish you could re use the music from Yin's coming from one of the shops in the building tool vid. But it looks like the neighborhoods will have a flavor that will become just as nostalgic.

Beeker's picture
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Joined: 04/06/2015 - 17:30
warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

We promised the backers who contributed to the kickstarter a virtual CD of Hellwreckage's music. We're two finished tracks away from the first volume, and we'll be putting it up as soon as it's ready.
I'd love to just put up a free page of them for everyone, but we committed to this, and we need to follow our commitments.
The good news is it should be somewhere in the vicinity of soon.

I'm curious if others would be able to purchase the tracks/compilation at some point. I could use music like this for my commute.
I also like Redlynne's suggestion for advertising but if you're giving this to backers for "free", I suppose that might not be appropriate... However, perhaps a limited/different compilation for share/advert would be alright? I think the community is intellegent enough to understand the difference.

(Apologies if this info is elsewhere and I missed it.)

KidDynamo's picture
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Empyrean wrote:
Empyrean wrote:

Darth Fez wrote:
This is huge. Between this and the avatar builder, to produce NPCs, I'm getting the sense that MWM will be able to produce new content at a pace that may be comparable to major studios.
EXACTLY what I was thinking. One of the most exciting things about MWM and CoT is that they are positioning themselves to be able to crank out new content both fast AND well with a relatively small team.
Of course, the price paid is the up-front prep time. Which is why we are waiting patiently while the short-attention-span-theater-peanut-gallery full of Chicken-Little-Henny-Pennys are running around screaming "it's vaporware, it's vaporware"!
How's that for an unruly knot of references?

Here's something to keep in mind. There are two aspects of building this game that are going on at the same. You have the teams that are working on software, hardware, coding, etc. to make a playable game. You also have teams that are churning along and developing city, character and mission content. As part of the composition team I have worked on quite a lot of it and my contribution is but a drop in the bucket.

Simply put there will be a tremendous amount of content.

Empyrean's picture
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KidDynamo wrote:
KidDynamo wrote:

Simply put there will be a tremendous amount of content.

Squeeeee!!! :D

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Beeker wrote:
Beeker wrote:

warcabbit wrote:
We promised the backers who contributed to the kickstarter a virtual CD of Hellwreckage's music. We're two finished tracks away from the first volume, and we'll be putting it up as soon as it's ready.
I'd love to just put up a free page of them for everyone, but we committed to this, and we need to follow our commitments.
The good news is it should be somewhere in the vicinity of soon.
I'm curious if others would be able to purchase the tracks/compilation at some point. I could use music like this for my commute.
I also like Redlynne's suggestion for advertising but if you're giving this to backers for "free", I suppose that might not be appropriate... However, perhaps a limited/different compilation for share/advert would be alright? I think the community is intellegent enough to understand the difference.
(Apologies if this info is elsewhere and I missed it.)

I remember a similar situation coming up on the old forums where shinies from the DVD collector editions of the game were literally only available to, that's right you guessed it, the people who bought them. There were... vocal minorities on the forums that felt ALL players should have access to exclusive items, therefore removing the exclusivity and potentially reducing the value of the collector editions.

As someone who purchased all collector editions of the game, I had honestly zero fux to give about the exclusivity of items.

Similarly as a backer, I will have access to this soundtrack but honestly don't care if it's made available to the general playerbase for consumption, either for free or for purchase, because I didn't back the game for the shinies. I did it because I want to play a goddamn superhero/villain in the vein of CoX.

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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

As someone who purchased all collector editions of the game, I had honestly zero fux to give about the exclusivity of items.

I feel similarly, the perks are interesting, but I just want to play the game. The rub is that MVM made that promise and they need to live up to it.

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

Cobalt Azurean
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Planet10 wrote:
Planet10 wrote:

Cobalt Azurean wrote:
As someone who purchased all collector editions of the game, I had honestly zero fux to give about the exclusivity of items.
I feel similarly, the perks are interesting, but I just want to play the game. The rub is that MVM made that promise and they need to live up to it.

I agree that promises should be upheld, and if they're two finished tracks away from the first volume, it would appear that they are close to following through on it.

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I have to say that's a bomb

I have to say that's a bomb stream channel!

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

Couple of hours? Oh, no. That entire video was fourteen minutes long before compression.

Just out of curiosity, can someone there estimate about how much time it would have taken to build all of that from scratch as static objects (the other method mentioned before)?

Personally I can't really imagine that it would have taken that much less time though that depends on exactly where "from scratch" starts (pretty sure it still includes re-using "partial objects") but it would most likely prove a point. Invest heavily in upfront costs (the creation of these tools) to save loads down the line (much easier to create diverse content, and only needing to build new components instead of whole objects).

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Rigel wrote:
Rigel wrote:

Awesome update!
I noticed, in the video, that when you were putting things on the building you could see the bits being moved reflected in the windows, but when Odo was running around there was a reflection but not of him.
It's been discussed before how reflective surfaces in older games use a bit of trickery to "bake in" reflections.
Will be be able to see our own reflections in windows and mirrors in the final product?
Not that I'm a narcissist or anything...

I'm not bothered either way as enabling reflections like that is asking for a serious performance hit. Enable character reflections then people will want effects/powers reflected too.... Pretty sure this kind of thing has caused headaches even for the likes of Rockstar.

Human Flea / Union / Sci SR/Claws Scrapper
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Lin Chiao Feng
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KidDynamo wrote:
KidDynamo wrote:

Here's something to keep in mind. There are two aspects of building this game that are going on at the same. You have the teams that are working on software, hardware, coding, etc. to make a playable game. You also have teams that are churning along and developing city, character and mission content. As part of the composition team I have worked on quite a lot of it and my contribution is but a drop in the bucket.
Simply put there will be a tremendous amount of content.

And that's just the, what, first 30 levels and half of the city?

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Lin Chiao Feng
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As for the limited access

As for the limited access issue: I hope that it's handled just like the custom weapons will be: exclusive for the first year or the first X number of issues, then open to everyone. And the party with the rights has the ability to grant access to others.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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That's essentially the plan -

That's essentially the plan - we didn't say exclusive, so we can offer it again.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Cobalt Azurean
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

That's essentially the plan - we didn't say exclusive, so we can offer it again.

Groovy. I can dig it.

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creating procedural buildings

creating procedural buildings using top view, can have a courtyard! :)


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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

Couple of hours? Oh, no. That entire video was fourteen minutes long before compression.

Clock in the bottom corner seems to disagree with you. Though there is a time jump from ~11:30 to ~1pm. But I'll take your word for it.

How static are the buildings after they are in the game world? Like how easy would it be to dress them for a holiday, season, or event? How easy is it to add new building pieces to existing content such that new content and old content don't look markedly different? Do you have plans to put your building tool on the Unreal Engine marketplace as an additional income stream?

PS. Do you have a wish list for the UEM?

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Am I correct in assuming that

Am I correct in assuming that you can alternate between your automated builder and manual editing on the same building?

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This looks amazing, and as an

This looks amazing, and as an avid base builder, if we can get even half this functionality into the base editor, I'll be ecstatic.

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Yes, you can perform manual

Yes, you can perform manual editing on the building afterwards - and yes, it's entirely possible to add seasonal dress.
Base building... we've got something more interesting going on there, and you'll first see it as part of the mission builder.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

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Why oh why is this game not

Why oh why is this game not ready yet?!?!

Seriously though, amazing work you guys! I cannot wait to enter this world and see what all of you have been working on for so long!

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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

Base building... we've got something more interesting going on there, and you'll first see it as part of the mission builder.


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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

We promised the backers who contributed to the kickstarter a virtual CD of Hellwreckage's music. We're two finished tracks away from the first volume, and we'll be putting it up as soon as it's ready.
I'd love to just put up a free page of them for everyone, but we committed to this, and we need to follow our commitments.
The good news is it should be somewhere in the vicinity of soon.

Best way to handle this is that Kickstarter backers have access to it First™ ... and then after a "suitable" delay of time, it then becomes available to EVERYONE. The only part of the offering that is "exclusive" is the timing of access, rather than the opportunity to acquire the item (in this case, awesome music) at all ... which is how I've advocated anything along these lines be handled. Good thing to see that MWM knows what they're doing in this regard.

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Tommy Two Times
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Could you expand on the base

Could you expand on the base creating scope of the game?

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

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Can someone tell me how to

Can someone tell me how to find the videos mentioned in this conversation? I can't seem to find any at the twitch server

Also, I think we should have a art deco designed building for a radio station as you can see here:

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It seems someone forgot to link to the update being discussed in the discussion. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Boriz wrote:
Boriz wrote:

Also, I think we should have a art deco designed building for a radio station as you can see here:

I second this idea! You can never go wrong when you have Art Deco design! It should have lots of purple and pink neon!

Call letters can be either KATT (west coast) or WSKR* (east coast).

Just a suggestion.

*purrs cajolingly*

[* (DJ Zero voice) "Wonderful WSKR radio -- All whisker**, all the time! The big sound in the big town"]

[** Gratuitous shoutout to Doctor Tyche! HAIL BEARD! hehehe]

*hypnotic kitty eyes*

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

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As someone who asked for a

As someone who asked for a radio station Mogul building, I can tell you that from what I've gleaned that they are basically not going to start with K or W to avoid any legal problems. I had wanted WASD for mine, and I tihnk I;m getting some combination of those 4 letters, just not with the W as the first letter. I'm fine with that. So maybe MEOW would be good?

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

So maybe MEOW would be good?

It adequately describes what it feels like to punch something harder than your fist ... which I presume will happen A LOT in Titan City.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Dark Ether
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Any sort of abbreviated

Any sort of abbreviated version of Titan/Titan City could lead to uncomfortable references or nicknames, as well, so some care is needed.

(insert pithy comment here)

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WCOT? *snoozes on cot*


*snoozes on cot*

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TTN Broadcasting?

TTN Broadcasting?


Be Well!

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Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

Any sort of abbreviated version of Titan/Titan City could lead to uncomfortable references or nicknames, as well, so some care is needed.

So you aren't a fan of tee-eye-tee-sea FM?

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

As someone who asked for a radio station Mogul building, I can tell you that from what I've gleaned that they are basically not going to start with K or W to avoid any legal problems. I had wanted WASD for mine, and I tihnk I;m getting some combination of those 4 letters, just not with the W as the first letter. I'm fine with that. So maybe MEOW would be good?

So we couldn't do like CoV and use 5 letters (WSPDR)?


[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Dark Ether
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I think anything starting

I think anything starting with a K or a W is out, because those are used for actual broadcast station call letters. It's much safer to go with a T(something) or whatever.

(insert pithy comment here)

Dark Ether
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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

Dark Ether wrote:
Any sort of abbreviated version of Titan/Titan City could lead to uncomfortable references or nicknames, as well, so some care is needed.
So you aren't a fan of tee-eye-tee-sea FM?

I didn't say I would be bothered by it, just that things could get awkward really fast.

(insert pithy comment here)

doctor tyche
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Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

I think anything starting with a K or a W is out, because those are used for actual broadcast station call letters. It's much safer to go with a T(something) or whatever.

The "not a real station" code is Q, I will note.

Technical Director

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Dark Ether wrote:
I think anything starting with a K or a W is out, because those are used for actual broadcast station call letters. It's much safer to go with a T(something) or whatever.
The "not a real station" code is Q, I will note.

Then we need to pick QUTE Radio, obv.

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MeSoSollyWan wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

Doctor Tyche wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:
I think anything starting with a K or a W is out, because those are used for actual broadcast station call letters. It's much safer to go with a T(something) or whatever.
The "not a real station" code is Q, I will note.
Then we need to pick QUTE Radio, obv.


"Mighty QUTE radio, the big sound in the big town!"

*MOL!* [Meows Out Loud!]

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Lin Chiao Feng
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Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

I think anything starting with a K or a W is out, because those are used for actual broadcast station call letters.

Almost all prefixes are used for real station call letters [i]somewhere[/i]. W, K, and N are the prefixes used in the US. Q is an exception, however, their 'availability" is questionable because they're used for [url=]Q-codes[/url], so your station prefix would be mistaken for one of these 3-letter codes. [url=]Other letters are used around the world.[/url]

My suggestion is based on both CoV precedent, and the fact that [url=]the US has not assigned five-letter call signs to broadcast stations[/url] and is highly unlikely to do so during the game's lifetime.

So I'd recommend WASDX.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Cobalt Azurean
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Why not 'WMTC' for World's

Why not 'WMTC' for World's Media Titan City? World's Media sounds like a legit business venture named after media mogul Mr. James P. World (World's Media being a clear reference to Missing Worlds Media), and Titan City speaks for itself. I came up with the name James P. World by combining Jimmy Eat World and Ernest P. Worrell.

Or maybe something more humorous, like the Wing Kong Media Group (WKMG) owned by the reclusive Mr. L.O. Pan and the radio tower is in Chinatown where there is, you know, Big Trouble. There could be a tractor trailer truck in the back of the building by the loading docks with the name 'Pigchop Express' that has the bumper stickers "It's all in the reflexes!" and "How's my driving? 1-800-JCK-BRTN".

Airhead's picture
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WMWMW - the station that

WMWMW - the station that kerns around the globe!

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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

Or maybe something more humorous, like the Wing Kong Media Group (WKMG) owned by the reclusive Mr. L.O. Pan and the radio tower is in Chinatown where there is, you know, Big Trouble. There could be a tractor trailer truck in the back of the building by the loading docks with the name 'Pigchop Express' that has the bumper stickers "It's all in the reflexes!" and "How's my driving? 1-800-JCK-BRTN".

Champions Online has already taken every Big Trouble in Little China reference you've ever loved, beaten them into the ground, and salted the earth.

On the other hand, Cryptic had no fear of using 4-letter call signs beginning with W for the local TV stations in Millennium City.

Twitter: @SisterSilicon
