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uses for a base

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Radiac's picture
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uses for a base

Some thoughts on things we'd do with an SG base or personal lair, most of which are not new, but feel free to add any of your own thoughts.

1. Travel faster: you use the base as a way to get form point A to point B faster than walking. COX had teleporters, you could do that, or have super vehicles that accomplish something similar in various ways, with the vehicle being static furniture and doing cutscenes, like the choppers in CoX, etc.

2. Inventory space: you can store more stuff in the long term because you have inventory slots that the base gives you, but you can only access them from the base.

3. Crafting: making stuff requires tools, you'd keep them in the base.

4. Missions: the base might have a Trouble Alert Monitor that you can get missions off of.

5. Communications: maybe you get map, inside the base, that tells you where other SG members are, and shows the current state of the world map, like where Babbage is, whether or not the Hamidon is up, etc. plus you might have a SG chat channel that the base unlocks for you in some way, like you have to build a SG radio antenna or launch a satellite to make that work.

6. Medical care: You can respawn at the base instead of the hospital, assuming there's a reason you'd want to. Maybe the base has travel options that get you back to the mission you're in faster.

7. PvP arena: maybe you can spar with other SG members in a Danger Room type deal that allows you to fight other heroes in "simulated" combat. Maybe you can even just programm it for one person to try to measure your combat effectiveness, like DPS, etc.

8. MIDs build analyzer: maybe the you can look at your build using the base's diagnostic computer system and use that to generate a build plan that you can then respec into.

anything else?

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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A reference kiosk,

A reference kiosk, supercomputer, scrying pool, or demon familiar that you can use to get information and briefing dossiers on locations, groups and people. Maybe even make some of your own.

This could be a wiki that all players contribute to like how Skyforge does it, or it could be something the game designers set up.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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No. 4

No. 4

Add in a Danger Room, from which members of the guild can access certain player made missions - virtual combat sims, guild member created missions tailored for the SG, and RP missions designed for the SG.

Radiac's picture
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In GW2 the Ranger class has a

In GW2 the Ranger class has a mechanic where you can go out and find Juvenile versions of thing slike Tigers and Wolves to capture and train as animal companions. I don't really care about that, but it got me thinking, what if you could convince different NPCs to work with you in such a way that you eventually see them walking around your SG base giving you missions and stuff?

Like if you do enough of Doctor Science's missions, you eventually unlock him/her as an NPC that would appears in your SG base or personal lair from time to time, at upon beign summoned, and they might have a mission for you every so often.

You could have a "Gotta collect `em all" sort of thing with the NPCs that way.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

blacke4dawn's picture
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

In GW2 the Ranger class has a mechanic where you can go out and find Juvenile versions of thing slike Tigers and Wolves to capture and train as animal companions. I don't really care about that, but it got me thinking, what if you could convince different NPCs to work with you in such a way that you eventually see them walking around your SG base giving you missions and stuff?
Like if you do enough of Doctor Science's missions, you eventually unlock him/her as an NPC that would appears in your SG base or personal lair from time to time, at upon beign summoned, and they might have a mission for you every so often.
You could have a "Gotta collect `em all" sort of thing with the NPCs that way.

Personally I would base that off of reputation since you have to work up some form of trust for this to happen. Sure you won't be able to "collect 'em all" but it doesn't really make sense that NPC from a faction that has you on their "kill on sight" list shows up at your base to give you missions.

In regards to 8. If that is to just pre-load a progression path that you have selected manually that just says "do/take " at each level then it's perfectly fine. If it actually generates builds in accordance to some input then I'm not so sure.

As for adding more ideas. I would add mannequins not only for being able to have my costumes on display but also as a form of secondary storage for them, as in I would be able to exchange/load what is on the mannequin with what I have in one of my "costume slots" on the character. Maybe having a cheap one for display only and a more expensive one (cash store only?) that also includes the exchange option.

Dynamic testing/training area so one can test a build and see how it performs under certain circumstances. Ideally you would be able to select from a number of different scenarios, including if it's offensive or defensive in nature.

doctor tyche
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

In GW2 the Ranger class has a mechanic where you can go out and find Juvenile versions of thing slike Tigers and Wolves to capture and train as animal companions. I don't really care about that, but it got me thinking, what if you could convince different NPCs to work with you in such a way that you eventually see them walking around your SG base giving you missions and stuff?
Like if you do enough of Doctor Science's missions, you eventually unlock him/her as an NPC that would appears in your SG base or personal lair from time to time, at upon beign summoned, and they might have a mission for you every so often.
You could have a "Gotta collect `em all" sort of thing with the NPCs that way.

As Laston, the player behind Doctor Science on Freedom server passed away recently, this post actually hit me a bit hard.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Impulse King
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9. Decorate.

9. Decorate.

Radiac's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Radiac wrote:
In GW2 the Ranger class has a mechanic where you can go out and find Juvenile versions of thing slike Tigers and Wolves to capture and train as animal companions. I don't really care about that, but it got me thinking, what if you could convince different NPCs to work with you in such a way that you eventually see them walking around your SG base giving you missions and stuff?
Like if you do enough of Doctor Science's missions, you eventually unlock him/her as an NPC that would appears in your SG base or personal lair from time to time, at upon beign summoned, and they might have a mission for you every so often.
You could have a "Gotta collect `em all" sort of thing with the NPCs that way.
As Laston, the player behind Doctor Science on Freedom server passed away recently, this post actually hit me a bit hard.

Condolences. I was referring to Steven Sheridan in Brix, the NPC also known as Dr. Science in the game lore. I meant no disrespect.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Radiac's picture
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The Batcave used to have lots

The Batcave used to have lots of stuff that was like trophies of the various capers Batman would get involved in. It would be cool if we could do content to unlock personal lair decor items like that. Including the giant penny. CoX had a version of this, right? The base decor unlocks I mean, not the penny.

Maybe it would be good if the personal lair had storage and the SG base did not. I mean, you're storing YOUR stuff. The SG base, if anything, could have a communal "sharing" inventory space that everyone could give and take from, maybe, with an automatic purge every so often where the SG get's the proceeds. So like if you have an item you don't want, and cant get a lot of IGC for, then you drop it in there and other people can take it for free until it eventually get's liquidated and the SG get's the proceeds.

Also, maybe the missions you can get from the personal lair are all intended for soloing/small teams, whereas the SG ones all require a larger team/squad/league or whatever.

One question that comes to mind, will SGs be groups that include all alignments of toons in them, in theory, or will there be separate Hero and Villain ones? Or will the players making the SGs be able to set their SG alignment profile and then change it if they want to? Or will there be no alignment of the SG at all except that the players themselves can kick or invite people based on alignment and then have to police that over time on an ongoing basis manually?

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Redlynne's picture
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The number 1 reason for any

The number 1 reason for any kind of SG Base is ... Decoration. Full stop. Paragraph break.

The number 2 reason for any kind of SG Base is ... Services. Inventory. Permanent Item Fabrication. Temp Buff Fabrication. Transportation. "Safe" Zone Rez (ala Hospital). Mission Contacts. Tailor. Vendor. And so on and so forth ...

The number 3 reason for any kind of SG Base is ... Social. It's a "hub" where members can congregate for purely social reasons, including Roleplay and other activities that do not rely on game mechanics to enjoy.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Radiac's picture
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I'm not crazy about the

I'm not crazy about the social part. I think its more social if people hang out in public areas instead of in their own SG bases while just hanging out.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Redlynne's picture
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[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Darkfaith's picture
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

I'm not crazy about the social part. I think its more social if people hang out in public areas instead of in their own SG bases while just hanging out.

Those are not mutually exclusive things, you know. Members of my SG back in the day did both. Sometimes we hung out in public, interacted with people at large, or other SGs we were close to. Sometimes we ran private events (frequently roleplay) that just made sense to be in the SG's private space. We put a lot of pride into how it was decorated, and we liked to keep inter-SG drama private. It was very much a social hub for us, but hardly the only one. There are certain things that are just more appropriate in private, and it was the perfect space for that.

Lothic's picture
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

I'm not crazy about the social part. I think its more social if people hang out in public areas instead of in their own SG bases while just hanging out.

I think it's kind of wierd trying to classify certain things as being "more" social than other things. It only takes two people to have a social situation - being in a public place doesn't make things "more" or "better" social.

If you're worried (for some reason) that practically EVERYONE will be hiding out in their cool SG bases making the public zones a virtual ghostown that's one thing. But inferring that SOME people spending time in relatively small groups in various bases will somehow ruin the game is a bit much. Don't want to hang out in a base with a few friends? Don't do it. But don't try to imply that a person would be playing the game "wrong" if that's what they wanted to do.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Radiac's picture
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I admit, the ghost town thing

I admit, the ghost town thing is what I was referring to. I have no beef with people just chilling in their SG bases.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lothic's picture
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

I admit, the ghost town thing is what I was referring to. I have no beef with people just chilling in their SG bases.

Sure no one wants this game to APPEAR like a ghost town even if there's a million players hiding in their SG bases. But the same could be said of having too many instanced door missions or anything else that players could do that wouldn't involve running around in the open public zones. I'm just not really sure that "promoting" SG bases as social meeting places is going to drastically affect things along those lines one way or the other. CoH survived pretty well under those conditions for years - or at least you could say that CoH didn't die directly because everyone was spending too much time in their bases. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Fireheart's picture
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I do not want to have to

I do not want to have to 'Listen' to a lot of the RP I see in public locations. It interferes with conversations I'm having, and I only have so many windows. (Actually, that's one of the things I liked about CoH, I could have a chat-window that only held SG-channel stuff.) If people are 'chilling' in their SG bases, then I don't have to tell them to get a room.

Be Well!

Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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So, I really only ever used

So, the main thing I used my SG base for was Funzies while decorating (I was a rather prolific base modder).

Admittedly I was the only person in my SG so the social aspects were largely moot. (I inherited the group after everyone else quit, it had never been a particularly big SG. I never bothered to recruit new members, cause I'm not all that social, I mostly just ran solo, with a duo partner or with people from my Global channels).

I really hope CoT has a nice dynamic base editor with a relatively low barrier to entry. The only reason I could do half as much as I was able to do with the base I had is cause of all the prestige I inherited along with the group.

Redlynne's picture
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The one thing that would have

The one thing that would have made the Base Editor something used more universally is ... enough with the Global Y/N Permissions already!

There was never a chance to tell someone "here, you can mod up THIS ROOM however you want" without giving them the keys to trashing literally EVERYTHING IN THE BASE if they so chose. Because of the risk that represented, only an incredibly tiny minority of people ever became Base Builders, because the risk of handing out Global Permission like that was too high and you couldn't just "babysit" someone while they did their work under your watchful eye (the volume of work to do was just too immense).

I want to be able to assign Edit permissions to Specific People for Specific Parts of the Base. That way, everyone can get their own "room" and you can even offer "tutorial spaces" for new people to test their skills on without risking the entirety of everything else in your Base on their honor and whims.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

The one thing that would have made the Base Editor something used more universally is ... enough with the Global Y/N Permissions already!
There was never a chance to tell someone "here, you can mod up THIS ROOM however you want" without giving them the keys to trashing literally EVERYTHING IN THE BASE if they so chose. Because of the risk that represented, only an incredibly tiny minority of people ever became Base Builders, because the risk of handing out Global Permission like that was too high and you couldn't just "babysit" someone while they did their work under your watchful eye (the volume of work to do was just too immense).
I want to be able to assign Edit permissions to Specific People for Specific Parts of the Base. That way, everyone can get their own "room" and you can even offer "tutorial spaces" for new people to test their skills on without risking the entirety of everything else in your Base on their honor and whims.

That would be a great feature.

(Again, not one I ran up against as a solo SG, but one I know others have faced) I know I toured some SG bases where SG members had their own personal area of the base that was "theirs" to do with what they wanted. The level of trust required for SGs to give up control to that person meant that it was only ever restricted to the most dedicated and proven trustworthy of individuals (newer members of the guild, or those who played less frequently or weren't well know by (or friends of) the SG leader could probably never hope for such permissions themselves).

Lothic's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

I want to be able to assign Edit permissions to Specific People for Specific Parts of the Base. That way, everyone can get their own "room" and you can even offer "tutorial spaces" for new people to test their skills on without risking the entirety of everything else in your Base on their honor and whims.

I was probably in like a dozen different multi-player SGs during my time in CoH and there was really only one I can remember where they allowed something close to the level of "communal trust" needed to let multiple people openly design different parts of the base. I always thought that was a little sad in some weird way.

So yes I'd favor some scheme to allow for leaders to establish "player X is assigned edit control over room Y" settings in CoT. Obviously it would not be completely trivial to implement that but likewise I can't see it being hyper-impossible either.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Redlynne's picture
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The way that *I* would do it

The way that *I* would do it would be that when you create a "room" feature it will adopt whatever the Global Edit Permissions are for the entire Base (so as to save effort modding up each room individually). But then each and every single room will have a UI element that allows the setting of Edit Permissions for that "room" in a Local fashion. The menu for it would have a Y/N radio button choice for every single member of the SG, so as to be able to give Permission on an individual basis. It will also offer a Y/N radio button choice for each of the ranks available in the SG, so as to override the Global Permission setting. And last but not least, a RESET button to change the "room" Permission back to the Global Edit Permissions.


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lothic's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

The way that *I* would do it would be that when you create a "room" feature it will adopt whatever the Global Edit Permissions are for the entire Base (so as to save effort modding up each room individually). But then each and every single room will have a UI element that allows the setting of Edit Permissions for that "room" in a Local fashion. The menu for it would have a Y/N radio button choice for every single member of the SG, so as to be able to give Permission on an individual basis. It will also offer a Y/N radio button choice for each of the ranks available in the SG, so as to override the Global Permission setting. And last but not least, a RESET button to change the "room" Permission back to the Global Edit Permissions.

Seems reasonable. I'm going to assume you're envisioning the "Edit Room Permissions" GUI being something like a drop-down menu for each room that'll be able to expand and list all the current members and ranks and let you toggle as many of those on or off as you choose. That way you could have "common" rooms that many/all people could tinker with or "private" rooms that maybe only say the SG leader and one other specific person could edit.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

blacke4dawn's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Redlynne wrote:
The way that *I* would do it would be that when you create a "room" feature it will adopt whatever the Global Edit Permissions are for the entire Base (so as to save effort modding up each room individually). But then each and every single room will have a UI element that allows the setting of Edit Permissions for that "room" in a Local fashion. The menu for it would have a Y/N radio button choice for every single member of the SG, so as to be able to give Permission on an individual basis. It will also offer a Y/N radio button choice for each of the ranks available in the SG, so as to override the Global Permission setting. And last but not least, a RESET button to change the "room" Permission back to the Global Edit Permissions.
Seems reasonable. I'm going to assume you're envisioning the "Edit Room Permissions" GUI being something like a drop-down menu for each room that'll be able to expand and list all the current members and ranks and let you toggle as many of those on or off as you choose. That way you could have "common" rooms that many/all people could tinker with or "private" rooms that maybe only say the SG leader and one other specific person could edit.

That sounds really good.

Though I would go one step further and also have the SG rank as an option for setting permissions, so you don't have to explicitly set/remove them for each and every room they should/shouldn't have access to for that rank. Though I would dispense with the ranks and just make them "arbitrary" groups instead and making it possible for a toon to be in several groups at the same time. Essentially using a bog-standard computer based permission system that treats each room and corridor as a distinct resource/node.

Fireheart's picture
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So, you'd rather manage 'User

So, you'd rather manage 'User Groups', instead of 'Ranks'?

Be Well!

blacke4dawn's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

So, you'd rather manage 'User Groups', instead of 'Ranks'?
Be Well!

When it comes to assigning permissions around the base, and probably the SG itself, and if one can be part of several "user groups" at the same time then yes I would. The way I have always seen guild ranks implemented so far is that you can only be part of one rank at a time, thus it means that everyone of the same rank have the exact same permissions, which doesn't really reflect real world usage. People of the same rank can be responsible for different areas thus needing different sets of permissions. Maybe I'm just so used to working with them from administrating computer systems.

I wouldn't be against having "ranks" that are displayed on the SG rooster but that would essentially be relegated to aesthetics rather than a functional part. Perhaps include the ability for ranks to optionally auto-(re)assign them to one single group so you can effectively have the "normal" behaviour.

Impulse King
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I was at the extreme end of

I was at the extreme end of base edit permissions. I set up a VG (twice after giving 1st one away) on a tertiary server (Justice) where every member could edit the base. Sadly there weren't as many takers as I hoped. But by the end of the game the VG had just over a million prestige for members to work with. On the plus side I never felt the urge to hound folks to grind prestige there. They could do it or not based on their own desire.

I'll also mention one of the themes of the VG was anarchy.

Jordan_yen's picture
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I ran a base solo with my alt

I ran a base solo with my alt account. Eventually I added a friend or family member if they were playing, but for the most part, I just wanted someplace for the decorations, storage, crafting, transportation. That's it. that's all I want a base for: private use. I don't want to be forced to be social. I'm mostly a solo player and I'd like to keep it that way. If I had to pick up a series of social obligations just to play the game to it's fullest, it wouldn't be worth the trouble. I have too many demands on my time as it is.


This summarizes my hopes and dreams for CoT. Check it out if you'd like.

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I actually liked the SG vs.

I actually liked the SG vs. SG battles inside your base (though I would have preferred that the enemies invade via the entrance or teleporter rooms). However, I did not like that SG members not participating in the battle were essentially locked out of the base for the duration of the battle. How about an option to copy the current base layout, decorations and equipment (with nonfunctional inventory storage) into a mission instance, then allow invited SGs to attack/defend there?

Skoot's picture
Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
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+1 To what's been mentioned,

+1 To what's been mentioned,

[b]To add on to 4. Missions:[/b] Random Missions accessible from the base computer (or equivalent). They last a certain amount of time and give certain rewards. After the time, new missions are posted, etc. Best example I can give of what I'm referring to would be similar to what Warframe does with the ship computer and the random missions that show up on different sectors.

Can be a viable element for those players who like to dwell in their base/secret lair.

[h2]#? A physical place to store your costumes and have them on display??[/h2]

[b]-Skoot the Brute

Forever Virtue[/b]

Izzy's picture
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base computer?

base computer?

hmmm... so a SG can search an Arena type Challenger Boards, one section being SG centric?
Can we have an AI challenge us, and pick a certain NPC Foe group to go up against as practice, or.. for reals? ;)
Got's to see how well my SG base defenses fair against certain NPC's, like in a Tower Defense type game. ;)

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Keep in mind, we're not

Keep in mind, we're not making a "base map tool" here. We're making *A* map tool, which will be used for both instance interior maps and bases.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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For some of my less social

For some of my less social characters, the base would be a small apartment where he/she can hang his cape, shower, watch TV, sleep, play GTCoX (Grand Theft: City of X ) XXIII on his laptop, etc.
For others, it will be the "Fortress of Solitude/Batcave" type structures where only invited peoples can enter.
For most, it will be the opportunity to build the Justice Satellite/Hall of . . . type building for the entire SG (and partners) to use.
and for one of them: a Luther or Wayne type mansion.

However I build it to "LOOK", I would still want to have the same functionality. The Laptop in the apartment can access the same data as the Supercomputer in the SG facility; it may not be as fast or able to display as much as the Supercomputer, but the ACCESS is the same. A hidden storage is a hidden storage, albeit of different sizes/capacities.

TitansCity's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Sure no one wants this game to APPEAR like a ghost town even if there's a million players hiding in their SG bases.

That's right ! That one thing i dislike with the SG/base/guilds, etc When people are not in the world, when they are hiding their activities, it's not a good thing to think you are alone...
But that's pretty easy to avoid..

When a person is in his /her SG, it could create an occrruence of this player as a non clickable npc (or clickable with something alerting the player is in a base, or whith his name in grey or something like that),, flying through the town ou chilling in the Orbit room or... i don't know but it's simple to make the town not apears as a ghost town :)
Therefore, it could be explained that people create an hologram to hide what they are doing if their ennemies would seek for them ^^

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TitansCity's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Keep in mind, we're not making a "base map tool" here. We're making *A* map tool, which will be used for both instance interior maps and bases.

so, my idea not really fits with this xD

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1. Travel faster: Rather

1. Travel faster: Rather than having a set item, they could key this to themes or just make it a vanity item for the store, allowing you to choose and set multiple points in a single base. For example, Batmobile for city travel, Batwing for interzonal travel, JLA transporter for distant areas or specific places like the watchtower. Imagine being able to buy an item in the store (vehicle, portal, tech, launch pad for your travel power) and being able to set permissions but instead of people and privileges, you would be setting where it had access too. Access to said points would be unlocked through missions that send you there, contacts, and achievements maybe?

2. Inventory space: Modular storage. You can buy in-game (vanity skins in store) but they come in various sizes from safes to vaults. I agree that they should only allow access when you're in the base though. Maybe they could have an item like a sidekick/pet/drone/portal that lets you ship stuff. A lot of MMO's let you send companions to sell junk items (SWTOR), so just imagine that but you unload items they put in your vault.

3. Crafting: I love the idea of having personal crafting in bases, so long as we also get an in-game open crafting place for those who don't want bases. Crafting should auto-pull from storage. This is another one of those things that should be achievable in in-game money but have skins for the cash shop. Your bases theme as default but you can buy others like high tech, junk shop, alchemy, and maybe minion, which is just a dude set in the crafting seat instead of your character.

4. Missions: Champions has something like that called crime computer but it's relatively useless. I like the idea of using it as a staging point for higher-end missions though. Make bases an access point for End Game, like convening in the Batcave or the danger room before heading out to attack an enemy or receiving the emergency alert, depending on the mission. Raids and such would be a great reason to use the base as well. Maybe have PVP matches that raid other player bases?

5. Communications: I like a lot of what you put here. I would absolutely love seeing the minimap with friend locations, current emergencies, special items from missions or a store, to even a pop up of your friend's photo when you're chatting with them. A little innovation and imagination would be great here.

6. Medical care: resource cost for healing here vs monetary (in-game only) cost at hospitals? Maybe moddable meds? Both visually AND functionally? Imagine getting healed by something (skins in cash store) but getting a buff of some kind when it's done at your base? A little boost of some sort, that utilizes the augments and such?

7. PvP arena: I don't like PVP but yes. Allowing missions to raid other bases, allow your base to be raided, maybe have a sparring/danger room style mechanic for build testing with a built-in logger. Just no permanent damages or expensive repairs. i.e. greater risks for greater rewards?

8. MIDs build analyzer: Yes, please. Not enough games do this. Just a simple built-in mechanic that let you test out builds and powers before buying them, as well as giving you the numbers for DPS, heals, and damage absorbed.

9. Living Space. Not just in terms of being able to toss a bed and a toilet but give us items to make it feel like an actual place with things going on. Give us NPC's that roam and interact with items. Give us interactive items that either have a function (computer, crafting/fast travel) and items that just have idling animations (food, games, TVs, beds, gym, "repairable" equipment).

10. Alt friendly. Swtor over DCUO/CO here. All the way. Let them be account bound, so you're just inviting accounts rather than individual characters BUT bases, base items, and permissions would all be per account. I absolutely hate getting great items for a character's base... on a character that can't change that base. I'd say first small base free, bigger and/or secondary bases for a little something but all of our characters have a single pool of items that we've bought or unlocked. No need to set permissions for my own people in my own bases. Another great thing, (though limited) of SWTORs bases was that they could be marked off as being owned by a certain character. When given the chance, I love building bases for each character and theming it out towards them and how i play them. Not every hero would have a med bay or crafting center. Not everyone would have the supercomputers or vehicles. Some heroes might want to be the only person in their base, as opposed to the heroes who have NPCs and pets moving about the place.

11. Personal, Team, League. Let us set these as any of these as any of these. Let us use the small bases as bases for our team or the league halls as personal hideouts. This way, the more you work for it, the more you get out of it. This also lets you theme the base towards your group playstyle. Items set by individuals should stay as their individual stock though. If someone quits their supergroup, they shouldn't lose the items they set in the base though. The base should lose that item since they lost the member that provided it.

12. Modular or expandable. I hate that DCUO's hideouts are all the same lame layout with different wallpaper. I hate SWTOR charging you to unlock rooms that are already built into the base. I love ESOs homes but they are entirely and ridiculously overpriced. No base should be more than $15 in real money IF they cost real money at all. Instead, would there be a way to pick up rooms and such, letting us expand out that way? If not, then I would definitely ask for ESO or SWTOR style bases, where they're all unique and visually impressive over quick and dirty.

13. Community contests. Maybe once a year, have a contest to create the next base? I would love to see things like Helicarriers and submarine style bases. Maybe have a bridge which sets it in motion along an unseen track course? A Volcano base that occasionally erupts? Caves that have Bats the come and go based on the day/night cycle? High tech Lab/med center with staff?
Mom's basement with occasional old lady wandering to the base and wondering why her pantry is so large suddenly. This game has been great for community interaction and feedback, so I would love to see that carry over to new content like this. More so, when they get creative on things that should be a mainstay of the genre.

14. Alts and their costumes. I would love to get items and unlocks that allow me to place my alts and their gear in bases. Setting them to wander in their civilian look or their supergroup suit. Maybe have the hall of armors, showcasing the team's various looks for various situations. Maybe we could get them to sit at a work table to look like their inventing new tech, or in the med bay for your healers. Setting DPS and Tanks to spar or work out? There is a lot of great options to make them look alive in the base, just so long as they're not there when you're playing as them.

RandomZombie's picture
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One of my favorite things

One of my favorite things about SG bases in CoH was how creative people got with them. One base in particular wasn't used by an actual supergroup, but was used for our whole coalition as a sort of meetup/neutral ground. It was a massive mall with various stores and restaurants inside. Even a karaoke bar and a bowling alley! The problem is you had to be in a SG in that coalition in order to access it. Which means it got less and less busy as more and more of those SG's started becoming inactive.

So what I'd like to see is a way for the community to come up with some really creative and awesome "SG Bases" that act as social areas and have it be open for anyone to access. Kind of like a mission creator in a way. Maybe have a system in place where the players can vote on some of their favorite ones to become accessible in-game so it's not just flooded with random or incomplete bases. I think that would help the Dev team out a little as they can let us create our own instances we'd like to have, and at the same time encourage people to explore a little more rather than just stay in their own SG base with their own group. And still give them the option to do that if they want. Could even make it part of the actual world. See that pizza shop with a door that you cant click on? Well someone could build an instance for that pizza shop and now clicking on the door lets you enter it. Or check out that school building... But only from the outside. At least until someone creates a "SG Base" designed to be a school complete with classrooms, a pool, stadium, and even a dorm. (That was an actual SG Base in CoH. It was beyond amazing.)

If that's not possible or you don't think it's a good idea, than I'd at least like to see the Coalition feature make a return. Had a lot of fun with throwaway bases used solely for RP!

Project_Hero's picture
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I'd be so down for player

I'd be so down for player created bases (and by extension RP hangout places) being able to be shared, saved, and all sorts! That'd be amazing if it can be done.

Imagine you start an SG but you're not great at building bases but you could look down a list of one's players have made and shared and then get one you like! You could do awesome stuff with the ability to save a copy of your base. Do an RP event where the base gets broken? Make some edits then when the base gets "repaired" just load up the old base.

Oh... Another note (pre-pun) it'd be cool if you could leave notes around your base for other members. Could be simple things like "monitor room" or "thing broken" for RP reasons.

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Brand X
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Some MMOs do have it so bases

Some MMOs do have it so bases can be open to the public.

Lin Chiao Feng
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The primary focus for bases

The primary focus for bases is "awesome places our players build to show off" so don't assume they'll force overly restrictive access controls on you. That's all TBD anyway.

BTW, you could invite teamed players into your SG bases back in CoH.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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I still want the ability to

I still want the ability to add notes in a base, so people can click on things and know things! Obvs it'd be part of a group's permissions, but even still it should have a thing to tell you who wrote it so any griefers can be identified! >:O

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Wraith_Shadow wrote:
Wraith_Shadow wrote:

8. MIDs build analyzer: Yes, please. Not enough games do this. Just a simple built-in mechanic that let you test out builds and powers before buying them, as well as giving you the numbers for DPS, heals, and damage absorbed.

I should point out that a "test environment", while possibly somewhat difficult to implement, is a possibility; I know at least two games where there's sections of the game that run on a separate leveling system. Guild Wars 2 has structured PvP, in which everyone is leveled to 80 and given equivalent level and quality gear, and Final Fantasy 14 has a randomized dungeon that runs on a separate leveling scheme specifically to emulate the extrmely old Final Fantasy games like 1, 2, and 3. A test environment in CoT where you can spawn in different enemies and modify your build and level on the fly would go a long way to foster the buildcrafting meta that inevitably develops around MMOs.

The easiest way to explain it in-game is through means of a "simulation" area, which is technically speaking more of a computer program, mindscape, or whatever else you can dream up in fluff than it is real, explaining away the variable structure of the environment. I'm sure some people will figure out some downright kooky explanations for why things are the way they are in their base. The MMO Warframe is a good example of a game that does this an excellent way, with the Simulacrum that Cephalon Simaris oversees, with you scanning things for him to add to the database. If there's some way to gain information on specs of various characters to add them to this simulacrum, it'd created a sort of endgame collection thing that completionists can pursue, which on its own seems pretty valuable to me from a game development perspective.

Not like the devs aren't already doing a similar system with the user generated content systems, so it stands to reason (to me at least) that setting up a test environment for people to mess around in is possible, even if not easy. Something to consider, even if it doesn't have "change my level" functionality.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:

Wraith_Shadow wrote:
8. MIDs build analyzer: Yes, please. Not enough games do this. Just a simple built-in mechanic that let you test out builds and powers before buying them, as well as giving you the numbers for DPS, heals, and damage absorbed.
I should point out that a "test environment", while possibly somewhat difficult to implement, is a possibility; I know at least two games where there's sections of the game that run on a separate leveling system; Guild Wars 2 has structured PvP, in which everyone is leveled to 80 and given equivalent level and quality gear, and Final Fantasy 14 has a randomized dungeon that runs on a separate leveling scheme specifically to emulate the extrmely old Final Fantasy games like 1, 2, and 3. A test environment in CoT where you can spawn in different enemies and modify your build and level on the fly would go a long way to foster the buildcrafting meta that inevitably develops around MMOs.
The easiest way to explain it in-game is through means of a "simulation" area, which is technically speaking more of a computer program, mindscape, or whatever else you can dream up in fluff than it is real, explaining away the variable structure of the environment. I'm sure some people will figure out some downright kooky explanations for why things are the way they are in their base. The MMO Warframe is a good example of a game that does this an excellent way, with the Simulacrum that Cephalon Simaris oversees, with you scanning things for him to add to the database. If there's some way to gain information on specs of various characters to add them to this simulacrum, it'd created a sort of endgame collection thing that completionists can pursue, which on its own seems pretty valuable to me from a game development perspective.
Not like the devs aren't already doing a similar system with the user generated content systems, so it stands to reason (to me at least) that setting up a test environment for people to mess around in is possible, even if not easy. Something to consider, even if it doesn't have "change my level" functionality.

Champions has a test facility in their power houses where you can fight certain types of enemies. They're always spawned at your level or they have no level and are just automatically adjusted to be a strength appropriate for your level (can't remember which) with varying numbers and make-ups that can be set by the player (weak, normal, and strong IIRC.)

It's probably not too difficult to have a similar system.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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The way Champions does it is

The way Champions does it is pretty solid. They even have it so, as long as you don't leave the "Power House", you can keep switching everything around to play with it. It costs currencies and points to respec if you've already chosen but once you do that, you can mix and match until you leave. Throw on the gear that levels with you, and leave a guy in there and you can just test on them for other builds. They have a few separate areas: one with static dummies, dummies in motion, attack dummies, a test room for travel powers, and even a tailor and theater.

As a side note, SWTOR has a cool set up for viewing other's bases which allows you to go in whether they're there or not. It even gives you the option to chose if you want to allow that. For me though, it would be cool if there was more of a functionality to that. Imagine unlocking vendors and various commodities and such. For each thing a person uses, sells, buys, how great would it be to get a small commission? Mostly in-game currencies but if I'm letting strangers into the base to use the amenities, it would be nice to get a little some'm-some'm for it. It would be a great way to give more meaning and function to the bases and more reason to allow them as social areas with visitations and such.

notears's picture
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If at all possible? I'd like

If at all possible? I'd like some playable arcade games, maybe even a playable shooting range. Don't expect this at launch but it would be neat to see.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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I think I remember someone

I think I remember someone saying (it may have been in reference ot CoX or this game, I forget) that doing any kind of "click on the pinball machine/arcade game and get to PLAY the game in a pop-up window" is a pretty major undertaking. I too would love to be able to do that, but I doubt it will ever happen.

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Impulse King
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I suggested something a

I suggested something a little similar in a few places. My idea was chess/checkers/go in Pocket D (Neutral ground social spot). Could work in a base as well though.

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Somebody explain to me why

Somebody explain to me why going to your SG Base to play Clicky Cape while inside City of Titans would be a bad idea.

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Kiyori Anoyui
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Somebody explain to me why going to your SG Base to play Clicky Cape while inside City of Titans would be a bad idea.

I haven't heard of that game, is it similar to Flappy Cape?

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*checks handcom*

*checks handcom*

"Saul Reubenstein Presents Clicky Cape"

I think that's the one Red was thinking of, I don't know of Flappy Cape.

There's a Flappy Jack's Pancake House up on Route 66...

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Haha, I was just making a

Haha, I was just making a joke about Flappy Bird, but it turns out that's what it was. I totally forgot about that April Fools update, that was so long ago! I bet Clicky Cape looks real good on UE4 =P

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Lin Chiao Feng
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Kiyori Anoyui wrote:
Kiyori Anoyui wrote:

Haha, I was just making a joke about Flappy Bird, but it turns out that's what it was. I totally forgot about that April Fools update, that was so long ago! I bet Clicky Cape looks real good on UE4 =P

Play it and see. Clicky Cape uses the UE4 engine.

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Kiyori Anoyui
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Is it actually downloadable

Is it actually downloadable/playable? Or you mean the video? If you mean the video, after watching it I had assumed the actual Clicky Cape gameplay footage was just slapped into the UE4 intro as part of the April Fools. If it is actually made in UE4 than it should definitely be put in CoT with a badge for getting 100 or something like that :D

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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You're talking about creating

You're talking about creating a game to play inside a game. Lots of work! Clicky Cape already exists in UE4, so okay. But evry game you want to play in your base needs to be created by the Devs in UE4.
I would rather they focus on the primary game.

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Except Clicky Cape is

Except Clicky Cape is something you'd also be able to play on your phone [i]outside the game[/i].

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Project_Hero's picture
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Have an outside app that

Have an outside app that allows you to earn in game things. Like craft supplies or IGC. Nothing you wouldn't be able to attain in game, though.

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Cobalt Azurean
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Kiyori Anoyui wrote:
Kiyori Anoyui wrote:

Haha, I was just making a joke about Flappy Bird, but it turns out that's what it was. I totally forgot about that April Fools update, that was so long ago! I bet Clicky Cape looks real good on UE4 =P

Flappy Bird from SWL?

Super M.
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*No I don't need anyone to

*No I don't need anyone to mow my lawn... but I'll pay you $20/ month if you use my login a few hours a week and play this mobile app while I'm playing the main game. Thanks kid.