Today, i come to you with my bad english because it's hard to wait.
To improve waiting, we need some things...
First, we need more wallpaper/artworks about iconic characters, logos, etc... about the game.
Second, we need to give our money, again and again ... 2 possibilities :
- Use the artworks (from the first thing we ask ^^) on the "T-Shirt Sales"
- Open a second Crowdfunding like Crowfall or Camelot Unchained do (a continu crowdfunding on the official website)
Finaly, we need to know (in fact, I need) that the translation will be done at the same time that original release (for the game AND for the character creator standalone).
I know that all my requests are a little bit utopians but they transcribe the huge interest i have for City of Titans.
PS : You make an amazing work, and the better thing we need is YOU GUYS ! You Roxxxxx
I'm really thankful about all you give to us. Good Job / Merci !
Seems like it would be easy enough for them to add a permanent "Donate through PayPal" button. Sure at some point they could always come up with something like a second Kickstarter or other more complicated promotion to raise money. But for the time being something simple like a "Donate through PayPal" button would be very easy for them to do. Even if that only nets them an extra $10k or $20k in the next year or two that's still an extra $10k or $20k more than they would have otherwise had.
I don't speak directly for the Devs but I would find it very hard to believe that they would not have the game "localized" for at least French, Spanish and German by the time the game's ready for launch. Getting all the text auto-translated would be a relatively trivial effort. Yes it might take significant additional time to get the auto-translations edited properly by (hopefully) native speakers to make it a quality product, but I suspect that will have to be a priority for launch day regardless.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I hope you're right Lothic, but we want some artworks :)
I dunno, Google translation is pretty bad, sometimes. It usually gets the idea across, but tends to mangle grammar.
Be Well!
That was actually my point with getting "native speakers" (volunteers perhaps?) to edit the results. If necessary the Devs could easily start off with something like a Google translation just as a quick first draft and then eventually get people who actually know the languages to "clean it up" as time/effort permit.
I was never trying to imply that auto-translation would be the "perfect" solution to this. But given the grassroots/low budget nature of this game that would certainly be a viable first step for getting it done in a timely, cost effective manner.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Sounds like an astronomical task - reading through all of the dialogue and lore and translating it into proper language.
Be Well!
That's precisely why I suggested an auto-translation as a relatively quick FIRST step that would get us to maybe say 60-70% done. The last more time-consuming 30-40% of the job could then be finished by knowledgeable volunteers willing to read through the auto-translated material and clean it up to an acceptable level. The premise of course is that the task of editing badly translated text is much easier than having to completely translate one language fully into another from scratch.
Again it's not an ideal solution, but given the constraints of time and money involved I can't really see a more "cost-efficient" method at this point unless the MWM staff already has fluent native speakers on-hand ready to work on the translations without having to outsource it to third parties. No one ever said that fully "localizing" a game into multiple languages was ever a trivial task regardless of the game you're talking about. *shrugs*
P.S. Besides this isn't like they'd be translating scientific journals or other material that would require as flawless a translation as possible. As long as the text makes good narrative sense in the other languages it'll convey the overall "story" the Devs are trying to tell regardless if the supporting details get (no pun intended) "lost in translation".
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I guess it does seem like the sort of thing that could be done in pieces, ie "Hello volunteer, here's this conversation, can you Localize it in your own language?"
Be Well!
I suspect that there would in fact be volunteers out there willing to do some language translation for this game in exchange for early beta access or other similar benefits. MWM could certainly decide to do it themselves and/or hire professionals to do it but those options cost them extra time and/or money neither of which they have lots to spare.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Oh please, hire professionals, crowdfunding and hire pro translators ! My money is ready
(Dev hat off)
I have no specific knowledge on what we're doing with this but Google translate is terrible, I regularly listen to music in a language I don't speak (Hungarian) and google translate regularly gives completely unintelligible results on par with the Monty Python Hungarian phrasebook.
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
For what it's worth there are affordable options for "auto-translation" services other than Google translate. Affordable is the key point here.
And why do people on this thread keep assuming that "doing an auto-translate" on the game's text is the ONLY thing that I'm suggesting should be done. My suggestion (once again) is that auto-translation would be the FIRST step in an ongoing process. Obviously knowledgeable human editors will have to do the final clean ups. I'm simply pointing out that starting with "terrible" auto-translation results to work with is better than starting raw with absolutely nothing.
I understand that getting "professional" translators for the entire job would be the ideal. But to be brutally honest I think MWM's tiny initial budgets should be focused on other priorities. Beggars can't be choosers, just saying...
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I always figured that as well. :{
My hovercraft is full of eels. :P
(insert pithy comment here)
Totally evil Villain sighted. Prepare my evidence room for the stolen ite- I mean confiscated evidence.
....How would that work anyway?
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WCqnt88Umk]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/nyktoss-character-cove] My characters [/url]