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Young Wanderers Open RP

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Gladatoria's picture
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Young Wanderers Open RP

Stepping out of a circle of greenery within the closest park near the renovated Clocktower that is now the base of the self proclaimed Young Wanderers, a spiry and tall boy emerged from the foliage like stepping away from a wool blanket, not minding a walk to the installation as he pondered his thoughts.

Garret Woods was by no means of the word a bad child, simply spirited. So spirited in fact, that he took his protesting for Flora and Fauna Rights a bit actively, which evolved into entangling the scientists during a Edentech picnic in Phoenix Part within legstopping roots. While no one was hurt in the incident, as Garret would never attempt to do such a thing, the chloromanipulator was willingly detained by the TCPD with a warning and now...a mentorship program?

Not wanting to cause a fuss and having quite literaly heard through the small but effective team of young heroes literally through the grapevine, Garret happily accepted the proposal. If they could teach him how to become a hero with a emphasis on protecting all the inhabitants of this Earth, not simply the ones who are decided worthy of help, than even better.

Approaching the area, he spotted a trio before the tower, what looked like a police officer overseeing them, a teenage boy possibly near his age, and...a black orb of darkness? Not questioning the phenomena, as it is Titan City, he waited at a audible distance to better gouge the situation. Taking a deep breath, he allows themto be interrupted by the ahem of a honey laced voice. Standing near them, is a boy with fair, sunkissed but not overly tanned skin, he is clad within a black and emerald 'Edentech is WRONG' t-shirt, a pair of tan shaded jeans, and simple brown boots. With short, wavy hair the color of the bark of an elmwood tree and a pair of light verdant, near light green, piercing eyes, he is a sight to behold.

Greeting the trio with a smile, he walks gracefully forward, his very presence warm and blooming, radiating comfortable and supportive energy, even causing a dead tulip within the cracks of the sidewalk to ease back to life. He then introduces himself, subconsciously exuding alluring pheromones, nothing too terribly distracting or lustful, but eyecatching to say the least.

"Hi, I'm Garret Woods. I saw the Young Wanderers ad and consider me interested. Is this the right place?"


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Being a Mutant in Japan hadn

Being a Mutant in Japan hadn't been terrible. She found work in the Tokyo quickly and was constantly head hunted by other businesses looking for an edge in their marketing.She never took them up on it, the idea of being in front of people with nothing to hide behind was terrifying. Despite her fears she had just started to rise in the J-pop scene as a guitar player (She could hide behind a monstrous bass and pretty girl singing trio). Something she was fiercely proud of since it wasn't actually connected with her mutation and was her only real social interaction. That was until the incident that caused her to board a cargo ship and disappear a month ago.

Now Aoi stood in the middle of Titan City holding a flier. Like most of her generation she spoke passable English and could read even more of it. Unlike most of her generation she was a baby blue color with a slight metallic sheen. The effect made her glisten like a polished hotrod. Aoi was having one major issue, she was lost and painfully shy. The diminutive girl stood on the corner of an intersection and each time she built just enough courage to ask some non threatening looking person where the location on this flier was, they would cross the street leaving her to start the courage building process all over again.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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A woman who looked like she

A woman who looked like she might have been thirty, carrying a bag of groceries, noticed the blue girl looking lost. "Can I help you find something, miss?" she asked in an crisp Scottish accent.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

LeadWanderer's picture
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"Whoa, looks like more of the... uh... " He tried to find a polite way to say 'freak', but he was one too... "Locals are coming by..." He muttered... His clothes were a ragged and dirty pair of jeans and a green tank top, his leather jacket was much nicer looking. "Yeah, you're in the right place."

Kami took down the barrier and stayed clear of the police officer. Her clothes were new and cleaner, either Tobias cared more about keeping her well clothed, or something kept making his dirty. She wore a pair of thick yellow harem pants and a long sleeve shirt, a long staff a foot taller than her with what looked like rings on the brass head. A teal lion plushy was strapped to her back, acting as a backpack and security blanket. Kami glanced at the Garret and tilted her head slightly. She kept staring at him, for no reason immediately apparent. Tobias glanced down at her while she was doing this and nudged her with his elbow.

"It's rude to stare... " Tobias corrected, nudging her gently again. She looked up and blushed, then bows her head, flinging her braid over her head from the rapid movement then looked up again.

"Sorry." Kami whispered and went back to waiting. She had an olive skin tone and dark hair, round large eyes dark green.


Terry had just gotten back from a patrol around the city. He stared for a minute at the small knot of people gathered outside the clock towers door. He ran his fingers through his hair and shrugged quietly. He crossed the street and waved, he was in full hero costume, which gave officer Jacobs just the excuse he needed.

"You're Gold-Fire? Good, take this kid off my hands." The officer handed Gold-Fire the key the the cuffs, a pair meant to restrain someone with powers. "Sign this."

"Uhhh..." Gold-fire stared then sighed, signing the papers releasing Tobias into their 'custody'. "He wasn't violent or something right?"

"Nah! Just stole some bread, can't get the girl off him." The officer thumbed at Kami. Once the two kids were with Gold-Fire the officer decided he could leave, and did. He never saw a gathering of supers this big that didn't break out into something exploding!

"Oh." Gold-Fire nodded, then looked over Kami, Tobias and Garret. "You here to join up?" He asked Garret, since Tobias and Kami had no real choice at the moment. He offered his hand to shake both of their hands. "Gold-Fire, lemme let you in." He said, removing his gauntlet glove and pressing the palm to the lock outside. A small arm squeegied the fingerprints off of the palm scanner, then openned the door.

Gladatoria's picture
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Garrett offered a easy smile

Garrett offered a easy smile to the pair despite almost being insulted, letting it roll of of him like leaves in the wind. Turning his gaze to the staring girl, he speaks cordially.

"Don't worry about it, I'm used to it." Turning to lay eyes on Gold-Fire, he offers the same amiable grin to the slightly older hero, now radiating more noticable attractive pheromones in a subconscious result at the attention brought to him.

"Yep, I'm Garrett, Garrett Woods. If you can't tell by the patch of tulips growing under me, I can manipulate, stimulate the growth of, and control plants and if needed, animals." He states matter of factly.


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Terry glanced down at the tulips and smiles. He nodded as Garret explained his powers, he ran his fingers through his hair and glanced at the other two. The scruffy looking blonde and the short young girl.

"I take it you're responding to our ad? Glad to have you, we plan on holding an ethics and conduct class when we have enough protege's, three might be enough. I think Psionette's out at the moment. We should wait till we have the whole senior member group here to hold the class." Terry was half thinking out loud, half explaining the situation Garret, Tobias and Kami were getting involved in.

Tobias looked exceptionally annoyed, but didn't intend to run off. He and Kami had been living in a cave prior to their arrest and conscription. He didn't think of himself as the heroic type, mostly because multiple personalities would tend to get in the way of consistantly doing the heroic thing. He exhaled quietly and held his hands out.

"Can you please uncuff me?" He asked. "I won't run, I'm not leaving my sister, and this place is probably a better place to crash than a cave in the park." Tobias still had a tone of carefully veiled defiance, even though he felt the voice from his 'dark' mind crying out to just cut them all up and run, Kami included. He ignored that voice... The other voice was commenting on their youth and just as intent on violence, though the 'light' mind wanted to kill evil doers. There were plenty of those around to tear up, but Tobias didn't intend to get in trouble for murder.

Terry considered the boy, then his 'sister' and nodded, unlocking the cuffs. Kami still clung to Tobias, weary of the strangers. Tobias rubbed his wrists and

"How old is she?" Terry asked, waving his arm towards the open door.

"I'm eleven." Kami said, her voice held no accent.

"You both have powers too, I assume?" Terry asked, uncomfortable standing on the street with them. "C'mon, lets go inside."

"Yeah." Tobias sighed and walked in, talking as he went. "I'm half demon, half angel. I make blades all over my body from naturally occurring bio-metal. I can use Light and Dark 'energy' to defend and attack, a bit." He shrugged.

"I'm a mage!" Kami grinned and took her staff off of her back as she walked inside, pulled a card from her pocket and whacked it with her staff, a large magic circle appeared around the card and the creature on it leaped onto the floor. It looked around waiting for orders.

"Kami! I said no magic in public..." Tobias covered his face. "I'm Tobias Dragun, this is Kami."

"Oh, okay... That's a neat trick..." Terry nodded. He waited for Garret to go in, then looked across the street, waved at Mrs. McAllister talking to a metallic blue girl across the street.


Technosis had finally extricated himself from the computer chair and decided to check on the new recruits.

"Oh, you got-" He blinked as the monster from the card appeared from thin air. "Whoa, Rune Fortress monsters?" He chuckled and ran down the rest of the metal stairs in the main room downstairs. There was training equipement now set up in the main room, a secured door at the back of the main room that lead to the basement. Off to both sides were still storage, now containing clothes, armor and other useful supplies.

"We're gonna have to trade some cards kid!" Technosis grinned. "Hey Goldy, in or out, we're not air conditioning the whole outdoors!"

Gladatoria's picture
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Garret couldn't help but

Garret couldn't help but smile at the antics of Kami and Tobias, noting their close companionship as he states. "A pleasure to meet you Tobias, Kami,after ou." He enters last, simply taking in the sights of the expansive tower, in quiet awe. Staring at Kami's summoned creature he remarked. "And that is awesome, I suppose growing needles all over your body is nice." He adds in regards to Tobias, mischievously, a appropriate word to add to his kind desposition.

Taking in the sight and words of Technosis, he calls out with a curt grin, attractive pheromones being subconsciously exuded once more as he comments jokingly. "Wha am I, a piece of wood?"


RottenLuck's picture
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Outside as well a simple car

Outside as well a simple car pulled up. "Alright here we are. These people will help you adjust and aid in teaching you the world." The woman in front spoke to the 15 year old bronzed skinned boy in back. He looks almost normal, until you note his solid black eyes and four extra arms. He was dressed in baggy pants and oversized shirt, that been cut to allow for the arms. He wiggles his toes and looks down at the flip flops. "No lab coats?" She smiled "No honey, no lab coats here. You're safe from them the law protecting you." "What is this law thing?" She sighs here he goes on another who, what, when questioning. "Just rules we aren't supposed to brake so we can all live together. You can learn about it more here as well as other things. Now out lets go and introduce ourselves."

The two got out of the car and the woman took the boys hand. "Greetings Officers." She led her charge to the door with them.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 days ago
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Garrett grins to the boy as

Garrett grins to the boy as he spots the woman and her charge, radiating warmth and sparks of growth as he greets. "Hi, I'm Garret Woods. While I'm not the man in charge, I'll be joining the team as well?" He looks to Goldfire for clarification, as they would note, in lieu with his t-shirt, he has a habit of peaceful protesting and nature activism.


LeadWanderer's picture
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Terry moved through the door

Terry moved through the door with the new arrival and smiled fondly at all the new arrivals. He hadn't expected this much of a turn out! He glanced at the boy with extra arms, lucky his expression was mostly hidden by his mask, he felt bad for the boy, most of the others seemed capable of hiding their powers and living a normal life. He nodded at Garrett and the new boy.

"Yep, hopefully at least!" Gold-Fire offered his hand for the woman and boy to shake. "I'm Gold-Fire, founder and one of the three leaders of the Young Wanderers, Garrett, Tobias and Kami here, are also joining up." He glanced out the still open for another time and noted the metallic blue girl across the street, and then closed the door. "Introductions, should be first in order, name, age, powers, also good details, you don't have to get personal if you don't want."

Tobias exhaled slowly and closed his eyes, his shoulders sagged as he finally started to accept this, grudgingly.

"I'm Tobias Joshua Dragun, half demon, half angel, I like to call myself a Libravivim, for those who don't know Latin, it means living balance or something close to that." He shrugged. "I'm 16 years old, from brittain originally." He shrugged. "I make blades, sorta, and venom that overloads pain receptors and heals the victim, also make dark and light auras, haven't figured out more control of it." He demonstrated the blades, they cut through his skin on his wrists, ankles, elbows, knees, shoulders and along his spine. He retracted them again and shrugged, wincing as the wounds healed and oozed yellow and red for a moment. "I'm kinda crazy, not sure you want me around." He added, trying to convince them to kick him out without much hassle, but then again that might mean the cops would pick him up again.

"I'm Kami Dragun, I guess? I'm 11, I was born in the month of Leviathan, which would be february, here." She shrugged. "I'm a mage, I use my magic to tap into the imaginations of the creators of my favorite game, Rune Fortress, and summon monsters." She pointed. "That's my favorite one, Elf Samurai." She grinned, then dispelled the creature, causing it to disappear with a pop and a flash of light. "I can use some of the traps and magic spells from the game too, I know a bunch of other spells too, like stealth spells, and magic barriers." She grinned and held her hands behind her back, still staying close to Tobias.

"I'm Gold-Fire, or Terry if you prefer my real name, Energy absorber, manipulator and projector. I'm 17." Terry waved and then looked over at Technosis to give his speech.

"Technosis, as the name implies, I'm a tech GENIUS!" He grinned and waved, not a single shred of humility. "I just make a bunch of gadgets, hand out communicators and stuff like that, no powers, at all. I'm 17 too, born and raised here." He looked over at Terry, a slight note of jealousy, then shrugged. "Alright, go." He pointed at Garrett, to get the lime light off of him.

Gladatoria's picture
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Garrett also felt pangs of

Garrett also felt pangs of sympathy for the arachnid boy as he looked over his appearance, before chiding himself for rudely staring. Smiling at the introductions, he takes in the information provided as he ponders to himself. Half angel, half demon? Those things actually existed? He then thought back to his own origin, and remembered hat if that was possible, anything was.

On the subject of Kami, he wondered just how close the pair were, and where their bond was formed. Something to ask them about once they are more comfortable in the group, if they decide to stay. He had assumed Terry was not over eighteen yet, and his powers were interesting, but not unheard of. However Technosis was certainly more curious, as he only revealed scant details about himself...and what was that look he traded Terry?

Taking a moment to soak this in, he blushes in embarrassment as he realizes it was his turn to share, taking a deep breath, as he takes the plunge and reveals with his ever infallible smile.

"Hi, I'm Garrett Woods. I am a human, mostly, with the ability to stimulate the growth of of plant life, manipulate it and shape it to my will, and also control animals if need be." Notably, he doesn't reveal where his powers are from, curiously, not registering as a mutant to scans from Technosis, but a source of life and growth.


RottenLuck's picture
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The woman spoke up "I'm Rosie

The woman spoke up "I'm Rosie Sanders and this is Mar. He's kind of a special case he's technically only a few months old though he's about the age of 15 by human standards. Edentech messed with the genetic code of spiders and he's the result. Super strength, agility, heightened senses."

Mar looked around at the other people "Is this home?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Garrett barely suppresses the

Garrett barely suppresses the growl in his throat as he realizes just how wrong Edentech is and that his protests were founded, but replies softly and warmly to the pair.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Sanders, and yes mar, this is home if you want it to be?"


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Terry exhaled loudly at the

Terry exhaled loudly at the explanation of Mar's origin. He closed his eyes for a second then nodded to what Garrett and Mar said. He uncrossed his arms and smiled at Mar.

"It's nice to meet you Miss Sanders, thank you for bringing Mar to us. A safe home for those without, and a guiding hand, that's the goal. " Terry waved an arm around for a second. "That's why we started the group, Psionette, Technosis and I. We, Technosis and I, had a friend who was kicked out of his home, for his uh... preferences, and for being a mutant, both garnered him some hostility and he tried to make the world better. Technosis and I lost that friend, and decided to do something about the pain we felt. Young Wanderers is here for any kid with powers or skills, who's homeless and wants to become a hero. " He smiled fondly. Technosis lowered his eyes and frowned.

Gladatoria's picture
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Garrett takes a moment to

Garrett takes a moment to smile at Terry, a grateful look for the story, but frowns as he reads Technosis's expression, and decides to do something about it. Eyeing the machine mana upstairs, he inquires.

"Hey, what does that do?" He inquires, having a feeling that Technosis would want to lead him up there and explain the system, despite being actually curious about it, he was concerned more about how he was feeling.


LeadWanderer's picture
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Technosis blinks, then looks

Technosis blinks, then looks up, realizing that the shaft for the clockwork of the clock tower now fed down to the lower level to channel the Machina Mana. He was grateful for the distraction. He grinned and pointed up. He grinned and tapped his gauntlets, a touch screen computer formed green holograms on it.

"That, is the Machina Mana." He smirked, he glanced at Kami.

"I thought I sensed a mana source, but it was weird!" The little girl grinned and looked at Tobias for permission to go look. "Can I go look Toby?" She grinned. He nodded quietly.

"I've only just gotten the hang of programming constructs and such, but with it most of the bases defenses are formed." He tapped a few more buttons and headed up the stairs, small ports on the floor opened and seemingly holographic turrets appeared. Kami followed and watched in awe as the turrets shot at eachother, exploded in a shower of pixels, then a few moments later reformed. "I could use a mage's help to understand how to shape it."

At that Kami grinned and bounded up the stairs. "Sure!" She grinned.

Technosis grinned and waited at the top of the first staircase for Garrett to follow. "Hey, Goldy, get them situated with comms and clothes will ya? I gotta show off awhile."

Gold-fire smiled and waved his hand.

"Over here we've got a stock of clothes, communicators and utility items for whomever needs them." Gold-Fire lead them over to one storage room, taking a few small tech items off the shelf and handing them out to those still present, a pair of goggles that doubled as a HUD for Tobias. "Clothes are all regenerative Nano-weave, so if your powers are destructive to your clothes, that's fine. We can have clothes tailor made as well." He waved his hand and headed up the stairs, Tobias followed after. "The second floor is the junior heroes quarters, two to a room, we've got room for all of you plus 10 more."

Tobias raised his hand, pulling his new goggles/communicator up onto his forehead. "Kami and I can share a room right? She gets nightmares from thunder storms, and I want to be close by..." Gold-Fire nodded at his request and lead them up the spiral stair case around the clock-tower mechanisms.

Gladatoria's picture
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Garrett grinned as he managed

Garrett grinned as he managed to draw smiles out of Technosis with his inquiry, following him up the stairs beside Kami, nodding as he actively listens to the information presented, in silent awe at the array of tech as well. Turning to Gold from the top of the stairs, as he speaks about their clothes and comms, he calls down with a adorable and mischevious smirk.. "Can I get something in dark, emerald green please, brings out my eyes and wonderful figure?" He jokes, despite posessing a lithe, slender frame.

Turning back to the exuberant technical genius, he inquires once he is sure they are out of earshot. "Hey, could we check out the roof, for a bit? The open air and sunlight is always refreshing, and you look likes our resident genius needs some sun?"


LeadWanderer's picture
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Technosis nods and smiles

Technosis nods and smiles vaguely. He leads them through the second floor hallway, past the doors, then into the third floor with the slightly larger rooms that the 'senior' members didn't have to share. The fourth floor was the monitor room, which showed off the huge pulsating ring/orb of energy. Kami was stuck there, watching in awe and holding her hands up the the swirling ball of mana. They would be alone on the roof that they could access through another spiral staircase. Laurn sighed loudly once out in the open air and took off his mask, rubbing his temple.

"Thanks." He said, smiling vaguely as he looked off into the skyline which was lit brightly by the sun two thirds of the way across it's daily arc. He stretched and smiled, glancing through the dome skylight at the little mage girl still staring in awe at their source of techno-magical energy.

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"If you have so much room.

"If you have so much room. Why two to a single room?" Mar said as he looked at the close still not sure why he has to have them on.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Gold-Fire shrugs quietly and

Gold-Fire shrugs quietly and then strokes his chin for a moment in thought.

"Well, to be honest, the two to a room thing is for the moment, if we get a whole tonne of applicants, we'll increase the number per room, but at the same time, we only have three senior members at the moment, so, our ability to train the new members may be limited. We don't want to spread ourselves too thin, if we did then one member of another may not get the help they need. Once we get the senior floor filled, which has capacity for eight, we'll be able to take more kids in and help them." He shrugged, hoping his explanation was adequate.

Gladatoria's picture
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Garrett sighs happily as he

Garrett sighs happily as he soaks in the warm rays of the Sun above, streatching for a long moment before moving to sit down in the floor, a downy patch of blanket like grass forming under him as he smiles to Laurn, offering.

"Alright genius, care to sit with me and talk. How did you and Terry meet, and what's wrong?" He inquires gently, as he pats the area near him as a indication where to sit, his presence radiating warmth like a wool blanket.


LeadWanderer's picture
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Tech glances over, then down

Tech glances over, then down at the plants springing up beneath them... He sighs and shrugs. He takes off one of his gauntlets as he sits down, and runs his fingers over the grass beneath them.

"Well, it's complicated. Terry's my bestfriend, have been since... forever!" He stares up at the sky and stretches. "We met when we were little, got to be good friends, he tested out some of my inventions, rocket skate boards and stuff like that. Then, he got powers in highschool, and I was still a geeky bi-guy." He shrugged again... He frowns deeply and looks down at the grass. "About the time Terry got powers, it wasn't so bad, I didn't know then that he had em either, but he started disappearing, Gold-Fire started showing up and saving people around our highschool. This other kid kinda filled the void Terry left. Quin, he had powers too, but he was a low-level psychic/telekinetic, he was also gay. We started running around, flirting." He dropped his eyes and sighed. "Then, what Terry said happened, he got kicked out of his parents house, for being gay, started trying to be a hero with me, we got in over our heads, Terry tried saving us as Gold-Fire, but Quin got shot. " Laurn closes his eyes and sighs loudly. "I know it's not Terry's fault, but sometimes, I can't help thinking I could've saved Quin if I had his powers, not to mention he's got grandparents who give him almost anything he wants, a dad who loves him and doesn't want him to be a football star like mine, who's disappointed that all I want to do is be an inventor."

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"Do you have a ... what's the

"Do you have a ... what's the word. Library? I like reading, learn a lot. Like Dr. Seuss One fish, two fish. Red fish, blue fish." He was relaxing more as he looked in the rooms.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

LeadWanderer's picture
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Terry raises his eyebrows and

Terry raises his eyebrows and thinks about that...

"Ya know, we don't have a library... I'll have to talk to Laurn about expanding the place, not much we can do with the old building, but with the mages running about, we can probably handle it." He smiled, trying to think where and how they could manage it... He smiled and lead the way up stairs. "We'll get you all settled into a room in bit, we'll finish the tour first." Terry headed up to the third floor and showed off the rooms. "This is the senior members area, the kitchen's up here, as well as the eating area." He pointed to the kitchen and the dining room with a large table. "When you guys get to be senior members you'll be in your own rooms, good behavior and showing leadership qualities gets you up here."

Tobias snorted and looked around quietly, thinking he'd like it up here, but could never fit the 'leadership' mold.

"Seems pretty small for a supergroup, ya know?" Tobias raised his eyebrows. "I've seen some cool spacial expansion magic, doctor who kinda stuff, maybe Kami can pull some of that off, especially if ya got your own ready-made magic source." Tobias shrugged.

"Good point, and good idea." Gold-Fire smiled and lead them up to the next floor into the monitor room, where Kami still watched the undulating orb of mana with awe. "And this is the hub, we send you out on missions here, monitor what we can of Ironport, and Technosis has a clean room set up for experiments and such." He smiled and crossed his arms. "Do you guys have anything you need?"

"Clothes." Tobias said simply, a slightly friendlier smirk on his lips as he watched the room silently, he could feel the pulse of the mana source as well, moved over to Kami and hugged her gently. She looked up and hugged him back.

"This stuff is cool! But I can't use it, it won't work with any inscriptions I try..." Kami frowns. "Seems pretty malleable though... Maybe I can convert it to more usable forms..."

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Garrett blinks at Laurn's

Garrett blinks at Laurn's story, nodding as he listens, frowning as he looks up, offering. "That's horrible Tech, I'm sorry that you lost someone so close to you, and I can relate. And your Dad simply doesn't understand what you love, Tech, he should make an effort to try and get to know you before it's too late. And for the record I am living within the geeky bi-guy phase right now, and it's probably here to stay." He smiles, a easy gesture for him, as he reveals.

"My parents are different...see, my father is a Landvættir, or a Norse nature spirit, and my mother was a Dryad, from Grecian myth. When I was born, I was already dying due to the vastly different DNA, and my mother passed away during childbirth..." He stops himself for a moment before going forward. "He didn't want to lose me as well, so he spirited me away to the branches of Yggdrasil, and harvested a single seed from it's roots, imbuing it within me. With that done, he took me back to Earth, and entrusted me to my adoptive family, a pair of botanists who couldn't conceive."

He sighs for a moment. "I never saw my father again, and have yet to, and growing up was about as pleasant as you can imagine." He closes his eyes for a moment, as he allows Laurn to take this in, before adding. "I have a home but I don't belong to either Asgard or the pines of Olympus, I'm a flawed fruit, Tech." He admits.


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Tech's expression ranged from

Tech's expression ranged from disbelief, to confusion, to pure curiosity as he told the story. He smiled and shook his head at the facts, then runs his fingers through his hair thinking about it. He wondered how yggdrasil fit the machina mana into this mix, then pushed the thought away.

Tech blinks and shakes his head at the story of how he came to exist. The story would have been unbelievable, if Laurn didn't have proof of alternate planes of existance within their own 'dimension'. He chuckled and put an arm around Garrett in a half hearted and neutral hug. He grinned and patted him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, my dad'll come around, I think. " He smiled and let go of Garrett and looked back down through the dome a second time. "I'm sorry to hear about your father and mother, your botanist parents weren't good to you? I mean, you were literally a gift..." He stroked his chin, then shrugged. "I think we'll get along well." He smiled. "Misfits in our own families." He chuckled and shrugged, patting Garrett on the back lightly. "If this membership drive thing keeps up, we might have to move to a new building!" Tech teased, running his bare hand through the grass, not thinking of getting up, the other arm still rested lightly over Garrett's shoulder. He turned red across his whole face, then let go and stared at the sky.

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Garrett welcomed the contact

Garrett welcomed the contact with a grin as he replied. "No, No, I love my parents, and they've done all they can and more to make me feel at home, welcome...but I always knew I was different, and even the seed inside me longed for it's home, it's roots. And yeah, I guess we are both misfits, I think we'll get along fine, motormouth." He teases back with a smile, before adding.

"And I like this Tower, it's roomy, you've done some impressive work on it. And would yu mind if I got to make a garden, maybe underground?"


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"experiments.. NO!" He ran

"experiments.. NO!" He ran and climbed up the wall into a corner his back against the ceiling his eight arms out against the wall. "No no..." Rosie sighed " Not on you Mar. You're safe." "No experiments!"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Tech nods quietly, then gives

Tech nods quietly, then gives him a strange look when he mentions making a garden underground. He shakes his head several times at the notion, seeming like a refusal, then opens his arms to indicate the roof. The area around the dome next to them was basically just normal brick and stone, the roof had plenty of space between the floor and the edge of the tall lip, which came to about knee height, it could certainly hold a garden.

"No way, put it on the roof, this old clock tower needs some green!" He grins, patting the grass that had sprouted up. "It'll help the building keep cool in the summer, an insulator."

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Garret nods with a smile as

Garret nods with a smile as he replies. "I meant for tubers like potatoes and squash, but your right, I can see it now, ivy and and honeysuckle, maybe a apple or peach tree, or maybe some tomato vines?"


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Technosis nods quietly a few

Technosis nods quietly a few times, trying to think for awhile.

"It would be good." He finally agreed. "I still say we should work out some extra space somehow, the basement garden is a good idea, between you and our local mage, we might be able to pull off some pretty neat stuff..." He grins and rubs his hands together...

Kami bounds up onto the roof and plops down on the grass grinning and staring up at the sun behind the buildings.

"Hey! Gold-Fire said you needed space for a library and some other stuff, soooo, I thought I'd offer to help!" She grinned. "I know some spells we could do, with the right stuff, that could make some spacial distortions and-" Kami went on for a few minutes rattling off ideas for how to help expand the base using her magic, which would be self sustaining and give them class rooms, girls and boys bathrooms, a rec room, among other things. She caught her breath and grinned at Garrett and Tech to see how they reacted.

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"WHAAA?" It took Aoi a second

"WHAAA?" It took Aoi a second, she was used to hearing american english. Her eyes went wide as she quickly shook her head no. Far to fast. Then she bowed and placed her hands on her knees before picking her guitar case up and rushing off. She jumped into an open door of a taxi. The driver had been ducked over trying to find a dropped meatball that had escaped his sub. "Where to miss?" "I-ran-port" "You got money?" Aoi wrinkled her nose and dug out a $10 bill. "That'll get you about 1/3 of the way, still want me to take you?" Aoi nodded yes and sunk as low into the seat as she could.

As the taxi starts to pull away the back end oddly sinks until the shocks are near flat............

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Tobias stared for a moment as

Tobias stared for a moment as Mar ran and backed away at the word experiments. He didn't laugh or make a snide comment, rather he walked over and shook his head.

"Shhh, it's okay, like she said, it's not on you. Experiment just means a test, they're checking something, I'm an experiment too, a different sort, but still." He smiled, trying to comfort another traumatized kid. He wasn't sure how good he was at it. He looked over at Rosie. "You think he'll be safe to stick around?" He glanced over as Kami went up to the roof, then back to the kid.

Terry winced quietly at Mar's reaction and shook his head. That was not a good sign. He joined Tobias in trying to comfort the kid.

"She's right, we're not doing them on you, we promise. Look, this is what they do." He walked over to the clean room where a device was hooked up to try and use the Machina Mana. He pressed a button and the device powered on, creating a ball of the stuff, then a human shaped outline and a few other things, before he turned it off. "Nothing to hurt you, I promise, you're safe here." He returned to Mar's side and kneeled down.

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Evaine McAllister looked

Evaine McAllister looked after the odd blue girl and hoped she would be all right. She got on her bus at the next corner, and headed across the bridge back to Ironport.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Garrett smiled at the idea of

Garrett smiled at the idea of working with Laurn more, moreso when Kami appeared, rambling off her ideas to expand the base. "Those are wonderful ideas Kami, I like the idea of a recroom and a library! You must be quite the mage, huh?" He compliments, as Laurn would note the previous sadness felt at revealing his origin has all but faded around the gregarious and pheromonic boy.


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Kami grinned and nodded

Kami grinned and nodded profusely, her thick black braid of hair bobbing and flipping with the excited movement. She clasped her hands in her lap and looked from the sky, back down to them.

"My clan in Hel was the main source of magical knowledge!" She smiled broadly. "I'm all that's left, but I have all our books and scrolls. There's definitely things in there to expand a room beyond it's literal dimensions." She smiled and sat cross legged and inhaled quietly, then tilted her head at Garrett, staring and quirking her eyebrows as if trying to figure something out. Her sense of magic was peaked by the Machina Mana, as well as Garrett, who held a powerful magical seed in his being. She didn't say anything, just stared and tried to think of why, or what, she was sensing from him.

Tech chuckled at her and shrugged, his thick suit squeaked when he moved sometimes.

"Well, we have a huge source of magical energy, with you and the technomagic generators, I should be able to expand it all..." He grinned and brushed his hand against Garretts, then moved it away.

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Garrett blushes at the

Garrett blushes at the contact, but simply moves to supportively squeeze Laurn's hand in his own warmly for a while, before letting go. "I'm sorry to hear your the sole remnant, but at least we have you Kami, and that's more than enough." At her stare, he offers a smile and explains.

"I think what you may be sensing, is my connection to Yggdrasil, through a seed within my being. It's the source of my powers and lifeforce, by extension it's why I can grow anything from near nothing at all, the epitome of life itself." Turning to Laurn, he can't hide his blush once more as he offers.

"I'd love to help you with the expansion, I mean...if you have need for living, magical fertilizer?" He inquires with a grin.


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Kami's eyes went wide at the

Kami's eyes went wide at the mention of the magical seed in him, she nodded quietly. Thinking about the possible implicates of this...

"That explains everything! You're probably a huuuuuge source of magic, the world tree is... Well, it's the foundation of ALL the worlds!" She smiles and chews her lip. "Do you think you might have other skills from it? Or abilities? Maybe the young World Seed couldn't do much, but it has the possibility to create a whole new cluster of dimensions!" She gapes at it and puts her hand on him, trying to feel the magic more directly, she then snatches it away and blushes. "Sorry, for staring, and touching, Toby says I shouldn't do either without asking..." She chewed her lip quietly and waited for a response to her babbling.

Technosis couldn't help continuing to laugh at Kami, though quietly. He leans back and stares up at the sky and sighs.

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Garrett too chuckles in

Garrett too chuckles in amusement, but smiles back to the girl as he attempts to answer her question,having the same thoughts himself. "You are correct, it is the nexus for growth and advancement, life. And honestly, I have no idea Kami, I do know that I never get sick, and can heal most injuries I come across, and grow new variations of plant life, but all is taxing on my body. And I think that so long as the seed is attuned to my lifeforce and body, I don't believe it could grow into another World Tree."

He waves off her worry as he grins, placing his hand over his heart. "It's within my heart, Kami. To nurture anything love is needed, and so that is where it settled. Any more questions?" He asks without an edge of annoyance in his voice, clearly content with answering more.


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Kami chewed her lip and

Kami chewed her lip and thought about something for a minute... She rubbed her lip as she thought, then pulled on her braid lightly... Piecing together a complicated thought.

"Well, one thing I thought of was, our head, our minds are sort of like a place anyway, right?" She tilted her head. "And we keep things in it, sometimes they're the same, or different, or broken, and sometimes, they stay the same, memories and stuff, I just thought that if you imagined something strongly enough, since you have an internal world, and can manifest stuff in the external world, maybe you could meditate and slowly form something by imagining it in more and more and more detail, then pop, make it!" She grinned. "Like how we can travel from the other worlds sometimes, your internal world could move something to the external world, maybe? I mean, from what I read on wikipedia, we already sorta do something like that by looking around, stuff at a quantum level goes from only possibilities, to solid definitive states. Though, that's just changing stuff in this world, hmmm..." She shrugged. Then went quiet, back to thinking about stuff no one expects an 11 year old to.

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Garrett blinked at the idea

Garrett blinked at the idea of conjuration from...Asgard itself, and smiled. Tobias had a genius as a companion, and he hopes and trusts he treats her fairly. His fondness for the mage shows as he replies.

"I've never given that any thought, to see if I could do more than manifesting plants, maybe...maybe we can work together to figure this out, to see if it's possible." Since his Dad was a nature spirit, maybe he could call him from Asgard-speak to him for the first time in his life. Laurn and Kami would notice a hopeful gleam in his eye at the possibility, as he turns to Laurn.

"Uhm, could you help me with this too? It would mean alot, and I hate to ask so much of you when we've just met..." He trails off, embarrassed by his own rudeness as he looks down.


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Laurn grinned and shrugged,

Laurn grinned and shrugged, he patted Garrett on the hand. He then grinned at Kami and smirked the idea of manifesting something Garrett wanted actually made him quite happy!

"Don't think of it as a trouble at all!" Laurn smiled even broader. "The group is meant for this. Guiding and helping young heroes like us achieve what they want, and need, to do in the world." He smiled at Kami, having actually been stunned silent by her for a few moments. He stretched and glanced around the roof. He squeezed Garretts hand as a sign of solidarity to help him. The techno 'mage' genius was excited to work and get to know the new people who had come into the group. "I'm glad I pushed Terry into this." He smirked even broader.

"Well, I can help, cause there are spells and stuff, I was just thinking that you might be able to channel mana from the machina mana, through the world seed, convert it to something I could use, to help fuel the enchantments necessary to enlarge the space on the second and third floor. Technosis could help by helping me calculate the structure of the space we need to make. We definitely need bigger facilities for the..." She counted for a second. "Eight of us, to live here." She smiled, pulling her stuffed Lion off of her back, somehow still considering the stuffed teal lion a person. "Atrox counts." She insisted, the notion made it apparent that she might age, in some ways, slower than normal humans. She hugged the plushy. "This is Atrox, by the way." She grinned.

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Garrett blushed at the

Garrett blushed at the attention and hand squeezing, subconsciously manifesting attractive pheromones about him in response, as his shy side surfaces for a moment. "Really, it's no trouble, I'm not forcing you to work, or anything?" He asks to both of them in concern. He also can't suppress a grin at Kami counting Artox as a member, and briefly wondered if further down the road, he could animate the lion to life for her amusement.

"A pleasure to meet you, Atrox. You've found a very good girl to ally yourself with." He compliments with that infallible grin.


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Signy McAllister had finished

Signy McAllister had finished cleaning - by scrub brush and cleanser - the last of the rooms (the attic, in this case) in the old boarding house. Her mother had cleaned almost half of them before she left in search of magical supplies that morning, and asked Signy to do as much as she could on the rest. Well, all there was to do would have to do, wouldn't it? And it was a beautiful day. Signy opened up one of the garret windows and let the breeze blow through. She looked over the street and up and down it, and decided this place wasn't half bad. Especially if you considered the roof of the building across the street and up a bit...

Signy made a quick decision, and closed the garret window again. She worked her way down, making certain that the building was secure, before swapping out the clothes she'd gotten dirty while cleaning the house for clean ones (sneakers, shorts and a River Song tee shirt) and leaving through the front door and heading across the street. She rang the doorbell.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Okay. I come down" Sure

"Okay. I come down" Sure enough he moved with a fluid grace well used to using eight limbs to maneuver. It seems his biology was such so he didn't get head rush when upside down for he moved head first down to the floor then stood up. Rosie looked over "See I told you I take you someplace safe. They won't do anything to you that you don't want." She looked to Tobias "Technically the Edentech folks didn't do anything inhuman. Even the DNA that ended up in Mar here was a contaminated sample human genetics wasn't meant to be used. Mar however did get traumatized a developing awareness just didn't understand what was happening."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The cab driver felt bad, but

The cab driver felt bad, but he didn't own the cab, he couldn't just give her free rides all over the city, he had a family to feed. "Ironport is that way." He pointed in the direction she would need to walk. Aoi smiled politely and nodded. Before driving off he handed her the half of his sub he hadn't eaten. Aoi grabbed it and took a quick bite. Her eyes rolled up into her head out of pleasure. Fooooooood.

Aoi started walking in the direction of Ironport.

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Evaine's eyes were drawn to

Evaine's eyes were drawn to the blue girl with the guitar case, walking in the same direction the bus was headed. She checked her supply of quarters and pushed the "request stop" strip between the windows. She got off and waited for the girl to catch up, and greeted her with a smile.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Fourth Floor

Fourth Floor
Kami grins and squeezes her lion toy quietly.

Technosis just shrugged and waved his hand like it was no big deal. He really didn't mind at all, people were always making more work for him, he was always making more work for himself! What's one more thing to do? He couldn't hear the doorbell, so he stayed content and absent minded out on the roof.

Terry nodded with Rosie's explanation of the situation then raised an eyebrow quietly, he didn't think he should get into the ethical debate of creating a whole new person... He just nodded and checked the monitors when he heard the door bell.

Tobias looked at the monitors from the other side as Mar got down from the ceiling. He grinned broadly and redid his thick blonde ponytail.
"Oh, she's cute, I'll get it!" He insisted before Terry could stop him, Tobias literally flew down the stairs, a streak of red following behind him from nearly invisible ribbony energy wings. He was at the bottom floor in no time at all.

First Floor

"Jus' a minute!" He called through the door, which ended up being muffled to near inaudibility.
He had a bit of trouble getting the door open, since he had to disengage a security lock or two. When he finally did he yanked it open and almost fell down unexpectedly. HE jumped up and grinned, like he'd meant to act this way.

"Hello." He grinned, trying to pour on his natural British accent, he struggled for a moment to find something else flirtatious to say. "Ah, how can we help ya miss?"

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Garrett simply grinned back

Garrett simply grinned back to Kami as he allowed himself to settle back on the grass, laying happily in the soft foliage with a light, gardentoned hand still in Laurn's not wanting to break the bodily contact just yet. Soaking in the golden rays of the Sun, he murmured happily.

"Oh, and I'll be cooking for you guys too...or trying." He grins.


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"Well now, that's a fine

"Well now, that's a fine accent ye've got there. Almost like home." Her brogue was not to thick, she hoped, and she smiled. "I'm Signy McAllister. Ma mum and I are setting up a shelter just up the road, and I saw ye and yer friends up top and thought I'd pop over and say Hallo. Hallo!"

(edited to remove Sassenach comment)

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Tobias blinks, his smile

Front Door
Tobias blinks, his smile fading for a moment, then he chuckles a little. He waves his arm, as an invitation to come inside, not that being a resident only a few hours gave him the right.

"Nice ta meetcha Signy, I'm Tobias Dragun, your accent certainly brings a wave of nostalgia." He smiled. "Seems you're in the same sorta business Goldy upstairs is." He nods back towards the staircase behind him. "Home for wayward super-teens." He smiles and steps out of the door. "Ya can come in if ya like, stay a bit to chat, unless your mum'll scold ya." He grinned.


"That sounds great!" Technosis grinned, he and Terry usually ended up having fast food when Psionette wasn't around, neither of them knew how to cook. Tech grinned and nodded a couple of times. He turned to Kami and smiled.

"We could get to work on the planning if ya want kiddo." Technosis grinned and squeezed Garretts hand gently. "We've got the equipment inside. "

"Okay! We'll need to plan out the enchantments to expand the space, making more bedrooms should be easy, since it's essentially telling it to make duplicates of certain spaces. The Library and Rec room will take some complicated spacial dimension coding in the spell glyphs we put on the door leading to the extra-dimensional space." She grinned and bobbed after Technosis down the stairs.

With that Technosis and Kami walked into the monitor room and sat at a station, Kami had limited computer experience, so Technosis was teaching her for the moment, while she tried to explain to him how he needed to set up the magic software he was working on.

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Garrett grinned at being so

Garrett grinned at being so warmly received, and was happily pulled from the patch of blanket soft grass as they headed down the stairs, noly allowing his hand to leave Laurence's as he walked onwards to head into the kitchen area, eyeing. Not even thinking about it, a pair of suddenly summoned vines begin to retrieve a pot, pan, and strainer, as he muses.

"How does a pasta sound, since we have 7 to..nine people now to feed?" He remarks as he catches sight of Signy, waving to the girl with a broad smile as he introduces himself. "Welcome to the Tower! I;m Garrett Woods, the resident elf." He jokes.


Just after Tobias closes the door, a pink flash winks about the foyer as Psionette appears, clad in her full costume, the mental veil having now formed into a psionic crown about her head for ease of vision. Carrying within one hand a hi tech news tablet and stylus and in the other two sacks of cooking goods from Speedmart visible, quickly telekinetically set on the counter.

Sweeping her auburn waves of hair out of her eyes, she grins to the new arrivals as she offers a hand, first to Tobias, the Signy. "Hey there, a pleasure to meet you, I'm Psionette. Welcome to the Team."


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Mar went over to one of the

Mar went over to one of the lab tables looking things over. He might be scared but he was also trusting, as well as determined to understand. "Many strange things to understand, why do people live such complex lives?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Sure, I can stay a wee bit.

"Sure, I can stay a wee bit. We're a women's shelter, for those whose husbands, lovers, an' significant others, need to learn manners. And it's nice to be meeting all of ye."

To Psionette Signy replied, "Getting a bit ahead of yerself, Red? I hadn't e'en told anyone here I have superpowers!"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Psionette smiles as she hear

Psionette smiles as she hear's of the shelter, stating happily. "I'd be happy to come down to the shelter if you'd have me as a guest, and I don't know, do you?" She inquires with a smirk, having an idea.


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First floor

First floor
Tobias smiled, quite happy that Signy decided to come in. He blinked and almost became a bladed horror when Psionette appeared out of nowhere! He hoped she had powers! Maybe she'd come by and stick around, or help them out sometimes!

"Do ya? Have powers? I uh... Got powers" He grinned and walked up the staircase towards the main living quarters, the smile on his face falters a moment as he mentions his powers, and both the voices in his head make comments about the girl. One sneering about how weak she looked, and something about her skull, the other, berating Tobias for even attempting flirtation in the first place. He set his jaw for a second, then smiled again.

"Ya picked a good place for a womens shelter, or horrible, might make an angry ex think twice about showin' up after 'em!" Tobias grinned and balled up his fist. He was pretty skinny, but two years of fighting had given him a toned body. He stumbled as he reached the second floor landing, walking backwards was a bad idea.

Second Floor

Kami and Technosis had decided to start getting to work on marking out their plans for the new additions they were constructing with magic. On the second floor they were marking out a door at the end of the hall, a well drawn sketch at the moment. Each room had a similar sketch, planned for a closet for each set of rooms. A small gap between doors was also marked off, with an obviously 'girls' symbol, opposite that a boys sign.

"Hey Toby!" Kami said, helping him up. "You still have the spell ink in your backpack?" Kami asked.

"Eh? Oh, yeah, shit! I left it in the cave..." He winced, the backpack was invaluable.

"No problem, I'll just conjure our stuff to our room." She went into the room Tobias had put his leather jacket, produced her staff with a short incantation, then did the same thing with a pile of stuff! Legos being one major component.

"Handy." Technosis grinned. "Who'd ya drag in Psionette, or was she Tobias' idea?" Technosis grinned and raised his eyebrows, waving to Signy.

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"Ye'd be welcome, to help out

"Ye'd be welcome, to help out, hide out, or just hang out. And, aye, ye'd be right about me having powers. A bit o' magic Mother taught me, and then there's what ma father passed down..." Signy seemed to be amused by something.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Psionette offers an

Psionette offers an apologetic smile to Toby as she heads up the stairs to greet Laurn with a hug, smirking. "Oh no, she came on her own just before me, she is our neighbor. Adn I don't know Tobias, was she your idea?" She teases, before she then turns back to Signy with a grin.

"I'll go for options one and three, and really. I know very scant about magic, but what did your father pass down, if you don't mind me asking?" She then proceeds to introduce herself to a ever smiling Garrett, and quickly joins him in setting up the kitchen for chicken fettuccine alfredo, and a white cheese chicken herb lasagna.


Garrett smiles as he happily listens to the clamor of his new teammates around him, as he casually summons the leaves of a thyme and parsley plant, grounding the to add them into both dishes. Turning to Laurn, he calls out.

"After we get dinner fixed, we can see what I could do regarding renovating!"


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Fourth floor

Fourth floor

Terry shrugs at Mar's question about the complexity of their lives, showing off a few more of Laurns experiments that were still set up to run.

"That's not an easy answer, to be honest. Technology, some would say, others say it's our curiosity. We wonder, we test, we learn, we create something with that and it builds." Terry shrugged. "Sadly sometimes what we learn and create, we don't really understand, and it complicates things, or creates unintentional cruelty." Terry shrugged again as he waxed philosophical for a moment.

Second Floor

Tobias' cheeks turned red at the thought and then shrugged.

"I uh- I let her in, if that's what you mean?" He cleared his throat and shrugged. He was curious about why she was so amused, but decided not to ask. He just showed her around, the second floor was a simple lay out with just a long line of bedrooms and a bathroom at the end of the hall, which was likely to be changed. "Oh, that's Kami, my sister." He nodded towards the black-haired mage girl scribbling all over the walls with chalk.

"Hi!" She waved, then went back to working on the renovations. "We'll have to do some spell work to move things around, we're not really modifying the building itself, just..." She paused to think, marking her face by accident with the chalk. "It's like..."

"It's like overlaying, or redirecting?" Technosis offered. He laughed quietly and looked over the symbols she was using, he recognized some of the geometry and math she was using, as well as a few quantum variables...

"Yeah, Redirecting is a good word, cause the stuff we're putting in, isn't taking up building space, it's taking up extra-dimensional space, which is everywhere, no body notices, but everything in the world, is mostly just void." She smiled and nodded, as if this was something everyone should know.

"Yeah, she's a bit of a brain." Tobias grinned and headed up the stairs again. "I don't really get the magic much, but I'm trying to learn. She does some strange Whovian physics stuff, made a bathroom in our cave! Plumbing and everything, no idea where it flushed to though." Tobias shrugged.

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Garrett smiles at the mention

Garrett smiles at the mention of Doctor Who and the dreaded toilet that flushed to the Void, before eyeing the symbols himself from behind the kitchen counter, vines all the wile sprouting and aiding with necessary menial tasks to speed up the process. In less then fifteen minutes after they had began, Psionette and Garrett had set both sides in the oven and they would be ready in under thirty.

Stepping out of the kitchen smelling of fresh herbs and oddly enough, honey, Garrett approaches Kami and Laurn, curiously eyeing the symbols himself before speaking. "So it will essentially exist in it's ow self contained space, not actually requiring any extra construction if we don't desire, but still being tangible, real?"


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Kami looked up at Garrett and

Kami looked up at Garrett and nods a couple of times. She grins and points to a group of symbols in the scratch work they were doing on the fake door frame.

"Yep, this basically says, expand and open to extra dimensions we normally can't see or access." She then points to another series of symbols and math equations. "And these tell it what to put in that space. This is the girls bathroom, the current bathroom over there, is going to be the rec room. We're basically replacing that space with a new space, and putting the old stuff that's still there, and copying it as two seperate extra-spaces." She smiles, pointing. "Once we activate and fill in our work with spell ink, the spaces will be self sustaining and only a really skilled mage will be able to take them apart." She smiled and then went back to working on the spell coding.

Laurn looks up and chuckles a bit. He's checking her geometry and math, also taking notes on the symbols she's using/

"I get the geometry and stuff she's using, but I don't quite get how the symbol for Libra fits into it." He chuckles and writes a few more notes, Kami shrugs, as if she can't quite explain it, or can't explain simply enough.

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Garrett gives Kami a easy

Garrett gives Kami a easy smile and nod, understanding her explanation but frustratingly perplexed at the symbols and math incorporation. His face crosses briefly though noticeably for a moment, as he stepped back from the pair. Feeling rather embarrassed at the brilliance of the two geniuses, he takes a moment to mutter.

"Uhm alright. I'll be on the roof if you need me." Without another word, he departs up the stairs and onto the now foliage covered roof, a wring of hibiscus flowers along the perimeter of the installation, soft, itch free grass upon it's face, with beautiful tulips and thornless roses sprouting every second. Laying in the soft earthen blanket, he attempts to soak in the last rays of the Sun before it dips into it's evening veil, content with what he fully understands.


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"STALKER!" Aoi turned and ran

"STALKER!" Aoi turned and ran.

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"Unintentional... like me."

"Unintentional... like me." he looks down at his extra arms "Miss Tucker says they didn't mean to be cruel or to make me like I am. I'm one of a kind, because of a mistake."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Ah, well, thought Evaine.

[I]Ah, well,[/I] thought Evaine. [I]You can't help those not ready to be helped.[/I] She waited for the next bus, and continued toward the shelter.

"Strength an' speed an' toughness. Fortunately I get ma intelligence from ma mum." She looked at the plans... The notation was unfamiliar, as if it came from a source unrelated to that which she had learned from her mother...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Fourth Floor

Fourth Floor

Gold-Fire gives a sympathetic frown at what Mar says and nods quietly, then pats him lightly on the shoulder. A smile returns to his face as he indicates that they could go down stairs.

"Well, mistakes also bring discoveries, and not all mistakes are bad. Uniqueness, that's a curse and a blessing, but we're lucky to live in a universe where our uniqueness is acceptable, and we can do something with it." He smiles and tries to lead Mar down stairs, smelling the food.

Second Floor

Tobias nods at her brief explanation of her powers.

"I get my powers from both sides, It's a long explanation... " He chewed his lip and glances about the hall and the kitchen. "So... You gonna stay for dinner? Is there enough?" Tobias turned to Psionette to ask.

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"Nae, ma mum..." Signy

"Nae, ma mum..." Signy pulled out her phone and looked at the time, and saw the message, "will be a bit late, about twenty more minutes." She considered the time, and the possibility of frozen dinners versus what she saw being prepared here. "Is there enough for two extra?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Rosie Tucker "So what do you

Rosie Tucker "So what do you say Mar? Want to give these people a try I come back in a few days." He let himself get led down stairs "Alright will try."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Psionette nodded to Tobias

Psionette nodded to Tobias and Signey. "The lasanga alone is enough for eight, the chicken alfredo seven, so I believe that is enough. Garrett had the proportions down to a science but he's.." She frowns as she notes he's currently upon the roof.

"Trying to relax for a moment. And yes, I will be staying for dinner." Smiles.


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Terry smiled at Mar's tentative agreement to stay there. He grinned as he reached the floor and inhaled loudly. He gave Psionette a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Smells awesome, how was the paper today?" He glanced around, waving at Signy as a greeting. He was still in hero gear, thinking about getting into civvies for the night.


Tobias grinned and did a quiet fist pump at his side as celebration. The voices in his head making inane or violent commentary about his happiness or laziness. HE gritted his teeth quietly and went to find Kami. He peaked around a door finding her etching another spell onto a wall.

"Hey, Kami, Tech, Foods almost ready, I think we're having two dinner guests." Tobias grinned at that part. "You got all the supplies you need?"


Kami hopped up and shook her head vigorously, her braid whipping back and forth. "Nope! Just the spell ink and the mana."

"What's for dinner?" She smiled broadly, stuffed her chalk and spell books into Atrox' pocket in the back and slung him onto her back.


Hopped up and finished up his notes, reading Kami's books and looking over the spacial manipulation spells she was creating on the doors were really helping him understand the Machina Mana.

"Smells greats!" He grinned and headed up the stairs, instead of towards the dining area. "I'll get Garret." He said, bounding up the stairs with a metal clanking from his brass colorred boots. He stopped at his room and did a quick change into his civilian clothes, he never liked wearing his hero suit to dinner. "Garret?" Laurn called as he got to the fourth floor.

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Psionette grinned as she

Psionette grinned as she leaned against Terry, set to change as well soon.

"Same old, kinda new old, am going to still be concentrating on being their source for Ironport happenings despite the lack of pay...people really need help here, Terry." She notes, taking a moment to smile about the room at the new, eager faces.


Garrett perks up within his comfort of grass at the sound of Laurn's voice below him,as he is still lounging on the roof. Sighing at being disturbed from his rest but grinning at knowing who the person was, he decides to leave a trail of 'cookie crumbs' of sorts as three plums bounce down the stairs from an open crack in the door leading to the roof of the Tower.


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Signy hit the speed dial.

Signy hit the speed dial. "Mum, the neighbors ha' invited us to dinner." She gave the address. "Aye, that's the one. 'Home for wayward super-teens'...They seem nice, and it looks like they're recruiting...offered to help out if someone wouldna take 'no'...See ye in ten minutes, then." She turned off her phone. "Looks like I will be staying for dinner, and ma mum, too."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Terry nod frowning about the Ironport distress topic again. He glances about at the new people and smiles vaguely at the notion of them helping out.

"Well, good news is, we have people to help." He waved his arm at the new recruits. "Oh, this is Mar, He's a couple months old." Terry put his hand on the six armed boy. "Garrett is up stairs, seems pretty well adjusted. Tobias was the scruffy blonde kid, needs clothes, bit rough around the edges, came in in cuffs. He's got a sister named Kami, 16 and 11 respectively. Uhh..." He paused to think of who he was forgetting, then realized he didn't recognize Signy. "Ah, I don't actually know you, you're not here to join are you?" He raised his eyebrow. "I'm Gold-Fire, Terry, to friends. Just don't let the Secret I.D. slip." He grinned, and shrugged. "I've gotta change before dinner." With that he was off to go change into normal clothes.


Tobias had his arm around Kami while they walked, Kami trying to explain to him all about the symbols she used. He seemed to have a slightly glazed look on his face at the long winded explanation. Tobias shook his head

"You're too smart for your own good sometimes." Tobias ruffled her hair and smiled as he returned to the dining area and let go of Kami. She went into the kitchen to smell the food directly. Tobias was picking at the frayed edges of the holes in his blue jeans, which were actually more like red, yellow and blue jeans. He didn't seem to take much care with his own clothes, Kami was well dressed and clean, in contrast.

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"Signy McAllister. Ma mum

"Signy McAllister. Ma mum and I are setting up a women's shelter just up the road. An' I'm not sure about joining yet. One incident last year doesna make me 'wayward'." She grinned impishly.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Psionette nods as she replies

Psionette nods as she replies to Terry before he slips off to change.

"Garrett helped me cook, he seems gregarious, outgoing enough, and he has some fairly neat powers. I think there is much to Tobias and Kami then meets the eye though, they've been through a lot. And on that note, I'll be changing too." With that, she slips away to her room upstairs, returning moments later a simple white blouse, black jeans, and tan heeled boots, annoucing to those gathered.

"For all those interested, I'm headed to the Mall later...anyone like to come?" She then takes a moment to send a psionic message to Laurn and Garrett.

*Interested in heading to the Mall later?*

Garret's reply is a sudden mental squee, before blushing as he assets coolly. *I mean sure, cool!" This has Sabrina chuckling for a moment.


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Mar was nervous so many

Mar was nervous so many strangers. He went to the room's corner and climbed up the wall settling near the ceiling. Two arms out hands against the ceiling he somehow lost his flipflops no doubt when he first scurried up a wall. He didn't seem panicked thought and he was scratching his nose with his second right hand. "What is a Mall?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Psionette smiled as she

Psionette smiled as she adopted a warm, cordial tone, explaining.

"A mall is a place where civilians here can go en masse into a large structure to be clothing, food, and other wares from several separate shops located inside."


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Tech glances over at Garrett, confused by the sudden blushing he exhibited. Laurn scratched the back of his neck, and reached into his shirt, tearing off an offending tag, as he headed down stairs again with Garrett. He wore a pair of black shorts and a nerdy T-Shirt with the words "There are 10 types of people in the world, those who get binary and those who don't." He put his arm around Garrett and sighed quietly.


Leaves his room just as Tech and Garrett are heading by, dressed in a pair of cargo pants that zip off at the bottom, he's left the zipper open so he can get some cool air in on the hot day. His shirt is a simple yellow, same color as his hero suit, with his symbol on it, memerabilia from when he had a small fan club in their school, consisting of one girl with a T-shirt press. He carried a pair of jeans and a green T-shirt in hand as he walked down the stairs into the dining area.

"Here, change before dinner, and throw those out." Terry said to Tobias with a smile "Probably a bit baggy on you." He shrugged and went to Sabrina again. "Want and help?"


Tobias glanced at the clothes he was handed, then looked down at his clothes and his entire face, up to his ears turned red. Then he glanced at Signy and dashed off to change. He was back a few seconds later in the new clothes, smelling like he'd sprayed himself down in arosol body spray. He glanced around and tried to seem relaxed, even though he definitely was not, with voices in his head screaming for justice or rampant murder sprees...

"I'd like to go to the mall." He said, making sure the goggles on his forehead were still in place. "I need new boots, I keep tearing through mine with my blades, need some that self repair though, doubt they have that." He babbled, nervously.


Is fairly short for her age, but inherently intent on being helpful, she's in the kitchen reaching for the plates, trying to grab several at a time. Without her staff she doesn't have on the fly magic, so she's stuck reaching on her tip-toes. She gets a few plates down without a hitch, then one slips off and shatters behind her.

"Ack!" She sets the other plates down and scrambles around looking for a broom to sweep up the mess.

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"I like to go see this mall

"I like to go see this mall thing. Clothing I was told is needed, all I have is the ones I have on. The nice lady Rosie Tucker gave them to me."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Garrett blushes a bit more at

Garrett blushes a bit more at the prolonged contact but makes no move to end it as they walk downstairs, inquiring shyly as Laurence sighed. "I'm sorry you had to waste time looking for me. And uhm..can you teach me coding, or some math symbols? I want to be able to help out you guys with expanding, but all I do is make plants and vines, decorations." He admits the last part slowly.

He then spots Terry's pants, adding with a smile.

"And I think your teammate Sabrina said we're going to the mall...are we going to the mall? Are you coming, Laurn? I need to find I mean the pants I have now are nice but a new wardrobe is better." He rattles off the statements almost as quick as Kami's, with a grin, almost as if he never admitted his [perceived uselessness.


Sabrina chuckles at Garrett's rambling, before turning to help Kami picks up the plates shards with telekinesis, instantly answering. "Hey, don't worry. it was an accident! I imagine this will happen more and more now that we have you guys here, so thanks for breaking it in." Afterwards, she promply lifts the two bubbling and delicious smelling dishes to the dinner table, ready.

Making sure there is a pair of spatulas by each pan, she shouts. "Dinner's ready!"


Hearing this, Garrett thought for a moment before proposing to Laurn. "Want to eat in well...the garden on the roof?"


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Mar chose to remain in the

Mar chose to remain in the corner watching how people do things. His lower arms were moving about and he was spinning a small web between his fingers a cat's cradle game, interestingly he was doing it without even looking.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Signy helped out where she

Signy helped out where she could, mostly with the setting of the table because the kitchen itself seemed to have way too many cooks. "A mall run sounds like a good idea, but ma mum may need me to help out wi' the consecration."

Evaine got off the bus and went to the shelter. She set her bag of "groceries" inside, then lock the door again before heaeding across the street.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Laurn raised his eyebrows at Garrett, and recognized nervous banter when he heard it! He squeezed Garretts shoulder and nodded a couple times.

"It was no waste of time, I can teach you to code, but I do think a garden would be more useful than you think, especially if we have so many to feed." He smiled as the others moved around to get food and drinks.


"Ya know, ya don't have to be 'wayward' to join up." Tobias smiled, trying to convince Signy to join. "I think?" He glanced at the others, waiting for food and conversation.


Kami nodded and calmed down when Sabrina easily took care of the broken dish. She could see they definitely needed some of the spacial distortion spells, if they were going to get more people here!


Terry smiles as he looks around, then at Signy he realizes they were forgetting someone. "Ah, your mom's coming over, huh? I'll go down stairs and let her in!" He jumped up from his seat and hurried down stairs. "Don't start without me!" He called back.

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Aoi felt rather stupid. Her

Aoi felt rather stupid. Her english was good, but she knew she had yelled the wrong word while running away. It was getting dark and it was dinner time. She was still lost, apparently in Ironport and bar lights were starting to turn on. Thats when she heard the noise. That sound when metal scrapes over metal combined with rusted gears painfully turning.

Aoi watched in muted horror as a massive slag heap of metal rounded the corner. A small child had run into the road apparently not understanding how dangerous this giant robot thing was! Aoi dropped her guitar and sprinted towards the small boy. "Get way! Get way!" Aoi was screaming at the top of her lungs. She didn't understand why no one else was running to help the boy.


Tom had just left the bar his buddy was working at. It was early evening, he had the swing shift so no point in getting bombed. He heard the familiar sound of Arch. The monolith must be making its nightly repair walk. Tom stopped smiled and waved at the giant creature. He knew it would ignore him, it only ever paid attention to children. He remembered after having crashed his bike as a child finding it fixed two days later with a pony sticker on it. Arch was a good ...guy? Thing? Whatever, he was one of those heroes for the little people.

Tom heard a slightly less heard sound. A woman screaming at Arch. OH MY GOD... Tom got excited, he was finalllllllllllllly going to get to see it. A new cape to the city thinking Arch was a bad guy, just because he looked a bit scary! He had heard about these stories, but never saw it happen before!


Aoi rushed forward. She had about as much fighting experience as a toddler. No one ever physically picked on her growing up. She hadn't even been in a middle school fight.

Aoi clenched her fist and drove it home. It smashed into the Monolith. Aoi looked up. The Monolith looked down. Aoi heard a grating. The next thing she felt was what she imagined an ant felt when you flicked it off your skin.

Aoi went sailing. She came to an abrupt halt by smashing into the side of a building half a block away. The girl fell over mostly unconscious.

The boy was so excited. He had icecream and got to meet stickers all in the same night! Why was the blue woman yelling at him? He wasnt doing anything. He started to cry. "Stickers help!" The boy whimpered. Arch took action. He lumbered a step forward just as the blue girl struck him. Three minutes repair time he noted to himself. Arch struck back with equal force. He watched for a half second to make sure the blue thing was gone before turning back to the child and handing him a small brass drum.

Arch lumbered on.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Garrett blushed as he nodded

Garrett blushed as he nodded shyly, adding with enthusiasm.

"Oh, and maybe you could create a micro water supply system to keep them fertilized! Want to talk about it and eat on the roof, so we can brainstorm together?" He seems to emphasize the last point slightly, as he seems to recognize something in Tech, whilst preparing his plate, and handing it to Mar, before fixing his own and heading upstairs himself.


Psionette smiles to Tobias as he attempts to recruit Signy, whispering. "Hey now, she just got here, give her some time and space to think, alright? Maybe you can start opening a bridge by getting her a plate?" Smiles


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Signy smiled. "Two plates,

Signy smiled. "Two plates, please, ma Mum'll be here-"

She was interrupted by the chime of the doorbell.

"Well, about now."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Was waiting in the first floor for Signy's mother, he hit the security codes to open the heavily sealed door then swung it open.

"Evening Mrs. McAllister, glad you could join us!" He smiled and stepped aside, still holding the door. He glanced through the door, making sure no one else was around, waiting in the wings for a free meal. "Your daughter's upstairs, second floor." He pointed up the metal walkway leading to the spiral staircase around the brass column, lined with green glowing pipes.


"Oh, sorry. " He smiled and went back to the kitchen to help Kami with the plates. He came back with a stack and handed them out to whoever didn't have one yet. He didn't serve anyone, since he assumed he'd get the portions wrong. He was starving, perhaps almost literally. He handed two plates to Signy.


Laurn sat at the table and nodded quietly, thinking about the idea as well... He stroked his chin, which was devoid of stubble, and nodded a few times.

"That seems like a possibility, we could even use the soil and a filtration system to run the irigation from the basement and the roof, through the graphine tumbler generator, that way all the run off will serve two purpose, since it's already got minerals and a bit of salt to help the plants." He nods, his eyes going towards the ceiling as he started thinking up the mechanisms he'd have to build and install around the building. He also realized they'd need to expand the basement and put in a bunch of grow-lights if they expected to build a garden down there...


A figure cloaked in darkness stalked around the building, sensing that someone he wanted was in the building. All that might be seen by a psychically adept individual, was a blur of a human figure, like the outline of the sun after staring too long, only 7 foot tall and man-shaped. He approached the door as Terry was closing it, and the automatic defenses kicked in, a green barrier of energy shot up around the building and the man touched it, shot back from the energy discharge. He growled and snorted, he'd have to find another way to find his son...

The figure was decloaked by the sudden discharge and contact with the barrier, but as he got up and stalked away he wrapped infernal darkness around himself and once again disappeared. He snorted again and stalked around to the alley to analyze the building for weaknesses, then stalked away into the night, perhaps to find others who could help him reach his son and turn him.

Somewhere in Iron Port

Kitoshi had ignored the dragon spirit's warning, he didn't believe in "Kami's", nor did he think the apparition was serious about commiting evil acts. So, he went about his normal routine, now sporting skin that resembled a snakes, and hair that was bright green. The neat fire powers were a bonus too! He laughed as he watched from an alley as the blue metal girl tried to assault the mechanized guardian of Ironport, then took his chance. He hoped she was unconscious as he approached and started rifling through her pockets, stunned, would be enough.

Of course he was annoyed to find nothing at all on the girls pockets, besides a flier for the new "Young Wanderers", a bunch of do-gooders trying to clean up Ironport. He scoffed, and snorted loudly, then with the thought of what the dragon said in mind, scribbled a map on the back of the flier, and tossed it on the unconscious girl. The next moment he was gown, leaping into the air and onto the building to watch. A good deed negated a bad one, didn't it? He didn't even do anything bad! Pocket searches with nothing found, that was just neutral karma, right?

Inside Wanderers Tower

The alarms went off as whoever was outside triggered the barrier with their hostile intentions. They went off for less than a minute, before the alarms deactivated again, along with the barrier, and the apparent hostile force gone. Would they continue dinner as planned?

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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
"Thank you, and please, call

"Thank you, and please, call me Evaine," said the woman who might, conceivably, be old enough to be Signy's mother. She was only about 5'6" to Signy's 5'9", and had hazel eyes. But the faces were similar, and blonde hair hung down her back over a summer dress. Evaine only had time to get a glimpse of the figure as the door closed. "Bigger than my ex." She murmured a prayer, adding a blessing of protection to whatever wards were already up, amd headed upstairs.

"Plate, Mum? Ye're just in time...What for, I wouldna know." Signy started introducing everyone.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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As soon as the alarm went off

As soon as the alarm went off Garret's eyes immediately glowed and pulse with verdant energy, but faded as they were just as quickly deactivated. Frowning, he simply shakes his head as he move to gingerly sit by Laurence, taking a moment to state.

"He was very tall, but we should be safe for now, wards and such. Just in case though vines are creeping along the perimeter, and will let me know if something is seen again. And a soil and filtration system sounds wonderful, I can't wait to get started! We could have honeysuckle, roses, petunias, tomato vines, onions, cabbage, potatoes...I'm rambling again huh?" He blushes with a sheepish smile.


Psionette still appears on edge despite the threat being null, and promptly scans the area about for malevolent minds. Finding nothing withing a scowl, as no human could presumably evacuate the area that fast, she calms down. Turning to Terry, she pulls him aside a moment to quietly inquire.

"I trust Laurence's tech, but your sure our defenses are airtight, we have a fullhouse here. And he seems happy with Garrett,don't you think? Reminds me of...uhm.." She shifts her feet, saddened by remembering Quin.


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Laurn pulled his goggles out of his pocket to check his security system. He pulled up the image and sent it to the TV in the room, showing off an image of a man nearly 7 foot tall. He freezed the image on the clearest picture they had of the threat. The man looked like he was wrapped in organic bio-metal armor, each straight section of limb was covered in a single plate of armor that had the texture of bone, but the sheen of blacked metal. His torso was covered in bands of the stuff as well, leaving only abdomen open. A few bones and skulls littered the mans body, strung together by leather. The mans face was also covered, except for his mouth, with metalic bone plates. The segments were connected by what appeared to be red living sinew, only his jaw retained the semblance of a human skin.

"Uck..." Laurn shook his head and turned the image off remotely. "Errr, yeah, that sounds good, keep your vines out to ensnare anything... I'm pretty sure we could set up something up on the roof to allow the garden to grow year round as well."


Terry followed Sabrina into the hall where she pulled him and eyed the pair in the dining room, conversing about their plans for a garden and some weird graphite generator. He thought for awhile and nodded quietly. He glanced at the screen that was in view from where they stood, and disliked the man that appeared on screen.

"Yes. I'm sure our defenses will hold, he modeled the force field after my powers, which are, with perfect concentration, nearly impenetrable. They're computer generated, with a nearly limitless source of energy. We're safe here, and from what Kami said earlier, she can't use the Machina Mana, which means, it's logical to assume most earthly mages haven't seen something like it either. Whatever that was, was a test of our defenses, or an unaware threat..."

Terry lowered his eyes when the subject broached their deceased friend. He simply nodded quietly.

"He's definitely coming out of his shell a bit. Strange though, haven't been able to get him to do much besides research and inventing since..." He trailed off as well. "He usually eats at the consoles too."


Tobias was tense the moment he heard the alarms, he sensed something as the barriers were activated that made him shiver. He hunched in his chair slightly and gripped the table without a word. He glanced up at the screens and then looked away abruptly, his nerves were shot, he'd been unable to rest or relax for the better part of 2 years. He thought, perhaps loudly enough for Sabrina to pick up, that now would be no different...

"E-excuse me." Tobias said, getting up abruptly and going to the room he had 'claimed'. Once there he picked up his jacket and backpack, dumping the magically expanded bag on the floor and leaving everything magic related. He put his old ratty sets of clothes back and started towards the top floor, trying to avoid sight, but that would be impossible, with Terry and Sabrina in the way! 'I gotta go! I gotta go! I gotta go!', his conscious mind continued screaming, while the dark mind shouted back 'Join him! Join him!', the light mind was just as simplistic, screaming 'Smite the demon! Smite it!' Tobias hid behind the corner of the hall and clutched his head, trying to ignore the voices.

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The blessing of protection

The blessing of protection settled around the building, and the one person most in distress was sent a message, not from Evaine, but from the Power she had invoked. Tobias might not hear it consciously, and his own shields might block it, but if he did hear it, it would be a feminine voice, allied with the Light, *Calm, youngling. Here, you are safe, among friends. Share your knowledge, that they may defend themselves, and help you to find the path [I]you[/I] would choose.*

Evaine didn't know what her blessing was doing, she only knew that the young man who had been passing out plates was in distress, and that her daughter had gone off after him.

Signy had set her plate down on the table, and gone of after Tobias, finding him around the corner. "Tobias? What's wrong? Can I help?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
