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WISH LIST 11: The Tunnels

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Joined: 04/14/2014 - 19:52
WISH LIST 11: The Tunnels

Did you know that Titan City is based on a a massive networks of tunnels, that if put end to end could circle the Earth? Most people don't know that. The Titan City Bureau of Tourism has been tasked by the mayor to try and erase this fact from the history books. They even delete the Wikipedia page every Friday. The reason for the cover up is that they are incredibly dangerous, and no one has been able to map them. Whenever construction workers go down, they wear body armor, have a police escort, and don't go more than ten meters from a manhole. Last year a crew of 12 people from National Geographic went down to do a story and never came back. The 45 people who went down after them didn't come back either. The press wanted to do a story on these disappearances, but the mayor pointed out that they would need to go into the tunnels for some footage. The press decided to cover something else instead- for insurance purposes they said. I really wish our heroes could keep us safe.

Shortly after launch, Guild Wars 2 added a dungeon called Fractals of the Mist. It was a series of four random mini-dungeons that gave the mission extreme repayable. The Tunnels would be City of Titans Fractals. Even though the players have gone down dozens of times, they really don't know what they would encounter this time. The story would be that, shortly before launch, the fairy wizard Harazune unleashed a terrible chaos curse on the City of Titans that made the subway, sewers, and other tunnels into an innavigable labyrinth. The heroes descend to battle the fairy at the "center" of the tunnels and return the city to the way is should be.

There are many possible settings:
1. Modern subway/ abandoned subway.
2. Modern sewers/ colonial era sewers
3. Cold War era radiation shelter
4. Colonial era mines
5. Basement of building
6. Secret CIA prison
7. Caves
8. Cult cathedral
9. Actual underground railroad (I know the underground railroad wasn't literally underground, yada, yada, yada)
10. Something that is not in the actual tunnels or the current time. Players may go to an alien planet in the past only to realize that they are the reason the aliens are attacking now.

And many more possible encounters
1. Ghosts mining the mine they died in
2. Crocodile men waging war against tiger men
3. Cultists sacrificing the Nat Geo crew to Harazune
4. Faries on the Wyld Hunt
5. Minotaur
6. A big foot
7. A secret circus
8. Vikings
9. Ninjas training

Is this something you'd like to play?

DesViper's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 03/10/2014 - 00:55
Absolutely, but the city

Absolutely, but the city would need some infrastructure in the way of subways and such. Such a wizardly event couldn't be perpetual.

But i'm all for the randomized sewer/other tunnel maps. It's a place to add new content (I'd think we'd need more than four), and could pay homage (in a non IP-invasive way) to the sewer trials and zones of CoH

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Darth Fez
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Joined: 09/20/2013 - 07:53
There has been some talk

There has been a bit of talk about [url=]underground areas[/url] that's worth a look.

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