I see melee/support listed..... and think... maybe, just maybe my beloved warrior-priest from WAR can live again....
can i melee dps and use build up energy/counters type of thing to buff/heal my team?
it was such a FUN way to heal. I could go melee against people and still heal my team. Granted i wasnt blasting the raw damage of the pure dps characters, or healing as highly as the pure healy built characters... but i had a good roll. I couldnt be ignored in pvp as I did enough damage to be a threat, and if i was ignored my team never died since i was damaging and healing their primary targets.
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I was thinking Huntsman types for the Melee/Support Types myself, that appears to be the closest fit from old CoX.
If you're thinking Arachnos Soldier built as a Huntsman, you want Ranged/Support, not Melee/Support. Widows though would be Melee/*.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
All I know is Melee support is so underrated. I've always wanted to play a staff wielding monk with healing powers.
Good is not something you are, its something you do.
Eventually, you should get your chance. I'm also looking forward to melee support as well.
I never set anything on fire accidentally!
The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame