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Where Loyalties Land: Part 2

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Cute Kitsune
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Where Loyalties Land: Part 2

So ideas were tossed around here

I have been giving it some time to turn over in my head. Submitting for round 2 of thought. Let me know if I didn't cover something. Also for purposes of this I am making the following assumptions.
[*]Each Account can have it's own personal lair.
[*]Individual character lairs may be purchased.
[*]Each Super Group has a lair.
[*]Bases are called Lair because I like that word more.
[*]My ideas are actually code-able without a high suicide rate of programmers.

Now that my assumptions are done lets see if I can pose this in a readable format.
[*]A Super Group has a Leader, a 2nd and up to 6 other flexible rolls. (Because 8 is a nice number for storing data.)
[*]A Super Group can have up to 512 Accounts tied to it at one time. (Or 500 because it seems more normal)
[*]A Player has 10 free Membership slots. By default 5 of these Account wide slots. The rest are Individual.
[*]A Character may claim an open Account slot to join a Super Group as an Individual.
[*]If another Character on that Account tries to join the same Super Group two options will be presented. Use another slot as personal OR convert the existing membership back to an Account Membership.
[*]New slots can be purchased for a price that makes you wish it were cheaper but would still pay.
[*]Individual Characters can not be in more then 5 personal Super Groups at once.
[*]Newly created Characters are not in any Super Groups by default. They can be assigned any of the 5 Account ones.
[*]An Account can have only 5 Account based Super Groups.

How it works for the Super Group.
[*]The Leader, and any roles (s)he assigns can edit permissions.
[*]Who can chat/listen in group/officer chat.
[*]Who can enter the Lair
[*]Who can store/withdraw items of coveting and/or crafting
[*]Who can decorate the base. Limited by objects placed or free reign. (Let everyone place 1 item and make it a team effort!)
[*]What the Guild Symbol looks like (Tabard, Standards, Flags, ect)
[*]Can Personal or Account only invites be given?
[*]Sees the amount of tithe's each account or person has given and their member type.
[*]Each of these will have an option to enable or disable for a role based on if it's a personal or account member.
[*]If a Super Group leader goes inactive then their 2nd will be able to act as if a Leader after 60 days of absence.
[*]At 120 days of absence the 2nd becomes the Leader and the former leader is demoted to 2nd automatically. If both are absent the Super Group is without a leader until one returns. The first to long in becomes the Leader.
[*]Super Group Calendar can have events that are clearly marked as Everyone, Account only, or Personal only.

Reasons behind my idea stem from a long conversation I had with friends on Team Speak about how DDO handles guilds and how WoW handles them. We compared to games like Guild Wars as well and talked about the ups and downs. One really big head bump came from someone like me feeling like Account based is the way to go. I hate kicking Segmatoonsomething because they have been offline for 2 years only to find out it was the alt of a friend who's coming back next month after a tour of duty. On the flip side you have people who play in different guilds to take a break from their school buddies tonight or because they got in a tiff about that epic item and want to kill something in peace.

By making it flexible you leave it in the hands of the Super Group to decide if your expected to be purely RP and only personal characters or if your a hard core raiding group and when Cryferheals swaps to Cryferfries you know who it is instantly and if they were in your raid they are still in your raid because they are on an account SG.

How it works for the Player
[*]When you make you 1st Character you can pick from a set of pre fab lairs. This is where your story starts. This becomes your account lair and is already pre funded at twice the pre fab cost. All pre fabs cost the same.
[*]Future Characters start in a pre fab that will not end up your lair. Though they can buy them as a personal lair for $ouch.99 give or take a limb.
[*]When you first join a Super Group it will ask you if you wish to make it an Account or Personal Super Group. Some Super Groups will only have 1 option and the pop up will also let you know how many of your slots of left both account wide and personally.
[*]In you Lairs screen you will be able to tithe to a Lair a % of your gains. Each Lair can receive any % amount as long as the total isn't over 100% between them all. Likewise the have the option to receive the tithe from Hunting (monster drops), Trades, Auctions, Insert other method.
[*]Tithe's are tied to the Super Group slot or Personal/ Account lair they were given to. If you leave a personal Super Group those tithe'd funds stay linked to that slot. If you join a new Super Group with that slot then that group receives those funds.
[*]If you recently left or were removed from a Super Group you'll see two numbers. One is the current effective amount and the other it what it will be at full. It takes 14 days to fully recover and it's at 50% after 10 of those days. Hopping from group to group doesn't help anyone.
[*]Anything invested into Personal or Account lairs are locked in.
Funding the Moon Base of Maybe a Good Idea!
Weather you base is the moon or just on it someone's got to fund it. This is what investments are for! If it's your own Account lair then all of your Characters can fund it on a per character basis in the Lairs screen. Personal Lairs are funded in the same place but only 1 character can fund it. However if your going to make a Moon Base you want to be able to show it off! Super Groups are the way to go am I right? Well each member of your Super Group can invest into the Super Group lair. More members investing more means a bigger awesomeness that looks really wootly! Lets say your Moon Base costs 1 MILLION DOLLARS and one pinky finger in mouth. If you members combined have invested 1 million between them then your base is running at full steam. Yet running at full steam isn't cheap! The 1st 50% of a Lair's investments are reliable. Anything beyond that has a tax of 10%. So that 1 Million Dollar Moon Base costs 50,000 per arbitrary cycle to keep running or the lights go out. This isn't an investment, this is a fee.
How to handle the Fee. Be conservative, only build up to 50% of your investment potential. Be a rich kid with or without parents. Have 200% of what you actually need. Be a law abiding citizen and pay the fee as is your duty. Be a criminal and rob a bank.

It's a mix of how City of Heroes had a base fee and how most games don't. I personally feel the default should be a fee but there should be a way around it. I don't believe in placing money in the guild vault like in WoW. In DDO once invested into the guild you can't withdraw it but anyone in the guild with permissions can spend it for the guilds benefit.

The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.