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What genres do we want to see in the future?

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sev171's picture
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What genres do we want to see in the future?

The beauty of superheroes is that they appear in an incredibly wide variety of genres and settings. I realize that MWM likely already has all of their lore for launch pretty much locked, but I want to get us started on talking about possible future expansions of the game, and if it's not locked yet, great! here's some more ideas to possibly explore.

What I want to ask is what genres do we as players want to see in the game, and more importantly, what are ways that these genres feel unique to one another in gameplay and theme. It's one thing to put a skin on o group of baddies and say, "here you go. A bunch of aliens," and making them pretty much standard mmo mobs that pretty much work the same as the fantasy elves or street gangs. It's another to create a unique player experience depending on the theme of the quest line you are on. I recently made a thread on horror, suggesting ways to make it feel unique.

What genres do you guys want to see? What makes them unique? How can we make them feel the way they should through gameplay?

whiteperegrine's picture
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deep space would be my

deep space would be my initial thought, involvement with the galaxy/universe at large. this would be one of the "easiest" to fit within the superhero genre given there is no need for alternate realities/timetravel/dimension travel involved. all one needs to do is get out there but given the super-tech that can be found runnin around that shouldn't be to much of a problem.

regarding "uniqueness". make planets have a different scale of gravity. allow for space combat to happen in all directions (like swimming) with a lil costuming that allows for a helmet and back pack (for movement). environmentally there are scores of ways to go really just depends on where ya are at the moment....from the barren moon, to the cramped hallways of a rusted out space freighter, to the lush tropic-like planet of dax'Theron. it's endless...


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Maybe go the other direction

Maybe go the other direction too and fight some gigantic germs or eukaryotes? Or Heroes could be shrunk to microscopic size and do battle with little critters.
I like the idea of demon dimensions too

Nyktos's picture
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Snarlmarx wrote:
Snarlmarx wrote:

Maybe go the other direction too and fight some gigantic germs or eukaryotes? Or Heroes could be shrunk to microscopic size and do battle with little critters.
I like the idea of demon dimensions too want to be fighting a bunch of Hamis at the microscopical level?

That could be interesting

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All things considered CoH/CoV

All things considered CoH/CoV covered alot of thematic ground. Pirates, aliens, mafia, sorcerers, robots, just to name a few. Maybe some toxic mutated sludge monsters could make an appearance in CoT? I don't remember much along those lines. Or how about some celestial beings... anyone into roughing up some angels?

Nyktos's picture
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Snarlmarx wrote:
Snarlmarx wrote:

All things considered CoH/CoV covered alot of thematic ground. Pirates, aliens, mafia, sorcerers, robots, just to name a few. Maybe some toxic mutated sludge monsters could make an appearance in CoT? I don't remember much along those lines. Or how about some celestial beings... anyone into roughing up some angels?

The Hydra looked like what you are describing. There was also the Shivans as well.

I don't recall a whole lot of angel deities though. I remember Champions Online did the Nephilim aka Fallen Angels....I actually rather liked the concept behind that enemy group.

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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Wolf Shadow
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Snarlmarx wrote:
Snarlmarx wrote:

Maybe go the other direction too and fight some gigantic germs or eukaryotes? Or Heroes could be shrunk to microscopic size and do battle with little critters.
I like the idea of demon dimensions too

Ooh! I like this idea, ala [url=]Fantastic Voyage![/url]. Inside a destructable world (a.k.a. some VIP's body), the hero team has to fight off invading nanites and/or the body's own defense mechanisms. Too much collateral damage and the VIP dies (mission failure).

-Wolf sends

TheMightyPaladin's picture
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I like the idea of time

I like the idea of time traveling, with complete settings for some of my favorite periods.

[b]The Time of the Dinosaurs[/b] this one I would want to see include some serious anachronisms
so we could encounter everything from a dimetrodon to a tyrannosaurus rex in the same setting.

[b]The Ice Age[/b] a war between cro mags and neanderthals
with some giant hairy monsters running around could be fun

[b]Ancient Greece[/b] Greece was always a lot more fun than Rome, and Persians are fun villains

[b]The Viking Era[/b] complete with the twilight of the gods

[b]King Arthur's Court[/b] complete with dragons and wizards
I know, it's not a historic era it's a fictional setting. But if it were real...

[b]The Crusades[/b] A fight with a bunch of muslim slave traders would inspire most modern heroes

[b]The pirates of the caribean[/b] Ok this isn't one of my personal favorites but a lot people like it.

[b]The Civil war[/b] yes I deliberately skipped the revolutionary war

[b]I'd skip the world wars unless we fight the Japanese[/b]
The Germans were actually on the right side in WWI
and we can't show Nazis so WWII doesn't work.

[b]The Cold War[/b] I realize that this lasted until 1989 or 90
but for me it's only interesting if it's set in the 50s
a little spy mission to keep the commies from getting an army of superheroes would be fun
especially if we get to fight a few of their prototypes.

[b]The 80s[/b] Everything about the 80s was awesome
and as far as I'm concerned it was the pinnacle of human civilization
Superheroes really belong in the 80s

[b]Post Apocalypse[/b] once you get into the future you enter the realm of possibilities
there could be several different post apocalypse worlds based on different ways civilization could fall
Planet of the Apes, Zombie world, Mad Max World, Terminator World, etc...

[b]Space exploration[/b] We have the technology to explore and settle the galaxy
but the galaxy is damn big so this is gonna take a log time.
Lost in Space, Aliens, Galaxina, Barbarella, Red Dwarf, etc...

[b]Space Civilization[/b] A world of a vast galactic civilization
Star Trek and the Legion of Superheroes are about the only models we have for this.
You could add Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy if you want.
Such a civilization also clearly existed in the past in several stories like Battlestar Galactica.

[b]Space Adventures[/b] There is no nice space civilization left to keep peace in the galaxy
but the technology is still around and some planets are still doing well.
Most people are just trying to get by
but powerful armies are building to try to create a galactic empire
and there are a few people who still remember the old civilization and want to keep peace
Yeah Star Wars. Also a lot of stories from Heavy Metal

OK that completes our journey through history. Now I'd like to also mention that some different universes would be appreciated as well. I talked at length on another thread about how a Dungeons & Dragons setting would be an expansion that could eventually launch a new and completely compatible game. With people who have accounts in both games being able to move seamlessly from one world to the other.

I've also talked about eventually expanding other setting around the present day world and eventually changing the name of this game from City of Titans to World of Titans. I like to dream big.

Redlynne's picture
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Romance genre for Supers

Romance genre for Supers rarely ends well ... although I remember that The Cape Radio once did this fantastic skit that involved ... [i]flashlight lubricant?[/i] ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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Can't show Nazis? Why not?

Can't show Nazis? Why not? BloodRayne did it

sev171's picture
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Snarlmarx wrote:
Snarlmarx wrote:

Can't show Nazis? Why not? BloodRayne did it

And like every fps before modern warfare.

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 1 day ago
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Not my decision

Not my decision
Any depiction of nazis and their favorite symbol is illegal in some european countries
The Devs want to market the game there so it's a no go.
By the way, I'd be cool with fighting Japanese instead.
That part of the war is kind of forgotten today, but at the time it was an even bigger deal
we didn't need nukes to beat Germany.

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I can't even bring myself to

I can't even bring myself to pretend to fight Japan... I love Japan too much XD

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 1 day ago
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Well I love both Germany and

Well I love both Germany and Japan
but during WWII they were the bad guys.

Besides Ninjas are usually the bad guys.
And it might be fun to team up with Bruce Lee's teacher Yip Man,
or my childhood hero Douglas MacArthur.

Redlynne's picture
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sev171 wrote:
sev171 wrote:

Snarlmarx wrote:
Can't show Nazis? Why not? BloodRayne did it

And like every fps before modern warfare.

[url=]Mein leben![/url]

Some of us have been slaughtering stormtroopers since 1992 ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

TheMightyPaladin's picture
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1992? NOOB!



Pengy's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

sev171 wrote:
Snarlmarx wrote:
Can't show Nazis? Why not? BloodRayne did it

And like every fps before modern warfare.

Mein leben!
Some of us have been slaughtering stormtroopers since 1992 ...

I'm leavin'!

Comicsluvr's picture
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Between time travel, space

Between time travel, space travel and dimensional travel we can literally explain anything we want. WWII? No problem. Moon battles? Got that. Spaceship? No worries. Giant dinosaurs with weapons strapped to their heads? Sure...I guess. Anything that we don't have in our universe (that we know of...) can be brought in from another dimension. Personally I'd like to see more terrestrial stuff at first and then branch out into other things. Try not to bite off more than we can chew. Make the city the focus at launch and then expand as the Devs can.

I'd rather have fewer choices and have them done well than try to cover too much and wind up with all of them being crap.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

sev171's picture
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Comicsluvr wrote:
Comicsluvr wrote:

Between time travel, space travel and dimensional travel we can literally explain anything we want. WWII? No problem. Moon battles? Got that. Spaceship? No worries. Giant dinosaurs with weapons strapped to their heads? Sure...I guess. Anything that we don't have in our universe (that we know of...) can be brought in from another dimension. Personally I'd like to see more terrestrial stuff at first and then branch out into other things. Try not to bite off more than we can chew. Make the city the focus at launch and then expand as the Devs can.
I'd rather have fewer choices and have them done well than try to cover too much and wind up with all of them being crap.

Very true. From what I understand, that's what they're going for. I'm just interested to see what people want to see when the game does start expanding beyond the city.

Gluke's picture
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Ultimately, I'd like genres

Ultimately, I'd like genres to be represented such as gritty and semi-realistic, Punisher-esque with elements of real cirme like the drug trade, gun-running, human trafficking, even prostitution, etc. How feasilble that would be given the age of the target market remains to be seen, but I hope.

Also, maybe bleak and noir genre of content? This is more of a style than a direct subject matter, since you could have different content like space opera to semi-realistic to horror-fantasy (ala Hellblazer as a good example) to high fantasy to traditional superhero stuff, and just make it dark, bleak, pessimistic and somewhat hopeless, so that your toon gets victory in the short term and succeeds in stopping things getting any worse, but ultimately your actions won't stop the awful dakr world from turning?
In fact, wouldn't Watchmen be the ultimate example of a trad-superhero noir? And wouldn't space opera noir bascially be H.P. Lovecraft (used correctly: pessimistically)? At any rate, it's more of a style than a genre, but I'd like to see some attempts at this.

Then there is Grant Morrison. Give us stuff in the genre he writes in, whatever you choose to call that, so some Abstract, Philosophically Influenced Absurdist Psychological Cosmic Horror Time-and-Space Opera? Here's a brief idea:
And from Rachel Pollack's lesser known but underrated Doom Patrol run just after his, I leave you with the codgun:


snate56's picture
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I'd like to see a 1930's pulp

I'd like to see a 1930's pulp era zone, with low, street level powers. Characters like Doc Savage, Green Hornet, The Shadow, and such.

I haven't read any of it yet, but DC's Bombshells comes to mind.


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

RottenLuck's picture
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I wouldn't mind under the sea

I wouldn't mind under the sea. "LOST CITY OF ATLANTIS" face it you know you want to fight merfolk. Atlantis is fair use just need to make sure it's not like the Atlantis in some other media. So sorry no fighting Aquaman or Submariner. That said an adventure where you explore the sunken city searching for some mystical artifact (may or may not be of alien origin). The city defences would still be operating and you are up against others for the same tech! Could even be a PVP setup.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Considering where Titan City is located, wouldn't Y'ha-nthlei be a whole lot closer? =P

[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

RottenLuck's picture
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True Y'ha-nthlei would be

True Y'ha-nthlei would be there more or less. Thought there no reason you can't go to Atlantis either. Get onboard a ship / cut scene / loading / and you in the middle of the Atlantic.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Grimfox's picture
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Really that is true of any

Really that is true of any place on earth. I understand that they plan to include a small airport that would allow us to travel out from Titan City. To me the airport or train station or harbor should be the location where everyone pops into the world for the first time. Then you have to go to city hall register which designates you as a hero, or don't, making you a villain.

Post launch I'd love to see some really different maps. Things like Atlantis, as mentioned, or a barren sandy desert where you have to hunt down a Djinn across a massive expanse of endless desert. Where you kick up a big plume of sand and dust as you run and if you start a big fight the dust and sand collects in the air so all you can see are flashes of colored light. Or a hidden temple high in the Himalayas, Shangri La style. Or a Siberian tundra where you have to find an old base and recover information. Generally things where you get plopped into a large expanse and then have to find your objective through exploration rather than simply following a waypoint or following a path to the target.

The options post launch are really infinite. Any sort of travel would be appreciated.

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