GRRL.. I could have GAGGED! This is so OVA.. I had to share it with my fellow Gamers..
Don't let Magic The Gathering Happen to YOU
Crowd Control Enthusiast
"If 'say no to crack' reminds you to pull up your pants..."
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
It could be worse, last time I saw that much butt cleavage was on a woman of about 35-40 at the supermarket :(
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
Three Words: People of Wal-Mart
Crowd Control Enthusiast
Oh, the humanity! *wipes away a tear... of laughter*
For any sort of gamer con, sponsors should consider the following:
- Require full-backed chairs- avoid anything with openings at the "seat" level
- I recall at one comic convention, someone gave out "public service announcement "flyers" that explained what soap was and included samples. Maybe do the same for suspenders.
- Have a contest for the best slogan: "say no to crack" , "Only cosplayers should show clevage." etc and encourage people to shout in when confronted with a UBE (undesired buttcrack encounter).
Being a casual Magic player myself, and having friends who play at tournaments (and yes, these people, many of them, have crack problems) I can tell you that the guy who posted those pics got thrown out of that tournament for it, from what I heard. I can see where he certainly wasn't making a lot of friends in any case.
Frankly, if I were allowed to make blanket statements, I would say that the typical "serious Magic tournament player" is usually a total jerkwad. Most of them will do just about anything to win the game they're playing at the time, including outright cheating if they think they can get away with it. The game company that prints Magic has three different "psychograpics" they use to better define and understand their customers. They gave them names, Timmy, Johnny, and Spike. The psychograpic of the serious tournament player is named Spike. Personally I think they decided to use that name because it's the only one that comes close to describing the kind of painfully abrasive tool these people generally act like when you have to play magic against them.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising