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War Games IC (Murder mystery open RP)

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War Games IC (Murder mystery open RP)

The crime scene was gruesome to be sure. An owner of an antique store had received a package at around 12:00. According to police questioning of the employees of the local P.O. box office the package contained nothing more than a very aesthetically beautiful barrel made by a well known goblin carpenter who lived in victorian London by the name of Gnob Alesmith. On closer examination by many forensic thaumotologists however the barrel in question had an enchantment on it that made the contents of the barrel invisible until opened. Further investigation shows that the enchantment was placed 10 years after the barrel was made. The owner was found in a supply closet, he had been dissected, his innards dumped out into the barrel he ordered and replaced with fool's gold, and then sewn back up. He was found dressed as a king, a wooden scepter painted gold with a skull in a jester hat on the top sewn into his right hand, and a crown made of fake jewels and fool's gold sewn to the top of his head. On the closet door, written with what looked at first glance as blood but was later found out to be black and red paint mixed with cornstarch where the following poem "Foe against foe, friend against friend, a gruesome dance that never ends. Keeper of truth, teller of lies, can you help me find my eyes?" With the police stumped local heroes have been called in to look into the matter.

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Goldenrod surveyed the

Goldenrod surveyed the antique store, both looking and Looking. She noted any artifacts with magical auras, and evidence that anything had been taken or moved. Eventually she got to the closet where the outside of the body had been found...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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There where many magical

There where many magical artifacts in the shop, though most of them appear to be made for mundane purposes, a vase that always refills with fresh water here, a furnace filled with magic coal that always burns there. The only things that seemed out of the ordinary are two gemstones, but only when magically analyzed for more than a minute. At first glance they appear to be fool's eyes a very common form of crystalized mana of many different schools of magic, called that during the mana crystal craze in the 1930's in India where a very and very expensive type of crystalized divination magic was found in a now extinct kind of tree that was cut down for said crystalized mana. Fools eyes where made to trick the average mage that the where these types of crystals. These two crystals on a longer glance than normal however have a divination enchantment on them that could easily be looked by even a very trained magic eye glancing over them. The rest is as described above. A gruff looking detective of dwarven descent goes over to Goldenrod and asks "Find anything yet?"

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"Yes. I think I have." She

"Yes. I think I have." She showed the detective the photo of the body she'd been given. "He was dressed as the King of Fools, and the message asked about his eyes. Those two gems there," she pointed at the two gemstones, "look like Fool's Eyes. A trick enchantment, to make less careful or less perceptive mages think they were mana gems. Nystul's Magic Aura, if you're familiar with Dungeons and Dragons." She Looked again, more carefully. "But they're not. The false aura is a mask for something real underneath. Divination, I think..."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Really now..... the mages

"Really now..... the mages must of thought of them as frauds when they first came through here... anything specific about them? I'll get some of the boys from the lab to help you.... Though as far as I can see nothing has been moved... yet a piece of the puzzle has been staring us in the face all along... good work!"

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"Perhaps we could check with

"Perhaps we could check with the staff, find out if these are the same items that were there before the barrel arrived, and if not, what was there. Do you know if these gems have been checked for prints yet?" Goldenrod brought out of her belt the components she would need to analyze the gems thoroughly once they had been checked.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"He had no staff. He did

"He had no staff. He did everything himself. We dusted everything too, no finger prints out of place. The gems had more smudges on them, the boys at the lab thought it could mean someone had hidden their finger prints but found no illusion magic on the-" the detective stops with a look of panic on his face "Wait.... those are divination crystals right? ...Could someone be looking through them?"

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Goldenrod cast a quick

Goldenrod cast a quick cantrip, to reveal to her exactly how many people were looking at her. It didn't work well with cameras, unless someone was looking at the monitor, but if they were enchanted to be used as scrying foci, they would register. One would be the detective, two would be that raven looking through the window...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Goldenrod detects 3 people

Goldenrod detects 3 people seeing her, after she casts said spell a voice comes from the crystals "clever...." it says in a dry sarcastic tone

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"Not at all. Elementary,

"Not at all. Elementary, really." As she spoke, she brought her staff down across the gem on her right. When it touched, she felt along the link, gathering all the information she could before the wizard at the far end cut the link himself.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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A man walked into the Antique

A man walked into the Antique store, his torso and legs were dressed in baggy clothes, but his hands and feet were tightly dressed. He was using rope as a belt and wearing a hood, his face had a white, jawless skull painted on it. All of his clothes were black, except for the rope, which was in a light brownish color. "Show me the corpse." He said, just as soon as he had approached Goldenrod and the dwarf. This hooded man was registered as a superhero named Morbos, who was mostly known among the police for his ability to look into the last ten minutes of a dead person's life.

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"Sorry to say that these eyes

"Sorry to say that these eyes have been a labour of love for over 1000 years.... it'll take something a lot stronger than that to penetrate their gaze... and it appears we have more guests to our little game of clue...." The detective points to the closet while whispering "hurry" the staff only makes it a centimeter along the path, the magic in it is incredibly powerful.

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Goldenrod took her centimeter

Goldenrod took her centimeter of information and did her best to seem impressed as she lifted the staff off of the Eye. If whoever was behind those Eyes didn't realized [url=]how much power was in her staff[/url], she wasn't about let him know. Not until she was about to unleash it on him, at least. Putting on silk gloves, she scooped up the eyes and put them in an insulating silk bag, and handed it to the detective. "Careful with those, I'm not sure if that's insulation enough."

She nodded to Morbos. "Let's see what mistakes this bastard has made."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Yes, that's what I intend to

"Yes, that's what I intend to do." Morbos paused for a moment, then turned to the dwarf and asked. "The corpse is in the closet?"

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"We didn't want to move it in

"We didn't want to move it in case one of you supers could do something with it. It's morbid I know, but things like this have happened before and if we need to call in supers and they can analyze the body. We have some one with xray vision and the ability to scan materials go over the body."

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Morbos turned to walk towards

Morbos turned to walk towards the closet, once reached he opened it and stared at the corpse for a moment, then he looked over his shoulder at the dwarf. "Stay back." He warned, afterwards placing his right hand on the store owner's corpse. Morbos closed his eyes and did nothing for a moment, but suddenly fell on the ground with his back like a ragdoll. Once his hand was released from the dead man's head one could see the area glowing dark purple in the shape of Morbos' hand. Morbos seemed unconscious, but his eyes were open and glowing in the same dark purple tone as the mark on the corpse's head. Morbos would now see what the dead man had seen in his last 10 minutes of life. No amounts of magical warding could have stopped this from happening, as the ability would come naturally to Morbos.

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Morbos see's the man waking

Morbos see's the man waking tied up in a dark subway tunnel, the man franticly looking around and trying to scream but finding that he couldn't open his mouth. A man in jester suit with a golden skull mask entered with a giant crossbow painted gold and with gem stones covering it slung over his back, a similar dagger in a hilt at his side, and a leather pouch on his other side. He was unnaturally aswell though Morbos couldn't see any part of his skin, judging from the weight however, he couldn't have been anymore than skin and bones. In a cold, sarcastic tone much like the voice from the fool's eyes "I'd like to say that you'll survive this.... I really do....... but I think we both know that's not going to be the case..... you see... the king is in need of his mockery yet again and my audience needs me to be in the starring role... it's difficult to understand right now I'm sure..... but this is needed.... everything is needed..... I know someone's going to be watching these final moments of yours....." he then takes "center stage" and starts reciting a poem in a juxtoposingly cheery tone to the horrible circumstances " Up above the raging fire, where fools have danced upon the wire. In a cave of mocking shapes, here I stand, I hold their fate." returning to his original tone of voice "If you haven't figured it by now, this man isn't my only crime tonight. 7 men and women's very lives depend on your wits and ccourage today. Solve the riddles find a victim. Or a body. Each one is in a death trap you will have to solve, but only one deserves their fate. From 3:00 pm tpday you have a week. Happy hunting!!!" The jester takes out his dagger and digs it into the store owner's stomach as he desperately tries to escape but blacks out instead.

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Morbos' vision would be from

Morbos' vision would be from the store owner's point of view, but he saw only darkness in the part past the blackout, as if staring into a turned off TV screen, from which he couldn't look away. He only woke up after the ten minutes have been passed and the man was truly killed. The glow from his eyes faded, as did the mark he left upon the corpse. Morbos had woken up, but remained on the floor, grasping his head, as if having a terrible migraine.

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A quick analgesic spell from

A quick analgesic spell from Goldenrod, and the headache would fade to manageable levels.

"So, what did you see?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Morbos releases his head and

Morbos releases his head and helps himself get up into a sitting position. "The store owner was murdered in a dark subway tunnel. A guy in a jester suit was the killer, he wore a golden mask. He carried golden, gem encrusted crossbow and dagger. The Jester mentioned a King. He said the King needed his mockery, i think he meant himself, since he said the king needed him the the role. Somehow they knew that i, or anyone for that matter, was going to watch the killing. The jester recited a poem... 'Up above the raging fire, where fools have danced upon the wire. In a cave of mocking shapes, here I stand, I hold their fate.' He said there will be 7 victims and they depend on our wits and courage. We will have to solve a riddle, all of them are in a death trap. He also said one of them deserve this fate. We have a week starting from 3:00 pm today, i presume the day of the murder. Then he killed the store owner." Morbos paused for a while, then spoke again."One more dead person in the collection..." He sighed and got up.

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Goldenrod thought for a

Goldenrod thought for a moment. [I]Seven more or seven including this one? Best to assume seven more...[/I] "Fire most likely refers either to the 1908 fires or recent activity by IFRIT. Fools dancing on the wire could be a circus, or a stock exchange, or an internet nexus. Mocking shapes could be a movie theater, or a museum of art. 'here I stand, I hold their fate' likely means if we find him we can save them all. But we still have this riddle as well." She pointed to the lines on the closet door. "We may have the eyes, but the rest..."

After another moment of thought, she spoke up. "The owner certainly had records. If he purchased these eyes we may be able to find where they came from. Assuming they weren't planted by the killer. And did he have any security cameras?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"I'm not one for solving

"I'm not one for solving riddles, sadly." Morbos would then looked around the store, to see if there were any security cameras.

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The detective gets out his

The detective gets out his cellphone and screams into it "We have a code black situation here!! I repeat a code black situation!!! Report to John's antiquities in west Alexandria!"

When goldenrod goes through the records she finds that the eyes where given to the man by a mysterious benefactor. Someone by the name of Cicero.

Morbos doesn't find any security cameras

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"The eyes came from someone

"The eyes came from someone called 'Cicero'. Likely an alias, possibly a deliberate clue. The original had his head and hands cut off, and reportedly his tongue..."

Goldenrod thought about the clue on the door. "The 'gruesome dance that never ends' may be a painting or some other artwork, likely of a battle. Or it might refer to a feud, each faction seeking revenge in turn... My problem seems to be that I can think of too many possibilities." She made a list of things to check on, and sent it in a text to her information broker:
"Karhy, I need:
-Locations of circus performances with wire acts
-Locations of stock exchanges
-Locations of internet servers/hubs
-Limits of the fires of 1908
-Locations of later major fires
-Gang wars and other feuds
-Art works depicting battle and/or betrayal
-Anyone currently using the alias "Cicero"
Just local stuff. Ping me when it's all done or you find something interesting. I may have more later. Let me know what I owe you.

The Book Wyrm would understand the last sentence to mean that Goldenrod considered this important enough not to set a price on it in advance...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Goldenrod sent another text.

Goldenrod sent another text. "P.S. Also, map of all tunnels and caves you know of.- G"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Bookwyrm comes up with 3

Bookwyrm comes up with 3 links and locations

The first one is an internet café / comic book and game store with an open bar by the name of "the Dancing Fool" and designed to look like a medieval tavern. The place is run by a dwarf from a medieval fantasy alternate universe and is very popular amongst fantasy nerds.

The second is the ruins of a carnival with a big top circus tent in the middle that burned down in the 1908 fire.

The third is a civil war museum with evidence of being a front for IFRIT

s/he also comes up with 2 uses of Cicero that seem very out of the ordinary

The first use is the name of a comic book series, again popular with fantasy nerds, about an actual superhero that lived in medieval Europe who called himself "the Red Knight" who secret identity was found out by archeologists to be King Henry III's jester Cicero Gladfellow.

The second use is a name that keeps popping up since the days of Victorian London of a mysterious, very skinny man in a colourful jester costume and a golden skull mask with an equally colourful crossbow that's been reported to be able to shoot magic crossbow bolts that can turn into fireballs or freeze a man in a matter of seconds who has a history of giving people magical objects and with those people later ending up did in a bloody murder.

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"Karhy, you've come through

"Karhy, you've come through for me again." Goldenrod showed the information to the detective, adding, "There may be a connection between The Red Knight and Cicero the Shooter, but I am fairly sure that either Cicero the Shooter is our perp, or someone is deliberately copying him. Of the places, I'm thinking this museum is our best bet. If it doesn't pan out, I'll look at the carnival site next, then the bar." She handed the dectective and Morbos cards in the appropriate color, with the name "Goldenrod" and her cell phone number printed on them, before leaving the antiques store.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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((So where's morbos going

((So where's morbos going then? Did you share this information with him?))

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((sorry, yes I shared, but I

((sorry, yes I shared, but I'm not sure if he wants to come along, check separately, or what. But now he has Goldenrod's number ^_^))

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Morbos would accept the card

Morbos would accept the card as he then watched Goldenrod leave. He pocketed it and turned to the dwarf. "I will visit the bar, feel free to check out the carnival." Morbos left the store and headed for The Dancing Fool. He did not have any sort of transportation except for his legs, so he had to walk all the way to it, which could take time depending on if the bar is far. Once he had arrived he opened the doors and headed in, stopping near the doorstep to look around.

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Goldenrod arrived at the

Goldenrod arrived at the museum, coming to a landing outside the front doors.

Arriving in costume was a bit of a calculated risk. If IFRIT was using this place, they wouldn't want a hero poking around. OTOH, if she could convince them she was only after a murderer, and was not concerned them unless they were helping him, they might want to show her enough to convince her to leave. Of course, if they weren't here, she could look around until someone started objecting.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The museum is made to look

The museum is made to look like an army base at the time of the civil war with guns, uniforms and even rare instances of steampunk technology that where used back then all in glass cases and mannequins aswell as statues of various war heroes, some of them where known as supers back in the day. A bald slightly overweight man in a blue civil war uniform sits behind the counter at the front. "Why hello there miss and welcome to the titan city national museum, would you like a tour?"

When morbos finally reaches the bar he met with a very authentic medieval style. Save of course for the shelves of comic books and the part of the store with the computers in it. A dwarf in medieval armour and a large great axe on his back is tending the bar, while everyone else is playing there games of magic the gathering and dungeons and dragons, some of them even in costume.

((sorry it took so long to post this, I had some stuff to do))

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"Why, yes, thank you." The

"Why, yes, thank you." The tour would be a good place to begin. If there was anything weird going on that the management knew about, the tour would likely avoid it. So while on the tour, Goldenrod not only watched what she was shown, she took note of what and where she was not shown...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Morbos decided to walk over

Morbos decided to walk over to the dwarf and looked down on him. "Have you ever heard of somebody named 'Cicero'? I'm on a murder investigation."

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The man takes her on the tour

The man takes her on the tour, showing her around the museum, mentioning various heroes and villains of the era, he told her tales of super soldiers and battle mages, of men in power armour and mad scientists who helped their particular sides. One thing that goldenrod notices however is when he is asked about certain places such as control panels or who owns the museum, he would become frightened, at times he would look over to the various security cameras with an expression of hidden terror.

When Morbos asks his question the dwarf looks at him with a suspicious look on his face, looks around him to see if anyone is paying attention to him, gets out a steel key that's been painted gold with a skull in jester hat on it, places it on the counter and says "I have no idea what your talking about sir, I'm afraid I'm going to ask you to leave."

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After the tour, Goldenrod

After the tour, Goldenrod thanked the man for his time, and left the museum. There would be no way of getting anything useful out of a man so terrified, and if his fears were not baseless, trying might have unfortunate consequences. She walked around the block, noting any possible alternative entrances for later use, and then mounted her "broom" and flew off towards the carnival site....

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Morbos quickly took the key

Morbos quickly took the key and pocketed it, then took a step back. "Alright, sir. I will ask someone else..." Morbos acted along and with quick steps walked out of the bar. He then looked around to see if there were any phone booths around, since he did not have a mobile phone himself.

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Goldenrod notices a skylight

Goldenrod notices a skylight on the top of the building and a backdoor. Beyond that nothing else. At the carnival the detective is there, this time however he isn't alone. Forensic thaumotologists are scanning what appears to be various artifacts, many with the same gold skull and jester hat motif the killer seems to be obsessed with, as speedsters in detective uniforms and forensic scientist uniforms flit all over the place looking for anything that might be a clue. The dwarf is looking over the scene clearly pondering on the situation before him.

There isn't a pay phone right near the bar exactly but he can see one across the street.

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Morbos would wait for the

Morbos would wait for the right moment to quickly walk across the street, careful not to get hit by any cars. Once he had reached the pay phone he entered the required amount of money and took out the card Goldenrod had given him. He dialed the number on the card and waited for someone to pick up the phone.

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As Goldenrod apporached the

As Goldenrod apporached the carnival site, Idina Menzel's voice alerted her to an incoming call. She came to a quick landing, and accepted the call. "Goldenrod here."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Hello. It's me, Morbos." He

"Hello. It's me, Morbos." He looked around to see if there was anybody suspicious around, then spoke again. "The dwarven bartender of The Dancing Fool gave me a key, it's got a golden skull with a jester hat on it and i think you should take a look at it, I'm heading to the carnival, i'll meet you there." He hung up the phone before receiving any response and headed off to the carnival site.

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Goldenrod closed the window

Goldenrod closed the window on her phone and found the Detective. "Morbos is on his way, he was given a clue. The curator of the museum is scared to death, but it may just be I.F.R.I.T., too soon to rule it out without a closer look. Anything here yet?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
When looking around for

When looking around for anyone suspicious there are quite a few people who stop what they are doing, turn to him, smile, wave and then return to whatever they where doing.

" We found these objects. This "cicero" fellow obviously wanted them to be found. The museum sounds like a stealth operation and if it isn't part of this case it will be looked into by some who's experienced in such cases. Can't hurt to go back there to check things out if done incognito but we don't need someone bursting in there guns a blazin'. If either you or morbos or both think your up for it the ball's in your court. Your both licensed heroes and you both know more about powered crime than a lot of people in the force, so I trust you two."

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
Goldenrod shook her head.

Goldenrod shook her head. "Sneaky isn't my style, but I know some people." She carefully examined each item, looking first for mystic traps, then for clues.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Faceless's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 05/22/2014 - 12:24
Morbos arrived at the

Morbos arrived at the carnival site and had a look around until he found Goldenrod and the detective. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the key decorated with a golden skull wearing a jester hat. "Take a look at this." He said, presenting the key to Goldenrod and the detective. "The bartender had this key, but he would tell me nothing."

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
None of the artifacts seem to

None of the artifacts seem to have any traps attached to them, but they do give off various magical auras of atleast 9 different schools of magic on them. Any ones that have technomagic auras however seem more to do with older technology such as steam engines in the like rather than anything modern.

not my video just one I lke ===>