according to the key in the latest update, this is Dr Tyche.
In previous art, he had a whole body. Clearly I missed something, somewhere in between.
1) what made him go all Futurama on us? What hero beat him so badly they had to amputate his body?
2) So If I hit the dome with my ultra positronic ray and knock his glasses off...how does he put them back on?
3) How does he scratch his nose?
4) if the local aquarium store goes out of business, is his life support in danger?
5) Tyche is the robot genius. Where is his robot body?
I am so confused.
Foolish Mortal!
Dr. Tyche is not a mere head!
(minions yawn) ... Hail Beard ...
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]