This is probably a biiiiig secret, but generally, should we expect to experience--an environment and characters that look like CoX, Marvel Heroes, Bless, something else, or nothing else?
([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])
A much improved CoH.
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
Great...thanks ZM!
([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])
I remember reading something about heroes/villains not looking like plastic action figures. That would be cool :) Hated the plastic look.
Sarge begs to differ!
Captain of Phoenix Rising
not sure if this is helpful but after watching this video it seemed like a good option
Hehe... I Swear... that wasnt me. ;)
Sure it wasn't, Captain Procedural, sure it wasn't.
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
no offence to Izzy but I am me not him