I want a plane, car, motorcycle and horse. Mabey even a boat and a helicopter.
I don't expect this to be available from the beginning but in COH we talked about it for years and it never happened.
I'd like someone to at least be thinking about this early on, so maybe we'll live to see it.
I think this was mentioned very early. Even before the KS and probably before the name City of Titans was known by the public.
-AlienMafia (Justice Server)
Main: Thorns 13xx Badges
OK well I didn't know that. Sorry. I haven't been here very long, and I don't know how to find out what was talked about a long time ago.
If you go to [url=http://cityoftitans.com]the front page[/url] and look to the menu on the left, you'll see a button labeled [url=http://cityoftitans.com/search]Search[/url]. Have fun!
To summarize the thread I read on the subject, people seem to not want vehicles inside, or having powers that replace the powers of the PC.
OTOH, I can totally see the vehicle as a special effect of a travel power and maybe other powers as well...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
As I recall, the consensus was "Vehicles would be great!" Useful for lots of character concepts, etc. But somehow keep them out of areas where they didn't make sense (like building interior spaces) or where characters tend to crowd up a little anyway (like quest giver stations) It was also made relatively clear that while many of the devs thought it would add a lot, they have the same concerns and, regardless, they won't be coming for a while.
Not sure if there really was a consensus on that, but then I may be wrong. However, I am one of those people that was against vehicles. I don't want the game to turn into Grand Theft Auto: City of Titans. I understand the arguments behind why some people like vehicles and that there are things like Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet, Batman's Batmobile, etc. I'd just rather not have those things. I saw nothing wrong with having Fly, Teleport, Super Speed, Super Jump, and using team teleport powers.
I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!
I don't personally care much either way, but if you can't steal vehicles it wouldn't be GTA/CoT. And... why not have both vehicles and travel powers? The oft chanted mantra on these forums is "options"!
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
The other argument that was used against having vehicles is clutter. Everybody would be jamming up the streets with their vehicles, playing crash up derby, blocking entrances, griefing, etc. There is a thread that discusses all of this. Personally, if people want vehicles I'm in the group that says make your travel power animation look like a vehicle. Really don't want to get back into this whole debate once again. Just know that it has been discussed and I think the issue has been resolved.
I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!
Actually that works perfectly. It's exactly what I was hoping for.
In Firefall nearly anything with which a player can or must interact is surrounded by a no-go zone that, I believe, dismounts anyone who stays within that area for a few seconds. That could be a solution to prevent excessive crowding/clipping.
That leaves the main concern I have with vehicles: indoor travel.
In both instances the travel power could default to 'normal', so that the character retains the use of the travel power but without the vehicle. Alternatively, provide both indoor and outdoor slots/variants/what-have-you for travel powers (e.g. jet or helicopter outside, a jet pack inside).
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/52149#comment-52149]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
It always disappoints me when subjects like vehicles come up... Vehicles should be a great addition to a supers game, but we inevitably have arguments like "I don't want them, and so I don't want you to have them because they take up precious development time that could be better spent on what I want" and "well if they're gonna be like this, then they can't be like that..."
I think vehicles should be a variety of things, most of which are not mandatory to use, but are very exciting and rewarding for those who do use them. For a lot of things, I love how vehicles work in CO. If they could be customized in a similar way to characters, and less of a blatantly greedy money grab, they'd be awesome. But that kind of effectiveness doesn't need to preclude things like hoverboards, motorcycles, and go-go-gadget fedora-copters as power effects for travel powers existing at the same time, or even vehicles as environmental components, like buses, monorails, ferries, and even long range escalators (walkolators?) functioning as travel assistance also. Heck, there's quite a few heroes out there who make significant use of taxi cabs, which could be an interesting contact point as well... certainly much more interesting if riding in one gives you a panoramic view of the city as you drive through it towards a destination while going over dialogue responses, rather than just clicking it and getting a lame loading screen while you spawn in a new zone :/
My point is, even if there isn't a way to start with them, I'd hate to see the game be a corner the devs paint themselves into that doesn't have room for them just because they don't appeal to a few noisy types that aren't interested in them.
I believe - though I could be mistaken - that UE4 has the capacity for vehicle interaction natively. Even if they're not in at the start, even if they're not in at any given point in the future, I do not think we could paint ourselves into a corner to the point that they'd be even functionally impossible from a coding standpoint.
I also wouldn't expect them at launch; they are not a priority right now. The first hint of them likely will be as animations for travel powers, and little more. As such, they'll likely be relatively small, personal vehicles at first. But again, I wouldn't expect it at launch.
[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]
In the ocarina of time. Link had a horse that would come to him whenever he was outdoors and played it's song.
In age of wushu you get a whistle that calls a horse.
In both games the ability only works outdoors and when you reach certain locations you automatically stop. Age of wushu automatically makes you dismount, Zelda let you decide because you might change your mind. Zelda was better because I'd hate it when I got off my horse without wanting to and just had to call it back.
in age of wushu, if you ran too close to NPCs on your horse, they would shout that you were being rude.
I think a wide variety of vehicles could be made to works in a similar fashion.
Of course every vehicle type would have to have it's own rules for where it can be used. But I remember the wind waker had a really nice boat that worked very well.
My point is, if these games can do it it shouldn't be too hard for you.
You don't have to let us fight in the vehicles (maybe you could figure that out later) we just want a cool way to travel that we can customize a bit.
Very possible, but still not - to my knowledge - on our list of development priorities for launch. Adding it, if it's not there, would delay launch. We'd rather keep it in our list of "later additions." Fortunately, I think UE4 has vehicle mechanics built in, which means we don't have to take special action to make it possible to add in the future.
[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]
As I've said in the thread on that subject: I don't expect everything to be ready at launch. Just Please please please please PLEASE gimme nunchaku!