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The Titan Legacy RP

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NightLight's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/30/2013 - 16:25
The Titan Legacy RP

[i]Refer to this thread for rules and stuff:[/i]

[size=20][b]-Initial Set Up-[/b][/size]

[size=20]Paragon City and the Rogue Isles are the way they have always been. There are villains, there is crime, and there are heroes. [/size]

[size=20]The towers of the city gleam in the sky, the streets buzz with cars and pedestrians, and the alley ways stink of muggings and death. This is the City of Heroes. [/size]

[size=20]The Towers gloom over those less fortunate, Arachnos Fliers shoot down heroes and those they do not like, and the poor and mutated swim in the polluted waters. This is the City of Villains.[/size]

[size=20]Who are you? Where are you? What are you doing today? These are our stories.[/size]

I will guide you in the night.

NightLight's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/30/2013 - 16:25
Independence Port

[b]Independence Port[/b]

NightLight ran across the deck of a freighter, dodging the bullets of the Family gangsters. His trench coat flew in the wind, the tail end being ripped open with bullet holes, but their aim was far too bad for them to land a hit on the hero. He disappeared into the cabin below them after smashing through the glass. He tackled the captain of the freighter before he could set sail and knocked him out cold wit ha single punch to the nose. He may have gotten a broken nose, but he wouldn't die, and so NightLight tossed him to the other end of the room.

Just as he did so, one Family member kicked the door open and opened fire on him with mini-gun, forcing NightLight to cross his arms in front of him. His sleek black skin erupted into a shield of diamond crystals and deflected many of the bullets, but it left him without an option to attack. He stood there for a good minute before the ammo in the mini-gun ran out, just barely flaking off tiny pieces of the diamond shield. As soon as the barrage stopped, the diamonds melted away back into the shiny black skin across NightLight's arms, allowing him to lunge forward.

Landing a single blow into the face of the man, his fist turning into diamonds as he did so, NightLight flinched at the sound of sirens approaching. Acknowledging that the authorities received his signal, he ran through the open door and jumped off the stern of the ship, swimming away under the bay.

After a few minutes and a few breaths, NightLight surfaced and climbed up the wall next to the water, finding himself standing among the pedestrians on the sidewalk. It was a good day as he watched the police land arrests on the freighter he had just left. He slid two gloves onto his hands and started to walk down the sidewalk among the citizens of Paragon City.

I will guide you in the night.

Doc Simian
Doc Simian's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/08/2013 - 21:13
Time: Current Day

Time: Current Day
Place: Kings Row

Were a person to visit a particular area in the area now known as Kings Row, one would find an area containing what at the time were bustling, busy warehouses, constantly in motion, with product coming and going at all times. It has been years since this part of the city was used for anything than a drop point for criminal activities, but that seems to have changed recently.

Several warehouses on a particular block seem a little less worn than others. Were one with a trained eye have reason to inspect this small group of buildings a bit closer, they would find access to a structure below the warehouses themselves. Upon entering the facility below a particular dilapidated warehouse, one would be confronted with a particularly amazing sight. State of the art technology housed in the huge ‘basement’ located below the abandoned warehouse above.

The massive structure is actually the basement of the unused warehouse topside. The underground facility contains living quarters, a sequestered workout facility and training holographic environment. Communications and surveillance equipment rivaling that of any in existence stand next to the individual research labs for several different areas (chemistry, biology, forensics, etc).

One such area is for new research and implementation. This would be where a visitor would most probably be the most amazed. This area is strewn with pieces and parts of various types of technology. Several connections that feed directly into the very walls of the facility. Computers, diagnostic instruments and experimental devices as well as seemingly beyond state of the art equipment abound here. However, all of these things would pale in comparison to the one thing in this facility that would be jaw-dropping to most if not all first time visitors to this area.

That would be the occupant of this enormous facility. The ‘occupant’ is in the R & D area right now.

“Where is it?” queries a deep guttural voice, sounding as if one piece of coarse sandpaper was being rubbed against another. “Mmmm…transwarp conduit, multifaceted unidirectional portal display, transdimensional optics, chromatic displacement stabilizer...ahhh…here it is.” The voice seems to fluctuate from murmur to mumble to exclamation and back to murmur. Obviously these are the sounds of someone deep in thought.

The murmurings are coming from a large being. A large being that resembles a gorilla! The gorilla is smoking a cigar!

Meet Doc Simian, the scourge of Kings Row. Since he began occupying the ‘facility’ below the abandoned warehouse, the crime rate in the surrounding vicinity has decreased appreciably. His friend and benefactor, multi-billionaire Richard Gautier, is responsible for the set up he enjoys. Mr. Gautier put up the money to renovate the basement of the warehouse. Since Doc Simian was once an actual chemist and geneticist prior to being changed into his current form, he sincerely appreciates the equipment afforded him by his benefactor. Mr. Gautier has done this in an effort to support Doc Simian after he saved Gautier’s life.

Doc Simian is working on his ‘pet project’, a ‘chrono-displacement differentiating accelerator’ or time machine. He has been working on his own theories on the subject, such as why there has never really been an application for it, nor a viable means for it, it being time travel.


“Can it really be that simple?” exclaims Doc Simian in amazement. “Is it really only a matter of perspective that everyone else has missed? Everyone thinks time is linear,” he once again begins to murmur. “With the advent of Quantum Theories, time has been revealed to not be linear at all, therefore, the theory of ‘travelling back’ through time is erroneous!”

Doc Simian’s excitement begins to rise along with the volume of his voice. “While there have been documented instances of time travel, the resulting paradoxes have never been fully resolved, as the timelines were changed in the cases of interactions. If observance only was the intention, travelers could indeed view ‘history.’ But if the ‘past’ was interacted with, a new timeline is created, therefore changing everything that happens after the interaction, even the history or the very existence of the traveler. What nobody seems to realize is that the original timeline was not changed, another was created.”

A huge hand covered in soft, grey and black fur strokes the enormous chin of the hard-thinking Doc Simian as he chews on his cigar. While he occasionally takes a puff, he usually chews more than he smokes. With his incredible regenerative powers, the tobacco has no effect on him whether he chews or smokes it.

“These new timelines are actually new dimensions! Just as there is a dimension for every different possibility of existence, if a timeline is altered, yet another dimension is created! If one wants to travel through time, one really wants to travel to a dimension where the desired variables exist. The question then becomes how to create such a ‘funnel’ so as to allow for specifications to be met. The applications for this are unimaginable! There could be space travel without the need for suspended animation!” The huge gorilla begins to place equations and random thoughts on a whiteboard, moving on to another once filled. The hours fly by as if non-existent…



Comicsluvr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/07/2013 - 03:39
Daedalus set the gauntlet he

Daedalus set the gauntlet he was working on aside as the call came in from the Skyway PD.

"The Trolls are on a tear again," the dispatch officer said tensely. "Our officers are stretched pretty thin after the bank robbery and we could sure use some help."

"Tell your men to pull back," Daedalus said as he reached for his helmet and powered up his armor's systems. "Contain the Trolls but don't engage. I'll be there in two minutes."

He strode across his workshop as his armor came on-line. His battle staff flew from its rack near the door to his hand with a thought. Another thought opened the steel-shuttered window. Without a pause he leaped out and deployed his energy wings. The blue-white lattice took form as he plummeted towards the parking lot below. He felt the anti-gravity matrix come up to power as he dipped below the train station and headed for the site of the riot. He was fortunate, the Trolls had not gathered in force yet. He was good enough to take on quite a few of them but in sufficient numbers they could overwhelm him. He outlined his plan to the authorities as he approached. They didn't like it but they were willing to go along.

"You will disperse at once!" he announced through his helmet's amplifier. Some of the Trolls began throwing rocks at him while others readied a variety of guns. This was going to get out of hand. Daedalus scanned the Troll's faces as his visor's sensors accessed his on-board computer. There...the leader. That was the one he wanted. Daedalus hovered above the largest Troll in the mob and pointed with his staff. His visor told him everything he wanted to know about his target.

"You! Ogre! You're the leader of this rabble! I say you are a coward to surround yourself with soldiers instead of leading from the front! Face me or I will tell the whole city the truth of your spineless acts!"

The Ogre shook with rage and as the Superadine coursed through his veins. His muscles bulged with power as his skin began to grow some sort of rock-like armor.

"I'll break you in two!" he yelled in reply. "I'll peel that armor off you like a tin can!" He looked at the minions gathered close by and saw the doubt in their faces. "Stand back and let me face him alone!" he commanded. The other gang members obeyed and there was soon a large circle cleared. The Ogre stood on one side while Daedalus landed on the other. He hoped that he'd gauged this right or this was going to be a very short fight. The Troll didn't hesitate but rather ripped a piece of pavement from the street and hurled it. Daedalus avoided the missile, barely, and replied with a bolt of electricity from his staff. The Ogre roared with pain but did not fall. Instead, he charged in with surprising speed. Seeing little choice, Daedalus charged in to meet him.

The two met in the middle and battle was joined. The Ogre drew first blood with a powerful punch that rocked Daedalus back. He responded with a wide swing of his staff. The Ogre caught it easily in one hand and smiled grimly.

"What are you going to do now...little man?" he sneered.

"Wonder how you always fall for the same trick," Daedalus replied as he smiled and released the electric charge in the staff. The Ogre convulsed violently and the jolt sent him flying backwards and into a parked car. He was just rising to his feet, shaking his head, when the tear gas suddenly landed amidst the mob.

"Move in!" the SWAT commander ordered as the Trolls began to panic. Flash-bangs and tear gas disoriented the gang but the glue and web grenades held them fast as the Hard Suits charged in. It was all over in a matter of minutes. Daedalus managed to side-step the t.v. cameras to get a word in with the watch commander.

"I'm glad you were ready in time," Daedalus said as the two shook hands. "That Ogre was stoked on 'Dine and I'm not sure I could have taken him."

"It was your idea to bait them into one place so we could close in," the commander replied. "Any other hero might have tried to take them all on himself."

"The last time I tried that all I got was a trip to the hospital," Daedalus chuckled. "You didn't nab the half of them and the riot went on for hours. I'd hoped this way would be better. Get them all watching me and in one place so your men could hit them all at once."

"Sure you don't want to bask in the limelight for a minute?" the commander said as he pointed to the t.v. station vans continuing to roll in.

"Not a chance," Daedalus replied with a shake of his head. "Just mention the 'unidentified hero' who helped out or something like that. You guys deserve to get the lion's share of the credit this time."

Daedalus activated his wings and rose swiftly into the air. He debated heading back to his lab but instead decided to patrol a while. Sometimes it just felt good to fly.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Warpdrive's picture
Last seen: 10 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 21:08
Time: Mid-day

Time: Mid-day
Place: Steel Canyon near Academy

A casual day like any other. The bustle of the city destroying any real sense of calm it would normally have as the cars echo throughout the towering buildings. The various groups of villains conducting their usual villainy and devious plots to somehow take down other villains. The norm for the city, that's for sure. As well as a young hero flying overhead, giving off some subtle waves pulsing from his body due to his ability over gravitons shifting the space around his body. Just a usual patrol route throughout the city. Weaving through the various buildings and neighborhoods to make sure everything was right in the world. He couldn't really outright arrest some of the groups if they weren't actually commiting crimes or anything, so that was out of it. Until he heard an alarm go off at a nearby bank, causing the young Warpdrive to go investigate.

Upon arrival, the police were already surrounding the door of the bank as usual before even attempting anything on the inside as if it was a routine robbery. But that was not what this was. Not at all. It was being robbed by a brick metahuman named Jackhammer. Super strength and invulnerability. That was something that was hard to fight for Warpdrive due to them being able to overpower a lot of gravitational changes due to super strength and resistance to crushing forces. Though to add onto that, he wasn't told of the robber's abilities and decided to check out the inside of the bank, hopefully it was someone with a gun. He liked fighting people with guns. Made him feel strong. Bricks? Not so much, makes him feel useless unless he gets them off the ground. Once entering the building, the villain reveals himself to the young hero with a nice punch in the chest, sending him right back out of the bank and right into the side of a police squad car. That cop now needs to get the thing repaired. Thanks to his repel field, Warpdrive didn't sustain too much damage, but it still really sucked. Just a slight rib fracture. He groans and comes back to a stand, then up into the air for a bit more of an advantage over the ground bound supervillain.

The villain exited the bank with a large grin on his face, punching his fist into an open hand as if to taunt the hero that he so easily tossed right back out of the bank. Warpdrive threw up his hand and dragged it down through the air to increase the gravity of the man by several times. Didn't even phase the guy. This is going to suck. Aside from cracking the ground as he walked, the brick had no troubles running at Warpdrive and grabbing him, throwing him back into the wall of the bank with help of his own repel field. There goes his shoulder upon impact. Just not his day. Why did it have to be super strength? Come on, it's the one thing that gravity has trouble fighting. All the stress of a fight and it's hard to think. It's hard to use clever abilities if you can't think, but then it strikes the young hero. Can't fight if you can't move. The vomit comet is hard to move around on if you can't touch a surface. So he raises his hand after pointing at the villain, causing the Earth's effect on him to cease, lifting him into the air as if gravity didn't exist to him. Flailing helplessly in the air, the villain flipped and cursed at the young hero, which would cause most parents to flee with their children from the profanity alone. Upon somewhat of a capture, the young hero collapses against the wall of the bank where he was thrown, just keeping the influence on the brick until he could be properly restrained and transported to prison. Fractured rib and a dislocated shoulder. Not a pleasant and happy ending, but it could have been worse. Nice work, Warpdrive.

Some of the police patted him on the shoulder, which friggen hurt for him. Groaning in pain until the ambulance showed up to check up on him. Get him treated and such with some help of another metahuman that would heal wounds. Would help for the shoulder though, had to pop that sucker back in. Which hurt even more. Jeez, people, give the guy a break from all this stuff. Upon being released from the responder's care, he took back off into the air, sitting on the roof of the bank to oversee everything else.

Wormholes are just silly. One moment you're here. The next you're stunned and over there. Ha. Gravity is silly.

Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
Time: Current Day

Time: Current Day
Place: Kings Row

Amerikatt exited the King's Row Animal Hospital, where she had visited the newest litter of kittens, barely suppressing her tears as she flew out of the building through the window. Her eyes always got misty when she saw newborn kittens with their mothers, for her own mother had sacrificed her life when Amerikatt was only a few days old. She had never seen her mother in normal light, but only through a mysterious sixth or seventh sense, something akin to the image on a RADAR screen.

The "Imp of Impervium" -- as the newspapers insisted on calling her -- continued her patrol, keeping an eye out for the Naughty Spawns whom Blue Steel had told her about earlier in the day.

As she entered an area of dilipidated and abandoned warehouses, she noticed a large hirsute figure entering one of the warehouses. Approaching the warehouse entrance carefully, she followed the mysterious figure stealthfully down a staircase, keeping a discreet distance.

Flying up to the rafters of what appeared to be a laboratory in the cellar, Amerikatt listened as the gorilla-like figure began a tirade. It seemed as though he was talking to him ... and doing so quite loudly.

Amerikatt took a careful look around the laboratory, noting various types of apparatus which reminded her of the time machine components she had seen Cait's grandsire using while she supervised the machine's construction.

She would observe the gorilla a bit longer.

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Time: Current day

Time: Current day
Place: Atlas Park

Gideon had just gotten back from his own reality as he entered the world he would cal his second home. He would travel from this alternate reality to his home reality in Darkside Earth often pulling double shifts. Azuria always had something for him to do many muissing person cases involving the Circle of Thorns. Protecting artifacts frm the Hellions and the Skulls and anything else mystical and supernatural in nature.

One of his last missions involved a confrontation with Ghost Widow that left him exhausted after his battle. Today Gideon would enjoy a stroll in Atlas park as he enjoyed a bagel sandwich with a hot cup of mocha. the Ghostwalker sat on the steps i front of the Atlas statue as he enjoyed his meal, watcing ids play. a stray dog had come up to him, eying his food and the Holy Warrior gave his bagel to the hungry dog.

Gideon loved animals and had a dog of his own. The Dark Savior had recently adopted the name Shepherd after reading a news article about him self where they used the biblical term The Good Shepherd. He continued to drink his mocha as he watched the rookie heroes arrive to talk to Ms Liberty. Gideon had made many friends among the heroes, such as the powerful Thor's Assassin, The speedster, Celtic Bolt, The Native American Hero Veikira, Ferreter, The Capers and the list went on.

All great heroes in their own right, and all good friends. they were like family to him. Recently, he had added two more heroes to his extended family The Honey Badger and Extraman, after fighting along side them against Rularu. This was his home away from home an he wouldn't have it any other way.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Doc Simian
Doc Simian's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/08/2013 - 21:13
Time: Current Day

Time: Current Day
Place: Kings Row

The huge gorilla begins to place equations and random thoughts on a whiteboard. He chews on the stogie in his mouth and glances at a nearby video feed. The flying feline that managed to bypass his security systems is still watching. As the visitor has made no threatening moves and seems more interested in Simian than taking any action, he does nothing, choosing instead to take a non-violent approach and let her watch as she will. He returns to his work.

“I must find a way to downsize power cables. They increase in size in proportion to the amount of power needed, of course, but it seems with the technology available, there should be a way to reduce the size, increase the tolerance and make things simpler and easier,” muses Doc Simian as he walks to the whiteboard and writes the number 276 on a ‘To Do’ list, circles it, then turns back to the project at hand. Almost absentmindedly, he connects a metallic power cable line between two units he recently fabricated.

“VIRGIL, please access the ancillary power grid for Kings Row and redirect a sufficient amount of juice to the secondary booster here. Be sure to transfer enough money to our account to pay for it.” He says to the general vicinity.

~Immediately, sir~ responds an electronic voice.

The feline visitor tilts her head in astonishment as she continues to observe the strange simian.

Mr. Gautier, Doc Simian's benefactor, in addition to refurbishing the basement of a warehouse ( reinforcing the walls, providing a perimeter security system second to none), has also implemented an artificially intelligent assistant for Doc. Doc is currently working on transferring brain engrams from humans into circuitry to allow VIRGIL (Virtual Intelligence Reactive Geosynchronous Integrated Liaison) to grow as an entity. It is number 217 on the ‘To DO’ list.

Doc Simian begins to delve deeper into his project. Developing a more efficient, quicker means of travel has become more of an obsession to him. Beings with extraordinary powers are often gifted with an indelible means of self propulsion or other means of travel. Some, though, are still relatively slow when it comes to ground travel. As he is certain he is not alone in this, he has been attempting to develop some alternative means of travel.

“Of course!!” he exclaims, rushing to disconnect the power cables from where he had so recently placed them. “VIRGIL, please disregard my previous power request, but keep it in mind as I may have discovered something that may cost a bit to initiate.”

~As you wish sir~ comes the monotone voice.

Immediately, Doc Simian begins to disassemble the two futuristic pods he had been working on, creating a morphed version of a single pod, which begins to resemble a large portal. In the midst of redesigning the erstwhile mechanisms, VIRGIL projects holograms of several instances of criminal activity, for the most part being committed by well-known villains.

~ Is there is a peculiar pattern to these criminal acts, sir ~ intoned the artificial intelligence unit.

“I’m not sure…and stop calling me ‘sir’. You can call me Doc, but no more ‘sir’. OK?”

~Yes si…Doc~

Looking up at the holographic scenes depicting various crimes being committed, as well as several ‘heroes’ joining the fray, Doc Simian replies, “I’m not sure about a pattern, although the timing does appear …’coincidental’. We may have to step in and try to help out.”

The visitor's countenance takes on a certain 'Cheshire' appearance...



NightLight's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/30/2013 - 16:25
Event Group 1

[size=20][b]Event Group 1[/b][/size]
Refer to the OOC thread for more detailed information:

[b]Galaxy City[/b]
The situation in Galaxy City has officially been taken care of. Meteorites are being removed and reconstruction has begun. Heroes are flocking to the area in order to ensure peace and safety.

[b]Kings Row[/b]
The Circle of Thorns have erupted into three separate terrorist acts. Cops are on route but stand no chance against their forces. Innocent lives are at risk, and they show no signs of stopping.

[b]Skyway City[/b]
The Trolls have taken over a jewelry store in Skyway City and have engaged the police in battle. SWAT has the area surrounded but the sheer size of the Troll group is too large to handle. Backup is required.

[b]Sharkhead Isle[/b]
The Slag Golems and Coralax have taken over the island and removed nearly all human life. Arachnos is bombing the area, but the Coralax and Slag Golems keep on coming.

I will guide you in the night.

Warpdrive's picture
Last seen: 10 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 21:08
Time: Mid-day

Time: Mid-day
Location: Galaxy City

Our young hero, having been recovered enough from his bank robbery thing once more took to patrolling the city of Paragon. No more action for him today, or so he hopes anyways. No better time than now to just do some crowd control and clean-up in the recently devastated Galaxy City. Someone with his certain skillset might be useful, what with all those Shivan meteorites laying around. Figure all the super metas are off being awesome and punching things in other dimensions so many as well be a rookie away from that kind of universal action and junk. Oh well. Have to start somewhere, right? His travel there was pretty uneventful, he could warp behind the war walls they had in place, that wasn't much of a problem, and he didn't need to use the train system. But don't let that fool you, the city's economy likes the train system. Don't be afraid to use it, kids!

Upon his arrival, some police officers were overseeing some of the cleanup to make sure no other Hellion shenanigans took place for awhile while some of the heroes kept busy on removing rubble and meteorites so they could start reconstruction of the once beautiful hub of Freedom Corps. He got right to it, using his ability to manipulate Gravitons, he lifted a good sized meteorite from the ground, moving it through the air as if it was just made out of foam or feathers. Easy to move if it's weightless, right? Kind of, but it still bumps into stuff, it still has mass and all that. So he starts making a pile of the meteorites, out of the way from the others in case someone wanted samples and so workers can do their business with the rebuilding and such. He'll dispose of the pile later when no one wants anything to do with them. So far so good. No action. Peaceful and all that. Too bad it had to be in a ruined city though. Lives destroyed and lost. Even if he wasn't here for it, it was still a sad site and a bad sight to see.

Wormholes are just silly. One moment you're here. The next you're stunned and over there. Ha. Gravity is silly.

Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
Current Day

Current Day
Kings Row

Amerikatt continued to watch her rather hirsute target, puzzlement etched upon her tiny face.

[i][b]NO![/b][/i] Amerikatt thought. [i]You're supposed to activate the Temporal Phasing Actuator *[b][u]after[/u][/b]* you engage the Wellsian Servos! Where did you get your Mad Scientist diploma? The bottom of a Cracker Jack box?[/i]

*double facepaw*

[i]Golly! I wish that Cait was here with me. She'd set that silly anthropoid straight about simple stuff like Theoretical Temporal and Trans-Dimensional Physics 'cause she's seen her Grandsire tinker around in his laboratory, and she's told me that Dr. Keyes is always asking for his help in solving sciency problems. Too bad today's a school day, but it's just as well, 'cause Cait was really hepped up about showing off her latest art project. I'm sure proud of the way she's been building up her art portfolio so she can get an internship at Democracy Comics when she graduates from high school. Boy! It'd be so keen if she could work with Simon Kirby. He's been writing and drawing my comic book for, like, forever! He seemed really impressed last year when he saw Cait's drawings and sculpture of me at that "Amerikatt Day" celebration. He *did* tell her to see him when she got ready to graduate. He's the Art Director over there, so I hope he keeps his word![/i]

Breaking from her reverie, Amerikatt noticed the images on the gorilla guy's monitors, and a Cheshire-like grin crossed her furry feline face.

[i]No one disturbs the peace in [u]my[/u] town and gets away with it![/i] Amerikatt mused. [i]What should I do about this fellow, though?[/i]

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Doc Simian
Doc Simian's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/08/2013 - 21:13
Time: Yesterday

Time: Yesterday
Place: Kings Row

The cold air of the evening sweeps around the grimy pavement, causing ripples in the small water-filled holes strewn along the narrow, dark alleyway. The night is full of uneasiness, almost as if the air can carry an emotion, lift it along to encircle and enshroud itself on an unwary target. The alleyway itself seems to be an entity, dark and foreboding, warning away any that would dare to enter its cavernous maw.

Kings Row is known as a dark place, full of corruption and villainy, so when things go wrong, not even an eyebrow is raised in suspicion. Sometimes even good intentions can go bad, and bad intentions can go worse.

In the horror movies from the 1950s, a night like this would be the opening scene. The shadows are pitch black and nothing can seem to exist in such darkness. There is such contrast with the lighted areas so as to inspire visions of a black & white version of Frankenstein or Dracula or the Werewolf jumping out of the shadows to rend one’s flesh. As it is, an alley in Cathedral City is just as frightening as a monster movie any day of any week.

This day of this week happens to be the day when a 1950s horror movie would be preferable to what will happen. Strangely enough, Cerebellum Sanitarium considers that to be an everyday occurrence. Then the rain starts. The lightning brightens the alley for a second or two, and then plunges it back into darkness, the steam emanating from the pavement seemingly alive with evil intent of its own.

Two eyes glare in the darkness…not quite human, not quite…reptilian. A lightning flash reveals a huge form, hunched over to hide its immenseness, not completely succeeding in the attempt. Another lightning bolt erupts and slices the dark with a momentary ‘blade’ of light, revealing a pattern on the flesh of the figure. Symmetrical, following the musculature of the figure, the pattern is akin to something familiar yet unusual…A strange sound …soft, muffled, yet still discernable to one listening intently.


Another sound, a grinding, scraping sound…not a sound of application, more a nervous, random sounds of strong substances being drawn across each other…


Eyes… Teeth... Claws... Huge...Reptilian…the litany leads to an inescapable conclusion of the identity of the figure lurking in the shadows, hoping to escape detection…

Alistair Sims, aka Gator, has escaped from Cerebellum Sanitarium, and is seeking refuge in the darkness that surrounds the back alleys of Kings Row. His atavism is now in complete control, to the point where he is more reptile than man. Once again the huge monstrosity that is Gator, his humanity long gone, is loose to terrorize, maim, and rage against any and all.

If nothing else, Gator is a creature of habit. Certainly a creature, never has there been any question about that. Also, he relies on his instincts more than his reasoning, which is almost completely gone anyway. His habit is to follow his nose, literally, to his prey. Few can withstand an assault from Gator, his superhuman strength, razor sharp teeth and claws, and amazing regenerative powers are more than a match for most super hero types, much less an average Joe on the street. Hopefully, Joe is not taking a leisurely stroll at this particular time. Gator instinctively heads for the nearest sewer, to hide rest and heal.

Time: Current Day
Place: Kings Row

Doc Simian allows a small smirk to play across his face as he intently adjusts some sort of meter to the side of the station at which he had been working. Having left the 'time travel' project to simmer in his mind a while, he had begun to work some more on transferring brain engrams to VIRGIL's programming. After a few minutes of tweaking, adjusting and reprogramming, he sneaks a peek at his feline visitor via a dedicated monitor. The cat's head is at a particularly strange angle. Almost as if she is trying to figure out what he is doing now. A shake of the head, a swish of the tail and back to her 'observance' mode.

“Well, so much for the fun part,” muses the cigar smoking simian.

~Sir… I mean Doc; triangulation of the co-ordinates you requested have been calculated. The location of the predetermined target have been downloaded to your personal files.~

“Good enough, VIRGIL. I guess it’s time for me to try and help,” says Doc, as he enter some calculations into the closest computer station, checks the results and strides to a near wall and presses a button labeled “EGRESS”. A panel slides away revealing a passageway to the surface. "Time to go,my little friend," says Doc softly. As expected, the cat accepts the fact that the tour is over, and gently lands on the floor next to Doc. A slight rub against his massive leg shows the feline's good intentions as she exits the facility, Doc right behind her. Doc flips a switch as he exits, enabling a newly programmed set of security measures.

Doc Simian leaps up the passage into the night, his powerful legs propelling him into the sky with incredible force. It will take a little time, but it beats walking or waiting for a taxi…



Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
Doc Simian wrote:
Doc Simian wrote:

Time: Current Day
Place: Kings Row"Time to go,my little friend," says Doc softly.

[i][b]Time to go?[/b][/i] Amerikatt thinks, letting out an audible sigh. [i][b]I guess he'll figure out soon enough that engram conversion is *so* passe, so 23rd Century. Oh ... wait! It's so tough keeping track of what year it is when I time travel so much. *heavy sigh*[/b][/i]

*Amerikatt drops out of the rafters, falling slow as a feather, to alight easily and silently upon the cellar floor*

Hovering in front of Doc, Amerikatt glides through toward the exit.

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]