My suggestion...please don't treat Titan City like Paragon City.
Don't let Titan City be broken up like Paragon City was! Where people treated Kings Row as a different city than Atlas Park.
In fact, please don't try to go for the CoH feel and give us war walls. :/
I might be wrong but I thought someone like Zombie Man already said they're going to try to make their city zones a little more like Praetoria at least as far as no obvious "war wall" type boundaries. Not sure what else they plan to do along those lines.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I don't think they'll do war walls, but that was only part of it. I didn't care for the thinking of Talos is it's own city, which I ran into often, when Paragon City was the city.
I don't think they're going to be separate cities.. think more of neighborhoods or sections of the city. Big cities, like New York, have smaller sections with their own names.. Manhattan.. New Jersey.. The Bronx.. Brooklyn.. etc.
Titan City will have Clarksville.. etc. (I wish I knew more sections, sorry)
I find this funny saying that not thinking part of cities as 'city' Take Spiderman for example he is usually in Manhattan and if he moves to Bronx he can't even find his way around or at some points not even high enough skyscrappers to be able to use his web slinging in the same city. For him Manhattan is the city and other places are just 'outside'.
I remember reading that they do plan on doing it more open .. and the loading time is still exists for each zone but it'll be more in the background
Crowd Control Enthusiast
Yes, I recall a discussion where they plan to Start with Praetoria, zones without visible walls, work their way up to Champions, large areas connected seamlessly via phasing, and eventually to DCUO, where the whole city is one giant map.
I'm frankly astonished that people playing CoH would not realize that all of the zones of Paragon City are one city. You could go up on the War Walls and look through to the other side... You could go to the train station and view the whole map, or call it up in your map window. I can only conclude that Brand X was encountering a truly brainless newb, or someone who actively wanted to cause division.
Be Well!
I never cared too much for the war walls but I understood that was a compromise for how they had to divide up the city into zones. I'm glad they figured out how to do away with them for places like Praetoria.
I don't recall ever thinking the zones (like Talos) were their own isolated cities back when I was playing CoH. But with the way the war walls worked and looked I guess I can see in hindsight how they might have appeared that way. I suppose without war walls the perception of there being "separate cities" will be greatly reduced in CoT.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Actually, for me ... Hovering up to the War Walls and looking out at the "undestroyed city beyond" ... I kept thinking that we had it all backwards. It wasn't that the War Walls protected US from the Rikti who had taken over the portions of the city outside the Walls. No ... instead ... the War Walls were put up [b]AS A PRISON[/b] to keep all of us "super" types within it [b]TO PROTECT THE WORLD [i]FROM US[/i][/b].
Things got REALLY funny when I found a ... bug ... where heading East from Portal Corp and going off the map wound up putting me on the Talos Map [b]outside the Northern War Wall[/b] of the Zone, and I could move around out there just fine OUTSIDE THE WALLS. Let me see all KINDS of unfinished "half-a**ery" in world building that no Player should ever be able to see. Things like the way a "stub" of the Tram rail stuck through the War Wall. The way that all of those buildings outside the War Wall had no collision detection. The far end of the Traffic Tunnels to Skyway and Founders' Falls that was normally obscured by the twists in them, and how traffic pulled a hairpin 180 to turn back around and head back into the Zone. How the waterfall particle FX [i]fell through the ground and didn't stop[/i] ... falling away into the unending blue "sky" below the ground. Rocks and dirt and "land" that only intermittently had collision detection, and often had missing geometry on the side facing away from the War Walls. Oh and the "construction" of the BACK of the entrance into Dark Astoria was just ... whack (it looked like a giant malformed plug in the War Wall).
One time, on my Peacebringer, I was able to circle all the way around from beyond the northern War Wall to beyond the southern War Wall, get into the ground geometry through a gap in the rock formations, work my way UNDER THE TUNNEL that led to Founders' Falls, and actually get stuck UNDER the road with the weirdest view, because most of the geometry only had textures for the outside (that Players could see) rather than the inside (which they should not have been able to see). Managed to get out of that one by using Dwarf Teleport, so as to Teleport [i]on top of the road[/i] to get out of being stuck underneath it, thanks to the fact that there was a "hill" in the road, which let me get the right camera angle to teleport onto a surface INSIDE the Zone, rather than staying stuck "outside" of it.
Another time, I hovered outside the War Wall above the Skyway Tunnel and invited anyone in the Talos Island Zone to come see me Hovering on the WRONG side of the War Walls. Only one person came over, saw me do the /em Wave from the other side of the blue shield, and took a very long time to actually say anything (I'm thinking they fell out of their chair).
Eventually Paragon Studios patched that bug (in part because I reported it) ... but still ...
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
New York City has five boroughs: Manhattan, The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island. New Jersey is across the river and is not only its own city, but in a different state.
Areas mentioned in the Kickstarter for Titan City: Alexandria, Victory Beach, Charleston, 'Downtown', Clarkstown - (Garvison Square, Cowtown, the Port, Briggstone, Southside), High Point, Northeast Research District, Pioneer Point, Iron Port... some appear to be neighbourhoods of larger districts.
I kamehameha'd your mom
Sorry about the New Jersey thing.. No offence was intended >.> I'm not from NYC, and my memory is problematic at best where such things are concerned. >.<
Anyhoo.. point being.. those are boroughs and not cities unto themselves (although they may seem like totally different cities up close.. architecture.. social flavor.. etc)
Out of curiosity, what is the proper terminology for regions of a city in Massachusetts? NYC has boroughs, Chicago has wards, New Orleans has wards (if memory serves), and so on. What's the correct term for Boston, or Providence (in Rhode Island), and should that terminology be used for the City of Titans since it is (supposedly) set in Massachusetts instead of Rhode Island?
Two other things that I would expect to see in City of Titans which was never done "properly" for Paragon City are ... Railroads (of the standard gauge, steel wheels on steel tracks variety) and Airport(s).
As any player of SimCity knows, once a city reaches a certain size, you need to have an Airport. Fortunately, there are plenty of Real World Maps of Real Airports in the area which could be used as source material for laying out an airport in City of Titans. Even more helpfully, Airports tend to be "big empty open spaces" that aren't filled with lots of Geometry (aside from terminals and hangars) so building an airport ought to not be as daunting a construction challenge as some other projects.
Railroads are pretty much a "fact" and legacy of the 19th century in the northeastern US, which really ought to be incorporated into any major city that uses that area as its setting. Substantial portions of any kind of railroad system could be "built" in the game using repeatable pieces for straightaways, curves, switches, level crossings, and so on. I would expect the city to have some sort of "railhead" area, preferably nearby to either (or both!) the seaport and the airport, which would mean ... rail yards. Independence Port had its cargo yards loaded with ISO shipping containers stacked up everywhere, but lacked the necessary infrastructure to (properly) transport them anywhere. You didn't see those containers getting loaded onto flatbed rail cars, or hitched to tractor trailer 18-wheelers to get moved out across the city or further out across the country.
See if it isn't possible to get an aviation enthusiast and a railway enthusiast to consult with in making these features for the "outlying" areas of the City of Titans. Airports are, of course, best built around the periphery of a city, away from dense and tall building structures, with clear sky flight paths. Railways don't necessarily need to "penetrate" a city's center, but there should be clear, fairly "straight line" rights of way that railroads will traverse across a city's landscape, often taking the easiest gradients and with the widest curves so as to maintain speed. Even a city which has an aging rail infrastructure should still have SOME railway elements running through it, even if they're abandoned railways that no longer carry trains.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
Well, personally I'd like to see a Real Size City and not a City In Miniature, but if most travel is by foot, that's impractical.
Keep in mind that the typical airport runway is about two miles long. Not counting the clearance areas needed around it so the planes don't hit anything. An airport would barely fit in Independence Port.
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
I would just like to say that here in "Los Angeles", We have about a dozen (or two) actual cities that are all part of the greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area. To name a few off the top of my head, Culver City, Van Nuys, Reseda, Canoga Park, Agoura Hills, Thousand Oaks, Sylmar, and the list goes on. The same can be said for Tulsa and Oklahoma City, but with fewer townships being a part of the larger whole.
I just wanted to point that out for those who weren't aware of it.
The closest thing I can think of would be "Township". The New England states seem to use that term fairly often to organize small geographical regions.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Depending on just how much city it is what you are likely to have are, as Lothic wrote, town(ship)s that are suburbs of the city. Admittedly, the closest experience I can pull on here is Rochester, NY. However, if Titan City is going to be a some kind of hub of innovation and enterprise it'd be quite strange if the size of its population didn't at least match that of Chicago.
With NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington DC practically right down the road it ought to take more than crab cakes and an Escher-esque traffic grid to keep all the heroes and villains that far north.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
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And that's just in and adjacent to the city limits of Los Angeles (which look a bit gerrymandered, IMHO). I'm not sure about northwest up the coast, but to the east and south there is suburban (residential, light industry, commercial, parks) terrain out to the borders of Los Angeles County, except where interrupted by hills that are hard to build on and prior quarry sites. And a big, mostly empty, reservoir behind Santa Fe Dam (which could be considered a park ^_^), and the riverbeds that sometimes have water in them... Headed south down the coast through Orange County, you don't run out of suburbs, except for a patch of hills around Laguna Beach, until you get to Camp Pendelton (which is in San Diego County).
We sprawl a bit more than folks do back east ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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New Orleans has "Parishes". :)
Detroit and Chicago are also broken up into subsectors as well. You have the main city proper and then many subsections of it that are not only considered there own subcities but also considered part of the greater city.
It's for reasons like these that I kind of almost think it might have been better to have left the exact geographical location of Titan City semi-vague. Same is true for Paragon City back in CoH. It would've been easy enough to assume these places were just in some kind of generic American urban setting and let the players themselves "fill in the details" if it actually mattered to them.
Unless the canon of CoT is going to be on a very different kind of Alternate-Earth then trying to peg Titan City directly on the map of the "real" Earth only raises these weird "Why would such a huge city like that be there?" questions that I think actually do more harm to the suspension of disbelief than good.
Of course that's just my opinion and it probably won't matter either way as long as the city is effectively in its own "bubble" when it comes to anything that might exist just outside the city limits. I'll know somewhere in the back of my mind that Titan City is supposed to be somewhere in Massachusetts according to the Devs but I can easily "pretend" it's anywhere I want it to be regardless.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
If MWM wanted to put City of Titans into a "realish" location that [i]wasn't Boston[/i] but which still had a meaningful seaport and history, I'd actually recommend looking at modeling the place on [url=,_Massachusetts]New Bedford[/url] in Massachusetts. You can, of course, change all the city streets and everything to look like whatever you want to do and add as many Tall Buildings as you'd like ... but being able to go grab some US Geological Survey Maps for just laying out the geography of the land underneath the city, the shape of its harbor, and so on, would probably be a tremendous help. Make the City of Titans an "alternate Earth" to excuse the fact that you've got a population of over 100,000 people living there, and you're basically set. Plus, you'd be able to borrow an awful lot from the Known History of New Bedford to jumpstart all kinds of Lore for the city that wouldn't turn it into a "warmed over Boston" and thus have its own unique character.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
I'd agree that the main advantage of establishing a RPG setting in a real world place is that you can just use all the existing landmarks and geography that's there without having to make up everything yourself. I've done that plenty of times in games like Gamma World and such.
I'm just wondering how many "Massachusetts-esque" things are going to end up in Titan City and how beneficial it'll be for "setting the overall mood" so to speak. For what's it worth both Praetoria and the Rogue Isles were both set in far more vaguely isolated settings and it didn't seem to harm how they were accepted.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Something very noteworthy about the layout of any city like Boston is the roads create a very distinct "F-YOU" form of navigation, as opposed to Manhattan's structured, tourist-"friendly" grid structure, or Salt Lake City's street-numbering system. Denver has an entire area running 45 degrees offset in it's downtown city center that runs against the cardinal NSEW gridlines because that old settlement based it's directions on the train stop, now Union Station, which extends into a rail yard spanning tens of miles long and wide across multiple neighborhoods, smack in the middle of the city and completely shaping major highways around it and the cherry creek and platte river that run next to it.
CoH had none of this, explainable away that these were areas quarantined away from the rest of the heroes, but still, things like railways, rivers, shipping lines, etc. are more than just aesthetics - it's the major bone structure of an old city that lays out foundations of the veins of any road system. Even Millenium City in CO seems to be lacking this in the reconstructed Detroit concepts.
Fortunately, the fire of 1919 could be explained away as why road systems are more structured, or why shipping lines from rails and sea-ports aren't present in the neighborhoods players get to see, but the civic nightmare to repurchase all of those lands back, rezone, and resell the properties would take a cooperation level I have yet to see in politics and business.
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
huh... this question made me realize that I don't think I have heard a sectional term commonly used like that (I live in the area, and work in Cambridge). "Neighborhood" is probably the closest (for example, Some of them are former neighboring towns that were annexed (which resulted in the quirk of duplicated street names in different parts of town).
It's a pretty good inspiration for the game city, in that it does have distinct areas with different architecture that reflect the way the area is used. There a financial district with tall building, Cambridge Center is all biotech and Internety companies in mediumish glass and brick, there are universities of various sorts, dock areas, a "chinatown", a "little italy", etc., etc.
Driving is complicated, but I only do it rarely. Normally I get around by commuter rail and walking, and sometimes the T and buses. It takes me longer to get to and from work than it would if I drove, but it's a ginormous quality of life upgrade to not have to deal with the drive.
Global: @Second Chances
SG: Fusion Force
"And it's not what I wanted
Oh no, it's not what I planned
See it's not where I thought I'd be
It's just where I am"
Neighborhood, district, township (in the geographic, rather than political, usage), borough, ward... There are lots of terms that can be used for civic regions.
While it'd be odd to use it in English, I remembered today that in parts of Europe they also use 'circle' ([i]arrondissement[/i] in French and [i]kreis[/i] in German) for districts. These are usually just given numbers (e.g. huitieme arrondissement of Marseille, Zürich Kreis Drei).
- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
Some folks from Oklahoma might get a bit testy with you if you called their town or city a neighborhood of the larger metropolitan area. I might tell people that I come from Tulsa, Oklahoma. But, in reality, I come from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. It's a next-door-neighbor of Tulsa that butts right up against the Tulsa city limits. In fact, I recall a time when there was actually a couple of miles of farmland between the two cities.
But, I'm not going to complain if they want to call the different areas of the larger Titan City Metropolitan area smurfs (Super Metro tURFs). They can call it what they will, I'll just happily "arrest" the villains of the Larger Titan City Metropolitan Area. :)