So I noticed yesterday that the thread column is gone from the forums and am curious as to why?
Now it could be a simple mistake of course. These things do happen. And I am probably jumping the gun with this as an announcement Monday would be most likely.
Still, my inner marketing nerd enjoyed this feature and if it WAS intentional then I'm curious to hear the reasoning.
Might have been a hiccup in the lastest update. Let me hit the permissions and see what's up.
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
I'm not sure if this matches your issue, but I've noticed fewer features available when I'm not logged-in. I can still read the forums, but things like 'New since you last visited' and other bits are not visible/functioning, unless I log-in.
Be Well!