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Is there a Global story line in CoT ?

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TitansCity's picture
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Is there a Global story line in CoT ?

Hi !

As i was playing FF XIV, i thought about CoT and the paths. But, i wondered, does CoT will have a global story line except those paths ?
I mean, paths are our ways to grow up in the world of CoT but does this world have a story line we'll follow during all the further Issues ? As i read that Paragons will not be the main group of Heroes in Titan City, what will be the story line of the world ? What will be the main subject of Issue #1, 2 etc ?.

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DesViper's picture
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The paragons won't be the

The paragons won't be the main hero group? But I tend to think CoT is focusing more on your player's story and less the overarching plot, like CoH did/does.

(Also I fixed the typo in the title, hope you don't mind :p "Global Story Lie" sounded like some next level stuff)

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Cinnder's picture
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I hope there's a general

I hope there's a general background world 'story' where events occur (affecting signature NPCs, zones, and even NPC groups), but ones in which our characters may choose to participate or not, depending on the story we want to tell. I wouldn't want CoT to be like other MMOs where to move forward in the game and level up one is required to follow a specific story.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Safehouse's picture
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I would like to hope there

I would like to hope there might be a global story, and how involved (or not) your character gets is up to you. Even CoH had a global story, with the Galaxy City destruction, the Praetorians and the Coming Storm. How involved you got was up to you but it was hard to avoid the rumbling of something bigger going on.

Hell, look at the MCU. Avengers Endgame, is the culmination of a massive “global” story bringing all the heroes from their individual stories into the events. I would definitely like to see something like that.

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
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Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Lothic's picture
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Safehouse wrote:
Safehouse wrote:

I would like to hope there might be a global story, and how involved (or not) your character gets is up to you. Even CoH had a global story, with the Galaxy City destruction, the Praetorians and the Coming Storm. How involved you got was up to you but it was hard to avoid the rumbling of something bigger going on.

Hell, look at the MCU. Avengers Endgame, is the culmination of a massive “global” story bringing all the heroes from their individual stories into the events. I would definitely like to see something like that.

I wouldn't mind a "general background story" in CoT that sort of ties everything together. But on the other hand I'm actually getting tired of every single game I play being based on the pretense that my character is like Neo from the Matrix. I don't want to have to always be THE ONE that is the savior of everything. I wouldn't mind my characters being "involved" with saving the world but I don't have to be at the center of all that.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Safehouse wrote:

I would like to hope there might be a global story, and how involved (or not) your character gets is up to you. Even CoH had a global story, with the Galaxy City destruction, the Praetorians and the Coming Storm. How involved you got was up to you but it was hard to avoid the rumbling of something bigger going on.

Hell, look at the MCU. Avengers Endgame, is the culmination of a massive “global” story bringing all the heroes from their individual stories into the events. I would definitely like to see something like that.

I wouldn't mind a "general background story" in CoT that sort of ties everything together. But on the other hand I'm actually getting tired of every single game I play being based on the pretense that my character is like Neo from the Matrix. I don't want to have to always be THE ONE that is the savior of everything. I wouldn't mind my characters being "involved" with saving the world but I don't have to be at the center of all that.

Same. I really don’t like being THE ONE or other such things. It’s my biggest issue with FFXIV too. It’s been refreshing in CoH just being a hero who is gradually making a name for himself, observing as villains go from “who’s this guy” to “you wont beat us, Safehouse,” but always having my identity centered around my choices and actions rather than some nebulous “prophetic chosen one” type of stuff.

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

TitansCity's picture
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DesViper wrote:
DesViper wrote:

The paragons won't be the main hero group? But I tend to think CoT is focusing more on your player's story and less the overarching plot, like CoH did/does.
(Also I fixed the typo in the title, hope you don't mind :p "Global Story Lie" sounded like some next level stuff)

OMG ! i really did that ? xD Sorry, thanks for correcting me ^^

Yes, that's what i had in mind. But (there's always a But, with one T of course) i wonder if people will want to make and make and make again a story for his own character if he/she is not involved in a global story. How can we appreciate the world (and its own story) if we are not involved in its story itself ? I mean, with this (CoT system) point of view it looks like there is just a world, and your path to follow.
I probably have this feeling since i like being part of a whole bigger story, even if i'm the heroe called just sometimes to help other heroes, and it's also probably because i don't know precisely what MWM have planned for that. I really hope we'll have, at least, a global story line, even if it's not the main one for my character :) (you know something we can follow from issue #1 to issue # ? like a comics)

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DesViper's picture
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I assume with each next issue

I assume with each next issue, there'll be a new zone or two with their own story. I expect some time before larger stories develop.

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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

Yes, that's what i had in mind. But (there's always a But, with one T of course) i wonder if people will want to make and make and make again a story for his own character if he/she is not involved in a global story. How can we appreciate the world (and its own story) if we are not involved in its story itself ? I mean, with this (CoT system) point of view it looks like there is just a world, and your path to follow.
I probably have this feeling since i like being part of a whole bigger story, even if i'm the heroe called just sometimes to help other heroes, and it's also probably because i don't know precisely what MWM have planned for that. I really hope we'll have, at least, a global story line, even if it's not the main one for my character :) (you know something we can follow from issue #1 to issue # ? like a comics)

I can see your point, but I'd argue the opposite: if we have to play through the same story with every character, wouldn't that reduce our interest over time? I still say let the world change but let us decide how much we want to interact with it. And, aye, please no THE ONE stories.

Spurn all ye kindle.

TitansCity's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

I can see your point, but I'd argue the opposite: if we have to play through the same story with every character, wouldn't that reduce our interest over time? I still say let the world change but let us decide how much we want to interact with it. And, aye, please no THE ONE stories.

I must agree : no to the ONE story for everyone :)
But, that's not my point as you noticed it well. Just, being a part of the world, seeing it change when we raise throug our path could really improve our immersion, to my opinion :)

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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

But, that's not my point as you noticed it well. Just, being a part of the world, seeing it change when we raise throug our path could really improve our immersion, to my opinion :)

Ah I see what you mean. I'd rather see the story develop over real time than over the 'life' of a character levelling up. More as it did in the old city, where various Issue releases could change the world.

Spurn all ye kindle.

TitansCity's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Joined: 10/28/2013 - 02:09
That's it ! Sorry, it's

That's it ! Sorry, it's sometimes difficult to explain what i have in mind xD Fortunately, people know how to read between the lines (and the limbs of translations ^^) !
WoW did that a little, some area changed regarding your position in the story. I hope CoT will have this kind of thing but in a worldwide manner.

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