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the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.
To purchase your copy of the City of Titans Launcher, visit our store at A purchase of $50 or more will give you a link to download the Launcher for Windows or Mac based machines.
I am one of many supporters of this project that has never used Kickstarter before. I did not understand how add-ons work. Also, there was an announcement that the Add-ons were not ready at the launch of this Kickstarter campaign. Therefore, I have been waiting for an independent link to purchase add-ons through Kickstarter.
I think a tutorial on the Phoenix Project Kickstartr page would help add to contributions because many of us first-timers who came to kickstarter just because of this project really didn't understand how it works, and would contribute more if we understood it. Maybe this could be explained in an update, or better yet, in the actual Add-on section where people are reading about add-ons...
Thanks to those who explained - very helpful.
[color=#ff0000]Environmental Artist, PR Editor[/color]
Regarding the in-game add ons - I'm one of those cheap people. Frugal, thrifty, semi-broke - whatever you want to call it. When I see these things, (and I'm referring to in-game add-ons), they really don't move me personally.
It's when I see them in game that I realize how nifty that kind of thing could be. For example, Mogul is one of those things that I think I could take or leave, but once I'm in game and see someone else with, say, the Steele Magnolia skyscraper, well, then I'd want one! Enough to part with $500? I'd love to, but I don't have that kind of disposable income, sadly. My poor IRA is sadly underfunded.
I'm torn between suggesting you make those things available prior to beta at a reduced price, but at a higher price once you go live or that you make them only available prior to beta to encourage those like me who don't really have the imagination to see how nifty/cool those items would be to part with our cash.
Either way, I fully support the notion of add-ons even I can't personally afford them.
Yeah, I understand, I'd love to be able to afford it too, but I also see that they have to make some money to get this off the ground, and I wouldn't want every single building to be JoBlo Enterprises. I agree with their decision.
Besides, sometime down the road, they will be opening up new areas that are gonna need sponsors...;)
"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"
Awesome! Soooo... I'm Flying Free at the moment, but the wife says I get to choose between the Exloration Badge or Hologram Statue. Where can I find details on the Immortalized Add-On? For instance: Can I design it to look like my namesake CoH toon? How large are they? Will it have a name of my choosing when targeted? Outside of the History Plaque, what makes the key To The City Statue worth $7250 more? Thanks. Oh, and first post!
- A New City To Save
Remember for a start the $7500 contains the $5K, $3K etc perks too. Also you get your name appearing on the billboards and news reports around the city rather than just the statue. Plus you get the "exclusive base location within a city building of your design".
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
Sorry, we cannot afford Christopher Walken ( 's image at this time. Maybe a stretch goal? (totally a joke)
[color=#ff0000]Composition Assistant Director, Composition Team[/color]
Thanks Minotaur! Did you have information on the following:
Can I design it to look like my namesake CoH toon?
How large are they?
Will it have a name of my choosing when targeted?
- A New City To Save
Once I can see the lanyard and tshirt count me in to throw more money at the screen like a lunatic.
First of all, thank you for fixing the visibility issues with the forum so I (and presumably others) can use it without suffering eyestrain.
Secondly, congrats on reaching the first stretch goal already.
And finally, a quick question about two add-ons: "Iconic" and "It Must Be a Sign." Is "Iconic" a prereq for "It Must Be a Sign," or does it involve some variant of "picking from a list," "designed and projected, but not ingame character option," or "designed, but available to all?" I suspect the answer is "prereq," but it's not clear from the description in the KS page right now.
Will the Add-ons be offered after the KS has ended?
I noticed that when you scroll down to the Perks section on the main page (to the left, not the right), some of the perks include some of the add-ons. For example, All Your Base (my current level) includes the T-Shirt, Lanyard, Mousepad and Phoenix pet. I wanted to make sure that this is accurate (since the add-ons are not listed in the standard Perk section) before I choose which add-ons I add funding for.
Bum;ing this in hopes that someone from MWM will answer the questions posed...
MWM answered this in the KS chat stream and elsewhere (I believe), but I'll summarize their post here.
The KS tiers at the side, where you select your pledges, can not be edited once they have been set. The plain text on the home page can.
The pledge tiers were updated to include certain add-ins, but because KS locks the text in those, only the tier listings elsewhere could be updated to reflect the new additions. The listings under the KS home page "Perks" section are the accurate ones.
We grow not old, so long as we continue to chase our dreams!
Neat vrghr01.
Did I by chance miss answers to the Immortalized statue questions:
Can I design it to look like my namesake CoH toon?
How large are they?
Will it have a name of my choosing when targeted?
- A New City To Save
Could you please describe the Mogul add on a bit? Do you get to choose which building? Do you actually see out the windows of the penthouse? What sort of things can you do to customize the penthouse? I never did a lot with bases in CoH so I'm not very up on that. Could you maybe give a couple of example names that would be acceptable for the building? Do they appear on top or on a plaque? Sorry, that's a lot of questions! I'm just excited.
Bruce Tromp
Only as close as you can do so using the CoT Avatar Creator.
At least life sized. We haven't decided that yet. Our tendency is to make them as large as we can for the space they're in without looking hokey.
The name will be displayed... somehow. TBD. You can chose any name that's T for Teen and not IP violation and somehow 'fits' the game world. So, "A Disgruntled KS Backer" would be right out. :P
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
The plan is to put the base in the penthouse so you can look out the windows. However, if in working with us you decide that you want a base that just doesn't fit, then we make the base fit 'elsewhere' (e.g., under the map or a separate instance). However you may not have the option of an in-building base if that just doesn't mechanically work out, forcing the base to be 'elsehwere'. But even if the base is 'elsewhere' the door to it will be located at the building.
You can decorate your penthouse base with all the base furniture and designs for regular bases, provided they fit.
Names for a building? Anything that is T for Teen, not an IP violation, and can 'fit' with the game world. How about 'Tromp Towers'? :D
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
I have a question, the instant sidekick add on gives you a miniature of your own character, could I make it a mini version of a character other than my own? Specifically I already got the dynamic duo pledge for my gf and myself. If I buy 2 mini-me add-ons would it be possible for her to have a mini of me and me to have a mini of her?
Also how does it choose its appearance, is it always a mini version of whatever your wearing right now or a set image from creation of your first character in its first costume?
Done and Done. Duo, Sidekick, Immortalized, and out of money!
- A New City To Save
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
Is the Instant Sidekick appearance designed in the custom creator and can be updated often?
I like to change my clothes if the fancy hits me and would love for him to be able to do the same.
- A New City To Save
The intention is to use a duplicating power. But we can't promise that's exactly how it will happen.
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
Er, Zombie, you have Fashionista slightly off. It does incorporate the overlay pattern from Plaid, but also allows you to make a full on texture with bumpmaping and such. This may include making custom costume components as well, but it does not include a full on custom costume mesh (head-to-toe as a single piece costume, to make it absolutely clear). It also includes the custom props from earlier tiers as well.
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
Just to clarify Dr Tyche had updated this on the kickstarter page and I am copy pasting it here so no one reads his last post and gets confused.
Creator Missing Worlds Media about 21 hours ago
Ok, since I confused people over Fashionista by using internal technical terms.
The pieces of the costume which are unique to that person are, indeed, their own pieces. If they need a custom mesh component to pull it off, no problem. They will be parts available in the Avatar Builder. The costume is not a single component, or single entity, and will be as modular as every other costume, assembled out of components.
You want to build an anthropomorphic dragon, no problem. Your chest and legs will likely be the base models, with a customized skin. Your head will likely be customized, wings and arms too. Someone else may want to make some kind of hyper-technological android, which has a stock head and torso, but with custom made arms and leg models.
That's what is exciting about this perk, it leaves this in your hands.
We'll be putting up an update better describing the digital perks and add-ons later on as well.
Basically it was a technical language confusion when nate wrote his original response. It think his original reaction was in replay to someone wanting to be a full on horse walking on 4 legs etc and Fashionista doesn't change the base character mesh and bone structure. It is a complete costume designed by you from start to finish with our base models as long as it doesn't infringe on other companies IP's that could get us sued.
Soo if you want to be a lumberjack in a tutu we would make you a lumberjack in a tutu.. or you want some crazy cool steampunk costume we would do that too. If you wanted to be a person with a Halloween costume mask like horse head and 2 horse legs instead of human legs and a tail without changing the bone structure we can do that too. Just don't expect it to be an animated realistic horse head more like that mask horse head you see in vids and meme's on the net. :P It would work as a mask and hide normal face animations etc.
We do fully intend to have animated anthro heads but that is fully beyond the scope of fashionista. If you haven't seen the costume update Rocket Cat did the sketch at the bottom of the anthro ideas we have and is working on fleshing them out further.
Basic costume pieces like tights, ties, etc that is already designed I can't give exclusives on but if you want them in your custom costume design we will work with you to tweek yours and make them extra special and stand out just for you. If you want a tutu and we already have a tutu we will make a different one that is exclusively yours until the time runs out.
You guys are supporting us and making it possible for us to create this game and we are going to try to bend over backwards within reason to make you happy.
[color=#ff0000]Art Director[/color]
Thanks for the reply Petalstorm. I don't think anything on my wishlist is [i]too[/i] outlandish. In fact, many of them might be somewhere on your To-Do list already, just maybe not for launch...
Sorry for the lateness on my question. I have a friend (of 30 years) who died recently. He was my roomie and best friend. We both played CoH together since launch till it died. I want to pledge enough for Mogul so that I can name a building after him, or one of his toons from CoH. Is Mogul still available? I can't find it listed anywhere on the KS site. Thanks in advance for any help.
Yes, Mogul is available; it is actually unlimited. It is a $500 add-on.
I'll give an example: You decide you want the "Fly Free" $75 pledge, plus the $500 Mogul add on. You go to the KS site and pick Fly Free for $75. After that, go back to the MWM KS site and look for the big blue button labeled "Manage your Pledge". You'll get to a screen that shows you have donated $75, and the Reward Selection list will have a checkmark by Fly Free.
Now: Increase the pledge amount to $575, but DO NOT change the Reward selection. That's it.
What will happen next is: Once the KS is over, the MWM staff will notice that you have selected a $75 reward, but overpaid by $500. They'll then send you email to ask you what add-ons you want; you can then name any combination of add-ons that sum up to $500. That could be one building for Mogul, or 50 lanyards, or 20 T-shirts, whatever.
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
I couldn't resist. I had to have the Phoenix pet.
When are the emails going out, any rough time frame yet?
In [url=]this thread[/url],
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]