OK, in COH if I did the tutorial, I would get a Large Heal and a Large Damage enhancement.
I could sell those at the market and keep myself in enhancements for the first few levels.
I know the player economy will not be up and running right away. But I also know that there are players who be level 25 at the end of the first weekend. a market will develop rather quickly.
So I have two questions:
1) Will there be any rewards for completing the tutorial?
2) Wanna buy a large green?
What you are referring to were called Inspirations, our system for inspirations is called Reserves which are not dropped or awarded but earned as [url=http://cityoftitans.com/content/when-fist-meets-face-momentum]Momentum[/url] is depleted. Enhancements were how powers were improved. Our system is called [url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/highway-danger-room]Augments and Refinements[/url].
Part of the planned systems for launch is to include the basic necessities for the player economy to begin thriving.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
Thank you Tanninim, the links are great. I appreciate you patience with my newbie questions.
He's pretty patient with our old-fart rants, too. ^_-
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
Its the start of anew game, you should be doing the tutorial for that reason. :p And the start of the game worring less about market and more on leveling :p
I cant wait to see the animation style for levelling. First time I level will be AWESOME!!!!
Something more than just an audio 'ding' and softly flashing Icon/Level up.
The Phoenix Rising Initiative Rules Lawyer
I don't know if any game can beat Wildstar's leveling ding.
Ironically I don't really pay attention to that anymore when I do ding in the game. But at least I never forget that I HAVE dinged.
It's funny because I'm not a fan of "Metal" but I LOVE the ding in Wildstar!
Crowd Control Enthusiast
From an IC perspective, I didn't care for it. From an OOC perspective, I loved it :)