I'm not sure if this question was already answered or not. If it was, I apologize. Also, I can guess what the answer will be, but I like to stay optimistic.
SO, will and could spider powers, more specifically web based powers, be in the game?
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I'm not sure if this question was already answered or not. If it was, I apologize. Also, I can guess what the answer will be, but I like to stay optimistic.
SO, will and could spider powers, more specifically web based powers, be in the game?
Swinging and wall crawling are available in the game, yes.
As The Hybrid said they'll have the travel powers covered. With the way the game is going to be designed there will not be anything specifically named something like "Web powers" or "Fire powers".
But the game will be customizable enough that you'd probably be able to create some kind of ranged blast effect that could be colored like you want and basically have the "effect" of being like some kind of a web power. The key is that the game will be flexible enough and customizable enough for you to make your own version of "web powers" based on how you want them to work. The Devs have said they'll try to keep adding as many effects/animations as they can that will provide players more options to work with.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I think you could make a spider-based character using the "Operator" archetype. One of the control powersets is called "Force Control". Here is a description:
The "Shackle" ability could possibly look like you are shooting webbing at an enemy. The "Reflective Barrier" ability could maybe have a big web, which would be fun because as they attack it, it bounces their attacks back like a trampoline.
The cool thing is that you have so much flexibility you can mix and match abilities and appearances to put together all kinds of character types.
This does raise a couple of more questions that might have already been answered, but how much freedom would the archetypes give you? If I pick the Operator or Enforcer, would I still be able to pick powers from powersets that might not fit with them? For instance, if I go Operator, would I still be able to pick a melee and protection powerset to go along with a control set, or would it be limited like in CoH?
I apologize again for asking questions that might have already been answered, but I'm so excited for this game, and can't wait to see what sort of heroes (or villains) I can make within!
I think the following chart should answer these questions:
And refer to the [url=https://cityoftitans.com/content/power-sets]update on Power Sets[/url] for a list of available options.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
What is t mentioned in the chart is that every Archtype will also have access to Teriary Sets which are smaller versions of every Secondary Set in the game.
For example I’d you have a Operator with Control / Support you could grab a Melee Tertiary.
You will have access up to a maximum of 5 Tertiary Sets but you probably won’t be able to get all the powers. If you get all the Powers from your Peimary and Secondary you can get 1 full Tertiary.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
One thing you might want to start thinking about is that you make a super powered person/being/android. You do not make a hero or a villain. There is no Alliance vs Horde or whatever. You determine if you are a hero or a villain or neutral or swap between. How you play and which Leagues you align with will determine who are you adversaries.
"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit
Okay, so are the secondary sets basically the primary sets in terms of mechanics? The power sets pages doesn't give much info on that, just that there's quite a few of them. Now in terms of the Tertiarys, how would a build with three Tertiarys work in gameplay?
For instance, the Operator with a Control primary and Support secondary, Force customized to resemble webs and Devices respectively. For the Tertiarys, Super reflexes from Defense, Tactical combat or Fighting prowess from Melee, and Force blast customized to resemble webs from ranged. So knowing that I won't be able to get every power from all the sets, how would a character with this set up play out in game with a focus on controlling the battlefield, but having just enough offense and defense to survive and kick butt by themselves?
First off each character only gets access to one primary, one secondary and (IIRC) you can get several powers from several tertiary powersets. You couldn't have a character with "three tertiaries".
As far as the relationship between these goes it's pretty much like it sounds. The powers you choose from your primary will be among your strongest powers. Powers in that set will have the biggest effects. Powers from your secondary will generally be weaker overall and likewise your tertiaries will be the weakest. So what this means is that let's say there's a generic "power blast" power in the game. If you choose a version of that power that's offered in your primary it'll typically be better than if you chose that power from your secondary. So in practical terms if you wanted a character that's "best" at doing damage and "OK" at defense you'd choose an offensive primary and defensive secondary. If you wanted the opposite of that (a guy who's best at defense and OK with damage) you'd choose a defensive primary and an offensive secondary.
Hope that helps.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I can't help it. The name SpIdErMaNdUdE2015 (and the OP topic) just makes me think about the PvP Comic strip when they did a string of City of Heroes based comics.
The [url=http://pvponline.com/comic/sat-jun-05]comic is totally worth it[/url] to spend five minutes to look at for nostalgia.
"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit
PvP's CoH names were pretty great.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
The game will have a high degree of player customization, therefore it is likely that you will be able to make some type of ranged blast effect. This effect will have the ability to be colored anyway you desire, and it will effectively have the "effect" of being similar to a web power.
In fact, the [i]Force Control[/i] powerset for the Operator Archetype looks like it might be a good fit for someone with spider powers. We don't know what assault power sets will be available yet, but if there is something akin to the [i]Super Strength[/i] melee set then I think that might be a good match.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.