Hi, I'm not sure the project could use someone like me, because I have no actual game development experience. But I have a deep love for games, and for City of Heroes in particular -- I played off and on from about August 2004 until it shut down.
I currently work as a web developer (client to database), but would relish the opportunity to get my game development feet wet. I actually studied computer science in school with the intent of getting into the gaming industry, but family and geography were problematic. Again, I'm not sure y'all could use someone like me, but I am making myself available.
Edit: I should add, I mostly work with C# these days but I am familiar with C and C++.
I, Taylor Holden, also known as, Arcaten, will not reveal any proprietary or private information of Missing Worlds Media, Inc., any of it's contributors, or any of its partner organizations except with the direct permission of one of: an officer of Missing Worlds Media, Inc., or an officer of the partner organization or any such person that organization designates to give such permission. Proprietary and private information is defined as information posted in any forum, file repository, or Wiki viewable only by The Phoenix Project contributors, private messages specified as proprietary, private, or spoilers, and anything specified as proprietary intellectual property belonging to a specific contributor. It does not apply to publicly viewable information. This is a temporary NDA, and a more comprehensive NDA is being worked on. When the comprehensive NDA is completed and posted, it will supersede this NDA in all ways.
C++ is what Unreal Engine 4 runs on. If you're comfortable with it, there are definitely things you can do for us. Send your info (just as if you were applying to a paid position please! Except you can leave out a formal form letter) to contact@missingworldsmedia.com We'll take it from there.
[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]